am AsiikviLLE citizen, Saturday, December 12, 19 k a THE ASHEVILLE GITIZEII PuUuhad EfBry Morninf by Th Gtura Company t Corernotent Strtet llm Asherllle OitlzeB daya ft week. The Sunday CMen evcy Sunday. The VNltlr Cstlxen every Wednesday. , , ... TElXfHONES Botlfttft 0fl1oe---.- I Editorial Room -W ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS COMPLETE subscription rates By carrier In Aahentl and Suburbs, flatly A Sun. 1 yr. In advance... $7.50 Dally A Bub. I no. In advince 1.9a Dally Btia. 1 week In adveace... .11 Dally only 1 yaar In advance 1.00 Dally only 3 mo. In advsnr. ... 1.30 Dally only 1 Hk In a4ane - .10 By mail In Untted States, Postal- Paid. Dally Baa. l yg. in advanee. -M.fl tartly A Run. I no. In advaiic 1.50 Dally ool 1 yaar ta advance-.-. 4.00 Dally only t tavt. In advance 1.00 : Sunday only 1 year In advano 2.00 unday only S no. in advenes SO Weekly l year I fc4iac-.- M "'veCtfJS1 WOi Saturday, Dec. 12, 1914. Advertisers are requested f o send in copy not later than noon today. No advertise ment will be accepted for The Sunday CitiEcn after tl P- m t Th Red Crosi Stamp - Judging from the meaner wherein the cltlsenshlp of jUhatrlll lua ra pa tha Pt of the R Croaa ttantpi ur jaoia riuiia bul UtU mgit to aattwd their effort la tofattf e f a moat wortty aBarlty. Thi tied breaa tump to it ttrner, and In tMiTiaf;: f aJtt Hdldf loodba4 ant atrife It carrita a tt'oatajr meataar Utaa it liaa aver oaN rll. It k fat lltUe aeai whioh, af. fl4 ta the million of Chrlatmai paokaca ttt And ikatr way aver land' tad aaa durlhf Chrlatmaatlda, lva axfrataloa to tha moat affective charity yet devlaed in the warfare atraltiat the treat white plague. We ntar aay tt la tha moat eltaotlva fom hattauae In the actrefate th relief thua akialned la far more extenitve an4 eertalnly mara wldeapread thai la th eaea whan Individual effort u ,brottht lata alay. It la a charity, toj wWoh eiiciu popular s reeponn bacaiu thera t, B( fc mi, mti or child In th uatry, rar4leaa or clrtumatancee, wt,, oaiwot arHclpaU In tkUr irraat craaad that la reaehlnf th furthtrwiaat ornr, A tn, eMth Thar ta a. world, of force In tha twlllhwit oenoeptlon which wai the terenianer Of a vlrout oampalfn atJaet taberattloela, tiioh a ftlan of evU caaaat be iharrad or tteoted In aaty way y patty jaalavalaa or pre faaatanal earptnn. th methed la nalawa a , im t th aaaoola tla at th Red Craaa aUmp and th ChMatitia aptrlt ttruok a raapenalve . " " et the maeata Of coura. ther ar larrr appaala, lartr tUy la that af oall forth th mlht of inlval waatlfc, hut th child whe plaeae a Red Croa a la r hr catriatmaa rretins aharee aa nreeh la th oradu af a aaat work a U RillllaaaJr whe oontrtbute his (hOVMaiaaa. la oar am, dty the aal of th Rad Craa atamp 1 anlnc couduoud by puWIo-aplrttai woman who have IdeaUflad Uiamaalve with ih mova Vnont paraly for tha lova of th ut. Thy hava aasuclatad with fhom a mini bar f man who ar actuatad by h. aJT aplrll, and tha work la aolni CtaadJly forward, alnlllf ln Impetim vpt .I.. n.i . . . ... n (mural puniic ran and doubtlaaa will 1o 1ta Pan. Th MdlUoB! coat of oh penny r more 11I not be felt bjr th Indlvldnal. (Puy your atampa today, and prl rnr a. world of comfort In te knowl dja that you ar on of a rat rmy of thouanndj who ar axtandlnr the lplnt hand to a.ffli!id humanity. The Commission Form Writing to The Cltiten on th .incs tion ef cummin-Ion governmeut, a lirominent cltinen 0f Orecnaboro de clare thst if Asheville should ever adopt that plan of Kovernment It would never to hack to th. ,.i.i .... tem. "Here in Ciioenslioro,-' h I write, "we have Klvto the coinmls- j Hon plan of municipal government a i fair trial, and we would not sue It ' tip ror any conslder.i.on. I- ha more ! man m( our xpectallon in the mat- ! ler of economy." Th fie same sentiment prevails In practically ever) city Where th cotnmtoslon fufm of g"o t eminent' has been tried, and this 's notably true at Columbia, 8. C. , . A The 'CitUea has aeveral time remarked, th commission pliln of Mtuaiclp! coVornment, :l -auoreasf ul In ita operation liecaus It pla' re.iKiti Iblllty upon a few puWlc C ofllceri gather than dividing 11 among many Who with their favorites and depen- leota constitute a big unwieldy or iraoutation, Th modern system of f ny 'TrWmonOppeaTaTTTneull iea alatnant of our larger cities be iia H la conducted on a buelneaa basin, and open alt lh book to tha city's stockholders Ilia taxpayer and citleen generally; It make for economy because tt eliminates maay fnui of unnwceseary expense, ad demands th high return far all moneys put out. lut mnking for silti hihr ef ficiency, rominlwilon tfoternmrnt, aa haa been often stated, eliminate all political consideration, when found - : ed on a imn-pillMn , and when Aiifll ta atHin railed upon, 'o - , pre nrtn hr opinion tees tin. Wit the hon-tmrMstin plmi of Commission Hot eminent should be Thl paper lia often ami Mill in i nU'ti "' i considered. malnlH ined. pnlltii'al i oniilrriitloriM f 1. 'ilJ lia no pirn' ln the administration "f :t V affair, fur rimnlilpol jovcrnnftit l hualn pu' iiml lniilc whom the rttir.iii unpliM 'o diTiln latar tlitr affairs rati offer ho va!M objaetlon wlien thty ar reqiilril to b illrwetly aiiMWfrabl lhir m ployara. In anch a day w will liv rachd ldal ronditlona. and will en joy the fiillt maiir of proapri ilv. Th fiiminlaaion plan of rity I'JM-rn-niml la no enprlmeiit; n ha b"-n liiil and tried, and merit endora. mtot from vry rank of Hliennhip. Noten And Comments Tlllat, of Charlbtte, appear to l still mourainn on th lnntr' htnc h. t There' a atorm In teacup at Wash ington becaus soma of the appoint ing power hava beaten tha nsilonal pi dlftrlbutora at lhair own gnm. a a Since Oermany ha detnnnded more room th Britleh dreadnought ap pear t he finding It for her at the bottom ef the aa. e Th gtateavlllo landmark, that aolon of sterling democracy, find a world of ploanure ia aaylng rxatiy what It thinks, and tt ha nobody to ay It nay. "...a The Columbia Dtat declare that soma emblem of th Palmnttn state ahauld b nailed to the mst. A waffle, for Instance. a a When you run Into the Red Cross brigade dig down. It la not neany ao much effort aa trying; to dodg around tha corner. . e e e Th commlaalon form of govrn meat la hot an experiment; It haa a definite goal. tiiih n.vnu in history. lnwnbr-r 19. 159 (Vomwwll dclarKl Iird Pro teotor of England, and parties tnent dlatolvad. lTSlAlexander Selkirk, the original of . "Rmblnaon Crusoe" died. ' Born' lttl. 1717-Pennaylvanta ratified IT. 8. con atttutlon. 41 to tS; second state to da x. 1104 rJpaln deolarad war agalnal ' Great Britain. ' 1170 -J. It. Ralfley, of 8oth OaroUna, first naarro membar of oougireaai worn In. 1I74 Wotitrnedy aurrandered by fYenoh to derm ana, with t guni and t,0(0 prisoner. 14 ir John Thompaon, Canadian premier, died auddanly at Wlndaor Ceatt. whlla vleitina Mueen Victoria. 104 Arbitration . treaty between U B. and England alajmod at Wash' mgton. THIS M MY BTM BIH1 1U)AV. W. K. VandrrMli. WUUain Klaaam Ve,ndertillt, of ih famous family of VanderWlta, heavy waar.ln and director of many rail roads and other1 oorpot-atlona, ,wa horn Doemthr It, 114. It began hla bmslnesa cauer In a raJIroad olTIc and learn d to b a proflolent book keetiar. Me lnhrltd vast waalih from hla fatihar, WIIMam H. Vender hilt, and ha succeeded In (rrylng out th Vandarbllt pollclea In finance and development of railroads Me studied abroad tn hi youth, and haa hn an extanatv traveler If re cently became lntrid In opera and theatiioale, and he la the founder and president of ta New hetre In Nw York, and la a director In th Metro pnlttan opara. II waa twice, married'. hia fit wlf waa Ahm ftnilth of Mo bile, and hi aerond. Mr A II. Ruth rford, to wliotn ho wa married In lmdon In istu. tJKKMAVS AlTllK, PA ft IK. lire 11. i?. 41 p. m.l The official w(miit given out In Pars this afternoon aas thai the eneim vtrdv wa a41va In Bh vtelnttv of Ypvo. n.r, or four athick. w.r. repulsed but one of Important '.ranch - ew was reached by the fore of , - peror Wllllan,. Nev-thale French (rnna , , 1 1 rv, , I., ,.l ,.rn.,.. th direction of th enemy's line, ac cordlnf t th offMel teixiet A rl tilery eiiva-.-ement nre t-npnrt-l cd In the rceirvti of rtsH nd in the I ViiStBI mm i&nll In II, a ..i.iUII. ..I Varennes and on th hlhts of th Wen In ilie acgonne the "rench advanced several of their trenches. . HOW COOPF.K A NOV Illil.PI'.ll TIIK M 1IIKII,. 1 waat to tell the reader of The 1'rogresslv KHrmer whrti the ladies in ,i community h.v. done toward making our school tnnMtit. better and more attractive. We have a nice large three-room building We orn1eil a Woman's He-ttarmenl association mid gave some good play, box part!. and ice cream suppers and tii h like Well. we have bought a . nice" organ, ple turee, stage curtain and other little thing that are necessary In giving plays. "W had our roomi 411 Paint ed, got nice hanging lamp, snd had a well due and a food ouniu nut tn It, W didn't hav quit mone j enough to dig the well and get the! pump, but our count superintendent and board of education were very nice to us and helped u oul, and hope to be abl to do mor In tha futur.- A Mother ln Th Pro- gresaive Farmar. The Scittori Route I Gain"! Vlcvra. (Chattanooga Na.) "It cannot be disputed that It a im perativ that w hve in this countrj a very much larger percentage ol mn ivhn have hail proper tnllltaij training and who sre in a nnsitton td inunnth respond to the .'all f tha nm .on " That ntence from Ihe re poit f Hecrelary of War 'larrlann nil! tilohalllv ilill f.u mio.h ilutf.oa. tn. The fnlted fltt. aioril.n to the ireturv at war Urul tr'ith in the p.vii.f footing of Inr niniv and txilth in tra.ncl reserve A telnet Kuesis's 5't.n trained men. tht I'nlioil Rtate ho 12,ni.i. ini'iudtnf. I'liltippin ( nut, and Belgium, Wl'h Utf.tMid. l Die only nstloM hlow tbsi fig'ii'e. whh HalHerland nent ahov. haUng tt.9M .lnn lm l.t.0 More attention mimt be t);4 to nut nsttunal guard, ai President Wilson pointed out lo his addie to con at Tli impor'an, i- of th (ruin ing l young men in echonli and iolle a' which military training ' nhlaltia'ule I are.!' aim Herrtr (larriaon f oi tem of rrva. He due not ai to force (it ten to !. Iii ih army or ven to fore those who eni hi for the training of erxe lo occupy much time In the training. "I am firmly convinced." ys the aecrataiy of war," that If w can u the standing army a a school through which to ra nin who com Into It, wilh the knowledge tht If they arc proficient they can lie dltcharged hI any tlni after a year or eighteen month, we will brain at once to build up the ncry reserve, and will, for th first time in the military history of thl country, hav something ap proximating a liallanred organisa tion." eciMiy (larvlaon want th army recruited lmmd!aily to Its full war strength, ehlch would mean the ad dition of f 3.000 men and 1.000 orJI cers. Kfforta must be made to In crease the national guard and to train th cltlsen army. Th secretary of war Is not In tsvor of militarism. We bllvs his views are more militaris tic than those of th president, how ever. Yet they both favor th de velopmetit of the army eervic along rational line by attention to th na tional guard and lo the cltlxaary, In stead of by th rresflon of a great standing army. How to (let Trade). (Wilmington Htar.) According to the New York Jour nal or Commerce, the trade exploit er of Great Britain, Oermany, Bel- gium and other countries of Kurope have shown us how to let trade when there Is any to be had. They simply found trade territory and cultivated It. They banked on possibilities by financing them, thn making the r' latlons of patron and manufacturer and dealer mutual and co-operative, To make th meaning mora pacific, w auote her In part an editorial from New York'i great commercial newspaper: "forlgn producer who In the past have taken so strong a hold on th Sooth A merles a markets hav been able to do lo beoauee they hay followed th plan of financing th trad aa they developed tt. It wa Knailah and German capital that ex. tended the coffee and rubber busi ness in South America, built-the. new railway lines and generally provided the inhabitant with what they need ed In ordor to embark upon enter prise, and thus to hennm buyers of foreign goods. The hold no obtained by competitive' manufacturer else where haa never been broken by our shipper n ny large or material d re heretofore, and probably could r.ot hav been broken, for a great while at least except through the ap plication of similar methods by Amrlrn producers. Ther I no reason to doubt that, when peace hell hav been gnrally restored and when there ahull have been a suf ficient recovery In capital o warrant th rturn to old method, th Ameri can manufacturer will find hltnaelf confronted by vry much the soma obstacle that hindered the expan sion of hi hii1ns In' former year "Thils far dnmHtlc proditers have shown little distention to consider th pori ptohlem from thl oolnt of view. The.v lis not especially en cotiraaed t'-e establishment ,f foreign branch hank under th it t-rv act. t Institution having ar rnally nimte application for oarmlselon to locate inich lrncha Home cap italist seem to he a good deal more clcly occupied In prAV'rtlng ripltt for the warrln nation of Europe by fornlshinir mtro'n r,mi equipment "eded k condinf th war tr.en thr sie In m lanelng In finance trnde u.'h neiti il Hi nns (torn ions mug standpoint. T'i means thn bulwarl. are belna (brown to rr Ircl trsde froto lociirision a ft'' '.love - sud with pei-e .ijnipctlHon- lis been letoed hilt t.nortf.? Wtl h:lv to isle tbcli i-ha.pre nhen li tiiri '"h r,',r""'" ,,p !' f "'" A'h""v" '""v " : - ' " " ' "' " " '' i -"nf''i"'-e,1 leeitlmate tnn:1en-es SgSlot nv lOiM'e mnri unit 1H,I now being pinwied the fa-cts in th t sse remain, and tmist h' i ei-koc-d wnh liv tluse who it bopmt ' " ermsnent uront'i o f- Vilness I Ol metlcsi. expor-er. "f course I ' aln tnke !f ii ir pvoilm ers ati'l o t.M to ?e .; .ii. let t tn hv dc'iolt. (O- expect It to come to them V h :'i it i mem I opr-n" unit v i'p :iT c.t.i t-. no i do -i't that t hr re re tr"A oi; o" (. oltle for ,mr -in t-iniuf a. t tir ot ; t l denier ,t h-"i er ihei :ir teonl ! 'o sniiplv. ho- ' is not vrv n ho has the nie'bod. 'he n'iit've the i trad, g.nbi lo d,. hnt oth such m"'..-sr lo Not er'heles . William r Grace C i slhly" other enterprllng to t o " Vn'rian concern, hil don. 'hat bulrs ex - actlv on the line that hav 'ar-jelv hu'.lf tin (tie traae net wc i ints -.iin Iry nnd the Ta1hi countres to ihe south of it In a 1cg way-, the WtcH Mam iern turned In the some way (hat Wil. mlttrton wholesaler did. H strrted without customer but he went i ut and made some. He set up a number f dealer In hla Hne, or rather, Mart ed them In business with a lin of credit at hi establishment, nml soon he had helped himlf by helping i inner ami we know nHim e sr well off today by mana nf mer- i chant's mutual . and co-ooeratlv ,mbo4 f Ositnw bMl ! Children' Storiea 1 fJRAMlPA UMla:. !nc up,in e time Edward and Jame. just before Christmas, . war visaing their grandparent and they WTote home having the bet visit they had ever had. tie morning th brothers started for th wood which were oaly a llttl v from th bone They both had made stint and were going to play at hunting. At the edg- ,, h wood they saw i pretty gray qu!ne and both "ie boy fell i melt uage for a ston to us in ih ehnga "Wig, wis," sad a stoh flew p,M ulle 0( tt gquir rls and Just hit th tip 0f the big ei he etu-. rh siiuirrcl tltdn'l know t hat to make of this for fraad pa had never allowed anyone to shoot o' In any way harm thstn or th bit ds in the wood. All th mtulrirl would com hn aiauupa wni:,ed to look for nuts and they were never disappointed for fie always can-led nil pocket full of them, w ,ny ,an M rMt a they coin for hollow piac they knew irtf not far away. It waa we.; tlisy wn-f out of sight, for cd Kaid aimed again and th ia tlm wuM hat hit lii aiiuiiiei if it had pn In tli same place Jim then grandpa lam? along and , what th boy were doing and am ur he nevar nan so unary ,i hi for He said "i am ashamed ot mi lo vi nut to huii a dumb animal of any kind Ion should look out anil car for die helpleta and be kind everything". These little animal Kiium me and when I oall them they win come est oul of my hand and ua- ess j mi hav frightened them they will com now. want you first to throw away those s'lngs and then watch." Now the boy did a they wr tld anil grandpa called, but th squirrel saw the but and they were still afraid and only peeped out of tha not. They looked at grandpa aa much a to any, "We are not afraid of you. hut we ar of the boy' When th boy saw they would nt com out they fell badly and said then they would be kind lo every llv ing thing after thj. The boy walked way and graadpa called, again and hoth the equirrel came out a 'little and a th hoy were not near they rsn up to grandpa and hopped In hi pocket snd up his arm to find th nuts which they cracked with their !Urp teeth. The boy thought that waa fun to see them do that and asked If he thought th squlrrela would ema to them. Grandpa gawe each of tha boys some nut and they called and called, but the squirrels did not know Just what 1o do. The boys kept on talking to tnem very exmiy, ana pretty soon one llttl fellow hopped toward them nd eeemed to be look ing them over, and I think he decided to torgiv them for he ran up and took the mit and Ih other did tha earn. , t Wit The I i aneklng TafnrwtaOoa. A bucolic Individual pud tha other day before a newsstand and t th proprietor thereof put th fol lowing question: "Bean in town tontT" "Quit a while," aid the vwnder ot newg. "Know a man named Colli nit Joseph Collins?" "Hay," exvtalmed the newsman. testily, "there are 1.004,009 peoule Ih Chicago. Do you expect m to know very man in th eity?" "No." ssid the rural on, "but I thought you might have aenee enough to know on." Plttahurgh Chroneel. Telegraph. Great Discovery. Scientist Some of the grandest In. ventlon of (he age hav heen the re ault of accidental discovert. Fair rdy I can readily believe It. Why. 1 made an Important discovery myself ami It waa the purest acci dent, too. RoliHVlat Wny I aak what It Waa? Fair ld--Why. 1 round that by kvephig a bottle of Ink handy a foun tain peh can be used just the same aa any other pan without th bother and me of filling It. Philadelphia Ledger. slianw to Take the Money. "Attar s couple of year' absence from home I wa playing In a city nearby, nnd I invited my father to mm over and th show," relate a famou actor. ' When th last curtain had rung down he cam bwck on the Stage to re me, nnd while we ware chatting the treasurer appeared alt the door of niY dteing room and handed ma my pay envelope. Dad saw th figures on the nuts-id, and hi eye sparkled " 'My hoy.' h ald 'you dont tall me von set that much vry weak, do you'" -Thaf tirhl, dad.' 1 replied. Well, well,' said the old xentle men ihoughtfully, "la ht so What other work do you have tn do beside actln"" ' W. I.otii Post -I patch. lanc lVr Blushes. I'wtk- Maid Ah. the dogwood tree in October are fairly blueheng red: t'c.poei;.. He Ye, becwii they will soon be bare. Judge. No Roiiad Trip Wigg.-Dont talk me about I'lutT. . I tell you, bluff lies carried many a man to success. Wag Ye, but he lias rnrllv lo i hoof It bark. Philadelphia Record. ' THK TEST. . -! j in an t ndi and lum two wot-.hlea named i Tarn foi uiej ),n (0 llliti, their eecape. tnlie said to Tain: "Pend doon and I'll get on yer bach and get on Ih rqp o' th wall and hnul ye ui." "ktniH got on top of the wall tnd slid down on th other side, saying: "Tarn, I think y'll better bid anlther fortJHoht. for you're no near an yet." Pxchange. file carrel la to 14 Day rwtiggists refnei) memev "it ' TKtO OINTMRNT telle to cure ttchlng. I Blind. RKtedlng or Protruding Pile. a ett anaiieatten sjtve eMf . is. Today Shoes and Hosiery The Chriaimaa spirit ta la tha air everybody sp predates something useful. Why not Shoes, or a boa af Hosiery or both?. Think of Bilk Hose at II and I eenui a big eaaert msnt at 44 cnts-vry eolor ta match your costum. Yau aava good money in Every Pair of Mioea you buy, and a handsoma KNIPR PItKK WITH BOTH' SHOES t 09 Shoes for. . . 1.00 Hhoee for. . . 3,14 8hos for. . . 4 no Shoes for. . . 4 00 flhoes for, . , 4 04 Bhoe for. . . T OO Shoes for. . . 14.00 Shoes for. . . 1.7S ll tit S.M 4.44) .! .l T We are particularly anxious to have YOUR trade. C. W.BROWN Shoe Co. 47 Paatoa Are. tie Corvaa (taleusM FH Tea Caaotly. Tip Top Quality, Monarch Coal MONARCH coal is the top rung on the ladder of quality no coal no good but that MON ARCH is just a little better. Try a ton and be convinced. Southern Coal Co. MstiM 114 'it 11. lok H. The Racket Store f BILTUORi AVI " (IxraieHy so. Mala.) for Dargains t0 IH WHOLE FAf.ulY SclUr 1141? CiltTl Srereoal VAW Uemre Milk Made Bread CcLOAF amisaa TSlMt WATCB For our Thursday Ad. It will interest you. . The Call Co. IT mwrUOMM AXMm Read a Pnesu Betisse Ooing to Bod. (New Orleans Btatea.) Returning from a mountain climb on his latest holiday, President Wil son, w are told, eat fore an open Are wh.ll dinner waa eeohlng. and read poet tv a!Hid to hla aon-ln-law aad daugtitar. An xcllnt eaaaapla! Th long vrringa of winter r at hand when, In many home in th frost belt, H will b a problem to know what to do. It won't take long to finish the paper, tor people are already beginning to skip the minor war new It's no longer exciting and the sheer brutality and needlessne of It hav palled. Novel, are hard to raad out loud, because it takea e traintd r4r to mnke th dialogue sound like rl talk: hence most of u prfr to taekl fid urn by oumeiv. But good poetry, the pith of his tory. Ictloti. philosophy: th onl of knowledge, make fine out-loud read ing. Not loo much of It. not tha pen derou. hifh-brow vera whloh makes .veu dig to And out ita m easing at the simple, homely psalms of life. 1 which htfart sings to heart In Ian guage thaTTll can grasp. Such a poem read feelingly by fa ther or morhef to the family irel ere the sandman rbmea Is a happy ending of a useful day. The uprdrednoiktht "Cali fornia," to b built at Nw fork navy yard will be th first Amerteaa battleship to be drive) by aleotrto motors. , HBB THK MAITKR 1C.A1A.T TOOAV. KIW." Electricity is being used aa a source of heat snd power m large aaaBBoawJai (T WsaTsaaW A REAL CHRISTRIAS GIFT j a DAtuus ouua vpts aa (on. Brother or Bister with ua. ' much to cae's future. . WcctDvia Tfic mmerlcain Corasr Church 8t, The Only National i TRIAL m TRatat V MARCUS ERWIN AITORKEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Ol tnctmaer Tth, t will 0p effloea tor tha general practice of tha law la Roem 11-11 MeAfea Bulidlns at ornr of Collet aai Bpruea Btreeta. ' a ..... Our Porcelain House Numbers Do not corrode or tar nish. They are easily ap plied and are sightly in 'appearance. t Brown, Northup . iScCa U PATTON7 AVE. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS And w wish far you all the happlast of all Chrtetmaa a aons, and we can add definite ly to your happmasa with our laundry work dona th NJCHOm WAY. Phone 2000. aibc1S.e Steam Uiiiry i. A. RTCBtOIA saasMiW. 11 Penland Street rr Better and Cheaper Clethaa ge to KRE1NUS & ANDERS0H Tailor for Ladle aad Oentls ran. RO. It V. PACK SO. Southern State Bank Glen Rock Stall oa. CAPITAL S,a4).M Tour Accoant la Invited. 4 Per Oont Paid a aksiits J.L CARPENTER JKWKLBJL Watcha aad Watch Repairing My Bpeotalty. NO. S PACK 8QCABK Get on the Calling List of Our Milk WaRon For Pasteurized Milk and Velvet Ice Cream 'Made In Asheville.' White Pine Creameries 327- account ior yoor vut, aangator. Btartlaf on I ha savtfig means to Trust Ccapy ; BACK Or TOUR - ? BARK AOfJOCRT Wa stand baok ot your ac eoant aad whn you place your depeaiu in oar bank you get tha advantages ot flrat-claaa bankiat, met ' " National Beonlc aad Pattoa Ave. Bank in Asheville ; IS ALL WE ABK. , LAINDHY OCR fWtrrTRT RRrtal ffighpt ttaa Opal WRhow a DtiMsV. W.tt4UJU ttst hoat th aVOIata) rhiUa AjKoHL .-l I I'-. Asbeville Dray, Fuel & Ccn- stxuetlon Co. , ' Otftoo PtMao ggtard thom MB'. jL' '. Bon wmm U1CJKKAL fiXTURtS n.AWAU u Batsaiy Park Get the Habit BUY A FORD CAR FOR XMAS. A PfveOt for the Whole Family, Within the Reach ot All. D. C Shaw Motor Co Mo 226 Bt'M Broadway. . Tha RoWta of tba rL SHIRTS Mad to foar tadividual MaaaOM aad BemlrMnata. Prioe $100 to $8.00. MKRCBAWT TAHOB. I CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store rattoai Av. Iroaika, Bag aad Bolt Case. D. L FEVKELSTEIiV 10 ar omca. M-ta Soalh llalB It BTaOM 147 -328