6 t 5 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. Society Personals It i nVWli until fi .o'clock at tile ilftl- ?tery Park. Miss-de Wolf Newcomb '' will give a talk and all persons lnter i, ested In suffrage are lnvile.l. The Oorrick club will hold it reg it I ular weekly meeting; on .Thursday eve iynlni at 8:15 o'clock In Ihi; Mer- 4! . i . II IJri,.1I1il;Dl cnanis Association nan ui Each member of Uie club Is requested to bring a copy of "The Hervant in the House," as this book will be read by the different members during the evening's meeting. Invitations for the Keno party, to f be given at the Country club on Tucs. day evening. February 20, have been ' received by the members of the club. A supper will be served at 8 o'clock and not 8:S0 o'clock as previously an- nounced. The prizes will be Ine ame .3 with several new sensations. The management asks that reservations bo made early, as the accommodations i will be limited to 100. J f ' Miss Ruth Turnbull was hostess for -v the Tuesday Card club yesterday af- ternoon at her home on Pearson .'" drive. Miss Turnbull used a Valen S tine color scheme of red und while. Th members present were: Miss ; Genevieve Theobold, Miss Uuth Far $ nter. Miss Frances Hartsell, Miss ' Laura Mears, Miss Eugenia Le- Compte. Miss Mamie Chambers. MUw "f Ma Cooper and Miss Kxum Mears, i who made the highest score for the afternoon. The club will have Its next meeting with Miss Eugenia Lo 'A Compte. I Bt. Margaret's guild of Trinity church, will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the crypt of the church. The British-American War Relief society meets this morning at 10:3U o'clock at the Battery Park. " Mtas Laura Joy Hawley entertained with a supper party on Tuesday night ' 1 In honor of Rev. and Mr. J. Bralnard Thrall and family. The party was ' given at the Bandanna Tea. room, and . i, covers .were laid for seven at a large, I' round table placed In the center of : the main room of the cabin. Four lighted candles placed in old brass : ? candlesticks and shaded with red and p yellow were used on the table. A ' . number of delicious old-fashioned ' southern dishes were served. Mr. and Mrs. A. J- Carey, who were S, quietly married a few daya ago at the v Bt. Lawrence Catholic church in this ; city, returned yesterday to the Avon- ,:. more, after a short trip through the ' south. Mrs. Carey was before her marriage Miss Mary G. Keenan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. " f Hugh Joseph Keenan. of Ashevllle- ; Mr. Keenan was one of tne earnest settlers, coming here as . seventy years ago. Mr. 'r made Ashevllle his home for the last :. Ave year, coming from Newark, N. " Jn bin former home. Jl j The Students' clufc will meet this , - afternoon ait 4 o'clock with Mrs. W. L. 1 Dunn, on Hillside street i ,.. J J The Foreign Mission committee of the Woman' society of the First (. Presbyterian church, will begin a 0. cerlee ef mission study lessons, start-'- Ing on , Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock i in the church house on ? Church street. During the month of :, February there will be two sessions a . week, Monday and Thursdays- The book to be studied Is "The Living . Christ for Latin-America," an lnter denominational book, recommended ; for the 1117 mission study classes of - the various church boards at the "t north as well as in the south. Mrs. , J. H. Ramsey will discuss the opening - chapter. Leaders for the other meet ' ings will be announced later. Ladles i of other churches will be welcome at : all of the meeting. t jt jl BUhop and Mrs. Howard Rondthal r, of Winston-8alm, who have been the guests of Mrs. T. F. Malloy, at ., her house on Merrimon avenue since " Saturday, were guests of honor at - dinner - on Monday night at drove ; Park Inn. They were also honor ' truests at a dinner given last night Mark Brown at her home on ..it., wl enter a n npi uce street. ine uisuou iwrs. thtu afternoon frtitn ' Hondthaler will go today to their i' The members of the Equal Suffrage , b" Mrs league of this with a reception home at V'jnion-Salem. The Colonial Dames will hold an Important meeting this morning with Mrs. Annie I. Martin at her home, No. 3 Afiton place, at 11 o'clock- The third of a series of bridge par ties given by .Mrs. William Schoen heit and Mtas Abble Moore will lake place this afternoon at the former's home on Merrimon avenue. MIDNIGHT HOURS BRING NO ALARM OF DREAD GROUP This Sturdy Youngster Keepi a "Bodyguard" on Hand. Mr. George Starkie left Saturday for New York, after spending several months In the city. Mm Savage, of Roanoke, Va., who has been spending some time at the l.angren. ban returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Havnge will come to Abbeville the flrHt of March and will make thl their future home. Mrs. K. JL. Brown, Jr. for Tampa, where she month. leaves today will spend a Mr. Ralph Carson, a well-known attorney of Spartanburg, spent yester day in the city on professional busi ness. Mr- L. 1). Twlford went yesterday to Norfolk for a visit of several day. Mrs. C. A. Nichols leaves this after noon for Florida, where she will spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Park and Miss Sarah Clark, of Philadelphia, are slopping at Grove Park inn. Mr- Frank I.eo is spending some timo with relatives In the city. Mr. J. D. Creasman left yesterday for Jacksonville for an indefinite stay. .Mr. Edwin L. Brown. Jr., and Miss Virginia Peyton are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McEwen, at their home on Chestnut street. Ma M CHAS. .KERN HUHlEr. Brigadier-General Lawrence W. Toung, commanding the North Caro Una National guard, left yesterday af ternoon for til Paso to Join his com mand, after spending a leave of at sence of several weeks at his home In Raleigh, and with relatives in Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Martin are attending several days In Raleigh with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dates, of Hen dersonvllle, are the guests of Gov ernor and Mrs- T. W. Bickett at the executive mansion. Mrs. Ralph H. Wheaton has re c-v ha- , visiting In Aihevllle and Florida. L l ' . Mis Cornelia Taylor ha returned to her home In Wlnston-Salera. after visiting her sister In New York. Mrs. T. F. Williamson, of Tryon snent several daya in Ashevllle during the week. Mrs, Annie Moor Is visiting Mr- H. Y. Dill at Birmingham. Mi Cynthia Walker, of Colum bus, Ohio, is th guest of friend In the city. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Galvln, of Wilmington, are spending some time In Ashevllle. Mrs. William of her parents, Carmlchael, at more avenue. Ellison is the guest Mr- and Mrs. W. C. their home on Bill- Mr. Chester Lamont, of Nashville, Tent., has arrived here to spend sev eral weeks with relatives. Mr. cago, AahaA and Mrs. John are spending evllle. White, some of Chl tlme in Mr. J. W. Hightman, of Pineville, Ky-, is guest at the Battery Park for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bates New Skirts for Sports, Dress or General Wear By far the licst aud largest assortment we have ever shown, including smart sports styles of Velours,. Khaki-Kool, Viyella, etc. Fancy plaid and striped taffetas, plain color taffeta, chuddah, silk poplin, gabardine, serge, etc. All sizes, including extras and stylish stouts. 11 P&tton Are. Phone 78 POSTS GUARD AT BEDTIME. And Mother Sleeps Without Fear of Hearing that Awful Brassy Choking Cough, This line boy la Master Charle Kern, the on or Mr. and Mrs. R B. Hurley, 1026 Madison St., LaPorte, lnd. Charles has a little "Bodyguard" who lives in a little blue jar, and pro tects him against croup, colds, sore throat, bronchitis In fact all kinds of cold troubles. The name of this "Bodyguard" Is VIck's VapoRub Salve, and the best thing about him is that he doesn't have to be swallowed. To "post the guard," Charles' mother just applies VapoRub externally and covers with & warm flannel cloth. Quick relief comes by absorption through the skin end by Inhalation as a vapor. "We always try to keep VapoRub !n the house," writes Mrs. Hurley, "as the children are very susceptible to croup. By rubbing It on their throats and chests they are soon relieved. My husband and I used VapoRub when we had pleurisy and our pains went almost immedi ate It. Three sizes, 26c, 50c, f 1.00. Ktp IKthi BOBY-ftus In VBCIf otouJew at Jiomeor Jfatfetour Costumes Ada do to Measure! You will find here new and handsome materials for costumes of every kind, Sport Wear, Afternoon Frocks or Evening Gowns; also reliable patterns to cut them by. for Jport (dear New Sport Skirtings in Plaids and Stripes, 56 inches wide . .$3.00 yd. Xew Sport Coatings in Solid Colors, 58 inches wide $3.50 per yd. New Silk Jersey in Rose, Robin's Egg Blue and Gold, 36 inches wide $1.50 per yd. New Sport Poplins, solid colors $1.25 per yd. New Sport Pongee in attractive stripes, $1.50 per yd. For Afternoon (dear Taffetas in Gray and Navy, 36 inches wide $1.50 to $2.00 yd. Mescaline, in all colors, 36 in. wide, $1.25 to $2.00 yd. Charmeuse .$2.00 yd. Crepe Meteor $2.00 yd. Crepe de Chine, all colors, 36 inches wide $1.25 to $1.50 yd. Georgettes to match for sleeves, 36 inches wide $1.50 to $2.00 yd. Chiffon Cloth to match for sleeves, 36 inches wide , .$1.00 yd. for the Svening ress For the Foundation 36-inch Tissue Cloth in Gold, Silver and Colors .$1.00 per yd. For the Overskirt and Bodice 72-ineh "Fairytex" Silk Dress Tulle $1.75 per yd. For the Trimmings 18 to 36-inch Spangled Flouncings $3.50 to $18.00 per yd. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS show advanced Spring Style and insure perfect fit. Ecu ii prompt Maii Order Service LSvSJSSALVE have returned to their home at Wash lngton. after spending- several weeks in th city with relatives. Miss Marian Freeman, of Madison N. C. is In Awheville, visiting- friends for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. W- S. KItchell, of Summit. N. J., are spending a few week in the city. Mr. W. T. Tayloe, the general pas eenger agent for the Southern rail road. Is in the city a guest at Grove Fark inn. Mr. William Tate spent yesterday in Asnevuie from waynesviue- Mr. Howard Wilson, of New York, Is spending some time In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. William. Mr. Richard Marcy and Miss Helen Tajt- gert, of New York, are guest at Orove Park inn for several day. Mr. and Mrs. Prioleau Ravenel left last night for Philadelphia, where they were called owing to the illness of their aunt- They will be away for several day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin De Priest, of Jacksonville, have returned to their home, after visiting- friends here' for several days. Miss Isabel Cook has gone to Flori da, where she will spend a month. Mr. Charles Williams, who ha been in Charlotte for some time, has re turned here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark, ot Jackson ville, are stopping at the Battery Park hotel for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent will re turn to their home today, after sev eral weeks' stay in Cuba. they met in the little country village where they lived. The doctor, how ever, has a battle with his thoughts, but the gentleman asserts itself and right wins. The unravelling of the story Is told in straightforward fashion, there be ing many a barbed shaft which strikes home with a punch that makes one sit up and take notice. "THE MBSSUH." The first neWSDaner rviw avnr published, of the great performance of the Messiah, waa that of a. Inrinn Journal of April 17, 1741. Perhaps the Ashevllle newspapers, when they come to revdew the great music again, after the performance to be given on Washington's birthday at the Auditor ium, may be as n leased: but it can hardly be expected that they will be as quaintly dignified. This journal expressed Itself a follow: 'On Tuesday. In the hi majesty, the "new and vorv pleas ant music of Mr. Handel, called the Messiah, was performed in the Mimic Hall. Words are wantinir to express the exquisite delight afforded to the admiring crowded audience. The Sub lime, the Tender, the Exquisite, the urana. conspired to transport and charm, the Ravished Heart and Eat."' Do you like to lana-h Brainstorm" at the Strand i ,i , See "The today. It. LOVE MISSIVES MAY IDENTIFY MOONSHINER Lauer Studio, 'hone 2728. Piano Instruction. Advt A home built in Orove Park can be sold at a profit rather than at a loss. 'Phone 1583. t MME. AGNES, The New Tork Gown Builder. Press makers furnished by the day. 89 ty Blltmore ave. 'Phone 266S. tf. COMING ATTRACTIONS AT THE AUDITORIUM. In "HI Bro- tonlght ui Robert Edeson tiler's Keeper," 0:30. "The Messiah," by the Mo zart Society, Thursday, Febru ary 22. (The following press notlrea are Tor. nlalKMl by the advance' agents of the attractions to wlifc-h they refer, and do not nofessHi-Uy reflect tbe views ot opinloiM of this papet. When Tbe (It lien, of it own knowledge, know that an attraction la meritorious It will say mo elsewhere.) HICKORY. Feb. 12. Th flndir of love letters In a coat left at an illicit distillery Saturday afternoon while the owner took hurried flight when revenue officers approached 1 Cllnes; ieaa tne omcers to believe that the : l reek man addressed (s a man they are wanting pretty badly. The still Ti-a found five miles south of Connelly Springs, in Burke county, and the of ficers got within ten feet of the place before the man who left the coat was aware of their presence. Ho easily made his escap through the laurel thicket. A twenty-lx-rallon copper still and 200 gallon of beer waa de stroyed. Deputy Collector P. P. Jones and H. W. Jones of Hickory and Officers Lindsay and Boger cf Morganton composed the raiding party. The young son of H. W. Barker nf this city was seriously burned this morning when hL gown caught fire from a stove. The little fellow, it was learned, was trying to open the door of the stove, using his gown to keen from burning hi hand, when it caught. A committee consist I ng of one man from each township in the county waa named by W. A. Self today to meet at noon In Newton Wednesday to consider a system of good roads for all of Catawba county. Those named are P. A. SeUer, Hickory town ship; W. B. Oaither, Newton; Onoar Sherrill, Catawba; Homer Little, DARKEN GRAY HI, LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, Is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture improved by the addition of ouner ingredient By asking at any drug store for a BO-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. You Just dampen a sponge or oft brush with it and draw this through your ha:r, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dis appears; but what delight the la dles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite to Impart color and a youthful ap pearance to the hair. It is not In tended for the cure, mitigation or provsntlon of dlseasst; Advt. SAUER KRAUT 10c Pound 1 S. fe 8. service, sanitation, your patronage. It's a Good Dish, Too If you want something extra good for your dinner, say one eight hundred to your tele phone and Order Sauer Kraut quality and economical prices bid for Phone SAWYER & STRADLEY The Store Sanitary Where Quality Prevail. 1800 Dinner Part Table Srrnp. U College Or derM.& W.Coal For Real Genuine Comfort and Economy. Phones 110 and ISO. Carolina Coal & Ice Corap'y 60 Patton Ave, Dhrmnor Bldg. Ernest Beatty. James M. Crouse, C. M. Yoder, Jacob's Fork. Mountain Caldwoll; NOTHING DOWN PAY $1.50 A WEEK Buys you a Graphophone when you have purchased alx records. for cash FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE PIKE'S PEAK HIGHWAY. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 13. Plans for the extension of the Pikes Peak highway from Philadelhia, where it now has its eastern terminus, to Washington and to New York and New England, and from It western terminus at Salt Lake City to the Pa cific coast, are to be considered by the Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean High way association at Its annual national convention which began in this city today. The convention, which will be in session two days, is attended by delegates from many states. See "The Eralnstorm" comedy at the Strand today. Foxfilm 1L In normal times the annual Ger man consumption of fruit amounts to about 100 pounds per capita. RATS VICTIMS OF H. & I. BOSTON. Mass., Feb. It. iBecause the food destroyed by Boston rats 1 estimated to Increase the cost of living to the extent of nearly a mil lion dollars a year, a systematic campaign was launched today to ex terminate the rodents. The move ment originated with the Women' Municipal league, at whose request Mayor Curley by official proclamation designated today for beginning the rat extermination campaign. FINDS ODD BIIiL. NEWTON, Feb- 13. A local bank er this week got his hand on an er rant five-dollar bill that, aroused hi Interest. "Vive le Mikado" was type written on it In one place, in ink ab solutely identical In shade with the Ink used by the government in print ing the colored parts of the bill. In another place was "Japanese" and in a third place "J A P," all in the same red Ink. "HIS RIIOTHKK'K KEEPER." An attraction that ha. created much favorable comment in some of the larger cities and one that will live in the minds of those who have seen it for some time to come i Mr. Robert Edeson and his latent starring vehicle, "His Brother's Keeper," a new modern drama In four acts from Che star's own pen. which will be pre sented at trie Auditorium tonight. The play Is founded on one of the mart vital questions of the present day. and tells a story, strong and co herent, in a masterlv manner: Dr. Campbell 1 a well-to-do and highly respected physician, a man whose strict observance of the code of ethic is his highest Ideal; a bachelor of forty-five, never having experienced any romance, he marries hi adopted sister to save her from the fate hi younger brother had left her o, rath er than perform an .illegal operation; short time after, he meets and fall in love with a young woman, on h had not seen ainc ah waa a mere There is a dBTerence between: Saving the Hajr and trying to resurrect it HERPICIDE lrlin t fc Wttsr Wbr shoss Oosnntsad far Tfce Hptokto 0 fold 1 MASQUE DANCING PARTY Wednesday, Feb. 14 SO.VDLEY BUILDING Afternoon for Children 10c Evening' for Adnlta S&c VT7E will exchange new furnl tur lor old or w will buy your second hand furniture and pay you the highest cash price. Susquehanna Furn. Co. Phone S1 SO Broadway If You Want the Best valu obtainable mak it point to visit our Ladle Rsndjr-to-Wear Department. M. Levitt BUtanora Ar. Williams & Huffman's Music House Tbs Best la Piano Elks Club Bldg. Haywood Bt Wash Goods :: Wash roods In color and In a great variety of white fabrics excellent value. Well under value are our fine Linen Damasks, Napkins and mov. of our On Towels also our White Bed Quilt and Room Rugs. The greater part of these are at the lowest figure ever reached and the remainder are only a little over those prices. Great Big Bargains oa Ladies' Winter Coats. Bulls and 1)1 1 ww, and Colored Far Set. Not many left. Bay now aad sare money. H. REDWOOD & CO. Marcel Waving Chiropody and Manicuring. Facial and Scalp M Miss Cruise's Shop SS HAYWOOD ST. PfaODS IS. Biltmore Ice Cream Well Packed, Delivered Any where In the City. 50c the Quart Walker's Drug Store i Phcasas 1U SERVICE GOODS A HAGE, lac, DRCG. Qglclal Wrg Registry. OpposttS PostocTftcsv TeJrpbonea Tlg-fia. agists u uiTMJurg amm Furs! Furs!! Have your Fur cleaned, re paired and remodeled. Thos. J. Lamb, tit Haywood St Phone MM. Flavoring Extracts Three large i0 bottle Vanilla. I Lemon; 1 Orargs For Mo this week only. Handte's Tea Store. Phone MM and 1STT. child who ran to kiss him whnvar

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