THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN,- FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1911. V ASIwrtWlule more to take advantage of the very hw prices in our Ladies 'Apparel ' Section . ' Remodeling Sale : Raincoats at $2.85 tnstead of S5 Coat Suits at Instead of $25"' w. Zfosf Values Since 1887 ijni STORE THAT SAVES YOU HONEY I lHtVILH,N,C,f nEGISTRATIOII EGOXS ' OFENED YESTERDAY The Present Democratic Registration Promises to 1m CompersttYely light One. BEAVERS TO MEET 4 ATLANTA, ' O., -May TManj visitors are arriving In Altant for the annual national convention of the' Independent Order of Beaver The convention will - open tomorrow and continue In session ' over Sunday. Though one of the youngest of the fraternal organiaatluns the Beavers have tiad a rapid growth In mem bership and the convention of the supreme body will he attended toy delegates from many states. Albert W. Noone, of Peterborough, N. H., haa announced himself as "the Plain people's progressive candidate" for the democratic nomination for governor of New Hampshire. Sa order that the members of the democratM party- whoa Barnes nave not been "placed on the registration books may qukUfy to participate ' in the approaching primary for the nam ing o( a county ticket, the books were opened at the various city precincts yesterday morning. Many members of the party who have become of age since he last registration and who have changed their places of residence necessitatlntr 1 another registration called at the polling places during the My mad" registered. The books op ened yesterdaV morning at t o'clock and remained open until ( o'clock yes te'rday afternoon, . T'f " In accordance with the rules of the democratic primary the books will be kept open until May It. In view of the faijt that the majority of the dem ocrats of the city hive had their same placed on the registration Hats already, the present registration 'promises to be a comparatively light one. As was announced sometime ago, no registration is required among the voters of the county ' precincts. Only the residents of the city of Asheville must qualify by registering. , v Neuralgia Surrenders . To A-K Tablets. . District Attorney Charles 8. "Whit man is now formally in the field for the republican nomination for govern or of New Tot. HAY DHLS WILL EE G0::J3TEO TODAY Students of Normal and Collegiate , institute will Participate Invite. ' tkms Issnkt, . All preparations for the May drill of the students of (he Normal an Collegiate institute have been com pleted and the friends of the school are looking forward to the event with a great deal of Interest The drills will be carried out this afternoon at 4:45 o'clock on the beautiful campus of the institution whlen has never presented a mora1 attractive appear ance than at the preeenV time. Bloom ing flowers, budding trees "and trail ing vines contribute to the beauty of the college lawn and with favorable weather this afternoon's May drill promisee to be one of the most suc cessful ever held on the campua Invitations hays, been issued to the friends of the school to attend the drill, and seats will be provided on the campus for their accommodation. The seats are arranged in such a man ner that those in-attendance will not interfere with the students who will participate tn the arllls, although they wilt be within close proximity to that portion' of the campus on which the drills will be conducted. Miss 'Agnes Scott Kent will direct the drills and Miss May Isabel Tay lor will be the- accompanist. About ISO of the students Pt the school will participate. - ; Joseph O. Cannon, former speaker of the national house or representa tives, reached his seventy-eight birth, day anniversary this week, having been born on May 7, itSt. Vf III "v ; These 40 Features . .which we have described in detail thia week, are backed by the full guarantee of the Hoosier Company. For 16 years this cbm . pany has built the famous HOOSIER and in all that time) has never added an ."improvement' that proved a failure. . But unless yon sit down in front of this beautiful cabinet ;,. . and see its wonderful conveniences yourself you cannot hope to realise how much labor this new Hoosier would save you (i See (or inttancs, how ths big, V roomy, metal table, slides oat 18 , Inches over ths basa. Notice how an exclusive Hoosier patent prevents this ' labia from warping. , - (1 Observe specially bow cleverly the V inside of the door space above the table t utilized to bring things you need often nearest your hand. The sliding ta ble enables you to open tbs doors with ' out removing anything from the table, : and ths inside of the doors savs any . dangerof knocking things over by reach ing across tbs table for those supplies you use scores of timet dally, t j ( THE L0!!G AI3;$Elt QUESTiqriJS FUZZIER TO OR NOT TO" XTRNlSItES WO .,,,.. rROBLEaC Hoosier1 White Beautv' advertised in leadinz magazines Our window, displaying these features in "White Beauty has caused more talk than any window display we've ever had. SEE IT. Tomor row is the last day. The End of a Great Offer: Tomorrow Your Last Chance to Have theNewHoosier Put in Your Home f or $ 1 Will you decide now to come down tomorrow and settle the matter once for all, or will you let tomorrow drift by and then realize you are too late to decide; because the Hoosier Plan of Sale positively will close tomorrow Scores of other women are in your state of mind. They are reading this final call ' . tonight And many who have post poned as you have are making op their minds tonight to come down tomorrow for a final decision. A choice still remains between "White Beauty" (selected by 3 out of 4 women) and the Hoosiers with "Oak" interior, B9t the numbers are few and you cannot hope to get one if you delay. You incur no obligation by coming, so let other mat ters wait tomorrow while you settle this important question. You could scarcely imagine a decision of more importance to you. For the new Hoosier is a wonderful labor-saver . alreadyused by 700,000 Wometa. Itsaves miles of steps and hours of valuable time. It saves health and good looks. It is very low in price and on the lib eral terms of the Hoosier Plan is the ': Cheapest Kitchen Cabinet Ever Built The Hoosier Plan Is Simply Thist 1. ' SI puts any Hoosier you select in your Home. 2. $ 1 weekly quickly pays for it 3. The Low Cash Price fixed by the Factory prevails strictly. 4. The Sale is under direct super : . vision of the Hoosier Company. 5. No interest No extra fees. 6. Your money back if you are not delighted with your Hoosier. What Possible Reason caa to mmmmmmmmm deprive yon of the use of this Hoosier? Only the small number of Hoosiers left and the certainty that more, women will come than we can supply. Every day we have enrolled more women on the Hoosier plan than we expected. There are fewer cabinets left for tomorrow than we have sold on any one day. These few undoubtedly would be taken without this ad, bv.t we make this final announce- ment to keep our promise to advise you of the last day. We Now Have Kept Our Promise to You Please remember, if you come too late, .that we have told you every day of the progress of this sale, and that we now give you the final date in time for you to still enroll if you act early tomorrow. (i "What ihall we have for Dlnnerf" vv It yours Is one of ths millions of homes la which that is an eternally per plesing problem, Mrs. Christine Fred' erick's Food Guide now an sxclutlvs part of ths Hoosier Cabinst, will savs yon enough time and money to pay for the Cabinet in less than a year. Simply turn the dial until you see the meat yon want and a choice of several perfectly balanced economical menus Is before you. Don't fail to examine this feature tomorrow. (A Every woman bat favorite recipes. V If you're like most women, you hare difficulty remembering whereyou put the one you want. The MHat Rteipt Card Fife baa 50 cards and ten (ndes guides. You can parte or write the recipe and file it always at your fingers' ends. A. special bolder is provided so yon csn keep any recipe you are using at level of your eyes without holding or soiling It. Tins NEW HOOSIER SAVES STEPS SCIENTIFIC SAVES TIME SANITARY SAVES MONEY DURABLE SAVES HEALTH CONVENIENT SAVES LOOKS BEAUTIFUL YOU NEED IT YOU CAN AFFORD IT YOU CAN HAVE IT TOMORROW (C In your examination tomorrow, bo W sure to note carefully the New Shaker Sifter we've already described, It shakes flour through Instead of grind ing it through. It cannot wear out. It cannot grind grit or dirt through. It makes flour fluffy and light. The only thing of its kind. An absolutely new helper In your kitchen. These and 35 other conveniences are worth examining tomorrow even at some personal effort on your part Tomorrow is tout last chance to decide whether you want them now on the easy Hoosier Plan. SPECIAL FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE HERE DURING SALE BIIRXON&HOLT Some Sky May ,1, .aod Others Say May IS Is the Proper Tims tat ' Take 'Em Off. (By Tooth Barkingtoa.) Along about this time cf the year. when all sorts of problems, tfrom the probeJbllUy of being able to hoes our winter overcoat for- enough t tat our spring suit out, to the pro pact cf the fish totting In the Swan, nanoa, arise to claim our attention, one persistent, not-to-e-dnled query keeps creeping up behind us and touching us gently on the beck. That euery is 'To or not to." -"Whaddalmean, to oruiot tot" Well, the long and short of it is this: "Is it tlms to take 'em ott and pot jn short ones, V should we wait a while ?" Get me? One of the hardest problems to solve ts the proper tlms to put 'em on In the fall and take 'em off In the spring, and at the earnest solicitation of sclentitfs from all parts vf the world, I have deolded to wander tnrougih a few thousand volumes of ancient history, the dictionary, an encyclopedia or two, and the last eflltlon of NIC Carter, after which I am sure that I will 'be able to render a competent decision on this moment, ous question, I have tried, unsuccessfully to locate the proper time of year tj take 'em off or shorten 'em up by consultation with various local celeb. irKles. Some declare that the first day uf May Is the accepted time, while others are just as Insistent that rheumatism, ; pellagra, gout and pip lurk on the trail of any one wh sheds 'em before May 15. One promt, nent cltlten whom I approached on the subject got as far as "Why I never wear "when I bluohlngly fled. The time ta shorten the long ones and lengthen the short ones has al ways been a problem of moment to the learned men of all ages. Some even Insist that Napoleon would nev er have lost the battle of "Waterloo It he had not shed 'em a little too early In the year. This ft Is claimed, caused him 1o catch cold; ths cold, In turn, went to his head, and he was not able to thing properly at a time when tils clearest thoughts were nee. essary.","''"'' ;-';-- .-'----'.- On the other hand, yon can wan der through Asheville through the winter months and And man after man who, from reasons of economy, dis regards for his personal fsellngs. or 'other personal" reasons, leaves 'em short all winter. (Ths winter is long, not the other, I wish it understood.) Bo to get back to the subject of the proper time to take 'em off and put on short ones, I am forced to place myself In that class of eminent philosophers who urtftlushlngly admit that they do not know, I suppose the best tlms to take 'em off is when the others begin to get toi warm, and the fceet time to put "em on Is when the chill winds of autumn begin to remind yon that life Is not all sun shine and roses. It doesn't cost any more, either way, for this advice is offered gratis. Another subject that causes much distress among ths members Vf the sterner sex is the proper time to don and shed the festive straw lid and Panama. Authorities can be found who, as In the case of taking 'em off, declare that May II Is ths proper time to don the Summer headgear. Others in Aahsvllls, who demonstrate their belief by practice, regardless of weather oondluons, declare that the lightweight skyplece should be donned at the same time the glad Easter raiment is plaoed on exhibition. As In ths ease of the long and short of It, I am puzzled. . The beet thing I can say is, If you have a straw lid, you can wear It when you darn please, and II yon haven't one, wear anything you happen to have. No body will notice the difference, any way. ,;. V? UU h'A LI y II 1T SPECIAL LOW PRICES IA! new stock, all recently elected by our buycr in New york at a generous discount, thus enabHnir' us to offer beautiful Crepa de Chins, Chiilca czi Lace Waists that were actually nade to Bcll'frcn C j to $25. 7e have then narked fcr quid: ccllir j. v Choice fron $3 to $15, You will better appreciate these Talues aftc you have examined them. Pack Square end S. Mda St " m Place in Town mereHoosienareSoiJ YOUR INSPECTION 13 ALL 7E AC wa GREAT EllTIIUSIASM BEING MANIFESTED MOTORISTS ARB mxaUISTU) IX cEiAsuuTioir; . Moving rictures Win 1 be Secured Aloof lines of Scenic Highway Program Arranged, OFFICIAL LOCAL WEATHER EEPOET IT. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bare a. Local Weather Data for May 1, ltls Btate of the weather at I a. ta., clear. etate of the weather at I p. m., cloudy. Relative humidity at I a. m 12 per cent Relative humidity at I p. m., 71 per cent 1 WlnA direction at I a. m,, north. 'Wind direction at I p. m., north. Time of sunrise 6:31 a. m. Time of sunset 7:21 p. m. Local Temperature Data. a.m. ..! 2 p.m. ...... 17 10 a-tn. 12 t ;m, M,70 11 a-m. 4 p.m. .( 12 m. t .41 t p.m. .,MI7 1 p.m. I 4 p.m. ..I7 I p.m. ......It. Highest 70; one year ago 71. Lowest SO; one year ago 14. Absolute maximum SI In 101. Absolute minimum If In 1011. Averse temperature today 19. Normal (0. t! rrenipktatlon for this Moatlk Normal S.7S Inches. Greatest amount 7:71 In 1001. Least amount 1.14 in 1001. For last 21 hours ending at I p. m., .00 Inches. - v - cullov;;:ee gleg' uiseiyatie:::: an motoicRi ntocxux r." cr7irm oca Cummencement Erercisrs of JSI. Ta tints, at Walnut, W13 be Cca. ducted Today. Local motorists are allowing great deal of, enthusiasm over the plans looking to the celebration of the com pletion of the Bpertanburg-Hender sonvtlls-Tryon highway with mass meetings at Kenderaonvtlle and Tryon July 4 and letters wihtah are pouring Into the office of the local board of trade and other organisations Inter ested In the project indicate that moH toristt from many towns and eltlee will participate in tke celebrations. Secretary N. Buckner has sent letters explaining the plans for ths meetings and trips to the two western North Carolina towns to automobile organ! satlons of various towns of this eeo- tlon of Che state and the Piedmont section of loath Carolina. I announcement was roaae at ue ot- floe of the board of trade yesterday to the affect that one of the leading moving picture companies has agreed to send an operator to the meetings and it is probable that another com pany will be represented. The mov ing picture men will accompany the members of the party over the ecenlo highway from the South Carolina Una to the two towns at which celebra tions wilt be held, getting panoramas of the scenes along the highway as well as pictures of the mass meetings. Ths idea (or holding the celebra tions was suggested by the Asheville board of trade several weeks ago and letters were sent immediately to the various towns which will participate. Throughout the territory affeoted by ths highway, the idea met with en thusiasts approval and the celebra tion promises to be one ef the most successful affairs of the kind ever held In Western North Carolina. Many motorists have expressed their intentions of making the trip to the South Carolina line to meet the oat evan of automobillsts from Bpartaa burg and surrounding cities and from South Carolina comes Information that the rood roads enthusiasts of that stats are preparing to attend In large numbers, : , , Whlle the program for the eooaslon has not yet been arranged, Interested persons are at work on it and they expect that it will be ready for an nouncement within the next few days. ' M'CtTB AWD TILLMAW. MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 7-ThS management of Elite Rink club of this city has arranged a promising card for Us fcoxlng show next Batur day night. Ths main event of the evening; will bring together Johnny Tillman, who recently scored a victory over Ad Woltaat, and Matty McCue, the Chlcato lightweight The articles call tor a 10-roiind contest. t,! r. Bsveral Ashevfl'lane attended C t closing exercises of the Culloee Normal and Industrial o-not t Oullowhse during the early part cj the week and the commencement wi an unusually successful one. an nuat sermon to the members: Vi graduating class wm prcch4 C";n day morning hy IteA Rodry X 'n i"! Bwope, X. D., eeotoir of Ail f .m'.f Kplaoopal ohurch, rutmore, end t.'t effort was a masterful one, Cis t :u mors rector holding ths unfllvUad at' tontlon of a large and arrrentive audience, Exercises devoted to dec " i and re4tatlons oc mi pled limi j . ernoon's program and Hon ' t 5 an Interesting datwe wns t - , following eutiject fceln C - - t'Rqsolved, That the ti 1 I fihould Adffpt Reclpm 1 ,' let' wiOtTorS?it I,-..:.. A strong address fcy Jlsv. H7, Abernathy, ef Shelby, if. C, f.v, the graduating sxerclaes wh'vh wr conducted Tuesday murnlnt , an) whlrih wsre largely attended by tlx friends of the school The closing exerclaes came to e, close Tu : i evening with, the annual conJ6t, whloh was a great suoce-s. . Invitations were received here y terday to the flfteenth annusj ' j exerolses of Cell Institute, at T.-'-int, N. C which will he held today. IV.t Institution has several supporter an 1 alumni in Aahevllle and fhle !y ws:i be represented at todays : trcm. ' The commencement will be held sl 10:10 o'olock this morning Whea t.-i following members ef the clasi ct 1114 will receive their dlplomaaiY: Bula Lee Hunter, Miss Al'nn'e rr nette Jones, ftftsa JYances ffl-at t J a Clure, Ulas Ona Dell KaUoa. t f Robbie Kdna Rsamsey, Miss V ;,e Lee Ramsey, Miss LUUan Inaa T ,r. son, Roy Jenninirs Jfortner an Al bert Henry Luneford, , Ths follfwlnj prosram will bs carried outt Chorus, The Woiintains: invocaTton, Rer. J. W. Andrei Bong, TTelr-ne, the class; Essay, Pure Foods, r4 Clna Raimseyj Chorus, Awake WlCj the Lark, R, B. DwReef JCwray (flow Does ths frm PayT Roy 3. rortnerj Chorus, The Boat Boms, Von Wsber. Bong, Onward, class: JOano solo, Aus trian Folk-Bong, &0as Lynch, Da!y Drill, class: Chora , I Knew a Darrkt Address, Ouy Roberts; Fieeeinatlon of diplomas. Rev. J. N. Andre; Bong, FareweH, class: tenedlotlon. If, L Christian, rf Clinton, It thC Irrcfhlbttlon eartdldate for the seat yf Benator Cnmmlns of Tow R08KBERY HAS BIRTHDAY, LONDON, May 7-tLord Kosebery, one time prime minister of England and long a leading figure In the polltl cat, social, and literary life of the United Kingdom, received numerous congratulations today on the occa sion of his sixty-seventh : birthday. Although the junior of many mem bers of the house of lords, there are few who have sat In ths upper cham ber longer than Lord Rosebery, He took his seat in 111! and hag teen Inactive even sines. Store Opens :S0 A. K. , Man Orden Ben Ta Closes r. L . - - Settrrdays IP, X, . PMPald, ' McGraw Dry Goods Co. ONE MARKED PRICE : The Store Popular All Wool Sheppard Chech 40 INCHES WIDE, $1.25 VALUE Very Special 79 c McGraw Dry Geo:1"