THE ASHEV1LLE CITI3EX, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914.. u f:s:iwLiE cmzQi Pi&llshed Every Morninf by The Citizen Company, 8 Government Street ; essBwsaW The AtWllle Citixen 6 days week. Tasj Sunday Cltfaeo very Sunday. Tbe, Rreky atixsa srsry Wednesday. TELEPHONES PuitneM OCot- .80 -207 Juiitaritl Pffff ACCOCSATEO PRES3 fPORT8 COMPLETE , f U2CWrriOK HATE ;:, i carrier in AsherHIs end Suburb IsJIy A 6m 1 jr. in advance.. J7.60 Daily 4 Sujl mo, In advance.. LM Dally A 81m. 1 week in advance-. .IS Daily only 1 mar in adranea.-JL 6. 00 Dailv onlr 8 mo. in advance.. L80 Daily only 1 week in advance. .10 Vy vnail in United States, Pottage Paid. Dally Sun. 1 yr. in adranco $6.00 Dally ft Sun. S mo. in advanca 1.60 Dally only 1 year in adranco. 4.00 Daily only 8 mo. in advance 1.00 Sunday only 1 year in sdvsnce. 2.00 Sunday only V mo. In advance. .60 Weekly 1 year in adranca.- .60 Thursday, April 23, 1914 Politics Above Patriotism In Ota aarly dawn of yesterday morning, after almoat rwenty-fjur Itours of ' empty quibbling, the sen- a to of (ha United States gav iu tardy . esaorsement of President .Wilson's Mexican polky. It held up hl hands after ha had taken the halm upon his owa InlUatlva, tlrad of, disgusted with tha shilly-shallying of a handful af Republican senators, (thank God It Was no mora than that) who place l politics sbjve patriotism. Despite th .efforts of these men, who sought to give tha murderer, Huerta. a basil forth claim (hat tha American pej pla are not n accord with tha proai dent'a policies, to raitratn the eourso of avanta, tha American flag waves tn triumph today ovr tha spires and turrets' of Vera'Crut, a portentious darning to all the world that its ' atari ah all brook no Insult nor Ita -stripes humiliation. , To their eternal diagrams, tha names , tf thirteen senator and thrrtyaven ' congressmen Of tha United Statea will , be recorded on tha pages of . thalr J (country's ,nlslory aa oloalng their ear Mo tha president appna.1 thauHlie honor and dignity of the United Stites be tUlntalncd. Figuratively peaking, three man were fiddling while Vara Cms waa turning and American. soldiers ware dyintit , IWa cannot suppress tha suspicion that tha meanlnglataj persMuge of crtaln aanatora and cooireaamen waa Wa of an ambition lo display thalr oratorical power before .the thou anda who crowded tle galleries." Tha r'tr aar and heard one congress- miiif rlmm a M feat firtl AaMhv Um Tesldent Wilson' action against the jHt'Vta government w.ts prompted by jt-araona aiMlka of IMerta, because jthls latter would not bow u the prest cam a oig stieg, Tne pjoriy aup psessed hiwie from the gallerlea Which followed thl statement were proper eatlmatlon or a 1 Ita rightly pglled. ,. i ; jlle la a sorry American who playa political to the detriment of patriot- Mem; ho la a poor type of oltlien who answers his president's appeal for wipport with tha utterancea of a lanedlct Arnold, . ; Not a War of Conquest ;W.hllo few can doubt that tha t Oveot now tranaplrlng In Muxlco can ooiy na wnn actual war between the v United State and that country, none jl can Impugn tha motivea of Preaident i Wllaon and tha American pople who ' are aolldly behind him. The aneer J of Qerman pewopaper t the efTeet ,! t that the invaaion of Mexico by United jUtee troope la The" precuitkrof a Jjwar of conqucet which aeeka t, plant , U the Ameriran flag forever in Mexico will find no acceptance In our own -..'.lend, or m forelxn landa generally. Aa Senator 8hlvly declared in the i'aenato Monday, the i ornmont goea Into Mexico with clean hand, and, any fair-minded cltlaen I who haa foirotaX tlje p'raaldent fret , ' ful course will attribute to him the t "peat motives and the nobleet pur ' poeea. t The occupation tf Vera Crua by 1 t United Btatea forcca, whatever Ita Jjaitermath may be, li the fliat atep In a mlanlon of clvinuon; the fore- runner of an unaelflah effort to give fjtho Mexican jwoplt what they aland ' jaoroly In need of ample govern ment and proaperlty. Let no one deoHva hlmaelf with the ! belief that Huerta la being, or haa been Inspired by the allghteet aemb. lajica of patriottam. On the con. ; tram he la wiUiag to aarlAca hla ; 'eountry to aava hla own preatlge-r-and peaaflbly 'tig own neck. Ha know ;ha could oxpact no maroy from Villa t r. d ' w Hordae-ghottlfl ha-fngtrttr. t!cnaJita reach He-(tco City before "a aoldlary of Uncle 8am. Capture S tatOshiooBt af thO hasda. ,af American forces la a much mora al luring pro pert than death at the In stance of the bend It-warrior. Ho Huerta deliberately invoked reprisal from tha United SUtea by Insulting Ita flag. Ha aaw that tha fail ot t dice waa againat him; the handwrit ing on the wall waa too plain to be Ignored. - - The punishment, then, of an indi vidual who outlawed hlmaelf when he figuratively "waded throuch alaughter to a throne," cannot be termed a war of conquest. Aa previously Inti mated, the present action . of the United States government U an er rand of mercyi one designed to aave Mexico from herself, lest through a mistaken sense of patriotism aha fol low an Unprincipled ruffian to rain and diaaetef, ' .. I ? Notes and Comments There Is reason to far that The Columbia State, suffering from an ex cess of - patriot lo enthualaam, will throw down Ita pen and shoulder a muoket. , e e e ; . It la quite natural that, the report that Johnaon had jumped to the fed. erala ghoutd be taken aa an announce ment that he had thrown la hla lot with the Huerta forces. e . e e Tke prospect of a war with Mexico should furnlah a nexoellent opening for our old friend Cone Johnson. e e a The senate dki Us beat to throw oold water on the nation's enthual aam. tout, then, our paoffe nw that It haa arwaye bean an obatruc tlon machine. e a e How now? Has Cole Bleaae noth ing to aayT THIS DATE IN HISTORY April IX. 1114 William ehakeapeare born. Died April 21. 1(07 Henry Hudson sailed on his flrot voyage of discovery, t7l Jamea Buchanan, fifteenth president of the United States, born at Cove Gap, Pa, Wad In Wheatland, Pa,, June 1, 1111.. f lit 2 General KphJnstone, oomman. ' dor of the British Donees In Afghanistan, died a prisoner In the hand of Akbar Khan. mi First Canadian portage stamps Issued. ' - HG6--Oreat Brltlah naval review held at Splttieed following tha '' end of the Crimean war. 117: Sixty lives lost In an oruptloo ' of Mount VeeiMue, . ,, ,,, flll7-Queen Victoria visited the cel ebrated monaotory of orando Chartreuse, HH Ruiisla, France and. Germany protested 1 against Japan re taining any territory aha had taken from China, 1111 eVutart waa captured by tha " Montenegrins after six montha ' alage. THIS IS MY BOTH IRTmAY, ' Chauncey M. Depcw, ' Chaunoey M. Depew, former Unit ed States senator from New York, was Wn In Peeksklll, N. T., April IS, Ui, and recotred hla education at Yale college. He began the practice of law In 139 and several years later became attorney for the New York and Harlem Railroad company. For many years he haa been one of the guiding splrlta tn the so-called Van derbllt system of railroads, having aerved as president and chairman or the board ot dlreotove of the New York Central and Ita affiliated lines. The career of Mr. Depew In public life dates from 18(1, when tie waa elect ed to the New York legislature. Some years later he became one ot the In fluential leaders of the republican party In the eta-t and nation and held a number of publlo offices before he waa eleoted to the United Statea sen ate tn USD. After serving two terms he retired from pubUe Ufa In 111. Mr. Depew ha an International rap. utatlon aa an orator end after-dinner speaker. ,- OPINIONS BY SUPREME COURT RALTCIOH, N. C, April !S The aupreme court delivered opinions this afternoon In eleven appeals from various sections of the statea aa fol lows: Kelly va McIod. Robinson county, afflrm-nd; tate vs Cardwsll. Rockingham, no error; NeWUe va Bonsai, from Oranfce, no error: Brown vs Southern railway company. Orange no error; Walters vs Durham lum ber company, from Durham, no error; State vs Andrews, from Guilford, ap peal dismissed: State va Andrews, from Guilford, appeal dismissed: state vs McClur Ouilforil, no error: Watklns vs lawson, 8tokes. no error; Ammnnd v Wynn and Mllt-s. from Guilford... reversed; . Autln . vs Mo Collum, Union county, no error; tiealea va Seales, from Richmond county, new trial. PCSTMAST:as XAMFTO. WASHINGTON'. April 2. Tha fol loarlng fourth class North Carolina pout mutters were appointed today: Angler, Harnett pounty, Jamee A. Hockaday; Aulander.' Mertle : county. Jame f A. Dunnlnsr; Boardmen. Co lumbus county, Trey Hester; Bulos Creek, Harnett county, Junius F. Mlacknun; Cleveland, rtowan county, Arthur D. Davli; Kllerbee, Richmond county, Robert II. Oibson; Hay Wilkes county, , Minnie H. Qllllam; Jackaon. NorthhampVbn county. John J. Buffalo: Jackeon Pprings, Moore county, Victoria McKenale; Johns. Pcotland county. Fred A. kendsll: Unhurst, Chatham county, Iewls B. Brooks; Msckots, Washington county, Raymond H. Choaaon; Magnolia. Duplin-county, Florence A. Bruslon; Plney Creek, Alleghney county. Felix R. Warden; Pollocksville, Jonee county. Charles H. Bryan: Sanatorium, Hoke county Hughes B. Hoyle: Shannon. Robeson pounty, Geo. I. KUptt; Wlnterrlll, Pitt county. Jesse U Rollins. - '- r , . , Seventy-five million lady-bmjs will i-allfnrnla-fartturaL, Fnr lait 24, hnuraadinxJlLliUJl.t i.iia mnn biiu win vm ueva 10 ex-1 terminate a variety of aphides whloh hgvt lean causing trouble for the Vgetable cropf ... . ..... .,1, i WITH THE WAGS knew Her HI We, Bobbie I wonder where animals go hen they die. Are there any ani mals In heaven? Dorothy Of course there are, elee what became of tha horses' that too Elijah up there? iBoeton Transcript. No Seed to Wry. Distressed Dameel Oh, sir. catch that man. He wanted to kiss me. Pasolve Pedestrian That'a all right. There'll 'be another along In a mln ute.--,Wllllama, Purple Crow. Client What! You expect me' to py you 253 francs for taking posses sion of such a small inheritance? You should have warned me It would cost so much. Lawyer My motto, air, is "Deeds, not words." Pele Mele. . Mtriral Interpretation. A Aealer In horee flesh received word one day that hla favorite Black Beauty had been accidentally killed In an automobile accident. There upon he ordered his servant to go and akin the animal. "What! la. Black Beauty dead?" asked Tim, In genuine amazement. "What's that to you? Do aa I bid you and aak no questions," Tim went about his bualnena and In about three hours returned. "Well, Tim. where have you fceen eU thl time?" sternly fmanded his employer, 'flklnntn' the horse, sir," answered Tim. "Does ' i take nearly three hours K perform such an operation?" "Ho, sir; but then, you tse. it tuck 'oiut half aq hour to catch her," replied Tim. National Monthly. In tbc Rural Jungle. flhe waa even more afraid of cows than most girls, so whan she spied a placid animal recumbent under a tree, peacefully chewing Ita cud, aha at first refused to go through the paature at all. Her husband calmed her fears so some extent, and they started by, when the cow slowly commenced to get up, hind legs first, as they always do. At this the little lady shrieked with terror and eald: "Oh, Bob, hurry, hurry! He Is getting ready to spring at us!" Chi cago New Another Kind of a Dot. John Bhorer, tha great Dane breeder, walked along with one of the best dogs of his kennels the other cy. TWo ladies fell upon him with glsd oriee. ' "Magnificent,", said the first lady. "A wonderful Great Danel" Then aha became arch. "I suppose," said aha, rolling her eyee on Mr. Bohrer, "that you call your Great Dane Hamlet?" "No," said iMr. Bhorer, "Ophelia," If ouston Chronicle. ' : A Proaalo Opinion. "What little word of four letters meana more than anything else In the wide world ?' asked, the sentimental- kt. ..( V-V " .no,, ;.. I 'hi;,, "W-o-r-k," answered the praotloal man ef affairs. Baltimore Sun. More or Leea. One time the ladle eported, .sleeves A yarA pr ao around, . Anon their skirt, were like balloona, Their tralna next swept the ground. l.ut, oh, 'tis different today , From what It was before; For i.ow we the dress leas We sre the ladlna more. - j,. r New York TrtbuneJ: 1. v , Tlie Sjmbol. i He hui deoWbvl a, last to make 'he great avowal convinced that a word would suffice to assure hla good for tune. He only lacked a beginning, a beautiful, poetic, Inspiring beginning. At laat he founA It. Presenting himself to the desired one and suddenly showing her a rlna. he aaid, "My lova for you la Hke this ring; it haa no end." The young lady examined the little golden circlet for a while with close attention and then returned it to htm. ,'TMy lova for you," she said, "la aiao uke thla ring: it has no begin. ning." true Youth'a Companion, ' Mean. Bnnployer Ooo morning, Robert. I hope ail your family are well thia morning. Office Boy (unsuspectingly) Vea, sir, thank you. Employer I'm glad to hear it, Rohert. There Is to be a baseball game thia afternoon, and I was afraid It might have a fatal effect on aoma of them. (Boston Tranecrtpt. OFFICIAL LOCAL WEATHER REPORT V. 8. Deparunoiit of Agriculture Weatiter Bureau. iHI Weather Data for April aa. 8late of weather at I a. m., dear. State of the weather at I . m., partly cloudy. Relative humidity at I a. nv, per cent. Relative humidity at t p. m . Jl per cent. Wind direction at t a, m., north west. . ; ,:v Wind direction at i p. m north. Time of sunrise, S:4I a. m. Time of sunset, 10 p. m. liocal Ttunpcrature Data. a.m i ,4S pm, 9 .m. .,..,.5 . 4 p.m. 10 a.m. ,,.,..71 'v S p.m. 11 a m. ......71 ' ' p.m. 13 m, . .... ,T '. -.1 p.m. 1 p.m. ... j. .70 " p-m. ..7 ..B0 frit , . 74 A 70 2 p m. 7 ' ' Highest, $0; one yea,r ago, 7,4, , . Loweat, 42; one year ago, J8. Absolute maximum, 80 In 1)14. Absolute minimum, Si, In 1)10, Average temperature today 1. : Normal 80. - I -oca I precipitation for thla Month, Normal, 4.04 inchea. o Greateat amount. 4.IT In 1I1J, " Iat amount, 1.14 In 1904. none. Ireland In 1)12 produced 139, 60!,- SI. buatirls of potatoe ; , - ';, Make Uie Purpoer Plain. , (New York- World.) Oen.; Hueria'e jfinal refuaal to ao. cede lo the demands of the Waahing ton government in the matter of a ealute to the flag for the Tamptco and other offenee leaves President Wileon no other course than to aek congress for plenary powers In dealing with the situation. The Mexican usurper has been given amiple time to meet a rea sonable exaction, and has mimised it all in quibblea and evasions and idle protestations. A decent regard for the national cMgnlty admits of no fur ther waiting upon him. Whether congress acta upon the Mexican question today or a month from today, the motives and purposes of the American people should be set forth by that body In unguage that wHladmlt of no dispute, " When war waa declared against Spain In April, 19S, congress assert ed that "the people of the Island of Cuba are and of right ought to be free and Independent," and ataed: The United Statea hereby disclaims any disposition or Intention to exe dae sovereignty, jurisdiction or oon trol over said Island, except for th pacification thereof, and asserts . Ita determination when that i complet ed to leave the government and con trol of the island to Its people. President Wllaon Is already on ree ord. At Swarrhmbre, Pa.,laat October he laid down the proposition that no where on this continent could a gov erment endure except upon the con sent of the governed. The days later, at Mobile, with the possibilities ot action In Mexico in mind, he made use of these memorable words: I went to take this occaalon to eat that the United States will never again seek one additional foot of ter. rltory by conquest, l say thla not with a single thought that any one will gatnaay It, but merely to fix In our consequence what our real re-; lattonshlp with the rest of Amerloa Is. It Is the relationship of a family of mankind devoted to the development of true constitutional liberty. We have no quarrel with the Mexi can people. Aside from a few ohronlc jingoes, there is no publlo senti ment favoring war. If force must be employed south of the Rio Grande now or later, It should be In support of a ipoltoy as generous aa that which waa proclaimed In Cubs and as noble aa that which the president hlmaelf has outlined, and for nothing else. To take measures for the deliver ance of Mexico' from tha grip of a murderous tyranny la not to make war in the usual meaning of the term. It la to police our own neighborhood. It It to restore constitutional govern ment. It la to punish a usurper who la aa hateful to hla own countrymen aa he haa become menacing to our selves. Congress) holds the eword. It should never authorise its use againat an American state except in behalf of ldeaa which may be openly published ao that all the world will understand. In the Reear of the Frooeetdon, (New Ybfir Evening Post.) It is hard fc -believe that the lurid rhetonto of a Bleaae can long prevail againat ao plain a statement ot the educational condition of South Caro lina aa the Columbia Stale ventures tu make. Pointing out that South Caro lina ia one of but six statea to he with out a compulsory education law, while all foreign nations) have such laws, The tltate aaka whether It is only coincidence that In Massachu setts, with compulsory education ex tending over period of two cen turies, two cot of three men, women and children have saving bank de posits. But state pride should : be enough to stir. South Carolina to lift herself from a position so near the foot of the ladder aa la eho-wn by the tact that In percentage of children in school she rank forty-third; In num ber of days ths schools are open, forty-aixth; In value of school prop erty and In percentage , of literacy, forty-seventh; and In yearly expendi ture for each child of school age, forty eighth, Thirty-five states have been admitted to the union since South Carolina and her 12 slater common wealths OormeA It, and almost every one of them is ahead of her in popu lar education, one of the primary ele ments of self government. Senatorial (Xnmnent (.Indianapolis Newa) It seema to be an established rule that. whenvar we get Into a little imiw with some foreign poker, cer tain senators should make exhibitions of themmcHu, It was so twenty or more years ago, when there waa a "demand" that w thror a few shells Into Constantinople.' Xgaln. during the days preceeding the outbreak of the Spanish war certain senators talk ed tn a wny that waa at least not edi fying. And now we have the remark able statements of tha Nmv Jersey senators "A few sheila." says Marl ine, "would not hurt Huerta at all In my opinion." PeThaps not, but tha real queetlon la whether "a few shells" would do the Unite Statea any good. Not to be mitdone by hla colleague. Senator Hughes thinks that "we ought to blow that old scoundrel Huerta right off the imp," ' j It mar be that these eminent statesmen nre right. But many will We are showing a beautiful new Colonial Pattern in . PLATE named appropriately for George W(ahingtQn ;4 White Canvas $4.00 Conatructed with the same scrupulous care as to quality of materials and workmanship aa our leather allppera. Has white heel and celluloid buckle. White la to be popular again thla aea son, and these new models are' extremely attractive. . Brown-Miller SHOE CO. 'headers' In' tine Foot Wear 47 Patton Ave, Phono 710 Monarch Pew coals as good, MON- none better. ARCH catches quickly, burns freely and steadi ly, leaving very little ash. In ranges 'for goodness sake" MONARCH coal. use Southern Coal Co Pbone 114. 10 N. Pack Sq. tfraafiaVCifcCIJIT MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 37 The Social Event of the Season ' Ruth St. Denis The world's greatest danee artiste and her company -of native Hindoos and Japanese presenting her Original ORIENTAL DANCE PLAYS And tha latest modern '.' dance- Heeitatlofi, Maxlxe, Tango and her own creation, "The Scherao Walts."1 ' Special Scenery, Gorgeous Costumes. aa presented for two year at the Fulton theater, N.: Y. Seats at Allison's. Pr'cesr 60c to $2. think that they have mistaken fustian for patriotism. There are perhaps some who will. feel that, as the sen ate is part of the treaty-making pow er, and; closely aaeociated ,:wlth the president m the. management or for eign relatione, senators would do bet ter not to use such Undignified lan guage. But the talk la silly aa well as undignified. , There is a childishness about It that one does not expect to see in American senators. ' But' It Is Interesting that prece&enU should have been followed. -&1 ' All that can now be said about the Mexican complication i that the ad ministration seertta . determined to have an opology even If It haa to fight for it. The country will hope that the apology will come without a fight. We do not believe that the president cares anything about aalutes in them aelvea nor can he esteem very highly an apology from .Huerta. What he undoubtedly desires la to make Mexl cans realize that this country Is pre pared and determined to enforce Its ust clalma. It Is the effect of the a lute that ia wanted. Put there is no reason . why Senators Martina and Hughes should be ao exited. To the Democratic .Voters of Bun combe County! Hon. J. M. Gudger, Jr., our Con gressman, from hla district, bad se lected, m to manage his campaign in this county and to look after his po litical Interest generally. In accept ing Congressman Gudger's manage ment I feel it my duty to let every democrat known ... where he can be served at any time In the way of In formation, etc., and especially so that each democrat r-ihe county may get as nearly as possible In personal touch with Confrressman Gudger, I, there fore, solicit the support of every dem ocrat fan, and ask each and every one to write me and let me know his sentiments, or call at my office, C12-214 Legal Building. Ashevllie, N. C. St. J. FRAZIER GLENN. Alvin Plate is the best, because the moat silver is used in ranking it See Window Display. CE Henderson 52 Patton Ave. -S ( , (S SUCCESS Is Not Luck Success la not luck but logic, the result of careful plan' ning and persistent, cumulative effort. Men who use Our B ank Account Plan for systematizing their financial affairs, be thsy large or small, ua a logical, practical method Xot increasing their chance of success. - Wachovia Bank & Trust Company Capital and Snrplas StfOO.ftCO.M ASIIEVTLLE, N. O. A TRIAL .1 ZINDEL'S Mother's Bread. The beat tha is "Bread" tn the toatb. Phone 578. LOGAN SUM to Ladles and Gentlemen ' Legal Bide Phone 717 JOSEPHINE PRICE SUITS AND GOWNS 99 Montford Are Pbone) SS0. KRUNUS & ANDERSON Custom Tailors 14 N. PACK SQUARE FORMERLY WITH LOGAN BALTIMORE DENTAL R00US Visitors Happy . Those who wear Nichols Way laundry work wear the best to be had, an are always happjf; ' . f ' Phone 2000 AshevHIe Steam J. A. NICHOLS, Manager. 95 W. College St. Phone 8000 Accessories, Oils, Greases and Repairs D. C Shaw Motor Co. Phone 2266 AUDITORIUM TONIGHT New York Caet and Production. CLARA JOEL AS MARY TURNER Price: 50c to 12. Tickets at 'Alli son's Tuesday. ' .. ' ' ' L. BERG UMtS' TillOX Formerly of Washington, D. C. Late with Logan. .10 Haywood St. Phone 2321. Altering and Remodeling also . done. " ' At a recent election In Sweden the fact was revealed that only !.(' per eent el the waman-JLOieryeredi!-. eualifleA tvi failure to pay taxes, aa compared with 14.1 per cent ot .he aitaa. . . ., . .. - - rJaUsyto Ncbota C! : Phone Ford Cars i ' 1 1 s ! -j LT1 IS ALL WE ASK. I . LAUNDRY 70-Phones:-2d9S WE TREAT YOCH LAUNDRY WHITE. U . Trunks Ban and Salt Oases. D. L1TVKELSTEIN LOAK OFFIOB. SS-2S Sooth Mala ax Phone 881. Biltmore Blacksmith Shop. BILTMORE. N. 0. Do Practical Horee Sboetng. Build Wagons to Order. Repair Furniture. Send as your work. J. M. WAGONER. PROP. FOR THE BE8V ELtCTRlCAL FIXTURES IV. A. WARD U Battery Park Plaoa. Telephone 44t. Asheville Paint & Glass Company LCOA9 PAINTS, VARNISHES. WALL PAPER. ETa ' B7 8. Main St. Phone 1779 Big Remnant and Sample Sale 6t the - 1 BALTIMORE SAMPLE STORE sa & yam ST. SAL E Now Going On At . The Racket Store 16 So. Main St. MEN'S SUITS Styles. Vvcp Gem Clothing Store 4 PATTON AVENUE. ' J.L CARPENTER ' JEWELER. Watcbee and Flna Jewelry. Watca Repairing My SpectaKy. , No. g Pack Square. 25c HAIR CUT 25c. Cblldrens Work a Specialty. Everything New and Sanitary ' , Onralde Work Done Rcason- ' ably. . CENTRAL HARDER SHOPi 68 Patton Avenue Phone 810 Opposite Postoffloe MATTRESS Do you want the beat Mattress. Then buy a Red Crosa. if '5 Sanitary. Velt Burton & Holt "On the Rouare.t . , Rooks Bought said Sold.' VeOIdBookShop 119 Patton Ave. r H

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