TASIIEVILLE CITIZEN; MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1911 THE &AEE-C ABIXET, ALL STEEL 6 it in our wet window.' The 111 model la approved by 'the Underwriters' Laboratories. Protect money, books and valuable paper. - Business men, call and see it ROGERS BOOK STORE . . UJlttog Ave. - Roger Press- BATTERY PM' Sffitil. ASUEVILLE, Capital ... .:''' $WW Surplus and Profits;.. .Vj-; .;;:.. . . $H5,( f, V. - " OFFICERS: r , . Jam P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. CWV; President. - Erwin Binder, Vice-President. ;pl Mill ( - rhi.... ...... ... ...... ; i;fi" 14 i. .si i.;1... 'l.Ktr.-i4V?j crei mso- .,! l.-i JH. sP?n?rt f ?P4lJ(erdJyst)h Chgner anjneers nne. fgth ' moat important essentials of good designing. The new Cb aimers Six it a comfortable car 'on all kinds of roads. In the first place the 132 Inch Wheel base, cradjesthe pat easWyye.roadjpeqMtles. hen,, C0W,hJ'rftr9 SrsPrVW upholster . Jheljmg . u .flexible, springs, andut be-umVrslung co nstmotlon ot the rear springs. litj ua show you the car. -' ., . Jf Vs U SALESROOM 18-20 Church fit .V ' UWB JWK3K BiatMHi ri ' , , ASneVUiet 0. U. ... Java YMfMmMim, 14. H. WJttTOc lWi r t, " R. L. FRANCIS Vloe-Pree't. . 1 i- i vffi&Mthdh1 fit tftiffj attctloyeCte; luncheon and dinner Jarti it jC:0QTe$?jW nt up. PhonWifOOo lit sLiUUil. Y6uf trOulCS' - .t- . '"!. 1 .. fci:-M'.t Bf'l i,M'.i.Vt "Sli.'Vfl TKlJoriili, ortfjt TOa JwllI grie you.specj ttxla, (jancejle4 tailoring anA correct nc' f K?ta jipnet,valu'... f( ,s , ; "W want, yov to come in to see us and get better acquainted, even though you liave no Intentions of placing' an order. Kreinus & CUSTOM Votmerly with Ijociui HOLLAR MOTOR COMPANY I SbtidCai i-Lmffim&sm- Mammoth Furniture Store X rirsfivG, iiEAiiiiOr CAS rr- v K.V. r MX, r Phone tM N. A :v- feli!P?WAlr C Rankin, Ass'L Cashier. '. , f i-vtg 4 - GARAGE 15-17 S. Lexington Ave, , 1 AsheviUe, N, a tft S?rptrfBERG.WCrPrS, R. E. CCRRENCE, Cashier. .funcneo; Ml RateSr $5Mf d and C9111U1 1. . LUU CCl An ii TAILORS No. It No. Pack Bouara St Pattoo Are. derso cannot cfuplicate Values 15-17 No Main St. ia.c i, i (Ooatluaed from Pas Od) not consent, t ya you sign tji projocojl, menUone Ja yuur, telegram. The aaluU should be, Jlre4 without, any agreement aa-to ita return, t The Unit ed Btatea . of America' can be .relied on, according to international custotu and,, .$wnft. to,.o,M jts fdut, ,,Th ai'ing' jof . the protocoyl. woujd .be qh JeotlonaCia. in addition to other rea sons, becAuse of the fact jhat it might be flonatrued as reeogultion of the Quarts, government, wherta the pre- ideot As, no Intention of recognising that goTfffameat'u i :. : ' uuerta warn Protocol. . ."arly this morning a diiatch was roaaiysd fron.cCharge O'haaghnesey saving that General, uert waa wiH- iPa te accede , the demandc.af Au miral Mayo providing a pretoool was agned,;gn,t.elng JtpRtft.. WDy.,of. proposed protocol charge O'Sheugh neesy asked whether he was authorli- fl4tov.(n tt.m I eomnwmcwWwlth, eseat J!iniUn..bytenhlaBeis)ndrt. nu aireotioa eent a- telegram to Mr, O'Shaugtineasy of which the follow ing a paraphrase, . f- f . . i, jsv Acopy etyotif telegram, of ( pjm. last night ws-sent to the president wtth copjf ot ray jeply t the effect that a protocol would be - objection able. The presldant replied.: t i " Tour reply to O'Shaughneany . It exactly what I sbauli have wlahe.d.tt to be. v In norcaas; should any ;conT Cession or tany . kind. In detail or other,wtse, be made!, ih'JU-talked with- U president yef thet elephonewhen youfelegrem of 11 p. m. last night was received to the effect that General Uuerta acoeded.tenMtfidbiit enly, on, qondlUon that ypu sign a protocol. He repeated most empha41aoly;.hls ob' lection to any protocol or agreement. He Insists that the salute shall not beared ,as matter pf contract pg.witb. any stlpulaition that it be , returned by. us, ijlt ,mustt,ba;;ftreA,4;tfte,pordnoe with international custom, as an apology for the.: insult offered. Gen eral Huerta must trust that the Unit ed States will live up to the require' menta pf luternetioiwtf courtesy ni re- twuing-his sahrtewheni shalhave, ;weu, nrea.v.Tne. proposed -protocol is phrased tbat;( Generl Hiierta.. might , ooBStruo it as fecognlUoaj of ,his : ge,y- ersmetu.) wnecoas me, pr8iaent nas informed penera,. Huerta,) andi foreign ,, government i tha Gejuerai HHerm'i goirernotnflntiwiH ilt be,er OogBe(.t,tiener,wijHuerlia;sr(Jj)cept, tanoe otthe flemand.of Admiral Mayo; must, ib uuQondjtionl, the details , an: bet arranged Erectly, tIJyitltfc .Admiral iyrjioiafteT),Qnerl aueftaaiinemwes thai he- will,Q9Jnply .. with ,tht 4man4, akept ear,1.flOSrai HvWr.Afcia fjurter,ngoaUOina rev.unnoesKr VJa expected that ne.,wi .acpeptj.at oaceg In order that the Incident shall toe 'dosed, ''. -, u'K H'i't i .VAt Srrfl'iClopk,,., jtelegrsim was,, jrar ceived. from, Change ,,.Q,hauhBeeaylt bm,ilt,.wa (&ojt .opBclvsly.e, and stated that OS wo.MW,:Cll,At V ffirWVf Ace at t o'flock; tor s, ,flnal answer. . At ia 'cloot,a telegranXyWasHJiev oeed.ifmClXeii.P'haugbJeasv ooyeylng:1Gieral uerte'g: .fmal, re,, Cuaal. was comwinlcateid, 40 , ta pi?ntnJmne4iatelyw,if9the iVr phenamAOd he dirotedrUit,,abl net pwetlng be.oelJed for lijJOro'cloplt tomorsi,.,orBiftg.,m Cbarga.aQ; Shaugiinessys telegram in substance follow: ':, v.'W'i ";'(illcfi';. ; tr'J'A P'oIac P m, t caed-,a, the foreign, office , and . was, handed e note yerual hy- the,, minister .for tprr. eJga-,-affaiqa : The, note states ifi autr. stance that.tha government tot ,Mext ; 9O1..I. , o, disposed.. t aeced uncondjtioaal demand fit ,the gpver mBt;,otbe U.n,"d ,utes. r,further istates .Uiati th Mexican, government Hiu, dipaed,,,lo.,rS,tac(eortlns; o ,e. teuns- of Ahe protpcol; wnjcb 4.,; hay Uansmltted to,you I 4tone4 him that tfar ,as this embaeeyls. opn cemed'the matter, is closed,, and that immediately ?h9uld iafprmfmy, gqyi- eramentthi(t General tlaierta,had ft-, fused..definitelr .the .remands, of. the government of;(he United ;8tatqe.',,i A translation of the note will be cabled later,,.. ,.,,.,(. i ( wiiiV's ..i ,,"The president will ,rrive t V81" uig to at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn ing.1', 7i.ril Ir.i'. , ''.' t'.'.lrHs- f. ...The white house later jsiade public, a, paraphras , of , Secretary,,, Bryan; telegram to-, Charge i,0&baughnessy !' yesterday 'afternoon, directing the de liverance ,.f j, President,, riison'i ultimatuwa. i,m ea.loitorwf: tMll , "Say to General Huerta, in reply to. ypwe ef AprjjlrlThst the president appolntment at his failure to make a prompt and willing reparation for In stilt ..offered, to-? American sailors at Tamplc Ltie offense- being still fyp. ther airravated by the subseouent ar rest, -of mailc'arrisr of the .UnileV. States at..,era Cru. Inhebehef that, General Hueru would,, opoif sldefaU?n,ieced! .tfce-oia reason-;, :ab depianda .of" Admiral May4 Urns has been given Wm, ,,. FrTOt your telegram, it, would seem that thj govern ment's forefeearance,, hafibeen mslnterpreted,.j UnderalLthf fllr cuinsunces the. .request ,, or, a flm ultaneous salute Is s unjustlfl.tgble as the arrest, of American. sailors,, and I th fflke it impossible fo? ,thls gov. .ernment to ,oonsider,,frther delay. f ; -jr Brfore,,,Congresa,- f- ,..-f;r,r, ,ut79f -JMWiJy Jniorm General Huerta that unless he .n7 nounces hlsJntenUo.n.. to comply with Admiral Mayos.deniand by ( o'clock i p. m., Sunday, Ajw;U,ll, the president Lffl,. lay thsimatUKbftrecongifess Uadayff,wU avie otafcinguclv actlpn to-enTorpe. the, respect. (Jus our nation (UK as may , te necessary-- ... , Genersl Huerta can arrange the de tails, of UiesaJuteWlthrAdailraI Mayo' If he reconsiders the position taken, by him. Should he adhere to le position .he has taken, yot;wlll make the contents of this telegram known to the.reprexentalives fit tnt eiwn j,vri"!"iii nd m-ml a tr- suiaua or Amenot uauona m utx 00, so that it may be communicated to Ameslcan -cituteng who shouM. at the eune -(.vtirne,: , be . reminded of tbe president' advice to withdraw from Mexico. until order,te fsterd. .j You .are JnstruoteA- to inform ,:Uf ae . Jo General Hur,ta' attitude-and answer aa promptly tai foasible." , Oocuplee OfAolais., . .. Throughout ths day. the Mexican oriels .ecounied thjkveborbing atten. tipn,!0( officials,. MvHiia (hk usual calm ofc a .beautiful inaJdsprHig. 8un day. President ;. Wilson arrived at White Sulphur Springs, W. Vs., early iujUie dayi,afteraa night xide, from Washington, and there Joined Mrs. Wilson, tx ryS';", ne i a? Seuretary Bran remained :ujk vir tually all of ,'laet. night awaiting definite word ..from Mexico City, He was at the state department until af ter midnight, and going home, con tinue telephoning tO jttho, In the cipher room, at he state department until oloch -thle mornlne. -, ;.. Shhortly ftr-, o'clock Mr, Pryan had received two; messages from, Max ico CltVtg both , from. Charge,,. 8haughnesyirfThiflret WMmsreiyr rorraaJ, stangrthat the mesaeiau-eC President fCUseof giving Hue-t until 0 cloak tonight, to yield, had been Qflmmuniowted JoAtrttail)as, Aba mlnjster feftjtorehai.alr,f.ndsthH rppy v wquldirfollow, t1 7sveeccmd despatch wa- In the ature f a re ply, although official, qntokly per-eetawdn-'that. i-w ,- -elearly responsive and definite as to the de wadf ffieAfrbsM&i. goveimmentineui rl4 diltli a, td Mia United ttveTeeiag.tn writing to return the Huerta salute, 4 , v jHWifdn Message I. A elegranv, to, Jhe president avWhlter8uy)hu j. Sprigs, and soon mereaner held . lengthy long dls- conference with-the oresldenU going over rtl inVSirJWuwta had ied. While-1 the., reply was con. sidered favorable, In t lis. general pur- " .Mi t salutmg theAmerloan flag. yet it again parlejred, ever details and Qoncations, , As STMi,et ibewton qusifn(,taig,il,iai;, Bryan! dispatohed lurtnet .message t to .MexioovCltvi, making .IkPWn, that Pmsldeng, WJR, wyuio. wen jp ,00, oounter nronosala or; suggestions, ; but must ; have ,a. up-, equivocal gooeptanq,, el toe Aj-verlfiasi unminia Ki, uie. time etaied, six o'clock 1. ; iSim -hi-.- while these exohangea, were, rain 00 byable beliwsshtBgton, nd wH iVJiyMi Jiawr, tdeparunent. waa centering ? ,ts krattanUoik- .n ( t further. wniwpn jor ay eventuality, whlph migRffrOCOtUV V'fAtl. 10:10 oalnnlt orlx; ftft,iarig,, jaieM jdllatnr tfwgee, ag11,aea,1j'eivedordrs were sent to the battleship, MtestsslppL, -."u n aeroptan ,porps -and i- (00 V1 I ,. he .tprpedo.olllla gt Pewcola, ; Fla.(!.tak get under ,way lmme.dlatlyfc joining r Admiral Had gr fleet.jaer4t.,t(redi the tutt -.v .ia DTcecung, with; the fleet U TftfflPlcqi :The,:trBedo..flotiUa,.atv. pf ,12 , destniyra.,the tarxiu ml and ha soom cr.uiar fllfmlpg. v'i,pt tn detrVyr,ar n "Wr ad it, Is probable that, only fourteen, l!,aj, ,dt, :y: , Hwmnr jSryan ,Md,plannd,,to go to church, at .11 eckvk. hut. j. ti.. cable messageg.jjegan, 40 mi in he ohanged hi,plaia 'e4twent to the doPftrUnenlHi f bsrs he wa Join- - wi-HMWtbeiAwo went together the Jrlva-telegVaph of c. ot the .taje. departme-t e con. uerta.,', Later the urau ..j -..7 LT w V'vhw fnonanges WT ifurther, epne, over, la detaiL. . ,. jjrMtef t; bcam tjiat.tie.messags -"i, mk-. unuor wmcn tne salute would be returned. . - ,,The main oondltion was' tjiat .the : r-'rrr, HsBo. pr relying w'i W'Mof.-.tiv". by -AdmU-al Mayo for. q return aalut,. This was construed by official .a. wily inl flflPAlr m . a. ...y.B.(, uuerta part to ootaln an assurance direct from the WW ;M -Mai eamgismi.. hi ,hi V icpgnJoB pf the de facto Ms". ..Official, ber wer. i'if fUZZ Tbey, were tfeterminerf, aft s,iav J Uisl-UBjautJn U fA ulalu I. In- T3 .,vffw,H,v, , r"' ,f.!,wHOTi wiison to .hold to 'f i WVAmerloan dfmBn4 it, had been submitted., ,The,reUlv 0 Hueru mad. clear, to' 7m t'ffK yes'V or J'no'V.lo the .American de mand Is all that remained ft., ki apd.i.hat :nfl(,hini.t:hat was, Lo be done fould, bear, -th,,, eoustructlo-i """"'"Win Ot tne Huerta r.o-i. . 7".t rwfsieaeuior rtrn, JgUmVs PToejdur,,wblcli 4omowow m place the full, naval ,anf. jnilltary, establtah, mnUft; ib,ands..of the, presjdept W idecive, measure ag iinst. the g PYW.nmnt ln .Mexico' tw ,co W9.? ty H be . tonf f rye4 , -""- "!." weans to ,be ftlcd-4ft hi hand for exertlni authority, will depend on, the pr,a. Idem e desire,, When th president returns to Washington early tornor toe; these dssjre itodoubtei'iy will be submltte4 te leaders of 4h," house .nd senit, before , the $wflf! legislative bodies meet, at naon,., Then the presi dent probably will go to the capital to V"i. Poai . message to r Provide for Joint SeasUml oon- :,tn)e, the, Hueyt , government a!, oeptf.rthe president's term tonight, Maity, Leader. Underwoo .srit offer Joint yesolutlpn in, thB house, .when It meet at noon,, providing for a lolnt session -of iCOngress within an hour ji.Tb folnt ssloi-.,wlll,hear srhanth Vf.rsiueni nas.,ioaovie. outhe ,M loan situation, A.probabJy. before hPMt ft1rMOlut;lll,1haye been .of. tPW lni !feb-Wnln-epraV.,s; wwf. V! enairman- oi.-tne foreign affairs aed foreign roll. lions commit tea' will ,ffer-tbe tesolatlons, jivhloh Immediately , wilt' be referred, to the respective jconrmlttse's. . Hurried. es. Ion " of the '(otrunltte "win "report ' the . resolutions and before, ,idjourn ment they, proaMy will he. passed and Iid) before tW5 president! ,; ,.,Thtfyrta. ,gnd .ubstance, of . the result .n,to 3i i,r.ntxHq ti eVent of a mvemnt r !rut l.'j. . I - w GOYERliOR CRAIG TO LELIVER AGGaESS PRINCIPAL 8PEAKiat AT WCXTT COMMENCEMENT. . Will Arrive at Aslmille 1W Ac oording to Tringram Kecnlvod VetiterUay. The principal address p'f.the Bun- combe county publlo. eokool.t cotn menoement exercise which will take place Friday and Saturday will be delivered by Goverimr Looke Craig ac- oording to a telegram rocwlved trout the ehlet . exectve yetKday mwn- lng by W. llr HUpe, county superin tendeitt. The telegram staled lUM the gWjHi'nTl'.ilHro4)bry ejTlve-.hnie ftiiOay tidr willcMtAk hi ddrt Urdaya Uteloee et the Drog-ram, He wseaDeote4 lev.'Ahevllle ftrahort time ago to deliver , an address to the tJBaiwa banquet, t the Battery Pjfrte.aolea.but wa. held at Raleigh oy jwnporiani Dutnes,;ii' te. in. ,- lWW!ir betnc t d (to mage tots eommencement one of the great t .ayer,heW.ia thie.oounty anevtry cltUen Interested in ths sohoola has een.oalLsd on, to feel o m carrying out tne iplaag. 1 .Lettena.htwe beea written tU tb jteaoherw Jn the yariou ohool over the county-urging them to co-operate in advertising the com mencement and all ot the commlttee- iqen.-.shaysA also been , written ,tatr iwllaet about twenty rnen In eaoh school -diHnfc A majority, of the oom- mltteemen! have expressed the Inten tion f attending all of the exercise end1 it Is expected. that Uie largest row vUvajt ,wiaUeededi,rttnbnM ecoaaioo at jAshevlUe wlU be (ireMnt. According to, the original plans a parade wa to have beea held but re sently! lit: ha been deemed be not t held this. , Another chanK that lis been-made In the program is that' th feoitatlon contewt that 'Was to have been., field Frldar afternoon i at -4 ocloeJc will be held Saturday periling a40 Colook, i The deolamaon,oos.l t wi be ,eld 'aceordlngto the original schedule - Friday mgbt at 4 o'clock. All of tit CU of children graduating fr,wWAha,Venth grade ap .urged, to. ,tied the exroiea,JjCx antinatk)0 papers, fronx large )lt f pupils ta graduate from; th scvsntk grade have been.eoetved at, the off ftwtf the county superintendent and ea.eoon.es these wn be, looked) over h)uceessful candidate, will noti dt oy rd.o ttvatvthey, may, know, whetherer .gw.,they.!a.Iittroeive, diploma a.t the, compnencement. These papers are being graded as, fast as possible, v..f,v,s i v-A ( 'y ,.r ; t4JKny, name h.ve been filed, of cent, teetanU .to be entered ia the reojtailon end declamation oontesU and K U ex-, nwia tnii mu part, of, we program 1 Vtlk.o t urowualhr .tBtereethiuE. s Bi sides the;,prlp t be awarded t,h. V""H ana tne oiptoinM'M Wja-lVian: to tie graduate, certifloates o award will be given to those pupils who have seen neither tardy nor absent during the whole year . . . . 'OVIU G I ve, X eu iJal fi t IVIJson'f wishes,. Hev l sweated at least t,,ak for. ;, pQwaf i,. tp order vg blqokad, ofTMexlcan port.fcfca .,., ,5.enes aoout .the, state and nay qepanmen ouring . ne, day were PM?", Ui, dayi;,Jbnyjd ws preceding the Spantoh-Amer lean war. Telegraph room rwere , fully manned and over, 14 tq.netimeft bulldjng tns ivwitWini wa jn,iscrt mi. ilon a good part, of the day. Headed oy AOmirgJ Uewey, yire were gath reo arouna ,tnf jteng , jaflis ,flay Ad miral SutherlandBi'Wd iJFlsk and Captain , Wlntefhaltpr, the aid tor materials; Knspinj-Hood, Shoemaker and jOliyer; Jljreotgrj jA ngvgl , .JflteJH genc and jPwmander Campbell,, sec- rteaa Aomirai ,l&Me. on, the Arkan- dispatches cehred, yu,weleji from retary or in ooara ever the. latest sas, now In the lofida straits; Rear Admiral j)TWWh?ri yCru and Reap Adnjlfal 1 M a,tTam.picq, Never wa Uiere,.. mprevlvldr 1 fi- Ivmratlsn p thi,nichv).?tvnc lnvpnfion, Mpyed, tojwar.f.ire than the facility with, which these rank ing admiral and gaiiftajns, plotting out the sirat'ity of a possible war, were hU,, , It .tquch .wlth.-.th de velopments I, vsry point where An. American fhl 'i laying. . Some of th men engaged,i,lntltask had fresh In mind the painful experiences of the old naval strategy board which, In Hie- sintiisftf -t rltewii yearr am, - .' 1 - ,V m m j .urn i a, i V. , . J ... V, a,'. n ,M.MM,MMtefcMMl 1 ''" i until I iM- - i.' ,1 1 -,,.,...i.m,i. mmmrn- -' fciife - - - 1 i- V' Mm ' A " T ' flip-. I f Baby Doll Piiirips m en 'swmwmi' tuwiiwiuu iu.imicu imj uwMwww.imwwiw T' vVll With, twenty years expert w in the Grocer' buidnnss, and with a fou ofc exwt a woU Equipped that they could almost ell "flint rocks" we ' some Ume sold a good deal of floor la ootnpt)Ui)U wlilk r.UttAMWRYt bm mOMt alwayn under protest, ami rsfuirtiig epr4a4 effor, and then next time th people called for P1LUJ1U1U, again. v Any .iticrtAaiititwhft does n ot handle riUBCRY stands In his own light and will, sooner or later, drive his trade to bay the other good where tltey, aeng to II. 0. Joltmton, Proprietor. Distributors Western North Carolina liaeliei Tile GPUiisp FOR LAplta AND GENTLKMES were,, dwpAlrlngly, trying, to ifatr. in tuoli wth Sampson wd flchley, ootp, atanojagi the two noets,. which. , wpMn P PhtUinilnei spuaflron. represented all of the, American naval strength thgt ,d,ayvf , ., -;uOM Bern," V'e4.,,tl ,;.The cable still i being much used la these days, but he wiajn rsliane o( th navy .department for eommunU1 oation between shore, stetloni and men of war now scattered along both ooaata of Mexico are th wireless tow er at Key West, Ouantanamo and Arlington. ,; , j ;, .V . .. it ..0a perfeol wer 4 he plan laid , jt and redttqed to town month ago y .the student offlnsra ot h navel -war. oollef, eoverlng possible operation of .the navy against ..Mxloo.i that there was little for the general board t do beyond keeping ,up to the mo ment , in 1 matters of detail. - Because ot the almost nonexistence ot a Mex lean; navy, condition which,, Ainver- Ican sailor may i meet art quite- nn. j like . .tho covered.; In .the , piling ,: of oampaign prepared for other coun tries. Generally th Mexican plan covers elementary problem uch ,-as , the i(lmultanu .tablhmnt pi gn et font blookade, which ; rather ex. .tonuly , oosAfc, JJnss nf Mexico ;1( wfiuid !meue1ml;s(ftk);f Ni: In order come Vie aeliur of certain port, andjtblgl where the palnstaklmj d ;xha,utlv drill of the- mariss regi ment last fall nd . w.ln ter ar ., peoted to find their application,, f The Whole modern theory of advance. bass operations, which ths marines a an active force, was planned to meet just such , etnergencie a me ,rapi aeu ur of port in ho tile country io itormAP it b tield for th arrival lot nn army, of ooctjpalipn.v, A j stay Aend Last! I'orcet About th only jther feature of naval activity, in the teginnlng of hnstll opera,tlens ai lwrt,wo,u!dVb theif dispatch,, ty lund of. n. xtelt Uonary.foro tooJd important, etra, teglo point,, such as, the great trestle en. fh. i Yarg,' cru-Wx co ,CJy t ran, r,oad,.upp.ifd to be .h!key1t ihn pssmsslon pf that road and with the 14,000 or, more men In his, fleet. Ad miral, Badgercoiild spare a fore ampe.for,that fprpflMk ;;t;WW J .J-ater.ln the day god after,, ths, ad journment ef.th board inet,ln.?Rsr 4dtn,lrnln Blue( and, Ftsks went to the navy and " war ,dprtnient bulMln and awaited the, return of ,Bretrr Daniels, whoi had beejp4j)ut, .Of itown. The nolydOTdsrttjat, was .I"'!, from thedrtnrfnt during, tuft f(renpon was fb,nt,l(0 Pensacpla, Inetrujst- Ing Commander 81m to, , fall In line beblnd tb fleet w'to,. hi flotilla, of torpedo boat destroyers,, 14 In, numr feerber, and the flamihlp erulaer Bir- TIieKniij7iai--::f-' . Mi bimy: Mm fe fie Jf&m- MM Srr" c'We",' they 6all.it: . liecp-ih&mbk.l&m. stlrnuiate,; as , trill ,' the v.r For the growing miss we've a atxe tor every foot All th popular leathera Bajby Doll Pumps with broad toe . and Colonial with straps. ChlHran can be shod here tor less money for good shoes. LiiU iiiw .v Sanilarluirf Pon . II UAYW OOU tTIUX J kir't1 rVff'TtS lJMjl.il rAN rN AT oty sc;; L Liberty snhool of ..Lower,, Hominy township, district, No. 4, closed Friday night. ..- Th school ha ,bad, an , un usually successful year under the di rection ot Mis Helen Gash and th closing sxerolae were attended by a targe1 erowd. The program wa si follows! Bon Try ,Try Afaln"; reel tatlou,. j.Paney , tjfritherford; daktgu,. "WML 1 tl Haffln"j recitation. -Th Qtou: PrV'i , .Vfr . Pcnbtnd; chorus. "May. Flowers"; reading, Belva, Pen land: dialogue, ."i'laytng . Doctor"; reading. Clara Penlandt ohorus, !'il4iry MoUle, nd " dialogue, "Honored and H'onvrable'!i,,aiilpue, "Th Train w uro"i, reo(tatlon, t BeU ,WorlH-k; recitation ,1'auUne PBtley; retiitatlon, Helen i Penland; song; .fClieer Up Boy"d P&orus,; f'Thos ,Eveiilnir Bella"; dingus, "Matrimonial;, Advertising") needing,... ,(Hleft,s.;,Geh!1 st.lq and mvnologu, Emory Batesi play,' Vi x Versa,' . 1). li,.,,,,!'? Li .Vi J J VV fj f ') l Continued Front Pag Oue.) , Uons.froin Hecrelary Bryan regarding ths assistance to jba, gjvn rruiw(v Tbrs I only t on, steam er availiihl forth qua,rter,lng, of the ,refyg tl)J la, the Esperansa,. chartered by the United State g overnment v. from 'the Ward JUjm, i.The teamer Mexico, ot the ame line,, j Jn p and it U regarded, a,prolaAilo t'hat be will b commandeered if necessary. There tj PHpty.pt jtcfionunodations at the h tls for .thosfwho regard Vera Crui as afr?,than ;l)terlor , towns.,; , But. report from ths capital Indltyito that fltMng,hort .04. g, warning tn,f no. OJltles.Are ituallx ',, Unminni .will nT due nf,,4ret pari, rtf th ''vapltal'l foreign population to move .,. . mlnghajn .pind lender, Dixie. Th t, tl ,vel had ,bB.,hid uln.v.ltMli since Tuesdaylast ena.r,or4erg, to 'tand.,,ii!ir';,;iand'.;' ,ws exi.latned Wia today's rdiv s which ,,wag , (v sued by Alwlral lilue on. hi own- au thority,, wa simply In exeoutlon ,( thejprrtlnaludwien; t,hy jb ,. -destroyer accompany th battleships 01 th cruise. ..... ...-, .... . ial'.

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