t W,; i: J X'WF' t I h ' . 1 1 m r( y mz)pf m ;- mm X?n 1 r " frit .41. V M rr . -"A "' i ."?' Conforms )- V l , -V.V.v : Saiicy Polo Furs Include list, Ball-Muff and Mallet-Scarf-Rose and Blue Foi the Exclusive and Costly Furs This Year -Coats of Conspicuously Marked Hamster for the Automobile. : ; IIAT fun arc th vr-populf ChrUtrau gift ti ttMt4 thl Vfef priartlom tnad for holiday IUB( In very shop wher furs r pecltined, una In all tn bit depart ment tort wher. furs ar can-lad. Ja ihop Uidow ara all varieties of plti from costlr ermine and dii Untulihed aeat down to U of loay black fox o called but which on mora than sutpacta ii dyed rabbit or avan ordinary pusey oat and equally floeey. pony of luuh luler on can almott ae ono't fuce reflected in it. No Christmas a-ift that Santa bring mor welcome to womankind than !" for woman ha adored furs from the day when the flmt cuv woman alunf a huge animal akin acroaa ber ahouldera and bextowed her wnilea on the mighty hunter Who isould bring in from the chane th richest pelta for her adornment. This ear fun seem very plentiful In spite of all the dire prognostications of rarly autumn that the war In Europe would affect th fur business sorloualy; Ut it Should be remembered thai the furs of this winter were bought long before the trouble In tturope was thought of in most people's minds, and by raid-August all the pelts were here and furriers were busily making up garments in the new styles. The scarcity of funs says a well-known furrlr on Fifth avenue, will com nest year, not this for, should the war continue through next summer It will bo well-nigh Impossible to secure some of the most wanted eklnn, such s the fXsaBawa m sUswK vw.- j m . aniiB-Zin v ' B? mole, Russian kolinsky. German mink 1 nil l. .1.1 w J ,. w yeer n -e sriuom usea nrTJ!!. ST! ,th' ll"lf- OIn' th" """-f . Tb.JiriTi.r. th,"nBlct rf,n- blned with It In the fashion of the Th.Tft.S T. ",,uPp,y'n,g!mora"'t which demands variety. Er their fur needs this winter, while : min. alwl h1ll ,.,.. , A ' r , I plenty of wanted furs are to be had aad while prlcee are sua not much bove th ordinary. , Moakey jotaa the Chris Lmae Fnr : Rank.' Many of the fura that Santa Claus fill bestow thla season are trimmed with . monkey, which la enormously 'ashlonable Just aow; but monkey Is a langerous fur to buy unless .one may cast It Mlde regardless of expense whoa Its fad-time has passed, in it self monkey- U not a beautiful fur and though it haa a certain vogue at th moment. It la too pronounced and too harsh to endure long la fashion. Th woman who relies. on her Christ- turs for two or thro seasons' wear should pick out a pelt of some stability as far a style U concerned, Skunk Is such a fur, so is pointed tox, which never goes out of fashion be cause of Its beauty and great beoom tngnesu. Mink Is also a safe fur to buy, provided one secures a handsome quality, for cheap mink fades badly and soon looses Its artificial darkness and richness of texture. The set of ermine and monkey pic tured Is a good example of a faddish fur style of thin season a very smart and attractive fur style for ths woman who ean afford to Indulge in passing whims of fashion, but an unsafe style for the woman who Is buying now for next winter as well as this. The er mine and monkey set combine s much-draped muff with a ruffle at one end and V huge bow of the spotless ermine at the other. The neckpiece has also a big bow, with one end stand ing up over the ear In this season's dashing style. This set la elaborately trimmed with monkey and is Intended for afternoon wear with formal cos tumes. Kriuino Not Worn Itefure Lunch. Krmine is essentially a formal fur and Is not worn by well-dresaed women In the morning, save In the shape of a tiny cravat attached to a seal coat or some such dainty trlm- mln- 1" the evening ermine Is ideally 1 .. ..... . . i .J. ' mine and blue fox is a favored combi nation and a very effective one and a scarf and muff set of these furs, for meatre wear, mny easily touch the five hundred dollar mark. There are two kinds of blue fox; the cenulne and the blue-dyed fox. The latter Is white fox treated to a dyeing process which gives it tho soft, indescribable ton of the blue fox. Seen apart from the genuine pelt, this blue-dyed fox Is so much like the higher priced genu-1 ine blue fox that only an expert could j detect the Imitation; but put the two fur together and you will see in the genuine pelt the bluish cast which! gives the fur Its name. For mark you, blue fox Is no more blue than "hunting-pink" is pink. The fur haa a rosy smoke color sad as has been said, only la the highest priced blue Talhery White ztox fleem woei atop3 isn-e fox skins does one detect the Mulsh tinge. 5 Polo Furs This Year's Fad. The very smartest thing In "email furs" as furriers term a neckwear and muff combination is the pole i set; and every young woman not al ready provided with one of theee eaucy polo sets Is hoping that Banta "Claus will have one for her on Christmas morning. The muff in a polo sat la as round as a muff can possibly be and is supposed to represent the polo ball. The long sc&rt suggests the mallet and sometimes a crossptece of the fur is attached to make the mallet sug gestion even stronger. Of course a polo cap of fur accompanies the polo set and th whole set 1 charmingly becoming to a pretty young girl, pic tured la a polo set of Hudson seal and on cap, soart and muff are appllqued embroidered motifs done with old blue and dull rose silk. Oold tinsel ornaments are also Tb f i 1 1 i f i . i - r whu dresses wait will appreciate aa nn-te-daie Kecksow c burning question most! women, at, Christmas time, is what to seleot tor the particular man. He may be a husband, or lover, or merely a friend who possesses Interesting possibilities of becoming either of the other two. Perhaps he Is only a brother. He may be a son. At any rate he t the Important man who must be provided with an ap propriate and acceptable Christmas gift, and the problem is what to se lect within one meana Ther ere a menv thouund. Bf ' things one may give to women, from I a sachet for the cornet to a diamond pendant; but one may not load up man with little belongings that will clut ter his room and be a burden to his for The Black PasKes' in Una Hamster1 Motor Coat are Ectuoed by Black Kbnkfi'yTur'' TTnTWrrurvfj soul. He will never think of packing them uway in their tissue wrappings, as woman not infrequently does, to pass along to some one else another Christmas season. He will tear hla hair figuratively over the problem of "what on earth to do with the blamed thing," if it does not Imme diately appeal to his fancy as fulfilling some long unsatlefled need and the real needs of men are so dlscourag 'nK'y 'W, It seems to the woman bent on ending him exactly the Christmas oesiranie. Then again, attractive gifts for men I cost so much money. One may notj buy brass smoking sets, fitted leather! dressing cases, blanket bathgowns or seta 'of books for a song, and the day of home-made Christmas gifts for man Is rapidly speeding by. Hand emoroiaereti slippers, knitted muf-' f'.-v un.nuua Ml UUnfl iCrTOr f and not gratitude in the average male I of modern times and glove and eollsr"" boxes of silk and ribbon drive him into a fine frensy unless the fingers that fashioned them are very dear m - deed. One may buy a dollar chemise for a woman friend and wrap It in a dainty package, sure of lu welcome on Christmas morning among other gift packages; but imagine sending a man a three-fourths wool union suit similarly tricked out with holly paper and red ribbon! Alas tor the days of the mustache cup which was always acceptable and always managed to get broken before another Christmas came around! . Several modern gifts tor man ar suggested herein, and there is not a man living who smokes who would not wax enthusiastic over the con venient smoking and reading lamp The lamp is really an electrolier and th electrio light wire may pas np thpAiith tit lt.nn.rn n V. ..)..... i .... vw. -, wauw-M.. v. W MWUIfU Van aval-head an that th autntvfnkiwM placed on seal caps this winter and 1 one particularly fetching sealskin tur ban, with a soft,' turned up brim, has :a fan-shaped ornament of gold tinsel ;at the front, with two gilt buttons .above it." ' 1'f'" ' j Fitch, so fashionable last winter, is still much wont and It will bo safe to 'select fitch as th Christmas fur, aa Ipeclally if one secures the German j fitch whloh is likely to become harder I to get as the months roll by. German fitch Is much 'deeper and softer in color than th creamy toned Russian fltoh, and is much sought for smart little cravats and small, almost ball shaped muffs In which the narrow fltoh skins are set in strip effect. But the woman who is looking ahead for practical wear In her Christmas fur j should select handsome pointed fox, skunk or wolf this yea? very pop ular pelt, for the dainty furs lik fltoh. 1 ermine, aounsay ana cuiucmna squir rel are for formal wear with velvet costumes, or other costumes of gala character, and will not gtv th serv ice and satisfaction in constant use accorded by fox, skunk or, wolf. Hamster Smart For Motoring. , The automobile coat may be more conspicuous and barbaric la its effeot of luxury than the ooat designed for street wear, and civet. Jeopard and hamster are popular' pelts for th car. pictured is a, new automobile ooat of hamster trimmed with a fringe of monkey below the' wide bind which separates the loose upper-part of the coat from th ripple skirt, la spit of its consDlcuousness, this gaily marked coat is the essence of good style. Its lines are vary graceful and the trim mini of monkey accentuates th black markings In th Hamster. Monkey fur bands the smart hat, but th ooat nas cuffs and collar of hamster a not of excellent style. , Ripple Far Wraps For Dressy Wear. Costly pelts are lavishly used la the new ripple coats, but most graceful lines ar produced by using fur this way. Th short wrap of moleskin Il lustrates thla Th back of th wrap 1 almost a ripple cape which points downward below th hip whll at the front the little wrap Is a short ooat with set-in sleeve. A flat kimono collar and band of leal add much smartness to this wrap and aocentu- 1 ate Its simple, graceful lines. A o- iquetUsh touch Is th three-quarter may be moved about from easy chair j to piano, or even carried into th bed ! room when his lordship desires to read in bed. Nothing is forgotten in this excellent device for making man eon tented at home of an evening. Equally practical are desk fittings usually appreciated by the man not already supplied with such belong- k Set that should harmonlas th masculine surroundings. Illustrated ate a brass Ink and ' calendar set of admirably compact jSlse. The woman who presents her jbuaband with a desk calendar which 'marks each day separately must take 1 uPn berself the duty of changing the date every morning tor her spouse will never, never attend to ' it and much aa be may enthuse over th gift on Christmas morning, she will prob ably note when dusting in August that the cheerful January 1st still smiles from the calendar. ' - ' Mufflers for wear with evening clothes are among the practical gifts for men. Three new styles ar pic tured in th new knitted silk muf flers which ar now much th fashion. Bought In th shops, these handsome mufflers coat from fir to fifteen dol lar each, but the woman who knits can make on for about four dollar the cost of th Silk. Band embroid ered linen handkerchiefs ar always prised by man, especially if thai N ) i stetw- J i U A tVeu , 0 ay and PhmJa ihis RiV?1 Wia of Kole v-ilb-gesl Collar' sleeve ; which shows the long whit kid gloves Always effeot suggest . lvs of formality. Paquln designed, arly in th sea ' ion, a very attractive uttw wrap 01 kolinsky which acoompanted a brows . crepe meteor calling costume ordered for an autumn troussead. The kolin sky wrap was simply a long strip of the fur possibly a yard and a half long which was drawn -over th shoulders and fastened below the bust at its upper corners, thTTewer cor ners hanging in two deep points while th fronts of the wrap slanted apart The top of the kolinsky strip ap-, peered to be turned back on ltaoll to form a flat collar and wide, sofi ties of brown satin fell at either sid of th front. This simple and perfect little tnr wrap was lined with Juunt colored Futurist silk splaahad . over with little green and brown leaves. Manning' W Wraps for Christmas. Santa Claus has wld choice wh It comes to the Christmas fur coat He may select a handsome affair ol Hudson seal, which la of course dyed muskrat of fine quality: or a lee ex pensive model of nearseat Even this latter will cost fifty dollars er mor while th Hudson seal garment -wilt mount Into thre figures. These coats com In very fanciful shapes this sea son, a favorite style being the Cossack model, with low belt and wide ripple Skirt Even th plain seal coat in un- . belted Style flare considerably at the lower edge and the draped wrap of last year 1 quite hopeless unless mads over with mor fur. , . . . . Caraoul of th finer ,grads makes a very satisfactory coat but cheap cara oul Is clumsy and the bits of skin sewed together In such coats are apt to rip apart after a little, causing end less trouble and annoyance. The Cos- aacK coat pictured is of broadtail, a cotly but very beautiful black fur which Is so distinguished It needs no trimming, though sometimes a little ermine cravat Is added to lighten it up near the face. Moire pony is an other black fur much used in coats, and If bought In good quality this pelt should give satisfactory wear. Bui avoid cheap shiny black ponyskln as you would tlQ plague. The ermine wrap pictured Is one of thla year's - most distinguished fur evening wraps, ' The spotless ermine If effectively trimmed with black ermio' tails and Arctic fox. loved feminine fingers have dona th. initialing or the embroidered full name in the corner now the accepted mode. , But since this work requires great skill and is ruinous to. th eye sight most women have the embroid ering done for five or six cents a let ter in th shops where fine handker chief are sold and let It go at that For the man who owns a yacht or even a small sailboat or motorboat, set of six napkins and small table cloth embroidered with his club bur gee will be a delightful gift Xotepaper stamped with the house address is also- a nice gift for a man who unless he is very fastidious about personal belongings seldom owns cor rect stationery of his own but writes on his wife's paper at home, and on business paper at the office. Note paper for the man should be of heavy, cream laid linen with sheets and en velopes of rather large else. Cresti and monograms are barred by gooc taste, but the address may be stampc at the top In neat lettering. JET AND PEARL BEADS NOW THE FAD CHE strings of. Jet and pearl bead worn with winter frocks and blouses are exceedingly smart and are In better taste than the string of out Jet which is really correct only for formal wear. The black and white beads form a very soft, pleas ing cdmbinatlon and they are effective with ' either black or white gowns. Thee strings come In various length! in the shops but they are rather high priced and the average Woman will prefer to buy her Jet and pearl beads by the gross and string them herself. v In stringing beads tor a necklace al ways us two strands, so that It en happens to give way the othar will hold th beads until you are abl to restrlng them. Btrong embroidery , floss Is th best thing to string large beads on and the ends of the Hose should be run back through two or three beads, after being passed through the olaap, and knotted firmly. A knot tied at the elasp la very apt '' rk loo in th eoura f tlas.