THE ASIiETTT.TiF, CITIZEN, FEIDAT, APRIL 24, 191t Good Bowels Are ' An Aid to Growth Growing Children Need a Mild 'Laxative to Foster Regular '. ,. Bowel Movement. Aa a child grow older it requires more and mora personal attention from the mother, and a the function of the bowela are of the most Import ance to health, great attention should be paid to them. ' ' Diet 1 great' importance, and the mother thould watch the effect of cer tain fox?. A food will constipate one and sot another, and ao we have a healthy food like ens causing bilious case te thousand, and a wholesome fruit lake banana constipating 'many. It i elo to he considered' that the child Is growing,; apd great change retaking place in the young man' or young- womn." Th 'system na'Tnot settled Itselfc. ta Its later routine,,.' , ! ,sFT. i?tof9b LFmftaj&i Jthls ptage, and one wMoh erery growing boy and girl should be given often or opcwurlonally. aottirdtDg -- w the -Individual clrourn'tftnce it DrCalflwell's Syrup Pepaln. thls id a laxative and Mnlo ewrtblnedr d wild' that1 it I rjven to., little jbable, and yet Equally effeoOve'ln thiei moat-robust constitu tion. at the.tflhst lgn of a tendency te .eoaatlpaUen tve. a small dps-; of Syrup Pepeln at wight oa- retiring, and prompt-"etton wtH' follow tn the rnwm,ttzwicM:.amz ftscaiw stomach and. bowehkbut It fconlo prop erties build up. and c strengthen the system generally, which is an opinion shared by Mr. John Dey, of Bloom fleld, N. J. He has a large family JEW OF mm BE OE 'liy MARY ROSERTS RMART - - Cepvtick 1913, by the BobU-MewUI Cswpeny MARIE DAY. anfi at ages where the growth and de velopment' must be watched, tittle Marl has' thrived, especially well- on Dr.. Caldwell's Syrup1 Pepsin. Mr. Dey considers It the right laxative for young and old and haa found nonet better for young children. r The use 6f Dr".' Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will teach you to. avoid cathar tics, salts and, pill as they are too . harsh for the majority and. their ef . feet is only temporary.. Syrup Pepaln onng permanent results, ana u can be conveniently obtained of any near by Arugglst at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. - Result are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try tree sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 41 Washington 8t.,: Montieeilo. 111. A poat card with your nam and address on it win do. ': -. u OUTFIELDER IIOOJIII .WILL NOT GOME HERE Write letter . to Secretary - T. M. ; Duckett, , That Bto , Baa . nattering bffer at Blrinii.f?Mra. A letter received" yesterday morn ing . byv Secretary .Thomas M. Dupket of the-. Aahevtlle baseball club made the announcement that. Noojin, ceo terflelder of th team last year and captain of the squad, will not be able to report this season. .Noojin Biaiea mat since ne. nas received a very flattering onr from Howard col. leg at Birmingham, where he has heen coaching during the past season tin think ft i f Jr his best Intercuts . that he aooept ite.nd remain out of the professional baseball gam; In hi letter the player stated that while he . Would take great pleasure in coming ; to Ashevuie, his pros pects at the college are too bright! . t forsake merely for .the, pleasure be , jsroold derive, ut 'axon-irt the lLand wfthe Sky." . Although Noojin would be a val uable, aoqasition in any club in the league the management of tha Moi talneer has expressed itself as being woll pleased with its present equip ment of outer gardener. FRECKLES Now I the Time to Gt Kid of Tbeae Cgly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as tha - prescription othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these homely spot. 'Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from any druggist anA apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter, ' ones have vanished entirely. : It Is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and fain ft beautlful complexion.,. , ., .'. ,,, ,. ! " Be ; sure to ask for the double strength othlne as this 1 sold under guarantee of" .mameyback J4 lt fa,il $0 remove frecKlear '"' . HERE THEY ARE YOU NEED LOOK NO FARTHER Porch Rockers $1.00 And Up ccr ASSORTED CARLOAD TO ' MAKE SELECTION FROM . They have good solid frames with rattan seats and backs. The best values we've ever shown. " J. L SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 46-17 No Main St. JV 'iK y r" MT. BOWeU nousssa. v-sm nm her." ha said. "Not much of an ac tress, I beUevt." "The bosband wa also an actor, out of work and employing; bt leumra time U wTtttot a play-V -; . . , ' "BTerybourg ; doing , ," said Mr. Howell Wly. , ' ' "The Shnberts were to star him la tUs." I put la. "He (aid that ths climax at tht end of to second act" Mr. Holcombt shut his notebook With a snap. "After we bar finished (osslplng," be said. I'll go on" , , 'Employing - bis leisuro tlm In wrttlug a plar,' auoted.Mr. Howell. ; "Exactly. Tbe husband and wife were not en good tarms. They quar reled freqtiepUjv Ob Sunday they fought all day, and Mrs. Ladley told Mr. Pitman she was married to a fiend.' At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon Philip Ladley went oat. returning about 6. Mrs. Pitman .carried their supper to them at 6, and, both ate heartily. She did not see Mr. Ladley at tha Urn, hut baard her In tha neat room. They wer apparently reconcJJ d, Mr. Pitman report Mr, Ladley. la high good hamor. : If the quarrel recommenced daring the night the oth er boarder, named Reynolds, In tha next room beard nothing. Mr. Pit man waa np and down until 1 o'clock, when aba doed off. She beard no un usual sound. , " 'At approximately 2 o'clock In the morning, bowerer. this Reynold cam to the room and said he bad beard some one in a boat in the lower hall. He and Mrs. Pitman inresti gated. The boat which Mrs, Pitman use during a flood and which the bad tied to the stab rail waa gone, hating been cut loos, not untied. Erery thing else was quiet, except that Mrs. Ladley's dog had been abut In a third story room. ' "'At a quarter after 4 that morning Mrs. Pitman, thoroughly awake, beard the boat returning and. gtlng to the stain, met Ladley coming In. He muttered something about baring gone for medicine for hi wife and went to hi room, shutting the dog out. This la worth attention, for the doc ordlna- ABIES, What Is Your Time Worth, In Dollars and Cents? ;A gas range will save you at least three hours kitchen, work daily because you have no fires - to -build, no coal or ashes to contend with, no kindling to handle and you save all the time usually spent in waiting for the fire to catch-up and burn freely. If you do three hours less work daily for 365 days it amounts to 1095 hours in the course of a year, or on a wage scale of 25 cents per hour, a total of-:" r:v-'.:' :- ' v'.;":- $273.75 WORTH' OF YOUR TIME SAVED ANNUALLY. Now, a gas range will not only lighten your culinary duties but the actual saving in fuel bills is well worth consideration in every home where household economy is appreciated. f - If you cut your fuel bill down only 50 cents per week for 52 weeks you save in the course of a year the sum of $26.00 which is more than the actual cost ' 6? having a gas range installed in your home. , Think it over then phone 69. Have our representative call Let us explain our divided payment plan, that makes owning a gas range easy. . ' Asheville Power and Light Co. 0 Corn-less Joy! . "GETS-IF for Corns Nothing in the World Csua Beat t . for Corns and Call use. , , Now try the different way, the new way, the . absolutely sure way. the painless way. of getting rid of those corns that have pestered the life and soul out of you for such a long time OH "l Feel Lira HasaW S- M Wdr. MtCmmAmCm . S, At Last CETVrTDia It- rlly ipt in "their rsom.- - ' What sort of a dogr asked Mr. Howell.' E bad been listening attea tlrely. ' . 1 I A water spaniel. The rest of the eight or early nxarning waa quiet At a quarter after t Ladley asked for cof fee and toast for one, and on Mr. Pit man remarking this said that his wife was not playing this week and bad gone for a few days' vacation, baring left early tn the morning.' Remember, during the night be had been out for medicine for bet . Mow she waa able to travel and, tn fact, hid started." Mr, Howell was fru2.ig at the Boor. "U he was doTUg anything wrong, be waa doing it very badly," be said. ;" Thla la where I entered the case," said Mr. Holcombe. "1 rowed Into the lower ball thla morning to feed the dog Peter, who was whining on the staircase. ; Mrs. Pitman waa coming down, pale and agitated orer the fact that the dog shortly before had found floating In the parlor downstairs a slip per belonging to Mrs. Ladley and later a knife with a broken blade. She main- tains that aha bad the knife last night apstalre. that It was not broken and that It wa taken from a abelf la her room while aha dosed. The question Is, then, Why .waa the knife taken Who took it and why I Haa thla man made away with bis wife or has he notr Mr. Howell looked at me and smiled. "Mr. Holcombe and I are old enemies," he said., ."Mr. Holcombe belter that circumstantial evidence may probably bang a man; l do not" And to Mr. Holcombe, "So, bar Jog found a wet Upper and a broken knife, yon are pre pared for murder and sudden death!" "I hare' more evidence," Mr. Hot. combe said eagerly, and proceeded te tell what we bad found In the room. Mr. Howell listened, smiling to him self, but af the mention of the onya clock be got np and went to the man- "By Jever he said and stood looking at the mark In the dust "Ax you stir the clock waa here yesterday?". "I wound It night before last and pat the key underneath. Yesterday, before they moved up, I wound It again." "The key la cone also.' WelL what of it, Holcembef Did he braid her with the clock or choke her with the keyr .'... -.".' Mr. Holcombe wa looking at bla notebook.' To summarUe," be laid, "we bave here as clews Indicating a crime, the rope, the broken knife, the aupper, the towel and the clock. Be tides, thla scrap of paper may contain erne Information." He opened It and at gazing at It In his palm.1 Then, Is this Ladley'e writing r be asked me in a curloua voice, "I es." if"4 ", k ' v rr''?' t glanced at the allp. Mr. Holcombe bad Just ' read from fall notebook; "Hope, knife, lllppen towel, clock.". The lip I bad found behind the waibttand laid "Rope, knife, shoe, towet Horn" The rest of the last word was torn off. ; Mr. Howell was staring at the man' tel. "Clockr be repeated. ; ,J Tm van t JlADALUriYCJ S!KH Here's a Guaranteed Way c! GetlbiVelL Ma a fine look trig womjLn airvaxf shadow because abe I ick and neg leeta herself. Women are learning. Already thousands ana thousands have found the way to rajief and restored rood looks and healthful condition. For two reneradona Dr. Tharherhaa been helping the women of the South t their heritage of health and beauty.- ilia remarkable remedy. StOm- VIIl a purely vegetable and perfectly harm less compound, is the perfected work of a Ufa time and ta the gift of a great physician to hie people. ...... & Vkw la a woman's tonic, It correct irregularities and relieve eon dittona peculiar to women, it builda them up. It Improve appetite, aid digestion, creates rich, red tkwd, quieta nerves and clear up the com plexion. . . , Don't be blue, nervous, lick or run down dont get ugly. Get a bottle of Aetfe-VstM from your dealer. Be knowa about It and he win give your money back if you'll try a bottle and find it doesn't benefit you. . Do you want to get well and stay veil, to eat well aleen aoundly, to have w good appetite, clear akin and itrong body? Then begin today with a bottle of 5tff Vftee, In tarmntwi tm eeiie fit remedy. You'll be amaied at the Im provement you will feel. Your dealer sella it In $1 bottles. Thacher Medicine Co.! at Chattanooga, Tenn. - ' .. m Drop everything else and use "GETS IT." A fw drops anrfied In a few second , doe the work. Useless Junk, like flesh-eating salves that make cirn swell, cotton ring that make toms stand up like pop-eyes, razors. corn diggers, scissor and flies that make corns grow faster, n all donej for. "OETO-IT" Is on a new princi ple, makea corns shrivel, vanish! It can't stick to the stocking, or hurt j the flesh.' ; ! "OETS-rr Is sold by all druggist,1 ISO a bottle, or sent direct br K. Lawrenre tk Co., Chicago, f Smith's Drug Store and C. A. Ray-so-" -J ' - -. t T" wak after four J when Mr. Holcombe had finished going over; the room. I offered to make both the gentlemen some tea, for Mr. Pitman bad been an Englishman, and I Juid got into the baoit of Daring a cupful In the after noon, with a cracker or a bit of bread. But they refused, Mr. Howell said be had promised to meet a lady, and te bring ber through the flooded district In a boat He ahook bands with me and smiled at Mr. Holcombe. . "You will bave to restrain nil thuslasm, Mr. Pitman." be said. . "He la a bloodhound on th scant If his baying gets on yonr nerves Just aend for me." He went down the stairs and stepped into the boat "Remem ber, Holcombe," he called, "every well constituted murder has two things a motive and a corpse.1 ' Ton haven't either, only a niaas of piffling details." "If everybody waited until he saw flames Instead of relying oh the testi mony of the smoke," Mr. Holcombe napped, "what would th fit; loss be?" Mr. Howell poled his boat to the front door and. sitting down, prepared to row out " ."Ton are warned, Mrs. Pitman," be called te me. "If he doesn't find a body to fit the clews he's quite capable of making one to Oil the demand" "Horn"- said Mr. Holcombe, look ing at the slip again. . "The tall of the 'a' Is torn off-evldently only part of a word. Hornet Horning, Horner Mr. Pitman, will you go with me to the police station?" I was more than anxious to go. In fact I could not bear the Idea of stay ing alone In the house, with heaven only know what concealed In the depths of that muddy flood. I got on my wraps again, and Mr. Holcombe rowed me out . Teter plunged into the ; water to follow end had to be sent back. He sat on the lower step and whined. Mr. Holromb threw blm an other piece of liver, bat be did not touch it -;.rr" ; We rowed to the corner of Robinson street and Federal It waa before Fed era) street wa rained above the flood level-end left the boat In charge of o boy there. And we walked to the po lice station. Oo the way Mr. Holcombe questioned me closely about the evenU of the morning, and 1 recalled the In cident of the burned pillow allp. He made a note of it at once and grew very thoughtful. He left me, however, at the police station. "I'd rather not appear la this, Mrs. Pitman," be said apologetically, "and I think better along my own lines not that I bave anything against the police; they've done some splendid work. Bnt this case takes Imagina tion, and the police department deal with facts. We bave no facta yet What we need, of course, la to bave the man detained until we are sure of our case.";. V ' ; ,: He lifted his bat and turned away and I went slowly up tte steps to tha police station. Living, aa I had, In a neighborhood where the police, like the poor, are always-with us, and where the visits of the patrol wagon are eae of those familiar sight that no amount of repetition enabled any of n to treat with contempt, I waa uncomfortable until 1 remembered that my grandfa ther bad been one of the first mayor of the city and that, if the patrol had been at my bouse more than once, the entire neighborhood would testify that my boarder were anially orderly. : At the door aoae one touched Kt ea the arm. It waa Mr. Holcombe again. "I have been thinking It over," be aid, "and I believe you'd better not mention the piece of paper that you fouad behind the waahstand, They might say the whole thing la a boas." ' "Very well," I agreed, and went in. .' The police aergeant in charge knew me at once, having atopped at my house more than once la flood time for a cup ef hot coffee. 'Sit down, Mrs. Pitman," be Mid, "1 oppose you are atill making the beat coffee and doughnut In the city of Al legheny? Well, whafs the trouble tn your district? ) Want an injunction against the river for treapaear " "The river bai brought mn a good bit of trouble," I said. "I'm-l'Bi wor ried, Mr. Sergeant I think a woman from my house haa been murdered, but I don't know." . "Murdered t" be said, and. drew up bla chair. "Tstl me about it" I told bint everything, while he aat back with his eyes half dosed and bla Angers beating a tattoo on the arm ef . , ; '"' (Continued Tomorrow.)' MANY DELEGATES TO ATTEIIDJOIIVEIITIOII SUCCESSFUL MEETING OF COM. M188IOSTEK3 AB8URED. Commissioner James ft. Young, of Raleigh, WO! Visit This City Within Nest Few Daya. WerloweiNdturd Mineral Water l);m Nature's Remedy for., ... . ..,' v' Histyi rs2Jtr, Cwel tsd Sisaach Trestles n . .. . . . i If yen suffer from any ef the above troubles try as much as II gal lone ef Warlowa, an?.lf. after using according tn instruotlona, yea are not eured or benefited we wilt refund your mousy. We ure confident WARLQWJD will bene fit or aure you.' ' -' " ffi Wariowe Water Co; Get Our Prices IT PAYS ciltuose rmraiG & EEATIXS CCIiriHT, . PLVMRtNO. BKATlKa GAS FTTflSa " X CREASMAJf, rvesX. ' , , ) L. A. CKGASMAlt. Jtg,x " Ana Maavcii Automouii23 ACCESSORIES BUPPLTE3 AND BEPA1T.3 HOLLAR MOTOR COMPANY Overlands LeexlWaUh DUxva Follow. " g. MAIN ST. rnova its Porch Goods AT PRiCEfll THAT WILL INTEREST VOU PORCH ROCKERS ; . -iv! - r .iff,.t ' .t, , ,. :i-r-WH--Ml .''..'-AJC RBTTEEt . ' ,'' "1 . THAT WE ARB KBLUNU AT EXOEITIONAIXV LOW mi CM. ' poncn awiNttg . , (S , , Bent slat wood seau and backs, oomf ortalile and strong-, good value.. f f ,.W,f ,..V,.,,...,.....IS to lis gWINGISa COUCHES Both wood and metal frames, some with wtra good wlri' springs and soft pad mattress, oomplet ready foe hanging. ;:v-.';..-';i-.o se .0 sfl . - . MATTINQ BTJOS ' ! tail Jap and Chin Matting Art 6quam In la fa variety Of pattern r.......3.a u 8.Su Dest Matting SOo to 40o per yard. - - - roncn UIADES v A large slock of different kind and at sea Including Waldo Wood Webb and Bamboo shade,). guatogM ' ' ,'is Beaumont ;Furniture Co. The Home o f Furniture Values." 27 COUTH I IAIN CT. It.f r ,'Jt.if ih That the annual convention of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners which Is to be held here September 11-11 will be on or the most suoeesnful gatherings of the organization ever held la Indicated In a letter, which has just been received at the office of the local board of trad from Insurance Commissioner Jsrne R. Toung, of Raleigh, who ex tended the invitation In behalf of this city. Writing to Secretary N, Buckner Commissioner Toung says: "Have juat returned from on of th special meetings of th National Convention of Insurance Commission ers at Chicago, and while there It was definitely settled that the meet ing should be held In Ashevlll 1 on September IS to II, Inclusive, it now locks aa If there will be an unusually large attendance at the Asheville con vention. I take It there will be rep resentatives from every state In the union, aa well aa th District of Col umbia. In addition to the members of the convention there will probably be 110 who win be la attendance from the inaurance companies. "I also succeeded in getting the executive committee of the Association of Fir Marshals of North America to designate Aahevtlle and (September 11 and 11 for their annual meeting. Like some of the other state Insurance commissioner, -1 avm es-offlolo fire marshal for thla state." Commissioner Xoung Is sxpscted to riett Aahevtll within the very near future tor tn purpose f arranging lor the annual meetings with the of ficers of the local, board of tfed and the Ahevlll Insurance men.. A hotel will be designated aa the headquarter for the meeting and the tentative programme will - be arranged. That Governor Locke Craig will deliver the address of ire loom at each of the gathering la assured, th chief eseou. tlve having consented to, welcome th insurance men and Are marshals to the tat of North Carolina. Other peakeri who will be on the program will be announced following th visit Of Commissioner Toung to this city. It was not generally known "bar 'that Aahevtll wa working for the conventions, the board of trade nav ing conducted the campaign quietly In order that no other cities might put n a bid for the meetings. The work. however, bag been stringent Ashe- vlllelan who are Interested In secur ing -the meeting putting forth their best efforts to con vine me aaiegaiea that Asheville Is the logical place for the lilt meeting. Alderman W. R. Patterson, several months ago, took up the matter with the board of trade and within a very short lime uornmia. sloner ..Tounge ... co-operauon pledged. Because It and has been Advi:3r.:aLl::rrsFri:r.d Is so perfectly safe to us Of such great help to a host of spectsua mother, those wo men, experlenosd In this - most happy period, advise . ha us of '"Mother's Friend." Applied externally to- the abdominal muscles It purpose la to relieve th undue! tension upon .the cords and ligament rultuig from muscular expansion. 4 Beneath the sur face is a network of fine nerve threads and tha gentle, soothing embrocation. "Mnther'a Friend." la designed to SO lubricate th muscular fibres aa to avoid the unnecessary and continuous nagging npoa this mjrttH of serve " Applied to Us Breasts it snoros ioe pruptr wswsgsi totrrrent caking. ' There is scarcely a well-stocked drug store anywhere but what you can easily obtain a bottle ef "Mother's Friend" and in nearly every town and vtiiaga a grandma wh herself used It In earlier year. Expectant mothers are urged te trv this snlennia ssrtstast. Mother Friend haa been prepared tr dad field - Segulator Co,. lit , lamar I.Iiidg., Atlanta, Oa.. for Utttfir half a mtury. sa4 for raluaW CTue euefc te expectant metasre .. . pllna Baraca association and a promi nent traveling man la tn a precariou condition at hi bom In tiiWltfbury . i result ef a etrok of paraljsle. lice fell on th street . and . wa taken to bis home where h rallUd six houn later.: v He will b kept from the im Haraea convention in Durham. i tliih Week, - ' '"- - .. , - - comb Sage tea ni ; :HAIi?.TODARKEn li It's Grandmother Recipe lu be i ,' Iter Locaa Daik, Olowy, Thick, SUFFERS STROKE. AiUKIBURY, N. C, April Sa-H, W. Tatum, president of th North Car- Th eld-tlme mixture "of Bag Tea and Sulphur - for darkening ' grsv, Streaked and faded hair is grauj mother'a treatment, and folke are again using it to kp Heir hair a good, even 'color, which Is-quite (en lib), aa w are living In an ace when a youthful sppearance is of the great est advantage. Nowadaya, though, we don't bave the troublesome task ef gathering the sag and th muasy mixing at horn. All drug tore sell the ready-to-us product called "Wyeth'a . Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" for about it cent a bottle. It la very popular be cause nobody can dlseove it has been applied. Simply moteton your eomb or a oft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking on small strand at a time; by morning th gray hair disappears, but what delight th ladle with Wyeth'a Sage and WM j gujphur la that, beside., beautifully darkening the hair after a few appli cation. It also produces that soft lus tre and appearano of abundance which Is so attractive; besides, pre vents dandruff, itching scalp and tall' ing hair. .... grove: park inn Grove , Park Inn serves luncheon 1:00 to 2:CD p. m. Dinner. 6:30 to 8:30 p. in. Visiters to AibV ville, although not guests of Grove Park Km, are in vltsd to dine and inspect tha , building: .4-TsedaV attention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:CD to 43 p. m., 8:00 to 10:00 p. n. Eates $5.00 per day ari up Phone. 8000 Southern State Danh Glen Rock Sutton .' Aabevi:: X C. We Want Your Bankhi t,' bjRocktis, Pre'. '.. '..,,' - ,..' ,..::;;'.'- f' " a 1 B. L. FKAAC1S, Vloe-lWU , X:. i . t - - ' 1 -

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