TUD SUNPAT CITIZEN, ASIIEV1LLE, N. C, DECEMBER 13, 1QU & :r .... .'. j . Christmas tfeckfixmgs in ; mat fioxe?-'-' A pertinent suggestion -as to what von should give is neckwear for men and women. Our assortments are so bright new and beautiful, embracing as they do the very last word in Neckflxings, that it seems choosing should be simpli fied and at the same time satisfactory. Women's collars, vestees and collar and cuff sets, are priced at 25c and up. Men's ties, knit and silk four-in-hand, nidbly boxed, are priced at 25c to $1.00. j from the $on Marche Pow Many People (dill tfoii Make Jfappy on Chrislmasl Happiness is the greatest gift which Christmas brings, and it is so easy to, carry Happi ness to everybody that knows us. Often the simplest and most inexpensive, gift carries a delightful message of good will and friendship. Send as little as you will; but send SOMETHING to all. The Bon Marche is filled with attractive and desirable things, and the gift you seek may cost as little as you desire. J The beautiful and elaborate things are here, as well as the serviceable and practical Here also are the toys and trinkets that bring joy to the hearts of the little folks. But there is not a day to be lost if Christmas is to be comfortable for you and happy for your household and friends. gifts. Start making your selections tomorrow before the last rush and hurry begins. (Jin Readyio-tdear Apparel Radical reductions make gifts 'j of .Winter garments very attractive. All Wool Skirts, this season's styles,., are marked at Half Price. $22.50 and $20.00 Tailored Suits r. re priced at $1175 $27.50 and $25.00 Tailored ' Suits " aw priced at ...... s. , .7. ....... $1175 $35.00 and $32.50 Tailored Suits are ,1 priced at $18.75 $25.00 Tailored Goats priced at $16.73 $20.00 Tailored Coats priced at $13.75 $15.00 Tailored Coats priced at $10.75 Buy Better Shoes This year luxurious purs It is interesting to observe that each season women .' buy better shoes for themselves and children. They When you give FURS you just about hit the nail - i have found that economy in shoes exists only in getting on the head. It is immaterial who the recipient , good shoes made of lasting leather and pr-operly con- tf yQn her shell be h : structed. Bon Marche shoes embody all of these essen- , . . tial factors. ruia -u iJi.,j ,,. Ladies' and Children's Shoes h rade furs as Black Fox, Lynx, Red Fox, make useful and acceptable gifts, GeDuine Mole Hudson Seal and Genuine Mink, provided you get the right kind. Tlie variety of choice is broad and we stand back of erery set we sell v : Bon Marche Shoes are priced v. aI. )--fi:C, at $3.50 to $6.00 a pair for Ladies The prices of these better sets range from $25 . and $1.00 to $350. for children's to $75. Other sets are marked at " 7.50 to r and infants. $22.50, fl j ' 1 are always gladly welcomed. A look hV the vast varieties shown will convince ? f Marche is "once more the- place to get Corns to ths Jfandkcrchhf Booth Whei in doubt as to what to give, send, HANDKEIt-. I at our Booth, and t you that the Bon your handkerchiefs. ' . ; ;. " - - - Ladies' Plain Linen Handkerchiefs for Y, . . .V 5c to ZZz t Indies ' Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, for 25o to $2.t 3 i Ladies Armenian Edge Handkerchiefs, for 23a to $1X3 'J Ladies ' (Jrepe de Chine Handkerchiefs for . 25c to COc I Men's Plain tincn Handkerchiefs are priced Xc to $1.C0 V" Men's Cotton Handkerchiefs, are priced at . . ; Cc and ICo , Children's bordered handkerchiefs, with initial, 3 to box, : for a box tt Uc ; ) Gifts ll Sath Robes for Men, tdotasn'and Children Jtfgh ffrads perjums : Hudnut's Toilet . Waters, iif all odors, 4 07. bottle, priced at 75c; Miro-Dena Toilet Waters, are priced at , . . . . . . , f 76o to $125 Vautines, Mary Garden's Azurie and Houbgant's Ideal Perfumes, . in separate. packages, oz. to 2 oz. bottles, are priced at $2.50 to $5.00 Christmas Showing of Suit Cases, traveling Bogs and Jrunks The travelers would appreciate any one of the items listed below. Leather Bags, tan and black are priced at ......... $5.60 to $20 tfuit Cases, straw, bamboo and leather, priced at. . 75c to $20.00 Trunks, including the Rooler Tray and Hartman robe trunks are priced at $6.00 ant place. Hence as a USE , . . . $100.00 CHRISTMAS GIFT they have Jiandbags in tfemr Styles Many of our handbags are late arrivals, therefore the newest styles. The selection has been broadened by the recent shipments as wel. Party boxes in leather and silver are shown attractive ly fitted with vanity sets. The silver boxes are priced very low at $1.50, the leather ones sell for $2.50 to $7.50. Leather handbags, fitted with vanity cases and plain, in black and fashionable colors to match costumes, all sizes and shapes, are priced at $1.00 to $15.00. Children's leather handbags, are priced at 25c to $1.00. jtillracttie polls Non-Breakable Dolls, prettily dressed, priced 50c to $3,00 Pansy Jointed Dolls, large size, are priced at ..... . $1.50 . Kid Bodies, Real Hair and Eyelashes, for ... 50c to $2.25 Of all the Winter Wearables for the house, Bath. Robes make the" most desirable presents, ' They aro warm and comfortable, for winter and in the bright, attractive designs are very sugges tive of Christmas. ;,...' Children's Bath Robes, 2 to 12 years sizes, priced at $1.50 to $150 Ladies' and Men's Bath Robes, new designs, including the Indian Blanket effect, are priced at $2.50 to $7.50 Men's Bath Robes, with slippers to match, are priced at ... $5 Set Kid Qtotes for the family A Complete assortment of sizes and colors in the best makes, for Ladies, Men and Children is here. Ladies' Kid Gloves, black, white and colors, for pair $L25 to $150 Men's Tan Cap and Gray Suede Gloves, all sizes, nice Christmas boxes, priced at a pair $1.25 and $1.50 Children's Tan Cape Gloves, from 00 on up, priced, at a pair $1.00 Boys' Gauntlet Gloves, the better kind, priced at a pair 65c A large line of Infants', Children's and Ladies' Woolen Gloves are priced at 25c and up life) Sxquisite fiand-Made infants jflpparei The best is none too good for "Baby". You H always find the best here. Infant's Crochet Saeques, hand made, priced at $1.00 to $100 Complete assortment of hand made Dresses for Infants' are1 priced at : $100 to $9.60 Hand embroidered Cashmere Saoques, are priced at $1 to $3 Hand made Babv Caps, prettily'trimmed effects, are priced at wi. 75c to $4.00 Snry Pyrolin ffoitet Jlrtides Help someone to start a set of white this season. There are many little items that can be added later, but comb, brush and mirror are the combination that will make the best showing for the inrtjal gift. Ivory Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets are .priced at $2.50 to .'. , $20.00 Set Mirrors in Ivory are priced at $1.50 to $5.00 Ivory Brushes, best grade of bristles, for $2.50 to $4.00 Ivory Combs are priced at . '. 25c to $1.00 Ivory Jewelry cases, prettily lined, priced at ... $1.50, 1 1 IT 8 Jt& i 51 SrJhr .A &me(y tint : r Umbrellas Umbrellas are our friends, in- . deed, .mey protect us wnen we t v Iaraous need nrotection. In snow nr; 1 Ward- rain they occupy" a most Import- to no superiors and few equals. riiu'u xugs, eoiupieie louei ouini, - . j . priced at $18.50 to $20.00 . uri.y wmiajiuiimy i r . .here, whether you wish a dollar f .n .1 n . .. i-rr i . -r . 11 t ... . - K . . vy noie uram w airus ijcainer nags, cotton gloria covered umbrella, ii for .... . . . $15.00 to $20.00 with a severely plain handle or j Seal Leather Bags are priced one of a more elaborate ornamen-. I at .... ... .... .$20.00 to $30.00 uu lJje uauuie ana ueauu- - ful grade of silk, perfectly, con- i ' " structed, that sells for an even ten dollars, your wish can be quickly gratified. , , , ' Children's Umbrellas are priced at 69c to $1.60 Taney jTprons ) Aprons are nice to -give ' for Christmas:' We have those ex tremely, pretty kind that are all lace and frills. A wide variety priced 23s to $1.63 !