TEE ASHEYILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. 4 . HIE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN PuUUhed Ever? Morninf hy rh Gtutn Company . , f Gorcrnaent Street Tie Aahevlll Ottizep 6 dan a weak. Tk Sunday Cttben every Sunday. T Wwkly Cttlxeu every Wednesday. TELEfHONE5 BnitMat Offlea- - 8 Editorial Room ...W ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS COMPLETE SUBSCRIPTION RATES Py carrier In Ashenfle and Suburb, flatly A Bun. 1 jr. In ad vane. 7.50 ' Daily Bun. J iuo, in advinc 1.93 . Pally 4s Sua. 1 weak In advanea - .IS Dally only 1 yaar In advenca- . COO Sally only 3 mo. In advance.- .. 1.30 Daily only 1 weak In a4ano - JO By mall In t'nltea State, Poatag Paid. . Dally Sun. 1 ya lu advance .,...$.fi0 Dally ft Bun. 3 mo. In advance 1.50 Dally only 1 year In advance 4.00 Dally only I me. in advansa-w. 1.40 Sunday only 1 year la advance ... 3.00 Rund y only 8 mo. In advance - .50 Weekly 1 year in advance.-w ,50 ' Thursday, Dec, 3,, 1914. ,? The Commission Form ; V In enlisting the aid at the varieu eirio 'CrffthUaUort In behalf of the movement looking to the adoption of -the commission form of government tor this city. The CtUien beiievee that the adwoatee of the crnimlssioo plan i have aoted wisely. In a movement euoh faivreachlnf Importance no on orgajiiajtton snouM undertake, or attempt to undertake it. manage ment slnglohandod. Should the ef fort now beln made to ,1(1 ve thie oHy - tha moat emoient type of city govern ment reach eticoeeeful aooomptbrh mant, thara will be glory enough for alland to' epare. ; The Cltliten, of course, understand that tha commission form of govern ment, a now ooneldered for Ashe- vllle. ! h oommlaston form in the times acceptance, and not a maker aW. That la to ay, W will embody all the appaslthf feature of the plea. a now operating 'In variou aeo tlapej of, thai country, . Including .the Initiative, referendum and recall, and alao the ivm-oartisah teatura The Otiann does not favor, and would nut upport any other plan or ayatem. Jt would be worse than uceles to under take to fobs, upon thie community an maaoulated form of oommieatoa xv arnmant; Indeed it wovW M far bet ter to retain the mtHitotpal eyetem under which w are now operating. i Property uoderetood by tha people, and it wtl be presented to them eo that they will underataad It, the eom- rnteakm torm ef foveqrment wtM tnaka for tha rwpid adrejwement of looai Interest and will undoubtedly affect great saving lon flitaaotat i ML. ' ... - ' wmw) k they are eo minded, oaa obtain the mwniaetoa form of dty goVernrnant f"wtthout aaklnc anybody's permission. jit may be taken for f ranted that wtrtaln element preferring way that art ancaant to modern methods will Kjo. with ttlafavtir upon th Cothro te ndon vovenvment movement, but the people, after all, constitute the court ot last resort, and Me verdlat must stand, ' Our State Legislature In yesterday heme The Cttiaen dlscuaMMl the impend n Inttroduo tioa of two treat reform meas ure which are badly needed In Mile state, and It has indicated that Bun combe is fortune.! ia. having abi no Intelligent men bshlnd the proposed Hlle. These, meaituree, and ail meaa Ures that, look to the protection of the ballo rn rem.h antiiai amonvpltsh rnent If the oountlus and dtetriuts will xeroine every HTive to obtain the best men. tn e body so unwleldly and rdmbervonin aji thn .i.u . ,. ..... . . I-IKL U I W ll Tnuet needs be that mixed maturlal finds ite way-lnto tht WislelMivie luUlit. ?The remedy for BiK-h condition llee whh the iopl. It Is for th voters to requu-e a "tandard of lntelllxen- in those whom they at im for the etate Wlslature that will Insure satlsfwtory aperformsnre of duty. Too little at tention Is paid to tb individual queil Jloatlons of cendldatejt whtn nomlna ions are hung up. Klret clsiw men In leisUt!v bodlos arc not in tht majorHy: not many 4tend to tha "work committed to thimi diligently and faithfully, aivd It should not be Without sUftntoVanow, even u the dull ast polltloUn, that the capable lette letor Is often meawtred at hi real rth and Is advance' to higher feenora rortunately for the state of Worth Carolina We believe there Is about to vm a day when the men eeleeted to ft duty at the state capital vill valm Khelr own self-respect end the respeot f the people more than the u ne.M. tain promise, and shady Influence of INloal bosses. There are not granting etine o the effect tlwt a H bora In the legUlatW mind, and that th sower of the ward htM ad professtonaJ pelttMaa I slowly lvt awely erwatiMa It to. wall that thie la eo for North Carolina ha Buf fered much at the hands of men whose personal ambition has always tun away with their" patriotism. These conditions were not confined t ore party, indeed it would eeem that the Old North Mate hue ever been a foot ball for scheming politician and of fice seekers, without regard for polit ical alignment or party division. Note And Comments It sreins that Von lllndertburg was not the man who put the war in Warsaw. ' e A hitherto unknown irentus an nounce lhat with water W a few ohnniloals he can make a good auto mobile fuel. It may be true, but fuel believe it e The New York VVorid oharges that Aeoretary Rryan no long hoi da out the Warm hand of welcome to news paper men. How times have ohanUd, to Ve sure, elnoe the days of "siicteen to osta." It can be taken for granted that the enraged suffragettes wfll now say snme rather mean thlivgs about Mrs. Dodtre's hats. The timn who sn.ys "baby show" to the directors of the Western North Oerolem Fair nMeootation places little value on hie life. "Why did Oewrge Barr Mo Cutohoofi V" asks The Vlumbla mate. Beaauae he tried hard to Ato Adoo about nothing. mm m im nKsnnnr. They are me! Diepersed, The ours we learned to love a day, Our fxWhm dlvariped, And each pursued his unrevesl-ed way. Oood-byes were said: Oood-byes that fotind our Inmost heart And pierced them Eh roue h With strangely polement darts. No deep, sweet sorrow (wet tweajuae we met k-nd cared) Would sob within our emils. Mad we but sooner fared. Heart .touched heart. But for a little eraeon. lAnd then Out ImUJ somewhere; into tiie shadowiland; For Ood'e good reason BJaoh to hi destiny. -VO ALTN. THW PtTB W KMTORT. Detatubrr S. 17IT Delaware adopted the federal constitution. First tat to do i so. . - , 1711 Ohio company of pioneers left Ipswich, Mass., for th wast. 1111 llllnole admitted to the union. 1154 People of Mexico voted that . the republic should continue to be governed by Santa Anna. lll Oeneral Uoagttreet raised i the let of Knoxvill. 14-Deth of Robert Loui Btsven- . son, age 14, at Samoa. 1117 German marines took poesea- sloa of Xalo C'hau. . , , ll-MJueen Victoria vlelted wounded soldiers from Soudan. 1101 u, , r. Tennessee, now in Turkish water was launched at Philadelphia. THM M MY HTH niRTHOAY. ClflvtHand Abbe. Cleveland Abbe, originator of the dally weather report, famous meteo rologist, lecturer and author, wt bora at New Tork December t, lilt. Re studied astronomy in many col lege, and took up teaching in Mich igan Agricultural college In lltl. The following year he was appointed to th V. 8. Coast and Geodetic survey for four year, after wnloh he went to St. Petersburg, now Petrograd, na tional eiiMrvatory, H returned la 17 V aid in th V, , naval obser. vat'ory, and became director of the Cincinnati o'beervatory the following year. It was while here that he orig inated the idea of dally weather re ports and put out a report for the chamler of conunerce, whldh was adopted by the national government. He became known as "Old Probs,"' a nickname that ha clung to him. He went to the federal (weather bureau in lll, and has been a lecturer at Johns Hopkins. Oeorne Washington, and other Inetltutlone. Dr. Abbe Is n member of many sloentlflc societies. He Is still active In his profession, and is connected with the V. 8 weath er bureau at Washington. HABIT OA ITS. I think the old legend is suggestive , of a groat truth. Moral acta are the oaves In wmcn siumoer me wroj which sweep the human heart. We have control rf the oaves, and we can let out whatever wind we please. If we do Chrlstiy deeds, we let loose a south wind In our lives, a balmy, genial wind, whloh will waft tie to wards our God. If we do un-Ohrlet- ly deeds, then we let loose a north wind, cold and destructive, which will create a wintry, desolate heart. In the common dally life we are ev ery moment originating the force Which Is to determine our destiny, and "whatsoever a man oweth, that shall he also reap. "The Christian Herald. VKMjKNT BOMBARIVMBNT. PARIS, Dec. I. (1:4 p. m The following offtalal communication was issued hy the war office tonight: "ln Belgium a violent bombard ment of Imprnlitse, west of Rlx- mude, has I a ken place. "In the Argnnne region the enemy has Mown up by a mine the Salient northwest of the forest of LaOrurle. "On the whole we are developing our progress on that part of the front. "In Alsace our troops have taken the towns of Aspaoh-I-Haut end Aspect! -La-Baa, southeast of Thann. "On the rest of th front there ! sethis -le esraa. GOOfl SAMARITAN MISSION PMnoees theatre Friday, Buy tickets from IsuUeS auxiliary bead le TheScUtort Route j fWn Shaw Crave Sympathy? (Columbia (Mate.) "Never 'play a man at hie own game," t a maxim that a number of excellently well meaning and highly esctted hxilvlduals hare forgotten, even to the extent of attempting to answer Bernard Shaw. Among them is (Jhnstabel Hank-hurst, who only suivwdivl in showing that whatever i" a a militant, she Is nothing a wit. Sliaw Is not answeraMe, because he is a master of the double construction masked as dlrent statement, the two-fsz-ed paradux, the Impertinent asser tion. To fire si h'm I to receive a Woadslde for b shot. In fact, like the old-style dualist, Hhaw slalki abroad wRh e ehlp on his shoulder, spreading Insult end Inviting conflict. IJke the duslisf, he Is mors apt to be wrong than right, but as' the sword dwilded the leeue under the "code." so an irteeiiofimble wit leave noth ing hut humiliation to the challenge of indignant virtue The weapon In uch a a should be an axe Instead of a rapif-r. This being Hhaw, it Is etordshin to hear him replying to an attack from a labor party tmper in a riiood Which has In it nothing of hrualer and a dsl of apparently eincore regret that he should have been assaulted from a quarter to which he had looked for sympathy. Indeed, eh eooffer Is almost pathetic as 'he an nounces that at least he Is glad to know whenoe to espeot the blowe flhat he had looked for from others that, even should the socialists share in the general condemnation of hie "Com mon Hense About the War," he will continue his solitary and thanklese ooume of being disagreeable. I It Just possible that Shaw meant What he said In hie articles about the war and that underneath the mounte banking of his satirical philosophy he Is in tfact tfhe lonely Don Quixote he pictures himself! Hie Place for War New. (Louisville Herald) A sensitive, tender. hearte I person writes to a Philadelphia paper to urge that more cheerful things than war news he iplaced on the front pages of the dally paper. Headline on war news should be reduced t the very minimum, the Ingenious writer say, and the story wK aU its horrors- placed on an Inside paga Th argument advanced In favor of this move 1 that, with only agreeable matter to confront them flrst each morning, readers would be put Into a tat of mind that would benefit them morally, imyarcally' and financially. "If you will give a man something pleasant to meet hla first glamce, betlh morning and evening," declare th would-be reformer of the press, "he la better aWe to perform a day's work. meet with trying ooodltions with bet ter grace arVl brighter hopes, than IT at flrst glance you shock him with eometJUng distressing and terrible." Probably thia ipemon. who repre sents a considerable otasa, doe not suspect that ha 1 a humorist, nor does h understand that the province of a newspaper la to pubUah ttt wi, whether it be pleasant or ufpleagaht, Worle f battles and sufferrn - are not greeabl reading, but whll tht great European . conflict la th tre mendous' event of th world whloh It is likely to continue to be for many months to oome those stories go.cn the flret page even, at th cos t of shocklnff the tpeople who would like al way to smila If burying war news on an Inside imge With Inconspicuous headUne would abate the war' Itself, every edi tor would follow that course and place the moat inane of society news on th front pag alone with column of Jokes; but a this would not lessen th terrible facts, the sensitive feel ing of mollycoddle who 'Van not bear to read atoout battles' win con tinue to be . harrowed as heretofore. Wars news will be "played up" In s manner bOAtting Its Importance. British lletn f oroetwnta, (Springfield HopubHcan.) One -retaon far the desperate energy with Which ! Oermana have been credited In their efforts to break through to the channel (porta may be found In the stream of reinforcements whloh hue been pouring in from Kng land for a fortnight, and which If (continued would give the allies a marked numerical eu-periorlty In that (Veld It Is wholly alieiurd. of course, to talk of a new British army of I,2n0, 000 men having been landed at Havre. Knghmd has no ewch army to send. In a dispatch of yesterday from Havre j Lord Kiltuhner Is quoted as h&vinK Isald at the lord mayor's banquet on isovemoer that he had eiu-h a num ready to send to Prance, but he said nothing of the wort: hie word." were, "There are in this country over j 1,260.000 men In training," and In I this he took in both regulars and ter- rttorlals. ' R-wn If such a fon1 were trained, ; ' as may be the case iwxt spring, to isend It tn the continent at present would be an Inipoewlbillty: the huge figures of the present war must not blind us to the enormous difficulty I of transporting, organising and keert I In In tlU' field an army of a million or more men. Bven next year, If the war lasts that long. It will tax the re sourcee of a nonmllltary country like Great Britain. Hut while uilk of a great new army already landed Is alxerrrt, there is rea son to believe that considerable rein forcements are already In the field, and that tiliey will henceforth mate rially strengthen the allrcs In Belgium and northern Prance. For the most ipart they will he rather given, bu eflflolent use can be found for green troops With a little icempaignlng they wtll rapidly improve, and then we may look for a somewhat moro ag gressive campaign; if the allies have net been forcing the fchtlng. it has no doubt been partly because their need was lceis urgent, and partly be cause theee reinforcements were known to be eoon due. If the Ger mans do not speedily achieve success In SMs Held, -their ekssens will-. have passed. Btradley eV Luther have Chase and Sanborn Coo i and Teas. Phone 1102. ' Adr. Ouldren i Stories j " -j i ii i THE NEW PENNY. ' Ono upon a time a new penny was Mven'.frjtn some other pennies to a young man. He put them all to .other In his pocket 'and, as soon a h oovld gave them ail to pay for stsnethinf he bougttt. for., as he said to himself, "an those pennies are too much to carry around." The new penny iay beside the others thinking all of the time how much better tut whs than the rest akl he rolled away from the others a much at he could until he was at the end of the drawer. The penny that wag nearest Ui him said: "you need not feel so stuck up. 1 looked as good as you opwe and 1 can again If I only go to th rfeihx place to get aU of thiw dirt taken off from me." The new panjn-y didn't believe the other penny nj was lad when me one took him from the drawer and handed him to s Mule boy. The penny was held tight ln a very warm and much soiled hand for sometime but at last given away, qmiy to be re turned to the Hhtie boy as he heard some one say "it was so bright." It traveled on and on until one day it dropped out through a hole In a hoy's pocket and rolled down Into some dilrt, where it lay for a long time, getting duller Uxtktmt all the time. fne day the bright eye of a little tflrl found It and It started again on Its travels. for a lone; time it u'k-n i. . dark pookecbook, eo lone that It was begtnninf to think It would never me piacc or see the sunltgiht again. One da V. hnumver th uk- nook was -opemed and several pennies put in wih It. How glad it was to see friends and talk with some one. It was just going to speak when a bright penny rolled tnwexd it atui . It loolOBd up It said: "Oh, you thought wouiant see you sgain. Don't you remember me? I aim the dd looking Winy that you deepmed so whan you were new. i ns penny looked up and sure enough rttiht beside It was Its old rriend but looking as bright as he 'had once. "How did you get to look like a nw Penny?" he asked. "Can 1 ever look new again?" "Of course you can If you watt Ion enougti," answered hi old friend. ft the penny is looking every des for sum one to Uke H away to be made bright aam but the last I heard he was stilt tn rh nb-t. . ' nrwav-.- book. Witk The Wag. War Rations. "It was ehortatiiie of suppltea that caused the Germans to retreat frvm th Alame." . aald Pmf. Hatnrtnh Siegel at 'the Oernuui.AmHaii chamber of oommerce in New Tork. "I know a story to oonnrm that a atory oonfirnwtj oo. the German llaihtheartiedneas under diffloultles. "An Amerioan correspondent said In Paris to a German Infantryman wounded; at the Marne: "Thos new hairy raw -hide, knap acKa-rdO,Jfu Uermans tike themT I " 'Do we-like them?' the wounded German ItifWryrnan with pepper and salt aid a dash of onion we just aote on them! " New Orleans (Mat. First Impreasion! Recently a woman paid her first vwt to the opean and ns she mood On the beacb jgaalnc at the great ex Pan of water a friend happened aloyi-g. : Tney tali m Mra. Jones," said ths friend, "that you never saw tho ocean erore. la tnat true " . "Yes," answered Mrs. Jonea Moet of my life ha been spent In the middle west.,tyou know." "Think of the wonderful treat you had!" eagerly exclaimed the other. "How did It Impress you?" "WeM." thougJitfully answered Mra Jones, "when I looked at the amount of water they bay down around here It etnick me that fish mlitht be a little bit ,'Cheaper." Philadelphia tedger ;(v LIFE INSURANCE CO. They Are Closely Observing Public Health Conditions An emiiunuii 1'hyewUn fur one of the prominent Ulfe Insurance tym panies, in mi Interview on tihe subject msde the atonlhiiig stateniient that on rreeoii why so many applicants for Insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble Is so common tu the American people, and the large ma jority of those whose applications sue deoliited do not even susKsol that they have the disease. Accord-In to this It would seeitn that a medicine for flhe kidneys, pos sessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to t housaluU. 1. Kilmer Co., Btnahamton, N. T.. who prepare Dr. Kilmer s Kwa.nii Mmn the well known kidney, liver and bladder remedy, claim Ural Judging from evidence received from druggiH eMerywhet-e, who are con stantly i'n touch with their customers, and al.to Indisputable proof in the form of grateful testxmoniai letters from thousands of reliable cltisene, this preparation la remarkubly suc ceswful n sickness oaiuted by kidney and bladder troublea Rverj' Interest ing statement they receive regarding Swamp Root Is lnvetli(u.ted and no testimonial is published iinleao the party who sends It Is reported of good chsrscter. They have on flic many sworn statements of recoveries In the most dlsu-eesintf casve. They mate that Dr. KMroer's BwajnivRoot la mild and gentle in Its aottisi ad lu 'healing Influence Is soon 'noticed i,n most cases. "-' flwamp-Root is purely an herbal compound and Dr. Kilmer a Co. ad vice all reader wiho feel in need of such a remedy to give M a trial, ft Is on sale at all drug stores ln bottles of two sixes lOe. and ll 00. How-ver.- 4f ytei seislt first - te ws thf, greet preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft do., Blnghamton. N. T. for a sample boetla When writing he sure and nutation the AshevWe Datty OKaan, . Men's $5 Shoes $4.60 That tells a convincing story, especially Inasmuch as these are "Brown" 8hoes of Quality. In every style, knob toe and Kngllsh last. Medium and broad heel blucher and bal In fact, whatever your shoe fancy we can supply . Keep your feet dry in bad weather and save a cold, grip or pneumonia and save money. C. IV. BROWN Shoe Co. 47 Patton Ava Phase lit Courteous Salesmen Fit Toa KxactJy. Quality ' spells Economy That is why go many people will use no coal but our MONARCH. It is the cream quality of good coals big in heat, burns free and leaves little ash. Southern Coal Co Phone 114 10 X. Pack S Fancy Bedroom Slippers ' $1.00. The Call Co. If BWTHGBM AVM. Milk Made Bread- la vrrapper CcLOAF KINDEXft Phones 57S-MT Trmnka, Bags and tmlt Cases, II. L F1NKELSTEIN LOAN OFFICES. SS-IS bouUi Mala t, Ptioae MT Removal Notice. Zeb F. Curtis has moved his office to Third Floor Oates Building. advt-7t W.AR AND PEACE. Across the world, my brother, they're fighting day by day; Old Germany and Prance and Eng land bold, There's Russia and the Japanese and Tifrkey, so they say, Who're sending out their battling" boats untold. Give forth your thanks, my brcther. that you and I are here In Ood's own peaceful country, far from strife; Our Uncle Sam Is mighty and our people need not fear That he will sacrtflce a ipreoiou life. Beyond the sea, my brothers, ten mil lion fighting men Are at each other's throats in mad array, Ami homes of sorrow daily grew be yond aU mortal ken. As the horror of it all grows day by day. But don't forget, my brothers, that you and I are here And living in a hsuppy. peaceful land. Our burdens may seem heavy, but we have no deadly fear Of feeling war' great, awful grip ping hand. Beyond the sea, my brothers, on Eu rope's blood soaked plai, The soldiers of the nations fight and die. And many thousand loved ones will never see again The brave men who In bloody trenches lla But thattk your God. my brother, that you and I are here; Our wives and sweethearts happy . by our side. Pray for the poor .Jnad.mlU toa wfta must war's burden bear While you and I In peace and to abide, J. C IfaBrtd STRENGTH And Conservatism give security tlal features are combined in tha Wachovia. W tarit caratal In vestigation and scrutiny; then you will be convinced and becoms-nxa of our many cuatomera , Wachovia BaiA & Trust Gpaiiy 1 Capital and Snrplni Sl.7eM89.il : , The American National Bank Corner Church St, and Patton Av. r The Only National Bank In Ashe ville , , w . A TRIAL WW TOR AT T MARCUS ERWIN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW On December Tth, I will open offices for the general practice of th law In Room 11-11 McAfee Building at corner of Collet and Spruce Street. High Cliff Th Coal Without a Detect. We handle the best tb feilloo Ilctd Atord. Asheville Dray Fuel & Con struction Co. Office Ptjone lit -Yard Pboa 610 For Batter and Cheaper Clothe go to KREINUS & ANDERSON Tailor for Ladle and Gentle. . men. MO. II IT. PACK BQ. f3S GO TO TEDS Baltimore Sample Store For BartnJns tn Bam pie Goods a I. Mala ft. Suiter Overcoat Southern State Bank Glen Rock Station. CAPITAL. 136,000.00 Your Account la Invited. 4 Per Cent Paid oa Savings. Laundry Styles Mean Clean, Wrinkle less, Spotless. Otherwise known as NICHOLS WAY Phone 2000. Asheville Steam Laundry . A. NICHOLS, Manager. 11 Penland Street. 04 f- UadeTe OlD Measure Baby's Health Better When you feed it Pasteurized Milk Guaranteed Pure. Then too, it is better for everybody to drink milk that is positively pure, and Pasteurized milk 1 always that PURE. Get On the Calling List of Our Wagon. - -WWte-Pine-Crcamerles 327 raiPEDSES 320 to a bank depositors. These AMONG THE MANY , i ' ADVANTAGES ' t which a commercial bank : a count five to a man, la th ab solute receipt for a bill paid,' which the endorsement on hla check give him. IS ALL WE ASIC OCR MFJIDRY W Hi-fi. GALAX i Cold Cream Excellent for Hoftealng ahd Beautifying the Skin. Good for Tan, Sunburn and Roughened Bala, 'i WALKER'S Drug Store ' SOLE AGENT. i Phone 18 and 1U. 1 1 " 1 " 1 1. "W J I I I III I CIVIC US A CALL All Work Guaranteed. THE ST. CHARLES BARBER SHOP! 7 Haywood 8t . Phon IM. if- J.E. CARPENTER rEWZXER. Watches and Fine Jewelry, Watch Repairing My Specialty. NO. PACK 8QCABJB FOB VBn BE! ILtCTRlCAL FIXTURU W.AWAR9 . U Batfry Park faetbsM 44. CARS FREEZING? Cold Weather Always Trouble The Car Mail Store Your Car ' With TJ. Frost Proof Garage. Open Day and Night. D. C Shaw Motor Co, Phon$ 2266 61-80 Broadway. The Home of the Ford. " SHIRTS Made to Your Individual and Requirements. Price $2.00 to $8.00. MERCHANT TAILOR, CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store Patton Art

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