4; i 'A a- 1 THE WEATHER FAIR AND COLDER THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS VOL. NO. 82. .1 ASIIEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY .MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS DQUGHTOIM WANTS ABSENTEES n 1 i if ? ff. s f 1 o TH E R IGHTTO VOTE Introduces Bill In House To Proyide For Voting In State Elections. INFANTRY BATTLE ALONG THE ANCRE BIG POWDER PLANT IS DESTROYED BY BERLIN ASSERTSI Gil EAT EXPLOSION ! BRUMMITT WOULD RAISE PENSIONS Would Also Raise Property Limit For Confederate Veterans. CJtizen Bureau. Kaleigh, N. (?. January 12. (By W. J. Martin.) A "bill introduced by Representative Dough ton In the house today would provide for the voting of absentees in the elections of the state, the method The British Communication, However, Merely Reports . Capture of Prisoners. BRITISH WINNERS IN SEVERAL RAIDS Teutons Continue Progress In Roumania Rouman ians Make Attack. Foil? Hundred Thousand Pounds of Powder Go Up In Smoke. TWO LIVES LOST, IS OFFICIALS' BELIEF Two Distinct Explosions Followed By Fire Wreak Havoc At Haskell, N.J. While Berlin asserts that Infantry' NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Four hun- engagements are in progress north of dred thousand pounds of powder was the River Ancre 1b France, the British destroyed by Are and explosion at the official communication merely reports Haskell, N. J., plant of the DtiPont the situation in that area by reporting Powder company -at 9:30 o'clock to the capture of an additional small night. Officials of the company de number of prisoners, apparently aa clared after checking mp the mem the reanlt nf a rwirni bers of the nlKht shift at the works) being the sending of the ballot duly credits the British with two attacks "at only two men were missing, certified, to the home polling place not m this sector, and adds that the fight- : Twelve others were cut by flying de lator than the election'day. The state's ing continues. I Vie. but none of them was seriously need for this was demonstrated by the ' The British have been successful in ' hurt- No estimate of the lows was ob North Crro18uLedTXctin f l"" north of Arras and 'hi French talnab.e. ear. border. I ti uiWn.. i. u.i,-. J There were two distinct . explosions. A pension hill bv Bmmmitt of I A,..m.n " " V" . .r "Trine force. Buildings were I ROYAL mm E' IS EXTENDED TO GOVERNOR Asheville Pays Warm Tri bute To "Locke Craig, Private Citizen." LOCKE CRAIG-, JR., IS AMONG- SPEAKERS "Hello, Daddy," Is His Wei come To Returning GoyV ernor North Carolina. ' pension hill bv Brummitt of I A, In.""" I".,. force. Building, , Granville would raise the limit of ..t th. rSA. "naKen and windows shattered far out , , - , , . , , , , , vooi.iin aim I VU U I !1M II lii.Il vrupsrw .owmnnip oy jomeaeraie wnile In the Suchltza valley they re in" wouia oar vnem irom puisea attacks by the Russians Rou recelving pensions from $600 to II.- . mauian troops attacked the Austro 000 and make a general raise in the Germans in the Kasslna valley and various classes of pensions and in-! drove them back more than a rails -i ucLemg isio vmiuu classes ui pen- i -reirugraa states, slons ft each so tho-e now receiving ITl would receive 180; those now $60, $88; those $4$, 66; and those $82. $40. Senate Saves $350. The senate' discussed and defeated a resolution to spend $260 for expert examination of the emergency acts Mackaiisen Progressing. The forces of Field Marshal Mackehsen are reported to be greasing between Braila and Galatr. on Long Island and up the Hudsou river to Poughkeepsie. The first explosion was In what is known as "the glazing barrel." The Are which resulted, leaped to the olending house and from there to three magazines. One of the maga i aines blew up, but the powder In the von others was consumed by the flames, pro- The blazing magazines set fire to the ATTITUDE OF PRESIDENT WILSON ON THE REPllES OF WARRING NATIONS TO HIS n PBACE SUGGESTIONS NOT DETERMINED Tk n..tn . . r , . -f mail's uuuac, iiwm which ma Th-"7it1lSJ,a.Vv.e. bceen.U8he bapk flmes leaped across Wanaque river tnm u u . ,m and consumed three drying houses, town or LrftBurtea hum been taken. ni i i . T. errors made in the rush legislation, the eastern front, the lighting appar- , o?her buildXsn 'the" DliS? and Ths understanding is. that there will ently has died down to Isolated at- ma in the "mag we're Mattered t a legislative committee appointed tacks. Neither Petrograd nor Berlin j,v th ..xninHion J iUI- 1 i A.'U a. xA in tholr 1 a rnat tnm m n n Inn t n l ' Preliminary Discussion oil he Question Begun at Cabinet Meeting Yesterday.Problem ot How to Reconcile the Conflicting Altitude of Entente and Central Powers Confronts the A Chief Executive. Various Plans Are Ouilined. WASHTNGrTONJ Jan. 12. The atti tude of President Wilson toward the replies of the warring nations to his suggestion that fan opportunity be given for comparing peace terms, re mained undetermined tonight. Pre liminary discussion of the question th2tat- . a. fh- A 7iy lnfth.is re,flon-w No estimate was available of the ' Ing, and at conferences between tho The appropriation of $100,000 for t the ea the enten te aUies have!umber of men at work when the dls- president and ecreKu-y Lansing and I91T and $75,000 in 1818 toward a f"fered additional losses. The sink- a8ter occurred, but company officials between the fWesident and Colonel K. new f!re-proof cottage system and "JK of the Italian battleship Regina rounded up their men to check up the M- House, wioftspent the day at the heating planter the North Carolina I Margherita, of 18,000 tons, on Decern- casualties, rt is feared that (.who whlt house. . school for the blind is provided in a. "r 11 i"1 "8 1088 ' 7S men, is were employed in the "glazing barrel" Infonnaily, rifBolals expressed the btll offered today m the legislature , announced officially in Rome.- Two lost tnetr uVes. opinion that tie problem facing the uuMu.au miu oowm,y vi LliO UICW es cased. A.Turkish official report of January 11 says a BrlUsh cruiser Of the Juno type, measuring c.SOO tons, was sunk by Senator Harding, who Is president pro tern of the senate. - The purpose to the abandonment t tibe present old "buifdlngf for" school' in ;the city, and to erect the new plant on the ightv-acre ptaoe that the state owns for the purpose just westt of Raleigh.. ; The "bill also carries $85,000 for an nual niainteirance of the scbnol -with an extra allowance of $1,000 for dental work, treatment 'o( eyes by specialists and the like. Senator Hard'nr also offered a companion bill that wauld Chans-, the title of the J'"" f, nampered by head of the Institution from 'rtncl-' hf unvo ,!.f "f d.'on oflh.e te.r" to "sunerintendent. Home for WHi End Rescue parties were quickly organ- j presid-ewt is how. to reeoncill the con' by Turkish cunfire during an attack summoned. mi mo uuwa oi ivasteiorixo yi the eastern Mediterranean. WEATHER, INTEKFEKES. BERLIN, Jan. 12 (Via Sayville.) The advance of the Austro-Qerman troops across the wooded Carpathians into arioiaawa js peing hampered by lsed to search for the Injured, end as soon as they were round they were taken to the company's orlvate hos pital. All the doctors available were Haskell is situated In a remote sec' tion to rassaic county and communi- nictlng attitude ot the central pewera ana. tne entente wev on cne quesuon of ecntpartogi HeWiisVt iThe central powers having offered to discuss peace at a. conference of representatives of the belligerents, and the entente pow ers, though virtually declining to cation with it either by telephone or 1 ? 1 f.S IMZVt teieifraiDh ceased after the first ex- i "'' """" " 11.ZCT r, plosioo. As a consequence reports of pal' Oreat number ef the legislators, both senator and representatives, have gone te their homes for the week end. feel- -red that the gen- fCont nued Tasv Two.) heavy loss of life soon were circulated in nearby places. Following so closely upon the de struction of the IKngsland plant of -the Canadian Car and Foundry company. I rein. In discussing the camDaivn In Jnoiaavia tne military critic of the tho .rvin(rm thrav u ni,rih.,n v. .fl,8 NWB Ba-y: Jersey into a panic. The sky was crim- Simultaneously with the csipture of soned by the conflagraUon and the the southern bank of the Sereth from flames were plainly visible as far away the Russians, German and Austro- as Yonkers. The shock of the explo- eral eseemb:. -.11 -inrrk time" for .r" A""?.0 ?lon was so great tnat many persons . fw davs. The are ra overlns from i . V. ,i , v vaimans in New rorK, tsrooKiyn and New Jer rhITr.mdo.Vin a?l nav! mm .0,ia.v'' ...ThJ .n W tor twenty mile, from H. under duHng tb. rush of emergency LZJj " "".rr '"rests. Roads leading into Haskell in all luuoi. um lowered into tne qirections soon were filled with con- COSTLY FIRE BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN THE WORK OF Total Loss At Plant of Foun dry Company Placed At $16,000,000. HEAVILY GUARDED NEW YORK. Jan. . A' statement that the Are and explosions which wrecked the plant of the Canadian Car and Foundry company at Kings land, N. J., yesterday was "possibly If not probably of incendiary origin," was issued here today by the officials of the company. The total loss. It was said, was $18,000,000. Of this total $10,000,000 consists of shells and explosives owneJ by the Russian government. The rest was in destroyed property of Jie ' Canadian Car and Foundry company of which half was covered bv insurance. Until investigation Is completed no further statement will be mede as to what evidences of incendiarism have been found, an officer of the company said. It was explained that the. danger of fire or of explosions from purely ac cidental causes was reduced to a minimum by the fact that no com pleted ordnance was on hand at the plant. The officer said the propelling charges for the shells were not at tached until they reached the battle field and that the same was true as to the detonating caps by which the trlnltrotuluol In the shell bodies is ex ploded. The statement said the Kingsland plant was used for the as sembling, packing end preparing these shells for shipment Large quan tities of these shells have been ahipned to Russia. "The buildings destroyed) were valued at $ 760.009. The value of the contents destroyed amounted to ap proximately i $1.000,0 of which $(.000,000 belonged to the company. The company m protected . to the amount of $1,000,000 In Insurance en buildings and contents the rest Is' a total lose. "An examination Into the circumstance- attending the origin- of the fire In building Number $4 has Created the Impression that, ft la poesiM. If not probable, that the fire was of incendiary origin." . ; (Continued on Page Two.) Continued on Page Two.) AUSTRIA FOLLOWS WITH NOTE MUCH SIMILAR TO RECENT JERLIN PAPER Says That She Is Not Re sponsible For Continu ance of War. AIMS AND PURPOSES CHARGED WITH PLOT TO AND 'BLOWUP THE STATE Berkman, Anarchist Editor of "The Blast" Is In the Toils OTHERS CAUGHT LONDON. Jan. IS. Count Czernln von Ohudenits, the Austro-Hvngarlan foreign minister, has addressed to th diplomatic representatives of the United States and other neutrals and of the Holy See, a note defining the Austro-Hungarlan government's views of the situation created bv the en tente's reply to the peace proposals oi me central powers, according to a Vienna dispatch under Thursday's date transmitted by Router's Amster dam correspondent. The note follows the same lines as the German note, the dispatch states emphasising particularly the situation existing between Austria and Serbia J in this section the note te thus quoted: "In the year's preceding the Austro. Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia the CAN FRANCISCO, Jan. IS. Alex ander Berkman, editor of The Blast,' anarchist publication, and seven other prominent in labor circles here, today were charged with having directed a conspiracy to assassinate Senator elect HlEara W. Johnson, "blow up the state and to overthrow the govern ment." Those who were alleged to be associated with Berkman Include Miss gested that the president might seek a new method of having terms com pared. Plans Discussed. In his original note he said he was Indifferent as to the m etuis employed to secure this desired end. and it was thought he now would avoid putting himself in the position of advocating a particular method. In one admin istration quarter it was suggested that one or more Kuropean neutrals might urge Germany and her allies to mane public their peace terms, and others thought it possible that a voluntary statement might be forthcoming from Berlin after the text of the entente reply had been handed to the foreign office for its Information, by Ambas sador Gerard. So far, it Is under stood, the note lias not been transmit ted to American diplomats in the Teutonic countrii, although It Is gen erally assumed that this will be the first step actually taken by the United Ptatee. Secretary Lansing broke his silence on the subject today, only to eay definitely that no action naa yet been taken. It is generally agreed everywhere that the nature of the terms of the entente, with ' .the intimations from German sources that such terms can not be accepted, make an early peace unlikely. The preliminary view of the administration, however, still Is that the door to discussion was not entirely closed. Rcets With President. In the German view here it rests entirely with the president whether there will be further negotiations at this time- It it, regarded as certain that the Germanic allies will consider any proposition Mr. Wilson may make, and that they probably would be witling even to discuss in a confer ence with their enemies the conditions stated in the entente rdply. At the same time it is reiterated that Germany and her allies never, upon any consideration, would accept such terms and should they agree to enter a conference to discuss them it would be with the idea that the en tente might recede from Us position. In this connection, the Germans ex press the belief that the entente set forth in its, note the object it desired to achieve rathef than the only terms upon which it would make peace, and that as the communication was writ ten for publication broadcast, It prob ably could not be expected tnat on jects of terms less moderate than those given could have been stated. Extreme reticence was observed to. day at the white house and state de eartment It was said so many dell' cate Doints are involved that very careful study will be given to the nroblem before any decision is re-ached. The view was generally expressed that the first milestone in the negotia. tlons Inaugurated by Mr. Wilson had been reached and that there would have to be a general assessment of the entire situation before amy furttief move could be made. No estimate was placed on the probable time which may elapse before the decision of the president is made Known, si though the long conference between the president and Secretary Lansing today, coming so soon after tho re ceipt of the entente note, was taken to mean that tner- win do no unnec essary delay- Peace and the questions ainea wnn it were discussed only generally at the cabinet meeting, but afterwards the president and Secretary Lansing went to Mr. Wilson's private study to gether and remained there for more than an hour. When he left the white house, Mr. Lansing refused to answer questions. Colonel House There. Colonel House, who came here last right to attend a dinner given In Mr. Wilson's honor by the secretary of state, remained until late this after noon and conferred with several offi cials He refused to discuss his visit Already officials are trying to work out the possible points of agreement between the opposing alliano-a ia4 upon the entente note and the Ger man chancellor's speeches. Both, It Is pointed out, agree to the evacuation of France and Belgium. The only questions left open on the west front, therefore, are the allied demands for Indemnities and the Intimation that Alsace-Lorraine must be returned - to France and some kind of security for maritime frontiers, : On the. east, front the provinces of lAtnuania and f oiand are q aispuie. Lithuania, formerly Russian, out con quered by Germany, ha been prom ised autonomy.'' Both Germany and Russia have Promised Polish Inde pendence, though Grmiijrr'oontem blatss maktrrg e. separate kingdom ef Russian roiana omy, nu kumi i plans eoatempiate , Russian f oiana added to, German and Austrian ro land. Balkan Question. It Is in the reconstruction of the Balkans that the alliance apparently are most bitterly at odds, . Italy, be sides demanding all the territory that Austria would have given ner wvtn out war, wants also the city or xri estev Austria's main seaport, and large paft of the Dalmatian eoast, The desire of Germany and Austria to punish Serbia offers a most corn plicated difficulty, as the allies have demanded that country's restoration with indemnity. - Bulgaria dems.nds part of Serbia, Macedonia and Roumania as her re compense for the war and has stated through her premier tnat ner worn consisting in conquering those sec tions, now is finished- The whole queetlon of the return of various na tionalities to their own countries pre sents a complex and confusing problem. Turkey then remains. The Wlies have demanded her withdrawal from Europe, without saying who shall All the vaency at Constantinople. For mer Premier Trepoff has announced that the allies have promised that citv with the strtuts to Russia. The Turkish capital and the proposed di vision of the Ottoman empire in Asia Minor, furnish still another tremen dous difficulty to be overcome. The question of colonies and of the far east is left untouched in the al- llad statement. Germany informally has Indicated that she will expect her colonies hack. It is th belief of omcrMa here that (Continued on Page Two.) DUTLIDNEXT MONDAY Believed That Pershing's Troops Will Be With drawn At Early Date. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The next w , jth--m ki. . . moves to do maae u mo uuiuq outuv M. E. Fltrgerald. his secretary, Robert ln dealing with the de facto govern- iiiur, iitumr xor me international ment of Mexlro have been decided rv urAei isisnse league Mooney, labor organiser. SAFETY BEFORE HONDA Tells Audience That False Sentiment Should Not Be fog the Issues SIX MEN ARRESTED FOR F Confession of Italian Re veals Conspiracy That Led To Daring Crime. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Six poultry- men were arrested here today on In dictments charging them with murder NEW YORK. Jan. 12. lUnless the " resent plans confronting the United States and settled soon and rightly, m the first degree for instigating the Thomas J. 'upon by President Wilson and will be the nation "must mourn in sackcloth snooting- or Barnsx can, a nvai poui- i officially announced that the Italian and four announced after "Hello, Daddy!" ' ( . These two words, spoken. ln. childish treble that carried to everr corner of the Majestic thsatre.' wr the first spoken words of welcome t Governor Locke Craig yesterday at the Majestic, on the occasion of hi ESSE 6ra r?1 Vnd pr,V- Cral'f. Jr.. three-year-old son of Governor and Mrs; Craig, wai "he speaker, and the welcome. 6n7just aL hl0l0M of, the 0Pnlng overture, tiny hand, brought a tender smile to- f?n-U1J.tnanc' ot Whose '9l'0W ct.xens had assembled to do h.m honor, and caused an outburst of ?Hf1tUBthrou.hout th thatra And tne wards of Looks Craig.. Jr.. earn ing as they did, straight fromTVhe exrf.Tr ffmbollo1" th welcome cftis-n dJ?MU Lot Private. oV?T-i n th oocm of.nte home; coming. ... i . , , , Glad to Get Home. e. His voice trembled w.th motion as he told the people ef his aesire to live and die in. these grand l-a.Uln,r,B.d that, despite his pride in being selected as chief executive of thi that mo convict he had ever pardoned; S? lh?fiboy ,Ied from school tot -Ud hd ,ver be more glad than hs was to lay aside the bur dens of office and become once mora private cltlsen of AshevWeT ' Governor Craig was met at the sta tion by a committee headed by -Judge, J. D. Murphy , and. Maypr J, b4 Rankin, and was escorted to the Ma-. Jeatic theatre bjr about .twenty auto, mobiles filled with people who had eenembled to welcome -the distinguish ed flt.sn to his bom,. A crowd that eomfortaWjf ' iftlle ,tbi MaJeatio theatre Wat present for the addresses of welcome, delivered by Judge Mur phy and Dr. George T... Winston.- and Thomas J. Harkins, on, behalf of- the people of Asheville. nresentiuf . Onv. ernor Craig with a handsome chest of silver and a silver water get... governor Craig's train woo nearly an hour late. As it onnai .in te station, member of t the committee went through .the gate and welcomed him as ho left the train., i From the gate to , the i front of the station, where he entered a waiting limousine. Governor Craig was greeted on every hand by a crowd that; had gathered to extend him welcome. ; ,. , Judge Murphy in Charge, j . , Arrived at the MaJestio theatric where the exorcises were held. Gov ernor Craig and the members of the committee took seat on the 'stage. Judge Murphy acting as master of ceremonies. Just as th orchestra fin. lshed tho overture, and before Judge Murphy had a chance to aria. Look Craig, Jr., who was seated in tho audi ence with Mrs. Craig, raised hi arms) toward the stage and called!: "Hello. daddy." The speech of the gcrernor'a youngest son received one of tho greatest outburst of applause heard. aunng tne morning. . Before introducing Dr. Oeewra T. Winston, Judge Murphy paid a warm tribute to Governor Craig. He aald in part: 'Four years ago Governor Craig left (Continued 'n Page Two.) ITALIAN BATTLESHIP REGINA HERITA Sent To Bottom With 675 Men On December 11, Is Declared. PART OP CREW SAVED ROME (Via Parts, Jan. !.) It l others who are on trial with him- for I York Monday o murner in connection with the bomb monarchy displayed Sufficient proof ot ) explosion that killed participants In its forbearance - towards the ever- Increasing hostility, aggressive inten tions and Intrigues of Serbia until the moment when finally the notorious murders at Sarayevo made further indulgence impossible." In a later passage of the note as quoted in the dispatch, appears the following: "The question as to on which side the mtlitary situation is the stronger appears idle and may confidently be left to the Judgment of the world. The four allied powers now look an their purely defensive war alms as at. tained. while their enemiee travel further and further from the realisa tion of their plana . For the enemy to characterise Our peace proposals as meaningless before peace negotiations were begun and so long ss therefore our peace conditions or unknown, is merely to make an arbitrary-assertion. Wo had made full preparations for the acceptance of our offer to make known our peace conditions on entering into the nego tiations. - , "Before- God and mankind we re pudiate TOsponsibility for continuance .mt the war. can commission P.rihliir fixneditinn across the Ameri- the preparedness parade ham hnrH.. nH the stuidinr of Am. July- b&seador Fletcher to Mexico City, are The charges were made bv Assistant unricmnnil tn he the first steDs that uisinct Attorney inward A. Cunha will be taken during the Mooney trial. He declared I Secretary Lane and the other mem r the meeting in New and ashes," for its folly and .heedless- JrJlJ,a,e.r' Bwl tw0 J" battleship Reglna Margherlt struck ,f the Mexican-sAmert- x lnAv M Garrison form.r the outcome of a confession said by a mine and sank December 11- Blx . Withdrawal of the iidI?r f At.toT Z h" and. ventylv men on tnat proor or nis charges -as con tained in letters and papers seised In a recent raid on the offices of The Blast. Cunha said that at the (proper time Berkman. Miss Fitzgerald and Minor i commissioners would be arrested and charged with I Mexicans that secretary of war. said In an address mad h Antonio Cardinals, recently Kr..ri r.iw-i Tw i,niir-4 and tonight before the New York 8tate brought back from Italy. According seventy were saved -Bar association. lto thB proeecutor. Cardinal admitted BERLIN. Jan. 1J. (By SarHle.) Air. Oar rl son declared that the en- that ha n I&nUlto Greco -who after- t Th in. t snn v. i- rgies-oT The wisest and best leader wards was murdered, received $4,800 , tlon of an Italian: battleship is report- the nation can produce will be to employ runmen to kill Baff. i ed bv tha Anzeirer of Basel. Switaer- .,mr mem- . - w . , . a I V. - . , V, - t--l " .. . I , , . . r. - hor. f ,ha American commission will """ .f The motive for the killing of Bait. accoroing vi me vt- nni meet Carranza's representatives in New York. Monday in what is ex pected to be the final session of the Joint commission. The American have informed tne in view of Carranza's ed 8ttee should play ln world poll- j txtw., Atnrn. vm.ii. . agency. tics.. He added that proposals rising ,d WM revenge for BsJTs supposed i "Th Anaeiger of Basel reports from from men who love the.r country, re- effort- to drive the accused men out 1 Ro destructien of tho IJI murder in connection with the bomb repeated refusal to ratify the proto- hearted sympathy, but that the na OTnlnalon aa Ihm Lirf.r. , v.- n m i .,. i.l.ntii. rltv thv rmrmrA tion must not let emotion lead U! explosion as the leaders of the alleged oonsplracy. At the Mooney trial District Attor ney Charles M. Kicker Wharged Mooney wrote an article in an indus trial worker of th world publica tion i Cleveland, O., in October 1U, in which Mooney declared that unless Governor Johnson pardoned two men convicted a the result of the killins- f a district attorney of Sutter county, sumed. California. In 1114. "he would onlv ' It ws tndkated hav himself to blame If he got hurt." Fickert said ho had further evidence which would be produced at the prop er time connecting subsequent action of those accused of the conaBlraar. col signed at Atlantic City they regard further conferences as useless. Their attitude Is approved by the president. Carranza suggested that his refusal to sura the' protocol need not .prevent us to enter suoh an agreement," , . . , . I r ' .nn mmA U. M h,V. vojvlng around the central Mea of a of th. poultry buslnesa The six men world alliance to enforce peace arrt,tad are Abraham Graff. William through a world court had Ms whole Bimon, a member of the poultry firm of tfimon and company: David Jacobs, a -partner of Cardinals in the poultry business; Joseph Cohen and Jacob Co hen, brothers-in-law ef Jacobs; and Moe Roeensteln employed ta Washing , ton Market. into a radical departure from the policy which has kept ue great." "Fear for our arety need not cause Mr. many questions at Issue between the men and means to provroe ror our two governments, and tho Mexican afety; and If we will not avail our rommlasloners may endeavor again serve of them we are not worth av- Monday to have the conference re-, In'." - v today that tt.o THK WE.TMEB. BCFTALO BXLIR ESTATE. DENVER, Jan. 1 1. Tho estate of Colonel Wm. F. Cody, who died here Wednesday, was estimated today by withdrawal of the American troop! I Judge W. L. Wall, for many year would be carried oat on condition WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. Forecast Cody attorney not to exceed Hi.. General Carranaa waa asked to agree for North Carolina: Probably rain and WS. It consist In the main of three te notwithstanding hi failure to give .warmer Saturday; Sunday clearing ranch near Cody, Wyo and - an plan hi sanction. . 'b4 cold 'oanKr In i tout u not tows, thi battleship Regina Margberita, says tb Newa agency. "It I comvmed that she was sunk off Avlona, AJbanta, by a mine or a torpedo. Six hundred out of 810 saHors perished." - The -battleship Regina Marghsrlta was laid down In list and completed m May. 104. 8he was a vessel of It, 427 tone, 411 feet long and had a draught of twenty eTOn feet; Her usual complement waa TtO me The battleship cfcrrted four 13-inch, four I-tneh, tweivo (-Inch guns, twenty II-pounder. two J-poandera, two Maxims and four torpedo tube. The Begina Manrherita sis ters hip of the Benedetto Brin. which waa badly damaged by aa expoioa on board ta llli In which a largw snrmber of her enow, lncludias; sar Admiral De Oervin, were kUJod. fv

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