THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914. HERE THEY ARE YOU NEED LOOK NO FARTHER Porch Rockers $1.00 And Up ccrSr ASSORTED CARLOAD TO MAKE SELECTION FROM t'lii'V have good solid frames with rdttan seats and bapW'The best values we've ever shown. J. L SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Sum 15-17 No Mala St Contort Comfort I consldsred by the Chalmers engineers on of the most important essentials of good dalgnlug. The now Chalmers Six 1 a comfortable ear oa all kind of road. In ths first place the 1SJ inch wheel ba cradles the car easily over road inequalities. : Then comea ths large tire. The soft upholstery, tha long flexible springs and tha unforslung oonat ruction of tha rear springs. Let us ahow you tha ear. ' Asheville Automobile Co. SALESROOM 1S-20 Church St GARAGE 8. Lexington At How American Women May Keep Faces Young The' Amerinan imirt woman aa-e early, far earlier than the KrislUh wo naii,1' My fhrlntl.m Miller, V, (', I. the ffuimiw h.nirllHh ht-allh xirt. Kh add that tmr ollirta in "iwi exhilarate that you vvrr exert youmelvea and stow old be (ura ywi know It. 1'ha.i, nnm Hilarut Ing air drl th Htn. The Min Oiat l'k mottur (town pule and with ered kxiktim unit soon tnrm wrinkle. "The American complexion" 1 lMt treated by epylvliifc' pur niprcolizcd wax, Vhlnh caumai the faded, llfele eutlcil to fluke off In minute (jartlcle, a little eaoh (Lay,;-until the treat), young akin benMth 1 wholly In ertdtnoe. Every druai(lt ha thla waxj one ounce I utfluteut Mpread on at right like cold cmatp, waahlriK It off next mornlnf. Kor wrinkle, dlMolve an ounce oi pow dered aaiollte In a halt pint witch hazel: twtthe (lie furs In thU. immediately ev ery wrinkle I affected,' even the' deeper lines. Jtoth- treatment are , remarkable ftUital rejuvonaior. (Adve.) r- OF 'HIE BE OE By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Copyright, 1913, by the Bobbe-Memll Company LADIES, What Is Your Time Wcrth, In Dollars and Cents? A gas range will save you at least three hours kitchen work daily because you have no tires to build, no coal or ashes to contend with, no kindling to handle and you save all the .time usually .spent in ' waiting for the fire to catch-up and burn freely. If you do three hours less work daily for 365 days it amounts to 1093 hours in the course of a year, or on a wage scale of 25 cents per hour, a total of . . .. $273.75 WORTH OF YOUR TIME SAVED ANNUALLY. Now, a gas . range will not only lighten your culinary duties but the actual saving in fuel bills is well worth r consideration in every home where household economy is appreciated. . s '. If you cut your fuel Dill down only 50 cents per week for 52 weeks you sav in the course of a year the sum of $26.00 which is more than the actual cost of having a gas range installed in your home, Think it over then phone 69. Have our representative call. Let us explain our divided payment plan, that makes owning a gas range easy. Asheville Power and Light Co. PHONE 69 TO CONTRACTORS Bids Fop Elk's Home Wanted Sealed proposals will be received by the Elks' Home Company, Asheville, N. C, on or before noon, May 2, 1914, for an Elks' Home Building, Asheville, All bids shall be made end submitted -on spe cial proposal blanks furnished by the Architect; otherwise they will not be considered, and each bid must be accompanied bv a certified check for 5 per cent, of the lump sum bid, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into the contract accord ing to plans and specifications, said check to be made payable to the Elks Home Co. If for any reason the , .bidder fails to accept the proper -contract arid bond ;a? required within ten days after notification of the acceptance of his bid, then said certified check will become forfeited to the Elks Home Co. The Elks Home Company reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or parts of bids: the sealed bids must be addressed as follows: Bids for "The Elks' Home," Smith & Carrier, Architects, College street, Asheville, N. C. Copies of drawings and specifications mav be obtained from the Architects, upon making "a de- : posit for each set by certified check for $25.00, $20.00 of same will be returned to the maker upon receipt of the said drawings and specifications in good con dition, and accompanied by bona fide bid as above stated. ...... Additional copim of drawing and apcdOoathtiia will tw auppllrd fo imb-nntra4on upon payment of 10.00; ,.f .mount of whk.ii will be retuiWd to mib-wnitrattur ' upon' rMvipta of eald drawiiiga od eponiaoatton. la Kood condition; the 13.00 retained for plan and iperiflcarjon. to cover Uie- exjxuMe of Imik. "Don't touch anything In that room ButH I couia bnckl" hxalled to ma. and, Jerttlnjf the jwa vourou of th boya, propalled tha raft with amazing peed down the street The liver on the stove was burning. There was a amell ef scorching through tha rooms and a sort of bluish base of smoke, I hurried back and took It off. By the time I bad cleaned the pan Mr. Ilojcomb was bock again is his own boat. He bad found it at tbe end of the next street, where the flood ceased, but to sign of Ladtey anywhere. He bad not aeeu tbe police boat "Perhaps ,tbat la juat as well, he said philosophically. "We can't go to tbe police with a wet slipper and a blood stained rope and accuse a man of murder. We have to have a body." "He killed bar," I sold obatlnately. "She told me yesterday be waa a fiend, tie killed ber and threw the body In tbe water.":..:- - .- "Very likely, But be didn't throw It here." But In spite of that be went over all the lower ball with, bis boat, feeding very foot of tbe floor with an oar, and finally, at tbe back end, lie looked up at me as I atood on the stairs. "There's something here," be said. I went cold all over and had to clutch the railing. But when Terry had come and the two of them brought the thing to the surface It waa only the dining room rug, which I bad rolled up and forgotten to carry Upstairs! ' At 1:30 Mr. Holcombe wrote a note and sent It oft with Terry and, bor rowing my boots, which bad been Mr. Pitman's, investigated tbe dining room and kitchen from a floating plank; the doors were too narrow to admit the boat But he found nothing more im- LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Kluos of Salts to flush Kidneys It IllmluYr bothers you. EnUiis; meat reerularly eventually produoew kidney trouble In some form or other, eaya a well-known authority, becaime the urlo acid In meat ex cites the kidneys, they become over worked; get aluggleh; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in th. kidney rerton; rheumatio twngea sever. headaches, sold stomach, constipa tion, torpid liver, aleeplewmem, blad der and urinary irritation. Th. moment your back hurta or kidneys aren't acting right, or If blad der bother you, get about four ounces flf Jad SuJts from any sood phar macy; take a taMojpoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few daya and your kidneys will then act One. This famoua salts i. mad. from the actd of grape and lemon juice, combined with llthla. and has been ued tor, generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; aleo to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no lon ger irrltntea. thus ending bladder die orders. Jnd Fall cannot Injure anyone; makes a xlellxlHful eftYrveecent llthia- and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary orpran clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. -; 1 v portant than a rolling pin. fie was noi i at all depressed by bis failure. He came back, drenched to the skin, about S and asked permission to search the Ladleya' bedroom. "I nave a friend coming pretty soon. Mrs. FItmsn," be said, "a young news paper man named Howell He's a nice boy, and If there la anything to thla I'd like him to bare it for bis paper. lie and I bave been having some arguments about circumstantial evidence, tool and I know he'd like to work on this." I gave him a pair of Mr. Pitman's socks, for bis own were saturated nnd while he was changing them the tele phone rang. It waa the theater again, asking for Jennie Brlce. "lou are certain she is out ef tbe city?" soms one asked, tbe same voice as In the morning. ' Her husband Mya so." "Ask; bin) to come to the phone." He is net here.- "When do you expect him bark?" "I'm not sure be la coming back.' "Look here," said tbe voice angrily, can't 701 give me any satisfaction? Or don't yea care UT "I've told yott all I know." "Tfou don't know where ahe Uf "No, sir." ' "She didn't aay she was coming back to rehearse for next week's piece?" 'Her bnsband said she went away for a few days rest He went away about noon and hasn't come back. There all I know, except that tAey owe mo three weeks' rent that I'd like to get bold of Tbe owner of tbe voice hong up the receiver with a snap and left me pon dering. It seemed to me that Mr. Lad- ley bad been very reckless. Did be expect any one to believe that Jennie Brlce hnd gone for a vacation with out notifying tbe theater? Especially when ahe was to rehearse that week? I thought It curious, to say tbe least I went back and told Mr. Holcombe, who pot It down in bis notebook, and together we went to the Ladleya' room. The room waa in better order than usual, a I have saM. The bed was made which waa out of the ordinary, for Jennie Brlce never made a bed but made the way a man makes one, with the blankets wrinkled and crooked be neath and tbe white counterpane pulled smoothly over the top, showing every bump beneath. I showed Mr. Hol combe tn aplaaber dotted witb Ink as urual. k - Preeeribedby ) ' t": doctor for the Ir"! . put 19 year. I j tew "Don't touch snythlng In thst roam Tt? take it off and aoek, tt fca mile." t said. "It's his fountain pen. Wnea the Ink doesn't run be shakes It, and" "Where's the clock V said Mr. Hol combe. stopping In front of the mantel, with bis notebook In bis band. The clock?" I turned and' looked. My onyx clock was gone from tbe mantel shelt Perhaps it seems strange, but from the moment I. missed that clock my rage at Mr. Ladley Increased to a fury. It was all I bad left of my former gentility. When times were hard and I got behind with the rent as happen ed now and then, more than once I'd been tempted te sell the clock or pawn It But I had never done it Its tick ing had kept mo company on many a lonely night, and Its elegance had help ed me to kecn my pnde add to retain the respect of my neighbors. For In the flood district onyx clocks sre not plentiful Mrs. Brian, the saloon keeper's wife, had oneTand I had an otherthat Is, I bad had. I stood staring at the mark In the dust of tbe mantel shelf, which Mr. Holcombe was measuring with a pock et tape measure. "You are sure yon dtdnttakeitaway yourself, Mrs. Pitman?" be asked. "Sure? Why, I could hardly lift it," I said. Ho was looking carefully at the ob long of dust where the clock had atood. "The key is gone, too," be said, busily making entries In bis notebook. "What was tbe maker's name?" "Why, I don't think I ever noticed!" He turned to me angrily. "Why didn't you notice?" he anapped. "Good God, woman, do yon only use your eyes to cry with? How can you wind a clock time after time and not know the maker's name? it proves my con tention the average witness Is totally unreliable." "Not at all," I snapped. "I am ordi narily both accurate and observing." "indeed r he said, putting his bands behind him. "Then perhaps yon can tell me the color of the pencil I hare been writing with." Certainly. Red." Most peocHs are red, and 1 thought this waa safe. But he fivM bis right fannd out with a flourish. "I've been writing with a fountain ifii, he said in. decp dlgust and turned hi. back on me. But th. nest moment he had run to : aahtAiul tad soiled It ou from Resinol will stop that itch THE moment that Retlnol Ointment touches itchinc skin, tbe Itchinc stops sad healing begini. That is why doc tors have prescribed it succeiifully lot nineteen years in even the severeit caw of eczema, tetter, ringworm, rsihei sad ether tor menting, nttgh'tly skin eruption. Aided by warm baths witb Reiinol Soap. Ketiaol Ointment nitores the kia or scalp to perfect health and co mfort, quickly, easily and at ' little coet . lUetaotl alas a. eireRtat heoliell iwMdjr wberaver Motbiaa,aatliisHpU cation I awdd. Iteaalataaatusl a harah or ialurleo Baton and eaa be Mod en th ladmN o moat irritated urfae. Praatteafterery droctiitailla IUu Ointmnrt (AO and 11), aad RMtoolSop(3fr). Far trial fM, write to Dpt S4. RmbmI, Baltinora. M& Arvii "KbitltuW.' tor (raua Ecalaok Warlowe Natural Mineral Water ; NAturVf Rn4r for ! ' -a ; Kldsey,tl2djer, Bowel tal Stoasdi Trcst!?v ' If you suffer from any of the above troubles try as muolf eevit ions of Warlowe, anA if, after using according te instructions, eit sr. not cured or benefited we will refund your money, Wm fxm confident WARLOWE will benefit er cure you. , ( , : 32 Warlowe Water Co. the walL Behind it where tt nao fallen, lay a towel covered with stains as if some one bad wiped bloody bands on It He held it up, bis face working with excitement ' I could only cover my eyes. - "This looks better," bo said, and be gan making a quick search of the room, running from one piece of furni ture to another, pulling oat bureau drawers, drswing tbe bed oqt from tbe wall and crawling along the baseboard with a lighted match In bis band. He gave a shout of triumph finally and re appeared from behind the bed with the broken end of my knife In bis band. "Very clumsy," he said; "very clum sy. Peter, the dog, could have dona better." V , I had been examining the wall papei about the wasbstamt Among tbe Ink spots were one or two reddish ones that made me shiver. And seeing a scrap of note paper stuck between tbe base board and the wall I dug it out with a hairpin and threw It Into the grate, to be burned later. It was by the merest chance there was no fire there. The next moment Mr. Hol combe was on bis knees by the fire place reaching for the scrap. V "Never do that under such clrcum stances," he snapped, fishing among tbe ashes. "Ton might throw away valuable Hello, Howell!" I turned and saw a young man la the doorway, smiling, his bat In his hand. Even at that first glance I liked Mr. Howell, and later, when ev ery one was against him and many curious things were developing, I stood by him through everything and. .even helped him to the thing he wanted more than anything else in tha world. But that, of course, was later. , "What's tbe trouble, Holcombe f be ssked. "Hitting the trail again?" "A very curious thing that I Just happened on," said Mr. Holcombe. "Mrs. Pitman, this Is Mr. Howell, of whom I spoke. Sit down, Howell, and let me read you something." With tbe crumpled paper still on opened in his band, Mr. Holcombe took bis notebook and read aloud what be had written. I bave It before me now: 'Dog meat, 12, boat hlre'-that's not It Here. 'Yesterday, Sunday, March 4, Mrs. Pitman, landlady at 42 Union street, heard two of her boarders quar reling, a man and his wife. Man's name, Philip Ladley. Wife's name, Jennie Ladley, known as Jennie Brlce at the Liberty Stock company, where she has been playing small Darts.' " (Continued Tomorrow.) Get Our Prices IT PAYS BILTUORE PLimClNG & BEATING COMPANY PLUMBING. HEATING. GAS FxTTDTOk . V. CREA8MAN. PrcsX la A. CBF.ASMATf. Mgr. , i And Maxwell Automobiles ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS HOLLAR MOTOR COMPANY Overlands Lead Watch Others Follow. 5t 8, MAIN ST. phone :a Porch Goods AT PRIORS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU PORCHROCKERS JU57T RECEIVED SOLID OAR OF AND SETTEES THAT WE ARE SELLING AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES, v. PORCH SWINGS " ' ' ' ' Bent slat wood seats and backs, oomfortahle and sarong-, good values ................. to fl 6 WINGING COUCHES , " Both wood and metal frames, some with extra . good wire) , - springs and aoft ' pad mattress, complete ready for hanging. " $.00 to $16.00 , ! ' MATTING RUGS - 1x12 Jap and Chinese Matting Art Squares In large variety ' of patterna , .- ., ... $3.25 to IS.SO Best Slatting 20c to 40c per yard. ' 1 PORCH SHADES 1 ' A Urge stock of different kinds and slsea Including Waldq Wood Webb and Bamboo shadeu. . . $1.00 to $8.00 , '" . .... i''i:y -ij: 'i.-''f'' Beaumont Furniture TCo7 "The Home of Furniture Values." . 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. EVERY DEMOCRATIC VOTER MUST PAY HIS POLL TAX OF TWO DOLLARS BEFORE MAY FIRST, IF HE WANTS TO VOTE IN THE PRI MARY. REMEMBER THE DATE, MAY FIRST, liOUIS M. BOURNE, eod to May 1. . CHAIRMAN. MILL BURNS. SALISBURY, N. C, April 2. At Gold Hill. 'Rowan county today, th. roller mill st J, C. Propher waa de stroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $6,500. The origin of in (Ire Is un known. K large amount, of machin ery, grain, and flour wens also de stroyed. , , . , . FIGHTS TONIGHT. Ad Wolgaat on.. Johnny Tillman, .10 rounds at Hudson, Wis. Hlarrlr Trendall vs. Leo Kelly. I rounds at St Louhi '' FOR fflllG, SORE. TIRED FEET Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet Good bye corns, callouses, bunlous and raw spots. No more, shoe tight ness, no more limp ing with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ" la magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out jail the poisonous exudations which ruff up the feet. Use TIZ" and for- get your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable vonr feet feel. Get a 23 cent box of "TIZ" now at any dnifrpist or department store. Don't -TTuffeTr-Hav prvxl feft,cftr feet, "feet that never swell, sever hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. TODAY ONLY "THE SWISS BELL RINGERS". PLAYERS OF MUSICAL NOVELTTESl F. L GEORGETTE JOSEPHINE A. GEORGETTE ELEANOR N. GEORGETTE Violin, Cello, Harp, Saxophone, Mandolin, Oooartao, Xylophone, Banjo, Aluminum Tubes, Hand Bells, Hungarian -Dulcimer and Organ Chixnes. GALAX THEATRE ADMISSION y v- Matlnoes :S0 and 5:00 II Night 7:80 to 10:00 ' Adnlts .100 I I Adults ...-.-. . UOc Children .............. 5o I I Children nMtaiMi.M.,lte mm ft if :t ' .nil., mmm.m " FIREPROOF Cannot burn never leak look well end are inexpensive. They cover the best homes, churches, schools and public buildings all over the country. .-..-.. t For Sale by . W, H. WE STALL & CO. ASHEVILLE, N, C. GROVE PARK INN Grove Park Inn serves luncheon 1:00 to 2:S0 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Ashe ville, although not guests of Grove Park Inn, are in vit:d to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 8:00 to 10:00 p. m. Bates $5.00 per day and up Phone. 3000 ; Southern State Bank Glen Rock Station AahevlUe. N. C. We Want-YourBanking-Busines$- L. B. ROGERS, Pret. R, L. FRANCIS, Vlce-PresX ' S. STERNBERG, VCe-Pres- R. E Ct RRENCE, OaalUer. , ' t. ''