THE ASHBVnXB CmZE-MONDAT, EEBBUABJ 19,191T. PRESIOEHT' STILL WAITS FOB IE ACTION BY SDN GERMAN y (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONB.J permitted to enter or depart up to 9 o'clock at night, but other craft will be barred irom darkness until ciaviigm. ' Even by daylight ships going in or out must be passed by patrol boats, whicn will open a uuoyea gate tor au thoiized Tessels. ..Admiral McLean's orders, after giving instructions ns to the procedure of vessels entering or leaving the roads, t J1 J V ' X. .. 1 Closes wlin me warning mac uestruyers vu guaru are charged with the enforcement of the new instructions Willi SUCH iorce as its uvvvooaiy iui si.xxci uumpxiaiiue. AUSTRO-AMERIGAPJ RELATIONS NOT AT BREAKING POINT - Continued from Psgo One) much bltternes hr against the American government, though what hM bean termed 'ine unrairness 01 Waehington" ha rultd Id much disappointment Tha nubile ana in government Hk take the stand that President Wilson hu denied the right of self- defns la depriving them of the only effective weapon at their disposal. Peraona with whom the correspondent ha talked have laid great nope on the American eongre. The belief baa been expressed by them tnat open ae hate in eons-rasa wouia leaa to an un doratandlng of the position of the cen tral Dowers Much laitn la piacea in oraoiai ana other quarter, on the presumption that the United States would do un able to put a larg army In the field In a short time and that the war in Enron will be over before the mm tarr strength of the United states could ' be developed. Much comfort la found by th people generally in then report concerning; the activity of the submarine, tn results or wnicn verybody hope will be such that the entente will be oompeiied to enter tain peace , negotiations before the United State would be in a position ... to land Jarre forces in France. Title' to a home la Grove park Ilk a certificate of deposit of a bank always worth it . face valu plua interest. 'Phone 1S83. AOvt PASSES FIVE MILLION MARK. NEW Bishop Wm. Lawrence; of Boston, announced here today that the old aire pension fund wnica the EptBcopal church la raisins;, has passed the 15,000,000 mark. Original estimate, he explained, re quired this sum as a minimum If the movement was to be a euceees. TEUTONS DRIVEN BACK BY HEAVY FIR E OF BRITISH GUNS (Continued from Page One.) the British sought to get the For Skin Irritation here it one safe, dependable treat. went that relieve itching torture and (kin irritation almost instantly and that cicaaK! ana lootnei tne skin. Ask any druggist for a 25c or SI bottle of gemo and apply it as directed Soon ru will rind that-Jrritatlons, pimplee, lack heads, eczema, blotches, ringworm ana similar tun troubles will diiappetr. A little lemo, the penetrating, satis tying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes all flda eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. . The A W, Itote C. Cleveland, O. masterv Of a mound rising about forty feet with a sunken road across it. The Germans realised the creat tac tical value of the mound and had It fringes with machine gun emDlace- ments and ribbed with trenches and strenuously dlaputed the British ad vance up the slope. It was deadly ngnting but the British ateadlly proas ed forward until they had almost gained the crest. "Shortly after sunrise, however, the uermans launcnea a strong counter' attack with fresh troops. The British were forced to yield ground under weight of numbers, but aupporta were rushed to them and the withdrawal ceaaed. The Germans bad regained part of the mound., but nevertheless the British an ran well up the alope, in uerman losses are Known to have been very considerable and it would be useless to pretend that we aia not nave to pay the price of vie tory. nut tne auocesa attained is a very Important on." . HfTTER ACTED ON HIS PflESENTING NOTE TO U. S. Swiss Government Had No Part In Proposal For Conference. GERMANY'S VERSION. GENEVA (Via Pari. Feh ill LaBulsse leama from Berne that the Swiss minister at Wsahln Paul R1ttr. acted on hla own Initia tive, without instructions from the bwiss government, in the action ernlng resumption of relation he tween the United States and Germany. a iteuter dlsnatch from Rama unaer at or February 17 said that "the note presented bv th ri. minister to tne American sovernmant suggesting; fresh negotiation regard ing the submarine warfare, owe its origin to no Initiative on th the Swine minister or the Swiss gov ernment." , What nuroorted tn ha tha riain.a Official version of the nronnanl maHa mrougn tne Bwise minister at Wash ington for a conference on the aub. fllUntlil ABSOLVED AT CORONER'S HEARING Minister Meets Death in an Affray Following Do mestlc Difficulties. ATLANTA. Gi rh m w J. Zahn today was absolved by Coroner Paul Donehoo from blame for the kill ing of II: Claude Andtnnn. whom Zahn shot to death after Anderson had killed the Rev. Mr. o. R. Buford, pas tor of Moore Memorial Presbyterian church, and Mr. M. Zahn, mother of Mrs. Anderson. The shooting affray followed Anderson's visit to the Zahn home to effect a reconciliation with I) is wife. The only inquest held today was over the killing of tho minister, for which Anderson was formally blamed. Coroner Donehoo said evidence brought out showed that Anderson was "crazy- drunk" when he went to the Zahn home. Mrs. Anderson had been making her home with her mother and brother since separation frdm Anderson, who recently was released from the etate insane asylum. She escaped Injury last night, but in addition to killing Mrs. Zahn, Anderson slightly wounded Mrs. W. J. Zahn. One of the women screamed and Mr. Buford, who with bis wife was passing the house, rush ed in only to be shot to death. Before police arrived W. J. Zahn bad come uERMAran REGULAR BOSS' IN GEN. LUDEIUDORFF Is Practically in Control of All Except Military' Matters. REACHES INTO ALL OF GERMANY'S LIFE Sits With Von Hindenburg and Two Act in Concert In All Things. 'SAVE By following the path called "Save in YoutH we eome to the house called "Comfort in Old Age,' ONE DOLLAR starts an account. jj Central Bank & Trait Co. "The Bank For Your Saving." j - ' i. exclusively in tha hand of Von Lu dendorff the man who. as far as that is possible, Is the dictator of oer many. ITALIAN STEAMER SUNK. WITH END OF SESSION CONSIDERS MEASURES Continued from Page Quel marine question waa sent by the fro hla automobile repair shop across iteuier Amsterdam correanondant ine sireec ana Kiuea Anaerson. me February 14. Thla version aat trkvh police, it also was said, contemplated inai a telegram from the Swum min- no acuon against ann. later in Washington waa transmitted to Germany by Switaerland. the min ister offering, if Germany were ae-raa. able, to mediate in negotiation with me American government about the declaration of prohibited a rea a am thereby the danger of war between Germany and the United Bute might ub ainunianoa. IHItk. - . iiia onnaa srovernmenr " f w further declared, "was then raimaataA to Inform it minister at Washington Dr- s- Westray Battle Receive Toio that Germany, a before, was readr , . - i k a mu rrum juiiniimtiuii nmijnir That Worker WU1 Remain. BELGIAN RELIEF WORK IS TO BE CONTINUED to negotiate vMh America in case the commerce barrier against her enemies nnwoN unioucnea. AROUND TOWN di- ln an effort to put the prohibition ' aquarviy oeior IHt nOUBS. Member of tha rtlla oammlttM akn nave oeen conauctmg th "leaH" in. flulry. will meet In executive aeaaion tomorrow to discuss makinr a final report, which probably will b made to tne nous pet or th end of th wesic. REPEATS HIS STORf. . HOME. Bajturda.v- TTh 1TVI. ir-aris, reo. is. captain MoDonough and the crew of the American schoon er Lyman M. law. raoentlv aiinlr hv a uerman submarine, arrived In Rom ui evening witn itoger Tredwell. th United State oonaul at Turin, and were Interrogated at th American embassy. Captain MoDonough re peated Ma story of th sinking of th schooner, adding that the vessel had a larg supply of canned aroode. un. daily meat, chicken and vegetable which donbtlea attmetd th officers ndHerew of th submarine in thai t;eairh for food. MEETING TONIGHT. The Industrial aaanMatinn vision of the board of trade, Charles a. tiuaa. cnairman; Gus IJchtenfela. secretary, will meet tonight In the wvwu .IV a V1M rUUITlsl M.E N' IK A'AliMb xne regmar meeting waa postponed "iu rniur evening until evening on account of tha .y oinner given ny the entertain in wiit ui vision, attendanc. Mr. Rudd urge a full BORN, A SON. Bom, to Mr. and Mr. J. D. Col, a vLa jr. i . FIRST CONCERT. '" Th flrat Sunday concert ef the on waa riven bv th Mevar TmvI p. caelra at in Manor last night, OFFICERS ELECTED. According to a telerram received by Dr. a Weetray Battle, chairman for the North Carolina commission for relief in Belgium, the relief work will go on a before artd the American workers will not come home. Great uncertainty a to the oonilnuanca of tne work wa prevalent at the time of the severance of diplomatic rela tions with Germany, but that has been removed and the work will proceed. ine telegram follows: "You can now consider that the re cent uncertainty in Rels-lum nt tha COntinuanCA Of our work 1 at An anH Monday I We confirm the. press dispatches an- nuumaw inai ine orders to our men to leave Belgium have been rescinded and they will, remain at their post under exactly the aama condltlnna na oerore. Owing tq effective. organiza tion toere'-ar anfllclent reserve of looa stocks In Belgium to allav all fear of famJn,jindirg the arrival of the food aihlpa w are aow commenc ing to dlapaeoh.1 We would, baj glad: U you would glVsjt this, matter a wide PUOllclty ma possible murder to ravlva th support of the commission which "e fear may hay temporarily had a eetDacg owing to. the prematura re port that: eur men had left Belgium. IWMHIWllUn TOR RELIEF IN BELGIUM." GENETVA, Switaerland. Feb. 18. (Staff correspondence of the Asso ciated Press.) Jermany now has a real boea" in general von Lu den dorff, first quartermaster general. The hand of Field Marshal von Hlnden burg's chief of staff and trusted col league now is felt not only in his strategic determination and direction Of the armies nf tha cantral nnn but reaches out into Germany' whole economic ana social lire. All the threads not only of military control Dut also of civil administra tion, food distribution, industry, ag riculture and Anally even to German foreign relations, all of which now are subordinated to military requirements now run ultimately to the chateau at the SUesian pounty seat of the Prince of Pleas, where General von Luden dorff sits with the great Field Marshal von. Hindenburg at imperial head quarters. Where a purely military question la In diacussion. Von Hlnden- burg'a name la usually cited aa the determinant authority, but in all other great questions In BERLIN. Feb. IB. (Via Sayville. Feb. 18.) Detail of the alnkin by a uerman submarine of the Italian steamship Bisasno of 2.282 tons cross in the Atlantic ocean, January 12, are printed in the Italian newspaper Idea Naalonai, aay th Over-Sea News agency. The Blsagno was stopped. according to the newspaper by four warning snots. Because or the rough sea th steamer was then ordered to proceed within five miles of the Span ish coast where the sailors were ad vised by the submarine commander! to throw themselves Into the watec The men were then rescued by the u-ooat and later were transferred to tne Dutch steamship Gesterland, which carried them to Falmouth. The foregoing Berlin dispatch .con tains the first announcement to reach thie country of the sinking of the Bleagno. CATTLEMEN PLAN EXPEDITION. Th officer elected at tha maatttta i-waSSSltSS EARWOOD GOES FROM Crawford Gillespie, vice-president: hsa.: FRYING PAH TO FIRE MIBBIONABY MEETING. The WUUnrham Mlsaionar aiwia wiu mR hi mm noma or Mr. n w. EL PASO. Texas. Feb. 1 . A is current toniaht that cattlnmen in the Hachlta district of New Mexico IntAnrl tn nrm a mmUlna t the forefront of i iul,. Z 1. r'.T". German policy In recent months such chaaa tht Dandlt8 who murdered three as the introduction of universal int. Mn,.. ,k .v.- " " niary labor service the conversl-a of hast Monday. Lem Spillsbury, the .iim,n?u8t,T t0 an abB,0,ul w Mormon scout lately with General i o''n worn-1 farsninar in Mexlcn waa nM tn h. v. iigucening 01 organizing such a posse. w.v iuuu uiiinuuuon rosoimiionB ana nnaiiy an unrestricted submarine war, AiOCKFTS LESS SALART, ...if uivuuquij. ul czuniiiiar aociaiuns in iniormea circles, were almost in-1 NEW YORK, Feb. 18. The Rev. variauiy accomraniea nv tne seir- worth iwr nnm nan A. a explanatory remark: "Ludendorff 1st I Avenue Methodiwt Episcopal church, dafser" (Ludendorff 1 for It.) The reported to be th highest salaried utianiea general start omcer wno in pastor in his denomination, has ac the exciting, day of August, 1814, 1 rented at a aacriflce of 14 coo a vear wnen Lieutenant General von Frltt- the omoe of aecretary in charge of wit una uranTon had determined to social service In the Federal Council retire before the superior Russian I of Churches of Christ in America, and foroea and already had given orders I announced hi resignation aa pastor to aoanaon east, vruasia, was nurrien J toaay. eastward from imperial headquarters He was prompted in hla step, he picking up Field Marshal von Hlnden- said, by a sincere desire to partlcloat burg on the way, to save the situation, 1 ' movement coon to be launched In has merely extended to all of Ger- wnich Z-07,ogo church of all dtnoml many th system which he Introduced nation are expected to Join for th In th east when Von Hindenburg was expansion of social service merely tna . over-commander of th Pink Earwood. who waa arrested on Luther, IS Vane tret thla afternoon I pck aquar on Saturday evening, was at t:I0 o'clock, for aocial and buslnaaa I riven an opportunity to o homa ha. purpose. A Car That Starts Instantly on Coldest Days With thaj first drop of the mercury more and more are turning to the Detroit Electric And if you press them for an ex planation it will probably eome like this: "Oh, it's obvious enough the Detroit Electric has " no cylinders to chin, no engine to prime, no starter to get out of order. You simply turn on the power and you're off in comfort end lux in 7. "Th Detroit Electri ha ample power, ft takes th hills aod heavy gofaa; without the -lightest trouble. As3 itha a big mileage capacity. "Unar ordinary aotMiltlons I ftad that X St from to mile 00 ugl tterjr charge, said this la far eoor than I need for a day's motoring," Th driving D-tratt Electric, who pr vioualy drove gas car, tell ua that they would aot oanaider acy car but th De troit Electric for winter weather. May wecallfbr yoa and take you en a dem- drrv to or from yowr office? Prices range from $177 S to $237$ ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 7110119 31 ' . 18-20. Church St, for he u taken to tall, but whan it waa found that he eould not maka It, he was taken to the city hall and locked op on a charge of being drunk. When he wae taken before the desk It was found that Ptaki was wanted on a charge of forging a check and that cnarge was entered against him on th blotter. Th warrant on th rorgery cnarg waa sworn out last No vember and her was released under pond of 100 for hla appearance In pouo court tnis morning. There are eighteen case en the nn. 11c docket thla morning, moat of them being for alleged misdemeanors. tn. eluding disorderly conduct. Intoxica tion and gambling. AMERICANS QUICKLY RELEASED BERLIN. Feb. II. t Via Ra wlllal 1 After it had baeom known In Rar. Un through th official eommunloa- tlon Of th Swlna mlnlatar. hara idv the OverBeas New agency, that the American government, had neither connecatea German hlp nor had mad prisoner th erew of tha nr. man snip as originally Had been re, portad In Eurone by a news innr. dispatch th German government Immediately ordered the releaaa at cn American orougnt to Germany on ua irtuntnm . Tarrnwii- asked the Spanish ambaasador, Polo Da Bemabe, eo to Inform officially tha American government at- washing, ton. ' i Absolutely Removes Indigestion One package Ludeo" dermina: Vnlk2BGAdl draggfefe, IWAilnoa wan ka . ...A4 I OTTE eVBMAUXXVn RECORD. BERLIN. Feb. II. f Via Kavriii. It Is officially 'Announced that one German submarine within tw.ntv. four hour ank on auxiliary cruiser of 10,000 ton gross, two auxiliary cruisers, or transport steamers of II. 000 tons each, and one transport steam tr of 4. (00 ton. Thus, on sutv tnarin within St hour destroyed I1.K00 tons. Six steamers and on alllna- vanal totalling IS. 000 toaa. war sunk F.K. ruary It. On tamer carriad 1.004 ton of hay. 1,800 tone of wheat and 1,000 ton of oat, and on ataunv carried keronen for England- A sub marine has brought In three captain two engineers and one wlrelaaa onara." rr a pneoner. two or tn tank t earner wsr armd. HAIR COMINQ OUT? Bar dm IT cau a fvrlh irrita tion of th soalpt th hair root hrinka lonsea and than th hair eome out fast. T atop failing hair a one ana na tn cjp or an particle of dandruff, rat a f I-r. bottle of Dandarin at aay drug star, pour a little la your hand and mb-lt Into th cjp. After a few ppU. canon in ntir toP eonun out an you ran't find arty dandruff. Advt. MM eastern forces. General von Luden1 dorff then had full - control of 'tha en tire administration in the occupied districts of Russia. Resin with Lodendorff. If a new customs tariff were to be introduced for Poland and If regula tlona for tobacco trade were to be pro rhulgated, the decision thereon unti mately rested with General Luden dorf. The representative of th American Jewish societies who came to Germany to arrange and opening of communication between Polish Jew and relatives In America and for thant eenuing or reues tunuv comerrva vua General von Ludendorff before th plans were approved finally. When Field Marshal von Hlnden burg was appointed to the general command of Germany's entire mili tary strength. General von Ludendorff extended not only the scop ot his military reeponaibilitiea but also hla control of those factor of general life which under the present war condl Hon are almost as Important to mill' tary success aa th actual direction of armies food production and dlstrl butlon. manufactures, transportation and other aocial -and industrial fac tors. His first decision waa to remedy aa far aa possible the error of General Falkenheyn, former chief of the general staff, who attempted to fix the figure for the maximum consumption of munitiona and had sadly under estimated the General von tlon was to produce not the amount of guns and munition' which experts might calculate as necessary, . but the maximum amount of whleh Ger many's Industries were capable of. and subordinated everything else to this purpose. Finally came Germany's grandiose scheme of mobilizing the entire labor aupply in direct service of th army.- - Th idea ef th com pulsory employment of Belgian labor In German industry. It now may be atatao, aiso was oeneral Ludendorfr and not Governor General von Bia sing's, or at any rat when Governor General von Biasing and th civil ad ministration ef Belgium raised against tma acnerae tne impossibility of carry. ing It out without exciting diplomatic complication, it was "th higher mill, tary authority" which overruled th objection. Hold Consul taUon. Th Kmppa Auk list Thyasen. tha Iron magnate, and other big industrial leader in Germany, go direct to Gen eral Ton Ludendorff for consultation ana direction regarding th orodue tlon of muntioaa and supplies. Thya sen iaat autumn Drought from Von Ludendorff th word that ther would be no ruthlea submarine warfare which the Associated Pre nt In an interview to th American pre, and It waa again from the chateau at Pleas, after th rejection of Ger many' peace overture had changed the situation, that word cam la January that th ruthless submarine policy had received the stamp of ep yrovaj. It 1 an open secret that the farm in eiaasea ar "holding out" food supplies front th general stock for tne nation necessities. Th "Ton ninaenourg appeal" to th patriotism of th farmer to provide extra fat tor munition worker which brought out ion or pora ana tara Irom bid dan supplies was inspired by General von Ludendorff. It waa ranertarf- a Ian that the time of deoartur tram Rar. tin or to correspondent of The Aaso atd Pre s that th task pf getting frum th fanner- th full amount 'of juch agrarian surplusage, in which Von Batockr food department, back ad by all th authority of th civil administration, ha failed up to thla mmm. now win taaen ta sand by General voa Ludendorff. and enforced by th moot tringnt military sna. arse. AU the decision a ad aa4am1na. tlona. of eouree, ar eevared fey- Field Marshal von Hindenburg' nam and authority, but th field marshal laarea such Boa-m Hilary problem almost 1 WOULD HOLD MEETTXG. MEXICO CITY. Feb. lg. The government of Ecuador, according to report received here, fta Drooosed to the Latin-American countries' that a meeting to held at Montevideo to decide in an answer to the Mexican not proposing the cessation of ship ments . of supplies to the European belligerents. LTEXTENAAT ARMSTRONG DIES. EL PASO, Texas, Feb. 18. iUeuten William L. Armstrong, thirty three, of th First North Carolina In fantry, died In th Fort Blias hospital last night from meningitis. A tnin Pte of wood ashes and lemon juic will renew tarnished erass. Eastern unltd Etate rHrnaa ourn oia freight cars to salvaca tha in in mem. Bell-ans Breakfast Food A most wKolesome, nutritious, pure, di gestible food, fcood for the smallest child in your household. A wonderful South ern product that you will like. WOTS Only 10c at Grocer fcUaof actnrad only by THE WILLIAMS CO Greenville, S. C 4 ftvfeMI , Jit I Maoaa2l mm rfl 1 New York dtv vearlv ananila tl . 000,400,000 for food eupplies. There were tons r n mined In the United State last year. TMiAWiYllSliY tei?aiij((Pijj V hits the spot SATE ABSOLUTELY tfc,JfcaiO ' wmn aw THE OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUMY GOHDO i'xTN MY TNt, i wouco ave too som vAi ..a.. . novice. TJOS'T fee rtUNHINC Txaiow na liwrreVfi "ir. aaw - ... ' ' - V TJON'T Be ftUNNiNC AKO BRA7IN W TH COUNTRY UK r ovR Hen GO BeCK THOrtOr AHD r - T T - -J- 1 " 1 I k V You 'W"' I WISH TO ON THAT POINT a

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