THE ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1917. ; r . xiir AOimv juurj KixxjMtusi, aivaiJA.xt rxujoixumxi xv, xnxt. : i ' " - - . - -sssassa8 I. 1 ' f MUTT AND JEFF A Chauffeur Can Certainly Cross the Street Alone ' x :-: :: BY BUD FISHED ' ' ' (Copyright, lilt, by H. , roaar. . frads Mark R. U. t. . (, 'J : V : : : : ' ; :-. : : , 1 ' ' ' J ' . i -1 i i m i, ' ' ' i I . ' .' 1 "" i - . ' fcUNOVeff. -"V. TW CKAVreO tfNT A ( WHfVT' THAT fwCLLTW KiD f I 1 A HtMSGLfi-? YOUd KiOVKRflSi fHG. 4T T X0 with lCA4 rack Nt 7ir,uil ' ' -, o I ' I OCT T TyS.T X JiHAT llAk W6 D06 ) , c- . " 1 L .iiyMUWlut.MlT SkLL 1 H&hTftfilMnuCD I t" ) tOGNty TfiBftY.' I CTKt C WITH L fOove WMAAS I ulASiBlC J . W biSh 4fy, EM LANGREN HOTEL MODERN FIBEFROOr EUROPEAW The Leading Commercial Hotel of the Carolinas. 200 Rooms of Solid Comfort. COUNTER BBOADWAT AJfD OOIXEGK. Guy S. Lavender, Mgr. MARKET NEWS PARK HILL A modernly appointed hotel combining comfort and Mrvlee, ft resort hotel worth knowing. Seven acres beautiful lawn. Oolflnf, Tennle, Croquet, Dancing, Mountain CUmblnr. real living. MRS. M. A. BROWN, HendereonriUe, N. C. KENMORE HOTEL COMMERCIAL, HEADQUARTERS WATNK8VTLLE, If. C Oa Main StOpen Throughout the Tear Free Sample Room A. R. SPEARS, Prop. The Best Place to Eat AT THB SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION 18 ASHLYN CAFE Ererythlng the market and eao afford Open all the time. IXORENCK A. CORPKNIirO, Prop. Phone MS HOTEL CRARY Oppoalte Coort Honee. BREVARD, ti. o. MRS. IDA BRYANT, Proprlctreee. Large, Bright, AI17 Rooms. Kewlj Furnished. Modem Convenience. RATES $1.00 Pe Day. - CLEWS' REVIEW NEW YORK, Feb. lg. The war In .Europe shown no signs of abating in Intensity, albeit the desire for and Be lief in early peace is growing among all the belligerents. Bitterness grows each day and all indications point to a resumption of hostilities with the comlnsr of soiinc upon a more de structive scale than ever. Evidently the worst Is close at hand, and to the Innumerable horrors already endured, that of starvation is now to be added; starvation, not of the belligerents only, but of the pnilllons or un fortunate non-combatants in Belgium, Poland. Armenia. Siberia, etc. Hu man endurance must be approaching the end. As for the attempt to starve England- with submarines that will prove futile. At most the results will not be worse than a temporary In convenience or deprivation of some articles of sustenance. Great Britain had a total ocean tonnage of nearly 20,000,000 before the war, or almost one-half of the world's total. The losses from the beginning of the war to the new submarine campaign were about 4,000,000 tons, of which 2,50-0.-OCO tons were British and the remain der neutral. These losses, however, have been very lately compensated for by new construction, so that, accord ing to an estimate of the United States shipping commissioner, the net loss of world's tonnage In January was about 200,000 tons. Of late the output of new tonnage has been Immensely In creased In all parts of the world by high freights and prospects of their continuance for a long period ahead. From this later fact It follows that submarines will have to increase their present destructiveness very consid erably before they can possibly even approach the starvation of England. Much distress and inconvenience may be accomplished, but starvation 1 practically Impossible because for a variety of regions the threat cannot be carried out. First, it would re quire a fleet of submarines many ' ' Portable power plants up to fifty- are coming Into Jiorse power that use crude oil fuel France. common use In The Imperial Hotel CANTON, N. C. E. M. GEIER, Prop. Steam Heated. Free Sample Rooms; electric lights; free bat ha Rates, $2. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS IF THSS Wouto JWT li jflj N II ilOM, MOVJ D0V0O LlKT frN 4 3H WAVE VW and UWHK1' NEW PARREL SWlBT? 1 i n for fne Minutes m.Ih s it's thevern lAresr ( fi TSxJL ILPARiwr, itwnk J L J a h Thing i , 1 1 J A CH.TOM. W'D . It ' ! - IF YoVRE Sl)PPosE0 fii I WANT TO , S"rJ"fiTV JB TOWOKMKB I) SUP1 lsoMTiHr! "J VvVn AtfPL SAN it's J I VI m dear. -wmoopV.) fim f: x"fl H LAV off, mate. A times larger than the present one to accomplish such a purpose. Second, the British navy seems tolerably able to cope with the difficulty, and -has evidently found various successful means of defense, such as destroyers, nets, aeroplanes, traffic lanes, con voys, etc. The submarine now ap pears to be practically powerless against war vessels, and Its effective ness aralnst merchantmen when arm ed Is much reduced. No facts are given out by the British admiralty as to the mortality among submarines, but there is reaso- to believe It is very high. At British ports there are between 1.000 and 1,200 arrivals and departures per week, each sailing of fering ah opportunity to the subma rine. Since February 1 seventy Brit ish ships, including trawlers and Ash ing smacks, have been destroyed. This Is an average of over fourper day. It will require a good many more than this to starve England: and if that contingency was in sight this coun try would undertake to ship food and other necessaries to Britain for profit. If not for humane or other considera tions, in-' this country alone there ar now 400 steel merchant ships un der construction with a tonnage of 1,700,000 tons. Japan and Norway are also turning out a large new ton nage. What Great Britain is doing In this direction Is not officially known, although she is much the largest ship builder-in the world, and has lately turned ' her attention to building merchant,, tonnage with in creased vigor. The hepe .of defeating ungiana by suomartnes Is doomed to eerious disappointment The security markets have settled down to a state of Inactivity pending developments growln- out of the war. liquidation has now been going on for two montns and nrlees are consider ably lower than when speculation was at its height. Our relations with Ger many are of course the nlvotal issue and the conviction grows dally that It is only a question cf time when some overt act on the part of Germany may anve tnis country Into war. Our patient president shows an endurance with Germany's aggressions that Is unfortunately mistaken for weakn But the tremendous resnonatMlltu wntclP he carries should eiemnt him im km inning criticism, especially as nis policy of forbearance will place this ountry In an advantageous posi tion oerore the world eo"t of pub lie opinion. 6ome uneasiness wsp in duced by the threatened outbreak in Cuba, also by fears of renewed diffi culties with Mexico, hnt thus rr neitner or these contingencies are seriously rewarded. The most threat. enlng domestic factor In the business situation is aggravation of the freight embargo by the submarine menace to neutral vessels. Our own ships are still held In port awaiting action of the government, which Is considering the streets of rrantlne the protection which they require. Not only the ships or tne American Hn are detained. out also those of several neutral At lantlc lines. As a result, freight is piling up upon the railroads at various points and - a serious congestion of freight Is imminent that will be still further aggravated by the scarcity of cars and the Inadecnacv of motive power and terminal facilities. Muck Inconvenience may fee forced unon the publlo by this situation, resulting In loss to the railroads and a new ex cuse for high price In commodities. Whether the embargo will become serious enough to Impose a restraint upon Industrial activity remains to be seen, (several stack or tne united States Steel corporation have been blown out In consequence. The monetary situation may be come a more Important factor In the near future, especially if we are drawn Into war. No stringency Is to be an ticipated, because of the very ample resource of our banks and the gen eral soundness of credit. The enor mous wastage of capital from two and half years of Intense destructive ness is at last making; itself felt Even the large profits made by this country are being rapidly absorbed by Increased expenses and the huge de mands of new loans. War la now cost ing the various belligerents over 1 100.000. 000 per day. nearly all of which is pure wastage except expendi tures for food and clothing, which would hav to be bought and paid for under any circumstances. Since August 1. 114. the cost of the war must have been approximately 170. 00. 000.0(H). The approaching spring drive will Increase expenditures, and If we Join in the melee the figures will be sddltlonally swollen. Rumor si dy Intimates that a war loan of 1(40. 00. 000 three per rent bonds is contemplated In this country for our own purposes. There Is no doubt whatever that it will be promptly taken. Should we enter the war. and If it continues longer than anticipated, ether rimtlar amonnts will follow. With such demands aad the conse quent Inflation accompanying war. It Is not surprising that time money should show a hardening tendency. Great Britain, however. Is likely to do her utmost to keep down rates In this market for the pui puss ef facilitating her transaction tn foreign exchange. Gold is again coming ta libera sums from Ottawa. Unsettling as the general sitnatton may be there Is ese fact to be heme in mind, and that Is we can face war with perfect equanimity. Our con sclense will be clear, for we have tried to avoid war almost to the point of humiliation. In this hour of crisis let us not forget that there Is a silver lining to every clowd. We are seeing today an exhibition of patriotism that has not been equaled since the Civil war. It is well to remember one thing, that is, that our country can take care of Itself, come what will, better than any other nation on earth In time of peace or In time of war. Thanks be to Almighty God for giving us a superabundance of everything for self support, even though we are wall ed in. The entire nation views the situation with composure, confident in the wisdom and strength of our gov ernment, as well as in the resources and patriotism of the American peo ple. Our banking system is In unusual ly good position, and soft spots such as might be expected after recent experi ences are remarkably few. Moreover, there has been a greater, degree of preparedness for this contingency than generally supposed and our bankers cannot be taken by surprise. The same Is true of our Industrial plants. Many of these are upon or nearly upon a war basis, and not a few could take on big war orders at once without further preparations. The shock of war wlU, therefore, be rela tively light If it comes and easily borne; a fact that has already been partly discounted. As for military preparations, these, too have tfoen perfected more thoroughly than usually realised, the government hav ing wisely kept such movements as quiet as possible. There Is no reason why this country should not do as other countries have done; take this crisis calmly and suppress all un necessary excitement. Foreign cltlsens have nothing to fear provided they conduct themselves quietly, our gov ernment having already assured them ' that neither their persons nor ineir property will be put under constraint so long as proper! conduct is complied with. The Ger-I man element In our population has ' long been considered a desirable one, ( the American people have no am-! mosity against the Germans as 'such; their hostility being confined entirely, to its government's policy of subma - TSABC MAM MSWfSMS Smooth Sailing Summer or winter, rain or snow, it's all one to your battery if it's well cared for, and it's sure to get the best of care if we help you look after it Asheville Auto Company 18 & 20 Church St. f7 arc glad to tut yonr battery at any tint OUR COAL ON HAND IS MONEY IN YOUR HAND Burn ours and burn leas. Burn ours and be warm. Health, happiness, economy ars all yours when our coal Is in your bin. Delivered at ' your door right after your order. Do it now. Prices will rise that's why we advertise. Ashe. Dray, Poet and Con. Co., 41 Broadway The Red Front. Phones 221, 510, 45, 111. tion of our existing treaties. ' HENRY CLEWS. I . I SPORT CALENDAR FOR WEEK, Monday. Opening of Washington's Birthday golf tournament at Bellealr, Fla. Central A. A. U. basketball cham pionships, st Chicago. George Chip vs. Knockout Brown. ten rounds at Youngstown, O. Tommy Gibbons vs. Terry Keller, fifteen rounds, at Baltimore. Tuesday. Opening of annual bench show of Westminster Kennel club, at New York city. Close of the winter race meetlnr of New Orleans Jockey club, at New Orleans. Opening of annual tournament ol i Jose, Cel. Ad Wolrast vs. Terry Brooks, ten rounds, at Boston. INDESTRUCTO LUGGAGE AT . H. L. FINKELSTEIN'S LOAN OFFICE 21-25 BILTMORE AVE. PHONE I Wednesday. Hartford armory Indoor track and field meet, at Hartford, Conn. Opening of midwinter golf tourna ment or Houston Country club, Hous ton, Texas. Thursday. Coronado open golf championship tournament, at Coronado, Cal. Syracuse-Michigan dual indoor track and field meet, at Svracuea Opening of anriual bench show of Colorado Kennel club, at Denver. Frank Taberskl vs. Louis Kreuter, at Youngstown, O., for pocket billiard championship. Midwinter tournament of New York State Chess association, at New York city. Johnny Kllbane vs. Tommy Tuohey, ten rounds, at New York. Jimmy Duffy vs. Battling Kopin, ten rounds, at Erie .Pa. Friday. National A. A. N. handball cham pionship tournament opens in Detroit. Schedule meeting of Western Lawn Tennis association, at Chicago. Opening of annual bench show of Pasadena Kennel club, at Pasadena, Cal. Satarday. Schedule meeting of American base ball association, at Kansas City. Opening of Cuban-American Horse show, at Havana, Cuba. Annual show of Atlanta Automo bile Dealers' association, Atlanta, Oa. Annual show of Newark Automobile dealers association, Newark. N. J- Pennsylvania indoor tennis cham pionship, at Philadelphia. ' Annual Indoor games of Johns Hopkins university, at BaHimorw. - Annua indoor game of -Fordbam wiivorslty. st New York. New England A. A. A. TT. annual in door championship, at Boejon. Wise Men Are Bora Wise The BORN RANGE is the wise man's Range, because it bakes better, takes less fuel and last long er than other Ranges. Just received a solid Carload. Come in and make your selection. Do not fail to see our New Du plex Alcazar Range, two Ranges in one. Burns coal or gas, or both at same time. . CHAS. L. SLUDER CO. BEST IN KITCHEN FURNITURE. 20 S. Pack Square. Phone 1609. ASHEVILLE MOTOR SALES COMPANY Mt. it uwrkarreaw - ' Dlstiibotors for COLE, WHITE aad SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK track and field meet, at "otre Dame, lad. Ad Wolgast v. Frankl Fleming, ten rounds, at Montreal. NEW BOOKS. The Woman Who Wouldn't " "The Woman Who Wouldn't," one of the latest effort of Rose Pastor Stokes, and published by O. P. Put nam's sons. New York and London. Is a book of strong Interest and Is find ins; a ready sale. - There isn't a world of sunshine about the story; rather is it the cheerless story of grinding pov erty aad a woman's" revolt against It She sacrifices her honor, her home and friends and returns years later M a champion of the oppressed classes. She meets the lover who brought mis fortune upon her, bat refuses hi offer of marriage on the ground that there could bo no happiness is a loveless anion. Later she changes her mind on the pleas of her eight-year-old daughter. At all bookseller; li-21 net wrwtets Awcsjoa Flavor." One doe not need to be a card xyr cnampionsmps. w z ... i.t. Min Wlseonstn-Notra Dent dual Indoor part to fully appreciate the value of The Complete Auction Player," a neat little work by Florence Irwin, and Issued by O. P. Putnam' sons. New York- There are thirty-en chapters in the book. On of these is devoted to the "human side of the came," and some ethical principles are advanced In plain language. The book Is well illustrated aad should prove valuable to auotion players, es pecially to novice. -At all bookset lerai S1.0 net. "Kins; of the Kbyte RlSea.n j "Klna- of the Khyber Rifles" ta the tHle of a book recently issued by the Bobbs-Merrlll . company New York, aad written by Talbott Mundy. It la a gripping- story of India, weird and' uncanny, and well calculated to hold the reader' thrilling, interest. It deals with mystery, enchantment, love and bate, and give on a rare insight Into Ufa in India- At all book sellers; tLt net. For hotels and similar place new motor driven machine will wash and sterilise 1.11 drtnXiRg glasses. an hour.

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