fHE ASHEVTLTF CITIZEN, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1917. m in fur Society Personals Members of th hous party being entertained by Miss Gtoodfellow and ' Miss Mary lee. at their home on Edgemont road were complimented during the week by a most enjoyable tea, riven at the Bandanna Tea room on Haywood street on Wednesday. Miss Patton, who has been a uest f Mlaa Goodtellow and Miss Lee left this week for the nortn. jl Jl The Country club will be opened to its members this enernoon uu"i fh hnnn nf fi o'clock until 6:80 o'clock when dancing will be enjoyed ' . Jl The regular Friday night dinner dance last evening at u f Park hotel was featured by a number of small but enjoyable dinner parties. Quite a number of the dancing set at tended. Invitations to the marriage of Miss Mildred Overman, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Edwin R. Overman, of Balls bury, to Mr. Ediward Bartbour Owen Norvell. of this olty. have been re ceived by their many friends In Ashe vllle. The wedding will take place on Wednesday evening, April 11 at six o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church at Salisbury. J Jl T.mmm n. Btlkeleather will armt a amali fofannel card party th evening at her home on Aston place Anmnllmentarr to Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett, of New Tork City, who are neat at .the Battery wi n"i Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are here to see their nephew, Mr. Wlliara cennerx, who is associated with Mr. William Lord In building the new high school. Tti fHrnida of Che late Mrs. B. K. Graham, wife of President Graham of the university of North cmrouna, ' are planning a beautiful tribute to her. This memorial will be a public drinking fountain at Chapel Hill and will be designed by one of the best artiste in the United states. Jl J The guests, at the Battery Park hotel were entertained on Thursday avert! nr trr tht management with an interesting auctlpn party, ten tables being arranged In the card room ior -lav. - Revei-al handsome prizes were awarded, the winners being Mrs. King Kennedy. Mr. J. N. Duys, of New York. an! Mra 7. M. Btletx of De trolt. These bridge tournaments will be given every week during the sea son. -Jl J Miss Maria flhotwell, th morte star, who spent some time reoently In the olty at the watte ry ram notei, was the guest of honor at a luncheon riven at the Bandanna, Kitchen on Wednesday by Mr. Hofeler, of Buffalo. The occasion was In oele bratlon of Miss Shotwell'e birthday and the decorations were appropriate, Mr, and Mrs. Warren were among the guests. Miss Shotwell will return to Asheville later In th season. Jl Jt The Time' and Tide clntj met yester. i day with Mrs. Parker. Th roll call was answered with responses about war and peace. Two papers were reed and enjoyed, Mrs. Dear reading "The Critical Period of Our Country." and Mrs. P. H. Albernatby "An Early Pathfinder" At the conclusion of the program a dellolous salad course was served. -J J Mrs. J. E. LamMe, who Is guest at th Manor, and who Is a prominent club woman of New xork uity, win give a most Interesting and benefloal talk on "A Trip Arouna me woncr tonight at t.lO o'clock at tne oax hurst school on Charlotte street under tne auspices of the woman's club. Mrs. Lambis has spent much of her ln-laWs business Arm here for sev eral years, Jl Jl A called meeting of th building committee for the Asheville woman's club house will be held this afternoon at 6 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. club rooms on Church street. The com mittee consists of Mrs. James St. Oudger, Jr., chairman; Mrs, Charles Malcolm Piatt, Mrs. Alary i ruroin- son, Mrs. S. Elisabeth Bolton. Mrs. William J. Cocke, Mrs. T. C. Bmith, Jr., Mrs. Thomas J. Harklns, Mrs Elizabeth Bernard. Mrs. J. P. Coston, Mrs. J. G. Btlkeleather, Miss Nan Erwln. Miss Edith Lawrence, Miss Linda Schartle, Miss Elizabeth Ramsey. Miss Ella Case, Mrs. J, W. Wolfe. Mrs. James H. Calne, Mrs. Charles A. Webb, Mrs. T, F- Malloy end Miss Janle B. Gray. Th meet ing Is an Important one and all mem bers are requested to attend. Mf traveling both In th new country ad in the old. Recently she lectured - at Bingham school and at the Normal Industrial school and her talk was greatly enjoyed by all who were - fortunate enough to hear her. All eluto women of Asheville, their hus : bands and friends are invited to hear ' Mrs. Lansble tonight, Following her talk there will be a social hour dur ing which refreshments will be serv ed. Jl Ji Miss Harriett Johnson, the young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Johnson, of ISO Merrlmon avenue, was married to Mr. J. Cleveland Franklin, at the new home of her parents yesterday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. C. Cleveland, of Pkyland, the uncle of Mr. Franklin and the wedding was attended only by the immediate families and close friends of the young couple. Miss Johnson was costumed in a tan traveling suit and carried a bouquet f sweet peas and maidenhair fern. Mrs. Huyler, of : New Tork, played and Miss Adelaide Porter sang "Calm A th Night." The wedding march from "Lohengrin" was played by Miss Evelyn Rlckman. - Mr. and Mrs. Franklin left for a wed ding trip to the south and upon their retam will make their home with Mrs. Franklin's parents. Mr. Franklin has been connected with his father- Sirs. Arthur F- Rees has returned to her home on Blltmore road after spending some time with her daugh ter at Cederhurst Long Island. Miss J. B. Carter has returned to her home at High Point after a short visit In Asheville. Mr L. T. Benson is spending sev eral days on business in the city. Mr. Benson will return to his home at Cincinnati tomorrow. Mrs. AKbert Rathbone, of New Tork City, Is a visitor In Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Leahy, of De troit, are stopping at Grove Park inn for the spring months. Mr. D. Hage has returned from a stay of a few days at New Tork Cfty. Miss Virginia Reed, of Buffalo, an attractive visiter In Asheville. Mrs. C' C Douglass, of New Tork City, Is a guest at Grove Park Inn fo several weeks. Mra H. H. Brlggs and Miss Henerletta Briggs have arrived from Washington City and will spend th spring vacation with Dr. H. H. Brlggs, Plantation Dinners SERVED AT THE Bandanna Kitchen EVERY DAY and SUNDAY from 12:30 to 3 o'clock. Several courses of delicious southern dishes for $1.00. Waffle Suppers EVERY DAY except SUN DAY, from 6:30 to 8 for 50 cts. Other meals to order as usual. Open This Sunday, March 25 Kindly 'phone, if possible for reservations, 3141 Joday at the on fllarche is as interesting as Other ays at the gon Marche Is attending school at Miss Brlggs Washington. Miss Kimball, of New Tor. Is th guest of Miss Rita Rees at her home on Blltmore road. Mr- and Mrs. A A. Grove, of Mont gttmery, are In the city for several weeks. Mrs. J. W. Bchook. of Canton, is in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Everett have gone to New Tork for several days after spending some time In the city Thev will return to their home at Rjohmond shortly. Mr. H. R. Williams, of Goldsboro is In Asheville on business. Mrs. Otto Bu soman, who has been spending the past four months at ark inn. went yesterday to her home at Greenwich, Conn. Mr, and Mrs. John D. Grav will arrive in Asheville tomorrow and ex pect to spend some time here. Dr. Jennie L. Spalding went Thurs day to New york city where she was called on account of the Illness of her brother. Dr. Spalding will return to Asheville the first of the week. Rev. B. C Glenn has returned to Greensboro after a short stav in the city. Mr. H. C. Watklns leaves tonight for Chattanooga where he will be the guest of friends. Dr. J. M. Crawford has as his guest Bis son. Dr. B. l). Crawford, of At lanta, who has been In the city for the past wees. Mtss Alice Nichols, of Durham, is visiting relatives in Asheville for several weeks. Mr. W. A. Hlldebrand Is spending several days at Greensboro and High Point Mr. Bob Williams has returned from Rutherfordton, N. C, where he spent several days with friends and relatives. Mrs. C. M. Ray spent a dav or two at Charlotte during the week. Mra T. J. Woolridge and Miss Marv Moore Woolridge have returned from visit to Charlotte, Raleigh and Wilmington. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Augustus Wright at Wilmington. Mr. J. K. Rlggs hse returned from bustnees trip to Wilmington. Mrs. J. E. LamMe Is spending some Have You Seen the New "Jack Tar" Middy Smocks? They're the newest and most fascinating Blouse of the kind ever designed. They simply, impel one to a game of tennis or fin hour among the flower bed3 they're so smart, becoming and comfortable. In "White with trimming and smocking at shoul ders and wrists of Pink, Blue or Black; Blue, Pink and Tan Chambray with White Collar and Middy Tie, and White and Black smocking. Sises 14 to 18 $2.50 Pleated Middy Skirts for Girls are of White or Blue Galatea and sell for ......... $1.25 Women's White Wash Skirts , .. . $1.50 up Middy Ties half squares of Navy, Red or Black Silk .... $1.25 See Window Display This Morning. 11 Patton Ave. Phone 78. (Tennis and Croquet Sets on Third Floor.) time in Asheville and Is a guest at the Manor. Mrs. M. F. Teague has returned to her home on Woodfln street after spending several months in Texas and florid a. Mr. R. F- White, of Washington. D. C, has returned to his home after spending several weeks In Asheville. Mrs. George A. Shuford, who at tended the meeting of the Woman's Mlsslonar' union of the First Baptist church at Greensboro, has returned to the city. Mrs. Shuford was the guest of Mrs. J. E. Albright while away. Mr. E. C. Duncan has returned to Raleigh after spending a few days in Asheville on business. Matters James and Emmett Me Lftrty, who have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown, have returned to their home at Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Gorrell, who have been spending the winter on Merrlmon avenue have taken No. 226 Haywood street and will reside there. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Frank Sims, who have been spending a month in Ashe ville, have lately returned to their horn at Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Kats, of Pitts burg, are guests at the Langren hotel. Mr. H. T. Long, of Charlotte, Is In Asheville on business. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Barger, of Bloomberg, Va., are among the recent arrival- at the Battery Park hotel. Ethel Grandln are the co-stars of this continued photoplay. Miss Margarita Fischer was. seen some time ago in "Miss Jackie of the Navy," and owing to requests to return this film, the management decided to do so. In this Mutual production, Miss Fischer proves herself versatile, In that she portrays the role of a Jolly Jack tar aboard one of Uncle Sam's "big fight ers." Miss Jackie of the Navy" Is said to be as instructive as it is en tertaining on account of more than two reels being taken up with scenes aboard the battleship, where Miss Fischer gets off many stunts unknown to many other stars. She Is said to Indeed prove herself both charming and versatile In this play. The Strand orchestra, will accompany both features today with appropriate music. jYav Sport Qlrdlas. Ata Jport BHs Sport Girdles of Col ored Wooden Beads with Silk Tasseled ends $1.25 Sport Girdles of Metal Discs with Metal Links; very new. .$1.50 and $2 Silk Girdles; very wide; all colors. . .$1.25 Sport Belts of Leath er, with Colored Spots and Motifs, 59c to $1.50 jTprons Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, in Light and Dark Colors and new styles, at 85c Ladies" Maids' and Nurses' Aprons with Embroidered Bib, at 75c Jh Coat Sals Contlnuts through Saturday , A Tale of Nobby Sport Coats Here on the brink of the season, when Spring Coats are greatly in demand we announce this sale of new Spring Sport Coats, Solid Color, Chamois Cloth Coats in Rose, Gold, Copen Checks and Plaids. Ladies' and Misses' sizes. Our regular $12.50 and $13.50 Coats today $9.85 $17.50 Coats, Solid Colors and Checks $13.85 $20.00 Coats, Solid Colors and Checks $14.85 $22.50 Coats, Solid Colors and Checks ...$16.85 I Low Cost Menus I Breakfast. Oranges Eggs with Cheese Buttered Toast Coffee ffosiert Mr. W. E. Richie, of Chicago, 111., Is in Asheville for several weeks. Mrs. H. Fields Saumenlg, of Rome, Ga., Is visiting her brother, Mr. W. Vance Brown, at his home on Cum berland avenue. NOTICE. Practice is called for Alice In Wonderland Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock for all school children; 7:30 at night for all young men and ladles, at the T. M. C. A. on Haywood St Advt Sat&Mon Cake Luncheon. Mutton Soup Cranberry Fritters Bread and Butter Cocoa M3IE. AGNES. Tho New Tork Qown Builder. Dress makers furnished by the day. I9U Blltmore ave. 'Phone 286$. U. Lauer Studio- Piano. Phone 272S, Ad A home built In Grove Park can be sold at a profit rather than at a loss. 'Phone 16 83. tf. AT THE "MOVIES" AT THE GALAX. Henry B. Walthall and Marv narieston in "Burning the Candle" will be the chief attraction at the Oalax today. "Burning the Candle1 Is said to reveal Henry B. Walthall in another highly emotional role. The story Is that of a young man whose one great weakness drags him into the depths of degregation. He is seen first as a happy youth in love with a beautiful girl In their southern home. Accepting a position in a New Tork cotton broker's office, he weds the girl and the bridal couple Journey to the metropolis and their happiness. then an Inherent intemperance sud denly seizes him. Transformed Into a craven whetch, he loses first his po mon, then his wire. The heart broken wife returns home. But though sunk to a low state, the flame f love still smoulders In his breast. It flares out suddenly, when he reads a newspaper report of hi bride again being seen In the company of his former rival for her heart. All the grim consequences of his weak ness Is revealed luridly before him in their true state. He conquers and regains his respectability, then his position.. When he enters the broker's office to resume his work, his loyal wife Is there awaiting him, ready to begin life anew. The Galax orchestra and pipe organ have arranged a special musical pro gram for this feature picture today. AT THE PRINCESS. The fifth Installment of the serial photoplay, "Patrla" will be shown at the Princess today. This continued photoplay has proven to be one of the best that has been shown In Ashe ville. Mrs. Vernon Castle Is seen In the title role. The fifth chapter which will be shown today Is called "The Isle God Forgot," and Is shown In two parts as usual. One chapter of Patria Is shown at the Princess every Saturday la connection with other high class photoplays. Today a Lonesome Luke comedy and a Mutt and Jeff cartoon comedy will be shown In addition to "Patrla." Mrs. Vernor Castle's ability as a swimmer has already been shown In previous chapters of this serial photoplay. In the fifth chapter she Is said to escap from her foes by diving boldly Into the sound and swimming under water to escape the bullets sent after her. She Is finally rescued far from shore by a hydroaeroplane. Tt Is th first time that a hydroaeroplan has been used In rescue work. Dinner. Crecy soup Pork Chops Potato Fritters Stewed Tomatoes Ray Salad Pineapple Gelatine Breakfast. Eggs with Cheese. Beat the three yolks left from Friday, add two whole eggs, half a cup of grated cheese and a quarter of a cup of milk. Pour over two slices of bread, turn Into a bak ing dish and bake In a quick oven. Luncheon. Cranberry Fritters. iMhr a cud and a half of milk, one egg, one cup of nour, a tamespoon of sugar, a tea spoon of baking powder, and a cup of cranberry sauce.. Drop by spoonfuls on a not, wen greased griddle. Brown on toth sides. Dinner. Crecy Soup. Boll a cup of water, two cups of milk, a cup of cooked carrots, a tablespoon of tomato catsup, half a teaspoon of celery salt, and a little salt Boll five minutes and then add a tablespoon of dis solved flour. Potato Fritters. Boil enough po tatoes to make two cups. Mash, add a piece of butter, a little milk, and drop by spoonfuls in deep boiling fat Ray Salad. Cream one cream cheese and a tablespoon of butter, add a tablespoon of chopped nuts and a little salt. Form into flat cakes and serve on lettuce with a teaspoon, of currant Jelly on each cake, and French dressing. Pineapple Gelatin. Boll one cup of water and on eup of chopped pineapple for three minutes. Dissolve half a package of powdered gelatine In half a cup of cold water and stir in the boiling pineapple. Chill and serve with whipped cream. Including the loss of the cruiser Milwaukee, the United States navy has suffered losses during last year totalling $11,000,000. COULDN'T STAND El ANY Til T Suffered from Nervousness and Weakness and Would Just Go to Pieces, If Excited, Writes Geor gia Lady. Ladies' B.&K. Silk Lisle Hose, with double sole, heel and toe; Black and Wnite; 35c pr. 3 pair . $1.00 Ladies' Cadet Ribbed Top Hose, with Linen heel and toe, Black; 85o pair 3 pair , . . $1.00 Ladies' Gordon fine Silk Lisle Hose, in Black and White . . ... ....A...59c pr. Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose, with heavy sole, heel and toe, Black only. . . 50c pr. Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hose, with garter top; each pair guaranteed in Black and White . $1.05 pr. Ladies' Kayser Silk Italian Ribbed Hose in Pearl Gray, Blue, Pink: White and Black .....i..,.,. ........ $2.00 pr. SUGAR AT A. SAVING WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A POUND KENNY'S HIGH Grade Coffee at . . ... ....... 25c We will sell 25 POUNDS of best Pure Cane Granu lated Sugar for - - - - c D. Keeey Co, 8 N. Pack Square. 'Phone 1768 BASEBAUU RESOTS. At Chapel Hill: North Carolina, 10; Wesleyan, 4. University of West Virginia Salt was once used for money in paying the soldiers. It was called 'salerlum, ' hence tne wora salary. The rnlverslty of Wisconsin claims the largest number of women ath letes of any college In the country. GRAPEFRUIT SPECIAL for TODAY We offer-today a fin quality of QrapefrorVs sweet and untouched by frost, at apiece 3c, 5c, 7&c and 10c SAWYER & STRADLEY Tbsj Stars 8anttxu7 Where Qnalrty Prevails. Pbone ISO Dinner Party TabU Byrtns. at ooiifm AT THE STRAND. IMlss Margarita Fischer wITl be seen today at the ft rand In the five part photoplay, "Miss Jackie of the Navy,M as the chief attraction While the fourteenth episode of "The Crim son Stain Mystery" entitled. "The Bloodhound," wUl also be shown. The situations In this latest episode of the Winston, Qa. T am taking Cardul right now," writes Mrs. Alice Green. of R. F. XX 1. this place. "I suffer very much at my . . . and from nervousness and weakness. This is the third time I have taken It. The first time was about four years ago. . . Had a- great deal of headache and was so nervous all the time that I couldn't stand any excitement at all." "If I got excited I would just all give way and go to pieces. My sister-la-law told me first about Cardul and I began to take It. I could tell a big difference In my strength before I had taken a whole bottle. I was about well by the time I had taken I or i bottles and I soon got so I could do all my work. "The second time I took It was last fall. . . I think I overworked picking cotton and doing my housework. I got so bad that I suffered very badly at my ... 80 I began taking Cardul again. I took I bottles and I immedi ately began to Improve and felt bet ter Vhan 1 had In a long time. I weighed 114 pounds when I finished taking It, mare thaa I had In a long time." Cardul. the woman's tonic, has won Watch carefully the kind of coal that goes Into your bins. Bee to It that It Is the equal quality of M. & W. Indian coal and you will avoid disappoint ment. We make prompt deliveries In any quantity and of any size. You get full weight, too. Order today any way that la most conveniens by phone, post card or in person. Carolina Coal & Ice Co. serial, which has been proving popular with the partons of the I the confidence of Its users by th re Ptrand. ar said to be more exciting I suits which they obtain. Try tt than ever. Mauiic Costello and Miss sidrti CHIROPODY A MAtflCCRCTQ for ladles and gentlemen. Elec trolysis by expert operator. Shampooing and marcel waving. Miss Cruise's Shop SS Haywood SC Pbosk la. 00 TO FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE For the Best in Pianos, Edlsons and Vlctrolaa Phone 208. 76 Patton Ave. SERVICE GOODS BAGS. IBO. DKCGSj OflMal Varsesf Rcisry. Opposite) PossoAoa, Tssephon TIS-Tlft. ACEfTS WHITHAsnS CAXPDDfc Biltmore Ice . Cream Well Packed, Delivered Any where la th City, 50c the Quart Walker's Drug Store in 1H Williams & Huffman's Music House Th Pest la Pianos , Elks Ctnb Bid. Haywood Wt. Raad rold production in UK was Mtl.tSI ounces, against 1 011.(71 ancwa la 111 and .I7I,1IS ounces is. Ills, MAJESTIC THEATRE Friday, March -30 S:S0 P. M. Entertainment For the Benefit of the A. B. F. B, Permanent Blind Relief War Fund Marvelous moving pictures) taken at the front and sano tsoned by the French govern ment. Ziecture by Sergeant Major Robert MJddlemlsa, blinded tn this Mme. Airs Lstrreyne, prima donna of the Paris opera. TICKETS AT PARAMOUjrT DRUG CO. . $1.00 and 50c J

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