THE ASliE'VlLLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH J, 1917. DMFERSM FOR INDIGESTION mm Relieves Sourness, CJas, Heartburn, Dyspepsia In Five Minutes. V, Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when '-, the food you eat fertnents Into gases ' and upsets you: your head aches and ; .you feel nick and miserable, that's : (, When you realize the wonderful ucid neutralizing power in rope's Plnpep- ' sin. It makes all such stomach mis .;' ery, due to acidity, vanish In five ruin s'' tltes. If your stomaeh is in a continuous revolt If you can't got it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Diapepsin. it's so needless to have an ! acid stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress eat without fear It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" nweeten out-of-order stomactis that (rives it Its millions of sales an nually. Get a larg-f fifty-cent case of rape's Diapepsin from any driiK store. It Is the quickest, surest antacid and stomach relief known. It nets almost like magic It is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation Which truly belongs in everv home. Advt. BUNCOMBE BOYS AND GIRLS JOIN FARM CLUB ENTHUSIASTIC DAIRY MOOTING YESTERDAY. Falrvlow Farmer- Are Told of Comity's Dairying Possibilities and Children Join Club. PAINS SHARP AND STABBING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. SWANNANOA HAS NEW METHODIST CHURCH With liuncombe's nationally famous weather returning- back to Its normal state, and with the sunshine dlspell I Inrf the cold slreak of the past day or two. a very representative gathering of Falrview's citizens, both young and old, greeted the agricultural workers, who came out from Ashenlle ' yester day, to Interest the community In dal lying and in young people's agricul tural club work. Prof. Jones, the principal of the Kfclrview High school, where the meeting was held, suspend ed the regular work for the day, and turned the building and the pupils over to the agriculturists. In tlio school auditorium, which was packed to its full holding capacity, wore given the illustrated lectures and demonstrations, some of the slides showing conditions In sections of the county, where excellent results had been obtained in the work. In dis cussing the wonderfully potent possi bilities for dairying In the county, and particularly In this section of the county. J. A. Arey, dairy expert for the extension service of the A. and M. college and the I'nlted States depart ment of agriculture, emphasised the factors of good, clean, cold water, fine, natural pastures, and the accessi bility of splendid markets, for this region, as factors which ought to place Buncombe county and Fairvlew Ogdembare, Wis. "I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pain like a knife through my back: and side. I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised t -ner-ation bu', x tuld not listen ' .'l I thoueht of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and tried it The first bottle brought trreat relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." mrs. cita uorion- Ugdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientifio treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pavs to write the Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. wm "Y Jul like to see every community in Bun- community on the dairy man of the!0?".1'1? "anlsd '" an agricultural Istate and country Contract for the new and very handsome Southern Methodist church to be built at Kwannauoa will be awarded within a few flavs and the construction of the building pushed as rapidly as possible. The building will cost at least J3.000 and will bo .ages that boys an j j Ashevllle and Its tourist trade makes a wonderfully steady market for all edible farm products, and In urging boys and girls In the Fairview com munity to join the various agricultur al clubs. 8. (1. Rubinow, assistant state chili agent, of the A. and M. college and the Federal department of agri culture, pointed out the great advant- glrls enjoyed who nanasome architecturally. lived so clo to mirh n denendshln Rev. I p. Bogle is the -.istor of market. There are boys and girls in the congregation about to erect a new many sections of the state who are church home and under his charge making good in every sense of the cuurcn nan nourisnea. . jn us in creased membership a wider Influence for good is felt throughout the com munity and the constant additions made to that membership has ren dered the building of a new church home necessary. Don't mhn the Y. M.' C. ' Friday, March 9, 8:15 p. m. Circus Bt. UNDER SEALED ORDERS. NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. March (I The British steamer Rotorua. from ' Auckland, N. 55.. for London with ZOO passengers, arrived here today for fuel coal. Many of the passengers are women and children. Tha steamer V4MI leave here with sealed orders telling her how to pro reed when the German blockade zone Is reached. ViJTIW. orders will be opened at sea. BACKACHE fONH- GAINED FIFTY POUNDS For about, a year I suffered with pains In the back and would be very 1 tired when arising In the morning, with burning sensation. I dropped in weight to 110 pounds. I read one of your advertisements and commenced taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root . and gained from 110 to 180 pounds. I have been feeling good ever since I took four bottles of Dr. Kilmer's . Swamp-Root altogether and I highly . recommend it to my friends as a good - remedy for any one suffering aa t did. I am employed In a store and have : to be ion my feet all the time. I am thirty-four years old. Very truly yours. T. H. MORGAN, -' Elizabeth City, N. C. " Personally appeared before me this 10th day of April, 1912, T. H. Mor gan, who subscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and In fact. - J. KENTON WII,SON. 4 v . t Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Bingham ton, jf, y. For You. Send ten rents to Dr. Kilmer & . wt, Mifiuaiiiivii, a a., 1 ui m am o t ViAttl Tfr Mnvln a nun,. Tou will also receive a booklet of val uable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be aure and mention The Ashevllle Citizen. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottle for sale at all drug tores. Advt. word in this agricultural club work who do not begin to enjoy the favor able conditions which are open to Buncombe's young folks; If this work can be so successfully carried on in other parts of the state there is no reason why It can not obtain its high est percentage of maximum efficiency here, said the speaker. Mr. Arey gave a particularly strong and forceful Illustrated lecture on butter-making for the farm home, showing carefully each step in the complicated process from the skim ming of the milk to the wrapping of the b'ut.'er, urging the audience to pay the greatest attention to the small details In the process. He showed concretely how Important were the processes of working out the butter milk, of always having t'f same amount of salt In the butter, of prop erly incorporating the water, so as to ! have a better soiling product and one In which the greatest profit lay; of printing the butter in pound molds, I bo as to make It attractive to the con sumer: of putting on the market the best possible effort of churn, cream and human Intelligence. That combi nation, Mr. Arey asserted, would al ways assure a steady definite market and one where the price would be highest. Commenting on the work of the ag ricultural clubs, Mr. Rubinow stated that the corn club boys had grown thirty-four and five-tenths more bush els per acre as an average than the adult farmers had been able to pro duce, whose state average was about twenty bushels. Some of the young sters had grown more than 126 bush els per acre. The general average for II the boys was nfty-four and five- tenths bushels per acre, a most excel lent showing especially In view of the fact that It had been produced at an averago cost of thirty-nine cents per bushel. The girls in the poultry club work had done as remarkably, one girl In Txlgecombe county this past year 'nc mor than 14150 worth of eggs. Many of the boys and girls in other counties are now selling eggs for hatching purposes, obtaining, of! course, the very fanciest prices. I The pig club work has grown to j such proportions that It takes the full j time of one of the members of tne agricultural club division of the exten sion service to look after the work. Pig club work will be a very Import ant part of Buncombe's educational policy now and a good many of the boys and girls are already preparing to take up the work. "This work in all of Its various phases." stated County Agent E. D. Weaver, in closing the program, "is the big thing for Buncombe's future development. We must Interest the young folks of our rural communities in the rural problems, which confront them, and the very best way Is through organized club work. I would chili for the boys and girls with deli nltely arranged programs and meet ings, something that would tend to break down the isolation of rural life and make possibilities more produc tive and livable." Following I lie rousing meeting, twenty boys and girls Joined the vari ous cluhs. the following being some who specified which phase of the club work they are going to pursue this year: Walter Sledge, corn: Morgan Ash- worth. pig; Hciilrlce McCracken. poul try; Ernest Williams, corn: Mays Ashworth. potatoes; Therl Gilliem, corn; Max Merre.ll. potatoes; Luther Williams, pig; Tom 'Fmart, pig; Alice Merrell. poultry. In addition plans have heen ar r,!iij..(. Prof. K. B. Klnsey, the principal of the West Chapel school, for the organization of an Irish pota to club, this community being well adapted to the growing of potatoes, and being near enough to market the products most advantageously. In all probability the Irish Cobbler and (Jreen Mountain for the late varieties will l-e planted, just as soon as ar- rangemenls are made for procuring seed for the boys and girls. This Is I going to prove one of the finest phases j of the club work. j "'-n' Weaver and Mr. Rubi now, accompanied by Dr. Wheeler, ndler High school, where a strenuous effort will be made large number of the pupils in the club work. Mr. Weaver is very enthusiastic over the situation and feels that with the aid of the rural teachers, who are so helpful to him, Buncombe county will come to the very front In this type of work Just a she has in many other lines of ef fort. "The soil, the climate, the at mosphere, the environment and the people." said the different members of the party, "here In Buncombe coun ty, are the best In the world. All the problem needs In the way of final so lution, is a pulling together. It's bound to come." T K AN TTh "Asheville's Real Photoplay House" Today and Tomorrow ; Mi t !. 7? 'Lr - ... 1 WILLIAM FOX SPECIAL PRODUCTION THE FAMOUS IDOL OF THE SILENT DRAMA Tlnedlai Osifsi -IN- "He of Paris" SUGGESTED BY VICTOR HLGO'S "THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME" IMPERSONATING THE BEAUTIFUL GYP8Y GIRL. ESMERALDA, THE MOST DEMGHTFUL CHARACTER IN FRENCH LITERATURE. MISS BARA HAS NEVER ESSAYED A PART NEARLY SO ATTRACTIVE AS IN THIS SUPERB PHOTOPLAY. :: :: :: :: it -SEE THEDA BARA AS THE DANCING GYPSY GIRL- SPECIAL MUSIC! Children 10c PRICES Adults 20c COME EARLY! First Performance 10:30 A. M.- -Phone 2486 for Schedule of Performances WILL RETAIN HALF ADVERTISING FUND BOARD OF TRADE TO RECEIVE HALF OF FI ND. Commissioners Pass Resolution Tltat Hair of Fund Shall Be Used For Recreational Purposes. Run-Down From Constipation? "Amusement facilities are ouite necessary for the city's visitors," said Mayor J. E. Rankin at yesterday's meeting of the commissioners, after listening to the arguments of a com mittee from the board of trade, com posed of S. Llpinsky. John Nichols and Kav Dixon, in reference to the disposition of the city's advertising fund. This entire fund, amounting to ap proximately J4.C00 annually. It was stated at the meeting yesterday, has been in the past turned over to the Ashevllle board of trade. The pres Suffer With Headache? Read this: Bromalgine Company, Goldiboro, N. C. Dear Sirs: I say I think Bro-Mal-Gine the best headache remedy on EARTH. I have been using It continuously for ten years and have never had an un pleasant symptom from its use. Yours truly, R. GARDNER, Dunn, N. C. For sale at all drug stores. 10, 25, BOc bottles. Advt. the big game fence, the new golf links or the proposed municipal con certs to be given at Aston park this summer. "HOME OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES' Don't miss the Y. M. C. A. Circus Frklay, March 9, 8:15 p. in. t. ENCOUNTERS ROUGH WEATHER, NEWPORT, NEWS, Va March 8. The British steamer Baron Napier ar rived here today from Avonmouth with accounts of the roughest voyage on record. Rough weather was en- ent board of city commissioners have countered oft New Foundland on the snown an Inclination to divert one- trip across and the waves ran so high half of the fund for purposes at home, that all the super-structure was car and have Indicated this inclination ried away. The Baron Napier ear- In recent appropriations for the big rled a cargo of horses, most of which I game pasture In Plsgah National were swimming in water which j forest and the contemplated munlcl- entered through the hatches when: pal concerts to be given this summer the storm abated, American muleteers , in Aston park. The remaining por- i aboard state. A Wlncglashful of Tollo Water Will Start You Fueling Good In Thirty Minutes- Its Occasional Uso Will Keep You Feeling Flno Constipation poisons the system and keeps you feeling tired and run down all the time. In half an hour after taking a wlneglassful of Tollo Water, your constipation will be re lieved and you will be feeling fine. Keep taking It before breakfast for several mornings and the poison the system has absorbed from decay ed food In the bowels will he removed and you will feel strong and vigorous; your skin will become clear and free from pimples, and there will be no more morning headaches or bilious attacks. This wonderful water Is Nature's one remedy for constipation and hil lousness and is bottled only at its home, Dawson Springs, Kentucky, but you can get a bottle from any drug store for 1R cents. Do It today and get bnck on the road to health. For sale by Smith's Drug Store, and other druggists. Advt. MASTER MINDS OF GERMANY MAP OUT CAMPAIGN FOR WORLD CONTROL ' WAX tr This Is n of th greatest newt Dlcturea ta arrira In thla esnntrv .Inc. iiu .tf th famnua war. It ahows the three master minds bt Oermany going over tha map of the world and planning a campaign, lor world dominion. The ara. left to rtgaL Gen. yon Hlndenbun, Kaiser WUhelm and Oen. to Ludendorff. Hon of the fund has been turned over to the board of trade for advertising purposes. The board yesterday adopted the I following resolution: l "One-half of the city's advertising ' fund, as In accordance with the agr ment entered Into between the board of trade and the board of aldermen, shall be expended under the direc tion of the board of trade and the city commissioners for Industrial and recreational purposes and no ap propriation shall we made from said portion of the fund without the con currence of both parties." This means that the board of trade will continue to receive one- , half of one per cent of the city's In come for advertising, and that the re maining portion shall be expended 1 for home purposes, with the con currence of both parties to the ngreement. Mr. Llpinsky presented the matter 'o the hoard and Mavor Rankin drew attention to the fact that the board had not departed from the OTHHnal obliged to consult with the board of trnde and the honrd of alderman In office before th present city commis sioners assumed control of the cltVs affairs. The mavor insisted that un der the agreement the board was not ohllged to consult wfflth the board of trnde as to the disposition of the fund, and attention was drawn to the fact thnt one-hslf the fund was turned over to the hoard of trade without anv Inquiry as to Its ultimate dispo sition. During the discussion the state ments were mitln that the hotele of the ottv contributed about tt Oftn tn. nunttv to the hnrd of trade's adver tising fund Mr Ltnlnskv surr""d that the pitv commissioners double i the annuel ennrnnrtstion snd mske It j -lint nnn instead of the present , $4 Ann or less, but the suvretton was WHvert nirio bv the board. The oom- j nilsilnners nre fnced with .i incomM ! thnt remain he same while everv- th'no tht enters Into nubile improve ment end ritv rovernment show a mnt-Ved tendenev to go upwards, they Th" citv commissioners reiterated their position thot nmr of the nnd nhx'iM be evncrwled at home, and had no apology to offer for contributing to A motion picture camera has been Invented which can make 400 sep arate pictures between the first and CHIEF FIGURES-!!? PLOT TO EMBROIL MEXICO WITH U. S. r YOUR LAST CHANCE The Incomparable Russian Dancer and Actress ANNA PAVLOWA -IN- The Dumb Girl of Portici" A WEIRD, WILD, WONDERFUL. SPECTACLE SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM GALAX ORCHESTRA AND PIPE ORGAN Children 10c- PRICES -Adults 20c AFTER THE GRIPPE rMr. Find.-, MnnV Slmm Br Vlnol Severv. Ksns. '"The Grippe left me r ,n r ra, nervous, run-down condition I a Inn weak to do mv housework end could o sleeo Af ter tr-vin- different medicine wttbmt benefit Vlnol rored t heslth. strene-th snit spoeMte. Vino' Is a grand meteine snd every wesk. ner vo'n. n,n.- -en should bake It." M"rs. ro Flndler. Vinoi wvi.v erna'n beef snd cod llvr nronn trofi and mn-nese TettT!M and rVeere)"bobs. shsrris ve n-eM. sld 4leeion. enrlree, th hlnnd. d hnllds tip natxrsl sre"rth an ene'-rr. For . h-r Pmlt's rtr-i s-re. Ashevllle; 1ae at the lesdlng drug stores In all North Carolina twns. ZnrircriAiiJi V TODAY WORLD FILM-BRADY MADE PRESENTS Robert Warwick and Doris Kcnyon -IN- "A GIRL'S FOLLY" Here's photoplay that will moat certainly make the movie fans J sit np and take notice, for it is a charming romance built about the activities of a movie studio. The) inside workings of a bhr studio are shown in all their detail and around the making of pictures la woven a romance of trreat charm. Robert Warwick and Doris Ken yon, both great favorite, have roles in this drama that suit them perfectly.. No movie fan should miss this excep tional offering. ALSO- -THE DREWS IN "THE PEST -EXTRA ALL THIS WEEK- BABY HAZELLE, CHILD DANCER PRINCESS SUPERB ORCHESTRA. IVSRON VON 3CHOEIN. At tn top, Oarmaa Foreign Secretary Zimmerman who sent bote to German minister In Mexico pity designed to mbroU Japan and Mexico with the United State. Below, von Schooa. who waa transferred from Ua Oamaa n kaasy at Waahlartom to Mexico CUy at tho time of tfts tot 5c ADMISSION 10c '.'..vr " The American electrical interests represent a total Investment of capi talisation of $11,000,000 and a force , employed of 1,000,000 people. i Kansas leads all the states In the number of its cities under the com mission form of government. Jiillfe Corona Typewriters We sell them. The only practical portable typewriting machine on the market. Office Supply Co. tl Patton Are. Phone S0S1. V

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