THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, K (X, FEBBUAEY 11, 1917, 15 Here's the Secret of Gas Lighting Economy Stop letting your money escape through an old open flame gas jet. You'd be quick enough to detect and correct a bad leak in the gas pipe, but you can prevent a far greater loss of good, useful cash by modernizing your lighting equip ment with new fixtures and mantles. ;, NEW FIXTURES AND MANTLES FOR EFFICIENT LIGHT Besides the big, easy saving in money, the New Gas fixtures provide beautiful, soft light, either direct or semi-indirect, depending on the type of fixture installed. In point of beauty, durability and economy, the New Gas Lighting Equip ment is decidedly superior to anything we have ever before shown. . Stop in today. Asheville Power & Light Co, SALESROOM 102 PATTON AVENUE V - : Jl the Askeville -A." A." vLArT, 1 lKSHIttTflT? wi VIM Regular service trill be held today In the Asheville churches. Rev. W. A. Patton will occupy the pulpit of the First Methodist Episcopal church and will conduct all services In the absence of the pastor. Dr. Calvin B. Waller, who leaves tomorrow for Port land, Ore., will preach his farewell sermon at the First Baptist church tonight. The evening services at Chestnut Street Methodist church will be under the auspices of the Junior Missionary society. FIRST BAPTIST. Rev. Calvin B. Waller, D. D.. pas tor. Morning worship, 11 ocloek. Evening worship. 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school meets at 9:36 a. In Sunday school room. C. 8. Davis, surierlntendent At ths morning hour the pastor will preach from the theme "The Cloud of Witnesses." At night Dr. Waller's subject for his farewell ser mon will be "The Gates of Pearl." Dr. Waller leaves Asheville tomorrow, soon to enter upon a new pastorate, the White Temple, of Portland, Ore. Senior B. T, P. U. meets at 6:45 p. tn. In lecture room. E. D. Johnson, president Group No. 4 will have charge of the program. Junior B. Y. V, V. meets at 7 o'clock In Philathea room. B. B. Wheeler, leader. Mid-week prayer ana praise service Wednesday at 7:46 o'clock tn lecture room. Qualities at Noble Man- Essential hood." i T. poUc4 force ot the will be in the congregation for the morning 8; mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8. First Presbyterian Dr. R. F. Campbell, pastor. Services at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Christian Chifffh Rev. P. H.' Mears, minister. Services at 11 a. m. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. evening service at 7:30 Regular o'clock. Senior Epworth league at :30 p. Vm. A"nes Vanneman. leader. The Woman's Missionary society will meet Mondav fw . .rJJ h,PCk- " .U the reular monthly business meeting and all members are asked to be present. French Broad Avenue Baptist Church Rev. John Bomar, pastor; C. D. Carter, superintendent of Sab- Sherman Patterson and the Harvey bath school. Sunday school at 9:30 boys. o'clock. Preaching services, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. land 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 , service every Wednesday at 7:80 p. p. rti. ! rn. HER OVERALLS. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. Rev. J. Bralnerd Thrall, pastor. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m at the residence of the pastor, No. 329 Merrimon avenue. Morning service, with sermon by the pastor, at 11 o'clock In the T M A- all. Haywood street, near the postorflce. Musical service led by a chorus choir. Mrs. W. F. Krickhan. accom- imuiBL. Seats are free and cordially invited. ALL SOUIS", BILTMORE. 11 a. m., morning service and ser mon. 3 p. m., Sunday school. 4:30 p. m., evensong. 6:15 p. m.. Organ recital. Rev. Dr. Swope will preach at the morning service. Topic, "The Com plete Theory of Life." On Wednesday a "Quiet Day" will be observed for the clergy of the Dis trict of Asheville, conducted by Rt. Rev. Charles F. Woodcock. D. D.. bishop of Kentucky. There will be a First Church of Christ, Scientist Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m., 04 North French Broad avenue. Reading room, Paragon building, 11 a. m. to 1 p. nr., 3 to 6 p. -a. I've seen her In the latest mods At dinners, operas and balls, But never did I think to view Olivia in overalls. She bought them at a bargain sale. Just half a dollar iwas the price. They match the brown and baiggy pair Worn by the man that brings the loe. But I forsee a season hence These denim rompers glorified! They'll be of organdy or silk, And laced with ribbon up the side, Adorned with bright coquettish bows. And At for pleasure's gayest halls. And we will gaze with Joy upon Olivia In overalls. MINNA IRVING, Cost of Unpreparednesa. (Chicago Nws) RlBhoD Fallows of Chlcarn has been telllni a committee of the national Lutheran church, c Tier South imlZ " ' . '?""Bry French Broad avenue and Philip ""r; "i street. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Everybody invited to attend. Grace church fEiriscoDalt Rev. celebration or the holy communion at Water 8. Cain, minister In charge est preliminary 9:80 a. m. Then will follow two in- moraine and evenlne. Mornlnr service tnnV their man everybody is CHESTNUT STREET METHODIST. Rev. D. Atkins, pastor. Sunday school song service, 9:30 a. n., conducted by C. H. Bartlett Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. J. H. Weaver, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor, 11 a. m. Anthem by ths choir. Junior Epworth league, 8 p. m. Senior Epworth league, 8:30 p. m. The evening services at 7:30 o'clock -rill be under the auspices of the Junior Missionary society. The pro- Kram for the evening will consist of aonga, readings ana reel unions oy members of the society who have seen instructed by Miss Amy Hack ii ey. Stewards' meeting Tuesday night at T:le o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday alght at 7:80 o'clock. Everybody welcome. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. North French Brnaii r ... F. W. Stanton. Daatnr- V. v u'o-.n' Sunday school superintendent ' ounuay scnool at .9:45 a. m Rev. W. A. Patton Will muini, h. pulpit at 11 o'clock. Junior league at 8:80 p. m. Meuon, superintendent .. p.Tor-th ,e"u 7 p. m. Topic, Continuing the Work Lincoln Be? gan. Leaders. Miss Wallen and Miss Brown. Preaching at 8 p. m. by Rev. W. A structlons with an interval for private prayer. Luncheon at 1 p. m. In the afternoon there will be two addresses, concluding with evening prayer. Muslo Morning. Venlte Martin Psalms, Te Deum, Jubilate, Kyrle Garrett Anthem, "Like as a Father." Evening. Psalm, Magnificat, Nunc Dlmlttls Chants. Offertory. "He Who Safely Keepeth." Vesper hymn. Organ Recital. Miss Sonata. "In the Twilight Fryslnger Rhapsody Silver HAYWOOD STREET METHODIST. Rev. O. P. Ader, D. D., pastor. H. A r.. n v. . o . . , .. Pftttnn wK i, . V " " avuuumiu, oujjui; BVJIOUI SUpenn- ' "" " cnarge or au lenaeni aunaay scnool, 9:46 a. m. services In the pastor's absence. Preaching by pastor. 11 a. m. and 7:30 . , . PM service Wednes- p. m. Morning subject. "Blessings for Tines.) M. A., ST. MART'S. Charlotte street (all ear Ilev. Charles Mercer Hall, rector. Bexagesima Sunday: Holy communion, 8 o'clock. Matins, 10:80 o'clock. Solemn mass and sermon, 11 o'clock, Rev. Francis B. Boyer, rector of Middleboro, Mass. OatechUin. 4 p. m. Solemn evensong and address, I jx m. Daily service Monday, t a. Bl ether days, 7:80 a. m. Evensong on Friday at I p. m. Seats free and unappropriated. A cordial welcome extended to all Visitor CENTRAL METHODIST. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. F. M. RVesver, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. day night at S o'clock. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First Church of rhri oi..t.. Services, 11 . m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. 4 North French Broad avenue Reading room. Paragon building, 11 iu i jj. m., to p. m. METHODIST PROTESTANT. Corner Hillside street and Merri mon avenue. Rev. Cuthbert W. Bates. B. D., pastor. Sunday school, 9: 46 a. m. All chil drsn in the community not in any other Sunday school arc invited to attend here. Morning service at 11 o'clock. The pwor win preach on the subject "The Partial 'Kins;.' At th J the service ther will be a meeting ' nmnmnnip or ine chnrch. At the evening hour, beginning at 7:80 o'clock, the Christian EndMn anniversary exercises, which were uoaiponea rrom last 8nndM haMn oi oaa weatner. will be held. Teacher tralnins' class will ma Monday night at ths horns of Rov the Hungry SouL" Evening subject "Blessings for the Mourning Soul." Junior league, 3:t0 p. m. Senior league, S:46 p. m. Monday evening the stewards meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock the wnois church is called together in a social and business meeting to consider plans for remodeling the main auditorium or tre cnurch. Re freshments served. Come, if you have a word to say pro or con, BETHEL METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JKev. J. o. Ervln, pastor. Sunday scnool, 1:45 a m., c. E. Anderson. superintendent Preaching service for the children at 11 a. m. Children to ocennv r h n ! rm tm fn tm n t r mnA At the close of front of main andltortum. Music in charge of children. Subject of ser mon. "The Shepherd and His Sheep." Benediction service for men st 7:30 p. m. All men invited to be present and occupy reserved seats. Subject of sermon, Ths Oughtness of Life." Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7: n o clock. Schreyer, 1 West street. Prayer meetlnr Wedneadav at T-m m. The mlsslonarr Intjmti t the Methodist Protestant church will bo considered. To all ths services a cordial wal. oome is extended, a stranger is mnt a stranger at this church. WESLEY AS METHODIST. West Asheville. Servioea today at now chnrch. near kuk . sni.t 8enBoa by the paster.- Subject, "The aw Mlss with atnclac hr Mr, aad Mrs. OTHER SERVICES Other services for today are an nounced as follows: Ohnnn's Cots Baptist mission masts very Sunday at 3 D. m. A. M. Rlk Superintendent A cordial Invitation la extended to all who wish tn at tend. West End Baptist Church Rm j B. Ortos. pastor. Sunday school at :tt, R. O. Tounr. suDOrintandent. Morntag serrteea, 11; evening servloaa. 11 a. m., holy communion and ser mon; 4:80 p. m.. evening prayer and sermon. St. iAwrence Catholic Rev. Father Marlon, rector. Masses daily at 7:40; Sunday at 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. Bfftmore Methodist Rev, D. R. Profllt, pastor. Services every sec ond and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Blltmore Baptist Rev. C. M. Rock, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 octock, evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sun day school at 9:45 every 8unday. Superintendent J. P. Kitchen. Baraca Philathea and ruble classes. A wel come to. all; you are Invited to wor ship with us. A revival every Sunday. Haywood Street Seventh Day Ad vetitlst. Harvey J. Farmar, pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 3 o clock. Oakland Heights Presbyterian cnurch. Rev. T. A. Cosgrove. pastor, Residence, 615 BUmore avenue. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. Visitors are cor dially received. Services at the Farm school at 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. First Church of ChrUt Scientist Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Reading room in church edifice at 64 North French Broad eve nue, open from 10 a. m. to 13 m. and from I p. m. to 5 p. m. dally, except unaay. North Asheville Baptist Mission Sunday school at 3 p. m. Dwotlonal service, 4 p. m. I the dleastrous effects of lack of neces sary knowledge by men and officers. Aside from the graduates of West Point in that war, tha bishop said, most of the officers had only the bar- training when they into active service. "Thousands and thousands of the best young men In our nation," he declar ed, "were sacrificed in the civil war because of the ignorance of their offi cers." The young men had no train ing whatsoever and were hurried to the front as raw recruits. Lack of preparedness sent them to their deaths in great numbers. That Is why, the bishop explained, he is so thoroughly convinced of the need of military training, in the rudi ments of the soldier's work at least, for every young man in the nation. It Is one of the best reasons that could be advanced. It is particularly ap plicable to the existing situation, the art or war having been transformed into something like an exact science. THE CABIN IN THE WOODS. (From the Pea Ridge Pod) There's a cabin in the woodland. Nestled back among the trees, By an orchard an' a garden, Growin' old by slow degrees An' my heart striniga cling around H Like our dear old trumuet vine 'At winds up o'er the doorway. Fer it's home to me an' mine. Oh, the cabin in the woodland, witn the children playln' near, An' their mother slngln' softly In a tone so sweet an' clear. It's enough to make a man happy An' contented to the end: Fer it's that that make home homey, a it mine er yours, my mend. When a feller's comln homeward. An' he's corns a weary way, As he steps into his clearin' That he's left since yesterday Ah, It's then hie heart beats quicker An' a glad smile mounts his faos, Fer the emoke that circles yonder Comes from his beloved home place. Oh, the cabin In the woodland, with ths old oak standln' by. An' the hollyhocks a-noddin' To the stars up in the sky Who would ask a sweeter picture? Is ther any flner sight Than your cabin In your clearin' When your heart's a-beatin right? I V. FLOWERS, MATTERS OF RECORD BIDS ASKED. PHILADELPHIA. FW 10 Bids for textile materials to provide army uni forms for more than 600,000 men were asked today by the Schuylkill arsenal. The toUal expetidtltura is estimated at about $16,000,000. A soldier of the British army is en titled to wear a separate gold thread on his sleeve for each occasion on which ha has been wounded. Ths following dead wero Hied yes. ' terday in the office of the registrar ot -deeds: Francis Willis and wlfs to W. t, DeBruhl, p.operty on the Beaverdam road: consideration $10 and other'' considerations. John H. Earwood an A wlf n t Sidney Harris and wife, property In Asheville township; consideration, 110 and other considerations. Lawrence Merrell and wife to Rv T. Merrell, property In Falrriaw town, i -hip; consideration $14 and other considerations. A. W. Hensley and wife to A. I Revta, property on the Asheville-', Weavervllle highway; consideration 1 110 and other considerations. ' F. H. Revia and wife W x. W. Hensley, property on Little Flat creek; consideration $19 and other censld-ration. BRYAN TO SPEAK. -. , NEW YORK. Fen. 10. WHMam J. Bryan is expected to be ths nrlni-'nat speaker at the anti-war demonstra tion at Washington, next Monday night under tha auspices of tha Emergency Peace federation. It was announced here tonight. Assurance have been received, it Is said, that delegations will be present from Buf falo. Boston, Roohester. Pittsburgh. Cleveland, Chicago, Omaha and other cities. The Official restdenoa of Sir John ' - Jolllcoe, tha new first sea lord, is , MaU House, which la situated In tha new admiralty building in London. From here he can communicate by -' wireles with practically any ehro be- longing to the British navy, no mat- ' er in what part of the world tt may nappen to oe. OFFERED TO GOVERNMENT. CRISFTELD. Md. Feb. 10 Tba sen- era and marine hospital hera whlrfr is ueed by the government for public service rases, wss offered today by the trustees to the government In case of r. Ths hospital is on Tangier sound the deepest part of Chesapeake bay. Tb most expensive piece of rail way line tn the world Is said to be that which rune aver the Forth brids-a in Scotland. This portion of the Une. including approaoheat, im about four miles long and ow li.0Ct.000 aer mile te ooostraot. MISTJNDERSTO OD. "Algy, I want you to buy me a book." "I am glad you are becoming liter ary, my dear "Fudge!" This article says one way to acquire a good carriage is to prac tice balancing a book on your head." Exchange. OUCH ! ACHING JOINTS, Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." ilheamatism is "pain" only. Not one cass in fifty requires inter nal treatment Stop drugging! Rub toothing, penetrating 8t Jacob's OH' right into youi sore, stif. aching joints, and relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacob's OH" Is a harmleH rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn ths skin. Limber us! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old. honest "8t Jacob's Oil" at any ,.ru- store, and in just a moment you'U be fre from rheumatlo pain, soreness and stiff neaa Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. St Jacob's Oil" Is just as roM for sciatica, neuralgia. lumbago, back- otoe, sprsioa Adrt e LAST CALL FOR 1918 TAXES. . i;uuiL.iia.ii. wim me nr rrHininB cuuecuon ox Taxes, I orniy -authorised deputy will attend at the times and places indicated below"" fnr t 1 - .nlUAHnn -11 Cat- (1Aii,(, m A On.l . 1 w . - . v. fM-.o, vvuui; wuu DiimiiM ,.n UUI IOr B9 year 1916: TOWNSHIP. PLACE. TIME. Avery Creek Led better's Store .. .v. ...March . 191T. Lowes Hominy Hawkins' Store ... " Upper Hominy Candler, N. C. " " Leicester Leicester, N. C " " Sandy Mush Waldrop's Store . ...... .. .. . Limestone Arden, N. C. ...... Felrvlew Fairvlew, N. C. ....... rn.llll.lllfll OWUIIUllK UlAllWU ...,... .- Reems Creek Weavervllle, N. C. ............ - - Flat Creek Georgetown. N. C M .... ....... . " " Ivy Barnardsville, N. C . M " " Black Mountain Black Mountain. N. C. " French Broad Alexander Station - . These taxes were due and payable October 1st, I 9 18. I must be prepared to vacate my office ci June 1st and in order to do this I must have all taxes for the year 1918 collected and settlement mad for same before that date. Under the law this Is the last call, and on March 10th I will be gin to levy on personal property and advertise real estate for de linquent taxes. All persons who allowed their property to be adver tised for 1916 taxes will be Included in the list to be advertised on March 10th. During ths previous years of my term in office I have been able to leave off the advertisement of property till May or June bat on account of having to turn ths office over to my suocessor I am com pelled to collect the taxes and make settlement before June 1st. Please do not compel me to levy upon or advertise your property by neglecting this your publio duty. It will cause both of us unnecessary trouble and embarrassment For your convenience the Tax Collector's Office at tho Court House is open dally from 8 o'clock a. m. until o'clock p. sn. My duly authorised deputies will be glad to serve yoa st all times In 'their respective township. ' - This the 1st day of February, 11T. & A. PATTON, Tax CoOoctoa, ... . . A

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