22: THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. ASHEVILLE, N. 0., APRIL 1, 1917. fejt t lie AsKeiDfe Palm ' Sunday, or s th e Sunday pre-y-mAinw fiaur. will bo otoserved . in feirthe churches of the city' today. Special first anniversary serviceswiu be held at the North Aahoville Bap tist church and the sermons wlll be riiiwTvi4 hv Rev. Benjamin Sorgee. 7 Jtcv. Walter N. .'ohnson, an officer of he Baptist convention, will ireach at the evening service ai me r renen - ftlroad Baptist church. . FIRST METHODIST EPISOOPAIj. North French Broad avenue- Rev. V. W. Btan ton, pastor: K. R. Randall, Sunday wchool superintendent. Sunday school will convene at 9:45 . IB. 'At 11 o'clock the- pastor will speak . ton the subject, "Some Encouraging Rlpu in the Religious Life of the : 3'aclflc Coast," based upon his ot fiervatfons during his recent trip to . California. The Junior league will meet at S , j .m. and the Epworth league at 7 i. in. ... -Palm Sunday will be observed In 'he evening service, with special nu Hie and a short sermon on the ubject, "Palm (Branches for Jesus." The official board will meet on : Monday night, and Passion week will e Observed at the Wednesday even ' Ing servics, ST. MARY'S CHTRCH. Charlotte street (all car lines) ; Rev, Charles Mercer Hall, M. A., rec tor. Palm Sunday. I The Holy communion, 8 a, ra. Matlno, 10:30 a. ni. Solemn mass, Asperges, Blessing of Talma, procession and sermon, 11 a. w. Bible class In church history, 8:45 p. m. Catechism, -4 p. m. Solemn evensong and address, E f $. m. . Holy week services as follows: Monday,' a. ra. and S n. m. Tuesday, 7:10 a. m. and I p. wecmesaay, 7: so a. m. and 5 p ' Stations of the Cross. n. m. Alaunday Thursday, 7:30 a. m. and p. m. stations of the Cross, g p. . sn. - : - Good. Friday, Btatiens of the Cross, :30 a. m. Mass of tho Pre-Banctl-fied, 7:30. Matins and Litany, 11. ins mreo nours' service and preach ing f the passion. n to . Even song, 5. mtercessary service, 3 p. m. Holy Saturday (Easter Even), 7:30 And 6. ' Confessions every day In Holy Week, 4 to 8 and by appointment. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Rev. J, Brainerd Thrall, pastor. Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock at. the residence of the pastor, (20 Merrimon avenue. - Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock at T. M. C. A. hall, Haywood street, near the pontofflce. J This being Palm Sunday, the ser Ice, Including sermon and muslo, will be appropriate to the great thought of Christ as the universal King and th coming of His King dom. . The. sermon will be by Rev J. Brainerd Thrall. The musical service will be led by a choir of mind ni-u . u win mctuae congregational sing, ing, anthem and solo: Mrs. W. F. Krlckhan. accomoanlst. The communion, with receptieh of ow uiemoers, wiu rouow t&e sermon Too Easter sermon on n Hun. day will be preached by Rev. Charles Burton, d. D., of New. York city. secretary or tne Congrega. tlonal Home Miasionarv iMiia.t- All sittings are free, and all persons o coroiauy invitea. ' ' OAtiVAHY BAPTIST. Jtev. J. J. Gentry, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Regu iht service at it a. ra. Rev. Walter N. Johnson, of Raleigh, correspond- : ing- Koumiary or me state Mission oara. wiu speaK at this hour. Eve ning service at T:4S p. m. Prayer every Wednesday evening, . 7:48 p. m. ... . , , , . FRENCH BROAD AVK.' BAPTIST. N ' - Rav- John Bo mar, pastor. ' tonday school, 9:86 o'clock; 0, 0, "firter, superintendent , r Preaching service, n . m. and f ,.' 9. m. - .... iMid-week prayer and praise service Wednesday evening. I o'clock. The pastor preaches at the morn ing service.- . His subject will be the ; 'Great Commission." Rev. Walter N. Johnson, r. D., cor responding secretary of the board of ; missions of the Baptist State conven tion will D reach at the avenln- hmi-. 3Dr. Johnson is a great preacher with a great message. The publlo Is eoi oiauy invited to hear him. . . HEW BRIDGE BAPTIST. ; ' Temporarily In the Woodfln Hill . acnooinouse. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; If. A. Lomlnac, superintendent. - . j Preaching each Sunday at 11 a. m. fcy tha pastor, Rev. Milton A. Braun. The public la cordially InvKed to ftvttend all services. . NORTH ASHKVTIXB BAPTIST. T ,i Special first anniversary services. Rev. Benjamin Sorgea 'will preach tit both services. CWEhTNtT STREET METHODIST Iev. D. Atkins, pastor, - - Sunday school song service at 8:8$ clock, conducted by C. H. Bartlett eunaay school at t:4t o'clock; J. H. Weaver, superintendent preaching at 11 o'clock: sublsct - "Lovo Tour Enemy How) Whyf jintnem oy the choir, "How Gentle joo-s commands" campl. Jffertory, Mixed quartet "Palm unncrmnurt, f ; Commaniosj service. ' Junior Epworth league at 3 p. m. . ; wior Epworth leagus at 7 p. m. Preaching by the pastor at $ j'nVlock: subject "Two Masters , ?ust verve one or the Other, v nicnr 60I0. Hark. Hark. My goul" i 'Miss Bettle Moore and Miss Amy Hackney. Prayer meeting Wednesday night ,s t o'clock. . . : ' Visitors welcome- all tmrur partkh. riltmore , HolT Week Service, Monday Ewnsong and address. 4:J p. ra. ; Tuesday Evensong and address, 4:3 p. m. . Wedaeoday litany and address, 4!:3 p. m. , M Sunday .Tbormdav Holy com munion. 18:88 a. m.; Evensong, 4:38 X. m. ' ' Good Friday Threo hours of do-J vot'on. iz noon to 1 p. m. Eastvr Even Litany and prepara tion for oramunlen. 4:38 r. m. Oa Eutcr day there will be two tarly celebrations of the Holy com- munien, I a. m. and I:t0 a. m. At 4:80 p. m. Easter day tbe choir pf All Souls' church will render the Cantata, "The Easter King." Music (Morning Service.) Communion In E Flat Stalner. World" euiner. (Afternoon Service.) Psalm. Magnifloat Chants. Nunc Dlmittla. Anthem "What A Friend We Have in Jesus." Vesper hymn. (Organ Recital.) 'The Palms" Rameaux. Lenten Meditation Ga 1 Finale Faulkes. CENTRAL METHODIST. -Dr. Charles W. Byrd, pastor. (Sunday Morning) Sunday school, 0:45 a. u.; F. M. Weaver, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock; ser mon by the pastor. Epworth league, (:4S o'clock. Miss Marguerite Smathers will hv charge of a musical program for this hour. Evening worship. 7:45 o'clock: ser. mon by the pastor. The Young People's Miasionarv mn. ciety will meet Monday afternoon at a: so o clock. The board of stewards win mat Monday evening at (:30 o'clock. Sup per will be served. The Epworth league cottage prayer meeting will meet Tuesday evening at 7:48 o'clock at the home of Mr. J. J. Nichols, 75 N. liberty street: Mr. Small, leader. Wednesday evening prayer meet ing at 7:45 o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Immediately following the prayer service tne personal workers' board will hold Its regular meeting. The Frances Burkhead society will meet Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Please note the change of hour. A special Easter program will be given. CONFIRMATION' AT THE LTJTH. ERAW GHtmCH SUNDAY. The Lutheran church, corner South French Broad avenue and Philip street, will observe the old establish ed custom of confirmation on Palm Sunday. Lillle Peterson, Hasel Steele and Naoma Taylor are the cate chumens -who have been duly in structed in the chief doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, and they will be con firmed Sunday morning, after a brief examination by tha pastor, W, I. Peter. 'Marie Person will be baptised at this service. The service begins promptly at 1.1 O'oiooK. (Program.) Hymn "In the Hour of Trial Jem Plead for Me." etc. Brief examination. Anthem by the choir. . Baptism. 11 Confirmation. Hymn by catechumens "Tn Thou My Hands and Lead Me," etc. Address by the pastor. W. r. Pet. ere. Hymn "One Bweatlv flnUmn Thought" ete, . TUhfldUllntlAM 1 Doxology. . The . publlo Is cordially Invited Bring your friends with you. BETHFTj METHODIST. - Corner of Blanton and Phlfer streets; Rev. J. o. Ervln, pastor. Sunday school at 3:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7: JO A sermoa will be Breach el in honor of the Tatlroad and street rail- way men. their families and friends Reserved seats for them. Text: John, 14:1: subject "The Way." Beside the sermon we expect good muslo by tne cnoir ana t. u. c. a. male quar tet junior Epworth league at 8 p. m.; Mrs. C. E. Anderson, superintendent senior Epworth leaguf)" 8:30 p. m. T Prayer meeting. 7:30 p. m., on Wednesday. Everybody welcome to all the ser vices.. ' METHODIST PROTESTANT. Corner Hillside street and Merrl- mon avenue; Rev. Cuthbert W. Bates, eunaay school, 8:45 o'clock; Wal ter R. Havener, superintendent. All children In the community not In any other, school are lnvtted to attend here. , Morning service at 11. Sermon by tne pastor. communion service. Meeting of the membershln. Evening service at 7:45 o'clock. The pastor will preach from the sub ject .'One-Thing Men." Teacher-4ralning class at the home of Roy Schreyer, 18 West street, Monday at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:41 p. m. Wed need ay. A cordial welcome to all the ser vices. A stranger la not a stranger at this church. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH : Corner of ' Aston and Church streets: Rev. Willis o. dark, rector. - Sunday next before Easter, com monly called Palm Sunday. 8 a. m. The Holy communion. 8:46 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. (Morning prayer and ser mon. All seats are free and everybody is welcome. Strangers In the city 'are cordially - Invited to - make Trinity their charcn noma during their stay la the city. The music at Trinity Is rendered bv Trinity's vested eholr of twenty-four voices. Detailed Information about the ser vices during the ensuing week can be found In the "Parish Bulletin," copies of which are obtainable at the church Sunday morning and evening. The rector Is at his office at the church dally, except Saturday, from 12:30 to 1:80 p. to. Everybody is cordially welcome. Right Rev. Bishop J. M. Horner will preach at evening service at 8 p. m, and will administer tha rite of confirmation. Week Day lotesi Servtoes. Mondays and Tuesdays Evening prayer and address at 6 p. m. Wednesday Penitential offlc and adoVesa at ft p. m. Thursdays Holy communion at 10 a. m. Evening prayer and ad. dress at o'clock. Fridays Uteny and address at I 9. m. BALM GROVE METHODIST. . (West Asherllle.) Rev. g. T. Barbour, paster. James Kill. Suadav school aunar. latendent AU teacher will meat at :1S 'clock. Sunday school at' 3:46 o'clock, at which tithe the hour will 1e given over to Christ. Readine services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 D. m. All nlans for a climax in decision on Easter Sunday at which time there will be a special program. OTHER SERVICER Other services for toaay are an- nounced as follows: Christian Church Rev. P. Mean, minister. Services at . 11 Bible school at 3:45 a. m. H. m. French Broad Avenue Baptist Church Rev. John Bomar, pastor; C. D. Carter, superintendent of Sab bath school. Sunday school at 8:30 o'clock. Preaching services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise service every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. St Lawrence Catholio Rev. Father Marion, rector. Masses daily at 7:40; 8unday at 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. Lutheran church, c -ner South French Broad avenue and Philip street. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Everybody Invited to attend. Grace church (Episcopal) Rev. Water B. Cain, minister In charge morning and evenlntr. Morning service 11 a. m.. holy communion and ser mon; 4:80 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. Blltmore Baptist Rev. C. M. Rock, (pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 o'clock, evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Sun day school at 9:45 every Sunday, Superintendent J. P. KitcWn. Baraca- Phllatbea and Bible classes. A wel come to all: you are Invited to wor- smp with us. A revival every Sunday, Oakland Heights Presbyterian cnurcn. Rev. T. A. Cosgrove. pastor. Residence, 615 Bl.tmore avenue. Sun day school at 8:45 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. Visitors are cor. dlaHy received. Services at the Farm school at 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. Wants WANTED WANTKI Oldialse teeth: don't matter If broken. I pay 31 to 8 10 per set Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall. F. Terl. 403 North Wolfe St, Baltl roore, Md. P3703-24-30 WANTED To lease good all year around hotel, 30 to 75 rooms in prosperous town by responsible ( hotel man or would accept posi tion as manager good hotel. Ad dress Hotel, care Citlsen. P8887-1-S WANTED Partner clothing busi ness. Established business near Aahevllle, N. C, will take partner, active or silent $1,000 to $6,000 In terest, Address "Business," care Cltisen. P3813-88-T WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter If broken. 1 pay $1.00 to $6.00 per set Mail to L. Maxer, 2007 S. Fifth Street Philadelphia, Pa., will send cash by return mail. P3408-10-80 WANTM To lease summer resort hotel or larare board in hnnu In nr near Aahevllle. Only the best will be considered. Mrs. W. A. Scott Box " 3907-1 WUPLB desire board and room in private home. Must be close In and reasonable. 'Sleeping porch pre. rerrea. Aaaress A. G., care Citl '" PS926-1- waiyted Scrap Metals, Rubber, sonea. Rags, Paper. Wool, Hides, jrurs, sic write for highest cash prices, rf. btevens, Henderson vine. N. J. 2041-7-tf XHWKifl HUNDRED acres wanted Close Asheville for country es mi, accessible . car line. "In vestor." care CltUen. P8 8 5 8-30 WANTED To hear from owner of rarm or unimproved land for sale. u. k. Hawley, Baldwin, Wisconsin P8900-1-8-15-22-29 WANTED To buy hardwood timber in tracts of one thousand to ten thousand acres. Address R, L. walker, care Cltisen. 3873-31-3 WANTED Motorcycle with side car or ora roadster. Apply Box 584 'ty. P8928-1-8 WANTED A Dr. Minor style reclin mg cnair. -Phone 1634. ' P3889-29.7 P. M. Holcombe, wall paper put un JLjgnt. t-none 1 7 1 . P89 33-1 POULTRY AND EGGS' RED BIRD POULTRY FARM BIMUHAU HEIflHTH n. 1. HJUlB. HtX TM m go 1 oougnt tne best Reds 1 couia nna in the state. Have yearly added stock from the oeai Dreeaers in the United States. 1 st year bought errs from winners at New York, Boston, Chi oago. Have beautiful cockerels for ssua, 2 to Satisfaction guaranteed. Fifteen em tt so Infertile, 35cta. dos. Come see thOKi. x. is. uraaaoca, R. 5, Box 21 3767-25-tf BUFF LEO HORNS To make room . for growing stock, am offering nice birds at $1.60 each. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every first and second prise at big Augusta show won by ray Diras. j. wirron Wlllson, parainDurg, 8. v.. 32-l-8-16-22 EGGS. The Barred Plymouth Rock Is the best all-around chicken in America. from eight years' breeding I have developed the very best. Early naicmng pays, it eggs 31. 50. S. O. Ingram. Arden, N. C. 300-31-tf EGOS for hatching. Single Comb White Leghorns, Black Langshans, Buff Cochin Bantams, best laying strains. Mill Knob Frm, Route 1, neicner. w. c- FI1B9-8-80 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red eggs for hatchreg. also Barred Rock. $1-26 per fifteen. Phone 3123. 3314-18-tf LARGE room comfortably furnished, electric lights, private porch, car stop at door. $5.08 per month. 114 S. French Broad. 8931-1-7 THOROUGHBRED single comb - Rhode Island Red eggs; 31.00 per setting. 'Phone 763. C. C. Lips. comb. 96 Hill rtrewt 8833-29-39 WHITE LEGHORN BOOS for hatch ing from Penmoor Place, 96.04 per hundred. E. p. Wetdler. W. Ashe ville. . J3 878-41-7 Wants FOK SALE SEED POTATOES f FOR .SAUBJ We can furnish the fol lowing varieties: Early Rose, Irish Cobblers, Peerless, Bliss and Bur- oanxs. WESTERN PKODUCE CO. FOR SALE High grade kodak de veloping and finishing. Ycur choice or nrnt weight dull finish or double weight gloss finish paper. Why pay more 7 2x314, or smaller, each 3c 2x4U, 3ttx3. 3x4Vi. each. ..4c 3Kx5H. 4x5 and Post Cards, each. 5c Liberal discounts on quantities. Ray's Studio, Pack Square, Ashe villa. N. C. 8740-25-30 FOR SALK. Furniture and lease, 22-roora board ing house, long term lease, cen trally located. Present tenant clear ed 31,500.00 last year. All rooms occupied. Reason for selling ill health. Worth investigating. RAY-CAMPBEIiL CO. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 27-7 No. REGISTERED Spanish Jack best in state. Bought in Kentucky last year for 31,000. Six years old; weight, 1,000 lbs. Grand sire, un beaten champion; weight over 1,200 lbs. Can be bought at great sacri fice. Owner moving west. Address Floyd Slagle, Andrews, N. C. 3849-2-7. FOR SAXE ffwenty million feet short leaf pine, on railroad in South Georgia; good logging, fine quality, exceptionally good board proposition. Will cut large per centage of upper grades. Price $3.00 per thousand on an agreed esti mate. - R. H Walker, care Citizen. P3887-81-8 A BARGAIN, furnlshirrs of a four- room bungalow, lli'ing and dining room, bed room and kitchon. Prac tically new, cost 8450.00; will sell for 3175, cash. If .ntet'e.ital ad dress J. M., care Citizen. 3890-1-5 JMO-l-B FOR SALE) Several bar loads of burnt lime, the real thin. 98 7-10 pure, specially prepared for agri cultural purposes; ready for spreader. Interstate Lime Corpora tion, Hewitts, N. C., and Bristol Tenn. 8!95-24-80 RUBBER STAMPS We are prepared to make your rubber stamps at home at a short notice. Groves Printing Co. 21 Broadway. 8989-1-3 FOR. 3AI.E Very reasonable. gentle, strong horse, works at any thing and can be put to a buggy. Also a big black gentle mule for any kind of work. Apply R. Guastovino, Black Mountain, N. C 8881-31-7 FOR 6ALE--YeUow jonquil blooms In any quantity. 10c and 15c dozen on grounds. No mall delivery. Ralph wiikie, Bingnam Road, R. sr. D No. 4, Asheville. P8877-13-20 COTTONSEED MBAL - Selected quality. Cheapest feed and fertiliser on market . va a.i... wsn. - F. W. BROD 4V 0 ,ljfemphis, Tenn. n07-is-t FOR SALE, or will exchange for good real estate, slightly used 6V pas senger automobiles; all In good condition. O. M. Coston. Phones 118 or 1378. 3703-7-tf FORD delivery car in excellent order also new delivery wagon. Can Je seen at paint shop In. rear of 65 Blltmore Ave. Geo. H. Lambert. 346S-I3-tr HIGH class gentle driving horse. harness and Buck board for sale cheap to some one who will give horse a good home. Phone 26. 3878-81-3 FOR SALE Pony. buggy and harness. Thoroughly broke Shet land pony. Phone. 264. -E. S. Massey. S924-28-7 HOME sewing machines. Sanitary couch and mattress, rocking chairs, carpet sweeper, awning, kodak, clothing. Phone 2123. 8768-25-tf FOR SALE Ten grade Jersey cows; also registered Jersey bull. C. E. Dameron, Fletcher, N. C- PS875-S1-7 HIGH GRADE Potash Fertiliser for truckers for sale by W. F. Rogers Fertiliser Co. 'Phone 3031 or 1345. 8890-23-80. FOR SALE One Harley-Davldson motorcycle. Good condition. Price $150.00. Apply 139 Park Ave. ' 8862-80-7 FOR 8A1LE Second-hand Hupmo- blle (20) In good running condi tion. Reasonable. Address N. E., care Cltisen. 8940-1-tf FOR SALE One delivery wagon, set of harness and two blankets. Ashe ville Garage Co. Phone 1467. 3847-7-tf FOR 8ALE3 Pony, phaeton and harness practically new. Phone 1480 mornings. 8748-26-tf FOR SALE 1 new Ford body. For full particulars phone 1467, Ashe ville Motor Sales Co. S802-28-tf FOR 8 ALE One typewriter. Phone 2281. fifll8-l-3 FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE 10 rooms, excellent location, modern convenience, gas and coal range, nice yards, good garden, garage on lot linen, silver ware and cooking utensils, furnished complete. 6 Mo. $800.00; 4 Mo. $500.00, 3 Mo. $400. 00 all agents protected. Apply to Chas. M. Brown, 86 Cumberland Circle, or The TK8erT Shop. 8888-31-7 FURNISHED HOUSES. Practically everything on the market nee me before you decide npen a place. JOHN ACEE. REAL ESTATE. No. 10 BATTERY PARK PLACE. PHONB 116. 8-tf CALIFORNIA two-story bungalow. adjoining and ' overlooking golf course. Very attractively furnished. Phone 381 or 77f or address "Resi dential," care Cltixen. P8866-80-2 CASE COMPROMISED. The case against Arsemus Hensley. charged with obtaining goods under false pretenses, was compromised be fore Magistrate Ed. P. Mears yester day.. SrBKI'lTll'K OX BENCH. Substitute Police Judge P. C. Smith occupied the bench at police court yesterday.. He tried a small number of minor eases. Wants BOOM8 FOR RENT FOR RENT Three largo, pleasant unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Electric lights, phone, gas, Call or phone before 8 a. m. or after 7 p. m. No sick or children. 66 W. Chest nut. Phone 2008. 8886-81-3 TWO 'FURNISHED rooms tor light housekeeping, .'sleeping porch and gas. One furnished room on first floor; lovely locality, corner Spears ana Austin avenues. 'Phone 3379. 3874-23-tf. FOR KENT Front room freshly aecoratea second floor, near batn, , new mahogany furniture. Board optional. Address "R," care Clti sen. 8807-28-tf tun kbnt Two or three rooms I furnished or unfurnished close In. I Delightful neighborhood. All mod ern conveniences. Address Box 881. PS810-31-8 CONNECTING ROOMS furnished for housekeeping; also unfurnished cottage. Close In. 144 Rankin Ave. Phone 889. 3!0-28-tf FOR RENT Well furnished apart ment of four or flvo rooms fori housekeeping; no sick. 'Phone 1009, 17 Spruce street. 3376-8-tf. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room. Close In. No sick. Apply 88 Char lotte St No sick. Phone 778. P8918-1-3 FOR RENT A light housekeeping apartment newly calsomined. Everything furnished. 98 Church St. Phone 1550. 8886-81-3 ROOM8 newly furnished, with or without board, close in. Best loca tion. Quiet neighborhood, phone I'2i54. 8889-31-30 FOR RENT In refined home, very desirable furnished rooms. Furnace heat Phone 816. 7$ College St 2982-20-tf FOR RENT 8 large sunny un furnlshed rooms; also the ground floor as a whole flat. Apply 87 Woodfln 8t. 3789-27-7 TWO NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping; close 'In; very reasonable.- 'Phone 1024. 78 Flint f 8832-29-30 TWO WELL FURNISHED rooms with communicating sleeping porch, for light housekeeping. Phone 2458. " 3597-18-tf CONNECTING front rooms furnished for housekeeping. Sink in kitchen. rnone ggu. zs siarnes Ave. 3868-31-tf TWO nicely furnished rooms. AH conveniences. 35 Clayton St. P8872-81-5 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. Ap ply 71 Woodfln St. 3782-27-7 FURNISHED ROOMS Stsrnes avenue. for rent 47 8883-80-7 FOR RENT Nice furnished room. Apply 97 Church. 317--19-tf SPECIAL THE ALLIES ARE STILL ADVANCING The price of foodstuffs by buying everything in sight.' Notwithstanding this we have some real bargains for the corning week. Monday and Tues day we offer: : Best grade sugar, lb $ .09 Three Rivers meal, pk Pure leaf lard, 6 lb. pail . . Toxaway flour, 24 lbs Maxwell house coffee, 3 lb. .35 1.07 1. .80. These prices are for spot cash. Phone your order early and avoid disappointment MITCHELL'S QUEEN QUALITY GROCERY. Cor. Blltmore Ave. and, Victoria Ave. Phone 228. $923-1-1 KLEARGLASS, prevents rain or sleet from obstructing the view through auto windshields, loco motive cab windows, vestibule win dows of street cars. Also keeps eyeglasses, shaving mirrors, snow windows and cases. In fact all grass from becoming steamed, blurred or I cloudy with mist (Fun, sise package 60 applications). 15c post paid. Try it and be convinced. The Westport Mdse. Co., Westport Conn. P8884-S1-8 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUDITS, APPRAISAIA INVBsTTIGATIONS, ANT BUSINESS. ANYWHERE. Reference all AahevlUe Bank. D. G. Devenish Phono ISM. THE GiREAT STATE WEEKLY; vigorous, entertaining. Instructive. It's different and gives you a new viewpoint It's largely about your own affairs and your own folks; you need it. $2.00 a year.' Send 10 cents (coin or stamps) for five weeks' trial. The State Journal. Raleigh. N. C. PS932-1-8 TO REPAIR YOUR STOVES. WE re-bottom, do sheet metal work. furnish castings and parts. Wo buy old stoves. Phone 8066. 29 Broadway. A. C. McBee 3894.10-30 NO FAKE I send you the best $3.60 razor made for 32.00 c. o. d. parcel post My guarantee Is your money back If dissatisfied. J. R. Queen, Barber Sup.. Spartanburg. 8. Car, P2654-17-21 OLD p: ANOS Rebuilt repaired, reflnlahed, made sood as. new. Expert tuning, work guaranteed. Low prices. Phono 2728. car Williams 4k Huffman. 38 46-1 8-tf I T5 1 to urn cwmi xrin s-iabia -ma an4 sand delivered any quantity, by yard or In car load lorn. Highest I grade domestie and steam coal. Plsgah Fuel Co. 1T6 Roberts St Phone 1499. 390-99-tf HAVE YOU GOITRE T THE KNOWLTON GOITRE Institute, Atlanta, Ga., treats nothing but Goitre. Write for particulars. P3902-1-1 FITS I cured my daughter by simple discovery: particulars free. Z. Lepso, 145 Island Ave- Milwaukee, Wisconsin. PS894-1-1 PLONB 1371. Wood yard and Automobile service. L R. stamea. IB west ot 16T-2-tf WE BUY and sell Second hand cloth ing and furniture, it Btltmoro Ave. Phono 86BL ' . t993-3t-tfj LOST LARGE CAMEO PIN. Reward.- Re- turn to 14 Orsnfre St 3787-J7-7 The starfish has no hose, but the whole of Its under side la endowed I 4pyith a sense of small. Wants WANTED Sfl LABORERli MONDAY APPLY TO EITHER MR. . KENILWORTH HOTEL JOB KENDL WORTH. CAROLINA WOOD PRODUCTS CO DESIGNERS AND BULLDERS. SALESMEN WANTED SPECIALtV SALESPEOPLE Men and women to demonstrate and sell the celebrated IMPERIAL KKRO SQffl 8E1L1F-HEATING IRON. A high-class article with limitless pos sibilities of sale. Good territory for good people. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., Dept C, 1211 W. Harrison St, Chicago, 111. P2888-1-1 SALESMEN Vacancy April 16th with old house. Permanent posi tlon. Cover North Carolina. Staple line, sold on exceptional terms. High commission. $35.00 weekly advance. Sales Manager, Suite 69 800 Woodward, Detroit. PSMO-l-l SALESMAN Capable specialty man for North Carolina. Staple line on new and exceptional terms. Vacancy now. Attractive commis sion contract. $35.00 . weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 19613 Cartin Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. P8981-1-1 INSIDE INFORMATION regarding a New York Curb stock due for sud stantlal advance from its present price, of less than 1-8 of Intrinsic value, can be obtained from worry, Pierce ft Co., 87 Wall St., New York. P8913-1-1 TRIBE BOOK "Money in Oil" shows how you can. make quick profits. Have production and stock doubles in price April Twentieth. Neosno Co.. K. C. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. P8901-1-1 AGENTS WANTED STOP HERE Just out Elsen Regu lator for Ford Headlights. Belling like wildfire everywhere. Gives splendid driving light at low speed. Keeps bulbs from burning out Works entirely automatically. Need ed on every Ford. Big profits quick. Listen: . Hopkins, Tenn., cleared 316.20 first day. M.rland. Nebr., made $$,493 in 17 weeks. Slier, Okla.. sells 13 a day. Profit $20. No experience or capital needed. We show you how. Sales guaranteed. Hurry, don't delay, write now for j special Information how YOU can make money. Address Kisen in strument Co., 611 Valentine Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. :sm-i-i I WANT SELLING AGENTS Big money and friends. The Usalyte Inverted Indestructible Gas Mantle sells at sight owing to its proven high merit Millions in use. Usalyte doubles the light saves 1-3 gas and outlasts a dosen others. Every sale of Usalyte makes a steady customer and friend, very Usalyte Guaran teed perfect Don't miss this op portunity, write today for sample outfit (with full selling Instructions) of 100 Usalytes for 33. 50 for 38. Dozen 78c. Prepaid. , Retail 16c each, 2 for 25c. References Dun A Co. and Corn Exchange Bank, J. I. Robin, manufacturer and pat entee, 120th St. and Park Ave., New York. P3912-1-1 A LIVE REPRESENTATIVE; want ed for Asheville and vicinity to sell a newly patented office device that every business man wants. Sells for $1.00. H profit Free sain pi to workers. Write now. Meilicke Co., 364 N. Clark it., Chlcag3. P3S96-1-1 AGBNTte WANTED Let us show yon now to earn 910 dally with a rapid selling household article; write The Cherokee Agency Co., Woodstock, Ga. P890S-1- AGENTB I've a new soap game that' dandy. New stuff. 100 ner cent fronts, sample and run layout free. Write quick. Lacaaslaa Co., Dept 03, St. LOUIS, mo. pan 1-1 AUTOMOBILES USED OARS If you want a good used car- See us. we nave them from 1136.00 to $600.09 In Hupps, Dodges, Hud- sons, Foras ana Overland. 1 Buick roadster. OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO, 13-14 WAJUNUT ST. 3310-6-tf i. R ARDEN Not-A-Minute-Late-Auto Service CLOSED AND OPElf CARS ALL HOURS, PHONB 43 L PI51 1-1 5-36 rOIREATEBT BARGAINS EVER OF FERED IN USED CARS. All of these cars are In excellent condl tlon. Electrically equipped and modern In every way. Many differ ent makes. Overland Aahevllle Sales Co 3916-1. tf Lunsford's Auto Bervice $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per hr. ,, hons 837. Ntaht and Sunns- Day phone 637. Night and Sunday Phone 1888. 3207-1-tf FOR SALE Seven-passenger auto- mobile In first class condition. Would take a horse, or horse and buggy in part pay, or win exchange for llgnt car. PBone I5. 9884-30-3 FOR SALE-1914 Model 88 Overland touring car. practically new. run less than ons hundred miles. Cheap lor casn. box 896 or phone 1506. P3366-80-7 FOR SALE iFord touring car: good condition, used one year. Apply, or write J. L. Miuer, aimw, N. c 3Sl-l-tf AUTOS FOR HIRE Cadillacs) and Hudsona, opened and closed. VQ sew. Day and night sorvtc. Phone 1736. P3481-9-68 ONE 6-TON Mack truck e bargain for some one. 'Phono 1467.- - 334-2-tf. ONE tt-TON Vim truck, practically new. ror sale ax a Bargain. rnm J46T. . t89-38-4x. Wants MORNING ?i HUDSON OR TENNENT. HELP WANTED WANTED Stenographer at MARSTELLER A CO., SO HAYWOOD ST. once. Il-tf WANTED 2 experienced be X. spread hemmers. Will pay 3 dollars per day. Can also use other help. Good pay. Apply in pei.ion or write. Harry Rowe; - Bupt Spray Bleachery, Spray, N. C. -3917-28-14 WANTED Teachers for graded, high schools, colleges. Three agencies, one enrollment. Established 1893, For register write Sheridan's Teach era' Agencies, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED First class cook.-man or woman, to serve 25 to 80 people. . Room on place if desired. Must be, ' first class. Bring references and; call at room 505 Legal Bldg. ' - i 385-80-tf WANTED A representative for high grade hygenic goods. Call and seej Mrs. Nelson at Y. W. O A. 78' Blltmore Ave. between three and', six. P88l-80-3' FIRST CLASS COOK for boarding, house. Apply 67 Spruce St. . .. P$8$7-81-8i- St A L WANTED Responsible man -with: delivery car, to work for the Ashe ville French Dry Cleaning Co- on; commission basis. $30 to $40 per week to the right man. Phone 889 or see J. a Wllbar. 4 N. Pack Sq. .7-tf GOOD MONEY MADE AT HOME knitting hosiery. Machines furnlsh- , ed on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co., (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chicago. P3897-1-1 A POSITION is open for you In the government service after wo have . helped you qualify. My ' - money , back offer guarantees It Write, quick for big free book DA 687, Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. PS914-I-I6-t9 WANTED iBark peeling contractors to contract for peeling oak bark during the comlnj; season Will gtve roUSkblo partis ooatraete tor - any amounts desired. Address Atkins Lumber Co., Atkins, Va 2967-19-7JS Y1E8 U you hava two hands, Prof. Branning will teach you. Good wages while learning. Paying po sition in our chain of shops. Atlanta Barber College, 10 E. Mitchell. At lanta, Ga. '. P8906-1-1 YOUNG MEN WANTED Govern ment railway mail clerks, $76 month. Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin . Institute, Dept 224 D, Rochester, N. Y. P882-21.30 WANTED Edgerman for side edger. Cut-off man, and lumber stackers. Also teams to haul lumber. Williams ft Fulgham Lumber CO.. Asheville, N. C. P8878-81-8 WANTED Experienced man as set ter on saw mill carriage. Apply to Perley ft Crockett Black Mountain. N. C. 8671-33-tf FINAL! WANTED Ladles everywhere to en ter Circular Mailing Business. Build a business of your own. No can vassing, no previous experience re quired. We supply Circulars. Dixie Mailing Co., Dept L-9, Jacksonville, Florida. P3899-1-1 LADIES TO TRAVEL and demon-' st rate our well known products; new plan; experience unnecessary; liberal pay weekly Including rail road fares. Duchess comptuiy, Dept 144, Minneapolis, Minnesota. P3395.1-1 FIVE BRIGHT, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25.00 to $60.00 per week. Rail road fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept 612. Omaha, Neb. , 83.1-8-l8-!?9 WANTED Young lady who Is an ef ficient stenographer and typist, to take a position for about two weeks. Some other ofBre work In connec tion. Address H. O- care Cltisen. P8916.1-1 WANTED Lady to operate hem stitcning machine; must have " J . knowledge of sewing. Singer Sew- 1ns- MuhllM Pa . 1U 1 m.i. T 1- mi . ch.il . Square. - P8999-1-I EARN 326 WEEKLY, spare time!. writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience - unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate 306, f-. Louis, Mo- P3893-L1 WANTED A colored woman to An cooking and house work. Must navo references. Apply at 267 Flint st- - - P3917-1-8 QIRLS Now is the Time, to take a course in THE IDEAL MILLINER Y, " SCHOOL, prepare now. 88V' Wbltehall 8t. Atlanta. P3904-1-1 PIRST CLASS seamstress by the dar. to work on summer clothes. Apply. . 46 Chestnut " 8180-80-8 waited White girl to do houso work for small family. Phono 149 r 2303. 8898-31.1 LOST IXST Scotch-' C 'Scotch Col I la do- --JO .. -white, wearing collar with nam Mra. George J. Evana. Liberal re ward If returned to Mrs. Roulf. Sunset Terrace, Grova park. PI938-1-I IST Purse la Caadv Kitchen business section of city, containing money, etc Finder please return Tha Cltisen Co. office. Reward. - ' ' 359-30-3 tOST Bundle eoatainin union suit rnirrnsed from Redwood Co. Phone 3743. Reward. 9926-1-t lOST Large bench of Jteys. Re turn to ciuaen office- Reward. - ;:v.:-..,;....vnM- 4. J

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