23 Want Ads Bring Results I Phone so Phone 80 Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR BALE. FOR SALE! THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVLLLE, N. C, MARCH 11, 1917. Citizen MAYBE YOU DIDN'T See this little Page Ad. I had in The Times last Sunday? We repeat it here AN AND ALE LOTS Comer, 65x150 shade $ 550 Corner, 70x90 car line 750 Corner, 153 ft. pretty 1,800 Another, 51x150 (extra) y 700 Two others, 50x150 650 Another. 60x160 "It Can W. T. ROWLAND We have a splendid brick building close to the Square on' big lot suitable for many business lines. Ihe pnee and terms are attractive. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. Right around close to the market we have a large comer lot that can be had at money-making price. Buy the kind that they will need sooner or later for business purposes. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED to advertise these three business lots, but we will say this much, they are just 100 ft. from Patton Ave., and the price is like stealing them. You must be a good iellaw to get the balance of this tale, as they will not be hawked about. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. 42-ft. within 100 yards of the Bon Marche street to street good for stores of certain kinds, warehouses and a dozen other purposes. Boys, you've got to leave Patton Ave. and the Square. Now's the best" time to "get it" $200 the foot. "tl Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. -HERE'S ANOTHER ONE OF OUR WEAK POINTS! We are so firmly convinced that Patton Ave. and the Square are already overtaxed and that future busi ness siT?s of any size will be in great demand that we must impress this business property. It may make .somebody rich. Broadway, 58x154 sixteen thousand and almost that long to pay for it. Don't treat this one lightly. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. -BUSINESS LOT- On Broadway 23 feet only Street to Street -six thousand nine- hundred You'll wish you had "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. -BUSINESS Broadway lot, 23 ft Broadway lot, 58x154 15-room residence on it. Lexington Ave., 60 f t. Good building rented. Gooc business property paying handsome dividend on , . Southside Ave. Southside Ave., near Base Ball Park, lot 58x175. Small stores. Pays big interest, 4 splendid business lots on Market street. They are good purchases. 3 new stores Walnut St 180 ft Spruce St One hundred to one twenty the foot, Lots of good space very cheap. Right at the square. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. SPLENDID BUSINESS FOR SALE. It is a nice, clean high-class, good paying old established business. The rent is cheap and good lease. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. A SUBURBAN BUSINESS CORNER PROPER Woolsey Hall 60 ft. frontage. A dandy place for store and home. w MY 700 Be Done." & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. only- SITES- $ 6,900 16,000 6,000 only $1,500 $12,000.00 O "It Can Be Done" PARTING WORDS: "Paste This Page on the Wall ACRES. Just a few acres 6 acres near W. Ash. Pow, Sta. $800 acres, B. Dam. 6 mlns. walk car line. Good fruit and (rapes. Ordinary rough Mt'n land (675 acres, mile Weavervllle, bottom, no improvement.. mostly .11,000 acres, across F. B. River, 3 miles Ashevllle. 8 acres cleared, balance woodland. Let's see this ....$1,100 IT acres near nlvervlew ohurch. clone to Ashevllle 11,600 Let's see this also. Sii acres. New 6 R. cottage. Splen did location, pretty views. Beaver dam, 1, to Grace $2,600 12 acres, Busbee Station main high way. New 4 room bungalow and log house. Terms $2,860 A fine little place. 51 awes with small Improvements, near Mr. Crowell's on Haywood road. $50 the acre. 12 choice acres. Beaverdam .$3,600 .$3,700 mile Grace, S R's. 8 acres 88 acre, Haywood road. 6 8 miles. Extra good place.. rooms. .$8,760 118 acres Beaoh. 6 rooms $4,000 I acres. 6 R's. City water. Lights. W"vMe car line. Fruit .$4,000 80 acres. Poll Creek. 6 R's $4,200 4H acres, 9 R's, Bingham Heights. Nice place $6,000 24 acres 1 mile Hendersonvllle. $8,000 107 acres H mile Fletohers. . . .$8,000 8 room splendid residence. 40 acres extra fine land $10,000 Just out of Ashevllle. 10 rooms, extra line home. 25 acres, 2 miles Grace. Beaverdam. $10,500.00 24 acres. Modern home $13,500 Swell place. 1 miles to square. 4,000 acres cut-over mountain land well located In Grass country. Good for sheep ranch $5 acre. 200 aores Davidson river, any better. Ask anybody. Nothing .$15,000 600 acre Beaverdam farm. A corker. Terms ' $32,000 Seems that this place ought to appeal to those wishing to get outside and have a comfortable home with a few acres H mile from Grace. Good S room house. The views are all but perfect. The land 4s rich and the city is growing in this di rection $3,700 on terms. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND ft OO. BO PAT. AVE. NOW THE PRICE IS RIGHT- Why name me a price of $4,500.00 when down In your heart you know It isn't worth over $3,600 and you'll take even less Several aorea fenced, -fl rooms and bath. Elevated suburbs. $2,850 cash. $8,000 terms. Will exchange lor 7 or 8 room place in city. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. 60 PAT. AVE. "THIS MAKES WATER" Y'R MOUTH Just about (00 fruit trees of the finest kind and always loaded. 104 cherrys. Balance divided, peaches, apples, plums, etc. etc. Lots of choicest grapes. THIS COVE NEVER FAILS 84 acres. 5 rooms and bath. Dandy water supply. 1 miles from Grace $2,700.00. Tou'll have to be quick. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & OO. 60 PAT. AVE. iWhat About This? 6 great big acres. SO mlns. walk to Grace car. It's fenoed and practi cally cleared. Running water. Views to let $500.00 "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND ft CO. 60 PAT. AVE. 3 ACREf-S ROOMS 3 miles from Ashevllle $ years to pay the price of $1,000.00 (if necessary.) It may be worth 2 times this amount In 1 years. It may be sold Monday or it may not. One thing certain It Is going to change hands in short order and If you want it you'll have to Be Quick. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. 60 PAT. AVE JUST A GREAT BIG GARDEN Well too, It has an extra good '4 room house, barn, etc. Fruit Grapes. Berries. Spring Branon. Only m to $ aores but GREAT MB ALIVE! that dirt ought to sell by the handfull iPrlce $2,500 cash or $2,850 on terms You can step over to the Grace car In twenty minutes if you have a record HERB8 YOUR CHANCE TO RAISE ANT THTNCK It may seam high but hit alnt "It Can Bs Dons." W. T. ROWLAND CO. 60 PAT. AVE. It's bard to And a bunch of such beautiful lots. They are elevated and level. ' All city improvements. Shads and views.' Near Victoria Drive, Normal School, St Gene vieve's and the Passenger Depot Will sell cheap or swap for good property. "It Can Be Dons." W. T. ROWLAND ft CO. 50 PAT. AVE. CUT THIS OUT, BRING IT TO MS AND ASK TO SEE A NEW EXTRA GOOD HEATED RESIDENCE THAT A FEIXOW HAS JUHT COMPLETED AND GOTTEN SICK BARGAIN BELIEVE ME "It Can Bs Dons." - LL rs a va Lvf Y y:r ACRE JUST A CHEAP FARM Good reason for Rolling Only 23 acres with Extra, Good Cottage and Outbuildings, fine spring pasture Wood and some extra good land. Five miles from Ashevllle. Torma may be had If desired ZS ACREH 1 2.1 00. 00. "It Can Re Done." W. T. ROWLAND & Co. B0 PAT. AVE ten dollars the acre for land Is mighty cheap, cspcclilly when It lies well and Is covored with acid wood and tan bnrk. There are quan tities of hardwood ?;iw timber also. We have such a tract located U miles from rail road near Arden or fikyland. 300 acrrs or thereabouts, Wood Is $6.75 l r rii now. "It Can ne Done." W. T. ROWLAND & Co. 60 PAT. AVE. 1 DOY'T WANT NO HOUSE IN TOWN. I want one on the out skirts. I want more land than I does house. T want to be where I can walk out and hear the roowter crow, the hens cackle, . the com liellow, the pigs grunt; the ducks quark and so on. FOR SALE. In the heart of West Ashevllle, 4 and fouth tenths acres, 7 room dwelling, city water, etc. One minute walk to asphalt road. No better truck land. Surveyed Into city lots. Terms, $4,000. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND CO. 60 PAT. AVE. LOTS. A blind man can see that we've only touched on our LOTS today. We have, them any where and every where that an English sparrow lights on from West Ashevllle to Grace, from Biltmore to River side, from Grove Park to Jackson Park We certainly can fix you up when It comes lot lots for our lists are wonderful. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO. 60 PAT. AVE. A hole in the ground Tes, but It's In the rlirht spot, and for the FAR SIGHTED PUR CHASER, this nice big corner lot is the best kind of small buy. Spend about $200 on It and you have a ten to twelve hundred dollar lot. It's a dandy size 65x150. Near Mer rlmon, $500.00. This Is the kind to buy for profits. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & Co. 60 PAT. AVE. On Beautiful Henrietta Wo refer to 163 ft frontage on that pretty new paved street in the rapidly growing northern part of our city Only $1,800, terms.. Just walk out there this p. m, and see what's going on Just like Austin Ave. was a couple of years ago. Can you see ahead? "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND ft CO. BO FAT. AVE. We have one great big lot In Anan dale. It ought to stay in status quo. Whatever that is, but the owner has platted It Into 3 ordlnarv size ones. I hate small lota, but if you must have one, I'll sell It to you $600 up to $1,075. Better take the one lot at a figure. "It ran Be Dons." W. T. ROWLAND ft CO. 60 PAT. AVE. Positively a good small lot invest' ment. It's on Hillside and a corner one handsome lot of 118 ft square. Will cut Into I nice lots. Paved. Free and clear $1,860.00. They are worth more as you'll see it when the transfer Is made to the other fellow. "It Can Be Done.' W. T. ROWLAND ft OO. 60 PAT. AVE. Henry's "wife" said "Henry" oould never see "HER WAY" If you saw "my Way" you'd buy that lot 58x175 on Southside early Monday a. m. It more than takes care of Itself In rents, and It will come in for LONG PROFITS The price Is only $1,500 on tick and subject to reasonable offer. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWIAND ft CO. 50 PAT. AVE. WEST ASHEVLLLE SO FAR WE HAVE NOT TOUCHED ON WEST ASHEVILLE. but it's only for the lnck of time and space for we verily hlev'e West Ashevllle is "Here to stay." We have some pretty tracts over there for sub division They will make one rich If handled right We have one tract of 18 acres, another of 18 acres, another of 28 acres, another 8 acres, another 40 acres and one of 50 acres. A nlos little 8 acre tract and many other smaller tracts, we also have a lit tie further out that will run Into ths hundreds of acres Acres are the things to buy as they cut up so well in days to come. "Cutting up1 doesn't usually pay but it does when It comes to acres. Ws sps clallze in the larger tracts as they pay both you and us better. "Tt Can Bs Done." W. T. ROWLAND CO. 10 PAT. ATI We want to trade a bang up good home in West Ash. with soma of ths swellest acres over there for a good home on this side of ths Old French Broad. Am In position to make a swell trade. It Can Be Dons." W. T. ROWTAVn CO. 80 PAT. AVE. WEAVERVTLLE Ws hare some exceptionally pretty Improved property to offer In Weavervllle. That asphalt road and oar line makes those 8 miles look liks 38 cents Ask ns about Weave rvfllw. "It Can Be Dons." W. T. ROWXAND CO. 88 FAT. AVE. and Si RESIDENCES BELOW you will find a list of a few houses we have some higher priced and some even lower priced. If you don't find your kind here. Just find fault to us. 17 rooms, 186x300, close $16,000 16 rooms, 58x154, business ... 16,000 12 rooms, fine home 14,000 IS rooms, extra nice , . 14,000 11 rooms, a peach 14.000 10 rooms, lovely home 11,000 11 rooms, near business 13,000 22 rooms, large Iota li',000 10 rooms, near business 12, Oho 7 rooms, 8 acres 10.SO0 11 rooms, tremendous 10.500 3 new bungulows, bargain... 10,000 18 rooms, line house ami lot.. 10,000 10 rooms, extra tine home .... 10,000 10 rooms, extra tine home .... 9,000 9 rooms, extra tine home ... 9,000 11 rooms, new and pretty ... !.000 6 rooms, new, Grovo I'ark .. N.500 8 rooms, exceptional 8,250 10 rooms, brick, large lot .... K,000 8 rooms, dandy home 8,000 18 rooms and attic, close .... 8,000 7 rooms, swell district 7,:iD0 8 rooms, very nice corner . . . 7,000 16 rooms, close in 7,000 7 rooms, nice lot and n's .... ti.800 9 rooms, none better (1,500 8 rooms, close In, brick 6,500 8 rooms, extra pretty 6,500 8 rooms, splendid section ... H.IOO it rooms, splendid section ... 6,1100 8 rooms, Grove Park 6,000 8 rooms, standard 6,000 7 rooms, standard 6,000 8 rooms, best county 6,000 9 rooms, close In, brick 6,000 6 rooms, dandy corner ... 6,000 8 rooms, dandy corner 6,000 7 rooms, new, large lot 5,500 7 rooms, modern, cars, school 5,600 8 rooms, modern, best sec. . . . 6,600 10 rooms, dandy buy 5,500 8 rooms, best section 5,600 8 rooms, best section 5,500 9 rooms, standard home .... 6,500 8 rooms, so pretty .' 6,300 8 rooms, extra good . 6,300 8 rooms, near depot 6,300 7 rooms, large lot 6,250 9 rooms, large lot 5,000 8 rooms, close In, new 5,000 8 rooms, extra nice 6,000 11 rooms, farm lot 5,000 6 rooms, new bungalow .... 5,000 8 rooms, right spot 5,000 6 rooms, new bungalow .... 5,000 9 rooms, 3 acres 5,000 7 rooms, farm lot 4.750 6 rooms, modern 4,600 7 rooms, good property 4,600 7 rooms, close in, good 4,500 9 rooms, close In, good 4,500 7 rooms, good section 4,500 6 rooms, business lot 4,500 7 rooms, rents well 4,500 6 rooms, near Kennll worth. . 4,500 8 rooms, good place 4,600 11 rooms, close In .............. 4,600 8 rooms, rare lot 4,600 7 rooms, close in 4,500 7 rooms, close in 4,800 6 rooms, new bungalow .... 4,260 8 rooms, extra large 4,250 6 rooms, modern bungalow .. 4,250 8 rooms, good buy 4,000 6 rooms, new, close in ...... 4,000 10 rooms, good lot 4,000 8 rooms, new bungalow 4,000 7 rooms, close in 4,000 7 rooms, modern 8,900 7 rooms, near Wlnyah 8,800 8 rooms, farm lot 8,760 8 rooms, nice 8,760 6 rooms, brand new 3,704 8 rooms. 2 apartments ..... 3,600 7 rooms, ona acre 3,500 11 rooms, close in . .... 8,600 6 rooms, good views . 3,600 6 rooms, hardwood, bung. ... 3,400 7 rooms, near station 8,400 7 rooms, close in 8,400 7 rooms, close In . 8,800 8 rooms, priced high 3,800 7 rooms, worth money s.zuu 7 rooms, not In spt'd 3,200 8 rooms, new bungalow . ... . 8,200 6 rooms, new bungalow 3,200 6 rooms, new bungalow 2,000 10 rooms, most new s.uou rooms, old. good lot 3,000 6 rooms, a peach 3,000 8 rooms, swell buy 3,000 6 rooms, 2 lot 3.000 7 rooms, good home 3,000 7 rooms, good home 8,000 8 rooms, shade, etc 2,800 8 rooms, new, fair -. 2,800 7 rooms, rents line 2.800 8 rooms, bargain 2.800 7 rooms, bargain, close in .. 2,800 7 rooms, old but good 2,750 5 rooms, new bungalow 2,760 6 rooms, new bungalow .... 2,750 6 rooms, new bungalow 2,700 E rooms, new bungalow 2.700 rooms, small lot z.iw rooms, new bungalow 2,600 rooms, good garden ....... z.nuo rooms, close in 2,400 rooms, near depot 2,400 rooms, near Normal 2,4 00 rooms, near Normal z.tuu rooms, close m room new bungalow 2.400 rooms, near depot I.80 rooms, extra good rooms, not fancy 3.000 ( rooms, bssj- dspot z,ou I rooms, quaint bungalow... 2,000 4 rooms, deoot section 1.900 rooms, negro property .... 1,800 4 rooms, .depot section ...... 100 4 rooms, on acre 1,400 8 rooms, double house 1,408 t rooms, close in ..... ... 1,850 4 rooms, p.w, H acre ...... 1.J66 4 rooms, dspot section 1,360 4 rooms, negro property 1,008 4 rooms, depot section 1,000 rooms, larre lot 1,000 Now, of course, it Is perfectly clear to your mind that all of thess are not mansions, neither are they ALL. bar gains. If you wars to buy some of them at ths prices named you would need a guardian. Some you would not have at all. But on the other hand, there really are some extra fine bargains in this list. Many of thess houses hay bot water heat, steam heat and modern furnacea. Many of them ars equipped with glassed sleeping porches. Many of thsm havs garages, servants' quar ters, shrubbery, views, acreage, etc, to., but sines we havs only ons page to scribbls on today, ws will Gomoa Have any of you WORKING MEN noticed our Ads. in The Labor Advocate? We have been pushing sorao moderately priced homes and small acreage Mr. Barrett says he will have, any Union Man fined who doesn't read Rowland's Ads. in your paper. By the ... ; at,: t ; j i,: i a. 4t i viiy, mus ia one tiling x aiu in iijs Biieet: j. m 111 ibvui of labor so long as I don't have it to do." 41 It Can Be Done ' 'But I Dislike to. W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. LONG LEAF TIMBER $21.50 an acre for this tract of long leaf timber is a genuine bargain and you will agree with us upon investigation. The tract consists of 800 square acres about' 300 acres cleared, balance in beautiful Long Leaf Tim ber. Located in Clarenden County, 7 miles to Man, ning, County Seat, South Carolina, on Sand Clay road, , and on main line railroad with siding. Farming lauds' in this section priced $50.00 the acre and on up. Good terms may be had. Healthy. j ''It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND P. S. While writing this Ad. we had a long-distance from a neighboring city and made engagements to show it-Mmday. "It pays to adverse." They say I work for these papers. Yes, they, also work for me. ! MONEY IN SHEEP RAISING. f All hands agree that Western rights along the lines STOCK, liOGS, SHEEP TURE OP FRUIT. These lines are OUR FUTURE HOPE, and we should get tn ' nOTN ( thin (f K. ' ' We have a cut over Mountain tract, consisting of about 3,000 acres within 2 1-2 miles of nice R. R. Station, in good section near Asheville. Practically no fanning lands (about 50 to 100 acres). It has one of the most modern bungalow homes in W. N. C. Six dollars the acre. , , . "It Can Be Done." , W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. SPEAKING OF GRASS. 1,300 acres cut over mountain land, 2 1-2 miles Rosman, N. C. Fine for Sheep, Fruit, etc. Grass does well in this section. No improvements worth mentioning, $5.60 the acre. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO"., 50 PAT. AVE. AHA is the price. tpiuujuuv lta sold)f virgin timber land, water power and all within 7 miles R. R. Station. Easy grade for Railroad. The other information may be had direct. , . "It Can Be Done." ..:)' W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. -GROVE We have two swell Bungalows in Grove Parle. They will; not be shown only by appointment. No information given on phone. One at six thousand, the other eighty-five hundred. : We have four lots for Special Attention in Grove Park one for $1,250 the next $1,700.00; the other two six. thousand, but they are peaches. These are not listed, s6 information will come only to those bona-fide cus tomers. "It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. i not attempt to describe thsm. Ws havs tried to advertise a house and than skip one. In othsr words, put In about half of thoos . for sals. Many of thess places ars too largs or too small, too high up or too LOW DOWN for ths present own ers and they would make exchanges. Ton remember ths little verse "As a nils ft man's a fool; When If s hot bs wants it cool. When it's cool hs wants it hot. Always wanting what is not." This same unrest is found with owners of homes. This don't suit and that don't suit; nothing Just suits and they get in a sweat to sell or exchange. We ars reminded of that old adags: "Pools build houses and wlss men lire In them." Build ing is most sxpenslvs under present conditions, and who Is abla to say when ths relief will come or how. The writer recently built a little 2x4 house and hs hasn't been able to pay his grocery bill sines. It cost blm eleven hundred dollars above all figures. o there you ars. Seems to ma It's ths correct stunt to buy :I1V . tl : and Refer to & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. Carolina is oversleeping her of GRAZING, CATTLE, RAISING and the CUL- . , i (I get that extra $5,000 iff jU8t about gix thousand acres PARK- soma fellow's horns aad buy tt as chsap as you can. Thess rostdsnoss ars located on prac tlcally every good (and most of ths N. 0.) streets of Ashevllle. Ob p radically svery ons of those ad vertlsed, wo ars in a position to nams attraotlvs terms, but In th largs majority of cases, ens pays' for the commonly known term TERMS, tt has been ssld that "cash Is your best friend." As this is a PERSONA!, matter ws Havs ths decision with you. DEMONSTRATE , . Ws are In position to clearly demon, strata ths fact that W. T. Rowland & Company can sell you a horns it anybody around thess diggings can. Run over this list very slowly and if any of them appeals to you. ask aomo questions, lids by ths exterior, give it a peep and it It appeals to you wo will arrange to sso ths lining. "Tt Can Be Dons!" W. T. ROWLAND A CO.,68 PAT. AVE. It."