THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. f. RFTMFMBKB AFTER THAXKBGIYIXQ Bmr and Give Book! This Christmas Mow Here to Select From Than Anywhere Etas la North Carolina. ROGERS BOOK STORE tthttMAl Rogers Frees tt Pattosi Ave. ' Phone U4 BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL v. . . .. $100,000 SlmiS AND PROFITS . v . , $160,000 OFFICERS: lames P. Sawyer, CAannart of Board 7. C Coxe, President it Rankin, Cashier tnvln Sluder, Vice-President " C Rankin, Assistant Cashier No Loana are Mad by this Bank to any of, Its Officers or Directors. . ' . USTO PRAISED J III LETTER SEIIT TO SEC. GARH1SQN President Wilson Pays a Glowing Tribute to the American Commander. PRAISE EXTENDS TO I AMERICAN TROOPS President Commends "Effic iency, Courage and Dis cretion" of Soldiers. BREAD Buy at Home And be sure it is Daisy Cream or Butter Krust great big loaves and better ones than mail order bread can possibly be. And but 5 cents, a loaf. Vith ten cent loaves you get certificates that entitle you to a beautiful dinner or tea set at factory cost. Save the coupons and get one for Christmas. Asheville Steam Bakery Corner Fatten and Ashland Avenues. . Store north Pack Square. ' Phones flai and Ml. Mces Cell For Best Denial Work Best Gold Dust Rubber , FOR 30 DAYS ONLY We Make This Special Offer to Our Patrons $7.50 .. $5.00 .. $3.00 .. $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 ,B W a-e - $15 1 A Celluloid e)J.U Fktss... .... Rubber A II M.aa $C Pistes Dupli O oated..... ' C US. Gold W " CrOWnaV.-M!M. t a Bridge 9 O .. . . . .-.-.t.. Work... ,... Examination FREE and an our Work Is Fully GFDARAN! .' VjlH an r - iVKirn Prevention Is the best thing In dentistry. Our FREE examination saves health and money. snasIdealPainlessDenlists0 BRYAN EXP LAIS U. S. rJEUTBALITY TOMArJUFACTUREB Invites Charles M. Schwab to State Department for Conference. SCHWAB SUPPOSED TO HOLD CONTRACTS American Firm Sold Subma rines to Russians in the RussJapWar. WASHINGTON, Dec.' ..President Wilson wrote to Secretary Garrison today, paying tribute to the "efnclen cy, courage and discretion" of Gen- I era! Funston sad his forces during the American occupation of Vera . . . The letter reads: ' "May I not aek you to express to General Funston and the officers un der him at Vera Crux, and through them to the troops, my warm appro bation and admiration of the way In which a dangerous and difficult sit uation was handled T I believe from what we haye learned that the oc cupation gave our friends the Mexi cans, a different Impression of the United States army and the spirit of the United States government from that they entertained before General Funston took his troops there, I am sure that I speak the feelings of the whole country when I commend the efficiency, the courage and the dis cretion with which the expedition and occupation were carried out," Secretary Daniels of the navy, ad dressed a letter to the commandant of the marine corps, Major General Geonge Barnett, in recognition of the conduct of the marines who served under General Funston. "I wish very much," wrote the secretary, '.'that my igagements here would permltme to accompany you to Philadelphia on your mission to give the greeting of the nation to the members of the marine corps, of ficers and men, returning from Vera Crus, I beg that you will convey to them the grateful appreciation of the president and of the navy department end, I may add as well, of the Amer ican people, for the courage displayed when Admiral Fletcher u.nded on April tl and for their long and ef ficient service' during1 the occupation of Vera Crus. They hav earned ths gratitude of their countrymen." C1YIG LEAGUE OFFERS , TO START GARDENING franoR rjEAcrox work was dis cussed YESTERDAY. Offer Made to Carry Out Flans and Specifications Furnished by City Two Schools as Start. To gurorriote Che Junior work In the pubHo schools of Asheville the dric Betterment league reached a decision at the meeting yesterday afternoon to place a proposition before the board ot alderman to the effect that if the ..board wall provide (plans and speetOcatfortf for beautifying the grown. of Kro schools In the city the league will see to ths carrying out of these plans ' The object of this de cision is to start on two of the schools and gradually take up each of the otiher schools In the otty until all have been served In the same way. The meeting yesterday was one of the most Important which has been held recently and much interest was manifested In the (proceedings. The subject of Junior league work was the chief matter discussed and many in teresting points were brought eut In conaeoUoa with It The otty schools were represented by 9uperlntenoent Harry Honreg, J. R. GrRon, ofthe Ashland avenue school HJasj Margaret 'Ware, of the Orange street school, 3Um, Sllnnle C. Pickens, of Newton Free Did Advice to All Dyspeptics Eat what the little diet slip In every package of Hot Springs Liver Buttons tell you to eat, and take a magic but ton as directed, and your Dyspepsia or Indigestion or Stomach Trouble will soon be a thing of the past Hot Springs liver Buttons are the most blissful laxative ever compound ed. Better than calomel, salts, oils, waters, etc., because they act gently, yet. sorely on the bowels, and expel every Particle of waste matter. They are great for Malaria, Dissl- ses,- BIWowsneas, Psapsnsossyy-ead academy, and Mrs. M. B. Monroe of the Murray school. All of these took an active part In the dleouesiaa. Mr. Ortton told of this experience In gardening work in the (public schools of Kentucky and stated that he Is will ing and eager to start similar work at the Ashland avenue school. This was followed by remarks from Superintendent Howell In which It was pointed out that the city must do some grading and some concrete construc tion must be earried out before any thing can be done at any of the schools, It was after Ws remarks that the decision was reached to start with two of the schools and furnish the necessary grading and concrete con struction. The hope of the league Is to get the pupils so interested in this work that little trouble will be met with hi paying for this const ruction and grading. A committee was appointed, consist ing of Mrs. W. B. Northup, Mrs. Alex ander Cowley and Mrs. George A. Shu ford, to oonfer with BufDerintnnrf.nt Howell and Mr. Grtton to choose the two schools and to outline the plans for work. It Is hoped that each stu dent In the different schools may have a small garden spot, either at home or at some vacant rot donated for the purpose, to cultivate during the sum mer. Prises will be awarded by the league for the best results obtained from such gardens. The tvesfdent of the league reported that two vacant lots already have been tendered for the use of the school children. Although the efforts of ths learn will be centered on two schools the other institutions win not be neglect ed and tt Is planned to keen interem aMve to various way. Children in the other schools who belong to the Junior league may work with the groups who are at work on ths various smrdan Spots, Several gratifying reports from tfu different schools wars-mad. Prmrt. denes was expressed that with the co operation of the various schools the movement wilt meet with great sue- Sallow, Blotchy Skin. Only St cents. If resr druggist cannot supply yea, send SI cents, stamps or sliver, to Ret storings cnetnteal Caw Dept. 14, Bt staring. Arkansas, nd receive a, The secretary was authorised to send a letter to County Superintendent W. H. Hipp, thanking him for en couraging the formation of ths bet terment organisations In ths rural dis tricts of the oovnty. GOOD AMARITAW KIS6IOX Princess theatre Friday. Buy octets iron Ladies auxiliary head quarters, I Blomberg. Adv. St the wjaATiuaC WASHINGTON. Dee. S. Forecast for North Carotlae: Partly eloady Thursday and Friday; tight t feeder ate vnriahis wtod. Weekly Batch of Opinions is Delivered by State's High est Tribunal. RALEIGH. Dec. 2. Eighteen ap peals were decided this afternoon by the Supreme court In the weekly de livery of opinions which wjers deliv ered In the following order: McNeil vs. Atlantic Coast Line Rail way company, Cumberland, no error State vs. Tripp. Durham, aMrmed; McAdams vs. Trust company, Ala mance, reversed; Gann vs. Spencer, Stokes, new trial; aust vs. Roberts, Union, no error; State vs. Williams, Mecklenburg, no error; South Atlantic Waste company vs. Raleigh, Charlotte andi Southern Railway company Mecklenburg, no error as to defend ant's appeal; affirmed as to plaintiffs appeal; Watts vs. Seaboard Air Line railway, Mecklenburg, affirmed; Page vs. Page, Polk, appeal dismissed; Page vs. Page. Polk (separate appeal), no error; McLaurin vs. Mclntyre, Scot land, affirmed; Evans vs. Seaboard Air Una, Anson, affirmed Withers Solomon, Rowan, no error; Tedder vs. Deaton, Montgomery, no error; Barger vs. Alley, Iredell, no error; Interna tional Waste company vs. McEIroy et al, Yancey, petition for oertloriar, de nied, appeal dismissed, TRIAL OF PERKINS IS WASHINGTON, Dec. J Secretary Bryan today Invited Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel company, to ths stats depart ment, and gave him the views of ths American government on ths build ing of submarines In this country for Kuropean oeiigerenta. Mr. Bryan i declined to aa what the position of the American govern ment was. He declared ths question was not yet concluded, but still "un der consideration." Mr. Schwab, ac companied by two assistants, also de clined to discuss his mission. Bryan's Statement, "Mr. Schwab came," said Mr. Bry an, ln response to eur Inquiry eon oernlng the manufacture in this coun try of ships or material for ship building." SS Recent reports that the Bethlehem Steel company had contracted to build submarines which would be shipped abroad in sections, have been variously denied end partially con firmed. , The visit of Mr. Bchwab. however, revealed that the state department had taken official cognisance of ths subject It was believed that the state de partment desired to consult with the steel oompany officer so there would be no violation of neutrality tt con tracts were taken, wane me ex port of munitions of war such as irnna abulia nr ammunition, is not prohibited by the neutrality lawa, the fitting out of .warships or any armea xnaAitinn from American soil would be considered a violation. Precedent Cited, , twin ths Ruaso-Jaoanese war, however, an American firm built the vr. ef several submarines, oonsisn- ed them to Its own agency In Russia, and then sold them to. tne nuasian government. Although the transac tion was kept secret until xne enip Minnl was concluded. It was generally held at that time that no law had been violated. mr ftohwah recently returned from Germany and England and it was said he brought contracts for many mil lion dollars worth of war supplies with the British government. WOULD CREATE NEUTRAL ZONE WA8HINOTOI. Dee, 8. Proposals tor creating a neutral tone in the wa ters of the western hemisphere end conserving the rights ef neutrals will be laid before the governing botrd of the Pan-American onion, wMoh con sists of dlplomatk) representatives ot the twenty-one American republics. House Slippers We must figure close to givov the values we do in footwear. . Felt or Leather house slippers in all the popular colors $1.00 to Cheaper grades ", in thq BARGAIN ANNEX. 1.75. This was decided today after con ferences between President Wilson, Secretary Bryan and Counsellor Rob ert Lansing. . The governing board will meet Tuesday, Secretary Bryan said today that all the suggestion whtoh have been made were dismissed. Argentine, , Chile, Pern, Uruguay and . Ecuador are: among the countries which have for mally oonununsoated plans for the res toration of shipping in this hemis phere through a mors vigorous asser tion .of neutral rights. The oonfer. enoes will take the form ot an ex change of Views by the diplomats and also will Include such questions aa wireless end coaling which already have caused controversies with Euro pean belligerents. The general purpose ot the meeting Is to reach a concord of views on ths neutrality question so that the twent ... ..... one American republics will speak m legerent powers whenever new ques-' Hons swtse. SCENTS FROM "THE TYPHOON" GALAX TO DAT. Will be Taken up at Next Regular Term at Colum bia on January 19. CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec. J. The trial of George B. Perkins, of Boston. charged with the murder of F. A R. Binman, of Jacksonville, Flo., while aboard the Clyde Yam Mohawk, at sea, November 11 was today post poned in Federal court here until the next term in Columbia, 8. C, which begins January it. This action was taken by direction of Judge Strdth, who stated that in the court's opinion the condition of PerkW mind did not Justify proceedings at this time. Pending his transfer to Cohtmbia, Perkins, it was said, would be kept tore to 'r1V9sieTiMr-twdr-- Perkins Also Is snder Indictment for assault and battsry with attempt te ktn Cnptssst A, D. bsirnm. of the MotsMrk, atnd B. H. Wright, of CUCS, X.T, EAUTY " " WHITE B THE NEW HQOSIER CABINET Only a Few LeftYou Can Have One Delivered Tomorrow for $ 1 Every woman knows that this is the most complete KITCHEN CABINET the Hoosier Company has ever. made. "! v 'Jk M tr'i, ' I .ii.iiiM.iir Hi elf ' j AS A CHRISTMAS OUT " r Ons of these cabinets will maks the best gift In the world for mother or wife. ' We will sell you a cabinet today and hold It In i our tore for Christmas delivery. . ;, , We positively cannot get another shtpment of Hooslers before January 1st, so to take advantage of this cabinet as a Christmas gift . - YOU MUST ACT TODAY, White beauty is a wonder of convenience combining all the best labor-savins fea- rapidly than we expected.-; Dozen ofivo men are now making; up their minds. ' You are certain to be too late unless you act quickly Come in tomorrow. Don't miss this opportunity to get the greatest bargain of your, whole life. 4 Great Hoosier $1 Plan ; Read it carefully. ; It's an unusual op portunity for real economy. 5 1.. $1 puts your, new " Hoosier, , V White J 13eauty" in your home at once. 2. $1 weekly quickly pays for it. .. . , 3. The low cash price fixed by the factory . prevails strictly no extra fees. 4. This sale is under the direct supervision of the Hoosier Company, t " , 5. The sale Is strictly limited to our email , allotment of new Hoosiers. The Fourth Day has now passed. ' You j may not get an opportunity to decide if you : tures that have come from the 700,000 wo- delay. Come in tomorrow without fail. men wno now own noosiers. See 0w Crn Wtedow. lmM The enormous number of Hoosiers now in use is a huge testimonial of the great value of this cabinet. "CUT THE CORDS" But this New Hoosier with its 40 special features is so far ahead of all the others that there is no comparison. One Million Dollars Worth Were Sold almost instantly after this new cabinet was put oh the market! The factory hasn't yet caught up with the demand. The women of this town who have seen " this new Hoosier say it puts your whole kitchen at Fingers ends. The few we had for this sale haye been taken far mpre "I Don't See How You Can Sell Quart Aluminum Pans for 9 Cts." Nearly every woman who was fortun ate enough , to get an aluminum pan yesterday expressed tho same idea. But today we place a few more on sale 'tl HI a1, -1 ' Special Factory Representative Here During Sale ; ! 1 The Only Place in Town Where Hoosiers are Sold sv-rfvgai

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