10 THE ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1917. MUTT AND JEFF Mutf May Have a Taslc for Music But He Can't Eat a Ukulele BY BUD FISHER (Copyright. 18H. bytttt matter. Trade Mark SU. V. . . til Xzec. wha Jew vtrrH SC THt dv. UAR. , If we RAutoAt sr? .stum "v ' i sate vuc vwift i it vs. L M"Tr'WT-''W'M" "n -y I I TOCO 1 I , . . " . . I iv tmaI I ! l rvll- MUTT T PICKET) JP 1 I -rw-Tl 1 I f I I I AMO OOUTR5,NrN0UNO J OP Oe'A, WITH N6CSme) A MT SNP. I fitfTM whKt FIVE A I V I . vHeN you see ANrrN.Nc . f CeTT.Nfe H.&NeweKYTlVr ; cheap THCY vysRC oust arE L'J J$S i i i s" 1 TT TT M LANGREN HOTEL MODERN FIREPROOF EUROPEAN The Leading Commercial Hotel of the Carolinas. 200 Rooms of Solid Comfort CORKER BROADWAY ASD COLLEGE. Guy S. Lavender, Mgr. The management' of Battery Park Hotel requests its Asheville guests to wear evening dress at the formal Friday dances during the season. A1 cordial welcome will be given those holding season cards. S. J; LAWRENCE, Mgr. AKKXT SWvS LOCAL PROD ICE MARKET. (Corrected twice weekly by Sawyer and Stradley.) RETAIL. Eggs per dozen 25 28 Oreaemery butter, per lb 50 56 Country butter, per lb 35 ' Chlckene, broilers, lb. dressed. SO 35 Live 36 Chickens, fryers, lb. dressed.. 30 Live z Chickens, hens, lb. dressed.... 2021 Live 16 Turkeys. Der lb. dressed 35 itlb Roast 2830 Hlrloin tteak 32 Porter House Round Hteak . Pork SauBage Mixed Sausage 15 35 2025 25 T.eff Ijimh Leg "Mutton 35 30 Mutton Stew 2025 Sweet Potatoes. Der ok. Irish Potatoes, per pk Applee, cooking, per pk. . . . Apples, eating, per pk WHOLESALE. Turkeys, live per lb. CAROLINA TERRACE. Hendersonville, N. C. Nw, Attractive, Strictly Modern Hotel; Thoroughly Heated; Running Water and Telephone in every Room; Delightful Auto ride of 46 min ute from Aehevllle. also Southern Railway. T-acre Park. Booklet KENMORE COMMBRCXAX. HEADQUARTERS HOTEL WATNE9VILLE. N. C On Main St Open Throughout the Tear Free Sample Room A. R. SPEARS, Prop. 40 70 6060 6070 10 Turkeys, dressed. Der lb 22 24 Eggs, per dozen 18 Creamery Butter, per lb 44 48 Country Butter, per It 25 30 Bweet Potatoes, per bu 1.00 1.S0 Irish Potatoes, per bu 1.10 1.35 Cattle, steers, pnr lb 0V4 7 Dressed hogs, per lb 1115 Cattle, cows, per lb 5 6 Lambs, live, per lb 13 Dressed calves, per lb. 810 Hogs, live, per lb.-, 10 104 Drensed hogs, per lb 11 13ft CHICAGO MARKETS. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL CANTON, If . a EM. GKIER, Prop. ' ' ' v Steam Heated. Free Sample Rooms. Electrlo Light, Rate 12.00. Free Bath. The Best Place to Eat AT THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION IS ASHLYN CAFE Ererythinr the market and eeaeoB afford Open all tb time. " FLORENCE A. CORPENING. Prop. Pboae 4MM MmmmmamM-W-tmammmBBBmmMmmmmmmmmmm BIG AUCTION SALE AT Canton, N. C. Thursday, JVfarcti 22 150 Lots will go for the high dollar. Close to th& big mill, school and town. The Josie Moore property. One-fourth cash, Dalance $10.00 per month. W. D. HILL & CO. Canton, N. C. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. -Allls-Chalmers 3(t American Beet Sugar 9.1 American Can 49 American Car Fdv 70 American Cotton Oil 46 American Locomotlvo 7fin American Smelting lOS1 American 8unar 113 American Tel. & Tel 1274 American Tobacco 217 American Zinc 38 Anaconda Copper ,.. 86 Atchison 104 Atlantic Coast Line H4Mi Baldwin Locomotive r.9 Baltimore & Ohio 7Hi Bethlehem Steel 141i Canadian Pacific Central Leather 86 Chesapeake & Ohio o ('.. M. & Rt. Paul 85r C. R. I. & Pac. Rv 38 Colorado Fuel Iron 54 Consolidated (las 120'4 Corn Products 254 Crucible Steel 73 ti Cuba Cane Sugar 457i Brie 29 General Klectrio 169Ti Great Northern pfd 1144 Great Northern Ore ctfs 37 Goodrich 67 Illinois Central b Inspiration Copper 6394 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 93H International Nickel 47 International Paper H Kansas City Southern 23 'i tvennecott i.opper Lehigh Vallev 70 Louisville & Nashville b Liggett & Meyers 263 Lorlllard Company 215 Maxwell Motors 65 Mexican Petroleum 95 National Lead 68 Now York Central 98 N. Y., N. H. A Hartford .. 46 Norfolk A Western, 131 Northern Pacific 105 Pennsylvania 54 Rav Consolidated Copper .. 2 Reading 98 4 Rep. Iron A Steel 86 Seaboard Air Line 14 Seaboard Air Line pfd 34 It Slosa Shef. Steel A Iron 74 I Studebaker Corporation . . . . 10S Southern Pacific i..9 Southern Railway 20 Southern Railway pfd 68 Tennessee Copper .. .. .... 16 Texas Company 231V, ITnlon Pacific .M40 I'nlted Fruit 147 I'nlted States Rubber 61 United States Steel 118 1 t'nlted Slates Steel pfd ...118 jl'tah Copper 116 Virginia Caro. Chem. 43 Wabash pld "B" 26 Western I'nion 97 Westlnghouse Electric 64 I Missouri Pacific W. 1 31 Total sales today 1,288,200 shares. Close. 294 92 48 ,v 73 106 112 127 217 87 85 1034 114 57 7874 14914 158 !I5 60 120 CHICAGO, March 31. Peace rumors dominated the wheat market todtfv, anu more than counter-balanced bullish ef fects of the tail for congress to assemble ahead of time which hau been set. Prices closed nervous 1 to 2 net lower, with May at 1.84 to 1.84 and July at 1.65 to 1.56. Other commodities, too, all showed a setback, corn 1 to 1, oats to and provisions 10 to 17. Grain and Provision. WHEAT Close. May 1.84 July 1.65 CORN My 1.10 July 1.09ii OATS May 68 July 66 POKK May 34.10 July 33.30 LARD May 19.67 July 19.67 RI US May , 17.87 July 17.97 Cash Oram. Wheat. No. 2 red nominal; No. 3 red 1.911.93; No. 1 and 3 hard nominal. Corn No. 2 yellow 1.121.14; No. 3 yellow 1.111.13: No. 4 yellow 1.10 1.12. LIVSStOCK. Hogs weak at o above yesterday's av erage: bulk 14.9O01S.15; light 14. 3016. 10; mixed 14.60 15.20; heavy 14.6015.26; rough 14. 60& 14.78: pigs 10.6014.00. Cattle unsettled; native beef cattle 9.2612.85; stocker .809.80; cows and heifers 6.7510.85; cajves 10.50(3 15.00. Sheep -weak; wetnur 11.2012.60; ewes 9.0012.26; lamb J$7l15.25. HIGHER PRICES ON N. Y. MARKET, MATTERS OF RECORD The following deeds were filed yes terday in the office of the registrar of deeds: A. A. Hegeman and wife to R. E. Currle and the Commonwealth bank, property in Black Mountain town ship; consideration $5. F. Stikeleather and wife to Hollle O. Hunt, property in Busbee springs; consideration $100. G. A. Thomasson, trustee, to F. C. Watkins, property adjoining Brooks' land; confederation $245. F. C. Watkins and wife to Z. T. Cathey, property adjoining Brooks' land; consideration $10 and other considerations. Simon P. Davis and wife to 8. D. Hall and E. J. Randolph, property on Jefferson drive; consideration $10 and other considerations. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. March 21. Raw sugar steady: centrifueal 6.39: molasses 4.62: refined steadjr. nutter weak; cheese irregular. Spot coffee dull; Rio 7's, 9; Santos 4's, 10c. NEW YORK. DRY GOODS. NEW YORK, March 21. Cotton a-oods primary markets were very strong and active today in gray and brown goods. Several large propositions are under con sideration for goods to be delivered tnroughout the year. Print cloths were higher and yarns firmer. Worsted yarns were very firm at advancing prices. TAFT TO URGE PREPAREDNESS. NEW YORK, March 21. Regardless of many Intervals of uncertainty and dull- 'the hlerher nrlc levels nf the enrlv week. but closed with an unsettled tone. The setting forward the' time for an extra session of congress was hailed with gen eral satisfaction, even though It prompt ed some timorous liquidation and con siderable short selling. Bullish sentiment was encouraged at the outset by the an nual report of the United States Steel corporation. Steel was again the market leader, rising a point to 118 on dealings aggregating almost t 25 per cent of the total turnover. Steel yielded with the general list In the final hour, when selling orders seem ed beyond the market's powers of ab sorption. Steel closed at lir., a loss of '4 of a point and reaotlons of varying degrees were shown by other industrials, enulnmonts and munitions from their ex- 84 j treme gains of 2 to almost 6 points. The 8 reversal also affected rails, shippings and fy I some of the more speculative shares. Numerous substantial advances were su nt-rseded bv net losses of 1 10 3 i'lrts, final quotations In some, noteworthy In stances bolng at the da" s lowest levels. . Bonds were Irregular throughout on nominal dealings. Total sales, par value, 12 825.000. United States bonds unchanged on call. 71 44 28 169 114 36 67 103 62 90 45 43 23 46 69 126 262 215 63 93 58 97 45 130 10." 54 21 96 84 14 34 72 103 96 28 58 16 229 139 146 0 116 118 113 42 25 97 52 30 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. NEW ORLEANS, March 21. There was another session of advancing prices in cotton today, the market at its ragnesi standing about $2 a bale up. Peace talk, the calling ol an extra session oi con gress, unsatisfactory weather conditions uml oulllsh spot accounts were the lead ing Influences. At times profit-taking wns heavv. particularly late in the ses sion and the close though steady, showed a net advance of only 22 to 28 points. At the highest trading months were 35 to 42 points up. The opening was at the advance an . early prlcsu were 19 to 38 points up. Toward the middle of the day the mar ket reacted about IB points under realis ing. The highest levels were reached in the afternoon following 'the marking lip of spot quotations by 44 points, the most important aavance in spots in mm This hard spot attracted much realizing ami the market fell off. Closing bid: i.lav 18.37; July 18.30; October 17.86: December 17.98; January 18.01. Spot cotton steady, 44 points up. Sales on the spot 1,068; to arrive 981; middling 18.63. LIVERPOOL COTTON. WASHINGTON, March 11. Argu ments for adequate preparedness for national defense and for a league of nations to enforce peace after the war will be presented by former President William H. Taft In a series of ad dresses to be delivered in a tour of the principal cities of the south and southwest, beginning tonight with an address at Richmond, Va. The tour is to be conducted under the aus pices of the League to Enforce Peace, of which Mr. Taft Is the president. The Richmond address Is to be fol lowed with one tomorrow night' at Greensboro, N. C. The cities em braced In the subsequent Itinerary will include Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Dallas and Oklahoma city. Coinci dent with Mr. Taft's visits to the most of these cities there will be held con ventions of the state branches of the League to Enforce Peace. Massachusetts Hall, one of the old Harvard university buildings which served as a barracks for the Conti nental troops following the battle of Lexington, la now used as a drill hall for the university student soldiers. SHARP ADVANCE IN N. Y. COTTON. GET OUT OF IT! Don't be everlastingly plunged Into coal trouble and worries. If the sort you've been getting "doesn't seem to last any time" the fault is In the coal Itself. Tou don't get the right kind of coal, and you should let us tell you why. LI8TEN: Coal la a Black Bualnee, but W Treat Tou White. Ashe. Dray, Fnd and Cos. Co., 41 Broadway The Red Front. Phone 121. tlO, 4S. NEW YORK. March 21. There was a further sharp advance In the cotton mar ket today with May selling up to 19.05 night's closing figure. Realizing caused December-January mnt nn. at. In th afternnnn with a IV ' rinsing at 18 86: but the final tone was steady and last prices showed an ad vance of 17 to 26 points. The market opened steady at an ad vance of 4 to 15 points and sold 25 to 32 points net higher shortly after the call. Liverpool sold prety freely on the ad vance, nowever. wnue mere was also a good deal of scattered realising and prices eased olT 10 or 15 points In consequence but aulcklv firmed un again following a report from Washington that the federal war risk Insurance bureau would Insure cargoes to Europe at a .flat rate of 3 per cent. This sent the market up to a net advance of 36 to 44 points during the middle of the sftemoon with July selling at 18.90 and October at 18.50. Trade interests' were buyers on the ad vance and there was covering by early sellers, but the market met a good deal of realising in the late trading and last prices showed reactions of 12 to 11 ; points. Open. High. Low. Close. May 18 82 1I M 1 ! 18 8 'julr 18 64 18. yO 18 54 18.75 i October ll.lt ISM lt.17 18.21 1 December 18 JO 1158 18 M 1111 Jamiarv 18 34 18 65 111 18 18 Spot cotton steady: middling U.M. LIVERPOOL, March 11 Cotton spot quiet; prices steady: good middling 12.59. middling 12.49; low middling 12.31. Sales 5 000 bales, including 4,400 American. Re ceipts 8.WI0 bale. Including 7,900 Ameri can. Futures closed steady. .March If "? March-April A.ril-May " ' Mav-.Inne iM? June-July ?! July-August 11 Aurust-September p,tni ! -October October-November . v . . q ... K r -1 wee m her ll.i -i.,,t-iiH.rv .11.11 February -March J J? March-April 113 .11.24 .11.17 Stomach Out of Fix? "Phone your grocer of druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant. a glass with meals give delightful relief, at no charge for the first dozan used. ' j Shivar Ale POII BI8EJTTTE HOIMTlCt ITI SHITAI MINERAL WATEI ADO III8EI (Nothing like it for renovating old) worn out stomachs, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled and guaranteed by tie cela. bra ted Shivar Mineral Spring, She!' ton, S. C. If your tegular dealef cannot supply yon telephone ROGERS GROCERY CO. Wstlmli Distritaars far AskeviDe NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, March Jl Mercantile pa rjer 404. SterUng W-day bills 4.71; commercial 0-day bills on banks 71: commercial 80-dav bills 4.70; demand 4.75.55; cables . T-l. Rar silver 72. Government bonds steady; railroad ir-vriilsir Time loans steady: and 0 days luetV: six months 14. Call money steady; ruling rate 1. NEW YORK CATTLE. Y ' -.," srawt M Inches Mer NEW TORK, March 11. Beeves Jk-reg-ular: steers t.00llU; bulls 7.0018.75; cows 4.000 8 75. Catvee Srm: veale 11.001 SO; culls 10 oofi 11.50: fed calves 7.SOClt.o; year lings oojt.o. hdeep ana wmoi "u . iiwp nominal- lambe. common to prime 13-0041 14 00. Hoas steady; light to heavy 14.00 says May GUtterrwttoM stetson la ehuea here. Every ee can hev asottong aakrbTnesss cvfi rrrrf ovmm SWE,s.kll S W I peatAB wlrichlesHaar eertv ant Haky habr ii u ' sr. It feeds the scalp east roots of aak.ctsese aislisWesstttnp fallla heir at one, sea after estasj tev erml Usaee yoa cm see the rssehs Try a Sox. Pries try IVMMTS WAMTO Dddge Brothers motor CAR People buy the car primarily because Dodge Brothers build it. , , "What Dodge Brothers dealers i are selling is not merely a motor car but a motor car built by Dodge Brothers. Touring Car or Roadster. $785. Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $950. Be dan, $1185. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. BEAVER BOARD Walls Ceilings mean solid comfort satisfying in looks, warmth, cleanness and per manence. Easily and quickly put up. Moisture-proof. Use Beaver Board instead of lata and plaster in home, office or store. ) Ask us for sample and information. Citizens Lumber Co., LUMBER AND BUILD ING MATERIAL. Sales Office Phones, 60&61. iJ7tiia k wt 1 v v s i it. n i ii r i i un a a 1 itr u I -am wm arnsrasr " isfaf frsst -esf JDoOt HENSLEY & WILSON Fresh Meats and Groceries, all kinds of Country Produce. Cheapest prices in the city. We can beat any prices in this section. Call and see. 38 Pearson Drive. Phone 3266. ATTENTION - JOBBERS, STEAM FITTERS, PLUMBERS, CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS I New Pipe, Black and Galvanized, all sizes. Car lot orders solicited. We carry in stock constantly 50,000 feet prompt delivery. See us for prices. Wholesale only. S. Sternberg & Go. Depot St. Phone 333 HEAVY PINE AND OAK TIMBERS W carry a full Un of FACTORY FRAMING, fee us If you cannot get what yoo want sad we trill furnish It. BUILDERS LUMBER CO. Tares at Grace. Phone SMs. Office Ostes Bldg. J VlM. Diss l-5ei4.e; rough 11. M.

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