i 22 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, MARCH 11, 1917 Want Ads Bring Results 1 Phone so Mone 80 Citizen I; i Wants REAL ESTATE. FOR BALD MONTEORD SNA? Finest corner on Montford Eight rooms Hot water heat Servants' quart era Lot 70 feet frontage $9,000.00 MESSLER & SON Phone 682. 11-1 CLOSE IN GOOD HOUSE, BIG LOT CHEAP MESSLER & SON Phone 682. ii-i I , FOR SALE, f Korwood Park lots, two small ones I for tt,t2iOO. 2 lots, 40x120, each $1,600. 8 lots, 40x120, two of which f , - are corner, $2,625. Bt 120x120, Hillside! $1,800. , Chestnut street, 40x80, $800. I , RAY-OAIMPBELL CO. i - No, 1 Hayood. Phone 1281. 1' 11-8 5 TU8T 8 ACRES AND A SIMPLE 8 I ROOM HOUSE 1 MILKS BB I TON GRACE CAR LINE YOUNG ORCHARD IN A COVE WHERE I , FRUIT DOES NOT FAILALL , FOR ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ' . ON EAST TERMS 5 ACRES AD i JOINING MAT BBS ADDED FOR AN ADDITIONAL $500.00. BOLD t MOUNTAIN STREAM. THIS IS A ? BARS) OPPORTUNITY. "IT CAN BBJ DONE." t&. T. ROWLAND 4k CO. 10 PAT. AVB. ' . iFOR 8AUW eSpot cash. $11,000. i quick sale (land and buildings if, worth $16,000 net) A tract of I I vr twelve acres for $11,000, In the city of Wast Ashevllle. In- I eluding a twelve-room, well ouilt modern residence, a three-room , - cottage and outbuildings, electrlo I f lights, city water, etc Can be sub- . divided advantageously. 'J. R. Law ' Realty Co.. Exclusive Agents, Law t Bldg. (Next to Court House.) 14-tf I NORWOOD PARK room modern bungalow, with sleep ing porch, excellent view of the I Inn and Sunset Mountain. This i home will be completed in a few I i days. The price Is only $3,600.00, I wim gooa terms. 7 J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. f , 11-8 I CMOICJ0 building site, Biltmore Ave. :wM"h0.n.w' ' Boit,lnf .w I"-. " ' ."''"'"j I . """" " nouse, . urove St. 7 rcom new bouse; bath, Wodlanwn. Choloe lot, Albemarle Park. TH acres, W. Ashevllle, new house. James W. Behen, 11 Church Bt phone 1196. . P84464-11-1 4 Acres for Sale On Broadway, suitable for subdivis ion or for a comfortable home, has good 8-roora residence, with wa- , tor, sewer ana lights, paved street. MESSLER & SON 16 American Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 681. 11. 1 FOR SALE Cheap, 7H acres; dilap idated farm house on knoll; spring, brook; fine trees; cleared fields. 1 miles from Arden, 11 miles from Ashevllle; near church and ' echool. Good site for summer home. Address F. V., care Citlaen. F84BM1-10 X HAVE FOR SALE 18 lots. (0x125 ft They can be bought cheap j irom sou to izoti. small payment; balance on long terms. We will ' build several houses for desirable parties or sen it as a whole. See . OgleSby, 44 Market St, phone 1187. 8889-9-14. oa sals Well built ten-room residence lot 72x214 feet, will rent zrom f45 to $so per month, furnace. property on Merrlmon Ave., in hast oiuimiu nuuw, govo investment, I yiivm v,vvv. . n. ijaw .iteauy jo.. Room No. 10 Law Bldg. 1818-11-tf "WEST ASHEVILXJC ESTATES" Handsome Lota being improved with we puDiig uiaiiues, fie to (40 down and (( equal monthly payments. wo Interest No Taxes TM UUHASI DEVELOPMENT CO Smith Bldg., Pack So, phone 2816. 1606-16-tf FOR SALE Hotel furnished. Easy , terms. Now doing good business In live town near Ashevllle, reason, falling health. Would exchange for Ashevllle property. Have parties wui una long lease on hotel. Address O. F., care Citizen or phone 21L 2911-17-tf NOW IS THE TIME for the working man to get him a home rarrien Ac, in the growing town of Canton. The Hyatt farm. 145 acres, to go at auction Thursday, March 15. 10:30 a. m.. rain or shine. W n ntn a o.. imnton. iv. c. $891-9-7 LOTS LOTS La rge and small will be sold at Public Auction Thursday March 16th. The Cole. Homey and . Fortune property at Canton, N. C. The "Big Town" of Western N. C. W. D. Hill ft Co., Canton, N. C. . 3249-J-7 "OR RALE Nice eight -room house; half acre comer lot fruit trees, drilled well, close In; growing town of Canton: a bargain. Address "T ." Box 617. Canton, N. C. P2$8S-9-6 KR SALE A bargain. 127 Hillside street; nine rooms, conveniences, large lot Terms. Apply to Owner. . Box 146, Rout 1, Ashevills. ' P2211-1-80. FOR SALE Miami, Florida, near the bay, 2 2 -acre grove, 1: aerea to grape fruit full producing 14 year Id trees. O. E, ear citlien. P2680-6-T IN GROVE PARK ectlon. 4 good - building lota en block. Price $1,800. Terms. A bargain. P. M., care Oltlsen. 1458-11-tf .WANTED To sell homes In Ashe vllle to colored people. Part cash. Balance en easy terms. Write Box IIS, Aafcevina, H C. M-4U-tt Wants REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Near Industrial Plants Close to the plants of the Carolina Wood Products Co., and National Oaa ket Co., we have for sale some unlm proved lots In the Chestnut Ridge dl vision which can be bought at bar- rain pi-lcen, If purchased m the next 10 days. Follow this description: Lot No. 54, 60 by 82 feet ..... $125.00 Lot No. 80. 80y 180 feet $100.00 Lot No. 81. 80 by 142 feet $100.00 Lot No. 73, 80 by 285 feet $250.00 On Lookout and Ridge Road, 8 small lots, 60 by 89 feet each. Price $240.00 for the 8 lots: can be bought separately at $80.00 each. One lot, 80 by 200 feet In same general locality, $200.00 These lots are without city Improve ments, but a number of them have been built upon, water being obtained from driven wells. Henry T. Sharp Co., Exclusive Agents American Bank Bldg. Phone 817 ll-l that montford residence Greater bargain than ever before. We advertised this lovely home last week for $6,750. We believe that It Is the best buy between $5,000 and 8,000 In town. Ke know It ranks first In our listed range. Recently renovated with new beating equip ment Installed. Formerly priced at $7,000, we secured a special figure yesterday at $6,500. Superb lot, 100x200 feet. Nature has been most kind In Its dispensation. Bold view of Sunset Mountain and Grove Park Inn. Four bed rooms and a sleeping porch that is a dream. Living porch also. Stone escarp ment It you are looking for a home to buy, you owe It to your self to see this house. Sharp 817 A Joyful Little Place ONE MILE from Arden, N. C Just 40 acres, crossed-fenced; four aores In young orchard. Nice vineyard. Twenty-seven acres in cultivation; 18 In woods. There is a two-story log house, period of 1915, six rooms ana sleeping porch. Hot air fur nace and modern plumbing. Some stock. This farm can be made self sustaining. The owner has never farmed it since the high cost of Uv. lng became the style. What one could do with it with potatoes pass lng for currency in Detroit, for ev. erythlng except carfare, we would not compete with the prophet Isaiah. We do know that it Is bargain at $7,000. Henry T. Sharp Co., Phone 817. 11- cvt a i r i3i New fire room bungalow, with sleep lng porch glass enclosed. Large lot on paved street. Price $8,250.00, with terms. Five room bungalow in good section renting for $17.50 per month Price $1,250.00 or will trade for other property. Eight room house and garage, lot 50 x 340. Located on one of the best Streets In Ashevllle. Price $6,500.00. I We have on our list several nice suburban homes with some acreage. Our prices and terms reasonable GREEN ft CHJOUMAN, Real Estate. Insurance ft Bonds I On the Square. Phone 788 FOR SALE Three 6-room new bungalows, best section, $1,600; $600 cash, balance to suit 11 -room house on Haywood street; lot 106x140 feet; suitable for boarding house or sanitarium, only $6,000. Very large, substantial gentleman's Home: lot very large; hot water heat heating plant In first class shape; select section, price $10, 600. Modern (-room new house; lot 85x 145; best section. Price $5,000. w.i gt to St, $8,000. F. T- H. WOODS. 6 S. W. Pack Square. Phone 1871. 11-1 FIVE ROOM BirNOALOWS AND COTTAGES. 5-room cottage; Blanton street; lot 76x150 $2,500 terms. (room cottage; Flint street; lot (Ox 110 $2,600 terms. (-room cottage: Holland street small lot $2,100 terms 5-room cottage; Woolsey; lot 60x160 $1,800 terms. 4-room cottage; Arlington St.; 60x 160 $1,800 terms. 4-room cottage: Murdock Ave.: 46 H Xl64 $1,650 terms. F. T. H. WOODS. 5 8. W. Pack Square. Phone 1871 11-2 Fifteen Acres at Brevard THIS TRACT is not Intended as a sub division proposition. It consists of three hills with three nice building sites, with three distinct views. We can sell It for $750.00. One and one-fourth mile from the court house at Brevard. And, Brevard Is growing. Henrr T. Sharp Co., AMERICAN BANK BLDQ. 11-1 FOR SALE BUNGALOW, six rooms and sleeping po-ch. modern, com bination gas and coal range, press ed brick mantles, we'l built, large rellsr. lot 40x195 fse. Possession If sold Oct 1st r-Hca 11.6T0 Cash down $1,100, balance $200 per year. About seven minutes walk from square. J. R. Law Realty Co.. Law Bldg.. Phone 1208. W have others. 11-11 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Wa ter Power Roller Mill, about 10 miles from Ashevllle. Capacity forty barrels of flour and 100 bu. meal per day. Price $10,000. or win trade for farm. Address P. O. Box No. 864. " 8414-11-1 TWO new houses ia Wen Ashevllle. H. B, Hughes, west AehevUle. . l-16tt Wants REAL ESTATE FOR BALI B. II. SUMNER & SON Am. Nat. Bank- Phone 2971. $880 per acre for 12 acres In sight of -Pack Square on north side, 16 min utes by car (adjoining lands selling for $600 to $1,000 per acre, finest of views from every foot of it. A chance to double your money. A Good corner lot 70 feet front near Merrlmon car line $760 A Good Bungalow, lot 60 feet front near Merrlmon car line $600 4 Good lots, 2 blocks M. car line ii roo 4 Good lots, 2 blocks M. car Elevat ed 2600 nr-h Great Big lot, Charlotte car line. Elevated, W. view $1,360 Grand Home site M. car line, 76 rent rront .'.$2,260 Norwood lot, double front ...$OT0 1 Norwood lot, fronts south ...700 Some others on our list worth look ing over before you buy. R. Bunaglow, steam heat, paved St., almost; new $2,800 R. Bungalow near Mer. car lino, brand now $8,260 R. Cottage near Mer. car line, brand new $2,7 60 R. Elegant house, north side, Kle vated, fine view, almost new, lots of yard, outside city tax limit $9,000 Brand New 7 R. Residence, Norwood, steam heat $5,000 Brand New 6 R. Residence, Norwood, steam heat $3,760 10 R- Residence, Big lot, S. French Broad, near 2 car lines, splemlhl place for boarders, good tern and price, under value $4,500 Nice 5 R. Bungalow, Ora St., big lot, house almost new, $2,700, easy terms. 4 acres choice residence property between Biltmore car line and new Kenllworth hotel, on main entrance driveway, a real Investment at the Price $5,250 S to 8 choice home sites on Victoria Place, $650, $700, $760 ami $800 each, high and dry and near good car line, Go, look them over. A good vacant lot hear Market Square for quick sale, the price Is $1,600 70 acre, good paying dairy farm, 2 miles Henderson C. H., on good sand clay road, $7,600. 1 eottase, good barns and necessary tenant buildings. 14 acre tract, no buildings, 44 miles out, on Weavervllle car line, desir able, $200 per acre. Splendid small truck farm, heart of Beaver Dam Valley, 1 H miles, Grace car line $3,000 60 to 60 acres choice land, some tim ber, no Improvements, near Acton, at special price. We have Just listed a very fine piece of property, over 100 feet rront, 800 deep, on one of our neat resi dence Sts. The house has 10 or 12 rooms, modern conveniences. Suita ble for high 'class boarding house or home. $11,000, and terms can be made to suit purchaser. rarms irom iis.uuu aown to S acre tracts. We rent houses furnished and unfur nished. If you have one to rant. Phone us. Bf H. SUMNER SON Phone 2971. Am. Nat. Bank B14g. Do you want to own the best corner unimproved between Pack Square and New Bridge? Se6 us at once, we have it, and will sell it for $1,000 less than It Is worth. B- H. S. ft SON. Overlooked this one and it's a good one. 8 Koora Residence, Norwood Park, lot 60 feet front. 120 deep, concreted basement, steam heat The price Is . $8,600 B. H. SUMNER & SON FOR SALE Lot In Grove Park. 75x 148 feet surrounded by beautiful residences, fine view of Sunset Mountain, has two fine large trees, well worth $1,900. Will sell for $1,600. We have others. J. R. Law Realty Co., Law Bldg. Phone 1206. ll-S FOR SALE, or will exchange for property in Ashevllle, 8 good farms. O. M. Coston, phones 313 or 1278. 2708-7-tf FARMS FOR SALE. 79-acre well Improved farm; 25-acTS fine bottom; good orchard and fine vineyard; 4-room tenant house; ample woodland; good 6-room dwelling and outbuildings. This farm Is on main highway and has been held at $6,600 but owner says sell at once for $6,000.00. 23-acres on macadam road 8 miles out; very fertile land; 12 acres woodland; 8 acres fine bottom Ideal In every respect suitable for any kind farming or country home only $2,200. zz-acres 6 miles from City; new bungalow; fine spring and branch nice orchard. Price $2,100.00. 40-acre farm! 6-room house and out buildings. Price $2,800. Present owner paid $3,000 for this year ago, now must sell. 16-acres 2 miles of Square; suitable for development purposes. I have close price on this and it Is splendid pick up. F. T. H. WOODS 6 8. W. Pack Square. Phone 1871. 11-8 FARM OF 60 ACRES Good house. good out-buildings, good orchard; all under fence; convenient to gooI school and churches. Possession can be had at once. Address "J.," (owner), care Cltlxen. P3S80-9-J FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSES. Practically everything on the market see me before you decide spon a place. JOHN ACEE, REAL ESTATE. No. 10 BATTERY PARK PLACE. PHONE 111. -tf XR RENT Beautifully furnished bungalow. Ave rooms and sleeping porch. No sick. Address K. A, care Cltixecv, Wants REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. Repeated by Request this little story has been told before It is about CUMBERLAND CIRCLE, When the city builds its chain of iDouiovarus, it must reckon with Cumberland Circle as the gateway on tne North to the Montford and Cumberland sections. It Is not a long stretch. Just one block from the Broadw&y-Weavervllle btthu lithic pike via Catawba Street to Cumberland Avenue. The grade up Iola Place, skirting Montford Park, is now a trifle steep but It can be modified, and this beautiful little breathing spot Will be more popu lar 'than ever. Before the paving Is completed, perhaps; CUMBER LAND CIRCLE will present one long array , of houses. Picture the scene, If you will, beautiful homes on beautiful lots, hedged with trees and shrubs, enjoying sunshine and shadows, sunrises and sunsets. The views there are different from any other section of the city. You look over tree tops, green even In win ter. Into the far spaces. All of Sun set Mountain comes into view, Mt. Pleasant Mount Lookout, Wood fin Mountain and the north ern hills. Do you not want a home In this eerie spot? (jHave you ever paced off Lot 18 7 It has a frontage of 60 feet An alley way, 16 feet wide, sepa rates it on the northern radius of CUMBERLAND CIRCLE from Its neighbor on the East, No. 19. Of Lot 18; It has a depth along tne al ley of 178 feet where it Joins the course of another alley. Its Western boundary line is 190 odd feet and, at its base, it widens to 84 feet. .From Catawba Street, It Is a short distance for an automobile exit The price Is $1,600- Would you like to see It tomorrow? We will gladly take you out If today Is clear and bright, you can get a pretty good Idea of the lot by strolling or mo toring around the Clrcie; Tust past the big sign and facing due south, with an eastern exposure on the al ley way, separating It from Lot 19. The building restrictions on CUM BERLAND CIRCLE call for houses to cost not less than $3,000. To Intending home builders, we would advise an early selection beforeVthe Increase In prices and the inorease of building cost In the restrictive covenants. henry t sharp co. Call 8 t 7 U-i J3JRNISSBHCUES Possession April 20 Reserve It now. Take no chances. Rent $115 per month. One of me Choicest homos in Edgemont-Golf Links section. Exquisiteiy fur nished. The kind you like to vent and the kind we like to oner Noth ing cheap or shoddy about this dainty cottage. There are over 200 guests at the Inn, about the same number at the Manor and a blu crowd at the Battery Park else. Margo Terrace, same story. Some of these guests have fallen in love with dear little Ashevllle. They don't want to go home and yet they would like a nice furnished house. We have some on our list. This "ad" is addressed more par ticularly to those who play golf and enjoy the social life. This house has two baths and a sleeping porch, Three bed rooms there are and maid's room. The views we shall not attempt to describe othe- than to sav that they are the same you get from the Inn Itself. We know occupancy Is a month off but one has to act quickly to get a house like this. It's a bird- The "Always" Policy: Go to Henry T. Sharp Co. For Houses Worth While. 11-1 It's Ready Now Charming home in Edgemont-Grove Park section. Perfectly wonderful views. Close to Golf Links and yet above the smoke line, facing the bier mountains. Dream of a house; lawn like velvet. It's not barny but small. Three bed rooms and maid's room. Let us show you It. You will like it. Owner will let it go any time now but if you do not want it before April 1, we may be aDle to arrange it. You will nna tnis nouse on our list Henry T. Sharp Co, American Bank Bldg. Phone 817. 11-2 FURNISHED On the side of Sunset Mountain, southern exposure has 6 rooms with large enclosed sleeping porch; heat plant garage, etc. Well fur nished. The rental $65.00 per month. T J. T. BLEDSOE ft COMPANY. Rental Agents. 11-1 FOR SALE Boarding house lease, also furniture, fixtures and silver ware, $2,000.00!, Nine year lease on boarding house consisting of six teen bed rooms, kitchen and dining room- House four blocks from , square. Steam heated, in good re pair. Is a good and paying propo sition. House filled with boaraers now. Good reasons for selling Address Postofflce Box $64. City. 8424-11-1 NEAT FURNISHED BUNGALOW For Rent Merrlmon Ave.. 7 rooms. hot water heat large living room, dining room, breakfast room, 1 bedrooms, bath and kitchen first floor, 1 rooms Id floor. Possession in a few days. Worth looking into. F. M. MESSLER ft SON. 16 American Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 81. 11-Jt FOR RENT FURNISHED Houae in Grove Park. Modera In every par ticular. $200 per month. No sick taken. J. R. LAW REALTY CO. Law Bldg. Phone 1206. 11.1 California is about to irrigate 1.- 400-19-7 000,004 acres. In 8aa Joaquin rilsyv Wants REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR REiNT -UNFURNISHED. (-room bungalow $ 18.00 8- room house 21.00 6-room. heating plant 25.00 9- room, Vance St.'. 80.00 10-rooms, 8. F. B. Ave 85.00 22-rooms, 4 batH rooms 126 00 FUURNISHED. 4-room. Woolsev t2000 6-rooms, sleeping porch 85.00 ,i"?!l0W a P v v va liu 13 V UU.VV We have a No. of nice places vriwa rurii irom vou.vu up lo $125.00. 20 rooms, 3 baths. 2 sleeping and about 20 boarders price $110.00. We have several other good board ing nouse propositions. FOR SALE. Good six room house on Starnes Ave. $2,500 00. Liberal terms. room house on Vance St. $2,700.00. New flve room bungalow and sleep ing porcn fs.zuu.uu. 10 good lots right in the City on the car line jz.zuo.oo. S lots on Hillside St., $1,850.00. MARSTELLER AND CO. 20 Haywood St 11-1 UNFURNISHED HOUSES $30.00 Close In n . m. j Five rooms and sleeping porch. ilOl furnace. Fine garden spot. so.oo (Merrlmon Ave. Six rooms bji steeping porcn. noi aii; rornace. praoticaiiy new. $40.00 Chestnut Street. Seven rooms. Servant's room in addition. Fine neighborhood. Furnace. $40.00 Montford Ave., near Chestnut Street Seven rooms. Owner will renovate. Furnace. $41.50 Victoria Road. Opposite St. Genevieve's Convent. Seven rooms. Superb living porch. Wonderful views. $60.00 Cumberland Circle. Splendid home and grounds; garage. Seven rooms. Hot water heat $62.60 Watauga corner. Exclusive Mbntford section. Eight rooms. Garage- We Know Ashevllle.' Henry T. Sharp Co. Call 817. American Bank Bldg. 10-1 Apartments Three rooms Kitchen and bath Sun parlor Steam heat and janitor Only $23.50 a month MESSLER & SON National Bank Bldg. n-i When you want to rent a furn ished or un-furnished house Just call us. T. BLEDSOE AND COMPANY Phone 4614 N. Pack 8q. 11-5 FOR HOUSE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. MO ALE & MERIWETHER Real Estate and Insurance, 17 Patton Ave. Phone 661. 18-tf TWO large boarding houses, for rent. Close in. Can be had at reasonable rent if taken by April 6th; also sev eral nicely furnished houses, with heating plants. Well located. LORICK ft CO, Phone 1846. 18 8. Pack 8q. 11-1 HOUSES FOR RENT Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished In every section of the city. Auto servioe and a man ready to show you." GREEN & GOODMAN, On the Square. Phone 788 FOR RENT. Complete list of unfurnished and furnished houses from $22.60 to $2r0. Auto serylce. RAY-OA1MPBELL CO. No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 11-2 FOR RENT. Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished In every section of the city. Auto service and a man ready to show you. GREENE ft GOODMAN. On the Square. Phone 718. FOR RENT At Black Mountain, late Dr- Howard Smith's 6 room cottage, two porches, large grass plot well house, chicken coop, $75 season. Mrs. Howard Smith. P8291-4-7-11-14-18 FOR RENT 9-room furnished house. Suitable for bearing house. One block from p. O. Roomers will re main. Address Y. Z., Citizen. 8356-7-7 UNFURNISHED, on car line, near square, ten-room house. Modern conveniences. Apply 29 Vance St 1460-11-tf FOR RENT 6 room house, II North Ann St. Price $20.00. Apply Caleb Leonard. 118 So. Fr. Broad. Phone 1168. 8-4 FOR RENT 9-room house, desirable location. Close In. $37.10 per month. Six months leas. Phone 120. Amos B. roy. 1171-12-tf FOR RENT New 6-room bungalow, ready by April 1st One block from postofflce. Address X. D., ear CTti sen. $286-7-7 6-ROOM house, eorner Woodfln and Central Ave. Lights and water. $16 per month. Phone ll. P8816-6-7 FOR RENT 8-room house; two bath rooms, close In. 'Phone 1711. P$lTl-t-l. FOR RENT 4 7 6 West Haywood, on oar line, six-room house, phone (26. rmt-i-t M ARKET TVfE, NEW YORK STOCK DOT. High. A ills-Chalmers 28 American Beet Sugar 98 H American Can 47 American Car & Fdy 704 American Cotton Oil 44 American Locomotive 73 American Smelting 107 Close. 28 93 46 69 44 72 106 711 127 218 37 86 101 113 63 76 140 153 93 58 82 26 48 121 American Sugar 111 American Tel. & TeL 127 American Tobacco 218 American Zino 38 Anaconda ftonner SfiW -22lAUantia Coasi Lme ''.'.'.'.'.V.lltZ Atchison 102 in ! BaitimnrA x, ni,i " " " tstx I UaliinHn 1 RR Bethlehem Steel 143 Canadian Pacific 154 Central Leather 94 Chesapeake & Ohio 68 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul .... 82 Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. ..b Colorado Fuel & Iron 48 Consolidated Gas 121 Corn Products 26 Crucible Steel 68 Cuba Cane Sugar 43 Erie 26 General Electric 166 Great Northern pfd 113 Great Northern Ore ctfs ... 35 Goodrich 67 Illinois Central B Inspiration Copper ." 62 24 67 43 26 166 113 36 66 101 62 76 43 45 21 46 69 125 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 78 International Nickel 43 International Paper 46 Kansas City Southern b Kennecott Copper 46 LehlKh Valley 69 Louisville & Nashville 215 T ..,, . M. k 2bn 210 65 89 67 96 43 128 103 64 30 93 82 ' 82 66 104 98 17 11 14 111 186H 144 62 112 118 114 41 25 94 61 29 NirllloH rimmnv h : Maxwell Motors 55 Mexlcan Petroleum 90 National Lead 0 New York Central N. T.. N. H. ft Hartford .. 43 Norfolk & Western b Northern Pacific 103 Pennsylvania 64 Ray Consolidated Copper ... 80 Reading ; 94 Rep. Iron ft Steel s Seaboard Air Line ..... Seaboard Air Line pfd SIoss Shef. Betel ft Iron Studebaker Corporation Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd . b .. 22 ,. 87 ..106 . 94 ,- 28 .b . 18 .238 Tennessee Copper .. . . Texas Company Union Paclflo ...... ..186 United Fruit 146 United States Rubber e? United States Steel 118 United States Bteel pfd ....118 Utah Copper 115 Virginia Caro. Chem. b Wabash pfd ''B" 25 Western Union 84 Westlnghouse Electrlo 61 Mlnnnri Pacifla W. I b Total sales for today 659,900 shares. N. Y. COTTON MARKET STRONGER. NEW YORK, March 10. The cotton market showed Increasing strength and activity today ' on expectations that the arming of American merenantmen wouia lead to an Improvement In export con ditions. It seemed, too, that some of the press reports as to conaiuons in u many created rather a more optlmlstlo view of peace possibilities, and May con tracts here sold up to 17.95 or 80 points net higher. Reactions followed under ruliiins with that delivery closing at 71.87 while the general list closed steady at a net advance of 10 to 26 points. The market opened firm at an ad vance of 12 to 15 points with active months selling 16 to 32 points net higher before the end of the first hour. March contracts advanced to 18.13, making new high ground for the movement and new crop montns also som sdovb hib ui prices reached last Monday. Houses wl'h Liverpool connections were among the more active buyers of old crop months and there was a tendency to attribute this demand to expectations of narrow ing differences as a result of Increased shipments. The upward movement was ohecked around 17.96 for May and 16.87 for October by realizing, and later fluc tuatoins were irregular. Closing prices showed reactions of 8 or 8 points from the best Cotton futures table: Open. High. Low. Close. March .... 17.81 18.18 18.08 18.07 MaT'..".. 17.78 17.95 17.78 17.87 July 17 62 17.76 17.62 17.69 October .... ....16.81 16.87 16.80 16.80 December 18.94 16.96 16.91 16.89 Spot cotton steady; middling 18.25. NEW YORK CATTLE. NEW YORK. Maroh 10. Beeves, no trading. Calves steady; veals 18.60fjl6.O0: culls 10.00012.00; Indiana calves 7.604)9.00. Sheep and lambs, no trading. Hogs firm; pigs 12.15; roughs lt-U. SOME READABLE DOITT& (American Education) Don't argue with the Inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your over coat Don't preach too much. None preaches better than the ant and she says nothing. Don't waste your feelings. Feel ings are too rich cream to be skim med for nothing. Don't be too patient "Once In a while," said Uncle Eben, "a man comnllments himself on having pa tience when he's simply too lazy to make a kick." Don't pack up worries. Ton can get them anywhere as you go along. Don' let your stream of life be a murmuring stream. Don't use a pile driver to pin on a bow of ribbon. Don't measure success Vy accuml lation. for this measure is false. Don't talk over "prevailing condi tions." Just rusks friends with your luck. Don't fall to love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge. Don't kill yourself with unneces sary work. There was once a New England woman whose epitaph read. "She nsth dons wnat sne couinn t Don' leave the sky out of your lendscapu. SLIGHTLY INDISPOSED. French Maid (to Inquiring friend) Oui. madams is ill, but se doctairs haf pronounce it something very tirfllnr. verv small. Friend On, I am so renevea, ior was really anxious about her. What does the doctor say the trou- Ma la? French Maid Let me thing T 11 something lee tie. An, 1 nar 11 now. Ze doctalre say sat madams has se smallpox. uosion Tran script WEST WOTS AGAUT. Yost ANOEXJSB, March 10. The west took both singles matches and divided the two doubles today ia the aat versus west tennis tournament and Mrs. May Sutton Bundy of Los Angeles, won the womens round rob tn. The day's play left but one singles tournament match to be contested Mondav and out the vert far In the lead In the tournament which began Wednesday. The west has won two of the three doublee contested and I the three stagfeo thus tar played, (to LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET. it 4TTT (Corrected twice weekly by Sawyer and Stradley.) RETAIL. Eggs, per doxen 25 Creamery butter, per lb 45 50 Country butter. Der lb 25 Chickens, broilers, lb. dressed. SO 85 Live 2580 Chickens, fryers, lb. dressed.. 25 Live is Chickens, hens, lb. dressed.... 20 22 Live 13 Turkeys, per lb. dressed 8085 Rib Roast 20 28 Sirloin Steak 2080 Porter House 20 85 Round Steak 26 Pork Sausaze 2 Mixed Sausage 15 Leg Lamb 25 Leg Mutton 22 Mutton Stew 12 Sweet Potatoes. rmr nk in insn Potatoes, per pk , 70 Apples, cooking, per pk. 6060 Apples, eating, per pic 60 70 WHOLESALE. Turkeys, live per lb 20 Turkeys, dressed, per lb 2224 Eggs, per dozen 86 Creamery Butter, per lb. 44 48 Country Butter, per lb $6 SO Sweet Potatoes, per bu. 1.001.80 Irish Potatoes, per bu. 2.102 35 Cattle, steers, per lb 6 7 Dressed hogs, per lb 1115 Cattle, cows, per lb 6 g Lambs, live, per lb 18 Dressed calves. nr ih s in Hogs, live, per lb 1010 Dressed hogs, per lb u 13 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW ORLEANS,' March 19. An nouncement that the government would arm merchant ships gave ootton an up ward tendency on this market today. Th demand was moderately keen in the early trading and fairly good throughout al though later there was reaction under realising. At the topmost levels active months were 14 to 26 points over yes terday s close. The close was steady at a net rise of 6 to 21 points. The great shrinkage in the visible sup' ply of cotton ak'ouseri munh Mmn,..t th. visible of all kinds of ootton this week losing nearly 250,000 bales. Bulls predict ed that ootton lost on ships sunk In tho war sons would become an Important item in the final statistics of the season. The forecast of rains In the eastern portions of the belt stimulated buying because It was considered precipitation In the eastern belt would be injurious to new crop prospeota Cotton futures closlnir hid- Man.h it no. May 17.34; July 17.23; October 16.bs; ix cember 16.61. Spot ootton mttaA it points up. Sales on the spot 1,819 bales, to arrive 600. Middling 17.50. W CHICAGO,. March 10. Notwlthtnr, that the wheat market today averaged higher, peace rumors gave quotations a downward sweep in the last hour. Clos ing quotations were unsettled, ranging from 1 net lower to Ho advance, with May at 1.86 to 1.86$ and July at 1.56. Corn lost to Ho and oats to He Provisions wound up with gains of 12o to 20c. Orsln snd Provisions. WHEAT Close. May ............ ...... ...... 1.86H July 1 K5 CORN Ma? 1.08 July 1.07 OATS May July PORK- .59 .66 May J8.3J . 82.67 LARD May .,. .....18.97 .J"'Jr .18.92 RIBS May 17.65 July 17.60 Cash Grain. .Wheat. No. 2 and No. 8 red. No. J anil No. 8 hard, nominal. Corn, No. 3 yellow 1.O9H01.1OU; No. 4 yellow 1.0801.09. N. Y. MARKET PRICES ADVANCE. NEW YORK, March 10. The latest measures adopted by the administration to safeguard American Interests caused an unusually heavy turnover today and Buerai advance in industrials and specialties of 1 to $ points. United States Steel. BsthVtmm mi and kindred Issues were lifted 1V4 to 3 yuiiiM, wun o ior ouir mates Bteel. Shippings gained 1 to 244 mints, rminera at one time showed average advances of a point ana specialties rose 1 to 1 points, with an additional 6 points for general motors, making an extreme advance of 10 points for that stock in two days. The course of rails was a rain dlnn. pointing, the only noteworthy movement being a gain of IH points for Southern Pacific the rise preceding the announce ment of a decision favorable to the com pany in the Central Pacific railway suit. Moaerateiy reactionary tendencies were manifested by Industrial Alcohol, Texas oompany, Utah Copper and other less prominent Issues. The entire list sold off Irregularly before the close, partly in consequence of extensive realising for profits. General news of the day Included the United States Steel tonnage statement of February, showing unfilled orders of 11,576,697, almost 30,000 tons above all previous records. The bank statement was Interesting chiefly for the fairly large expansion In actual loan. Bonds were Irregular on the slight re versals recorded by the international di vision. Total sales (par value) aggre gated $2,913,000. United States registered 8s gained per cent and the coupon 3's 'and Panama coupon 3's H per cent on call during the week, while the 00 upon 1's lost 114 per cent MARINE SHOWS GAIN. WASHINGTON, March 10. The" American merchant marine has made a net gain of 818,814 gross tons through registry charges since the European war began, the navigation bureau announced today. Actually, however, a greater number of vessels left the American flag than came un der It but those taking American reg istry in most instances were ships of larger tonnage. NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, March 10. Mercantile pas per 4(2444. Sterling so-oay diiis t.n; commercial 60-day bills on banks 4.71; commercial 60-day bills 4.76; demand 4.76 7-14; cables 4.76 7-16. Bar silver 76. Mexican dollars 6IH- Government bonds steady: railroad bonds steady. SEEKING BtTLDrjfG. WASHINGTON, March 19. The fact that Count Tarnowskt newly ap pointed ambassador from Austria. Hungary, is arranging to secure a new embassy building, is taken to indicate that his government does not expect diplomatic relations to be severed In the near future. Count Tarnowskt has not yet presented his credentials the president