TH CITIZEN H CITIZEN WANT AD3 f BRING RESULTS .VOL. XXX, NO. 340. ASIIEVILLE, N. C., MONDAY MPKNIXG, SEPTEMBER 28, PRICE 5 CENTS . THE ."WEATHER: ; GERMAN AIRSHIPS mN TINUE TO , ' :; CREA TE TERROR IW 'BRQPPING BOMBS. 1 " t I- - 1 . I .1 - 1 . . OPPOSING IN FIERCE TWO-THIRDS OF BATTLE LINE Statements From Both Sides AreWodred With Characterized the Claims Made by Both Germans and Allies so Far, Agreed That the Allies Continued Then Advance During Day GERMAN AIR FIGHTERS ARE AGAIN BECOMING ACTIVE Bombs Are Dropped in Paris and Several Other Cities, Inflicting Some Damage Russians Continue to Move Forward in Galicia LONDON, Sept. 27. (9:15 p. m.) Along almost two-thirds of the great battle line across northeastern France the armies of the allies and Germany fought fiercely today, at some points with the bayonets, and tonight's statements from both sides are worded with optimism that has character ized all these official pronouncements. It was agreed that the allies had continued their advance. -The French claimed ( mrfmirtmouncementfrom BerftriTth&Icfr irtsisf- ,xngTthat the advance had been jepulsed, neverthe less referred to it as an advance. Elsewhere along the battle front neither side seems to Have achieved any notable success. Russians in Galicia. The continued forward movement of Russian troops in Galicia; the appearance of German air craft dropping bombs over various places in Bel gium, and again in Paris and Warsaw and the move ment of vast bodies of German troops into Russia by way of East Prussia were chiefly significant in a summary of the events in both theatres of war. Of the German bombs thrown none seems to have done extensive damage. One man is report ed to have been killed in Belgium and one in Paris. The explosives in Paris fell near the quarter occu pied by many Americans. There is an unconfirmed rumor that an attack on Antwerp is impending. Neither army has achieved anything notable since the allies have reported progress in one direc tion. The allies at one point claim to have thrown back a desperate advance by the crack Prussian guard, and the Germans insist that today, with a weaker force, their right has checked the advance of a mixed French and British force brought up by rail. Bayonet Still Factor. ,. Recurring references to bayonet charges seem to prove conclusively that this picturesque and ro mantic phase of warfare, which it was thought had been killed by the advent of great guns and other equipment of modern armies,' is not all a thing of the past. The French official communication says that at some points the trenches are only a hundred metres apart; thus a small portion of the millions engaged have known the stimulation and thrill of . Jiand-to-hand fighting. . Dispatches from Petrograd report that fierce sighting still goes on in Galicia, though Cracow, to wards which the Russian hosts have been march ing ever since Przemysl was, invaded and communi cations cut, has hot been attacked. ; To the north, the German invasion is assuming ii vaster proportions noiwiuisianamg me ruissian war r ! .i n.1 : i i . : i . onicc insist uicti me viciiiidiis arc ucing repuisea ac the frontier. It was estimated here that the Germans Ci. i.J.. .L- D-,U." a. a 'i.l ..1 irom CAlCiiua uuui uic uaiut WMbl tu UlC SUUUiem Vw-iirJarv nf .Silevna a rlicrsirW of akonf iflft mil., What opposition the Germans have met is be lieved to have been little more ' than -a -cavalry AMIES CLASHING CONFLICT ALONG !marked progress." The the Optimism That Has I L- Four Bombs Are Dropped by. Aeroplane, Doing Con siderable Damage? MISSILES ARE MOST POWERFUL YET USED One Man's Head Blown From His Shoulders and Child Wounded. Four bombs were dropped on Paris from .German aeroplane today. One missile exploded In Avenue du Tro- cadero and bled the head from the shoulders of a man standing on a cor ner with his daughter. The child was wounded. The other bombs did lit tle damage. Crowds were promenading on the banks of the Seine when the aerial warrior appeared almost directly over the Eiffel Tower. It is believed the first bomb dropped Waa intended for the wireless station on the tower or possibly for nearby buildings contain ing army stores. It landed in Avenue du Trocadero, not far from the tow er, and the explosion waa heard for many blocks. Houses in the vicinity were badly damaged. The bomb struck only a block from the Amerl can embassy at No. 5 Rue de Chail (Continued on Page Fife.) E L IS T IS OF PEACE So Declares General Villa In Reply to Messages From Capital HIS ONLY TERMS. HE RAID Oil PARIS BY GERIfJ AIRSHIP X CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, Sept. 27.-J Immediate resignation of General Venustiano Carranza from the su preme command of the constitutional ists is General Francisco Villa's only basis of adjustment of the present dif ferences, according to his reply to messages from officials In Mexico City iwho protested against Villa's defection from his former chief. General Villa declared he would never accept Car ransa as head of the republic. General Villa's complete reply as given out here today follows ,"I l .ment the circumstances which have brought about grave danger but sincerely protest that my sole ambi tion will be to arrange existing diffi culties without shedding blood if pos sible. I emphatically state, however, that the only move which can bring about cematlon of hostilities on my I'Rrt is that Venustjano Carranza d I'vcr subreme command to Ferdnando Isics'as Ca'deron so that, in the short est pos.ib'.e time, elections may be culled- "At the same time I declare that I shall not a crept carranza as president or vice-president or president ad in terim, or constitutionalist of the re public. 1 shall prove the rectlttide of my Intentions and the disinterested neas which,anlmates the forces of this division. Later the world will realize where rest true disinterestedness and THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON', Sept 1 7. Forecast for North Carolina; fair Monday irj Tuesday ' i .- t . ... 4 ' ;v.. EUHOPEArJ WAR IS . GERMAN CHURCHMEN PLACEJALL BLAME FOR EUROPEAN Say That Germany Wat LibertyRepudiate Charge Emperor, NEW TOttK. BntV. lj-Th bMti- al council of churfces-'tenltfht made pdhllo a communication fram twenty nine leading Creteatant bhurchmen of Oermany repudiating In behalf ' ot German Chrlsyanlty and the German government responsibility , for , the European war and fixing it, on "those who Ion, secretly and cunningly nave been spinning a web ot conspiracy against Germany, which now ' they have flung over us to strangle us therein," The communication is ad dressed 'To The Evangelical Churches Abroad." "Its war-like tone," says a state ment issued by the federal council, "and vigorous denunciation of Ger many's opponents u a matter of con siderable surprise to council mem bers here. Network of Lies. . nA systematic network of lies," Hie communication reads, "controlling the International telegraph service is endeavoring In other lands to cast on our people and Its government guilt for the outbreak of this war and has dared dispute the inner right of us and our emperor to invoke the awil st ance of Qod." The communication points to Ger many's forty-three years of peace and to her material development "in friendly competition with other peo ple" and declares ihat "only under compulsion to repel a wanton attack has she drawn the sword." Her frontiers threatened, Germany wai compelled to protect herself "from being ravaged by Asiatic barbarism," it la declared. "Over against a world In arms," Drops Bombs in Several Cities, Doing Much Dam ageSails Toward France LONDON, gept. 27. (8:17 p. m,) German Zeppelin made a bomb- dropplng tour last night, visiting sew eral Belgian cities, according to a Reuter dispatch from airship passed over A lost. Dynxe, Mlnelbeke fend Ilolleghem, dropping nve bomoe. At Dynse a man was fatally Injur- ed when a bomb struck a hospital near which he was standing. The building was b lly damaged, - Anoth er bomb, dropped at ftollegkem, did no damage. Retiring by way of Thlelt, the Zeppelin dropped two bomba on the gas works there, causing great dam age. ' .. The airship then proceeded by way of Cmjrtral in the direction of France. DEITY RKPORTS. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 The Jap anese embassy tonight Issued this statement::. "The Japanese embassy Is author- inl riom Tffkfay )o dewy eetegnrtgwlty the reports given circulation a few days ago that, the-Japenese govern ment - intends - to build a narrow gujate railway, from the seaport THE ENEMIES OF THEIR COUNTRY Forced Into War and is That the War Wan Bnught About by the German and Declare Right ti Call tb -ounvniioioatton " ctrttMv recpgols clearly that, we have to da fend .our existenoe j4.r1hono. No scruple holds- back our enemies,, when In their opinion, there is a pros pect through our destruction of seis ing for themselves an increaas e( power, our colonial possessions or our trade, : W stand vr agal nnt tliU raging of the peoples, fearless be cause our trust In Ood. Precisely be cause this war has been thrust upon us wantonly it finds us a single pea pie in which dlstlnotlens of race and rank, of parties and confessions have vanished. In a holy enthusiasm not shrinking from battle and from death and looking to God, we are all of ona mind and prepared Joyfully to etaks our all for our land and for our lib erty." "Fnnammble Horrors." It is declared that "unnameabl horrors have been committed against German living peacefully abroad," and that "into the. war which the csar has openly proclaimed as the decisive campaign against Teutontsm and Protestantism, heathen Japan Is called under the pretext , of an alli ance, "Not tor the sake of our people, whose sword Is bright, and keen, but for the sake of the ' unique world task of the Christian people in the de cisive hour of the world mission, we now address ourselves to Evangelical Christians abroad In neutral and In imical lands. "If the peoples among whom mis sions and brotherly love had begun to be a power lapse. Into savagery in murderous war through hate and bit L E French Deny Establishing Observation Station in c Cathedral Tower. WAHHIN'OTON. Sept. 2AThe French embassy made puttllc the fol- lowing communication today: "The French government has been imm uiru nittv ui "im.ll RKVIIII- bardment of the Rhelms f,i .! (nrt denied ana now openly an knoWledged by Its authors), had been caused by a French post of observe- tlon having been established on the cathedral. "A telegram of General Joffre to the minister of war shows that the destruction was, as stated before, without the shadow of .excuse. The telexram Is as follows: " 'The Fifth (French) army had occupied Rheims until September IS and then was relieved by the ninth. Both declare they established no post of observation on the cathedral, the systematic bombardment of which began on the nineteenth at 1 p. m.' - AMERICANS IX SWITZERLAND. f PARtft p:tT. -There 1 are he tween got and . tOO . Amreleana , in Swiserland according to the latest esti mate. Host of those remaiobig are wealthy and are In no hurry to go WAR ON Fighting for Her Honor and on God, terness; ff Christian. Kurona forfeits a notable portion of he .position in DuM-wsrldr- tba- guilt of.ihiswts not n our p)pl. We know that through this sanguinary Judgment Ood is call ing our nation to repentance) and we rejoice that she Is hearing Ills holy aoice, and .turning to Him. ilut iu this we know ihat we can. and must repudiate responsibility for the terri ble crime of this war and all Hi con sequences for the development of the Kingdom of God on earth.. With the f.M.p1.convlc"on "V It to those who have long secretly and cunningly been spinning a web of conspiracy against Germany, which now they have flung over us in order to strangle us therein." . ' The communication was made pub lic with the following comment by the Hev, Charles MacFarland, secre tary of the council: -' " "I do not see how a statement of this kind can help matters. Ameri can churches are endeavoring to maintain without Interruption the re lations previously existing with the German churches and with the churches of all other nations. Our attitude is more than one of neutral ity; It Is an attitude of concilia tion." GEKM AWA RKPCTUttO). . LONDON, Sept. S7. 4:47 p. m.) A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Peking says it Is officially an nounced there that Pel-Ho was occu pied September 27 by a small Jap anese detachment which repulsed 100 Germans. WILL THY TO RELIEVE It Southern Planters, Bankers And Cotton Men to Meet At New Orleans. . NEW OKI-KANfi, Sept. 27. South ern planters, bankers and business men will assemble in convention hert to devise methods of re- llj,ln 4u. Uri.,. .l..,n,tM 1 ,Vm fnttjn marknt anil f it n. nAr h fonfrontlng the cotton crops vi ivia auo in), The convention is the outgrowth of the conference held here August IT and 1 1, under auspices of the South ern Cotton association, which de cided It was without power to enforce action. The conference sdopted a plan for a convention at which plant ers, bankers and business men could be represented properly. . , . Questions concerning the percent sge of cotton acreage reduction for next year and a minimum price for this year's crop are expected, to . be the principal themes for discussion. BOMBA RDING MAUNFA ' , LONDON, Sept 27 (:IJ p. m.J n-mam ivn 1 to inff-neuter j eiegrs m eompaay from Antwerp says the Oer mans4today jrecommenced the b"m-bardment-of 'Miilincpt. Th ! were obllppd to r - 'f f icon WiLL.CJJAHGE MAP; Countries Now Practically in ' Bondage Will Again Be - 1 ' come Free.1 ':.'.. : ALSACE-LORRAINE WILL GO TO FRAIJCS ; Wishes of People In the Dif ferent States Will Ee Respected. (Correspondence of Associated Pi pss.) 1XJNDOK, Sept. 87. After the war, , then what Englishmen to a nu.i expect Germany to be crushed in the present contest and are busily ensur ed In discussing event which inUut, follow a declaration of peace. , In a recent recruiting speech Win ston Churchill first lord of the ad miralty, warned England against making the error Germany made In. 1170, when she had France lying proi--trau at her feet. He(eald; ns, whatever-we do, fight for and work towards great and sound principles for the European Astern, : And the ant of thoiw ;prln-ti! which we Should keep before us is the prln. ctple of naUonaJitiesf-ihttt is to say, not the conquest or subjugation of ns great community ; -or; of any strant, race of men, but the sotting frt. r: those races which bifve.been sut .jin -ted ami conquered; and It doubt r ;; abouC dlRiutcd ateii.t of t rr': -v i should try t settle Diuii' u.uiii:.) - -tlnallon in tha reconstruction of I i ropa which must follow from this c. with a lair regard to the .wixhoe ani feelings of the peoples who live in them." v. Merely An Et ho. ' t Mr Churchill's expression of the opinion that Europe's map win be thoroughly remade is merely an echo ot the talk of men of all clases. iu the windows of many shops are signs Keep trade in the usual channels whllo ths map of Europe Is being rer made." Lecturers, preachers and edi tors ars eonstantly dlsoussing the pro bable redistribution of European ter ritory, - Doubtless Germans and Austrians art also planning for the dlvslon ot territory that they expect to acqulno through the war and art arranging a (Cvottnaed oa rag Five.) lkisutid:i co:.:e d? INCOKGmiSllK War Tax Bill, , Passed By House Is Before Senate Committee. ., CLAYTON BILL FIBST. WASHINGTON, Sept, JT.-Congresi this : week will undorUk enactment of the war Ux bUl and completion ot anti-trust legislation. The war reve nue measure already passed by the house, is before the senate finance committee. Tha Clayton anti-trust bill conference report will be taken up by the senate Monday. ' Administration leaders believe, botlr of these measures can be disposed of within ten day. Both, however, will be assailed. ; Notwithstanding President Wllson'g endorsement of, the Clayton bill, it Is understood, an effort, will be made to have It recommitted on. the ground that It has been weakened by elimi nation of specific penalties and modi- . flcatlon of many features, Tha sen ate finance committee hopes to have the war tax bin ready for the senate as soon as the Clayton bill is dis posed of. . The committee Still has under consideration the substitution -of a tax on automobiles for the pro' osed two cent tax on gasoline. In this they are receiving strong support from many house democrats.. ' Conferences of democratic leaders will be held tomorrow to consider the -legislative program for the rest ot the session, and there Is every indi cation of a decision to drop the bill 1 for the government purchase of ocean, going shlj. , While the senate debates t)i O .v. ton bill, the hnnse will c t i' -cussfort of the Jone, l i'l t . way fur r!,.;.ri i measure, d.-inorr.".-..- i will et..-,.. ,- . T QUEST

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