THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 191?. Inc .. Our: now thing are al than ': .W and class are w ah' 'carefi prices) THE ' Th) very $ tU8loj 4 n a T MEDIA TEA Conserves the Energies When soldiers have to set out fasting on a fatiguing duty, or when nurses hare to go fasting to their patients, it is a hot re storative they want and ought to have ... if they can take a bit of bread with the cup of hot TEA, so much the better, but not instead of IT. mtttuai nmcBasTS rinmj ststaaJ lift Imtmmt C. Sot ttr). India Tea Is economical to use. being so rich CUBAN OFFICIALS MORE OPTIMISTIC PEREMPTORY DEMAND FOR RELEASE OF AMERICANS BEING PREPARED (CONTINtrED FROM PAOB ONB.I to the official reports reaching the state department, members of the cabinet receiving word on the economic effects of the tying up of shipping in American ports Bettor Turner seemed to voice the . , , -ii . I j 11 ... , S'AV" sentiment of many In merely observ- jjrooaoiy win present wiiaiever news mey nave. Concern over the absence of any Ambassador Gerard and Minister word from Ambassador Elkus, at 8t0Y,aI'' at Berne, asking for lm Constantinople, since the break with ' m,aU n " any ,act8 rece,ved' Germany was somewhat relieved to- ' fther An,ert dey when two brief dispatches were T ', 0nmnr ! oin receive from him. The firs" daTed Tne advisability of the withdrawal by February 7, Inquired why he was the International Young Men's Chrfs havlng difficulty in communicating tlan association of its twenty or more mn ma government. The second f menoan representatives, who have county " w w m avuiutw rrjiuri tnu " "u,n'B tmiung tne prison Its data was not made public An in- camps in Germany, was discussed to vestlgatlon la under way to determine day at a conference between state de whether the ambassador's message partment officials and Dr. John R. art held up at Vienna. , Mott, International secretary. While Nothing Heard of Train. 1 1' was agreed that the men must be Nothing baa been heard of the de- withdrawn in case of actual war. no partura of train loaded with some decision was reached as to their lm-elgbty-lx consuls and their families, n.edlate recall. If Germany should together with an unknown number herself force withdrawal under con of other Americans, which was due dltlons short of war, it is feared that to leave Munich for Switzerland early the allied governments would require this week. While officials here did the fifty-odd Americans working not yet reel any alarm, several in- among uerman prisoners in their QUlries) haw been sent to former countries to cease their activities. twelve; Fifteenth, two; Sixteenth, fif teen; Seventeenth, ten; Eighteenth, fourteen; Nineteenth, twelve, and Twentieth, twenty-two. He thought that emergency Judicial service might be rendered by some of the present set of judges. Much opposition to the Mil develop ed. Finally Mr. Doughton moved that the bill go over In the hope that an agreement could be reached, as to what la really needed. This course was taken. The house took uo the Roberta suf frage bill for Asheville and West Aahe- vllle and a roll call vote was 48 for and 63 against the bill. Then three Several VarboIs nt f!nViati members changed oosldons tfor th. oevorai VCSSeiS 01 UUDall result was announced but the result was not changed. Representative Pritchard made a personal privilege statement as to his attitude In the matter of the Madison county election bill that had been re called from the senate and tabled. He had only In mind the purity of the ballot, he said. Mr. Orler assured Pritchard that he intended no reflection on the author of the bill. The Grant bill for the inspection of gasoline and other lighting and heat ing oils passed seoond reading and went oer another day for final con sideration. The house adjourned to 11 o'clock Friday. Creates Commission. The senate passed tonight the Brenlzer bill to create a commlnMnn consisting of the governor and two others named by him to engage ac countants and devise a system of nooKKeeplng for the state departments aiifi Institutions. Mr. Brenlzer explained the bill and Chairman Holdernees, of the ap propriation committee, told of the great need for a more complete and co-ordinated system. The senate discussed a long while i the bill by Long, of Alamance, to pension Superior court judges with half pay on retirement after ten years' service. Amendments to change to fourteen and sixteen years' service failed and the bill failed to ' pass 19 to 22 OVER REVOLUTION Navy Escape From San tiago Harbor. HEAVY FIGHTING IN CAMAGNEY DISTRICT to ing that the state la not ready to pension Its Judges. The bill was drawn so as to apply to Judge Cook, who has already retired. Other bills passed were: Promote education In Wayne; amend the law as to the Transylvania recorder's court; permit Judiciaries to invest In state bonds; amend law as to collecting taxes in Robeson; Australian ballot for Brunswick SAILING DP NEUTRAL SHIPS PROMISES RELIEF OF "OUSTER" BILL IS OFFERED IN HOUSE; BACKED BY if I! Continued from Pago One) Hon of a building for the -tate depart ment of agriculture. McCain Relative to the election or appointment of county boards of education. Bates Expedite the payment on atate and county taxes. Bennett Prevent the sale and manufacture of liquors in Swain and aiding la the same In that county. At the request of Senator Allen, his : bill for tho abolition of capital pun ishment was act as a special order for next Tuesday. It was with a declars tion that he had sat In silence and seen the local self-government, prln- clple of democracy slau htjred that his bill -r enabling the People of hi county to elect their school board be psesea. He grew Tenement ana taix ed of State Superintendent Joyner as the . "educational czar Moated with power" attending the criiHflKlon of the Bertie county bill last Friday. He reiterated sharp condemnation of the action of Governor Craig In exceeding his authority In sendl- - the state's money to the families of convicts last Christmas. Rising on his th toes, and swinging his arms to the discomfort of nearby senators. , he exclaimed while the senators looked their amazement "to hell with such doc- trlne, I will not stand for It." He re buked senators for following "their master's voice." Senator Oates resent ed the attitude of the speech and Sen ator Person and Senator Tones direct ed attention to a rule of the senate l hat prohibited - personal attacks on any senator unless preceded by a mo tion to censor. Senator Person then retracted all and offered apology to Senator Oates and others. Senator Jones offered an amendment to strike out provision for the election of the county superintendent of schools snd this wag accepted by Senator Person. The vote on the bill as amended by roll call was IB to is. Bertie Bill Passed. Then the Bertie county bill for ' election of school board was passed 17 to 14. The Pharr bill for bulkllng lnter county bridges was considered and much amended, necessitating re-reference to committee. One would Hmlt permission to charge tolls to bridges that replaced any destroyed in the floods of last July, another that the building must be by mutual agree ment by the commissioners of the counties and still another that no bridge under the provisions of the act must cost more than 140,000. The senate took recess to 7:80 o clonk to clear up a congested calen dar that was burdening the clerks and clogging the legislative mill. Amonc bills unfavorably renortari In the house were to incorporate Ivanhoa and Hmithfleld cotton mills. New bills were introduced as fol. lows: Parrlsh Authorize commissioner of the various counties to locate ceme teries and reinter bodies. Scott Amend the Pasquotank high way commission act. Clayton Amend the law as to the planting of oysters. Matthews, of Bertie Amend the law as to the age of working roads. Drier Amend the revival as to the state hospitals for the insane and to create a purchasing agent for state In stitutions. Bruramltt and McLendon vAraend the revlsal as to the election or ap pointment of school boards. McLendon Increase the annual state appropriation far the high schools from 175,000 to $100,000. Cellars Protect game In Robeson county. Koberts, of Buncombe Provide for erection of a storage warehouse for the state. Matthews Prohibit playing golf and other games on Sunday. Holding, for T. P. A., requires rail roads to use cinder deflectors on pas senger coaches. I Harden Provide for statewide tick eradication. KDllan Authorize the commission ers of counties to appoint county man. ager. KlngProvlde for the incorporation of rural communities. Orant, of New Hanover Amend section 1789, of the revisal of 190S. Warren Bill Up. The house took up the Warren bill from the senate to increase the Su perior court districts and Judges to twenty-four, and have two districts, eastern and m-estern. Representative Ray, of Macon. In opposing the bill, said there are 217 weeks of court not used now In the state. He named tht unused weeks by districts the past year: First dis trict, eleven; Second, fifteen; Third, fourteen: Fourth, eleven; Fifth, six teen; Sixth, eight; Seventh, thirteen; Klghth. eighteen; Ninth, nine; Tenth, thirteen; Eleventh, seven; Twelfth, eleven; Thirteenth, six; Fourteenth, Continued from Page One! YOU KNOW tke ricH ness of thoroughly ma tured Sweet Potatoes but you have missed part of their value if you have not eaten, with su&ar and cream Yarn Nofcs that new, crispy Breakfast Food appetiz ing, nutritious, palatable with a flavor all their own. At Your Grocer for 10 Cent Kaaofastsnd ealr by TIB WILLIAMS COMPANY, Greenville, S. C it was said that no answer had as yot been received from tne navy aepn ment to the request for guns With wblnh to arm the St. Iouls, St. Paul Kroonland and New York, now de tained at tlielr piers here. TAKE SUMMARY ACTTOX WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 The chief railroads of the country took sum mary action today to relieve the shortsjre of freight ears and the traf fie congestion at eastern seaports, r.rnin annroanhinr an acute stage be cause of the curtailment of Trans Atlantlo sailings by Germany's new rubamrlne campaign. Representatives of thirty roaas, at a meeting here awenaea d.v imr- rtate commerce commission officials, reached a "gentlemen's agreement" for a new and drastic campaign oz re lief, including the following meas ures: Adoption of regulation tantamount to a virtual embargo on all export shipments through eastern ports, until a part of the vast accumulation al ready awaiting sieamenips can cleared away- Liberal use of an "intelligent em bargo' on all domestic eaatbonnd shipments. Such an embargo, already effective on some roaas, may oe ex tended. A policy of separating empty rrom 5caded cars in the congested yards and sending the empties back to went, trn lines In solid tralnloads. ahead of all other traffic except passenger trains. Empties For uoaas Eastern roads agreed to give In ad dition an empty car to their western connection for every loaded car received. ExDOrt traffic through the east win remain virtually at a standstill during the neriod of adjustment and east- bound domestic traffic will be greatly i-urtalled, If the plans work out. The amount of freight for export has ln Tpnred treat I v at eastern ports be cause of the great decrease In steam ship sailings since the severance of diplomatic relations with Germany- one road is reported to have every track crowded and in addition cars loaded with export whrnu standing on ninety-four barges In New York har bor. Every eastern grain elevator Is said to be overflowing and In addition there are four million bushels of ex port wheat in Minneapolis hlrh have ben awaiting transportation east for more than two months. In New England the railroad men say. there is a threatened shortage of grain, while the flour supply o -:tts-burgh. Philadelphia. New York and New England cities, Is none too lanre. At today's meeting It was de cided to move two tralnloads or nrry cars each from Minneapolis dally, one laden with wheat for New Englani. the other carrying flour. Representi t:ves of Minneapolis milling Interests promised to co-operate In meeting domeetlc needa The embargo apply ing against eaatbound shipments. It was said, will not apply to foodstuff for domestic use. As fast as sailing ocean steame-s diminish the accumulation of freight awaiting export at eastern ports, the railroads will let down the burs rf the embargo, permitting the shipment ton for ton, of .upplles to repl.ire those taken away- All the railroa.i." it was stUd. will work In close co operation toward amelioration of con ditions throughout the country. HAVANA. Feb. 15. - In spite of th plot among certain members of th jiavana police against ihe govern inent, there was a more optimistic tone m government circles tonight c'U to the lovaltv nt th iuvt which several vessels made their es cape from Santiago, and also the belief that Santiago will soon be re covered rrom the revolutionists by th Kovcrnraent. It is claimed by high onu-iais mat the movement begun mere by Wgoberto Fernandez Is not ii popular one. Lieutenant Wilfred Dlaa, aide l ornandez, escaped on the Cuban school ship Patria, which arrived here this morning from .Santiago- Diaa will proceea tonight with men, arms an eupplles for an unknown destination, Communications Restored, Telegraphic communication has been restored with the province ('iniiag-uey, where heavy fighting reported between 800 loyal troops against an unKnown number or re volutionists. Bald om era Acosta and Pino Guerrero, with their bands of revolutionists, are still making fo tno j-inar utA Rio hills. The rear guard has been attacked In a two days- running fight A longthy proclamation issued bv the Veterans association in favor of tne government, has made a good impression. Search in German circles here to flay failed to locate any one who Knew uaptaln Hans Boehm. a Ger man army officer, who according to a ionnon, mspatcn. when arrested at halmouth some time ago, had In his possession a chart at anta I Aids bay, v-um. wnere uerman agents were as sertecl to have obtained an oil conces sion. There are no entries here of uerman oil interests in Panta Lucia bay. According to an official announce ment madeat the palace tonight, dlf- ncuny was being encountered in com "Minlcntlon with one or two of the districts where the elections were noia in tne province or santa Clara vesterday. Three of the districts heard rrom, mn, itancmtelo and Guada mpe, snowed that the conservatives naa obtained a majority over the liberals. JOrY KEVOLTJTIOIf. BAiNTIAGO, Cuba. Feb. U. The military governor yesterday Informed r. Merrill ortmth, the American con sul here, that the military forces in Guantanamo had Joined the revolu tionary movement. . He also said that a similar situation prevailed at Ma vurl and Baracoa. The military governor said that Palma Soriano, where President Men- ocal's sugar mill is located, was still In the hands of the government. He added that Major Fernandez, desiring to avoid bloodshed, did not wish to at tack Palma Soriano, but as the officials there were arresting prominent lib era is he might be compelled to act. It was stated by the military gover nor that all operations would he stop ped (Immediately, provided General Menocal resigned and Enrique Jose Yarona, vice-president, assumed the presidency. Order prevails throughout Santiago city. The United States navy tug Po- tomao came Into port last night. It Is said the Potomac will take a report from the American consul to the fleet commander at Caimanera. ODD FELLOWS BANQUET.. Ashevtle Kncampment No. 2. I. O. O. F. will give a banquet at Its hall on rhurch street tonight In honor if Captain C. I. Bard, who has recently returned from the Me: .-an border Only Odd Fellows will be present. After the dinner the patriarchal de gree will be conferred on several members. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Dmvm PnigtlKts refund money If PAZO OINT. MFNT fall$ to cure Itching. Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. First aoDllcatlnn gives relief. 60c. THE SKI I PARTY. Once upon a time, one Saturday morning, four of the children who always played together, were bemoan ing their fate In not having anything Interesting to do. They had skated, and coasted all winter and had be come sick of both and they wanted something new to play this Saturday. "Lets ask John, the iVocer," said one ef them. John, the grocer, was fat nnd lolly and liked children, and many tunes they had gathered In his back room on stormy day and he had mid mem stories and taught them In door games and fed them on crackers and cheese, so they knew he would take an Interest. in their trouble and would help them If he could. So thev sll trooped down to the store and finding John at leisure, they asked him to suggest something for them to do. "Why not go eklllng." asked the grocer. "It Is lots of fun." "Yes, we i.Mve real nb.nit It," said one of the BILTMORE EDITOR CLAIMS OFFICIALS TAKE TO TANLAC i W. D. Waddell says: "Sur geon Mr. Q. G. Brickell recommended this rem edy." Most Interesting of the many letters received by E. H. Drum North Caro lina Distributor of Tanlac from peo ple in all walks of life and from all sections of this State one of par ticular Importance to the people of this section Is that of W. D. Waddell, Editor of the Blltmore Picayune. Tha letter reads: 'T feel It my duty to call your attention to the, great results I have attained by the usa of Tanlao. After taking only -are noiues or this wonderful rem edy, I have been relieved of a very annoying case of catarrh whloh has been grasping at my vitality for the past ten years. Also I have been re lieved of a serious attack or stomach j trouble that has been nauseating me for several months. I have taken very other medicine available and found no results until our noted Bur geon, Mr. G. O. Brickell, of the ficayune Publishing Company and Blltmore Drug Store recommended this remedy. 'Officials of the Blltmore Picayune highly recommend this wonderful remedy to all their employees and to any one else who suffers from any catarrhal or stomach troubles. "I already note that several of our high officials are now using Tanlac altogether." (Slgend) W. D. WADDELL, Editor, Blltmore Picayune. Genuine Tanlao is sold In Asheville exclusively by Teague & Dates. Each town has its Tanlao dealer. Advt. SAVE By following the path called "Save in Youth," we come to the house called "Comfort in Old Age." ONE DOLLAR starts an account. Central Bank & Tru Co. The Bank For Your Savings.' COMMITTEE IS CHARGE PLACED OF "LOT PROBE One Big "Short" Cleaned Up Millions on Break, Broker Says. Mr. Whipple remarked that he did not believe the Incident was of any in-4 tereet to the committee anyway. In announcing the adjournment of the public oral hearings, Chairman Henry said that the committee would be I ready to re-open such hearings If the work of the sub-committee should I bring out facts that should be so treated. COMMITTEE A S CONGRESS PLANS FOR PRORIB (TON WHICH PROHIBITS Amendment to Postal Ap propriation Would Make "Dry" States "Dry." REFUSES TO GIVE NAME OF OPERATOR E VIDENCE AGA ST THE PRISON FARM (Continued from Page One.) NORTH CAROLINA WOULD BE AFFECTED Bi-Monthly Quart Would Be Eliminated if Bill Goes Through. WASHINGTON, Feb. IB. Prohibi tion took a step forward today in both branches of congress. in tne senate drastic amendments to the postal appropriation bill were agreed to, which would make crimi nal the Importation of liquor Into states which prohibit Its manufacture nd sale for beverage purposes, and which would exclude liquor adver tisements from the malls in states which legislate against such advertising. On the house side, the national prohibition constitutional amendment was favorably reported from the udlciary committee, with a predic tion by Chairman Webb that it would be passed within a week. Champions f prohibition greeted this announce ment with enthusiasm in spite of their realization that passage in the house will end action on the amendment nsofar as this session of congress is concerned. There Is no thought of action by the senate before March 4, when the Sixty-fourth congress dies. Makes Shipment Crime. The amendment' to the noetofflce pproprlation bill to make It a crime ship liquor Into prohibition states was added by Senator Reed, of Mis souri, to tho Jones amendment barring newspapers or other publlca- ons or letters and postal cards ontalnlng liquor advertisements from he mails In states which have laws against such advertising. It was adopted after brief debate by a vote foiy-nve to eleven by the senate tting as committee of the whole. The Reed amendment, which awaits nai vote in the senate, Is as follows: wnoever snail oraer, purchase, or cause Intoxicating liquors to be trans ported in Interstate oommerce except tor scientific, sacramental, medicinal or mechanical purposes Into any stats or territory the laws of which state or territory prohibit the manufacture or sale therein of intoxicating liquor for beverage purposes, shall be punished by a fine of not more than 1,000 or Imprisoned not more tnan x months, or both, and for any sub sequent offense shall be impnaonea not more tnan one year. Is "Bona Dry" ui. The effect of this provision if finally Congressional Committee, With Exception of Three Members, at Capital. NEW YORK, Feb. Is. Leaving further examination of brokers' statements aa to their dealings for customers on the stock exchange dur ing December to a sub-committee of three, the ongresslonal committee In vestigating the "leak" on President Wilson's peace note today adjourned Its public headings and most of the mem bers returned to Washington tonight. This action came after a statement by the committee's counsel, Sherman L. Whipple, that be did not consider it profitable for the full committee to spend any more time taking oral testimony in view of other more ur gent duties of the members at the capltol. Examine Statements. Th' sub-committee, consisting of Repri tentative Campbell, of Kansas; Ben net. of New York, and Foster, of Illinois, will stay here until Monday examining brokers' statements, plan ning to continue their work in Wash ington after that. Wall street gossip was busy after the close of the. hearing today trying to deduce the Identity of an unnamed speculator whose account was be tween 17,000,000 and $8,000,000 when the big break came in the market after the peace note became public. Oliver Harriman, a broker, testified that he carried such a big "short" on his books, his operations dating from November, but he declined to dlvolve the customers' names. Telegram in Evidence. In oonnectlon with that account, however, there was put In evidence a telegram dated New York, December 20, and sent over Mr. Harrlman's ment in which she condemned the ciuarters the prisoners have and said there was lack of spiritual training and of any system of reward for good behavior and other modern methods of dealing's with convicts. She con demned the use of the lash, which Is now used to deter tho desperate ones and those seeming to shirk work. B. Pace, of Newbern, who had serv ed five years for betraying a girl un der promise of marriage at "Kington,' when he had for eight years main tained wife and children at Newfbern, testified to all sorts of bad conduct by Warden BuSbee while he was super intendent of the convict camp- Most of the matters were however, under a former management and when this was being pointed out, he made a , curt declaration. 'We will come to Mr. Mann's administration later." He was) a witness with a decided grouch end venum. Dr. Ferguson, for many years pri son physician, testified to the high ' Christian characters of Captains . Rhem and Christian, In charge of .the camps and branded as utterly Impos sible testimony by former convicts as to cursing and other unbecoming con duct of these men. JOINT FOREIGN SELLING AGENCIES A NECESSITY Favorably Reporting Webb Bill, Committee Empha sizes Need For Agencies, WASHINGTON'. Feb. 15. In favor ably reporting the amended Webb bill to authorize American Joint foreign private wires to his Washington office selling agencies, the senate interstate asking: "Have you heard anything commerce committee today empha about the government to Issue this Blze(, the necessfty or surh iegisiatftfn to put Industries of the United states boys, "but we have no sWIs and donf i "cc"mea. ny ln" "Vl . "ieea 10 vnnw hn m.k. ih.m ! by house would be to make all "That Is easv," replied their friend Prohibition states bone dry " will "I haye some big eragar barrels ln the I operate against provision In various cellar and I think you can make ome ; ' permitting importation of verv good substitutes for skils from limited amounts of liquor for lndl- 'some of the staves." "Oh that will be t !1'"- great," shouted the children and you lne original jones amendment to will show us how. wont you?" una oiner liquor aa- ORDERF.D TO STEAM. NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Feb. 18. Three Dutch steamers which have been at anchor here for the past few days today received orders to steam. The steamers came here for orders following Germany's announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare. The soejdyjk and the Zuidardyjk ft today and the Oosterdyjk is due out tomorrow. ! The man said he would, and they all went down the cellar and found some long barrel staves, two for each. The man got more strong rope and fixed It In holes he bored In the sides of the middle of the staves so that a loop would go over their feet at the toes and then the end could be brought verti semen ts from the mails In states having anti-liquor advertising laws attaches the same penalties aa pro vided in the Reed amendment. Under this provision no newspaper, pamphlet, letter, postal card, circular or publi cation of any kind containing liquor advertisements could be mailed Into afternoon a statement regarding the economic condition of Europe?" This was signed "J. D. L." The answer was "no." The fact that the Initials corre spond to those of Jesse U Livermore, a well known speculator, known to make his headquarters at Mr. Harri man s' offices, was called to the atten tion of members of the committee at the close of the hearing, but It was explained by counsel the question of the speculator's Identity was not pertinent. Asked by Representative Bennet to state roughly the amount of "J. L.. U's" promts,. Mr. Harriman said he could not do that offhand, but would have it computed. It was pointed out in Mr. Harrlman's testimony that most of the short sales involved in this profit were made before the "leak" occurred. Through Mr. Harriman there also was brought Into the record for the first time evidence of a public offtoial at Washington dabbltrfg In the stock market. Mr. Harriman said that on December 21 he bought for a con gressman fifty shares of I'nlted Staes Steel on the long side. He declined to give this customer's name also, and on a fair footing with those abroad. "Since the besinnltiR of the -European war," says the report, "the allies '.in -'ei Inlying agencies for the benefit of their governments and their people. Our merchants and manufacturers must meet this situa tion. Very few of them can compete single handed with these great com binations. Our belief is that it is necessary to permit our business men to form similar organisations or as sociations so as to enable them to meet foreign competitors on a more equal footing." The committee made several chances ln the bill as it passed the house. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c a t all druggists. SINKING OF THIS LINER MAY CAUSE WAR Slaking of this ship, the British liner California, with aa Ameri can on board, adds new phase to tho critical sitaaUoa between the L'nted States and Germany and may canse an erentaal declars tion of war. STEAMERS FOG-BOOT). NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Feb. 15 The British steamer Marmarl and the into space and would fly through the Dutch steamer Oosterdyjk are fog- 1r for a great distance to land In a bound here tonight. They were due to ret lank of saow on the other aide steam this afternoon but a heavy fog i0t the pit. et in shortly before darkness and the A They had lots ef tumbles but the cantalns declined to leave. deep How saved them from harm Chipping Is endangered by the tt . and soin they got very epxert ln using and marine men say that no steameg, the lmrovised skils and all voted that are moving unless It is absolutely nc-I they ld the best Saturday funof aary. f Uhe wle year. around the top of the heel up by the! the dry states. To prevent prosecu- lion vi irinuicm yvisuui iud inrMui w explicitly states that "if the publisher of any newspaper or other publica tion or the agent of such publica tion or If any dealer In such liquors nr hi. scent shall knowingly" cause liquor advertisements to be mailed in violation of the proposed law, he hall be guilty of violating the haw. Representative Randall of Cali fornia announced the passage ef the Jonea amendment in the house late today, and gave notice that- he would ask the house to concur In the amend ment when the bill s returned from the senate. ankle, so that their feet would be u the Kick, but secure at the toes, Just like regular skils. Then thty all went out on a steep hill which ran down to aa old gravel pit o that there was a steep, bank like a small precipice. They would start at the top of the hill and go slid ing down at faster and faster speed until they reached the edge of the bank when they would go shooting oil Title to a home in Grove nark la like a certificate of deposit of a bank always worth its face value plus interest. 'Phone liti. Advt. C" It - A if CJcS. CAUFORM r A-.