THE AS1TEYILLE. CITI2ES, TJIURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914 (5j) gets." W13L.HL CARRV VOILJR'MiSSSAGE TO GJ) gCts. ' ri Person W People Popk : '.:' ,;J?.- By Cffzeo t'arif Ads. Read For PfOftf .t. -. By Telegraph foponfs " By Ha7. figuring 20c And Cflzen Wanf Ads ii(fl cn. noej, 1; n ns sfafe onfv. Posage; 5c Sfafonery. Bring ResuHs. use ror Kesmrs Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants , BOOMS FOR RENT. FOR SALE HELP WANTED. POSITIONS WANTED. REAL ESTATE. 'REAL ESTATE; WANTED. WANTED Two setting hens at once, and man to plow and make garden. Phono 10J. P114S 21-3 WANTED Good standard make type writer; also desk. Only bargain con Idered. Give full particular first letter. Box 696, Ashe ville, N. C. 1134 21-3 LET ui do your eyegias and spectacle re paring. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Louis I. Alexander Optical Co. 73 patton Ave. 12-14 .WANTED Visitors to phone 38 ror French Dry Cleaning .done by ex perts in the most moaerniy equipped - cleaning and dyeing plant in the South. Ladies apparel a specialty, J. C. Wllbar. """' TARM8 WANTED. ' ' I rwlll buy small farms in good loce- . tions at the right price. ' WILLIAM COLEMAN , I Patton Ave., 2nd Floor, Phone 2494 : 19-tf WANTED Men to learn barber trade. ! Few weeks completes. Earn while ' learning. Position waiting.. Write i John Queen's Big College, Spartan i burg, & C. P970 11-30 WANTED To buy 6 or 10 acres tf improved land in West Ashevillo. Address Farm, Candler, N. C. , . , PU58 ::-3 r " 1 :, IF you have houses or rooms tor rent, real estate lor sale, list your prop erty with us. Lorick Realty Co.. 18 So. Pack Square. Phone 1346. 6-tf WANTED Two small unfurnished I rooms. Address L, J., care Citizen, A ' .-; P11I7 21-2 WANTED Ladies gowns and gentle men's suits to dry clean. Ruga , portiere, eUL, mads to - look - new. Ultij. RlflirA ('tannlno' ani rivftinir Co., .38 N. Lexington Ave. Phone 248X, ' WILL sell for yot at just prices only, fins old Jewelry, fine old sil ver,? line -old mahogany furniture. etc., etc. Victor Stern, Antique Jewelry Store, Haywood street, op posits Battery Park. 308 1-30 WANTED To buy everything in men's clothing, second hand. Also . leather suit case, handbags, watch es, furniture. Anything second -hand. Will call If notified. M. Za , geir. 44 So. Mala ttt. . 222-27-tf JOHT Saw. Lath and Rifngle MUla : Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Pumpa i Injectors, Pipe, Boilers, Tanks, Stacks. Lombard Iron Works, Au : gust. Ga. " P632 22-30 EHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly, u timer Bowdea. Phons 1.817. 31 East College SU . ,:. ,. . t, v - ,. tm 22-30 "" " H. A. BROWN It CO., oeneral Con- Phone 341. 4020 6-tf WANTED Your notary wprk. Apply rat Citizen office. 289 2-tf i i WANTED 8 or I room ' nicely f ur ; nlshed -house. Call 2496. William Coleman, 68 Patton Ave., 2nd Floor. 19-tf WANTED - 7or I room furnished hous, close in, Six months leae; no sick people. Address Box 566. 1160 FOUND, FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner can , have same by calling at Cittien of- lice and paying for this ad. 21-3 IfOUND That Watches and Clocks s repaired by J. A. Tillman give sat ' isfactlon. 18 North Pack Square. ' 7-tt PROFES8IONAJL DANCINO LESSONS Mra Mitchell, pupil of Castle and Normal Dancing School student. . Studio Sondley Bid. Phona 2381: res. 9t. 'afRfiBT CAR SCSHDIJLETN EFFECT NOV. 9, 1913 ZFJJJCOA AND RETURN !!: ?:M ; RIVERSIDE PARK U ntot- Mta U8" PEPOT Via SOUrafflDEg - AVENUE gKaa'ii" V DEPOT Via FRENCH 6:0e a. . and every li adaute. at . BROAD AVENUE iVM I A XIYYO . 'M ad :00 a, aa, aad every 16 sl. MAiNUXt . utes unUl U:0 p. SS. CtripT rvrrrtr flTUT.'TT.'P 4; and 6:00 a a. ut every 16 sauw MAKliVJl lUi DXXUialll. utes until 11:00 p. m. 11J oar runs TERMINUS ' -; throu,Bi murn leaves end of hae 12, PATTON AVENUE S EAST STREET ?iVP.1m."d u "" GRACE Via MERRIMONno'p. V i. SSSJS AVENUE unUt UM , ' . H I LTMORR :16 a. m. and tbw every l mUaufi lLUAili.VXVCi ,u - U1 1:30 p. sa, taea every 30 solautes uatU ll:e p. m, last ear. DEPOT and WEST a. txL, and vary 16 nuautas nUI 1 ASHEVILLE'Via ' UM 9 v- ' - " SOUTHSIDE AVE. - y - ' j SUNDAY ftCHKOULaV DIFFERS IN Till FOLLOWINO PARTICULARS! Car ka s Square for Hanoi s a. m.. returning 0:18 . at '' Cars leave Square far Depot via SoqUmM Ava. 6:16, 4:M, f:es, 1M, t:M' and 6:0 a bs. Cars leave Square tor Depot via Vxeack Bread AveM 6:16, 4:1s, ' J:lS, 7:46 sad 8:16 a, aa Car for Depot leaves Square 8:46 a as. both Seetaslds and French Brsed, - First car leaves the Square tor Charlotte Street at 6:06 a. oa sad every 2s sllnutee antU :, next 1:46,. , : v . , first ear leaves the Square for Ktverilde S:M; aext 3:46, Pint car leaves the Square for West AsbevUie :14. t:4i; next 8:HL . With the above xcepUosA 8uaoay scbedulee eommesBe at 9 a aa sag eea tlaue same as week aaya - . Oa sveataga wa - eeetissessaie eie as srsgrese e tbe AeeWertsis tssr hat trip oa aU Uoae will be fross eatertalanieBb eaavlag Square at regular ttoss end holding ever at Auditories. ..Car Jaaves 4kisira ts .mm Xs, ajL sr anaouaoed amvaa TWO large desirable rooms complete ly furnished lor light housekeeping. Mrs. A. E. Colweli, 147 Ashland Ava ' 1057 16-tf FOR RHSN1 Newty mnQhed rooms in new bungalow. Mra Jessie Hatch. Edwin Place, Grove Park. Phone 3118. 3033 19-30 ROOMS Furnished, with or without light housekeeping. 126 Broad St.. or Dr. Ed Evans. Pack Square. Phono 616. 1144 Jl-tf FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms; water, lights, 34.00 month. 83 Starnes Place. P1167 22-S FOR RENT Rooms furnished for light housekeeping; gas for cook inav AddIv The Ozark. 73 North Main fit - l-tf FOR RENT Furniened Three room apartment, bath and sleeping porch. Reasonable to right parties. Phons 1100. , 753 29-tt NICELY ' XurnlBhed rooms, single or apartments. 48 Church Bt. , P1144 21-5 FOR RENT To wall people, furnish ed room " with sleeping porcn. Housekeeping privllegaa. Dinners served If desired. Phone 282, tr address Suburban, care Citizen. 894 5-tf FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms; children and consumptives not ta ken, Apply morning, 5 Church St. HQ 12-tf . 1 1 1 i " FOR RENT Two or three first floor rooms, furnished for housekeeping. Sink, in kitchen. 28 Starnes Ave. 1180 80-tf FURNISHED rooms for light house ' keeping, - close in. Jas for .cooking. No. 34 Cherry 8t , P1102 19-6 FOR KENT Two newly furnished bright sunny rooms with sleeping porch in new cottage. Tray service , if desired. No sick: or children -taken. 62 'Flint - 1101 19-7 ROOMS furnished with or without light housekeeping. 196 So. French Broad. Phone 2210. 1117 19-tf POULTRY AND EGGS. HATCH INO eggs from Pennnvior White Leghorns, good layers, 3 l.OO , ijr . hundred;- Breedlaff pens te June, j . ja. p. weiaier, west Asne Vllle. . r P115S 22-7 8. C. WHITE Leghorn Egg for hatch ing from thoroughbred, 91 up xor 16, .- W, Moody, 83 80. Pack Square. 1065 16-40 WHITE LEGHORN EGOS (or hatch- Inc: Wychoff strain, 81.60 per 16. Bpeolal rate for quantity. Phone, 8 S3. 'Aooress BUDuroan, care un- laen. -'; 894 S-if CLALRVOYANT RELIABLE! Life Reading. : Gives ad vice for all atTairs or life, love, mar riage, divorce, business and adjusts family troublea Call Sunday. Pri vate narlor. Madame Reginla, 94Vk Haywood 8t 867 11-30 CONSULT the Great Marrette, Clair voyant, Palmist, Astrologer, Inter preter of Dreams, Delineator of Character by Handwriting; Educat ed In Occult Mysteries and Hindoo Philosophy. He glvs reliable ad vice on all problems ot life, past, present and future. Private parlors. The Adelaide, Haywood St., near postofflce. Hours 10 to 8 dally and Sunday. P1163 22-1 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED To take or. ders from merchants for a store fix ture of merit Good profits. Pro tected territory. Address State Sales Manager, Aaheville, N, C Box 264 P1110 19-14 igat Uals. M saisatsa setora SPRING CLEANING GOODS Scrub Brushes ...... .......10o up Broome ... ........ ....... .360 up Mop Handles 16o up Cotton Mops ISo up Step Ladders ... ......... .70 up Wash Boilers, copper bot tom ... ...... .31.33 up Laundry Stoves ..........14.33 up Liquid Venter ............ .2(0 up O-Cedar Polish ...........15a up Wash Tubs ............. ..&0o up Wash Boards .16o up Ironing Boards 40o up BROWN HARD WAR B CO.. tt North Main fit. . Phooa 37 ALUMINUM COFFEE PERCOLATOR No. 8, free with each order for groceries amounting to 18.00 or more, May 1, 1914. or will sell the percolator for 41.73. See what you are getting. The Rat Proof Store: Phone 1643. G. D, ALLISON. 17-S.O.d.-80 FOR QUICK SALE 14000 North Car ollna Bonds, 4 per cent. Tax ex empt. Buy before May 1; tax lilt ing time. Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., Agenta ' 1173 23-1 FOR SALE Limited Quantity 7 per cent cotton seed meal, loose and sacked hulls. Address Kershaw OH Mill, Kershaw, fi. O. 1088 19-8 FOR SALE 4 horses, sultanis for work, or driving purposes; t top buggies; 2 runabouts; 2 -Moyer sur ries; I 3 -seat buokboard; double ' harness, and 20 other vehicles of every description. Agenta for Moyer buggies. Millard. Patton BUke ' leather. 149 Patton Ave. 1053 16-7 1 SPANISH MACKEREL TODAY1 . ACME FISH COMPANY, PHONE 311. . 31-t FOR SALE at a bargain on easy pay ments. Remington No. 7 typewrit er. Apply or phone 81. Susque hanna Furniture Co., 17 SouU Main St. . 1176 23-3 FOR SALE at a bargain on easy pay ments. 130 gsa range, practically new. Apply or phone 631. Susqua. hanna Furniture Co., 17 H South Main SU 1176 23-1 FOR SALE Three fcousand dollars of gut edge notes, secured by nrst class real estata. P. 0. Box 873. P1166 22-S -I TOMATO PLANTS' Egg, Pepper and Cauliflower plants, potted, trans planted and bed plants. Al the best varieties at reasonable prices. Now is the time to book your order. L. R. Strieker, 26 West College, Phone 1626. 1067 16-80 FOR SALE Grocery store In good location; guarantee a nice living; will give reason for selling when you call Address L. P cars Clt lsen. P1164 22-3 UNDERWOOD typewriter in good condition; a bargain for truyer. Ad dress A. M cars Citizen. P2021 21-7 WHY NOT ksep ths kitchen cool by using a Detroit wioness Oil Hanga cheaper than ooal. Sold by &c hank's Stove Co., 61 No. Mala street. Phone 1087 202-26-80. FOR SALE das stove in good con- ditlon. can at 6 JUast Pack Square. .. P1163 22-3 FOR SULK Kindling wood boas dry. 61.60 psr loan asiivereo. varouas Veneer Ca.sPhone 1161. 2489 16-tf FOR SALE Human hair. Combings made to order. Apply 166 College St 632 26-80 RIPE TOMATOES 2 lba. 26a, Sweet Florida Oranges, 60c peck. Fresh Eggs, 20C. B. M. Shepherd, 41 East College. Phone 1041. 2840-10-80 MOTORCYCLES The great Harley Davidson for sale by Smith Cole man. 68 Patton Ava 2nd Floor, Phone 2496. 16-tf COW PEAS, all varieties. Mixed peas 32.33 per bushel. Mammoth Ysl low Soy Beans, 32.00, See me for anything In garden and field seeda L. R. Strieker, 26 West College. 4-30 FOR SALE To yield about 10 per cent. 84.000 real estate per cent $ bonds secured by farming lands In Kortn Jjaaoia. uue seoruarj isi, -117. --For sale as a whole or In .multiples of 3800. Price, 90 and Interest, to yield about 10 per cent. ' J. J. MoCloskey Realty company. 7-ti ADDING MACHINE The Ten Key Dalton la the simplest, speediest and most versatile adding, listing and computing machine ever construct ed, machine and price to suit your needa J. A. Jackson, S Patton Ave.. AsbevlUa N, C. P971 11-30 A8HEV1LLE PAtNT at GLASS CO., members of National Association of "Clean Up aad Paint Up ' Cam palgn. Phone 1779. 6-30 CABBAGE plants Native grown, - 22.60 per thousand. L. R. Strieker, 26 West College, Phons 1626. - 1067 16-26 FOR SALE Wood and kindling in 31.00 and 31.60 loads, delivered promptly. Hayes Woody ard, Phone 2699. 1064 16-20 FOR SALE One large passenger touring car In flrat class order, cheap for cash or will exchange Xor Small 4 paiewnger or runabout and take cash difference. See It at O. K Auto Supply Co. P1176 23-6 FOR SALE Perfect mhlts diamond 14 carat, at a bargain. - Add -L. O." care Citizen. . - P10I6- 22 Congressman Henry T. Ralney is Sow mentioned as the likely choice of "The srtfTflnnrtrauorP to oppose Roger Sullivan In his contest fot the 4nocratio nomination for United inUM Hrfaitbt Horn lllinola WAITED Men to learn barber : trade; few weeks required; steady position for competent graduates; , wonderful demand for barbera Free catalogue. Richmond Barber Col lege. Richmond, Va. P1147 13-7 WANTED A No. 1 traveling sales, man. Address P. O. Box 303, City, giving road experience, P1143 31-3 WANTED A solicitor: ons acquaint ed with the city. Salary and com mission. Address H. 8. J., Cltlsen office. ' 1143 33-tf SEE THE WORLD and make 13.00 to IS. SO a day, collecting bones and sacks and other junk from trash piles. No capital needed. Write for prices. Uendersonvtlle Rubber and Metal Co., Hendersonvilis, N. a . . P1141 31-7 1 1 . i FEMALE. WANTED Colored girl to do general nousewora for smau family. Ap ply 69 Fur man Av. this morning early. - Bt-t WANTED Mail for1 general house work and plain cooking. Phone 014. Mrs. J. Sammet, Edgemont Road, in Dr. Parker's house. Call until 12 o'clock. 1178 22-1 WANTED Competent whits woman as nurse for child one year old. Call in person, 101 So. Main St. 1142 22-7 WANTED Two experienced hotel maids; oo other! need apply. Must have recommendations from pi employers for Ave eara Grove Park Inn. 2869 13-tf LOST. LOST On Friday afternoon, either at Bondiey Building Or at Saint Gene vieve's Baaaar, white Spanish lace scarf wrapped in blue paper. Find er liberally rewarded If returned to citizen office. 1174 23 LOST Black fur neclf frfeoe in some dry goods store on Patton Ava Lib era! reward It returned to Cltlsen office. 1172 23-3 FOR SALE OR RENT FOR BALE OR RENT-Large hand some house suitable for a aentle- man's residence 'T select boarding ' house; 13 bed rooms. 3 baths. Urge ganors ana tuning room, xurnaoe eat, large grounds, stable, most de sirable neighborhood. ues nrloe '812,000. Rental price 876.00 per month. Moale Chiles. Real Estate and Insurance, 87 Patton Ava 16-U MATTERS OF RECODR Yesterday the following deeds were filed in ths office of .the registrar of deeds; , . . Miss Mary Boon to Mrs. Hannah Tnompson, certain lots on Seney street; consideration 810 and other valuable considerations. O, C. Morgan and. wife to JT. W. Ifiaei and wlfa property located on Depot street; consideration 110 and divers other conslderatlout, , J. M. Byrd and wife to Arthur SUpp and wife, pieces of land situ ated in Black Mountain , township consideration IZll.DO. Joseph Selby and wife to Agnes Fyrne, iproperty on Henrietta street conslderatin 1600. F. M. Milldr, to Jullui Tubes. cr tain property on Colloee atree:; con alderatlon 14,000. Mary A. Harris to Henrietta H. Davis, certain parcels of land on Woodfln street; consideration 310. W. H. Cathey and wlfa to J. H, Cathey, lands lylns In Upper Hom iny township; consideration 1140. I F, D. Rood and Wife to S. w. Dandridge, "parcels of land at Black Mountain; consideration 346. James R. Taylor and wlfs to P. M, Wslla, certain tracts of land lying on the waters of North Turkey creek; consideration 11.000, C. V. Reynolds and wife et al, to E. Kuykendall and wife, property oa Cherry street! consideration $2,709. ' J. W. Kuydendall and wife to W. K. How, certain property en Cherry street for good and - lawful consid erations. 8. P. Burton and wife at al, to X W. Kuykendall and wife, property on Hillside street; consideration 31,100. Katherlne C. Rollins to R. W. Haw kins, certain property on Orchard street; consideration 12,160, , J, M. Horner et al, to Mra Unnle W. Davis, tracts of land situated on Ravenscroft road; consideration $1,600. L. W. Young and wife et al, to J, H. Luther, lands situated in Upper Hominy township; . consideration $111. f' J. H. Luther and wlfs .to) Kirs Bwanger. certain tracts of land lo cated In Upper Hominy township; consideration 1100. - .v Marriage IineiMes. Michel Mo Cor ts Rhoda 8. Cook. Boyee Thompson, colored to llsola Saxton, colored. Tom (Miller, colored ts Nora Stock ton, colored. . ..y 1 . Soniraonscs and Osnntalnta. Harris Barnett Dry Oooda, company against J. & Ammons. J. A. . Gentry against ths Southern Railway company, ' Former Congressman , Washington OaMner. th nrenent cotntnander-ln- cfcfef of the Grand Army of the Re public, may decide to become s can dldate for the repwbWrwn rmmlnatlon 's Aovernojr of MiehlgMiUsyeasj CAPABLE white woman wants em ployment a child' nurse or general house work in small family. Best of references. -Address 1 F., rare Aaheville Ottlsen. P115I 81-1 WANTED Position as cashier In cafe or head waitress In (private board ing house. White, Can furnish ref erence. Address L. M , core Cit leen. v P1148 S3-1 YOUNG MAN here for climate will care tor tubercular patient for board, Addreag "Young," care Clt lsen. . t P1185 21-3 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU with ref. erenca Hours 10 to 13 a. m., 1 to 7 p. m., phone 1441. Chlsholra's Placa , 781-8 II POSITION WANTED By a man if strong physio ana official ex perience, with good references. Apply through the ballot bos Aahe ville township. 1 solicit your sup port and need the work. H. B. James. P106S 16-J4 WANTED Position by experienced .bookkeeper. References furnished Address N, B cars Oitlses. P1U6 11-7 P08ITION WANTED By iralned nurse to care for an lnvaUd or elderly person. Highest references, Address P. O. Box 685. P1149 21-6 POSITION wanted in Ashevllle, by lady of education and refinement, as companion to elderly lady or in valid; moderate salary; best refer, ences. Address L M,, Orange Court, Orangeburg, a C. ' PI 168 39-7 COMPETENT Hardwood Lumberman very familiar with eastern retail and consuming trade, conversant with market prices and a careful grader, desires' engagement wltn mill In this section, At present In Aaheville. Would like Interview. Best of references; will show results. Address N. ' D., cars Citizen P1169 23.3 BOARDERS WANTED. WILLARD It Btaraes Xvanua Transient and family hotel. Rates reaaonabe. clean, light airy rooma Phons 1117. 784-81-80. BOARDERS WANTED At ths Mlkis, 48 Ashland avenue. Has.8t.l0 to 47.0s per Hreek.- - Ko stekr people rnoos is J J. so-i; ARBUTUS SANITARIUM. Tryon. N. C. For tubercular patisnia . MUd sUmata Reasooabls ratea Boi k let. N. B, Ooogan, owner and man ager. "" 21 t iAVANNAH INN 223 Patton avenua All newly furnished; nice large sun ny rooms, hot and cold water; ex cellent table; everything hooielika Rates 16 to 17 per week. Mra a. A. Kesslsr, Proprietresa 8970 31-10 WANTED A few select gueata la TV fined family. Vary desirable rooms, furnacs beat, excellent' table. Well - people only, 76 College street, . 3772 21-10 "THE BELVEDERE" and Annas, 6 Churoh strset can accommodate . a few select boarders. . Running water In each room. Suits of rooms with private bath. No aick takon. Mrs. Nellie W. llyman. proprietress. phons 448. 1347 17-tf NOOTCfl. Ths Town of Canton Invites bids for furnishing Eleotrlo Lights for ths town for a period of Uve years, from May 1. 1914. Ths undersigned Mayor and Clerk of the town of Canton ti. C In pur, suance to a resolution pawed mat adopted by the Board of Aldermen or said town, on Monday, March 30, 1013, invito bids for furnishing eleo trlo lights for the town of Canton not to be less than ten aro lights of 700 candle power each, and not less than 26 lights of 100 candle power each, for a Period of five years, from May 1, 1914. It will be desirable for parties sending in bids to state the sum for which they will also furnish electric lights to ths citizens of ths town for, in connection with their bid for Hchtlng the town. Only bids made by responsible par ties will be entertained. All bids to be opened at the office of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, In ths town of Canton on Monday, April 27, 1814. The town reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. -A contract will be required of ths successful bidder containing stipula tions In detail with the proper safe guards to the town and a good sol vent pond required of the successful bidder, at the urns or ths execution of the contract. For further Information, address the undersigned, Mayor at Canton, This April s, int. THE TOWN 1OF CANTON, Per T. F. Reynolds, Mayor, , H. W, Spray, Clerk. 39 Apr 21. . -;' - "" ' Nowca To Smith Est, Buxton Est, Raven scroft, City et Ashevllle R. H. Bryant, S. 1. Bchulhoffer, M. C. Hodges. C W. M.I.IML Cmrrla Incram. Kreck EL Tweed Bros., U A, Mean, E. W. Clilis, J. I. Conton, J. P. Coston, Ottis Creeii. M. Baturham, Episcopal Churoh, V. M. Johnson, Frank Loughran, Mrs. M. ii. Milliard, C. M. Billiard, L. A. Larnberi, F A. Suit L. M. Foster, Chas V. Toms, C Bawyer, W. C. Carmlchael, J. B. Her. j W. Dillon. L. SwlciiCOOd. C W. Brown, J B. Ksrnsey, and all other Dersoiis Interested In Uie report of the Sury Died In tUS office of ths City Clerk of the Cltv of Aehevllle, aesewlng tiie m iniAiotln a certain atorm ewer line as alnst you which storm sewer line runs HIWKD rwun, jrmd fm Church streets In said City. You will .k. notice that said report has been fluid according to law, and that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said ruv al lheir meeting, to be held day of May, llr will consider said report and take such action as they may deem nrooer. Toe are therefore required to ema est smunf a4 shew ccMiee, 1 n. hv said rawort shall mot be eon- Armed and toe Uene assessed as previa- lilWaClty FOR RENT, FOR RENT Six room furnished house, close In, fine location. WILLIAM COLEMAN 68 Patton Ave, 2nd Floor, phons 1494 i-u FOR RENTCottage or rooms with sleeping porch,, furnished or unfur nished, Claudius, 40 Dortch Ava " P116i"2S-8 FOR RENT 4 room cottage; water lighta 136 S. GrtYs. Apply 141 Ashland. Phone 639. P1UI 21-3 FOR RENT 4 room cottage, Madl son avenue; slectrlo lights, bath, good basement. Inquire 27 Blake, Phone 1683. P1146 31-8 7 room house. Chestnut St.. fur nace heat . ,...,,., ,. ISO 7 room house, Montford Ava ...145 21 room house, clone In .371 3 room house, Merrimon Ave. ...1 40 8 room house, Pearson I r. ...... S5 HOWARD REALTY CO., 81 American Nat Bank Building. 33 FOR RENT Lin-Havan Horns) II rooms, close in, large garden, part ly furnished. Phons 1622. .. P64I ti-ll FOR RENT Property n Market street, now occupied by Aaheville Supply and Foundry Co, Poseesslon ran be riven June 1, Apply to W. T. Weaver, PI 118 1I-7 SPECIAL AUTO Painting and Upholstering Valentine's vanadium colors ana varnishes the best and highest priced made used In, our auto painting, Auto tops made, repaired and new bows put in when necs-aiu-v. PromDt servtoa Tlddr Broth ers, 2 1 North Lexington Ave., Phons 1445. FOR desirable houses and lots call on WILLIAM COLEMAN, 68 Patton Ava. 2nd Floor. Phons 1496 18-tf YOUR eyeaight ts at least as valuable as your teeth. Why not take as much cars of your eyes as you do of your teeth T see ua Ltwis I. Alexander Optlolal Co, 78 P tton Ava 12-14 QRADUATB nurse attends patients by hour. Ons dollar for first hour fifty cents after, . Maaaags sxtra. Phone 1244. Apt 1-80 AUTOMOBILES for hire. Reasonable, Day and night service. Lyerly Mo tor Co 10 W, Oollegs St, Phono WUh-y-1 ' 161 t-tt STRICTLY sanitary. Swannanoa Bar" ber shop. There win be absolutely no grafting here, You will al ways be treated with courtesy. Give us a call. Union Shop, Hotel Bldg, South Mala street. ,, . , 787-31 ett JACKSON'S CUT FLOWERS arrlvs each morning from Chaa L Baum, the celebrated Florist of Knoxvllle, "Where Flowers Grow" under near ly three acres of glass. Beautiful roses and carnations today. Jaok- sons. 82 Patton Ava 17-tf MISCELLANEOUS. RATS cannot feed he ur store. I believe I have the only rat-prooi at ore In Weatern North Carolina. a. D. ALLISON. Phons 1441. 17-10 YOU OWE tt to yourself, your neigh bors and your city to "paint up and clean up Phone 1771. Ashevllle Paint and Glass Co, 1-81 THE "Clean hp and Paint up" cam paign la now on. Phone our con tract Dept., 1771. Ashevllle paint and Glass Co, , 1-30 THE best Optical service. - Ws can duplicate your broken lenses with " out ths prescription. Louis 1 .Ale. ander Opticlal Co, 78 Patton Ave. . ' ...-...f 12-14 GARDEN. Flower, Grass and Clover Seed of best quality at Grant's Pharmacy. " BEAUTIFUL NEW RUGS Woven from your old worn carpets, any size desired, In very attractive de slana write lor cataiosue. urien. - tal Rua Co.. Baltimore. Md. ' SOUTIIE11N RAILWAY. . ' f Premier Carrier of the South. Schedule Figures Published ss Information Only snd Not 1 Ouarsnteed , , " ee.Tivai sundav. movcmiIR la, 1918. Arrives from 1 asatera xuoa Texaway ..... l...v. rA eatat Seaee1asaesileM Na Ma Toxewar .,...,...... aw I Savannah and aoavuie ,.,....,.... urn, n 1 Bued : K aai , aaa x-a. ;, , " MemphW, St, Louis.... 3:06 Mo. 11 Charleston aad OS- " lumbia ..8:18 st tt N, Y- Philadelphia. Washington 10:06 aea. Ka It Murphy ana wayaeo. villa 4:H p.BL w. a vi.irnhv and - Wames- vule ;. :4T s.aa Ma 23 Waynesvtue ........... i: i- ,, r.hM aaa fia- isa "" '" Mo. 17 Ctuu-leetea aad , Oa- lumbia tM P.UL He. 28 Claclanatl aad Chi- eaeo 10:26 a.Sa Ms, 86 Waahlnstoa, Nsw York ana ntcawma a.w M. IS Mambhia. ChattaOOOCS and New Orleans... ... 4:60 am. Ms. 41 Atlanta, Maeoa aad New Orleans .....11:16 era. lMRrtetoL KaexvlUe aad Chattanooga ........... tv:e Thrmigh Sleeping rare dally ts aeg r. VeehfaMPMfc MchsnMoV KorfmK, aeavllla, Havsanah, 81. Loula, Leutelha, Auaeia. kaeoa. Throuvb ehalr eare Cotdabore and v?ayneeille. Full a. nine ear eerrtoe traias Kua , 1 11, U, 27. 2t and r wea u ana is. , , sV H. WOOO, V on, ,:sss As FOR SAUL " " " " '" . ''.in room house, Chestnut 8t, $ 3, 16 0 room house, Pearson Dr. .36,R0 room nouae, itaywooa St. ...H.OOtt room house, charlotte fctt, ...M.IuO room house, new, near depot, $1,660 room house. Flint SL 14 f,a 15 room house, W. Haywood St 3.80(j room nouns, tiuuerick St. ...38,i0 room house, Penlandet. ,. i..$!,3')0 HOWARD REALTY CO.. ' 11 American Nat. Bank Building.)" FOR SALE New, otir-room bung. iow, wiva moaern oatn. 'lnis la a very pretty uttlo place and on a main street. Only Il.iso. ( FOR BALE New, four-room bunra- low, with modern 'bath and sleepi,, porch, Montford . secUoo. Pile 11.1 out FOR SALE New, dvs-roonl hitn tow, pavea eireet; modern bath and largo sleeping porch.. This is one of ths prettiest .bungalows In town. Ws will accept a small cash pr ment on any of ths above and give terms on balance. Our auto U awaiting your aarvics, w RAlf-CAMPBKLL CO.. No, I Haywood, v Phone 12:, I. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, one acre it lano; ft mue from car Una i'rn $1,000. Terms, kt. D, HaU, 14 l'i ton Ave. Phone 91. 7-tI FOR EXCHANGH We have go,, 1 improved aad unimproved proimi ty In Baltimore, Md., and Vl,ui--ton, D, C, that we will exchange 1 c good farm land or Improved ' -property. Western Carwtina I Co., il, W, Wolle, Sea and lt . 10 N, Pack Square. IMILj : FOR SALE Several valuable lota n South French Broad avenue. 1 terms, phone 2496, WlllUtm Cui . man, 61 Patton Ava, 2nd lloor. ' .,,,,t,. ..V.,.,, ,.. .,. ,,-.. 14-lJ FOR SALE In Grovs Park, in- Country Clujb. moat attraotlvs 1 room house; i bathroom, hot t ter beat, large lot 120.2UO ft., 1 tlful view, I'rke on ari'i" . Attractive new housos, inn best locations, to let. Phone i J, 3, WuCloakey Realty 0, FOR SALE 84 acres of good f land at a bargain, C'IIih.hi . West Aaheville, N. C. P3 - FOR 8 ALE Soma of th fr-"t j i tn Westers, N, C, l our -Brevard, R. R. statiun on and on mala auto tram i dersonvllle to Lake Toxaway, 'i. is high class river bottom tend 1 from overflow, A greet bai m a quick sala For further Ii.mjj tlon address C, C Duukwwrtit, 1 -Ilea, N, C. Pa FOR SALE II two -room cot to 13 vacant lots; pays over 15 i s' cent. Will sell at a low pr Phone 140. Room ItsveU l i F. P. Ingls. : jo., ; r FOR SALE room bouse, aU moa era, furnace heat good barn, on u t line, close in and on ons of the t." ; resident streets of ths city,. I'ct- $5,600, nvtth terms. GREENE GOODMAN Real Estate and Insurance, Phone t ' ' TWO beautiful lot lit West ATwr ons 60x100, 3226.00; ons Buxl., , $300,00; 209 yards from car. I - . on Brewers Ave. ., , FOR RENT Ons six room cottn leotrlo lights, nice garden and fru.s trees, $15, including running walei'. Apply to L, E Owen, Oalut Ave., West AsbevlUa - P1168 2J-4. BOARDERS WANTED. BELMONT 17 Spruce, two Mod a from Squara Excellent table sol large airy rooms, Phons 140. 804-1-5 WANTED Boarders at insets, I Flint SU, next U Auditorium. Italo reaaonabla Phons 1010 748 29-30 THE OLD KENTUCKY HOME 48 , Sprues St. Two blocks from square, Kates oa application, phone lb. ., - 8336 6-1 THE OOLCN1AL 48 Haywood Bt.; near P. O, AttraoUve, convenient and homelike to atmosphere. Sev eral single rooms at very reason able rates, for business people whs : ars tired of stereotyped monotony. . Mrs. Olive U Neville, Prop. 88 MS TUB OZARK, 7i North Main street. Excellent board, large airy toon.. Terms on application. 646 6-1 ' . vsparts 101 . , -.. saswrw Sa m Rnnr4 aaat iuuu sua. No. Brtvard aad LakS . 2 Toxaway ............. ;vs act. tla It kiavaiuieh, Jackses- VillA aaaBii6stiia flliw aksala Malt ClBdnnatl, St. Loula, . si ampuls anoj umum 1 villa ............. ...... 8:08 am. Ma 13 WaaWngtea. Mesr , ,,, .7? Tprk, Norfolk sad Ricbmoad ,........ $'tM pr Ma 14 AUanta SB4 Charles toe 7.CJ in, Ma 18 N. T.. PhUadelpuia, Washlogtoa ........... I:C4 p ", Ma 11 Waynaevule and Mur phy I;t0 a. Mai VayneevlUe and Mur- phjr I 9 V r , Me. 21 tv ayaeevllle !-. y Mo. 22 Klelgb aad Colus- bore 9:16 Ma 27 Chicago sad Clecla- saU " f . Mo. 26 Columbia, , Ma 84 Hecipiile. ti.iaeue ga end- New tniie...l0,'l , No.36 Vrsehmirton, Iueiuuo4 and New Y"rlt. ......... 7.-J i Ma 41 Atlanta, siacos e-1 New Ori-n 8 "1 r Ha. 101 frtKtnl, Knoxviiie anl Chattanooaa 7 from New Trtt, r" rharteetnn, Clncuine t, t -t r t sx