THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 19U. J GERMANTS FIGHTING MACHINE IMS. 4 A splendid book by Ernest F. Henderson, author of :"A" Short V Otmu History." DMtrtbM ths army, aavy. submarines and the air :. navy of the German Empire. About 10 Illustrations of actual war j ptre. ROGERS BOOK STORE i Am Begera Ft BATTERY PARK BANK aaiuvillb. jr. a r surplus and pbofits iooo , rvif -" H-vr -. v-- ' tares P. Sawyer, Quitman of itoirrf -f. C Coxe, President . L L RanMn, CasAer Cnrta Sacer. Vke-Pnsiden! LlSat Brain Bread,- :: ButtCT Krutt and Daisy Cream loaves, sanitary wrapped; big healthy sized loaves, 'and very healthy and delightfully palatable. n Atk your grocer if he sells mail order bread, . or bread made in Asheville. - - AshevUle Steam Bakery 1'Phbntt 622 and 381. ? ; The Asheville School of Musical Art M. & Coniiell, Director, Auditorium Bldg., Phone 344 Yotoe, Cult are. Plana, Organ, Vlolia, 'Cello, CUilsal, Harmony, Tfceery, r ; CoHoalUoa, Orchestration, Ensemble, Repertoire, Choral, Iuiuki, FACULTY. ' ' Madam Olive Timmons -Berlin km Minnie Waatall Institute ef Musical Art, Now Tork. " p Mis Marguerite BmethereBre nau College. New Englaad , ' , " i f vCoMmMr. : v VMla Alberta Lauer Lolpaif. CAROLINA HAN WITH STOMACH 1 V. & Pavenport of Parker Better t . ' Aim lint Pom of - Remedy. "iW.'lL' PaTonport of Parker, NC, tout oofforod from a ptealiar malady Of tfe at4maek. Ho ooutht treat- with but UUlo rollet At Umo Btad tiat h would bar t ir l m ,took Mayr Wonderful stom Mh lumedy and found Immediate omOI Ho wroto: Tor yoaro X have auKorod from a ataeaae wbioh pueaied tho deotora Xn termed It catarrh of tne tom aalv aay!n tbe only kopo would be 4kHtt of cHmate. and that la all PMiaMUty 1 would never get welL fhm I hoard of your remedy. One Utat hottto gave mo tnotant relief. It tnade me feel- like a new man. Tour raS eeuree of troatmoato haa about owed me, . Several of my friend JkavAla' bun eured. . - ;fMuomada of other eufferinjfrom iTO HONOR FATHER OF THE TORPEDO mjuBmscncm, Oct tt. officer f the navy department are eeareh nig far deecendant. preferably a yeaag, unmarried woman, ot-David aaaeU.. She la wanted to act a apoaaor for one ef the new iub- I marina tender under onotructloa dot the United State navy. The f new Mbeaaria will, be tamed "The I BaehneU." in honor of the father of I the ubmarta. who experiment, - eandueted 14 years ago, a to the I world the proof of the poaerbtmiei uf uadoi aea flghting. - - , - . David Buahnell. the father of ub- . rnrtne warfare, whjee name I etyrooty known to the buildem of the now eperaong u I An OH FttmCjf Cough i Prepared Oeete Terr thia pU el alMfae eeub aoout J eeename taenpual oeuirki. throat and oaeeb eMa to H twe-noi eoeeb4 itrSartm1 mmA maaaeadia ami l excel Irat, aafJTiaaolwttAt&U frejBjto nfr lyrup. Foil direewene AiftiaaB. Keep perfectly and mate TteV W Mthb take hold of a eoorh i 1 1' limine persistant too eouch f g'neag Ike lematioa of phlegm in tiiiwl mA r n hiil tubaa. fT aCieaTof fine on the membrane t Rwa rr aim im eay. Pise ia jm mitue m pound ef tt a way taaa moan wwaaai 11 ti ' ewmeata. . .i , ioww eiw many wuuvn ww f thl fameae aititare. To avoid die pmaoiuOBW ask vonr drurrlr for "IH sew ef Piao," and do nek accept aaj- else m - w - i - m m, . A gMMtmxm e mmmwm wmmmmKn, tt Patsea Am Rcm M Mr. Maurice Longhurst Lelp- elg, London. Mr. Raymond Hart Columbia Conservatory. Washington. Mr. M. F. Connell Boston, Now Bngland, Now York City. ; Mr. A. J. Lyman. M. X, Modem Lenguagee. PUZZLING DISEASE WINS RELIEF maladloa f the etomaoh have found relief aa quickly ae Mn Davenport did. Tbie romarkablo - remedy ie known all over the country. The flnrt doae proveo ao loag treatment. Mayra Wonderful Stomach Remedy olearo eh eatlvo-i tract oc mucoid aceretlona and remove polaonou matter. . It brtn awlft .relief to uSerora from atomaeh, ' liver and bowel trouble. Many aay K haa eaved them from ddtaroroua opera. Uona and many an euro tt haa eaved their Uvea. ' Wo want all people who have chronic atomaob trouble or conitl po tion, no . matter of how long otand lng. to try one doae of Mayr Won derful 'Stomach ' Remedy one dooe will convince yju. Thia to the medi cine o many of oar people- have been taking with aurprialng reeulta. The meet thorough tyetem eleaneer ever cold. Mayr' Wonderful Stom ach Remedy to now sold here by Broadway Pharmacy .and druggtot everywhere. the European war, wa tern tn Say brook, Conn., and ' In hi freebmaa year at Tale Projected a ubmarln boat, the flnrt capable of locomotion, of which there are any authentic record. HI train first conceived the Idea of attacking the ubmera-ed hull of a Wp. Bushneir lint submarine resem bled a tortotso; it was less than eight feet long and six foot la height It had a bra head, fitted with eight glaaaee, through which the operator directed the hl. The powder mag ain wa hung at the stern, and wa designed that tt would be fastened to the keel of a vessel and a clock work attachment set going so that the explosion would be delayed until the ubmaria could get out of dan ger. Buahnell' Invention, though bril liant, . wa never a sueee. . In the summerf 1TTI, It wa taken to Now Tork to operate against m British man-of-war lying in the harbor, was the first nee of a torpedo In na val history. The plan fell through, becaiuse ef Buehaeir Ulneen, which mad tt awry to nd a substi tute, and by the inability of the ama teur operator to And on the enemy hip any wooden aurface or copper which could be pierced. In August, 1111, BushaaU floated a machine guided by a line agalnot ome British ships near New London. It demolished a ship, and this was tho first uccesful use of torpedoes In hhrtwry. JAILED FOB CONTEMPT. NEW TORK, Oct 21. John 2. Mal loy, auditor of Sing Sing prison, wa eeramttted to jail today la contempt of oourt for refusing to answer questions before the grand Jury investigating automobile rid and other favor al leged to have been granted t David A. Sullivan, a convict Sullivan, who I erving a term for wrecking the Union Bank of Brook lyn, of which he was president, la said to have been transacting hi private business from the prison. ' - KUAMTKSL BEATS SOTTO , L NEWPORT NEWS, Va, Oct :. jaeoa aonaofer eereated George But ton. o to tir-ar swrfiar ptayerr League match bar tonight. 4y"""t "4 MV& runs its: Ik; fiittucuvlf li, CG:.:rUQATED CASE isi:ovcEi;:Gi:EAnD ACTIOX TAKEN UNDER ADVISE- KENT BT COURT. Jury Unable to Agree la Caae of Steele Against SonUina Other CMC Before Superior Oourt. The oaa commonly referred to la the court of the state aa Pitulto against Lytic wa brought , before Judge B. B. aine yterday. follow ing the recess taken at the else of the day semlon In the Superior court ' After hearing evidence pre sented by Allen Mormon, attorney for the plalnUff, Judge Cllne took the case under advisement and will reader his decision aometlme during the present term of court. The hear ing of evidence occupied more than an hour, a large number of attor ney representing the Interest of the defense being present Thia suit la on of the oldest on the docket of the BunconVbe county Superior court, having been filed sev eral year ago and being carried to the Supreme court of North Carolina, ai one time, it involve in posses sion and division ef certain land sit uated oa the Swaaaaaoa river and valued at the present time at about 14,000. The tend Is owned by W. P. Randolph,, who purchased It for the sum of 11,100 at a sale conducted en the atop of th courthouse. Mr. Randolph ha set out an extensive orchard on th land and haa mad many other Improvements. Following the sal the heir bene fited by it demanded that th prop erty be returned to them and the purchase prior b refunded, and when thia wa refused entered suit In the Superior oourt Th aal wa upheld by the .court and the case wu appealed to th Supreme oourt That tribunal declared the aal an nulled and sect th case back to th Superior court for trtaL . It ha been called for hearing oa several differ ent occasion, but ha been nut off from time to time.. , . The Jury In the case of M. T, Steele against th Southern Railway com pany was unable to agree upon a verdict yesterday and wa put la charge of an offloer for th night Thia caa wa taken bp Friday and at th close of the term which ended Saturday night th evidenoe had Jut been completed. The attorney ad dressed, the jury yesterday .morning. and after Judge Cllne delivered his ohairre that body took th case. At a late hour In the night the Jurors had been unable to reach an agree ment . At th close of oourt yesterday af ternoon the evidence In the oaa of th dty of AhvtU agalnat J. Kelly Chamber, Mrs. M. T, All port and Mr. Mary M. McCall, wa being heard. Thl ease wa Instituted to recover benefit assessed on th prop.1 rty owner for th construction of a trset ,1 Th Jury wa dismissed ta tH thl morning, a 11 o'clock, when th hearing of evidence will be con tinued. The case I being hard fought and 1 being watched with consider able interest A drrorce was granted the plaintiff in the case of Mrs. Avonla Smith against Dr. Owen Smith, and the coat of th action were charged to th defendant A voluntary non-autt wa takan In (he case of J. E. Martin against the Southern Bell Telephone and Tote- graph company t at A compromise Judgment in favor of the plaintiff In the case of Adam Brother company agalnat the Red Shale Srlok oompany wa reached. The action wa, instituted t recover possession of ajsrtok machine , or- 1 REAL SNOW, CHICAGO. Oct II. The first real . now of the seasoa wa reported at Oreenbay. WI la the Lka luiwkp region, today in telegrams to the local weatner Bureau. STATION REPAIRED. NEW TORK. Oct. J I. It wu . iiouneed tonight that th Tuekerton, N. J., wireless station, burned mt several weeks ago, haa been repaired. Tne navy oepartmeat win eontlnua tiict censorship' over the handled. 1 ' ftgduwa II Oat, WW) Do ft Start IB Uncos From? catarrh aferer bv rare tkesurtves by pwlfylag tbelr stead with B. S. a. Catarrh turn tavadee the fatlre rrtcsi VrfBr tt the tbs asstl psaeegs. It kmn e cbraata ssd e tast tse etesMca, aver, usy. t of the glaads sis Isvornd wtthes scb sertoes eoadl. ttaa brtag KaMeed, Catarrh say to the msstt ef eeae riees Weed treable ef fens T years, and tkl to ealy ef no asay pweller edeet ef baawm bleed. Sew a. is tta Uhm epea the taes mtsrrkai to be cbuged or ooseerted arte a iiiNiiiii esetly, eulckiy, aad aat rally eapeiM: fnsa the body. It ee cbasg Uie amra that tt tt net the repy. steggtag mC that plsgs the aeee, ekekea the threat, eeeses Ml bevel treacle, sport the tiseh aad toatas the food Jest eaterlag the Weed. It Is efts etatalt t mavis ae eatarnt watT-rt that ebreale ssogav niot palaa, gaaajtag. trtid breach aa etber eyaiB taaM ere eery tb local eeidaso ef dorp stated tresWa Set a bottle ef fl. B. a. toaay aad try K. Tea wUt set too re- setts, reel keeeftt asd sooa be eetre of a aradaal ctoenlag ep aad a eherh to tse ef eatarrh. Avl VV-aV sa il uml eaty by The Swift Speciae Oa, t Swtft BUg Atiaata, Oa. They eesduet a SMdlesI de- i.:ovehitg:ovi!:g foh cg:.::.:h:gei.:eiits INTiaU'TING BrXXETIN H.V8 JUST BEEN ISSUED. Movetnent for Final Cdobratiooo at County SohooU Started With a Single Obeervaace. The value of the county commence ment in rural . education, including practical suggestion for working up county commencement. I treated In an interesting manner by B. B. Alder man In a bulletin Issued from the of. flee of the superintendent of public Instruction. , The bulletin contain a brief his tory of th movement, a discussion ot the purpose and some of the bene fit of th county oommoncemenia some suggestion for Its organisation and conduct, aome, atatamenu of . remit from competent county superi intend en U of oountle la which auo oaaaful oommeacemoat have bee held, aad some typical county oom mencement programa, ,; 'The county commencement," read the bulletin, 'Tor the elementary school of th county, at which cer. tifloate or graduation are giro to the graduate of the seventh grade of alt the publio school After they have passed a uniform county-wide exami nation, ha com to be one of the biggest things lit rural public educa tion la North Carolina and, within four years ha grown from a single local event la one county till it to now a regular, established and outstanding feature of th educational work of praottoally half the oountle of th state." The report coablnue that during th spring and summer of 1111 forty one counties la North .Carolina held ueh commencement and an aggre gate of 7,0 school children took ac tive part in these vnts, marching In th parade aad participating la the various contest and programs, Be tween 1,109 and 1,000 graduates of the seventh grade received certifi cate of. graduation after having tuo eessfully passed a uniform county ex amination given out from the office ot the county superintendent of public Instruction, f Aad hundred of thou sands of men and women witnessed th parade and th rcU f cer tificate pNMrtsdioa 'reviewed th school Khibtt and listened to th Mt erery contest of tad pupil, aad were Impressed with a renewed eena of th dignity and worth of publio education and of their responsibility for tt per fection and continuance," the bulletin eonttnues, 'y."'.-;'"?..; -i Of th. fifty-nine counties, not hold ing commencements la 1114 twelve re ported that they were unable to hold commencement thia year but " that they were already planning to hold such celebrations next year. Two of the had -mad pkuat fov-eommence-ment but wr annate t carry tbm through a result of th outbreak of epidemic. Three other would have held them but for th lack of suitable building, a defect which they declar ed would be remedied befor till. No lea thaa atetr countie ar expeot- ed to Hold eoenmeneemetito 4a ISIS. Jesse R. Grant th famou gener al's son, said the other day; There to too much ear talk la the papers. Turn to what page you will h religious news page, th woman' page kind ef war new; I gi vsn to all the Item. It's getting to be a Joke, It remind m of Oaff. ' "Gaff, an old soldier, wa so bored once by war talk that ho broke out Into a war rtory on hi own account.. He worked hi story up la the con ventional way, and at the eMmax h said: ,..-,. , . "Tes, gentlemen, men fell' by the dosen oa every aid of mi, Bullets pelted down like hailstone. Th roar of the big run wa deafening. Legs and arm," to any nothing of head and bodies, wr flying through th ahr In all directions. And thsa, by Jingo, X saw w were cut off! " Holy smoke, man, what did you do?' asked a listener. "'I did,' Oaff answered, 'six miles In 41 minute.'' Washington Staf. FRENCH,, WOUNDED SLAIN. WASHINGTON. Oct. it. Th Prsnch embassy today iseusd the fol-i lowing statement: I The report appeared In th press sometime ago, according t which General Stenger, commanding a bri gade of the German army in Franc, had issued an order to hi troops prescribing that they give no auerter te any prisoners, but shoot then all aad finish the wounded. "Aa 'official statement' from Ber lin, via Sayvtlla, wa lemed there opoa, declaring that thl wa aa Im pudent 11.' "Th atrocious order had aever theles had really bean giva . and carried out; and proof of it la In tb hand of the French government Owr twenty German vrtaoaer of the One Hundred aad Twelfth and th On Hundred aad Porty-cnd regiment of infantry (forming the Steager brigade) are now held la France, at Montbrtaon and St. Xtl- "They have declared, under oath, befor a maglstrat. that thl ordar waa actually tamed on the llth of August and that. In accordance with It all French wounded found that lay were at one dispatched. Offi cer, and notably Captain Curtlu of the One Hundred and Twelfth regi ment personally superintended the execution of the order." - - FIRST SNOW. -GRAFTON, W. Ve Oot U.A thirty degree drop bi temperature here today waa followed tonight by th first snow fail of the season. The fan wa heavy and continued fop several hours. : ..,-.'.. . nature ra the United Estate. Taetr formatto la oaoeed by th entreat FEET.LESS AI.'D FO TIE HI Y. 7. C, A. RAGE EACH Or TWO LEAPING TEAMS REGISTERS SM POINTS. Finish of Contest Prove Exdtlng- Rosalto ObUlned Ar SatUfactory aad Eathutlatm Aroused. Turning Into th last lap of th five day membership race at th Toung Women's Christian association, th car representing different team tn the contest mad a spectacular fin ish yeaterday. th Ford being tied With the Peerlea aa they speo. under th wire at th finish. As they turned Into th last stretch of the race the little four-cylinder rord. piloted by Miss Louisa Gay Williamson, dashed along side the Peerlea alt, driven by Mis Eleanor Morrison, and held that place a they wpt acres the final up at th finish. Th spurt of these two ear furnished th sensation of th race. Each wa credited with 169 point a Giving the engine alt th gas tt would take Mrs. w. B. McEwen, at th wheel of th Hayaaa, eould only finish with III points aad Mrs. J, W. Bur dick, at the helm of th Chalmers, finished with HIH points. Th Cad Ilia tour drive by Mtaa Florence Bar nard, went badly at the doe of the race and eould only register ; lit points. The tires of thl machine gave th driver trouble and much ground was loft through skidding on th sharp turns. .vx Misfortune was met early la' th race by Mis Nana Hodge at th wheel of the Hudson six. Thl ear got away to a bad Mart and at th end of th Ont tap something went wrong and only twenty point war regis tered by th driver, - General excitement attended th do of the race and th member of th various teams wsr on sdgs to see which machine would flash under tb wlr ahead. Whoa tt was -seen that th Ford wa closing up an th Peer lea and whit th driver of th speeding oar were trln)ng every nerve to mak th engine respond further to the necessity of th hour, no on dared to venture a guess to th winner. '"r,-i.fv .y-";:-, The members of Mies Wllllamaon' team were busy throughout the day working with might and main assist ing their leader to close up th gap behind the flying Peerlea. Th last point for thl ear wa registered by Mr. White Davis and It wa predict ed then that th big racer would be th winner but th Ford would not be denied and finished with tt hood on a line with th other, -, Th exact results ef the rac aould not be given out test night but gen eral satisfaction wa expressed and beside new member gained oonatd arable enthusiasm baa been aroused. t rJTOUCANS .Olf TRIAL,' ' PHOENIX, Aris., Oct II. Nine Mexicans, part of th band led by Miguel Ortls, who I still at targe, were placed oa trial la Federal Co art here tod.:,,,,.,., Th men wer arrested la August after the discovery of then? alleged plot to eelae th mi litis' arm and ammunition her aad la nearby towns. The plan wu said t be to rale a force to tsrrorts and sack Phoenix and other towns and then to dash across th border aad persuade th Taqute ta ola th rsvolutlon. CANADA NOT WORRIED, HOT SPRINGS, VS., Oct. II,- Sir Robert L, Borden,: th Canadian pre mier, saw here tonight for the first time since the published statement of Count von Bernetorff, Oerman am bassador, that lttvio of Canada by Germany would not be a violation of th Monro, doctrine. If remarked that Canada did not Consider a Gor men Invasion Imminent and that th relatlo nof th Monro doctrine to such an Improbability hardly had been much considered. Corns Qsit, Pdns ' Slop.WIUi-Cels-ir Qnit Plasters, Salve aad Wbat-Not. After oaing "GETS-IT" ono; you will never again hav eecasloa- for asking, "What can I do to got rid ef my corns T" "GETS-IT' to th first sure, oertain eora-eader ever knowa. WW TrWkh Cerwf the IWrl Vasaal If you hav triad other thing by the store and will now try "GETS-IT," you will realise this gioriou fact Tou probably are tired sticking oa tape' that won't stay Muck, plaster that shift themselves right onto your eora, contraption that make a bun dle of your toe and proa right down on th corn. Put two drop of "GETtf-IT" on that corn in two sec end. The rora to then doomed at tore a night follow day. Th corn arrive!. There's no pain, no fuss. If you think this sound too good to be true try it tonight oa any . corn, callus, wart or bunion.' ."GETS-rr to sold by druggists net by B. Lawreae A C., Chicago. -"GETS-IT ar oU AshevUle bp Smith' Drug-St oeei, C A, Raysoa laftsilJsjL antoiiiaiiii)Hti luiiniii i inNaBaatC in sjiiiim n i iiiiaananafn II LSI ITlwuMa fseWISrthdJ awWatsVVJg it (aM dspltojvllall pV'NSS'tH'SdJI dJB tHr 4X M fctWltwd C dranttsasMI dpj Vi-'KMaMS) i ns,rtiiu m moiw OmMvHM mI tSS4lMM tgWMaUy aWMMI dMfc annBI, 4aaVarmaV9 weT tsB dsn Mtnain te. iyMweit ew mi wnmiumimiMi, afcwiinnt flanaJP fceT 4s) ksuBSn yVWVsjflgldJI faWWiaaattSBja) fjgpgl VdAsNfltasSjSj M) MflwVHI Hbd) SlvtlSnT djf wHSFPfj ettwtS) dp udwtt imt iIiiiIh I mhmmnm mtmwl a SM4, MsewMMh at I ! wet tt tf f tot -t,,tsrym mmmmmmm mm mm mmmmmmmmmmm 3 Attorney General Declares . Chicago ' and Hew York Haye Agreement.. ' CHICAGO, Oot I .-Arrangement to maintain butter and egg price lists between New Tork and Chica go dealer, according to assertions bf Franklin Kennedy, deputy attorney general ef New Tork state, hsr ao oempanled by John Lanyon, chief Investigator, in an Inquiry into meth od of marketing of butter and eggs, ."Wi hay learned ' that Chicago emmlaston merchants, before making a aal, ak th msroantil xchang tn New Tork' dty for quotation oa price," said Mr. Xsnnsdy. - r Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Lanyon con ferred with attache of th United State district attorney office to ob tain Information of recent suits against th Chisago butter and egg board and th Elgin board ef trad by thtf government TRAVELERS AHEASXEO tOFF.EACIIOPE'.:iS:. LETTER IS MAILED BT SECRE TABT OF BOARD OF TBAPK. "Angel of CommerctT Asked to In ore ThHr Efforte ta Shatter Feellnf of Dtptissioa. Asking the traveling salesmen to Increase their effort looking to the restoration of confidence la business, Secretary N, Buckner, of the board of trade, ha sent th following letter t th secretary of the local eouncll ef the United Commercial travelers: "Ashovllle. N, C.r Oot 11. If 14. "Secretary, U C, T., AshevUle, N. C, "Dear Sir: The traveling salesman I one of the most Important factor in American Viainee lif. They ere the 'angel of commerce' and th ex ponent of good cheer and optimism. : "I have had occasion to speak to a number ef buslnes men In Ashevtll the last few days, asking for compari son of t business now In contrast with th tarn period of last year. Invari ably, the whom 1 hav asked stated 'my bustne to Incrtaaing, but time seem to be tight Thl i conflicting, and if our merchant and business men would leave off th awful but money la tight, times ar hard, to. condition would materially Improv in the south, and stay good, especially here In Western North Carolina, as before the European war suited. . : "Th war cannot last . Indefinitely, and there la Just as much money, and Just at much lumber, and Just as much very other kind of material and u stancd in th oountry as before, ex cept lack of confidence in our ooun try, the district the community, the city, and each other. Many of our trouble ar imaginary instead of real in fact most of our worst troubles'never happen. . "For the present it may be a ease of 'sit still in tbs boat for awhile.' but In th meantime conditions, of which general complaint to made can be Im measurably improved If every man will preach the goepel of optimism and do his full duty a a cltlsen ef th greatest country In th world, by add ing th weight of his personality in aa effort to make the best of a situa tion which, though possibly somewhat trying, I to a great extent Imaginary, Everybody knows the commercial traveler preache optimism and prae-' tlces what he preaches, and this I Just a suggestion that the effort of the traveling man be redoubled along thl line. Everybody help the other fellow all along the line and then we can readily dlacern a betterment of general conditions. 1 "Attention te especially called alto to the editorial In The Cittsea of Sunday, October It, entitled: "Stop. Talking It." which to with reference te the war and hard time. ; Wlth, best Wlhe. sm. ; .j "lour very truly, ' ,''." . ;"N. BUCSNrt. M ME QUOTATIO ; WOMEN'S Patent Shoes $3,00 to $5.C0 There are no prettier shoes than these, it there was we would , have them. Long or short, Cu ban or French heels. Befriend' your pocket book by buying1 shoes nere. ' , t . . its w ret i nimrwn f mir rwtaaaat aWSs) Ml eiHaetr a ! mm4 it mm - ,I1FFCCIIJ.!IES; Chairman. Travij .Dccbrci Commission and Vizzii 'iChouldOet Tc-sthcr. RALEIGH, N, C, Oot It.. After HI hour hearing of thr loru ef frj mltUng ths Intrastate freight oarrlers to tek off thlf special ommoany rate, long established' and now lnw r than th maximum rate prescrib 4 In th table of rate fixed by th tpeclal intrastate . rate ewnmWn,, recently applied, Chairman Travl of th' aorporatlofl Commission, sifl thai waving aeld the question' of the tight of the railroad to wlthdrtw th commodity rate and whether they eould it applied any way under interpretation ot th long and slmrt haut claa of the Jutic H, ho deemed If beet for the comn..i.i Md the railroad authorities to S"t together In a spirit ot compro;i.', and each side gtv and tak In re 'i. Ing a satisfactory adjustment of thg ituation, - i ' General Counsel 'A'."'K Thom, for th Southern and other railroad In terested, declared that the raiirotl companlei have no detlr to lih--draw the existing special commodity rata In oueetloa sxeept from , th viewpoint that to apply them with th Justice act tn force will have ths effect of compelling reduction of rate on line where these commodi ty rate ar la effect as applied to all Intermediate point. The argument for the raiirotl companis today were by George 11, Elliott of th Atlantis Coast Liner Jam Wright ef th Board Air Line; Colonel W. B. Rodman, of th Norfolk Southern end Colonel A, P. Thom, of the Southern, ; Alto former Governor KHc bin, prtnted argu ment a th polal repreaeniatlr of a number of oncm Interested la retention of, th special commodity rates. A HOUSE TEES DOCTOR'S ADVIGS And ts Restored lillesl ij Ljdla E. PicUuun's Ve; etaUa CoTaposad. bipheinls, Ohio. "Beeatia ei tout Ifrnoraoos of how to ear for mysel when verging: into wotnohood,aad front Ukiog eokl wbsa rotng to school, I sufi fered tram s displacement, and mcS month I had sever pain and nao which always meant a uvr-ofl from work for two to four day from tbs tins I trad IS yean old, . 7 .'"ir""!, - "IWMttoKanMgtoHtewltn myit' tet andwhll there a doetof told moi ths Plnkhem remedies but I did not us . them the a mf faith tn patent medi cine wu limited. After my aister died I cam bom to Ohio to Hv and that baa been my home for th last 18 years "TCbanjeof lifemswhnlwa 17 year old and about thto tim I a sty physical condition plainly Inribed , tn oa of your advertltmxmte. Then 1 begwt Mtnf Lydla E. Plnkham'i Vegv: atabl Componad and 1 eaimot tn yotf or any on tb relief tt gar m In th first three months. It put m right where I Deed not toy off ovary asontit and during the last 18 year I hav not paid out two dollar to a doctor, and have beea btost with excellent health for wo woman of my age and I can thank Lyd.' E.Plnkbsjn'sVr stable Com poundXorlt. "Sine tb Chang of Lif I over f bar been a maternity mrrs and beint wholly elf-upportin 1 cannot ovf I estimate the value of pwd health. I have now earned a oomfortabl litt'j homo just by Bewlng- and nursinp;. I hav recommended th Compound t) many with good results, a it i em 1 lent to tek before and after r !. blrth."-Miss Ev.YH Acr.UA : AST, Euphemia, Ouia If yoi went t? ' I ',Nr'''i lydl E.rUkh"H . '. daatist) I rxn,X . ' ' be opened, r 1 - ! re ass asi t. , i l 1

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