Crisco Makes Delicious Shortcakes A SHORTCAKE made with Crisco is unusually crisp and tasty. Use the fruits in season that you like straw berries, raspberries, peaches, bananas or others and make the crust with Crisco. You can be sure it will be the lightest, flakiest possible a real delicacy. 0 Crisco ' is the solid cream of edible oil. It is wholly vegetable. It has neither taste nor odor. It has only richness to give to foods in which it is used. You can always depend on Crisco as an aid to better results in the preparation of foods that are wholesome, appetizing and easily digested. SENSATIONAL TWIST IS GIVEN TO THE MANDAMUS HE AIN6 (CONTTNUED FROM PAQB CNX.) the many affidavits. These affidavits Judge Adams counts as the, evidence in the case. With the exception of one to be presented by Chairman Lyda at this morning's session, it is understood they have all been filed, and fWftforA tA the evidence has nracticallv been submitted. Judge Adama endeavored to find out how much time the opposing counsel would require today for argument, but no decision was reached. Judge Adams asked that the attorneys aid nun in reacning a non-partisan ana a iair ATiMnsinn. The counsel agreed with each-other that the arguments should be as brief as possible and assured Judge Adams of their intention and desire to co-operate with mm. Judge Wants Pacts. . "The feature of this case that I am most interested in," said Judge Adams, just before 'adjournment last rngut, is to nave penecuy ciear unaersiancung oi me facts. I want nothing, savoring of partisan feeling or of bias on either side." ?-H : VERNr.' 1 : . . .. Continued from fare On State to take part In the proceedings before the highest court in the land which will decide finally whether or not the law la to be enforced. The government plane 'to have the oonttt tutlon,nty of the law before the Su preme court when that tribunal re convene December 4 and to urge that it be Advanced for. Immediate hearing . . , Injunction Petition. Action In the ess was taken on the Injunction petition or tne Missouri. Oklahoma and Gulf railroad because the road U In receivership and under 1 1 . . . . j. l aa.a tne direction o mm rwtw wu.w This, enabled the government to ask the o-eperation of the , railroad In obtaining a final decision of the case before January 1. Thi assistance can be ordered by the court, and, a Indi cated by Judge Hook, will be o or dered If he decide to grant the mo tion. Had the (rovernment proceeded against ft railroad not In receivership, U was pointed out by member of the government ' counsel, the railroad might have chosen to eembat the law through various legal maneuver which -would have delayed the final decision Indefinitely. Like ether Injunction petition filed ty many railroads, the Missouri, Okla homa and Gulf action against the Adanwon law contended that It was unconstitutional because It deprived the railroad of their property with out due process of law and compelled them to pay large sum of money to employe without receiving anything In return. Decision on thi poltit to morrow will be watched eagerly, but will have no binding effect outside of the wettern Missouri judicial district and will be nullified immediately In the Supreme court. "There Is no use to be excited about thi action." Prank. Hagerman, special counsel for the government, said to day. "It Is simply an action to ad vance the can quickly to the Supreme court which will be the final arbiter In the ease." , The earn view waa expressed by Arthur Miller, attorney for the Mis souri. Oklahoma and Gulf railroad re ceivers, who aald the only thing to be done, we to await the Judge' decis ion. , CROPS DAMAGED. WASHINGTON. Nov. 81. Wide spread and sever damage to crops in the west and south was done by the record-breaking cold wave of No vember 10-17. The weather bureau announced today In ft special bulletin damage to eotto nwa slight, but truck farm suffered heavily. FRANCIS JOSEPH AUSTRIAN RULER DIED LAST NOT AT VIENNA PALACE frtrtHtmuA fwtn Pin fin In epKe of many dSfflf ultles' the dual SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HI Don't Stay Gray! It Dark ens So Naturally that V Nobody can TeH. Ton can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over eight If you'll get ft tO-cent bottle of "Wyeth' Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottle of thi old famous Ban Tea - Recipe, improved by the addition of other Ingredient. . ar eold annually, ay , well-known druggist here, be cause It darken the hair so naturally and evenly that bo one can tell It has been applied. Tboee whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two application the gray hair vanish and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. Ttale Is the are of youth. Gray- aired aettrsclir folk aren't want ed around, e get busy with Wyeih's are and Sulphur lomopnuu tonirni end you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youth ful ep peers Of e within a few days. TbU preparation is a toilet requisite end I not Intended fer the euro. mKI Mratica. or preveotit-a of disease. : - Ad vt. mHn.iui)i waa maintain A4 -thretirhout the life of Franci Joseph., Th Em press Elisabeth waa murdered la 1, and t ha amiMnir'a eldest aon. Hu- jdolph, died-la lM8.'t . Tba New Baler.''. - lanli4nfea)ra.1a fVajwdat ', a-rand nephew of Emperor Pranols Joseph, Became neir to in tnrone.w -.u-ina.-Hungary tty the aaaasBlnatioa of Archduke Francis Ferdinand prior to the outbreak of the war. He ha k... in -u-mma-ift fxt the Austrian armies on various front during th past two year. iMhiiuV. "ia1aa Wanr la hnni en August 11, HIT. HI wlf was Prin cess Zlta, oi tne tsouroon nouse ox Parma. Hi father waa tn Arcnaun Otto, who wee the younger brother of Franci Frdlnan. DEEP IMPRESSION. TvrONr. Nov.1 Tele-Tannin frnm Amsterdam the Central New correspondent says: "Vienna report mac aitnougn in UJ"iu w .a., a.-. " ' - peoted, the news, which was printed u ai-itl-ina Af fha n.WHnin.n .11 .J".!.'-. , " . , " made a deep Impression on the public. A special cabinet meeting was held. Tt. hair tn tha throne. Archduke Charles Franci, ha been for some time In Vienna. ' A meeting of th Hungarian cabinet haa haan railed at Bndanest. Premier TiMft wiil.;oom,to Vienna."' , GRAVrtT NOT BrSPKOTED. tiwnnM Wn ! Tha Aral Inti mation received here that Emperor Francis Joseph's health was again th subject of solicitation was contained in ft dispatch dated November 12. emanating from a Vienna new agency, which reported that in em- ..... haa Haa mtxtfmrinm fnr SARIS yUUI - days from ft slight catarrhal attention. .fiiihaamtant rAnnrta from various source, more or less conflicting, rep resented tnat dm conaiuon wm coming worse, but none of them Indi cated that hi illneea threatened to reach a critical tat and from Vi enna came assurances that he Wa still able to give audience to on or more minister aaiiy. What a-ave soma credence to the suspicion that hi condition wa much graver man um ouiu uunouua uns eated was the report, which UU lack offlolal confirmation, that It had been throne. Archduke Charles Francis, In ths government ot in country enu that he was to assume the position on December . on the eixty-elghth -an- niveraarv of the emperor ascension to the throne. Bo far ft 1 known bare Arena uxe Charles is still at the front In com mand of th army. RAPID PROGRESS MADE. CHARLESTON. W. Va., Vov. II. Rapid progress waa made today by th state legislature meeting her In ex traordinary session, in advancing the lerlslative program recommended by Governor Hatfield and administration leader expressed the belief that ad journment would be taken before th end of the week. The senate adopted favorable re port en Ave of the eight bill Intro duced on the opening day and th measures smending the law governing the removal of offlcers appointed by the governor and describing the man ner of determining contested election for elective state officer were ad vanced to third reading. HEGRO EDUCATORS MEET. DtTRHAM. N. C. Nov. f 1. The Na tional Conference en Education for tbe Betterment of the Negro, began a three-day meeting here teday with the object of bringing Into closer contact educators of aecre youth and to f)nd ft plan te better existing rendition among th race. , Negro educator from many part of the country are In attendance . Tli tendency of the many affidavit yesterday was to show that unmarked j Ballot cast in oiner man we o' n-..i-nt- AAH.lXA.Ail hw In a sio niyM- I ing board, and entitled unplmental . and jeturns irom naiwe uy precinct, would giv jot. omi a w ..i... a Va a. a Aaavt in tha -ountv. Another atatement In th attldavite waa to th enact tnat in aome pre cinct the unmarked ballot had bejn,4 a-a that In all f those re f erred to 4t ha4 been Agreed mong tn poll noiaer tnat inese uamwii ballot enouia not do ooun-oo. anmA ai mtr RHtt'a affidavlta also tended to show that the return fce- lor tne canvaemng -n-vamha- a van te. ail Intent and Dur- poe th official return, and that they agreed in an paruouwr - w.n. Uh official blanks later turned in. except a to th supplement, ana amended return of the five specified precinct ' later coiaere wy board. During the session Louis Bourne asked that th scope of th inquiry be determined now, and reference waa mad to an enlarged Inquiry and to court of higher Juris diction. 1 , . ' ' Tli emumUptk. Th sensaUon Of the. session, how ever, wa sprung lat In the after- noon when , attorneys pr mr. en claimed to hftv aiscovereu ina abstract of election forwarded to tbe secretary of state at Raleigh lacked th lgnatur of Chairman lyda of th canvassing board; Thoma Bottle of Mr. Britf counsel had ! th privilege of lnpcUng th official return from ,fiv of th precinct. After going, through m .PP they were found, and Mr. Settle and F. W. Thoma thn Wnt downstairs to Inspect th tAiulatod return of th board in Clerk Cathey1 ohTlc. Oft their return-they allaged thatChaW man tydft'. ftlgnfttSr had not been affixed-to. th abstract - of .leotion. Judge Adam adjourned court until 10 o'clock thi morning to permit or affidaviu from th jnvaelng board chairman blng prenUd. Motion to quash and to dismiss th . . mad. at tne enure prowu,a " " - ..- AA.nn1 riev'a hearing .uveiima - - . a4. h- by Thorna oetue ior mr. o"" ""VV1 A. Hall jon-ron tor u " .V a llttl legal dispute betweenthe at torny. Judge Adam ordered that Congressman Britt wa. the flt read. It recited tn raci an -wth wwch th. PubUoJ. alraady miliar and referred tft Ud statement- of Mr. Weavei frienM that unmarkftd inaiioi. been thrown out In other auntie ihouldb7count.dlnthl.oounty. Th affidavit lnlt.d that ft 11 th unmarked ballot th dle- trlct would ha' resulted Britf election. He alaimed that the result reached ' by th nvaylng board wa ftttftlned-by oounUng Into Doar a w .w. from ft ino murni M'.." 7 . . TH ftffldavH of Dan W. H1U, chair man of th county waeutlv oom mltte. waa to th effect that the Sbulatlon. of the board on No vember - a., ana that thev aareea with the reeulU later turned ln,,- ceot a rain irom in iufpwui-u i aniaavn ea-w - v: ... of tho alleged crt meeting of the board oki in, tne lv"J'"rr; sloBer room. Th affidavit charged that Chairman Lyda, oth Ing board, and Chairman J.J. Haynea, of the democratic connty exeoutlve i eonynltte, werft Men frequent onfornco and tnat in sudden dJournmnt ot th boftrd wa due to ft ecret agreement be tween th two ohftlrmen. , "V" An affidavit wa ubmlttd from C. Robert to the effect that th tally sheet before the board on November 1 were accepted a satisfactory -and that they were accepted by all the Officer without objection- ' No state ment was mad at that tim that the official return wer not before n board and th adjovrnmeat was not had tor that reason,, th affidavit charge, which "Close wit th Ut ment that there were no minute mad before th meeting-. Thin Folks Who Would Be Fat Inereas In Weight Ten Pounds sr Mere, . a . - at, m-at a mrt h I njr te be ebl te fat up a few poena and stay that way. aeciere wrwrr .u,i; " maa or woman, ftuoh a reeiUt 1- not lm possible, despite past failures. Most thin people are victims of mal-nutrttioo, a oondltloa which prevents the. fatty ele ments of food from being take up by . . a aw... a-a ah., tha Bnarara of nutrition are normal. Instead of - ting Into tne diooo, mn and flesh producing el "- atay in the totestlnee tmtU they pes from the bedy "to- thi. ee-dltlon aaul to ' vro dtiee healthy, normal, ainount i of fat. the nutritive preceee-e snuet e eru fldaUy supplied with the power which Datura baa denied them. Thi csa prob ably beet be accomplished by eating a Bargol UHlet with every meeX Sarirol i. a Mrafiil ramblnatkm of six splendid assimilative agents. Tskee with meals L ,. w aaa IaaJ a , nr. tha fat- teninr strenrh-g1t" material of what roe nave eetaw m-o m - . ' A M . A.. ..AAA I A. . Ill MlMld KS rapid effect ha keen n many eases re ported itarl-aile. neperwe from tee to twenty-flve poends .in ft . . .aw aaa ... a. i .ana tnfranuant. BinaM rid-ih vr - . . vat tta actio le Derfeetly natural and .absolutely harmless. BerfoMeeoki by aU drumrtata verywnre na wj-y. F- -contains a guarantee erf weight mereaee moD-7 oaca auTv A. B. Freeman, republican member ot the atat board of election, told of the varioua meetings of th board and of th decision that only marked ballot should b counted ft legal ballot. Brownlow Jackson, republican con gressional chairman, in hi affidavit told of his securing thi Interpreta tion of th law from th attorney Sen oral and of his action in con uotlng th republican campaign in accordance with these Instruction. . Affidavit tfrotn. Charles Ar Well, registrar of Sandp Muah precinct No 1, and from J. R. Taagu, democ ratio Judge of the sunt precinct, were read. They recited that Mr. Teagu took with him 'th original telly heeU from the precinct and that these re turns wer later filled 4a on th regu lar blank, wWfSlf they did not hav at that tiro,;' ... ., 4 y r " - - Affidavit J(rm if. C, Hill and Theo dore Skelton, tending to vsubstanUate the f oregolng,swere, submitted. -Poll Holder Agreed. Charles Carter, i rk publican Judg at Beaverdam-preclnci, ' said th his affi davit that It had : been 1 agreed .that only marked ballot '.iould -be counted. In the box were found five unmarked ballot for Britt and none for Weaver.- Tho iBrltt ballot 'were thrown out ' ' i ! . An affl davit to the same effect waa submitted-by J F.- Bartlett of wn najioa precinct, where on Britt un marked ballot wa thrown ' out and none unmarked :we"e found tor Weaver. ' SL'-W. Radford republican Judge of Ashevlll precinct' No. 1, said that one unmarked Weaver ballot, was thrown out there and two unmarked (Britt ballot. He had not been asked to alfn any supplemental returns. R. C. Robert, clerk In the same precinct, swore to. the am effect. In West AsnKHilft ' precinct ; there war three unniaVjdBritt ballots and five unmarked Weaver ballot thrown out, said Gwvn Edward in hi affi davit, r, 3, WorHr nade affidavit to th amo' effect and said that the unmarked ballots bad been destroyed. Vonno L. Oudger's affidavit stated that he had been present at- the first meeting of the canvassing board, heard the contest settled, that aU the precinct except, Asheville No. 1 and west Asheville were represented, and ' that it wa agreed that If tbe tally sheet of thee two precinct agreed that they wer to be taken a conclusive evidence. IJe denied that the matter had not . been closed definitely then. Three For Britt. R. K. Evans, republican Judge of Leicester precinct No. 1, said that tiree unmarked Britt ballot and none for Weaver had been found there. Th Britt ballot war not counted. Th affidavit of Clyde 0. Reed, Biltmor precinct, said that on un marked ballot for both Weaver and Britt had been found there. It had been early agreed among the poll holder not to count th unmarked ballot. Charle D. Miller of Basel precinct said tnat on unmarked Brut tiaiiot was found there and that It had not been counted. He bad been asked to sign another return. W. L. gpivey, democratic registrar, stating to him that th original had beet) lost. H did so sign after making a notation on the sheet as to the on unmarked ballot. W, E. Waller, republican Judge, Sandy Mush precinct No. I, saM there had been no luunerked - ballot caat there. P. L. Myers, republican Judge Ashe ville precinct No,- ti said that It had been agreed notr to count' th un marked ballots. r J. O. mikeleather waa present at the counting, and asksdjto be allowed to keep th tally. Affidavit containing what the counsel for the- canvassing board characterized a "street talk," in whloh alleged conversations wer re cited, were submitted. The names of Amo D. Foy, t. N. Garren and Charles W. Melon wer mentioned In these. To 8takt Thcsjsavtve. J. M. Campbell submitted an affi davit to the effect that h had heard Chairman Lyda say. speaking of the mandamus proceeding. - "that the writ had nothing to do with the mat ter and that th members of the board were going to ru thing to suit themselves." One affidavit. !gnd by J. ft Grind staff. B. L. Lyda. J. N. Garren. 8. D. Hall and other of th board, stated that there bad-been bo request te go into other precinct for supplemental return save th five considered. Thle ended th reading of the affi davit. Loul Bourn, of th board' counsel, said that It was not In th power of the Superior court to con trol the discretion or the exercise of the board's Judicial power, but only to compel action on th part of that body. He stated that he and the other counsel with hrm represented the Buncorab board of canvassers, and not Mr. .Weaver. He declared that the board had performed It duty, and referred to aom of th affidavits as containing only street talk. "What Mr. Britt started out to do." said he, "wa baaed on the as sumption that th board of canvasair had already proclaimed the result of th election at their meeting on No vember . The till to th office will b determined by a court of another Jurisdiction." Sill (S M; - DRIVINGFORWARD KM Continued from Page One) , jtffif' ' k?JmWU?? ' Vul . ''- 1 .AdPi.'- .r a . enrlM FaVM AMIA ftTaaMsl l .. . If , i II m. I: it THE MINORITY WINS -a-A-AA-AAAA-Aa-aA-aaA-aaAaaAaa life insurtiiice'reports state i tliat tHe majbri 90 per cent, . of all men at the age of 60 are dependent upon others for support Because in their youneiaiiiing--days .they have saved nothing. 5 Here's a place rhere the minority wins. We offer absolute security and 4 per cent on savings deposits, and both young and old are welcome. One Dollar starts an account. .... t. Central Bank & Trust Co. . South Pack Square United State, County and City Depository KAISER STFPCTRTft CHAJTCEIaIOR -' BERLIN. Nov. 1 fTIa ttndon.) Emperor William ha J net declared pebllrly hi Mpbort of Chancellor von Bethmana.Hollwe; against U tacka upoa him by hi opponent. dition of - Emperor Fran da Joseph la worse. . . . . uu-ii''i-iiil.m'K win yXTKTL RTIOWSL K7A4,.. A.. AA. A.. A v a. - ' " ATHENS. NfoV. 20 (vlft 'London, Nov; 2l.)-It learned that whn the suggestion of Arlstlde Brland, the is..... a..mtw ' that tdnar Constan- tine recall former Premier Venlzelo 1 meeting with opposition in ainena sentiment In -favor of tha king ao ceptin the othei principal suggestion and declare war oil Bulgaria, is grow ing. . CAPTURE iUfNOtrNCBD. rnpuTTM Mm 11a I Via fiawiUe. The capture of Craiova, In western Wallachia, by German troops, waa announced by the war .off In an qf- Iiraa. piaieiiivivii NOT CONFIRMED. LONDON, Nov. il -The occupation of the Roumanian town of Craiova, reported by German official head quarter, ha not yet been confirmed from the entente Bide, but the fact that no Roumanian official report ha been lesued elnc Sunday leave little reason to doubt It correotne-s. . Th official report from both Ger man and Russian headquarter the last two day had prepared the pub lic for this news, but It had been hoped that Russia, which wa known to be sending reinforcements into Roumanl as fast e possible, might be In tim to avert the blow. - . .-aIaaa. i. an tm-vnvta.nt town in tn lyl.lVT- 1 . A... center of ft great grain dirtriot on tne edge of tne wanacman piaao an Important railway Junction. According to information In Rou manian quartere In London, the en tente allies had already mad provls- ... .ma , . a v.... mtnrm nf OTain in lua ua. iuv A..AV - . Craiova should not fall Into enemy hand. The capture by General von Falken- 1 - a-.aa n- tha tnwn f CfeJOV. iiaj ii v. - ' " apparently cHnche the Austro-aeT- man now upon a i ' western Wallachia and probably mean the cutting off of Important Roumanian forces from their tin of retreat by railroad Craiova lie on th main lino between, Orsoca and Bucharest, about 120 mile west of the capital. . Craiova berore tne war naa a popu lation of nearly Ee.OOt and wa ah na tive center of Roumanian trade. BANX EIGHT VESSELS. Bintl4Tr Vta London. Nov. II.) A German submarine sank in the English channel November 14 a French guard vessel and acven mer chantmen, one of them a Norwegian, according to -en- official communica tion issued today. The communication say! "One of our submarines la the English channel the 14th sank a French guard vessel, apparently a tor pedo boat destroyer of the Arc or Sabre class, and besides sir enemy merchantmen. The same V boat sank th Norwegian steamer Ullvangt which was carrying war material for the French government," FRANCE DE2TTES. IXNTON. Nov. II. The following communication wag Issued ; by the A Clogged liver Brings Indigestion Take Toflo Water A Wtoeeaesful Will Start Your Liver and Re lieve Tour Wotnadj in Half a Hotrr Th aver frequently becomes clogged becan'e we eat too msMrh rich food. If Kta kpt clean and active we would never hav constipation, soar, gassy stomachs, sallow akin or be come bilious, run-down and unstrung. A third o a tumblerful of Tello Water In a glaa of plain water before breakfast will flush out the nil la half an hour. Tour headache and constipation will disappear at one, and your mal will bo longer distress you by forming? gas, becaua this wonderful water will wastt etrt th fermenting waste. - To Uo Water Is from Dawatfn Springs, th Kentucky health resort. It occasional use win keep th liver active and th bowels a regular as a dock. Get a lf-cent bottle froaa year draggtet and take a little every morning until the system ha been thoroughly eleaned. Bold by Smltb'S Dru Stor and oth dragglat.. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepacb-sa proves it 25catandruc2ist3. Rajtea UMC A.lnli.t. MjCirttiitm Cr fr-). Ma-al-. Saluf ha.M. tmKtnttmttumwmrmmm 3aaa aai ImJW- ttntA trm aur hems ctealar r mttrebanu la Worth Carolina f THB RJtMINGTON AJIMS UNION MBTALUC CAK.TRIOCB CO. , , j WpiMft aw I and 2.IM othw leading; 1 fff. I J t.1 It r . B.llah amlraltv tnnlrht In Connec tion with the Berlin report of the inking of a French guard vsl: "The British admiralty states on authority of the French ministry of marine that no French war vessel was sunk the 14th In th Anglian channel. POINT NOT CONSIDERED. NASHVILLE), Tenn.. Nor. II. Judge A. B. Neill. before whom Chaa C. Trabue Is being tried for killing Harry & Btokes, another attorney in the latter' office April it, today in structed the Jury not to consider whether Stokes three year ago violat ed an agreement n regard to an Im pending lawsuit. The court aald he waa permitting Dan E. MoGugln to testify regarding th agreement only that they might inqulr Into whether Trabue wa aotlng In good faith when he filed a court record denouncing h.a1..a . th. . ll.aaX atlnletlAn f UlUA W IVf - . agreement -and which wa th begin T . . a t . a. ...... . n A ning or tne iniasouiwn -- two attorney. MoGugln waa on of th attorneys entering Into the agree ment. OVERTOIf JTJRV CHOffEN. HUNT8VILLB, Ala., Nov.- II. Ten n . . marchant and one clerk wer .ohon Jr today a a Jury to try David D. ovarton. charged wltk the murder of Probate Judg W. J. Lawler here lat Jut. ' ' - ; " ' The court tomorrow win pas on th p!ea in abatement which have been filed by former Judge B. It. Allen, attorney for Overton, and th Intro duction of testimony I expected to begin soon thereafter. Attorney for tbe prosecution ald tonight th . . . . i alia. .a. aamsiiIj. w. tne W1QOW VL Vila auun """" " T Z flrt witness. Judg Allen reiUreted today that nia C""" ""' -tt defense. The tat baa ummooed fortv-eaaht wiUease and tb defease eight. WSKSTXi TO FA1U0CRS. : FAXATKA. Fl-. Uttrf. l 1VV expected to accru ta American farmsrs a a result of th recently actad farm loan act were outlined by geaator Fletcher at th opening es "on here today of tb NaOoaal Farm er.' Educational and XopsraUv Union ot America. Governor Tram mall formally welcomed th visitors ta Charts S. Barret, VnUm CWy, OeX president of th union, made hi annual addreae In which he glared th farmer' anion will stand by It friends wherever it tads them." but asserted th anion rTa partisan poUUo and never will be. PINEHTJR8T. N. Cv. Nov. II. Rob ert Hunter, of tb Weebnra lu. Norton, Cona.. waa filf'" qualifying round of the " aual autumn g(rtftnumntW to day. - bis -ore being I- Traftk Gate, of Broad A-eree, waa eeeead wltk 14. ixtjr-ona player war a trd ' . OTTURTTARO. Me, , preliminary -eeslar. af tJonal eemgre wa ?t wing ta tb delay fJ tag th eelea was a parfuaatary on. . " GKZXX VITAMER iTTrX, TaONDOV. Now. "r 'WgJ Hail' Atben eorres-porident say tn Greek tamr BparU ba beea aank. board th steamer were saved. iBCrad. ins; several nursav GRocsxtoBBUt jfonr fight. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Ilv-Call- A i aaaa. .. ..... ham Inlna4 .Via fla-ht tn keen down tha Dricea of wheat, flour, augar. canned tomatoes and canned num. ana tn. nous-nr.v ot ..a . a a I. A... KaaM . . tr lA tn cft.nn.r- W1Q -taw .-- v. . ate by signing petitions for an em bargo on tneee ai o-di. a hundred thousand signature are wanted. 4tt 4"f. 4- 4- -f -f f SPORT CALENDAR FOR WEEK Friday. Special meeting of Intercollegiate Athletio association, at New Haven. Annual benoh show of Albany Dog club opens at -Albany. N. T. b Annual bench show of Toy Spaniel ub of America opens at Nw Tork city. Saturday. Annual Intercollegiate cross-country championships, at New- Havea.-: Western Intercollegiate eroes-eoun-try cbamptonshlpa at Lafayette, Ind. Intercollegiate trap shooting cham pionship, at NW Haven. EAT BIG MEALS! II DIGESTION OR BAD STO 'Tape's IHapejV.nakes weak ttomacha strong and healthy at once. i Instajity stops sourness. gases, beantmni, aaaiiy. ' ' :dyspepsla.;r-(- There would not be a earn of Indi gestion or dyspepsia bar If read era wh are subieot ta stomach troubl knew thstremendona anti-fermetit and dlgeattv virtu contained i wpra Diapepatn. Thi lutnnlaaa preparatJesi will digest heavy meal without the, taighteat fuss or 3ojnJort. .fad ruv th eouresv acta mwvmu in flv minutes, beside overcoming all faul, naosaoua odor from tb braath. Ask your pharmacist a show ro tb formula plainly prinited ott aaab 10-oent caee of Pap" Diapepatn, the. TO. will readily understaad why thi promptly overcome Indigestion aad remova cli armptattw a ke-rtbvrn. feeling Ilk lump of lead la tha atomaca, beicmng or gaa aaa s-ota Uon of undigested food, water araeh, acidity, naase. headache, biilonsne , aad BBftar other bad ayaipHuse; aad. beetde, ywa will not need laiaLtrveai ta keep- yer stonvach. liver and ta tesUnee elean and freah. If year atomaeh I ar and full af gaa ar your food doesn't dig, aad your meal don't aeem ta flt, why not get a It-eent ease from year druggtat and make life worth living t Absolut relief from atemaeh misery aad per fect dire-tie af erhtng yen eat la ear to follow flv minute, after, aad besides, one eae he ufflolt to rid a -rbete family of ach trouble ' (hi rely, a barmlea. inerpenetv preparation ITk Diapepsln, which will always, either at daytime or during algfct. relieve your- stomach misery and digest your meals, la about a bandy and valuabl a thing as yea eeuld have la the Aouaa, Advt.