THE ASHEYHXE CITIZE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 19U . 7 ' IPMtoini Ayeinnuie Afoevflllle9 Ftf. Co STOKE CROWDED TO ITS UTMOST CAPACITY ... Thousands of buyers attended the Double Bankrupt Sale and were convinced that never before in the history of Asheviile was there such high grade ladies' wearing apparel, dry t goods, men's clothing, shoes, furnishings and etc. offered at such ridiculous low prices. From the moment the doors were opened buyers filled the stores to such capacity that we were compelled to close the doors in order to avoid overcrowding. fWE HAVE INCREASED THE SALES FORCE SO AS TO WAIT ON YOU QUICKLY. ' Wmlf S for May at fc P copies , isi Stars At 9 a. m. for 5 minutes, Clark's 0. N. T. Cot ton, 2c Spool At 10 a. m.for 5 minutes 50c and 75c Umbrellas Will go at 19c At 11 a. m. for 5 minutes $1.00 Alarm Clocks Will go at 29c At 12 a. m. for 5 minutes, 50c Bed Sheets, will goat 19c At 2 p. m. for five minutes, Boys Overalls, will go at 5c At 3 p. m. for five minutes, $1.00 Silks, will go at 42c yard At 4 p. m. for five minutes, 5c Spool S ilk, will , go at 2c At 5 p. m. for five minutes, 10c, Men's Ho:e, will go at 2c Be Sure to Visit the Basement, You Will Find Cloihiitfl, Men's Furnislitafls, Etc. at Prices Next to BOTH STORES CONTAIN THOUSANDS OP DOLLARS OF MERCHANDISE WHICH WAS o m.mmm w tee u So J rm .SALE WILL CONTINUE DAILY, STARTING AT 9 A. M. EVERY ITEM MUST AND WILL BE SOLD. BUILDINGS MUST BE VACATED. I . . .( ., . i i i i. .I., i , . GENERAL P0R BUZ Former Dictator in Mexico is Recovering From At tack of Grippe.. v T MONTE CARLO, April 21. Gen eral Porflrlo Dlai, formerly Mexican dictator has come here recovering from the after-effects of an attack qf i-rippe. ' . ', 1 ".' The condition of tee general, who la nearly 84 18 progressing normally, although he Is troubled with deaf- ... pea. He show great Interest In the news about Mexico, And beside read ing all available newspaper re polveg many private telegrams. " f General Din resolutely refused to day to make any comment whatever upon the action of the United States against' Huerta when a correpondnt reminded him of his often repeated remark that the only circumstances Jjnder which he would return to Me. !o would be when peace had been established there, or when hie coun try was attacked by a foreign power. Sometime ago Osheral Dla urged liuerta as an act of patriotism, to retire In favor of someone who could obtain the confidence of all factions in the country. " The fifty-nine hour working week has gone Into effect In SwitierlancX STORM SCENE CREATED IN HOUSEjFCOLBE Judicial Inquiry Into Re cent Movements Contem plated in Ulster Asked. BY LONDON, Aiprll II, -A storm scene was created in the house of commons) today when Andrew Bonar Law, leader of the opposition, demand ed a Judicial Inquiry Into the naval and military movements recently contemplated by the government In Ulster. , The unionists , charge these movements constituted-a plot to pro voke a rising in Ulster. Premier Asquith refused a judicial Inquiry, as he said the charges had been proved false but he challenged Mr. Law to make any accusations he wished to make in the house. Uproar followed Mr, Law dectar ation that the statements made by Premier Asquith and his colleagues had been proved untrue. The scene ended when Mr. Law said that after he had seen' what the promised White paper contained he would consider what steps it was Worth while to take. The Ohio state liability board of awards has ruled that where work men are Idle because of other illness which has developed from the Injury of first Instance they are entitled to compensation. . KIND LADY HELPS SICK OLD SOLDIER Could Not Walk a Step. Both Make Statement Regard . ing Trouble and Place Credit Where Due. Yiaok wells, Oav "Ltet year, an old g oldler UMng in my neighborhood, ear Mr. Hattie Armstrong, of this piaoe, "wis sa etrlckened with his beak, that he oouM not walk a step. He got no relief from medicine he was taking, anci I recommended Thed ford'a Black-Draught to him He got two lie packages, and by the time he ' had used ahem, he was entirely well, ,1 have been using Black-Draught for 19 year In my family, and am "n erer -wft hwrt it tn h heese.- i tlx children and I git them Black iwaoght far' folfls. id"tt Wa' them. I suffered wttk oonatlpatioa for a long time, and I could get nothing to do me the good that Black-Draught does. It is all that keeps me on foot" Mr. S. M. Wet kins, the oM eokUer referred to above says: "I wa down with my back last summer, and couldn't get anything to relieve me. On a friend s advice, I took two pack ages of Thedford's Black -Draught and It did me mors good than all other medicines put together. It's the finest medicine for headache, as well as con stipation and colif. I have ever tried," 6-e-aekag-o. thia old,--reliable, vegetable Uver medicine today. 'At all drug store Costa nly o Cent A do(":" - Makes Speech Before Col umbus, Ohio, Chamber of Commerce. CITES INSTANCES Willi' REAL ESTATE MUST ALL BERE-ASSESSEDATflNCE "Last Assessment Inconsis tent With Growth of Charlotte." ; COOjUMBTJB, Ohio, April 21Halt truths, exaggerations and misshapen statements which he said stalk ever the land affecting the progress of eco nomic changes to new conditions were denounce? here today by William C RedfleM, secretary of the department of commerce, In a speech before th Columbus chamber of commerce. The statement that 17 million pounds of Iron and steel had been Im ported Into this country for th eight months ending with February meant that the Importation Would furnish the United States Steel corporation with aibout half a day's work, "I tremble, gentlemen," he said, "re ferring to the effect It would have on teel and iron industry, for the cell- cacy of a business so easily upset as thl. , . ;, "Another particular .falsehood," the secretary said, , had to do with the story that the government would in' vestlgata every factory that reduced Its wages or shut down. i. ,. , 'Then there was that fine piece of frenied faflcy;" be continued, to the effect that Secretary Redfleld . had asked (for an appropriation of $400.. 000 to flnA Out what was the matter with the United States. Thl has reached the dignity of being the basts of a pamphlet, but save in the lurid laxity of unlicensed mentality It has no existence In fact. One wonders what the result would be If some of those who oonduct public criticism ( were suddenly to become candid. Just think what a shock would occur If the whole truth were to be made dear.:' ;J- If we want the cost of living to be reduced." the secretary concluted, u can only be don by having prices fall, and this takes time to settle In many relations of our commerce. Meanwhile in a cordial spirit of sym pathy, let us remove every local cause for disturbance that our commerce may soon find Its pathway free for further and larger progress". MOKE MARISE& WASHINGTON. April Jl. Major General Barnett, commanding the marine corps, today ordered another regiment of marine to be assembled at Philadelphia for Mexican service. They will be drawn from Atlantla coast , dtlee ; y:" ' ' .It has been figured that a day's con tinued frost or snow in England re sults ia hs iAIeness of 1.000,000 work men. - - - I ORDER OF COMMISSION RALBIGH. April 2l.--Ths corpor ation commission issued aa order to day for the general reassessment of all real estate in Mecklenberg county on the ground that the present asaeM tnent for taxation is grossly lrrogular and unequal and much below us proper valuation and that in many In stances in the city of Charlotte the assessments were reduced in 111, much below the assessment of 1110, when the value had really lnnreaaed. The preamble to the order : declares that land outside of towns in Meek lenberg were assessed in 1110 at $2,- oi,M5 and increased In Ml to 14. 700,169 and that all the real property within the town was assessed in 1(10 at 110.264,404 and then decreased In the assessment for 1011 to 110.1(0.900 "to the surprise of those who watched Charlotte grow." TBe commission directs that "' the county board of equalization for Meck lenberg which consists of the board of oounty commissioners of tha county, reconvene In Charlotte May n to hear all complaints with respect to un equal or Improper assessment and make full and complete Investigation ana reassess "at a proper and fair val uation all the real property which they may nna to be assessed improperly or too low and equalize the aaaess events between mdividual tax papers nd between townships.". There ts further stipulation that assessments be made as of May 1, 1911. but that there added fair value of all buildings ai"J Improvement erected on any property since that time. HALF SESSION HELD III SUPERIOR COURT CAPT. flERHY'S LIGEKSE IS BEVOKED BY E0.1 Onlv Five f'asra on raJmidiu, Vm Um Day and Hie Tried Before Re. AZeCUtiVO Of NantUCket If at Noon. " THE SUPERIOR SCBOBDIJf ATE. "There Is no more valualbl sub ordinate than the man to whom yon can give piece of work and then for get about K, In the confident expec tation that the next time It Is brought to your attention It will oome in the form of a report that the thing ha been done," says Oifford . Plnchot "When thl master quality Is Joined to executive power, loyalty and com mon sense, the result is a man whom you can trust. On h other hand, there la no greater nuisance to a man heavily burdened with the direction of affair than the waj-baeked ss slstant who Is continually trying to get his chief to do his work or him, on tthe reehle plea that ,he thought ihechiet,F''Uja like Jo decide thls or that hlmslf. The man ta whom an executive is, most gratefuL tha maa whom h will work hardest and value most, ts the man who accepts respoa. sbtlltr willlng!y.'f-45ngineeT!0 New. Only half a session waa hold In Superior oourt yesterday, the session being completed attortly after II ttiodk. Following a calendar meet ing issi oaiuraay afternoon an afr tnent was reached to brinsinw un n! flv caws each day and these were air posed of in short order yesterday. Tthis was done on account Of the fact that during the past several days case nave oeen carried over from day to day, causing much Inconven ience and misunderstanding in the court room. In th CBU Uf W. F. tlnian mnA on against A. A. Powers, a Judgment was rendered la favor of the defend. In the case of J. U. Sexton an -mlf. against b. mernbera! and others, a non-suit was takon. The plaintiff wa granted a Judg ment for $16 and interest In the case Of ft n Ravaill a all ....I. . ik n Tenland. ' The plaintiff in the case of Planer and Hamilton against W, F, Snyder obtained judgment. In the case of Pearl Home against 3. A. Wilson,. non-suit was taken. OA8TIXE IX XttfMI8SIO.V. BOSTON, April II Order were re ceived at the navy yard today to place the gunboat Ourtln in eommlaalon. Commander John P. Carter. of the New York yard, will be In command. The castine is of light draught and will he valuable in shallow' wator, Found Guilty of Negli gence afSea. , IWAfflllNaTON.'ihi.ii irvr....i Osmyn Berry of the Merchant and aimers 4-acaet wantuoket, whloh ram mad and sunk the Old Dominion Jlner Monroe, with v los of forty on live off th Virginia cape In Janu ary has been found guilty of negli enc and hia license has been re voked..: V a; .f, .;,, ;.-,...:,..,,,; A board of steamboat Inspector at Philadelphia divided responsibility for the disaster between Captain nerry ana captain Johnson, of the Monroe. On appeal to Captain Bee ley, the inspector eommandlmr. ran. tain Berry has been held alone guilty. wapuun eiey -aeoiMon liqld that the Nantucket mlaht have Monro nearly a mil away; that ihe namuuaet neara the Monroe' whist les and that the collision could have been avoided, , MISSISSIPPI LEAVES. PENSACOIjA. Pla.. ADrli 11 Wkh six hundred marines, several aviator and two aeroplane aboard, the bat tieshlo MississiDDl left hers dn.v tor Tanvpico. The tender Dixie attached to the torpedo boat flotilla which left yesterday for Mexican waters.' aini started today for Tamplco. . The labor . organisation of San Francisco deeir to entertain the American Federation of Labor eon ventlon In 1918. SUSIE m 10 . Etop Falling Ilairani Itc!i ins Ccalp. There to one sure' m hu never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it you ?stroy it entirely. To do this, Just get about four ounce of plain, common liould arvon from rfvn stor (thl is all you will need) ap ply It at, nltfU wh retiring; m enough fo moisten, tha acain and mh it in gently with th flngor tips. By morning, most, if not all, ot your dandruff wUl b gone, and three or four mor application will com pletely dissolve, and entirely dostry every single trace of it n mmi, h'otw much dandruff you may have. Toil will find all itching and dicing of th scalp wiir stop instantly and your hair wilt be - glossy, llky an soft, and look nd feel a hutidred times better. ? ft you value your liair, you should get rid of dfthdrhWat AiiA tnr nih. Inf destroy th hair o (julfikly. Jt noi oniy starves tha hair snd makes It fall OUt. but It nrnkM It riflni,,, . straggly, dull, dry, brlttl and l!fele anu everyooay notice it Advt. . , HliiDY, TO SiatVK. . WILMINGTON. K f inrii e ' The FwveWevflle Tn1 P runn A nn 4 T .4 s infantry, which ha served In viry war m wnicn tne united States has been engaged sine it organization In 1791, today offered Governor Crul; it ervlce If needed In tl.e Mexican conflict, The company 1 not now a part of th national guard. Th International Brotherhood ef Leather Worker baa begun a cam-' palgn for the orrsnliuitlnn of ConitiU, I A I Mi) f n Am m 1 1 " ivwvivi,,; t rem l :rierm JitUr Him pin MCA RingvjoMA THE RtO SANITARY TUBl IOTS KM THE MONCV There ia no remedy that will cure every diseasa t'ut there are some that we know to be honest; relict!, end cf great curative value. Such is Saxo Salve. No Eldn Sufferer should therefore hesitate to try It. We t:' s U thp risk and bear all the expense if Saxo Salve fails tut as it succeeds ta over 90 of the cases our risk Is not so great all Will you try It? SMITH'S DRUG STOHE . Asheviile, N. C I Ityw ms mprit tmUt, IttuU jtar fkatmaxuL f , i. , . '