THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 191. a OFFERING r, Afternoon and Evening Gowns FRIDAYmd SATURDAY Only Imported Fall Millinery at One-third Off GROVE PARK INN New York PHONE 2568 Daytona Buffalo Paris' Charlevoix "Toung Wisdom," by Raehael brothers, has "been produced' In Lon don, with Madge Titberadge and Mar jorl Maude in the leading role. Olga Nethersole has volunteered In London as a Red Cross nurse. THE CITIZEN'S lap N This WAR MAP, In FIVE COLORS, was originally made In F.lT ROPE bjr the expensive wax process, as dear and smooth as a steel engraving, and the most accurate process ever diarovered for map making. What You Get WITH THIS BIG MAP Portraits of European Rulers Army Strength of European Na tions Naval Strength, Men and Vessels. Aerial Fleets, Dirigibles and Aeroplanes Ohmnh-le of Nations involved Triple Alliance and Triple En tente Hague International Peace Con ference Capitals of Europe Population, of European Coun tries National Debts of Europe European Coin Values Area of European Countries Distances Between Principal Cities Decisive Battles of Past Century Also Special War Charts of Eu ropean Capitals and Naval Maps of Strategic Coast Line Points. 10 ALL FOR ONLY Cents And the War Man Cou- S ' poa, printed dally in an- the col ulna. Or By Mail Anywhere I The Cltlxen as directed la the SET War wo HAYWOOD COUNTY FAIR WILL CLOSE TONIGHT Has Been Best In - History of the Count)' Races Scheduled For To day of Particular Interest. Increasing steadily In attendance and enthusiasm since Tuesday, the opening day, the Haywood county fair may be said to have reached the climax yesterday, the third day, ac cording to visitors returning from the fair. The exhibits were still at their best, and the races, which, have proved the one big feature of the fair, were more popular than ever Today winds, up the fair, the. best In the history "of " Haywood tounty. Fair promoters for years to oome will have a standard that will be hard to equal, as the result of the fair this year, which has been the best In the annals of the county. Never before has Haywood county had so many and such varied exhibits as were on display at the fair this year, and the quality has been commensurate with the quantity. City and fair officials unite In de claring It the best fair ever held at Waynesvllle. and many who have visited It declare that the Western North Carolina fair will have to hurry to produce better exhlblta and attractions. The midway has been enjoyed, the free attractions have been shown on scheduled time, and everybody visiting the fair has left with the feeling of havlne secured 100 cents in value for every dollar expended. Today's races promise to be the orai ana most exciting yet run. For me f.iz class, either trot or pace, a purse of I00 Is offered, and this is expected to bring forth the best In that class in this part of the country. The last race on the program, the free-for-all trot or pace, however, is the great racing event of the day. In this race, no entry is barred, and a purse of $800 has been hung up for the winner. Following today's attractions at the fair grounds, and the various shows tonight, the 1914 Haywood county fair will pass into history, and the exhi bitors will begin packing their ex hibits, many of which are to he shown at the Western North Carolina tair at Kiverside park next week. Everybody is satisfied, the fair offic ials are delighted with the succeiu lit the fair and the concessions have all made money. UNCLE SAM WILL NOT EXHIBIT AT BIG FAIR When the Western North Carolina fair opens next Tuesday, Uncle Bam s parcel post exhibit, which Postmaster Gudger had planned to display, will not be In evidence. Owing to the great demand for the various vessels used in transporting foodstuffs through the malls. It was Impossible to get camples for exhibition purposes and the proposed exhibit had to bs abandoned. Postmasters throughout the country had planned to have these exhibits at the various fairs, demon' st rating how foodstuffs could be parked in containers for transporta tion through the mails. The exhibits were held in some places, but Post- msster Gudger was too late in apply ing for containers. POLITICAL ORATORY. WASHINGTON, Oct. S Political oratory was given the right of way In the senate today, republicans and democrats taking the opportunity to get campaign material into the rec ord pending opening tomorrow ot the debate on the war revenue bill. Senator Townsend, for the repub licans, criticised the activities of the administration and said that through mismanagement and extravagance the democrats had been forced Into levy ing the proposed war tax. He de clared President Wilson had "bossed" congress more than any previous president. For the democrat. Senator Ashurst of Arizona, "pointed with orlde" to the achievements of the present con gress, and presented a detailed Hst of the accomplishment of the admlnls- t.-ation. asserting that "President Wll- son had placed the government back in ine nanus or me people. NEGOTIATIONS ABANDONED. ANNAPOLIS. MA cm i m tlatlons for a football game between iue iray im navy team this year have been abandoned. This was an nounced ty the Navy Athletic elation todnv. I -.CaBUanVilIiamJF untenaeni or me academy, in a state went isoued at the same time, an.. linAunced that he innni .... J of the Navy A'AleOc council. BELGIUM'SLITTLE -STJ1IJD FOR LIFE (COROnaed From Pag Oao.) turn to take the offensive. But oa the heights of the Meuse, between the fortress of Verdun and St. UihlaL wara the , Germans crossed the Me use two week ago. the contest still goes on. The German have withdrawn to the north of HattoB chatel. They still, however, hold SL Mihiel aad some positions north of that town an the right hank of the river. ; v . ,. -. . The .conjecture, therefore, that the French had driven them back across th river, soon after they made their advance, and captured, besides the titwn ttaatf, the forts of Komatn and Parochea. provws incorrect. ' German Successful. In' the Woevre district, the Ger mans, with success, have delivered violent attacks against the French, who doubtless were trying to get be hind, the German force on the Mouse at St. MlhleL With the Germans to the aorth withdrawing and the re pulse ,ot their attack west ot Apra mont the Germans at St. Mihiel arc considered to be ta rather a danger ous position. As an offset to this favorable French' statement, the German ac count, issued last night, says the French attacks In the Argonne and to' the northeast of Verdun were re pulsed While no decision has 'been reached In the fighting on the Ger man right wing. This latter statement remains, true today, far,, although the French clalrn to have met with success, there la nothing to Indicate any definite re sult has been attained and there probably will be much more fighting and a further extension of the wings, posstbly in the direction of Antwerp, before either aide is compelled to give way. In Gallcta. The other Atg battle line between the combined Austro-German armies and the legion of Russia extends from the Gallelan frontier, near Tar now, north to the ' east Prussian border. Another Russian force Is besieging Praemysl In Gallola, and still another la Invading Hungary. On the East Prussian frontier the fighting appears to have coma to a standstill. The Russians, having driv en the Germans back after tharr' ad vance to the Nlemen Mvar, found on getting to the German border that re inforcements had been brought front Koenlgsberg, and their further pro gress was arrested. The Germans, In fact, claim to have defeated the Rus sians near RuWalkl and to have taken 2,700 prisoners and nin machine guns. , Fighting on a larger scate soon will be resumed, and then It Will be decid ed whether the Germans are to re Invade Russia In this region or the Russians are to'overrun' Prussia. FRENCH VERStON. PARIS, Oct. S. (3:15 p. m.) The following official announcement was made in Paris this afternoon: "First: On our left wing In the re gion of the department of Nord, the enemy has made progress at no point. At certain points he has moved back, particularly to the north of Arras, where the fighting la developing under conditions favorable to us. The oper ations of the opposing forces of cav alry are developing at the present time almost aa far as tne sea coast on the north. "Between the Homme and the Oise In the vicinity of Koye, the enemy Is still In force, but we have retaken the major part of the positions we were obliged to give up. "Second: On the center between Rhelme and the Meuse, there Is noth ing to report. On the heights of the Meuse between Verdun and St. Mihial the enemy has drawn back to the north of Hattonchatel. He still holds at. Mihiel and some positions to the north of St Mihiel. "In the Woevre district the violent attacks delivered by the enemy to the west of Apremont have failed. "On our right wing, Lorraine and the Vosges, there. , have been no changes. "In Russia, along the front of East PruMsia,' the Russian offensive con tinues. Spirited righting is taking place on the frontier to the west or Suwalkl." GERMAN DENIAL. WASHINGTON, Oct. '. The. Ger man embassy today received the fol lowing wireless from Berlin: "Official headquarters skys the re port of' aa advance ot Russian forces across the Nleiaea liver In the district of Suwalk, Russian-Poland, Is a He. The battle took place near Auguatowo, where the Germans October 1 and 1 completely defeated two Russian army corps, made thtrty-nv hundred prisoners and took twenty guns, of which one was a heavy battery gun and a number of machine guns. (Here part of the message was lost In trans mission). ' "On October 4, German troops threw a brigade of Russian rifle guards from a fortified position ba- SICKENED BY CALOMEL If you ever saw anyone made sick by calomej you won't want any more calomel yourself. There's no real rea son why a person should take calomel anyway, wnen nriy cents will buy a isrge battle of Dodson s Uver Tonea good remedy that perfectly and safe ly takes the place of dangerous calo mel, which Is only another form of deadly and poisonous mercury. Dodson's Liver Ton is a pleasant tasting vegetable liquid which will Istart the liver Just as surely aa calo mel, and which ha absolutely no bad after-effect. Children and grown people can take Dodson s Liver Ton without any re st rlct1oir-wf-1aJbH ' wr wit. ahnwh's Drug Store sell Jt and guarantee It to take the place of calomel and will re lfund your money at one g It fail la L40ur cat. twe Opatow and Ostrowiec, tn Rus sian Poland and took three thousand prisoner and numerous - guaa and machine guns, On . October S, the German attacked Bear Rudow two and one-half Russian cavalry division aad part at the Ivaagorod ervi and drove the Russians bavk on Ivan gorod. ; ,j Elsewheret (along the Ruaisaa front) the . (.movement ot German troop for strategical reason ha caused a lull la the ftghting. HIG II TREASON CHARGE!.. BORDEAUX, Via London, Oot !. (11:91 p. m.) The Neua Wiener Tagablatt, a copy of which has arrived here from Vienna, says that an Indict ment, alleging high treason and cov ering thirty-seven page, has been read to twenty-flv prisoner who are charged with -having been concerned In the murder ot. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir apparent of the Austrian thrao at Sarajevo. It Is ex pected their trial will last three weeki according io.thanew&paper. -GERMAN ' VERSION. LONDON, Oct! !.(;: al ro.l A Berlin dispatch, t the Reuter TeJ gram company- Vpatains an official statement given ut at general head quarters In Berlin 'oo the evening of October 1. tt XoJIows: "The engagements Oh the right wing in Franc have not led to any decision. Th attacks Of the French in the Argonne and from the north east front of Verdun hava been re pulsed, iv"-' "Off Antwerp the attack ha cross ed a seetlpn oMh river Nethe. "The attacks of the Russian on the government at Suwalkl have bean repulsed,-the Russian- losing 1,700 prisoner aad nth' machine guass "In Poland In minor successful en gagement west of Ivtngorod, w cap tured 4.IM prisoner.? ' - WHIMS OF BCRUIAKA. Audaclou depredation of bur glare in variou part of New Tork lately Indicate that a class of crim inal ha developed whose member take pleasure In. wanton mischief, somewhat remotely, after th manner cf Claude Duval and other gallant highwayman who compelled their fair victims to danca fan th green with them after befng. robbed. On resi dence recently looted . revealed a de liberate destruction 'of carpets,, furni ture, glassware and picture by. th burglars. How far Imprudence will go was exempllfed In th recent robbery of the house of Albert Samstag at White Plains. A note left after a wholesale destruction of brlc-a-hrao, clothing and furniture said that th same gang had robbed a group ot New York residence a week or so before. For two or thro days the burglar had feaated through the house, 1 ' Then there was the case of - the West Philadelphia merchant. Hi family went to Atlantic City at th beginning of the summer, with th exception of hi only son, a young col lege ehap home on vacation. The merchant waa ah early riser and al ways took hla breakfast ' downtown when th family,!; wny. The son alwayjfljrept UuTqH, Onedajrth on started for a um mer camp d0n th Delaware, leaving his father a not on the dining room table. That afternoon burglars : en tered the house and found the note. They knew the father's habits, and proceeded to go through the house systematically, taking things from the rooms of the women of the family first, so that the mgrchant would not notice anything wrong from a casual obseratlon. Their leokout spied him coming home at 10 p. m. They might have escaped, but they ware too audacious. They retired to th women rooms until the old man went to sleep. Then thy went on with their looting, mak ing everal trips to the cellar fot wine. Once during.' th early morn ing one of them stumbled. The old merchant awoke and supposed It was his son. "That you. Fred?" he called. "Ye-e-e-s," yawned a voice back, and the merchant turned over and went to sleep again; The burglars winnowed out every thing they wanted and Were all asleep In the women's roams when the old man went downtown at 7 a. m. Then they caroused all that day, destroyed things, broke dottles 6f wine the could, not consume and left before the merchant's return in the evening. COOL TMYR I1IUNT1 EXERGY. Th torrid days of midsummer are post. Fall may linger In the Isp f summer temporarily during the de lightful' October season, Indian sum mer, but the lingering, win not be ac companied by the rtargy-ennmimlng excessive heat. Already many of us have begun to shiver rn anticipation or winter, nut water, with) it chill, la not yet here.- There is scarcely ony one that will not admit to himself that there I a tang, a "whip," to the days nowr that was ab sent during the previous months Torrid weather wnnot msde for the whUe man: It so pi hla energy. Ho It 1 that these cool mornings bring with them the real fM-! of work. The ton ic effect Is unmlxtakable. No lunger Is that laty feclinc present. There Is s quickening of the mental and bod ily energy. The man In the street swings along an if he had a mission In life! The breath la longer and deeper. . We feel that we much reach the . bottom of our lungs with the smell of autumn. The shallow breath ing ipf summer, when It seemed that very breath wat an effort, Is gone. Mora people feel that th desire to start a llltle earlier downtown. .With the advent of cooler weather tempers that seemed on the breaking paint at every Uttls provocation, now .accept with equanimity provoking problems. Winter Is not on us yet. Instead we have th most beautiful anl snul Insptiing time of year. All nature will soon b Coloring her work with th frost What It so rare a a long hike In a hejty October afternoon, with the Sun, like a huge ball of burnished brass, sinking Into the hoKion, as though loth to leave tha world? Th easorioTlinrperWmMohli; i walnuts nd oysters come with th eoo! weather that surely Is ome compensation, lILlSFOOLISiil i IN COTTON CRISIS Secretary of Treasury Is Considering Plan of St Louis Banker. BIO LOAN FUND. : ST.'. LOUIS. Oct. Details of the proposed $150,000,000 cotton pool, (planned by Ftstua 3. Wade, a local banker, and now toeing considered by the secretary of tha treasury and th federal rarrv board aa mean of re lieving th cotton crisis, were mad publki here. Mr. Wade, with a dale gallon of 8t. Louis business men, 1 on his way to Washington. A state ment prepared by Mr. Wade say It Is expected New York oity will sut. scribe t50.aoo.000 to tna pool and perhaps mora. Ri Loulsia axracted to contribute 47,100,000. The loan fund la to be termed bj subscription from national and stats bank and trust companies, merchants and manufacturers throughout the Country. Tha pool Is to be merged by some large firm assisted by aa ad visory eommltteb of bankers and -ni ton handlers, ,."' At, least 100 financial center will ba asked to f. contribute to th fundi to provide storage facilities and to ta me uniform negotiable warehouse re ceipts for the cotton which will be Used as collateral. Th syndicate will nam aa agancle bank at various point in th gouth. Each Institution making a loan will receive tha notes of aha borrower to gether with the warahousa receipt and Insurance on the cotton In favor of the loaning bank. Th reliability Of th warehouse la to b guaranteed by bank through clearing house as- odatlonA Th loaning bank would obtain It money for forwarding tha notes and warehouse receipts to tha nearest agency of tha syndicate. Tha ageney would re-dleeount tha note and reimburse Itself by drawing upon th syndicate manager. , ,, . RItOlfiMLA.VD PIATFOlUf.. FRQVIDEKCB, R. I Oct. I. Planks demanding, th retirement of ths.New York, Nw Havn and Hart ford director and declaring for equal suffrage are Included la tha platform adopted today by th democratic tat oonventtott.n Patrick 11. Qulnn was nominated for governor. , The platform enddrae President Wilson and approves administration legislation. . ARGUMENTS CprVBED, CTNCTNNATI. Oct. .lAraumnta were concluded ' In Federal circuit court of appeals today In th appeal of John H. Patterson and other of ficers and former officers of the Na tional Cash Register company, who were convicted of having violated the criminal section of the Bherman anti-trust law. Tha Judges took the cas under advisement. GIANT RMAT YANK, POLO GROUNDS, New York, Oct. Bencher's triple followed bv Doyle's single In the tenth Innlnva. gave the New York National a 0 to S victory over the New York Ameri cans ln the opening asm for fha Manhattan championship series here today. Score: N. Y. Amur. 001 00 001 01 II S N. Y. Nat. .. 01 1 000 S00 1 i 1J J Keating and Sweeney; Mathewson and Meyers. CO-OPERATION NUTKetetARY. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. S That tha success of the Individual farmer In America has passed and that co-operation Is now a necessity were declara tions made by Professor Paul Work, of Cornell university. In an sddress today hefors the convention of th Vegetable Growers Association of America. Professor T. C. Johnson, of Nor folk, Vs.. told of the progress mad by the Virginia Vegetable Growers by co-operation. Other delegates declar ed co-operation between the farmer and the consumer would materially reduce the cost of living. STEVENS NAMED. WASHINGTON. Oct. . Ths war department announced toduy the ap pointment ni Ernest L. Htevena. Jr., Martinsville, Va for admission to th military academy In 1915. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can U Without Discomfort or Loss of Tim. . Wt have a New Method that cure AnUima. ana we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your rtM Is of lotlg-atsmllng or recent develop, merit, whether it Is present as titty (-fiver or chronic Asthma, yau should ind for a free trial of our method. Ne matter In what cllmat you live, no mat- fer what your age or occupation, If you are trvuhird witn astnms, our meinoq alwiild relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases. whre all forms ot Inliaiers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to ahow everyone at our own expense, that this new method is designed to end all difficult breathing, ail wheeling, and Sli those terrible paroxysms t once and for all time. TUI free offer is too Important to neglect a single day. Writ today and begia ths wntbod at once. Bend no money. Hlmply mall coupon below. Do it today. rnee ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room iMi. Nlsgara and Hudson Hts., .Buffalo, N. Y. Bndnree trial of your method to . Support the City that Supports You Believe in AsheViiM ' Support the Home Industries' . -v and - '' ,j - Home Merchants And We Will Keep ' Permanent Pros perity, , . Boost Asheville and; Each Other v THE MOTTO OF THE Asheville Board 0 Trade OnOWXW HEAR BUY A. : KENTON, ' dhlo, Oct,' tlMfHi crowds greeted William 3. Bryan to day In ihl tour of Northwestern Ohio In behalf of the Ohio democratic tick et. At Bucyfua, wher Mr. Bryan do llversd on of a number' of addreeaes, th re-election of Qovernor Cox, th lection of Timothy A. Hogan, demo cratlc nomine fr senator, and tha re-election of Ohio democratic mem hers of congress were enpedally urged. Mr. Hryan did hot refer to stats- wide prohibition which I to ba voted upon In Ohio In November, When advocate of woman suffrage1 asked him to discuss the subject ha said that a th party had not taken a position, It was not proper for him to discuss It. Charlotte Ives ha left th cast of "The High Cost of Living." - Galax Tomorrow MM LAST LONGER-BETTER RESULTS The price of a range should be figurerj, not bv its first cost, but by the length of time it will last and the economy of its use. "BUCK'S' CAST RANGES w ill outlast any, range on the market because of the material used and the scientific construc tion. . r ZSZlfi. BUY THE BEST 'BUCK'S" . --'i, .... .is";".-1' - Escluslva Agent .;.u': .;.,. .' Buy During This Month and G-' Fr fi':Z!'ZZZZy:ry: Enamel Vrrr. ' ThCK'tQVAKE"AXD - BfLT?" " ) WESTERN NOimi CAItOI.I": l SSSSSSSSS III I " t ; rouncAij MsovnvmKSTX i . ; . VOTB FOR CHARLEsl 0. CLARJOB". , . Reglstr of Deed. I -.."4 BlvcUon Not. I. Guaranteed Fire Backs stay-level tops and oth er features are "range insiilaiicc" for you: N , If Furthermore the san itary white enamel fea tures, ventilated Qvcnx. air-tight joints , arf? many other points of construction insure bet ter, more Sanitary Food at less cost (