THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHETTLLE, N. 0., FEBRUAET II, 1917. ntiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHiniiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimHm FOUNDATION OF WEST ASHEVIUE LIBRARY LAID BY CAPT. J, E. RAY YWE PALAIS M(Q)YAIL HE "LOVES TO SEE HIS BOOKS AT WOBK" Noted Veteran, "As Old as Aaheville," Gives 300 Books as a Start to Library Across the River, For the town in Which He is Taking a Great Interest. uiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiu)iiiiii)iiiiiiii)iiu:i)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuimuuu MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AIRE YARD (GOODS DAYS AND GOING TO BE PROFIT-SHARING DAYS. It ought to be three of the busiest days of the season, because we are going to divide our profits with you. Silks, Dress Goods, Voiles, Organdies, Nainsooks, Batistes, Long Cloths, Dimi ties, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Curtain Materials in this great PROFIT-SHARING SALE. Every "penny saved these days counts, and you can save in a great many instances a good many pennies, dimes and quarters yes, halves, too. If you contemplate buying a Silk Dress, we have some beautiful new stripes also Black and Colored Taffetas all to be sold at a profit-sharing price to you on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This is the Real Silk House You get the same quality here for less. You see the bipgest variety here. You have the privilege of looking through our stocks, with out obligation to purchase unless you so desire. Remember These Prices 40-in. Best Crepe de Chine, $1.98 val., yd. $1.69 40-in. Heavy Crepe de Chine, $1.69 value ; yard $1.50 36-in. Good Crepe de Chine, special, yd. .$1.19 36-in. Dark Crepe de Chine, $1.25 value; yard 98c 40-in. Georgette Crepes, $1.69 value; yd.. $1.49 36-Inch Handsome New Striped Silks Just placed in stock elegant qualities. They were bought to sell at $1.98 yard. For Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, yd-. . . .$1.69 Get Your Black Silk During This Sale These Are New Goods Just In A splendid Black Taffeta, yd. 95c A very good Black Taffeta, 3d 89c Our best $1.50 Black Taffeta, yd $1.29 Our best $1.35 Black Taffeta, yd $1.19 Our best $1.75 Black Taffeta, yd $1.59 See the Pretty New Striped Wash Silks For Ladies' Waists and Men's Shirts. A $1.25 value for, yd ' - Lovely Striped Crepe de Chine at, yd. . .$1- Our best Navy Blue Taffeta, yd $1.35 And all Colored Silks are reduced. Our Natural Pongee Silk, $1.00 quality, for 79c A Few Specials in Wool Goods A 42-in. All-Wool Serge for. , 95c A 42-in. French Serge for 95c A 36-in. Ail-Wool Serge for 65c A 34-in. Half-Wool Serge for 49c 10 off on all Woolen Goods for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. White Goods Specials For Three Days These are all last year's prices. It's in teresting: 40-in. Rilarney Linen Finished Suiting, yard 12Jc 40-in. Dundee Linen Finished Suiting, yard 121c 32-in. Heavy Linene Suiting, 15c value; yard 12Jc 32-in. Linene, an excellent value, yard. . . 10c 32-in. Pajama Checks, special, yard 10c 40-in. White Lawn, very special, yard ... 10c Be sure to come Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. All Long Cloths, Nainsooks, Batistes Are to go in this 3 Bays' Sale Buy a plenty It won't spoil. 10-yd Bolts Long Cloth special ....98c 12-yd. Bolts Long Cloth special . . .... .$1.15 $1.50 Bolts of Long Cloth special $1.29 $1.75 Bolts of Long Cloth special. . ... . .$1.59 $2.00 Bolts of Long Cloth special $1.79 $2.25 Bolts of Long Cloth special $1.98 All Nainsooks Are Reduced Our 35c Nainsook will go at, yard. . . 29c Our 30c Nainsook will go at, yard 24c Our 25c Nainsook will go at, yard 21c Our 20c Nainsook will go at, yard. 17c Our 15c Nainsook will go at, yard l2o This is a great opportunity to buy White Goods Short ends of White Voiles at, yard 12c Our 25c White Voile special at, yard. .. .19c Our 35c Vhite Voile special at, yard. ... .29c Our 50 White Voile fipecial at, yard. . . . .44o White Stripes Voiles at 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c Yd. ig line of Skirtings from. .... .25c to 65c yd. (All new, crisp and fresh.) "; All Seamless Sheets Quoted 75c value, 72x90 Seamless Sheets at 69o 80c value, 72x90 Seamless Sheets at 65c 85c value, 72x90 Seamless Sheets at. ..... .69c Elmdale, 81x90 Seamless Sheets at. ..... .85c Very Special Prices on Mohawk Sheets. 63x90 Mohawk Sheets special. . . . .. . .79c 72x90 Mohawk Sheets special. ..89a 81x90 Mohawk Sheets special 97c 72x99 Mohawk Sheets special 97c Pillow Cases Priced Right 42x36 Pillow Cases special.... 14c 45x36 Pillow Cases special 16c 45x36 Byram Pillow Cases special 24o AH Curtain Materials Reduced 25c Curtain Materials for 3 days yard. . ,22o 20c Curtain Materials for 3 days yard. . ,17c 15c Curtain Materials for 3 days yard. . .13c See the Hemstitched Scrim in White and Cream and Colored Bordered Scrims at, yard ' 9c I CAPT. J. K. RAT, Founder of WM AshevUlCs Public library. MILLINERY Our milliners are now in the market buying for our Millinery Department and you will find every express brings something new to the Palais Royal. ' Our Mrs. Milholland and Miss Warren are receiving the latest instructions for the coming season and when they return we want you to come in and talk the Hat question over with them. They will be glad to see you. ' See the new, Chic Hats. See the Davenport Hat, the latest fad. It is a beauty. Tell your friends to visit the most popular Millinery Department in the city - Sec the New Spring Coats and Suits Now is the time to take advantage of this offer. One Hundred Ladies' Sample Suits the new Spring styles 1917. A line of Drummers' Samples in all the popular shades will be placed on sale tomorrow. No two alike. Now is the time if you want a new Spring Suit. Tine : Pallais Koyall, 5 aedl 7 Mtaore Ave. Some day, whn Wm AihwMlft h latlon of 4.000 people, its clttiens will point to a MDrary Duuaing mere, wnu well fllied shelve and big reading room, and say: "Yes, Captain RayCaptain J. K. Ray, you know started that library." The visitor will agree, and there mm h. nHMilleA to him the beginning of that library of the future, now housed In a Klngl room ovw ' nnsa houae In West Aaheville. There are 300 volume, powtbly more, on the alielvea, and they offer the eeekr after mental refreshment a well balanced mnu. There are books of travel, taking the reader to strange lands. Of flrst-olase notion there Is no dearth, and histories there are In plenty. A long table dpwft ths middle of the room la filled with magazines and periodical. Pictures are on the walls and sveryining invites mw ywnur iir ini nm i.t the chairs and than rt both body and mind at one and the same time. Hegln Jfiven nmca. The point a that West Aaheville and its Hbrary ar gtimns; an even race with the town halving a little the bettor start A few ymn ago led wren wntu n w 2.7' "iii Iwssm't. tt bad a moat admirable site 'of a Jarre racy ?"v " ha otty was tacking. And so was the 'ibrery. Then somWbodr dweoverea . SzLaia mW. hrtdre which DiUn h rl'.-er wa oujix, ana wj"j ryor 3. B. Rankin, mVl T "fXWxtain nay, nipw w "- " I tlha bridge was thrown acr l.lyrwuoh Broad the street oars fol lolad. and then the pople and the Now hre ia on the uwvr al&M of the river mllTfj mroswrous ana nuui with the longest lHtreet In tths state, running through tt wih hand some and mibntantial buslneas blocks, a bank, comfortable homes by the hundred and with the foundations tald for a library. And a library, as it has been pointd out. Is as necessary as a rrooery store or other buslnees house. (to. then, while the mutiicSpallty has the wee trifle of a start toward coming greatness, the Hbrary is oIom , behind. As one grow so will the other, and this is already manifest la this way: There's a great brick structure sow well towards completion ta West Ashevlll. This to the new pubsfl school, deetlned to house TOO pupisv That to, there are 700 pupil read to fill the building whn completed. By that time thers will be still mora, of course But In tw handsoma new building thre will be set apart otie room for the home of Captain Rar library. It will be a much larfer and better adapted room than the on where the books now rest, and from the windows of the room may be seen the mountains whose beauty felons wiH dotiraot the attention of hs Ub rany visitor from reading of ,the volumes. There will be young My In charge of tho room, and its antlro convontenos will make It of tar mora , general use thiur vsn at presBnt. Bo this is evidence that th library is about to catch up with the town in Its growth. For without. doubt, others, tmiplred by th xamipt of Cwptata Ray. will add "till mora books to thoso soon to bo plaesd in this room, and so th list wtH grow and grow until a building all 1U owa Is demand ed for the West AshevUlo library. AM Captain J. B. Ray will have beo rcwponslblo for alL . J;"lli ' Captain Ray is as old as AfhantU. whldh I his homa. Hs was born on . th same day that the dty was Inoor- . 1 K... iMika anil fMTSOBSil ' aooearanee aro decolving in this ree ect Ho says Hks to books at work, and although he many and loves them all. ??r dded to part with at least 0I -of thorn that others might enjoy them , too. That Is tho kind of man Cs tain Ray i Hs has soon Asbvtlls grow from nothing to tto vrmt 4m-.,. portano. Ho has oeon West Aae-. vlllo start Ha remarkable tow to town of Impontanoa. During all thess t years, with a record of brilliant sor vlce in tho Confederate army, his , ficart is "till as young as it w slitr years ago. and tho. aftr all. It ta o only thing that counts, d solars thas , who havs thought deeply on such matters. i INTERNED GERMAN SHIPS A RICH PRIZE IN CASE OF WAR n bnimiiiiimniiiinmmn: WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Nearly one hundrde German and Austrian merchant vessel with a total tonnage of 2M7 and a net tonnage of 171, 021 He in United States porta, most of 'them subject to selsure In-the vent of war with Germany. Such showing of prises that would tall Into the lap of an enemy never has been mads Miore in anjr wi .--tory- These ships range from tno uiu. . . . . . rhii to the vveigaiia oi " -v great Vaterland of 64,8i gross tons lying in tne naruor ui .i" " the toUl number of vessels only eleven ar of Austrian ownersnip. nu w inr-at tonnage of any one Austrian vessel la 8, ill. Some of the largest German vessels i , ,M AmavMn nnrtl. with now jyms " ' r their ownership and tonnage, are as follows: Vaterland, Hamburg-American line, tl.tlt gross tons; at New Tork. George Washington, North German Lloyd line, 16.67 gross tons; at New York. Amerika, Hamburg-American line, (..lit gross tons; at Boston. Cecille, North German Uoyi Una, 11,601 gross tons; at Boston. ir.i.r WSihelm IL North German Lloyd Una, l,ll gross tons; at Now "o-aaidant Lincoln. Hamburg-Ameri can line, 11.161 -ross tons; at New Torn. t rirant Hamburc-Ameri- can lino, 18,071 gross tons; at New Cincinnati Hamburg-American, Uae. 16.111 gross tons; at Boston. Kronprtna Wllhelm. North Oerman Llovd line. 14,101 gross tons; at Nor folk. . Pennsylvanaa. Hraoon-ni-rnmu Una. 11,111 gross tono: at Nsw rork. Grosser Kurfurst, North Gee mas iinnpu. Lloyd line, 11.102 gross tons; at New York. ,i - Bulgaria, Hamburg-American Una, 11.440 gws tons; at Baltimore. Barbarossa. North German Lldyd Una, 10,984 gross tons: at New York. Prlnzea Irene. North German Lloyd line; 10,811 gross tons; at Nsw York. Princess Alice. North German Lloyd . llns, 10,981 grose. tons; at Cebu. .Frledrlch der Grosse, North Germma Lloyd line, 10,771 gross tons; at Naw York. Hamburg, Hamburg-American line, 10,531 gros tons; at New York. Rbein. North Oerman Lloyd line, 10,058 gross tons; at Baltimore. HELD IN KKADI.VESS. SPARTANBURG, . C, Fab. 10. The Hampton guards, the Spartan burg company of the national guard. . is held In readiness to report for service with the least possible delay, according to a statement of Captain B. T. Justice today. The company5 has been in Spartanburg since too South Carolina companies were order ed home from Mexico. Eveo-Handod Jostles. ITi Itimlrin- ati-ana-ar was dkss ousslng the vlllago rose show with a native, and oongraiuianng mm baring secured first prise for bis dls- ' play of roses. ' "I supposs you wore very pleased when ths result was anaoonoadt" tho WsKor observed. "Were you sur prised at your success " -veil. I don't know as I was sur prised," tho rustic admitted. "You sea. I bought all my Plants from tho Judgea-V-Grit. To keep disk phonograph records) deaa an Inventor baa patented a small brush to bo mountsd In frotSJ of tho needle. , .

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