Tilly ASHE VI LLE CITIZEN' fcATURDAY; koXO&VM?, 1914 a p ; 1.1 fT ,'. . - I : Hi I I r I Society and Personals !V y-:r- rK. " A .Friend of Mm. Montgomery and fur daughter. Mi Kate Lolit Monl loDMry, who spent severul weeks In Aiu.eille. the ut of Miss Elsie A,ei4der, Will b0 interested In the f0wim account ill brilliant re Plion taken from the partanuuri Krtlit of yesterday. Many of tho guo noted ar well known in Asiie v)ll. . Tr,e social season of the fall wai Whercd In yesterday afternoon, when Mrs. Walter . Montgomery enter tained at a beautifully appointed ten, lit her handsome home on fine street, when she assembled nearly 3UU friends to mm iwo of the season' inoirt charming brides, Mrs. Hen W. Montgomery , and Mrs. Wardlaw Smith, recent and attractive acquisi tions to the sorlul circles of Ihe city. , Fashioned on spaciuu and lovely architectural lines, thn h.im lends Use If to beautiful decorative effect. The approach of autumn wan her alded In the exquisite decorations, which spread out In a panorama of loveliness In every direction. Mrs. Charles O'Neale. Sod 'Mrs. Webb Thompson welcomed the guest at the door and Invited them Into tho front drawing room, In the line were: Mrs. W. 8. Montgomery, Mrs. Ben W. Mont gomery, Mrs. Wardlaw (Smith, Mrs. W. J, Britten, Mr. Spencer Klce of Un ion, and Mr, Ocorgu Rush of Green wood. .- "Pink Klllarney roses, rose-shaded Upera and masses of ferns produced lovely baaktxround for these beau lifully gowned women, whj composed the receiving line. . Mr, A. ft Calvert, Mr. T, U Goff, Mlsa Scott and Mrs. W. P. Irwin ask ed the guest Into the dining-room, where floral decoration and artistic effect reached It height. Among those assisting id the li brary were: Mrs. A. L. White, Mrs, J., H. Sloan, Mr, H. E. DbI'ms, Mrs Rlr. Mr. DuPre Burnett, Mr. 1. J. Blake. Airs. Marnix, Mrs. 'Emma Wal ler. A veritable study In fold and red seemed this apartment, with It masses of golden rod, salvia red and yellow dahlias,, running riot and ar ranged In arllstlo profusion, Mrs. Robert Dodgen and. MrshSiler grace, fully presided at the punch bowl. ' The regular dinner dance will be tield at Orove Park inn thl evening a 'usual. ; The dance promise to be wall ttetiddr;.a many visitor have nived at the hotel thl week, among them several society i!H from the south, A number of dinner parties are also planned for the evening. Js. . The Saturday Mutla club will meet In the churchhouae of the First Pres byterian church, Saturday afternoon, at half-past three o'clock. The fol lowing program will lie given; 1 loateM . ,,..,..,,.. . . . Mr. Hoist Paper. ..Musical World In 10 Mr. Burdlck, V : - Ptane Faust Overture. . ,y V , Gounod , i, Mrs. Davi and Mrs. Smith. Song Ave Maria, Otello... .... Verdi Mrs. Dunn. .... Piano llarleauln., . . .Homer Bartlett i fA'jMrs. Ellas, ifwnny Bong at ' (a) O, Golden Hour. ...... .Jenen (b) Thine Eye So Blue, .. .Lessen Mr. tMeacham, Duets , (a) Wanderer's Night Song, , . , . (b) The Ntaht...,.,.... Rubinstein Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Hoist. rianoPetrarch's Sonnet No. t... tlfl t ('.I , , M , .,J,,., LiSSt - Miss Westall. Bong Panls Angeliou. . . . ,C. Pranck Mrs. Hamilton. TrioFrom "'Mikado",,. ....Sullivan Ml Sites, Mr. Clanerle and " ' Mr. Collin. Bon , . a Du blst wle sine Blum.. .......... . . . ..... Rubinstein (b) Der Ara ,.,...,, Rubinstein Mr. Brown. Violin Zlgewnerwelsan .... Saraaate Mr. Connell, Piano Variations Symphonlaue... ................ , c. Franck Ml Atkln. and Mr. Whiting. The annual tournament for the men's golf Championship of the Aaheville Country club will heirln Saturday. October , with a qualify. Ing round, to be followed by match play Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, weather permitting. Those mak ing the eKiht lowest scores In the ' qualifying round will be eligible for 'the championship, while the next eight will contest for a cup offered for the second class. Contestants may select their own partners, ami may play their round, morning or af ternoon, on Saturday. Entries must be mao with the secretary and their scores returned to- him. . Jl Dr. find .Mrs Clyde K. Col ton have leased (he house In the Forest Hill section, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. !' Klaxlnxton Harper, ond will make It their homo for the winter. Mr. anl Mrs. Nicholas Headles will Iwtve today to upend the week cm! in Charlotte, returning to Ashe vllle nil Monday. Mi nod Mrs. J. C. M. Valentine and family have moved tj Morgan ton, N. C. Mr. Laura 1. Stikeleulher, of Htatexvllle. Is the Kuest of her son, Mr. James U. Btlkeleather, on Church slrcet. Mr. OoMy, who has been a visitor to Ashevlllo for some weeks, returns today to Ht. Augustine. Mr. Stanley, of New' York, whi spi4 thn summer In Ashevllle, hav ing a residence on Church street, hai returned home. Miss Carrie Myers, who has been the guest of Judge and Mr. Thomas A. Jones on Pearson drive, returned yuiterday to Wilmlregton. .Mr. and Mrs. Jame O. Stlketeather and children, who spent the summer In Weavervlllc, have returned to their home on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Randle, pf Chi cago, arrived yesterday to spend sev eral weeks at Orove Park Inn, Mrs, Maggie filler, of Texas, who spent the summer in Weavervllle, i now the guest of Mr. E. J. Aston on Church street. (Mr. Laura Jamison, of New Or lean, who spends her summer In Ashevllle, ha returned to her home. Alias Katharine Horner left on Wednesday for Washington, D. C, where the will again attend the Na tional Cathedral achool. Mrs. T. II. Bell and daughter, Mia Sara Bell, of Atlanta who- spent the greater part of the summer at Grove T'ark Inn. will, arrive today at the ho. tel. 'f The Mimes Willi were In the city yesterday from Rotscraggon. Mr, Maicomb Fuller, of Buibee, spent the day with friend In the city yesterday. Mr. Fuller will leave hortly to vtslt friend In Salisbury, later going to New York olty to visit his old home. Mr.' Raymond Lockwood and chil dren, who had a cottame on Sooo treet fox the fummer, have returned to East Orange. Mr. Lockwood la the dnttghtef of Mrs. Jt. J. Brown, of Cumberland avenue, and apends every summer in Ashevllle, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A, Fordtran, of New Orleans, who have occupied Fox Hill Cottage In Albemarle park, hav returned south. Mr. and Mrs. Fordtran will return to Ashevllle next summer. Miss Lula L. Mason, of Washing ton, D, C, arrived yesterday to spend the month of October. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bow, of Cleve land, are visitor In the olty. Mrs. Grace Undsey, of Knoxvllle, arrived thl week to visit friend, i Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Round, of Mich igan, aro spending a week at Battery Paris. Mrs. J. P. Sawyer la visiting a rela tlve who is HI at Edneyvllle. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood, of At lanta, are spending some time with a party of friends at Grove Park Inn MIbh Maude Illnton left yesterday afternoon for Charlotte, where she will visit friends for a week. Low Cost Mentis BATURDAT. Breakfast. Pear ' Codfloh Ball Crewm Toast Coffee LuiM'lieon. Tomato snd Corn Pudding Parsnip It o tie Apple Sauce Cooktoa Tea Dinner. Baked R-uns with Cheese Grape. Catsup He-heated Parsnip Rolln Prune tisUd Pickles Carrot Pudding ItrrakfuM. I Codflah Balls To one cup of boiled I codtlPh chopped line add two cups or I more of mushed potatoes. Moisten with one beaten eng. or two or throe tablespoons of sweet milk. Reason with pepper and a little butter. Make srnaB flat cakes; flour, and fry a deli cate brown In hot dripping or lard-Lum-hron. Tomato and Corn Pudding One cupful of cooked corn, one cupful of sliced raw tomatoes; four wblewpoon- fuls of 1utter, four tablespoonfuls of breadcrumbs, one teaspoonful of su gar, and seasoning 'of salt and pepper. Mix and pour Into a buttered baking dbfh. Kprlnkle a few breadcrumbs over the top, dot with amailt pieces of utter and bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. Parsnip RollaBoi two large pare nlp until they are tender, then pre through a colander; add ons quart of hot milk, one teaspoon of salt, half a cup of butter, one yeant cake mixed with quarter of a cup of sugar, ami enough flour to make a stiff batter. Allow the dourh to raise to twice Its original size, then knead some flour Into It and let It raise for ten minutes, then bake for twenty minutes In a hot oven. Dinner. Baked Means with Cheese Prepare the beans a for ordinary buklng and add a small onion shaved very thin. Place in the baking dish, cover and bake until twenty minutes before re moving; then cover the top with a thick layer of thinly siloed American cheese; cook until melted nd brown. Grape Catsup Boll live pound of grape and prew through a colander. Add two and a haflf pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, two tablespoons of cinnamon, one tablespoon of clove, and one teaspoon of salt. Boll until thick. Carrot Pudding Take two large, raw, grated carrots, threo cupful of 'brendcrumbs, six tablespoons of flour, six heaping tablespoons of chopped uet, half a cup of Kultana raisins, one cup of atoned and hailved dates, a quarter of a cup of chopped citron peel, one steaspoon of powdered gin ger, three well beaten eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, half a cup of mo lasses and one cup of milk. Mix Into a buttered mold, cover with a but tered paper and steam for three hour. erv hot. I IN ROYAL BAKING POWDER Kb 3 The Allanstand cottaire Industries beginning Oct.iher 1, will be open dai ly from B a. m. to 5 p. m. Advt. It BILTMORK LIVERY. TELEPHONE tl. Just Received , Shipment Dresses New Styles Priced at $10.00 to $18.00 These smart little Street, Business, or General I Utility frocks are of 'serge, plainly tailored, or of jscrge combined with satin. They are new styles just from the Designer, ; smart, well tailored, and extra values at the prices. , " ' These in Navy and Black, We have not advanced the price of , - ,.i gloves and will not as long as our present supply lasts. M. V MOORE & CO 11 Patton Ave. C0!.!l!IG ATTRACTIONS ALL POSSIBLE IS Ell Dd FOR M OTH I President Tells Delegation Treasury Department Has Done Its Best. NO LEGISLATIVE PLAN SUGGESTED I Farmers' union has called on the ' .1 . n t 1 ll.H.. Kill appropriating' $500,000,000 to buy cotton, and the delegation wlH meet to decde Ita attitude on that matter. At a similar meeting held two weeks ngo It practically turned the proposi tion down. J. R. Collie, secretary of the elate executive committee, spent today in Washington in connection 'with the work of his committee. He stated that the political condition in the state is highly satisfactory and that tho outlotrk In every district could not be brighter. Congressman Doughrnn has re turned to Washington utter the Joint debate with Unney. his republican opponent. Doughton said he will hnva a series of Joint discussions with Mnocy after congress adjourns about October 17. glankcls at A Special gis count Joday and Monday? Now is the right time to buy your winter cover ings. Mack Frost will be here in a few day and you had better be ready. Take advantage now, of this special on our entire line of Blankets. Pieces range from 50c to $20.00 pair. : .": ' ; - for Joday and Monddif s Selling Special at Jen percent Off S """" " ' ' ' ath Robe flannels McAdoo Irrevocably Op posed to State Banks Is suing Currency. Winnipeg tromoters are trying to arrange a match between Freddie Welsh, the lightweight champion, and Pal Brown, of Hibbing, Minn. 1 Monday, October S, Matinee and 4 Night "Stop Thief." (The following press notice are furnished by the press agent of the companies to which they refer, and do not reflect the eenUmeuta or opinion of this paper.) A pyramid of thrill on a laughing platform exactly describes "Stop Thief," the new farce success which 111 be presented at the Auditorium1 on next Monday for a matinee and night performance. According to wide report It 1 one of the best of the many so-called "crook" plays of fered the amusement seeker since the vogue for thl style of entertain ment became popular. "Stop Thief comes to us with the tamp of a "hit" placed upon ltby audience in Kew York, where the piece enjoyed nearly a year of phe nomenal prosperity. An Irresistible combination of laughing thrill and suspense forma the appeal .in the farce, which Is from the pen of Oar lyle Moore. A view of It will not in all likelihood present a debatable moral but It will supply you with some of the hearilest laughs Imagin able, and that's rs good a recom mendation aa any one should expect. Wonts for both the matinee and night peaformances are now selling. WASHINGTON, Ort, 2. President Wilson Informed the committee con sisting of Congressman Pou of North Carolina, Senator Smith of Oeorgla and Congressmen Henry and. Lever, who called at. the white house today to discus the cotton situation, that he was Informed by .Secretary Mc Adoo that tho treasury department Is doing everything that can be done by the government to relieve the situa tion. He did not auggest to tho committee any legislation that would further aid the government to that end. It la the general belief Wash'ngton that everything possible has been done In a legislative way to help the jltuatlon. Opposes Idea. Secretary j McAdoo told the com mittee composed of Congressman Small of North Carolina and several others who conferred wllh him with a view to having him recede from hi oppoaltion to the plan to allow state bank the same privilege en- Joyed by national hanks In the Issuance of emergency currency under the Vrseland-Aldrlch act that he 1 irrevocaktjr opposed to the proposition . ( f he ' committee then fold 'McAdrio hit 'egptte v th ' urt favorable report made on the bill for that purpose by 'the banking and currency committee they would use every effort to secure Its passage by the house. Meet Today. A meeting of the North Carolina delegation has been called for ten o'clock Saturday morning In Senator Overman' office to discuss the cot ton sltuatlom The North Carolina m NEURALGIA Don't Suffer Get a Dime Package of Dr. James' Headache Powder. You can clear your head and re lieve a dull, apliltlng or violent throb bing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Heartacne Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost mag- in Ically. Send some one to. the drug store now for a dime package and a few moments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of tho headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffering it' needless. Be sure you get what you ask for. SOHOOIi CUEDITS. In the current Issue of Farm and Fireside appear an article showing how In some of the rural schools in the state of Oregon boys and girls are given school credits for work done at home. When a pupil has earned 800 minutes by work at home he Is allow ed a holiday from the school, but no pupil is allowed more than one holi day each month. At the end of the term the pupil with the highest stand ing receives from the distrtH treasury a three-dollar prize in cash, which Is placed In a local savings bank, snd a second prlxe of two dollars Is given. Parents and pupils are enthusiastic over the plan because Interest both In home work and school work has been increased. The article continues In part as follow: ""This method will help farm boys and girls to learn how to do the little things about the home which they might psss Into years of maturity without learning: the simple art of housekeeping; tho care of farm stock and Implements: the best mcthnrt nt making a home a place for loving and co-oporatlve work Instead of a mere shelter. The school and the home; must co-operate 'if the child I to com to hU fullest capacity as a cltl- i n." WOMAN WEAK AND NERVOUS Find Health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Creiton, Iowa," I suffered with fe male trouble from the time I came Into womanhood until I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegeta ble Compound. I would have pain if I overworked or lifted anything heavy, and I would be so weak and ner vous and in so much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told me what your medicine had done for her and I tried it It made m strong and healthy and our home la now happy with a baby boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it' Mrs. A. a Boscamp, 604 E. Howard Street, Creaton, Iowa. Tons of Roots and Herbs are used annually In the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for 1 female ills. For forty year this famous root and herb medicine has been pre-eminently successful in controlling the disease of women. Merit alone could have stood this test of time. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help yon, write to Lydia E.PInkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Massif or ad Tlce. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by - - -ae and held iri strict co: Because It's Best Is the reason why. so many people In Aaheville are using our '' Justly famou' ; '' " M&W Indian Coal It GOOD all the way throurh. Phone ISO. CAROLINA COAL & ICE CO. M Patton Ave Drahmor Bide. A large shipment of Bath Robe . Flannels,'- 30 ' inches wide, will be found in our White GqodrDe-. partraent. The patterns are very pretty, and the ' quality is very good. Call in ana examine; it. Priced at 35c a yard. ' ' , Bath Mats 50c to '4MB Here you will find a most superb showing of? floor coverings for the bath room. Bath Mats are used extensively, and you will find them in many nrottv natterns at this store. k y" "1 1 .... - 't i , Undergarments for women and ; Children - Cold weather makes one think vof the- warm underclothing. " . . ."" Full line of infants' and children's cotton and wool undergarments priced rightly, 25c to $2.00. Cotton union' suits for women 50c and $1.00, in t t 41 sn n nn - ' Separate Undergarments for women in wool' and part wool and.cotton 25c to $1.5ffa garment ; THE FAMILY MUSIC BOOK A Rare Collection of All Kind of Song and Piano Pieces, Worth' f l.ll P For One Dollar-All In Fine Binding, at . , - TALK'S MUSIC HOUSE : Patton Ave. Opporite Cttlza OtBe The Racket Store 4f BimORlAVE I U (Formerly So. Main) for Bargains FOt THE Whole Family W. N. C. Fair, Oct. tStb to lath. PHONE 41 Beardeo Ave. MASSAGE OlAU SPDCIAlVAJfD IV YOUR HOMB OB HOI Victor Sehnyddr ? .! '-'.n SEXQUU SPSX31AI-AJn FACIAA p , V AT TOCB HOMB OB HOTUU .i Emanuel Buness CoOege . Bookkeeping, Banking. Penmanship, Actnal Bualheas methods, Rapid Calculation, Business Correspondence, Spelling. Commercial Law, Business and Legal Paper. Note Drafts, Contracts, -eto STENOTTPY, Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Multlgrapb, Burroughs. Adding Machine, Office Practice, Court Reporting and PreparatUm for Civil Service positions. Port Graduate course in High Accounting. . , A Position Guaranteed Every Graduate, , . . If Not Convenient to Call, 'Phone, and we will have Our Representative Call Upon ton, . I 48 ft PATTON AVE. . ; . PHONB 1100 Footwear Selections Made early, are always the most satisfactory. Our selection are good; our styles new, with ex pert fitters to fit yon. Boston Shoe Co. CLEMENTS CHAMBERS. PURE ICE CREAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL" Delivered Promptly. FOREST BILL CREAMERY CO. PboM 117. Men's Suits, 1.50 J1J.M). Boys' Suits, II 00 to $8.00. Ladies' Coat Suits, $8.50 to $25.00. Misses' and Children's Coat. Society King Shoes for Men. Fashion Leader for Women. Skuffcr for Children. The Call Co. IT BILTMORK A VS. To protect motorists from mln and i mind a Wisconsin Inventor has pat- . ented a waterproof skirt which snaps Tfftopap ami sir er TprtTtgyix tna 1 wlit and anUea, Build with brick and let the re- I HEATERS The Buck's Hot Blast and Oaks. S6.50toS30. QUALITY-WELL KNOWN 4BURT0N-&-H0LT PACK fQCARH AND BILTMORK AVENUETELEPHONE SM WFJTTfatN NORTH C.ROIiTNA FAIR. OCTOBKR 13th TO Uth. Buy Bread Made in Asheyflle And be sure you ask for Daisy Cream or Butter Krust. Beth loaves wrapped in' air tight papers. Big. loaves, rich in good health .... . . ;..,yv.v,f.ri. giving qualities. Ask your grocer, or phone 622 or 3 18. , , ' ; Ashe ville Steam Bakery 'Phones 622 and 381. Corner Patton and Ashifnfl, BUY A HEATER NOW and be PREPARED WHEN COLD WEATHER SETS IN. ' We have a large new stock of heaters, the range of antes sad prices will enable you to make satisfactory (election with th least amount of trouble. , : r H EATERS OF QUALITY $3.50 AND UP. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE I5.lt BROADWAY WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA FAIR, OCTOBER IStb TO ISth, BALTIMORE DENTAL ROOMS For Good Denul Work I I JB" SBB 1 h.- " t-Ovee-Jiiohsi. Shoe Store' Milk Made Bread- In wiappst -CcLOAF-r--r 57S.S4ST I pair maa tin another Job. - 41I7-I-1