17 ASKEViLLE FEOFLE in isvra FicniRES I 1 GREAT-SUCCESS 'Across the Bsrnlng Trunk-" to Be Showa at the Galas Tomorrow Other PktMitoi. ' ' Re-Opens ; Tomorrow THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, ASIIEVILLE, N. C, DECEMBER 13, 1914, IMi irJTERDIFJNERlS President Wilson's Plea for i , , Neutrality Keeps War Out Of Ifiscussions 1 1 nittlOR IS HELD IN . BORDERS OF THE U. S. Uncle Sam's Gards Given a Chance to Air Their I J Grievances. WAaHTNOTON, Doc. 11. Member wf a cabinet, oongTueiiien, diploma Us mod leaders , of all adtlvltlea of the. nation' life, gathered round th bord ; here tonight at the Oridlron -Club's winter dinner, t I President Wtlaon'a earnest Injunc tion Jo ttn American people to re- n ; from public discussion of war was strictly - regarded and th ocetbn of ; every one of .the many es and dramatic skits was always ta the ahore line - of the two "Man -which, bound the Americas. ,Jnele Ssun's - wards were given full (opportunity to air their grievances, for jche moat part In song In a fathering jdesotfbed as "Uncle Sam's Jubilee." 33he negro "oomtphUoed of the work- lags of the otvll service law which sentenced more good . colored its to the levees and cotton fields any other pernlo'.oua ieglsla- Snary laws and bo the air of "Old Un file Ned," be sang: -i . " "Old Uncle Ked." fakers -was an old delegate, bis nam was uncle Ned. Be Hved long ago, long ago. JJs went to cooventtiens whenever fas " ' was bid, Jand that's how he lived, long ago. CHORUS: '.it TflBleej taw down, the hovel and the boa, 1 Aad hang up the fiddle and the twwt . - jtjOMrera no more work for poor Un : d Ned. ' "' , the yrtmarles laid him low." tbe tarmer wear another ward wMh 4 somplaint; he wanted -a bunch of eeotiwohs. Up home be had a shed lull of eqtsaahee and wanted the ftreae ftqr to lasu circulating notes on them. y other wards were Colonel Wat letvon aad Colonel Harvey. They had fto grtevanoes, Ibut expressed their oateat0ient In eon, the refrain of rWoJi mm I'flfve oonve baok, oome back, i Vva come back. Dear Leader to tnee, to thee, " Jtjwj oome back, oome back, r ivV borne Back' Dear' lieader to i Xmoatf other ,wrdsc Alaska wanted '.V' be shielded from erploitaitlon of daMaltoU: H&wait oaned attention to Queen Ultuokalanl's hvck of pension; frto Rloo wanted more government JotM and a duty on sugar, and Filipino wanted to knew when he would grow Hq and fee independent. When the latter was chtded and told that he fount not get hasty, he replied: k Hasty! I'm getting musty." . - 4 uompwins of -raws. L The polltlataji complained that itstes had been laid on business pa Oer, ohewin um, billiard rooms and flafrases, wbile whiskey had gone ifjeot tree, because the bill bad been In October' and tbefbleeUon in November, and In a burst ot Ire be sang: yen have to lay a ta, - . Don't pot It onto ' rye; Stat K onto kiKtfriea, "Bat keep It oft of rye. Bttok It onto ohewlng gum, (Or btUlard cues, says I; But, for the love of Mike, I beg you. Keep It off of rye." , A reallstto prize fight ws staged la the center of the dining hall and Che spectators were treated to a lively loill. The stake was "a larse bouse iooated at 1000 Pennsylvania avenue," Wd tbe prtnelpnta were "Kid Democ- Aoy" and Old O. O. P. the referee Itelna ','Bull Moose," who announced (Uti eMltty to lick both of the two lOld parties. His decisions had never Km questioned, "even when over ed by the Supreme court." 'A moving picture show enlivened HFttflMdhm nmriiflntlnf "t hi fastest delreemtive body on earth; tit Uneted States senate" In session, (but the general effect was greatly knarred first, try a strenuous objection fc euob an undignified encroachment Htoon ttM body and when that bad Ibees removed by th insertion of his 4Uim name into the advertisement, by jtne flwJt that Senator OUle James ner iWll Id staudlnul up and tbereby ftfgitting out tbe reminder of the Bletttre. p f v. Brlghani Inttlxtod. Following its invariable rale, the (smdlron olub initialed. In the pres )toe of sW many guests, a new mem ef WHllam E. Brigham, Washing itoct correspondent of the feoston TPMScript, who was described as "a Jomrnallst who would like to get Into sg) isoCTwflon of newspaper men nawerlnf questions he said that he WM td preny goaa stanaing m Beo- jmttt Bryan's ante-room." A Roosevelt song, to the tune of "tin on Iy Way to Kandalay fol- Mrd wKh tMs chorus: Sftn wb iny way to Oyster Bay, ' Penewtto ray shelterin roof I've not I to stay; fetssnr oonc. (Of shings gone aTong! Em bo loafer trneted. ' They tiave got me f.ustered (gad the Big Btlok's busted, : 19mTs wbr Tm on the wav to Ovs- ?Ni i ..- ter Bay, SPrs ootne to say goodtoye." fl .t514 Home Week" brought fo Wqeber some old spirited urelar the hlhdJy eye of the Goddess of Liberty ajaan elevated perch, who had oome MAUDE Who wiU be iMiss Blanche Sweet, the-charm! g film favortto who la known to liter aHy mUUom tf photo-irlay patrons Utroughout this country and Europe, has signed contract with the Jesse Laeky Feature Play company by tbe terms of which she will appear as the star in the various Jesse Lasky and David Betasoo , joint productions which are now being prepared for the screen.. It la already definitely aa- nownced that Blanche Sweet will star In 'The Warrens of Virginia," first, and then "The Woman" and "Sweet Kitty BeHalrm." After a study of aH the younfaj star now) aPDearins) .in photo-dramatlo offerings of the su perior grade, Mr, Beiasoo and Mr. Cecil B. De Mllle decided that Blanche Sweet was absolutely the one artist best sotted to the . ipicturUa tlons of the Belasco dramatlo sue- . INVENTORS' SHOW. NEW YORK, Dec, II. A show de signed to give inventors a show," and known as the International' Exposi tion of Inventions, opened here today at the New Grand Centra1 palace. - The American Institute gold, sliver and br'onse medal and diplomas will be awarded by a quallfyted jury, t those inventors whose products may be adjudged to combine the greatest measure of novelty; and utility to the world .with commercial and mechan ical practicability. An attractive exhibit of Inventions BLAfJCH SWEET SIGNED BY LASKY FOR LASKY-BELASCO PR0DGT1QNS . -J -1 V, ; a !.(" ,!, -A, 'i i " NTT SL8IE ST. LEON As Polly, In "Polly of the Circus," Auditorium, day. Decern ber 10th. U welcome them from her station on the dome of the copitol. Vnule Joe Cannoa was among the 1rt ar rivals, and when asked how long he was goin to stay, replied: No Return Ticket. "Well; I dldnt buy no return ticket." Cy . SuUoway, another returning oongreasman, announoed tbat up his way , "The hunting Is poor, all the tm& moos have been killed off.' When Nicholas Longworth appeared, Cannon Inquired ! "How's the famUy, Nlokt Bring mm. iH ( the celebration?" Longworth ''All except fatheiMn lanr." Cannon "Why dont you persuade him to stay la some of those lone some places be writes ajhout?" Long worth -. "There . alnt no lone eamer place than Oyster Bay right When told that Secretary Daniels :...t j 1ADAM3 In The Legend of of Leonora," at the Auditorium early , la January.- Up to the present time, Blanche Sweet's artistic career has been close ly linked to that of D. W. Orifflth, the noted producer, who used her as the star for such productions a " "Judttblf- of Bnthtulia." and "The BscaDS." In her new omoobulon, under the direc tion of Oecll De Mllle, she will nat urally have far greater opportunities because of the' exceptional nature of the Belasco offerings In which It l to be her good fortune to appear. Mlas Bweet Is the first distinctly "screen star" to be engaged by the Lasky firm. .- She thus toeoomes a member of the Lasky staf family, In cluding suoh famous Broadway star as Dustin Farnum, Robert Odeson, Edith Taliaferro, Edmund .Breeae, Charles Rlshmortd, . Bdia Goodrich, Theodore Roberts, H. B. Warner and Harry Woodruff. ' that apply to the production an manufactures of cotton, was opened as a. show, by Itself. '. ,? From several associations Of inves tors and patentees in America, It Is planned to recruit representative men of ability, to organise .a congress of inventors which can put on record the needs of their olass.and achieve pub licity for Injustices. Besides the pro ceedings at the meeting of Inventors, a series of lectures Is planned,-' The Inventors show will continue all next week, and it Is already at tracting many visitors. matinee and night, Ratur- had abolished the wine mee on warships 'during his absence from Washington. Sulloway exclaimed: 'That means no more inspection cruises by the nwve.1 committee." When Cannon learned that the American troops had been withdrawn from Vera Cras November II, he ex claimed: "I thought I heard firing on that day. It must have been that salute to the flag," Other sldts portrayed the sdequaoy of the United Eta army as viewed by Representative Gardner; the fed eral reserve board In full action try ing to' "abfustleate" the newspasper reporters and a monk rehearsal of the Gridiron ehrb Itself., And emulating the publications of the European chancellories, the -dub caused to be placed at each Plate " The Blue Pa per ooi respond ence relating to tbe campaign preceding the outbreak of hostilities en November I. 1014, and the fstalMe Incident thereto." A .: ;,w. ,wwwBw.a(w9'' 1 I .-i'irr r m i ii tn mi i tnnvMii rw . Aaheville palrona of the moving plctbre theaters will have an oppor tunity tomorrow of seeing familiar Aaheville faces thrown on the, canvas at toe oaiai theater in a motion pic ture when "Across t the . Burning Trestle" Is shown at that playhouse. This picture, with Herbert Prior, Biglow Cooper, Mabel Trunelle and Yale Bonner In the leading roles, was produced by the Edison players who conducted a studio In Ashevtlle last summer. The scenes of the picture play wer produced In the vicinity ot Aslievllle and Headersonvllls last July. Some of the pictures were taken from the roof of the Bout hern railway passenger station and on the streets of this city. Several well known people living In this city took parts In them and most ot these will be curious to see themselves thrown upon the canvas. The. film depicts the thrilling adventures In the life of a plucky young girl. "The Circus Man" will be shown at th Galax Tuesday. This la purely an American photo-play with Thee dore Kobrta in the principal part. The perils of Pauline will be shown in the eighteenth' 3iwtilftn;; At Princess Wednesday; "T": ''.'V Thursday at the Qa!ax k return en gagement of "Paid , In Full" will be played. This picture ha been brought back to Ashevlll at th urgent re quest of many theatergoers of this city. Th second Installment of "The Master Key'' wlB be gnwa ' the Ga lax Baturday, ., . i -'si f.f- -The latest BoVwrh rtrease, "The Country Mouse," In four reels, will b shown at the Prlnoees Friday and Saturday at th same, theater the fourth series of "Zlngo'sT advsntures will be shown,' ' OFFICIAL LOCAL WEATHER REPORT C. 8. Drpartment of AgrtcttltUM ' . Weather Barssttt ' Local Weather Data tor Dec It, 1114. State of the weather at l a, m. Clear, -fe'- ' i ntl J State of the weather at I p, m. Cloudy.- ' v RttatVve humtdtty at l a. aw percent. . r Relative humidity at I p. m Id percent,- :.' . ' .W";;'t -'''-v; Wind direction at I a. m., north west ' :v..;..4iiA. t. Wind direction at . mn south east. :!''; ,,A-'iWj.'-:''.!',. .'Af ..Time of sunrise .'J i'm. " Time of sunset' f ;lt "p. ."' fiscal TejmpewtsM'Bata,1''''' I. a.m. V,v.V.l'r,t n.m. 'iti:'. I a-m, . . . , ,SIJ 4 P. . . , 10 a.m. if' I p.m ..II 11 a-m. .1....I4 ii4 p.m,' ..,,. II 12 noon 41 ' ' 1 p.m. H 1 p.m. .'... !' t a.m, ..i'.II 1 P.m. i-, iTisM Jf ' v Highest 4f one-year ago, M. - Lowest 12; .one year ago, 11. -Abeolute maximum II In 1111 AbsoluailnknuTlCnisiiMl. Average-temperattire od.y 11. 1 Normal II. , Local Precipitation for This Month Normal, 4.01 Inches. Greatest amount. I ll in 1101. Least amount, 0.10 in jltl, For last 14 hours ending at I p. m4 none. '.. ; . MATTERS OF RECORD Yesterday Ihe following deeds were filed at the office of the registrar of deeds: J. B. Sami and wife to A, Mat' thw. agent, land on the west side of the French Broad river; considera tion 110. R. Y. and H. (I. White to . F. Moore, tracts of land In Falrvlew townshlD: consideration 1100. H. C. Lanford and wife to W. M. Robert on and wife, certain lands In Averv's Creek township; considera tion 1400, R. L. Spurllng and wife to J. L. Brown and wife, land on the waters of New Found creek; consideration fl. J. U Hawkins and wife to W. A. Hawkins, tracts of land In Haael ward; consideration 177.50. Kdlth B. Vanderbllt to W. B. Blank nshlp. tract of land In Avery's Creek township; consideration 1500. H. A. Brown et al. to Henry Knob lauch and wife, property on Artlngtoa street: consideration 110 C. H. Knoblauch and, wife to K. W. Reach am and wife, piece of propertj on Arlington utreet; consideration 110. Marriage Ucrnses. Eugene Morgan to Alice McElratli. Velpo Carter to Mrfiry fofflt. O. a. Cox to Vlrbie Baker. A. D. He to Llllie CapP. T. C. Clark to Otle Giles. Hummmuos and Complaints. N. H. Walker et al, ngalnH William St. Geors Walker. J. M. Thrash against amithern Rail way company. Hav you ever looked Into the Multigraph? It accomplishes more thsn merely umlng out Mrrular let ters. Call In snd take a look. Of fice Supp'.y Co., phone 20 11. H COMIliGATTRACTIONS a - f Saturday,! December 11, matinee 4- and night, Elsie St. Leon la 4 r "Polly of the Clrous." 4- Coming Soon Maude Adams f 4 and company of Metropslltan Stars In 'The Lgend of 4 Leonora." ' "pon, sf the areaa ' A conflict of emotions, wherein atl that is hateful Is arrayed against aU that Is good; is the theme of the de 4 4 4 4--44 4 KEITH SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE OFFERING MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, - Eva Wescott and Company Presenting Her . Sensational Society Playlet "A BUTTERFLY WIFE" DON CARNEY LOFTIN AND BATES PresenU "PIAN08KN8E" "THOSK KIFTY GIRIJS" Clever Song Artlstio Nonscncn. .. GEORGE STANLEY ELKINS, FAY AND ELK1NS BLACKFACE COMEDIAN , HARMONY SINQUItS AND DANCERS ' COMPLETE CHANGE OF ACTS Matinee Daily 3:15 Two Night Performances ' Night Prices I Princess Tomorrow ". , The) ravorite Edison Players f MABEL TRUNKLLE, TALK BENNKR, ITKRe i " BERT FIUOR aad BIGELOW COOPER "ACROSS THE BURNING TRESTLE" . Made in Asheville 4 ROMANCE AND ADVENTXRE WITH VA, MILIAR SCENES ALSO 1 REEL i UNIVERSAL l'lCTIIRE. , 5c And 10c 5c And 10c t THE PERILS v OF Romance and Adventure :Plots and 5c AND 10c GALAX THURSDAY'Taid in Full"-With Tully MarshaU. PRINCESS FRIDAY "The Country Mouse" With Hobart Bosworth. Galax Saturday "Master Key" Princess Saturday "ZLijo." lightful eomsdy-drama, 'Tolly of th Circus," Frederic Thompson's origin al masslTs production with Miss' aisle Rt. Leon In the title role, which comeg to the Auditorium, matin and night, on next Saturday clrous life Is de picted, three scenes showing a ring performance with a regulation sis ring, the outside ot th tent, known as the "pad" room where the actors limber up and the rear of the tent showing the circus going away at night after the performance while the other scenes are laid In th parson age of the Rev. John Douglass, th village parson, who fall In love with Polly, to the amasement and dlatast of the village people. The gossip starts when Polly is taken to the Rev. Douglass' home suffering from an injury received during a perform ance of the circus. Deacon Strong, a pillar of ths church. Is the villain and does II he can to hurt Polly In the eyes of Douglass. All that is done In opposition makes Douglass all th more determined to marry th llttt circu rider. The last scene shows th circus winding it way over the hill in the distance, while Polly and ihe ministers are left alone together, she content to give up th circu life for her love for her preacher. Seat for both performances will go on sal Thursday morning. "Within the Law." Bayard Velller, author of th suc cessful new A m r to a n play, "Within th Law," which Selwyn snd company announces for pre sentation hers at th Auditorium began his writing carter a a reporter for on of the New Tork dames. At the, time Theodore Roosevelt was po lice rVttnmlssioner In th metropolis, Veiller was detailed at detective headouertars and while thsr secured the material for th exciting acsne In "Wltfhin th Law" that depict so llliim'.natlvely certain questionable practices of the authorities tn their endeevor to fastsn guilt for crime on suspected persons. , "Maade Adam. . t Charles Frobman will Maude Adams at the auditorium ear ly In January when her chief offer ing will be J. M. BarrlCs new comedy, 'The Legend of Leonora," This Is th Cootr.h drama artists' first long play sines "What Every Woman Know" and ths popnlar aetrisa I credited with having found It very -3 ', r V' f ':7V' '.U'! Galax PARAMOUNT Five Reels M 111 I fl I MWi MATINEE AND NIGHT Annual Tour of the Original Frederic Thompson POLLY of The WITH ELSIE ST. LEON AS POLLY ! ' THIN IN THE ONLY COMPANY PRESENTING THIS VASCINAT ' IXU AMERICAN PLAY, AFTER ONE YKAH AT THE LIBERTY THEATRIC, NEW YORK. '. A REAL CIRCUS ON THE STAGE JI GGLING CLOWNS BARE-BACK RIDERS SEE POLLY PRICE Matinee, ioc and ISc; 11.00. First Nine Row II fl. much to the liking of hr numerous admlrsrs. Its) suoesss is pronounced. The work differ ytry much from thos which hav gone before It from the sun pen, for Instance the heroine U a murderess and the hu mor Is developed In the efforts of men who try to tura themselves lnaid out la the desire to prove that the never committed th rash act to which she has so Innocently confess ed Barrle proves that man's boasted strength and otrarag in face of love ly woman's charms la all a myth. He has made Lanora old fashioned be cause he feels that It Is the old-fash, toned girl who was really loved. She had no clubs, soArHes and "rights," but sh did lay claim to the right THURSDAY , 10, 20 and 30c 7.15 and 9:15 ; 20, 30 and E0c "TV s f T T JESbC L. LASICT i . .- i America's VWrmnat Charart Actor ' '' . ' ' ' " Theodore Roberts I: In the AtmoNpbcrtc Drama "THE CIRCUS MAN" FROM TUB NOVEL THB ROKK IN TUB' RING," By Onorga Barr Mft'uU hcon 10And20o FAULIPJE Counter-Plots 5cAND10c Saturday- a DArAmfiorJl Production of CIRCUS TRAINED RORSES ACROBATS RIDE BINGO children, aAc Skctit: c. Toe and' ' Seal at " All Una's , Thandaf man's chivalry aad tbe author holds : that this Is th greatest right posses sed by woman. Leonora Is a . blend of many women,' full of vagaries and contradictions, bat with all of them shs Is adorable. Th role Is an emot ing en and In it Mis Adams ls cer tain to add to the number of her ad- mlrers. In closing her bill Miss Adams will bs an in The Ladles Shakes peare." This is described as "being one woman's reading of a notorious . work edited by J. M. B arris.- It Is . In one act, contains three scene and calls for a largs east R Is said to be oh of th most humoroys ennosp-. tlon that 'has come from ilie Carrie pen. Both plsy are effectively Staged . ' J,'

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