THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 191?. FARMERS ASKED TO OBTAIN BEST ST. LOUIS FIRST AMERICAN SHIP TO RUN GAUNTLE POSSIBLE CROPS Secretary Houston Says Furiously Driven, Big Liner Agricultural Preparedness Is of Great Importance. Stems Safely Into a European Port. STRAND "Ashevllle's Real Photoplay House" Final Showing TODAY America's Favorite Actress Y CLARA KIMBALL p oun In Hot Greatest Screen Achievement "The Price She Paid" By David Graham FWltips Clara KlmbaU Young In "The Price She Paid" more than lives up to the claims made by America's greatest critics. The hun dreds who saw this super-attraction yesterday expressed their thorough satisfaction and enjoyment. Don't miss the last chance to see Miss Young, more beautiful, more attractive than ever In this her supreme screen success. EVERY ATTENTION TO FOOD NECESSARY The Country Must Not Be Caught With Shortage of Foods During War. I SCHEDULE:. First Show Second Show . Third Show . . . Fourth Show . Fifth Show Sixth Show .... Iiast Show . . .10:80 a.m. . 12:16 p. m. . 1! :00 p.m. . 8:45 p. m. . 5:30 p.m. . 7:15 p.m. , 9:00 p. m. REMEMBER THE PRICE SHE PAID" lasts one hour and forty five minutes. Arrange to come early and at the be ginning of the show. PRICES Children -., . 10c Adults . . . 20c Big Double Attraction Tomorrow Florence La Badie in "Her Life and His" Also a Screamingly Funny Foxfilm Comedy - PMMCE "HOME OF TRIANGLE PHOTOPLAYS.' TODAY Carlyle Blackwcll 6 The A Gripping Story of a Dramatic Problem of Today, That Will Appeal to AIL Well Acted and an PRINCESS SUPERB ORCHESTRA 5c ADMISSION 'mmmmmmmmtm . II CP" II A Photoplay I II All-star Oast. J I lOcJ IZ7 WASHINGTON, March 27. The farmers of America were appealed to by Secretary Houston today to Join in agricultural DreDarednea. o that the country may not be handi capped by food shortag-e In lis efforts to meet the International crisis. Elim ination of waste, conservation of sur plus, and attainment of maximum crop returns were outlined as Impera tive steps for strengthening agricult ural resources. "Both for economlo and patriotic reasons" the secretary said In a form al statement, "the Amerlran fnrmr should strive this year for the highest standard of efficiency In the produc- uun ua conservation of food. Food Is Neceaaarv. I "Under the conditions in which this country now finds itself, it Is im portant that everything practical be done to Increase the efficiency of agricultural activities during the coming season. It Is desirable that throughout the country farmers con fer among themselves on matters af fecting the production of needed crops and that thev commit friv with county agents, state agricultural cuiieges ana tne department of agrl culture." The secretary's appeal was part of win lu-mpaie-n undertaken by the de partment of agriculture to mobilize tne country's agricultural resources It urged particularly that proper at tention be giver to the selection and saieguarding of seed for planting, tne preparation of the land, and the cure 01 rne crop. Ewy precaution Necessary, under existing conditions," he said, "every precaution should be UMten tl tO reduce nrnrinctlnn nrftatan by testing seed sufficiently In advance to Insure against the planting of dead seed; (I) to treat with disinfecting uipa ui seea suDject to diseases that can be prevented, such as the smuts or wneat, barley, oats, and 'ye, the losses from which are estimated con servatively at toO.000,000 to $0,000,- vvv in me average year: (I) to pre pare especially thoroughly for plant ing these' vitally Important cereal crops and to care for them as may be necessary during the season." ' Pointing out that seed stocks are low. Secretary Houston suggested that all seed-potatoes should be treat ed for scab before planting and that equipment for plant spraying should be on hand- Preventable potato diseases, he said, frequently reduce the crop from flftr million o on. nunarea million bushels. The statements declare that fruits and vegetables 'whlch ordinarily It is inadvisable to attempt to conserve." should be systematically saved now, Canning, drying and preserving oper ations, it added, should not be delay ed until iate summer or autumn, and family gardens should be planned to supply ample quantities fit early ma turing fruits and vegetables for pres ervation, as well as fresh products lor immeaiate consumption. "Because ef the scarcity of tinplate and the high prices of tin cans," Secretary Houston continued, "it may jw onnmiry id nonsenoia preserva tion of food more extensively to pack iruii ana vexeiaoies in otner con tainers." He urged that plans be made to meet the storage of sweet potatoes in me souinern states, pointing eut that about ten million bushels or the usual crop of fifty million bushels goes 10 waste mrougn decav. The secretary suggested the preser vation by drying for soun stock nf sucn vegeiwDies a carrots, potatoes ana ceiery ana drying of surplus Bwuoi corn. HOLDS FILLED WITH NON-CONTRABAND Captain and Passengers Were Sleepless Through the Barred Zone. CARDS W1H. "HOME OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES , BLUE BIRD PHOTOPLAYS PRESENT TODAY FRANK FARNUM AND LEAH BAIRD IN "The Devil's Pay Day" LITTLE ROOK. Ark.. Marnk IT Errors by the Little Rock. Southern association team, enabled the Ht Louis, National league club to win 8 to s today- score: tn. ixraia t a i Little Rook .6 1 t Batteries: North, Watson and Oon- saies; Roomson, Fields and Kennedy. mm Approaching the diverse problem from a Mw-utta. Muntn. t-TtilUst to repent' at leisore: A gripping story of a great dmuiA problem. - -ALSO- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in "Her Obsession" GALAX ORCHESTRA AND PIPE ORGAN 5c ADMISSION HsMKI MPs 51&MJ ! ENDS CATARRH, ASTHMA, Broach, Croap, Cotifbsand Colds, of nosey back. SoV and guaranteed by SMITH'S - DRUG ' bTTORK. ' IXJiNDO.V, Monday. March Id, (De layed by censor) (From a staff correspondent of the Associated Press) The St. LouIh, the first pas senger vessel carryuiR the American flag to cross the Atluntlc since Qer man's declaration- of unrestricted submarine destruction, and the first armed American Hnrr to enter a European port since the war begAn arrived this morning. She carried only thirty-three PfiHsengers, but her holds were filled tn capacity with non-contraband freight. No Submarine Sighted. The St. Louis came through with out interruption. No submarines were sighted, nor were there at any time any Indications thnt Herman under sea boats were after the big liner. But signs of war were not lacking and the last three days aboard were anxious ones for pasuengers and crew alike. On Friday ami again on Sat urday after the St. i,ouU entered the forbidden sone, drjftwood was passed apparently parts of destroyed life boats. Yesterday a great field of oil was encountered. Vague rumors of the sinking of ships either ahead of or near the St. Louis Increased the nervous tension. For three days and ntg-hts the can taln did not leave the bridge and never In her twenty-two years of ex istence has the American ship been driven so furiously an she was from the time she passed into the lone un til she was picked up by a pilot. The Journey was virtually without Incident until the war cone was reached. Unusual precautions were taken as soon as the liner passed the Ambrose light and as she neared the danger point even the life rafts and collapsible boats were made ready for Immediate use. Reflectors were strung up fore and aft and carbide lights were tied along the rails for use In event the St. Louis became the victim of a torpedo or gunfire. "AH She Can Stand." From the moment the 't. Louis En tered the danger sone until she reach ed comparatively safe waters the wocd In the engine room was to "give her all she can stand." For fortv. eight hours the big vessel tore along at top speed. Meanwhile the pas sengers slept but little, remaining In the reading room with life belts ready. Long before daybreak y ester day, with the land still far below th nortzon, most passengers were on deck, watching just as anxiously as the men on the bridge for signs ef hostile submarines. Then suddenly out of the base shot Rritish patrol vessels. Instructions were signalled The St. Louis responded and con tlnued her Journey, while the subma rlne hunters bore away on thel ceaseless vigil. For two days after the ft. Louis left port there was a howling gale accompanied with fos and frequent snOw squalls, but the liner held steadily to Its course. Every nrecau tlon was taken. ETven on the first night out deck lights were shielded and cabin port holes shaded, so that no glimmer of light showed. Look outs swept the horb-nn frequently with their glesse. The passengers were taken tn hand and drilled dally In donning lifebelts end assembling quickly at their appointed places at the lifeboats. Crews for the lifeboats were assigned to their stations and In structed as to their duties. The life boats were provisioned long before the prohibited gone was reached and were swung out oartly lowered and lashed so that only a moment would be lost In dropping them Into the water. Until Friday the trip was without incident other than the encountering of floating Ice, Including one huge Icefberg. Two whales followed the shin for some distance. From the time the barred none was entered un til . late last night, while the big steamer was making her way over the last few hundred miles of the Journey, few passengers closed their eyes. No ceremonies marked the arrival of the St Louis. On the docks were the usual representatives of the American line, the port authorities, a mall group of friends snd relatives of passengers and a few newspaper men. As the liner was warned Into her berth, workmen raised a cheer for "The good old U- S. A." reds wnr. Qudmers 7-Passenfer Toarinf Car Price $1350 Detroit Chalmers Lynite Pistons An Evidence of Chalmers Quality Chalmers pistons are mads from one of the lightest and highest-grade metals obtain able Lynite, a special alloy of aluminum. Most cars use heavy cast iron pistons. Much cheaper. Much reduced efficiency. A2K -Ounce Pistons Chalmers pistons weigh only twelve and a half ounces each. About one-third the weight of cast iron pistons. Each one of these Chalmers pistons is true to its die. All pistons are exactly equal in weight. No greater variation than 24 -ounce is tolerated in any of the reciprocating parts of the Chalmers. Importance of Lightness A light piston insures smoothness and power. Light er pistons allow other motor parts of corresponding light ness. Lynite pistons' reduce the strain on the bearings 160 pounds per square inch over the cast iron piston. The wonderful smoothness of the Chalmers at all speeds is largely due to the lightness of the pistons. So also is the motor's remarkable power. t Compression Power Chalmers pistons axe pro vided with three rings of uniform tension, each three sixteenths of an inch -wide. This means better compres sion more power. Below the kwest ring there are oil relief holes to prevent any excess of oil from reach-. ing the combustion chsmbers, Tku oees Is mhmt aeeew hy immttty to ffsrswa. Th hind ar sasilttt ywm aseo in th pbtom in thm ear ymm , hmy. Am J tin aW mf quality yam GET In A Chmbnmtm. ,. Touring Car. 7i Taurine Car, t-pasetnger . Touring Sedan. 7 . $13S0 Roadster; S -passenger , fl2S0 . 1250 Lunousinei 7 -passenger . ISS0 . 18 JO Toim Can 7-IMMngt , A, :,5 ' "t (All ptioM Co.fc. Detroit) ' CENTRAL GARAGE 24-26 N. Market St. Phone 2413 ROJA BEANS HIGH. NEWTON, March 17-r-The demand for soja beans for planting has sent the price to tS.eO a bushel. The bsan is declared to be the greatest thing ever Introduced in the county for feeding purposes. One variety bears so neavuy that In feeding It no corn whatever Is needed. The other variety commonly used runs more to foliage than to bean, and it too la a fin feed. Buyers here say that the beans are very scarce by reason of the fact that they have been canned and shipped to the armies of Europe. Platinum, which Is many times more costly than gold, has grown so in popularity among the buyers of expensive jewelry that Its use in the manufacture of electrical apparatus Is growing smaller each year as less costly substitutes are discovered- WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting more food Into stomach. THEATRE Friday, March 30 8:M P. M. Entertainment . i . ' For the Benefit of the A. B, F. B, Permanent Blind Relief . War - Fond -, Marvel ona moving pictures taken at ; tbe front and sane, ttoned by the French govern- ltat by 8crgeant Major Robert Middletnlas, blinded ta una ' Mae. Airs Larreyne, prima donna of the Parte opera.. TICKETS AT FABAMOUXT ' DRUG . CO, , $1.00 and 50c MTCMPHI8. Tenn., March 27. Memphis started off well In today' game with the Cincinnati National by making- five runs in 'the first five Innings, but Ring, who relieved Garner, put a ston to the local team's runmaking and Cincinnati won 9 to n Bcore: R. H. K Cincinnati 1 Memphis 5 U Batteries: Gerner. Ring snd Huhn: Marshall, Ayeock, McColl and Ruel Schmidt. HAVE A COMPLATXT. NBW ORLEANS. La.. March 57 The lack of adeouate transportation facilities is one of the principal pro lema to be dtseuened bv the American Iren, Steel and Heevy Hardware as sociation, which met In this city to day for its annual convention- The member, declare that the spring building operations In some sections ef the country are at a standstill be cause ef the -inability of the manu facturers to get shipments of build ing hardware to the dealers. Catcher Steve O'Nell of the Cleve land Indians Is in tip-top form and all set to duplicate his great work of last year, when he toppel all malor league backatone "by working tn lit gamee during the season. Tls aald that Ernie Shore, the Red Sox beaver, la thinking aeriouslr ef signing np with a new manarer. A very, prominent young tadr of Atlanta I .mentioned as the future boss of be echool master. . . Sayt Inside-bathing make any ona look and feel clean, awaet and refresh. Wash yourself ew the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This Is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb impuri ties into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If this waste material is not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or suoked into the . blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should ruck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid l.ealth measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water wKh a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in It, which is a harmless way to wash thee poisons, gsses and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. A Quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside-bathing. Men and women who are accustomed to wake up with a duiL aching head or have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pro nounced Improvement In both health ad appearance sborUr. 4dvt If " 1 fN ' '1-Ztl ' 11 i It Cooks as as It Looks Did you ever try to run a neat seem on aa old worn-out ewtnf machine? You worried and fretted, and every time jwa looked at that seam, you felt like apologising (or It, T5ld you ever have to apologise for your eookingT la your range a perfect piece of machinery dees It do tha aama thing th amjna way every day? j , With good machinery work becomes a pleasure, tiinanaa we turn out a class of work that we are proud ot With poor machinery, it is fuss, fret and discouragement t ' Surely a woman is entitled to good machinery la the kitchen. The food prepared there la not for horses, nor oowa nor hogs. It la for human beings. Of All the manufacturers In the-lend aha manu factures the most important thing food for you and ma. Then gre her the best machinery, the best range, a rang that oleana -airl'r. tha lasts long, that performs perfectly a Copper-Clad range. Do thte and she will be Range Happy. Brown Hardware Company tS BROADWAY. ACT TODAY You have been thinking about calling up the Ashe ville Laundry and sending them your work. Attend to it today. . Phone 2000 ; ; : : V IV A Mfl . I "ATA I Ll llllhl IIH III Ut IKA1II MHiW