THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEYILLE, N. C., APRIL 1, 117. . a;Hmnniuiiiinmmiiiimim "Mdlo, Is That You, He law; of Life How Patrick Henry's Appeal for a Blow for freedom, Made in Revolutionary Days, Fits the Present Situation of the Land He Loved Blow for Liberty Is Again Needed. :-: :-: n Well, be sure and don't forget to bring outapoune'. Kenny's High Grade Coffee 14 ; wuitMtiiiiiitimtniiiiiiiiiuMimm (Br W.-C Jones, Senford, N. C.) "For thia la the law of Ufa, -A song ot peace and a day of atrlfe, A day of atrlfe and a song of peace And the thunder of battles that never And thia la 'the law of life.' Thla truth has been made appal lingly apparent and impresive within the paat throe years, both In Mexico uiid in Europe, Mr. Wilson, president of the United Htates, proclaims that he stands ar . rayed working for the sake of hu manity. In America, by order of the kaiser, , millions of dollar worth of property have also been luld In waste and a number of American citizens bean killed- . ; On the Jilgh seas we know only too well that hundred of our citizens have feen ee nt to their deaths and million of dollars', worth of their proyerty sunk by German submarines and as, yet no gun iiae been flred-in their be half. , A government la formed' to protect Its people and- their property, and when It 'falls to do so, it la no longer . a proper government. -- . The administration at Washington haa delayed action until it Is looked upon with contempt by all nations of the world. t What Patrick Henry Said. Borowing from the famoua speech : or Patrick Henry to try and give some inspiration to tne weaK-xneed. i quote: "They tell us, air, thar we are weak and unable to cope with ao formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will. It be the next week of the next year? Will it le when we are totally disarmed and wbena British guard shall be star tloned In every' house I. Shall we irather strengtji by irresolution and inaction? , ' "Shall, we acaulre the means of ef fectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom -cf .hone -until our enemies - "t 3B32,-: mMmJR White ScX ; - i I- -f- . 1.,. l( ) I Broadway. . J ' Asheville Motor Sales' :-.-, Co.- s ahall have bound us hand and foot? "Sir, we are not weak If we make proper use of those means which the God of nature has placed in our hands. "Three millions of people armed In the- holy cause of liberty and m such a country as that which we possess. are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir. we shall not light our battle alone. , There Is a Just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to light our bat tles for us. The battle, sir. Is not to the strong alone; it Is to the vigilant. the active, the brave." Besides, sir. we have no choice. If we were base enough to desire It, ft is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but In submission and slavery. Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston. The. war Is Inevitable and let It come. I repeat, sir, let It come. It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry 'Peace. peace,' but there is no peace. The war Is actually begun. The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our" ears the clash of resounding arms, uur nretnren are already in the field. Why stand we here Idle? wnat Is It that arentlemnn wlahT What would they have? , "IS life so dear or neace so sweet to be purchased at the nrice nt nh!n. and slavery? Forbid It, Almighty God. I know not what course other. may take, but as for me. rive me lih. any or give me death." Ftt Present Case. Some of the thourht riven In fhl. famoua oration aeem , to fit well the present case.. Our government has muddled along In such a way that it Is not. only looked unon with ran. tempt by other nations, but also by millions- -Americans who loath the idea that we are being made to annear as a nation of cowards, who are afraid to raise their hands in behalf of civil ization and to strike a blow for the basio principles of government for which onr forefathers fought, bled and died; The American people, aa a whole. are not cowards and it la a shame that we are being continually placed ui sucn a degrading position. -v In the past three years this govern ment has invaded Mexico twice at a cost of about f lsS.OOQ.OO0.0o and has in fact accomplished nothing. That enormous sum ! thrown away, and we have no value to show for it and our policy, haa made ua the laugh ing stock , the world. , - .r ..:.:y To show you actoal conditions at Washington I ouote from ( . W. Gil bert, March J2nd: . 'I came to Washington to have a look at the nation's preparedness, the preparedness about which we-read in the newspaper, "Work Rushing the Army tain "The cook let it get used up before ordering and its too late to have it delivered now, so if you want your cup.of good cheer' tonight don't forget it." "Alright, dear, PiL bring. it out but why Kenny's High Grade Coffee in particular?" fmy and Navy, aiwj.all that sort of "The onlv DreBarcdnAaa T hav ka.n able to find 4a , preparedness with excuses.' Never was a government better armed with excuses. "mere is almost Prussian tjtor- "Because, Tom, I've tried 30c. coffee and you've complained, you've complained and at 40c coffee you've complained. In Kenny's High Grade at 25c the pound and you were delighted, that particular brand and I have Now bring it out." He Brought it C D.mEMY CO. Coif ee-Tea-Sugai-'Bck Jig Pc m der-txirads-Rice 8 N. Pack Square Phone 1768 I've tried 35c coffee and sheer desperation I tried You told me to always use L oughhees in the VeadJniss with whlub blame la always pui on iow"' And ifvnothing-more haa been mobl: 1 1. . -mat nf excuses has tieen molJl- Used since the -country came face to face with the issues it ha neen try tn tn "doda-e for more than two years. - - War Department's Excuse, "The war department, so-called be cause the last thing it has noon per mitted to. do. la to get ready for war, haa an excuse, a lr'mendouB excuse. Thia i the excuse:" It has1 been for some tfine operating under orders not to take any steps wnicn woum ionic nice a-ettinsr ready for war with Germany. - X am1 Impelled, t.,pt UiatfOarollsa full force wlU .be apparent; NOT TO TAKE ANY STEPS THAT WOUlD UWK . LIKE GETTING READY FOR WAR WITH- GKR MANY. "The language of the orders - may not be given but the sense is, else there is a grave misunderstanding somewhere. . -J"' i-fj "So far as the army Is concerned,! the situation is beyond repair for a, year. It could not be worse." arrona.'eerlhough the government Is'preparmrTor a German farce sim ilar to tjiej-one of Mexico. t .. 'rTthiJ- true then may a fclnd Providence have mercy on our afflict e Ration. " Even China Acts. . V , 'Are we to' be taught a Chine?. -v ' , ., 53 - - That coutnry, under much; less! pro vocation than ours, has .declared war upon Germany and ,lxea a' Ger man vassela within hep-eocta'.and, is using them for commercial' purposes. This we should do at Once. There should be no delajs; . Awake. , from your slumbers, oh, 'yeons of ; North Tear the scales from yp0f yes.ahd ma thini la their truA lla-ht. , Toll ytikf tmnatefe4 and repriteTitallves ihjtt we are in no mooa o oeDniininii oiMrtylayeil with. That wsrwaat our government to strike a blow in behalf of .civilization, liberty" - and justice. Tgat we wish to ald ln tearing the mad dog of Germany "from hie lair. That jjre-wlsh Old, Glory nailed to the mast ana not tanen oown until every rman submarine, which threatens us, Im cleared from the ocean, so that the flags of other nations of the world, aa a game cock among its kind and be looked upon by those serving un der it with the love andbxeqpect which, belongs thereto-. ! "The words 'dishonor, . cowardice, hypocrisy are stamped upon our shield. They, must be blotted there front -anTJ as lovers of Jour g ountry let a all unite in urging upon the presi dent, ana congress mat prompt action te taken to do so, assuring them of our best assistance In aiding io cleanse our escutcheon of these dark spots, forever and forever. From this, statement it looks' she can proudly take her place among A call from tKe Spirit of Daintiness and Newness. Atime when nature casts aside the winter-worn garb of Brown and Black and dons the NeW'Dress of iSpringtime. It is woman's nature to love the things of beauty and daintiness. rjtwas to meet her demands that nnr rnrlr rf K.aVif;fiil CJM 5,;i.- s. . .. - - v.vvnxtjAmHkumvjJlUlg WUIU and Coats, the very newest in Dresses and Sport Skirts, was selected with the most careful consideration of the wishes of Xshevijle women; . For Pre-Easter week we are offering liberal reductions on all Dresses Suits and Coats i: BEAUTIFUL HATS EASTER I I I ii I S 1 1 O 1 M I , r-We hare a most porgeous display of a tt r TTa ts,-trimmed and plain shapes, in Pattern and Domestic styles. Our prieesre, lowest in Asheville and the styles as becoming and up-to-date as you will find aziyjffhere ! . i - - 3 ZILTUORE AVENUE-''':-"-''- Newton NEWTON. March 31. Tuesday af ternoon Mrs. R. B. Knox entertained the Methodist Missionary society to RDgetta"er with several Invited guests. Mesdames George A. Warllck and L. C. Bickett gave interesting talks on the subject of missions. Instrumental solors were given by Mesdames W. M. Slkes, Clyde Rowe and Mrs. J. A. Gaither, who had arranged the words of hymns to appropriate airs, Mrs. Rowe accompanying her. After the program the knowledge of the ladles of important Biblical events was put to the test and the prize was award ed to Mrs. C. H. Mebane, who answer, ed ail the questions successfully. As sisted by Mrs. A. H. Crowell, the host ess served refreshments in several courses. The Ransom-SherrlH chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will be entertained April 4 by Mrs. G. C. IJttle, the date of meeting hav ing been changed from the first Mon day to the first- Wednesday in each month, t At the recent meeting with Mrs. J. B. Lancaster, the chapter de cided upon a course of study In south era history, and a committee has been arranging a program. On that occa sion a dainty course of sweets was served, and " Instrumental solos by Mrs. W. M. Slkes and songs with guitar accompaniment were given by Mrs. J. A. Gaither. the numbers be ing old southern melodies. " JSaWaday eveTTlng- Mrts iiive. Duke entertained a numter, of friends at progressive rook, at which Herbert H. Lowery and Marshall Bolick scored the greatest number of times. Mr. Lowery winning the prize, a box of home-made chocolates, after they had chosen partners and played off the tie. Assisted 'by her mother. Mr. S. E. Duke, a three-course luncheon was served. Monday evening Mrs. J. B. Leon ard entertained in compliment to Mr. Leonard, who had a birthday, hut who was taken pleasantly by surprise when the guests arrived and explained to him the occasion of their coming. In a very interesting musical contest Miss Flossie Frailer -and Professor George Warllck won' the prize, a f beet of music, which was presented to Miss Frailer. In a laughable chewing gum conflict, Charles H. Mebane, Jr.. war winner. Several readings were riven by Miss Masie Schmidt of the expres sion department In Catawba college. Mrs. Leonard, assisted by her daugh ter, little Miss Eula Nicholson, serv ed refreshments. Among the ruests was Rev. J. A. Kombar of Frederick, Maryland. Mrs. Vena Little Goode end guest. Miss Farmer, of the Ltncolnton schools, have been guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Little. Mrs. Lou Goode of Connolly Springs also has been a guest at the Little home. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Huffman of Morranton have been with Dr. and i Urs. D L. Toder this week, Mr. Huff- nan. who la solicitor, going on to Bheiuy on legal airalrs. Mrs. T. C. Clifton was hostess Tties. day afternoon to the Virginia Dare Book elut. Decorations were white and pink carnationa. the club colors, and carnationa were the favors. Salad, cream and cake were -served. The program Included reading br Me dsmee Loy filgmon. O. C. Little. FL P. Cochran- and K. T. Harwell. The text session of the club will be with Mrs.' R. P. Cochran, la AprfV -. Mtae ions Mebane. stud est Art -tfca Greensboro Normal college. -has bean spending several days at home, during the week. ' . This eventnr a pleasing reettal was given in the audltoHumr-at Catawba college by the departments of musio and expression, under direction - of 1 Mtssee Schmidt and Holsteln. MOTOR CAR ti i i j. . .rcupie Duy uie car (pnmanly because ill Dodge Brothers build it, . Fl What Dodge Bothers dealer! '.ft are selling is not tnerely a motor t ', car but a motor car built by Dodge Brothers. W - Touring Car or Roadster. 7SS. Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $961. Sedan, 11185. Ik - Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St ' Jp company it West Ashe Furniture ville. Mrs. Clyde Warner vHiuuia vwiKti ,ar. vvagner, who is wua . me nesiern union Telegrapl company for a few weeks at that polr.L. . Mra. Mildred Washburn ot Conover " iuii inenus in rewt3n Wednes- MATTERS OF RECORD The following deeds were filed yes terday in the office of the registrar of deeds; Lillian- Iee Potts and hysSand fJ Edwards. property Besr ita month. Joseph C Redmond .- Benjamia S. Justice and wife? ro erty in Asheville tnZZ.Z?Z 'm Jf!nd 0ther coMWerationa. Sam E. Stevens anH aH. kt...i. Parker, ei-operty on street; censlderation li and other considerations. . Zachary Develoomsnf H. D McCain, property In West Ashe, vllle; consideration io and nther considerations. (Tvo dt" - - 'Kenllwotth Development company : io . jb. "unna, property in Kenil worth; consideration- 11 and other considerations. - x .... Rio de U Plau Is 130 miles wide l n V' I ' rZJZP . V fuL'v for a iDidsuniner darke" v , OXv- y.LP? ireascarcftd m tJ )rex-rbund M J V 'if tf fiction Of ticir toil t appoint-; '' I V F&"t - i ' '0,t t ' ' ' ' I v.v,:;;i nose i. 'r- Vfc,. ? ... T . - f , v' wburt. ; ' . 7 A j.v.- : : I ; Karl Warlltk left Kondav for As. vine to be with the Snider-Warllck