0 THE ASHEVTLLE CTTIZEtf, MONDAY, APRIL 20, EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD MOULD ATTEND MEM WW WILE MJS Which Was interesting Events in the CUBE COMION . Ill VillOlS EVHITS INTERESTING CONTESTS COX WCTED AT MARION. tiecond Annual Meet of the Western Division tf state High School ' " Held Friday. , " "The Mcond Annual meat of lh Western division of state high aohool mi held at Marlon, JFrlday. Eleven counties were -represented, thirteen schools entering the contests. ' Sever of the echuoli tent larr delegation! to root for their respective teams, Hendersonvllle leading With a delega SI on of twenty, Each event nva hot t contested, the contestant showing results of much training on the part of their teachers, ";-;..;v ; The first event was in composition, "Evangeline" being the subject chosen. Miss Georgia Hampton, 'of Bryson City, won first honor, but lriaamuon at ahe had won thin medal laat year, the medal waa awarded to Miss Alios Gray, of Sytva. I The next event of the day waa tht track meet. The university tent J. T. Hoffman, Jr., the well known track man, to manage the events. The ro ulta follow; - i 100-yard daah Glbton, Bryson CUr. firsts Grant, Bryaon City, aeoond; Cherry, Hendersons-lilt, third; time, II seconds,. High Jump Grant. Bryaon City, ret; Smith, Hendersonvllle, second; Thorn aaeon and Shrove, tied; height, i feet, three Inahee. Pole vault Smith, Hendersonvtno, first; Buohanan, Marlon, aeoond; Bhrove, Hendersonvlllt, third; height, T feet, eight Inches. . 110-yard dashGrant, Bryeon City, llrtt; Qlbeon, " Bryaon City, aeoond; Smith, Hendereonvllle, third; time, It seconds. ';. , Shot put (111 lbs.) Gey. Marion, ftrat; Elliott, Marlon, second; Glenn, Marlon, third;, dletanoe, 14 feet, I inches, .., Broad Jump Henaley, Bald Creek, first; Grant, Bryaon City, second; Cherry, Hendersowvdlle, third; dis tance, IS feet, I inches. Hammer throw Dotaon, Hendor oiwllte, flrat; Elliott, Marlon, second, Jordan, Hendereonvllle, third; dis tance, II feet, 6 Inohea. 440-yard dash KJIbeon. Bryaon City, flrat; Shreve, Hendersonvtlle, second; Sandlge, Bryaon CSty, third; time 4 seconds. The track waa thirty-five feet short owing to conditions. The cup vae awarded to the Bryson City school, having won 10 4 pinta This school also won four flrat placog. Hendereonvllle was tooond, having won Jl H points and capturing two flrat places, Marlon won It polnta with one flrat place, and Bald Creek t polnta, with one flrat pmce. Ihe officers were: Starter, J. F. Hoffman, Jr.; scorer. W. T. Brothers; timer, W. M. McNalry; judges, J. W. Win borne, Z. V. Moaa and E. M. Coulter, A great crowd gathered at the school auditorium at ft p. m., for the contests in recitation, declamation and spelling. Six glrli contested for the reciter's medal, and It waa the unanimous opinion of all present that thla was one of the closeet and most Interesting ever held in thin section of the state. Each recitation waa good, and every contestant deserved men tion. The committee awarded the medal to Mies Frances Wood, of Ma rlon, who recited "Naughty Zeile." Mlaa Luelle Bandlge, of Bryaon City, was a Close second. Mies Battle Phoenix kept the audience In a con tinuous uproar with her recitation "Bow (the) Rube Played." . ie alto received special mention by the com mittee. Then came the apelllng contest Seven contestants entered. Mlaa Lola Gilkey, of Marlon, won the gold medal and Jack Franklin, of Bryaon City, won the dictionary, the second prize. , There were eight boyt in the con test tn declamation. Thurston Crane, of Hendersonvllle, won the medal, and , Superintendent X CTGrlffinraeore tary of the association, called the winners of medals and prises to the stage and Introduced them h. - - - y . . . vv,.,,u nunur. audience and presented the medala 1 intense excitement prevailed aurtn' fhe enure evening, and there we p 'n srr we and rooting a tie Of The Peerless FashSon and Mi DOOMS OPEPJ.AT 9 A. M. NATIONAL cubs win. ST. LOUIS. April ' II. Chicago bunched hita and took bases on balls In the eighth inning today and scored seven rune. These, with two scored earlier m the contest, won the second game of the series with St. Louis, t tu 7. Part of the gams was played In a light rain. Boors R, H. E. Chicago .,.., 100 070 0000 II 8 St. Louis ..... 100 000 140 T T 1 Cheney and Arohrr; Orlner and Snyder, Wlngo. - . PIRATES BEAT REDS. CINCINNATI, April 1. Ineffective pitching Of Cincinnati hurlers, and better all around work by Pittsburgh enabled the latter to wm Vie aeoond straight gams from Cincinnati today. I to I. Benton, for the locals wai taken out of the box after the visitors had scored five runs on Ave hits. Score R H. S. Pittsburgh ... 100 110 011 II I Cincinnati .... 000 011 100 I ( 4 Cooper, McQuillan, and Gibson; Benton, Tingling and Clark, Gon aales, .vo.'. ;.; , , nAITTIMORB WINS. i,. -,.., BALTIMORE, April 1 IThe Balti more .Internationals , today defeated the Boston Nationals, I to I. pne of Boston's runs was a homer fey Mann. Score-- R. H. B. Baltimore I t ,1 Boaton II 3 Ruth, Caprol and Egan; , Beck, Jameg and Whalen. EIGHT GAMES AMONG Y.M.C.A. LEAGUERS Eight gamea are scheduled to be played among the baseball teama composing the leagues of the Y. M. C. A. thla week. Several of the games of the class A league have been postponed from time to time on ao oount of the bad weather or con flicting dates and It la proposed to play off at least two of these during the preaent week. Thla afternoon at Riverside park Jordan will play Cllne and Wood will play Wllaon. Tomor. row Afternoon at the same plac Cllne will oppose Wllaon and Jordan will contest with Wood. All of these teama are f the clans A organisation. The teams of the data C league will also play thla afternoon, the games be ing ataged on the Montford grounds. Smith will play McConnell and West will oppose Harris. Wednesday aft ernoon at the Orange street grounds two gamea among teama of the clans B league will be played Ramaey con. teatlng with Monatta and Smith playing Wilkinson. PASTOR THORNTON EXPOUNDS BELIEF Speaking on the subject, "Christ's Second Coming: Why? How? When T" Pastor T. H. Thornton, of New York yesterday expressed the belief that Jesus vlalted the earth to stive man kind from death and the grave. He asserted that He will never come again in the fleah and expreaaed the belief that alt Christian people will be advised aa to the time for the com ing. However, h warned hia hearere that the time la ucar at hand and cloaed hla lecture with a plea for hla hearere to trim their lights without delay and keep them burning. The speaker came ttf Ashevllle aa the representative of the International Ible Students aeaoclation and hie remarks were In line with the fcelleft of that organisation. nonors were announced. All college men present were reminded of cam pus life as the students gave their yells and engaged in friondly rivalry. All the visitors expressed their her- tyjappreclatlon of Marlon'a hoapltall-f ty. The repreeentkUvoa"Iiid tWrT teachere were entertained by the cit izens, and no expense or pains were spared to make their sUy pleasant The contestants gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Hoffman for the excel lent service rendered la managing eh track aaeer BY MML (IF STANDING OF CLUBS NATIONAL, Cluba: won Brooklyn I Lost Pet. 0 1.000 Philadelphia 1.000 .III Pittsburgh Chicago St Loula ......... ... .too .133 .150 .000 .000 Cincinnati ' e e Now York Boston : AMERICA. Clubs: Won Chicago ............ I Washington -. . 1 New Tork ,. ....... I fit Louis I Detroit J Boeton ............. 1 Philadelphia 0 Cleveland ,'. 0 SOUTHERN. ' Cluba: Won Lost Pot. 1 .III .760 .117 .(00 .100 .600 .000 .000 Lost Pot. New Orleans ' 1 r i 4 6 5 .III .III .117 .too too .131 .117 .117 Atlanta Chattanooga. Mobile Montgomery , . , .. . . Nashville ....... Birmingham t t a? a Memphis , : FEDERAL. : , ' i . Won ..sr........ I ..V I '"' a . a t " Clubs: Brooklyn Lost Pet. 1.000 .760 .117 . .too .600 .113 .260 .000 St. Louis Buffalo Chicago Kapaas City Baltimore . Indlanapolla Pittsburgh RESULTS YESTERDAY NaUoflal. ' At St. Loula 7; Chlcato I. At CTnclnnatt I; Pittsburgh I. American. At Detrott 7; C3eveland I. At Chicago 1; St Louis I. Southern. At Nashville 11, Chattanooga I. At Mriblle I; Montgomery 4. At 'Memphis 1; Atlanta I. At Newi Orleans I; Birmingham 2 (11 timings.) American Association. At Indlanapolla t; Olumbua 4. At Louisville 4; Cleveland I. At Kansas City 12-1; St. Paul 1-12. At 'Milwaukee-Minneapolis, rain. Federal. At St. Louis : Indlanapolla 2. At Kansas City 7; Chicago f. Innings.) (1.8 INQUIRY. Since I became a candidate for Con stable Inquiry halving been made whether or not I waa the magistrate or the express agent James. I am not either. .1 am a son oC the late Thomas R. Jamee, deceased, of Leicester town ship of this county and as stated be fore, a loyal democrat and a total abstainer from strong drink. As to my efficiency I refer you to the city officials under and with) whom I served as policeman for five years U M. Bourne, S. G. Bernard, J'idga Thomas A. Jones, C. H. Bartlett. Chief Lomlnaa and others. I' solicit your support and need the work. If chosen will establish an office and pledge my best service and thanka Respectfully, Adv It H. B. JAMES. SEVENTY BARAGAS AT GLASS MEETING Seventy members of the First Bap tilt Sunday school Baraca class at tended the meeting of the class yes terday morning when the lesson was taught by N. Buckner, In the absence of J. J. Brltt, the regular teacher. A feature of the meeting iaas a short talk by Miss Mary Ward, former teacher of the class. Announcement was made that the business meeting which waa to have been held Tuea daaalght has naea.pustponeLipdefl, mtely to await a report of the dele gates to the state convention at Dur ham, . The delegate leave Friday for the oonventlon. . ANTI-KALINIA TABLETS WiU Give Tour Head a Rett, World of Sport , ' AMERICAN TVUt GAME FROM FIRE. ' DETROIT, April II. Pulling the game from the fire by rallies in the eighth and ninth Innings, the Detroit Tigr defeated Cleveland, 7 to I to day. It waa Cleveland's sixth straight defeat, i The last five games ftave been lost toy single run, an American league record. The game was loosely played, but Turner's sensational fielding v robbed Detroit of at least three tallies. Score R. H. E. Cleveland " ,V 000 100 0004 I - J Detroit 00$ 000 Oil 7 T Kahjler and O'Neill; esoehler, Diibuo and Stanage. WHITE SOX STREAK BROKEN. CroOAGO, April ll.-t. Louis broke Chicago's winning streak to day, -winning f to 1. Wellman held the locals to four scattered hits. Chi cago started a belated rally in the ninth hut good Holding by Austin made the rally short lived. '.Soore-., r. h. e. St. Louis ..... 000 401 0006 1 Chicago ..... 000 000 001 1 5 t Wellman and CroMln; Ocotte, Jas per and Schalk.vK ;. FEDERAL ' FIFTEEN INNINGS. KANSAS CITY, April 10. Chad, bourne's single, Potts' sacrifice and Klnworthy's drive over second bate scored the winning run In the fif teenth Inning land gave Kansas City a 7 to I vlotory oer the Chicago Fed erals. ; After being a slugging match up to the tth, Packard and Watson turned the game Into a pitchers bat tie when they took the mound- Wil son's home run In the ninth sent the game into extra Innings. Score . . R. H. E. CM... 001 100 Oil 000 0004 16 1 K. C. 0O1 041 000 000 0017 12 2 Flsk, Lange, Watson and Wilson Harris, Packard and Easterly. ST. LOUIS WINS. ST. LOUIS, April 19.-The St. Loula Federals won their third consecutive game from Indianapolis today, i to 2. The visitors captured only the flrat lgam of the series, which closed to day. The locals bunched hits In th fourth Inning and made four rune. Score R. H. E. St. Louis .... 020 410 20x 8 13 0 Indlanapolla .. 000 020 000 2 8 Keupper and Hartley; Falkenburg and Rarlden. FUNERAL TODAY. The funeral services over the body of Isaao Ollfs, who died at the Mission hospital as the result of Injuries sus tained at a logging camp of the Cham pion Lumber company,, will be held from the chapel at Nolartd. Brown and company, thla morning at 10 o'clock. The service will be conduct ed by Rev. William D. Peters, pas tor of the Emanuel Evangelical Luth eran church, and Interment will follow at the Ashevllle cemetery. to IMsfs Frierd i am not surpnaea to observe tht number of men who come Into the store 1. o purchase "Mother's ... . . Eev fSVrv enov remarked a leading drugalet. It iS a hSDDV XT Kl TM hout o eend hubby to the drug a tore. "Mother't Friend" ia applied externally over tht abdominal muscles. It Is a gentle. soouung lubricant. Penetrates to the flnenetwork of nerves beneath the skin and has a marked tendency to relieve the muscular strain tO Which thea broad. fl .hi--t muacl. are subjected. The cords, ten dona and ligaments are thus permitted to stretch without the eorreaponding surface strain ao often Involved during the period of expectation. Thla m part accounts tor the emir. absence. In many caees reported, or nausea, morning alckness and other torn ot lllbrk,to, ,W,W3-M Mother a Friend" baa bera l,i.hi. know f. t men Who Bl , obeervillon. Write Bradfleld Oa.aad we will sd yo- valUtJt toMEelfcoUMrg, Peoples Dept. Stores 0. S. KTHCT ILLNESS KEEPING PLAYERSfROM GAME THREE PITCHERS ONE CATCHER OUT OF LINE-VP. Pi tellers Smith and High Taken Out of C4ty by Slckneea and Death In Families. Sickness and death are hurting the Mountaineer battery prospects at tht present, when no ltss than three of the pitchers and ono catcher are out of the running on account of either illness or death In their families. Pltoher Smith was called to his home in New York several days ago, when hi father died suddenly and he la not expected back on the scenery for sev era days yet. Pitcher High was called to Columbia, a C, Saturday morning on account of the aerloua Ill ness of his brother and may not be back until after the flrat game against Charlotte Thursday. Pitcher McKel than and Catcher Rowe are both laid up with attacks of tonaUlUa, although it is stated that they will both he able to get in the Une-up in a day or two. Both were operated on Saturday, hav ing their tonsils removed and both are reported to be improving. It is fortunate that the local staff la still well supplied with material to do battle with the Hornets next Thursday. There aro eight hurlers at preaent and every One of them gives promise of developing Into a capable man. Therefore the only thing worry ing Manager Cook In connection with his sharpshooters is Just who to keep and who to let go. The outfield Is glvlnir him the greatest trouble just at present, but It Is thought that ths evident weakness in one of the gard ens will be plugged up when Hasty, the recruit from Oafc Ridge college arrives. Hasty was ordered to re port not later than Friday, but so far haa not put in an appearance. He is expected today at the very lat est and will be given a chance to ahow what he can do at once. He is touted as being one of the best men In col lege baseball developed In the state this year. It la atated that h can1 run the basea well and field the ball beeldes hitting when hits are needed. The axe of the manager Is due to fall . again in a few days since sevt. eral of the men have been given every opportunity to demonstrate and have failed to come up to the stand ard set for thla league. Only four of the pitchers will be carried through the season, which means that at least fjur of them will b cut adrift, probaWy two within, the next few daya There are also three catchers on the start at present and one of these will have to go. INDOOR PRACTICE WILL BEGIN TODAY Captain C. I. Bard, of company L. North Carolina National Guard, has announced the beginning of Indoor rifle practice at the armory on North Main street today. Captain Bard stating that the beginning of prac tice follows the annual custom of the members of the company who will prepare for participation In the an nual rifle shoot to be conducted among representatives of the various companies of. infantry throughout North Carolina. AshevlUe has some marksmen who have made very creditable records in past matches and the members of the local company are desirous of upholding the reputa tion made in competition with repre sentatives of other companies In this state. : ATHLETICS WIN. 'ROCKT POINT. R. I., April H. Boardman, a young recruit ' from Waterhury.' Conn. pitched the Phila delphia Americana to a victory over iitin. tum pf the , Interna- tlonal league today. The score waa i to t. . ; Score . . R. H. EL Philadelphia I 11 I Providence ., I I I Boardman sand Thomas: Bantley, Oldham and J. Onslow, Eleeher MINISTERS REFER TO CLOSIIIGMOVEMEliT Pastors of Several Local Chorofaes Urge Adoption of Proposed Shorter ' Hours, - i- . In ipursuanc of Che request of the chairman of the. committee from the Ashevllle Merchants association which Is urging all of the proprietors of retail stores to endorse and observe the early ctoatng morveirsent, many pastors of Aahevllls churches yester day referred to the movement In their pulpits txnd asked that tht members of their congregations use their influence n behalf of Its adop tion. Hhe Ashevllle Ml meters' elation, some time ago. adopted lutlpne In fajvor of the movenverjt, thtlr action being based an the be lief that the members of the sales- forces of the various stores hers will be greatly benefited, by haying more time for recresttlon and to spend with the members of their families. Saturday senreral of the members of the Baraca-Phllatlhea movement call ed at some of the stores whose pro prietors have Called to endorse the movement asking that they take fa vorable action. In some Instances they met with success, although It Is stated that a very few merchants are still opposed to the tobserfcanoe of shorter hoVs. STUDY CIRCLE MEETS), The Mission Study circle of Central Methodist church will meet this af ternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William J. Cocke, at 141 South French Broad avenue. Miss Eugenia Rows will too the leader. V CASE REMOVED. The case of Donald CamDhell fagalnst the , Gloucester Lumber com pany, the complaint in which reoenthr 'was filed In the office of the cleric of the Superior court, has been re moved to Transylvania county. " Warlowe Natural Mineral Water Nature's Remedy for i Kidney, Bladder, Bowel and Stomach Troubles ' If you suffer from any of the above troubles try aa mirth as HLgal Ions of Warlowe, anAif, after n - are not ourea or benefited we will refund your money. ve are .' confident WARLOWE will benefit or ours you. flt Warlowe Water Co. TO CONTRACTORS Bids For Elk's Home Wanted Sealed proposals will be received by the Elks' Home Company, Asheville, N. C, on or before noon. Mav 2, 1914, foran Elks' Home Bnildin& Asbelle, All bids shall be made and submitted on spe-. cial proposal blanks furnished by the Architect: otherwise they will not be considered, and each bid must he accompanied by a certified check for 5 per. cent, of the lump sum bid, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into the contract accord ing to plans and specifications, said check to be made. payable to the Elks Home Co. If for any reason thai bidder fails to accept the proper contract and bond as required within ten days after notification of th acceptance of his bid, then said certified check will become forfeited to the Elks Home Co. The Elks, Home Company reserves the right to reject any arid all bids, or parts of bids; the sealed bids must be addressed as follows: Bids for "The Elks' Home," Smith & Carrier, Architects, College street, Asheville, N. C. Copies of drawings and specifications may be obtained from the Architects, upon making a de posit for each set by certified check for $25.00, $20.00 of same will be returned to the maker upon receipt f the said drawings and specifications in good con dition, and accompanied by bona fide bid as abnvA , Additional copies of drawings and apecincatlons will be supplied for eub-con tract on spati payment of 110.00; gS.oo of amoast of which win be retarneel to snb-oowbraMota a pea receipts of said drawings and sprcincattoaa m good condition; the 13.0 renamed few plana and specificadons to cover the enrpenee of tasaa. mm SCHOOLMATES DEAR- BOY'S BODY TO GRAVE Funeral Service of Oeorgw Vardemv ChnT Conducted at Chapel of Xo land Brown and Company, Ji Sfz of the playmates and school; friends of George Yard en Cliff, the eight-year-old eon of Mr. and! Mrs. F. D. CHff, of It Fulton street, whH died tut the Meriwether hospital Sat-. unlay morning following aa operation, yesterday bore the body of the de ceased to its final resting plaoe. at Riverside cemetery. The funeral eer-J vice was conducted at the chapel at Noland, Brown and company at .o'clock In the afternoon and many of, the friends of the little CaUnsi gaM ered at the funeral to pay their Mat, respects to the xnamory of the betf who 'was their, piayvate for jmna, Ths child was a bright lad, tha'posM seeeon of a lovable dtaiaasltsiw, andf was a. favorite among the ifleustatt's;' of the primary grades of tn Oragsjw street ohool. to whom the asws nis semen came en a near The funeral was conducted hf XhsJia "W E. Poorer, Pastor of Mteft katas nue Methodist atturtOv Those who anted, as ptCH MsrceV werei Bernard Ifasley, ttnauk tfntv dan, Jr., Fred bWisj tQalrslnl """1 -T rm-rriil and irsrri; Tj.esslejj. REVIEW OP BOnOTKBKNV a ATLANTA. lOe-,- April ir jroiiifl teams nnianea tne urn weefe pf tixm Southern assoclaUoa aeMoa, f Suit with their peroeintage of vtotorlea trm; the 600 mark, Atlanta Ghattaooctja and New Orleans eaah, (Won font and lost one, and are tsad for flrat plaoa with a paffcewbaga of I0, taobUe finished in second plaoe, tts yrtxm&n peroentage Ibelns; 00 ' "sMt got away poorly during: that week jtastt closed, and tied for fourth place wfUxi rasnvuie ana uuampnus, run a irnw nins; count of 200. afontgnasarit SnJ ished the week with a MO winning vwo mxui tmag three tests. - ' ' t sing aooordlng to Instrsotlons, you I i It u ft