A f .r,r THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, APRIL 1, 1917 23 Want Ads Bring Results Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Citizen Phone 80 POSITIONS WANTED HJTED Position by young man o twenty-eight, with present em ployer over six years, in capacity of time .keeper and shipping cleric Have some knowledge of book keeping. Can use typewriter some Strictly sober, would like to make chance about May 1st. to 16th. Ad dress Q. F. care citizen. 392T-1-S WANTED Young man wants a po sltion as clerk In store. Have had about S years' experience a- clerk and am sure will please if you are In need of a hustle--, write "Hustter."" care Citizen. . 3753-25-1 4 WANTED -Position as drug clerk; years' experlenee as assistant pre scription clerk. one year In pharmacy school. Reference fur nlshed. Answer "Phenol." care CHI en. PJS5B-7-S0 WANTED By young married man,of broad experience, good education and Christian character, position of trust with some reliable urm. AO dress Box 43, Flat Rock, N. C. 886B-30-' WANTED Position by middle agreJ married man with 1 child a care taker or useful gardener. Prefer living on place. Best reference. W. O.. care Cltlxen. P3851-30-S YOUNG educated woman willing to be generally useful deslrta position as companion, can sew, snop, tact ful.. References. Small wages. Z. V.', carw of Cltlren. P3S18-28-7 EXPERIENCED , milHner will flit orders at home. Prices reasonable. Customers furnish materials. Chll dren's hats a specialty. Phone 1391. 3228-S-30 WANTED By a first class white bar ber of -It years' experience, posi tion In a live shop ".y April 1st. Write or wire J. 2. Holley, BoxllB, Hamlet. N- C. P3638-20-14 " BOOKKEEPER Young bookkeeper and general office man wants posi tion.. Experienced. Good refer ence. Address Box 73, China Grove, K.C - - P3649-21-21 EXPERIENCED manicurist and akin specialist will give private treat ment at her home by appointment. Phone 1391. 8229-S-30 YOUNG MAN. .desires employment; anything considered; references: Willing worker. Address "IT-." F.," care Citizen. 3827-29-7 REFINED elderly housekeeper, from the north desires position lit small refined -family. "Greene," - 185 Ralph St. " pa8Q4-28-7 WANTED Position as chauffeur and vgeneral housework by colored boy. City reference.- S. H., care Citizen. P378B-27-7 UNDER-GRADUATE nurse wishes position in tubercular, work. -H. C. ,eare Ciiixeri. P3808-28-7 BOARDERS. -WANTED!' "THE ELBERMAR Tubercurlar Sanitarium 85" Victoria Road. As"hevllle, N. C. Has been .thoroughly renovated and is now open, under entirely new' management and ready to receive convalescent Tubercular Pa tients. Strict adherence to sanitation, and personal attention given to the comfopt and welfare , , of guests. Meals are excellent. Rates on . application. Phone 1688 Mrs. Efflie L. Wolfe, Graduate Nurse, Mrs. B- C. Knight, Manager. 8809-28-30 THE AVONMORE 107-109 Haywood St. Large, airy rooms, with or without bath: table unex celled; rates, $8 to $15 per week; conveniently located. Thone996. . PS708-24-30 UNSURPASSED VIEW of city and , Grove park Inn, large, elegantly furnished rooms with running hot and cold water. All modern con veniences. Scrupulously - clean. Board excellent,. Fine library. Only five persons accommodated. . - 2 double rooms,, each person 8.2C.S0 per week; 1 single $25.00. Tel . 1832., Address. The Murray- Hill, 45 .Maple St Take Charlotte Street car to Balrd, thence 5 mjnutes' --walk. Large sign directs you. -. - : . .. '-P8874-81-T THE BON AIR Under new , management. Special ratea to permanent boarders. Pleasant rooms, excellent meals, homelike surroundings. Two blocks from poctofflce. No tubercu lar .taken. 66 Asheland An. Phono ttL .Mrfc-J.-R Prftehardj Prop. ; lIIQ-H-tf. IN PRIVATE home, adjoining golf links. Superb view of Grove park i rtA i.nnntnr 1 nh Tint rtp heat, sleeping porch, phono 881 J or 775. -or address ''Residential," care Otlien. Ptt-l-$ CONVALESCENTS and rest ctiro pa- tlenta rivn best car la attractive homo In Victoria. For particulars address Mrs. Garrett. 84 Oakland iNNY, AIRY rooms with board ana modern conveniences In new house with private family. Suitable) -for two persona. Telephone- $208. - ' S106-1-? THE) OLD KENTUCKY HOME. 41 Spraco St, two block from- square, attractive sunwr - room; recently remodeled. Thono t767. THE MARCELLU8 Under new man agement. - Close in: steam beat Cuisine the. best phone ttlO. No. I Marcellos St. - ' 3862-IO-"f WANTED Boarder at 64 North French Broad. $5.66 to $T.60 per .- week. No elek taken, phone f84. - 146-7-tf LA ROE steam heated rooms for rest Meals a specialty. On block frora square. No sick taken. Phone J4. Mrs. Elan. 24 Spnice. Pyri;l-t Health and rest seeker can be ac , mmmodatad.at Mrs. Annie Young's, 9t per month. Bwannanea, -H -OL. . . - PT46-6- OOOD board and room at reasonable m4m -i as tn tl.0 nar week. . A r- j'.WMS and board at 5 Aston plno. Hnt Ratp reasonable. No sick. 19 8132. J:225-6-Ji HEAT ESTATE fo"r rTsTnt- FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED. 4 Rooms $1Q,J)0 9-Room bungalow 1T.00 5 Rooms l 22.50 5 Rooms, sleeping porch .... 25.00 6 Rooms, close in 26.50 b-Hoom bungalow, new .... 31.50 10 Rooms (, 35.00 9 Rooms, close In 87.60 8 Rooms, Montford, heat .. 42.00 8 Rooms, Cumberland, heat 50.00 16 Rooms, 2 baths 60.00 23 Rooms, 4 baths 125.00 Furnished 4 Rooms, sleeping porch....! 30.00 5-Ttoom bungalow 35.00 5 Rooms, sleeping porch .. 42.00 E Rooms, new ............ 80.00 6 Rooms, Grove Park 60.00 7 Rooms, Grove Park 80.00 7 Rooms, sleeping porch . . 100.00 Several good boaTdtng house prop ositions. MARSTKLLBR & CO. 20 Haywood St. 1-1 NEAT APARTMENT. Steam Heat, Gaa Range, Sun Parlor, Beautiful Location, Magnificent Views, Easy Housekeeping. Rent 623.50. F. M. MESSLER & SON. American Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-3 26 FOR HOUSE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. -See MOALE & MERIWETHER Real Estate and Insurance, it patton Ave. Phone 661. li-tf HOUSES FOR RENT Houses and .bungalows, furnished or unfurnished In every section of the city. Auto aer .ce and a man ready to show you. GREENE & GOODMAN On the Square. Phone 738. FOR' RBNTV-Neatly' furnished rooms. Newly remodeled. Well ventilated. 'Sleeping porches. Two blocks from Langren hotel. Hot and cold water. No sick. Rates S3 and up per week. Table board opens on April ieth. prices J4.00 per week. 156 J?roadwa,y. 8928-1-7 FOR RENT. Complete list of unfurnished and .furnished houses from 120 to 3200. Let us show yoy., HURSEY-TRAICEY CO., No. J. Haywood. , Phone 1281. at Tt'.iiiiiii ,jj n'urr f, A'i'ifii 'Hi,. FOR RENT iln suburbs, neftr car. 7 rooms, .furnished or unfurnished . either for: housekeeping or room ing only. . . Also small summer cot tage, shaded grounds., 'Phone 533 8830-29-5; FOR RENT Immediately, hotel In Sylva, Jackson Co., near depot. rooms. Modern conveniences. Large garden. Write Mrs. W. H. Rhodes. - P3930-1-1 FOR RENT Farm, 12 acres, five- room house, near Grace car line, Beaverdam; an Ideal place for truck farming. Phone 1882, J. E Smathers. S775-2-tf FOR RENT A six-room house with sleeping porch, furnace and grates, combination range, practically new. Close Hi. Phone 163. P88202$-7 FOR R ENT -room house, desirable location. Close m, ft 7.69 per month. - Six month lease. Phone 819. Amos B. Foy. tl7-ll-tf FOR RENT 8 orchard 'St. Six-room cottage, very convenient for a busi ness man. Phone 1198. 3785-27 OiNE PEN of Stiver Cam pines. Young hens. FimMeyers.. Phone 579. 1920-1-8 NEW 6-room house on Victoria Ave. Near ar line. Modern conveni ences, phone 1&56. 8919-1-tf FOR RENT New 6 room bungalow. Furnace heat. Apply 97 Chureh. " 61-l-tf FARMS 7 S -acre farm, good buildings; 2 acres very fine bottom land; 15 acres timber, on good road; neftr good school and churches. $6,609. 40 -acre farm; good 6-room house and outbuildings; on good road. I have special price, on this farm for 10 days, nlyk yfrSvO.OO, Dandy new bungalow, 7 miles out; . on macadam highway; 11 acres , land: near -railroad station. Price ; jto close out 42,850.00. Anyone , wishing either a Country . Home-' .or ; dandy little, farm,- will never he eble to duplicate this. IS . acres very One land;, on macadam read; I miles from end of paved . highway; - 12 acre fine, woodland; about' tVm acre branch bottom; near railroad station, all for only $2,200.00 X have other bargain and can satisfy the most exacting. If Its farm you : want Immediate possession can be given on all the above place. T. T. H. WOODS, Exclusive Agent ttt'ft. W. Pack Square. Phone 1871 . , r- F R SALE. Will exchange 4fl-ar farm, well lo cated, 6-room house, barn and orchard, for city property. Only a tew dnji.,,. ; ' . " -' . (-room house te good neighborhood. good bargain. $1,400. . .. 16 acres; near Sulphur SprViga, good land f0J- 4-y Here I the best bargain In Western JMorth .Cartilna. $60 acre fine land, 106 acre bottom, fin woodland; t good dwelling and barns, $16, - r- - - "r - r ;. RADFORD ft BBBR8, ' $ Patton A v ..-.' Jhoo 11 44.' 1 - -- ' l-t MONEY TO LOAU EAQYrMONET, Xoan from the ' Morrl ' Plan. 'Payment are o easy there's no excuse to -remain In debt Interest only 6. ASHEVILl.E MORRIS PLAN CO. j strtnr of victories today. ,r defeat it patton Ave. fng Kurmau university at G'reeuvUle, REAL ESTATE '""fcT bT 8aT jTvT ELEGANT 8-ROOM RESIDENCE Norwood Park 3 bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch, living room, parlor, dining room and kitchen; concreted tasement; large tot, 60-ft, front, fine views of 'the western range mountains; back yard adjoins golf links. . Ideal home; hot water heat. $6,600; terms if wanted. 2 OTHER CHOICE NEW HOMES SAME SQCTION BRAND NEW .2.5Q0 spot cash buys BRAND NEW cottage; 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch, bath, living room, dining room and kitchen. Near cur line, 6 blocks Pack Square. Price subject to change without notice; good sec tion, desirable. B. H. SUMNER & SON Phone"-271. Amcr. Nat'l Eunk Bldg. 2t HERE IS A HOME worth your at tention, located in one of the finest residence sections; grand views. Southern exposure, house cost in neighborhood $8,600; Is furnished: lot 116x600; grand oak grove. Owner living In another state, will not return to AshevlIIe. House, lot and furnishings cai be had for much less than cost of house. No phone Information. 1 B. H. SUMNER & SON Phone 2971. Am- Nat'l Bank Bldg. 2t FOR SALE. room bungalow, almost' new, with bath and electric lights, small lot. Good .section. Price $2,200.00.. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch enclosed, on corner lot. Rents for $23.50 per month and the price only $2,800.00. Is 6-room house, all modern, lot r 3x1 50, Central Ave., near Chestnut .Street, Price $3,000.00, terms. 7-room house with three bedrooms and sleeping porcn; In first-class condition. On corner, lot 50x150 streets paved and Jn good, section, .t-rice tt.ouv.uu; terms it desired. GREENE & GOODMAN, On the Square. Phone 73$ 1- FOR SALE. LOTS IN GROVE PARK, West of Charlotte Street. The now pave ment now being laid will enhance the value of this property Ytiy much. Buy a. lot now before the prices are raised. FOR BIBS CAMPBELL, ' 48 Patton Avenue. Phone 26$ BAUcn AtiEJ.-MTS, UROVE PARK PROPERTIES. FOR SALE. s-room nouse, large lot heat plant nu enrage. oi 1QOX350; house practically new' and located close in. i-nce ,uuu can make good ivruu, New 6-room bungalow and bath lo cated on un street Price $2 700.00 can make easy terms. 7-room house, paved street, close In rrice iz.&po.w; $300.00 cash and izthuo per month. DONNAHOE & CO., , Real Estate Brokers, Phone. 649. 30-3 FOR SALE. Close In, 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, lot 42x140. Real-bargain at s,i6o.uu. Term 6710.00 cash, Daiance mommy. Eeveral choice lots In Norwood from J6W.0G to $1,200.00. Blx-room bungalow. Bleeping norch. hot air furnace, lot 66x200. Best residence section. Price $5,600. Term. HOTtSBTTRACET CO- Successors tO:f Ray-Campbell Co. 1 Haywood. Phone 1181. "No. l-t . LOOK AT THIS. A lot 120x189 on one of the' best resi dence street ior - fi.uuo, easily worth (3,600. - X' business property WaynesvMe's main street tor - iis.eoe. This I bound to. grow In value. I a ten per cent proposition at the present price. , - T. M. MEWSLBR -ft SONT' American Nat Bank Bldg. l-t 26 IX-ROOM RESIDENCE $100.00 down. f25.eo monthly Including In terest Price less than value. O. P., Cltlxen. . $814-30.$ BARBER "SHOPS CENTRAL BARBER. SHOP, 61 Patton Ave- ha been newly equipped and t open" ror business at the earn . old price. Tour patronage appreciated. "- 3$lt-t-$6 ItVB MAKS a apecialty en enudrea air patting. . jcxponoeooa - Barre. It Charles Barber Chop, t Hay. r. phone . S4--tf BINGHAM.- MEBAyiW. WCTS.-.' . VtOHAM SCHOOI MEBANE. fr. C- March Itr Under. Ideal weather condition, the Bingham school at Me bane. N. C, added another to It REAL ESTATE f"o "r" sTT "The Quest Cumberland Circle Is fh the north west end. You are sure to like it. Investigate and compare values, en vironment, views. If you allow the home factor as an element in the equation, you will recognize the de sirability of Cumberland circle. There are more expensive lots on the drive but we are pushing three lota at $1,000. each, neur the union of the loops formed by the left curve of Cumberland Avenue and the right swing of the Circle. At a point near Montford Park, reined, secluded, yet quite accessible. These lots arte two blocks from the park. They must be seen to be ap preciated. Henry T; Sharp Co. Phone 817. American Bank Bldg. 1-1 " Especially, Edgemont" The cheapest unsold lot on Edgemont Ave. is- the very prettiest one of- rerea for sale. When we "toured some customer the other day, thev very kindly expressed tbetr joy over the ride. W suggested tho terms of purchase and ventured a v price of the view. They did not press the matter but said the ery nioesx tnjngs no out K Igemont. It makes a lot of difforBnce. the tot, the point .of view:, we mean. $2,500.00 is our price. Henry T. Sharp Co. American Bank Bldg. Phone $17. . 11-1 Rpbindale A beautifully forested street in the Annandale section. Exquisite view of the eastern mountains. 70 feet ,front. Fine old pines and oak trees. Adjacent : to. fine straw berry patch, -(explanation; It Is posted.) -You may raise straw berries, too.. Just -now, the- crop consist of rathsbane, asaleas and wood violet which Jdg their -?ay through a ettrpet pj ijln needles, $ 8 5 0. Phon SIT. .Henry T. Sharp Co., V Aroeflcajn Bldg. 1-1 Yi v is &e ti o n There Is a beantlfM THt-ln Arborvale. , west pf nifttr4iAn9s.,unnlng iprougn . irv," street, to street; paving on "botlt rftreet paid for. . Price undeea.SOO... It can be drrtdrt'Hnftww home site.' No radHner necessary. Yu can go right ahead with your building 'plan. All utilities. ' Good invest ment opportunity. Not recommend ed for agrarian pursuit. Henry Tr Sharp Co., Phone - 81T. ' . American Bank Bldg. . - , . 1-1 " FOR f4ALK.' ' - BDDMONT FURJNT3HED , HOME Four large' bed room, two bath, southwest sleeping porch, -large living and dining rooms, hot water heating plant Furnished ready for occupancy. , .. FORBES A CAMPBELL. 41 Patton Avenue. ' , phone 268 SALES AGENTS. GROVE PARK PROPERTIES, l-3t Suggestions ' About house. We wHl Issue a little book next week, telling you of the bet "buy'! on the market It will contain a list of house with graduating prices, from a $1,250 cottage In West- Ashevllle up-toil $26,000; city and suburban. May we put you on ,our mailing liet? .,;.:-r:cerUlly-' .;, ... i . , Henry T. Sharp Co. r American Bank Bid;. , - ' . i Phone 117. ' 1-1 FOR SALE. ' GROVE' PARK- RESIDENCE. BIX rooms. Bleeping porch, two : oaia room, hot water heating plant ' high shady lot with good .rlews. -Owner leaving mo. city uesires to sell. , . r FORBES CAMPBELL 48 Patton Avenue. PJion If! SALES AUUNTS, QKUVK fAHH. PROPERTIES. T-4t IjOTS FOR SALE. FTVTB LOTS, some on BenrtetU street the other Just acroea on Roblndale aveaue. Now the only cheap thing about these lot i the price. Lot No. one $$(; No. two 1409; No. three $$it; No. four $60$ No. five ttiO. - gEJS .-. -GREENE GOCDMAN, On the Square, 7. . - Phone 711 V 1 FOR -. SALE Residence ( Ten room - on Merrlmon , Ave- - well built, rente for $56.00 per month, lot' 7tx224, price $6,506. 3. It Law Realty Co 26 Law Bldg. (Next to Court House.) 362-1 6-eufi-wed-tf TBN ACRES, new seven-room house, fruit tree. Asnsvui water, rise view. Farina a Smith,-W4 Ashe, rill. PI5H4-17-I6 FOR 8 ALE, - or will exchange for property I Awn evil, I good farms. O. Jf Coston. plionee 111 REAL ESTATE FOR BALI HOME (" "IT CAN BE DONE" DOTS Frontage 216.6 feet few steps East Street car line. Pretty lots to build cheap houses, price 8 dols the foot. Terms. These are deep lots. Frontage 180x200 ft. level between Anandale Hnd Grove Park $10 the foot. 95 feet on Broadway especially Rood for stores doing general trad ing. $25 the foot. A genuine bar. gain as we see it. We offer on Beautiful Pearson Drive, a perfectly lovely lot "0x200 for $D,200. This is a very high class proposition. We also have to offer on Hillside a tremendous lot (89x300) grand old oaks $2,200.00. This Is also a winner. M are 'lot (a little more or less.) Elevated and beautiful Grove Park. It has the Western view a well as the Sunset Mountain. Splendid neighborhood. Sold for division $1,700 cash or terras. In Grove Park we have two lots 150x200. They are beauts $6,000,00 W also f 1,2-50. have a Grove Park lot (or can you neat mis? We have a Merrlmon lot 80x200 for $2,600.00. We have another Merrl mon lot 120x160 for $4,500,00 and still another Merrimon lot 115x260 for $5,000.00. The next and last on Merrlmon 240x200 (more or less) $12.000.PO. We might arrange to cut this lot. We refer to cutting down the size and not the price. Y'ou will not know Miss Norwood (Park) if you fall to visit her for the next twelve months. You wilt see wonderful-developments made there right on and on. We have lots of Norwood information and listing worth ., while, .both in Im proved and vacant lota. . There Is no section in or .around Ashevllle that we haven't a' select - .listing of vacant lots. '; We are on the "Go" morning, noon apd evening, and with this immense ad vertlsing scheme that we constant'? pursue, we certainly do get th "good things" and know the "good ones" too and we simply don't fool with ' the- out of reason props We ve found that we can do no one Justice when we feel that prices are loaded. We claim to know these values. We study them lfs our business to know them This is one of the reasons why we sell so much Real Estate and keep W. T. ROWLAND St CO. 50 PAT, AVE WPi ARM GiETTINO POWERFnjlAY PAMIIL.IAR WITH NORTH ASHE VIIiLE, NORWOOD, RAYIMOUTH, WOOUSEY, GRACE. BEAVER . DAM . AND YlOtrVERDAM SBC TION. BROTHER. SISTER, keep your eye on this section. You won't know It five years from to day. Asheville knows no limit. especially In this direction. A. First grade cltlsens are buying here, there and yonder tin that pretty valley. That road. City water. Street Cars, Electric lights (some gas) and co-operative spirit will make old things come to Hie We have prices and terms on qne special boundary up tnere mat s calculated to make one rich, If handled right. We have several plots of varying size. They are strung out alt along that mile a minute pike . road. We have the swellest forest boundary in the very heart of WeaverVille. In fact, we've got the goods and a good supply bought In advance of war prices. 'It Can Be Done.' - W. T, ROWLAND CO. 60 FAT. AVE. A NICB IdTTDE INVESTMENT I rooms very dheap but new. .1 acres fenced. Iss than 2 miles frera Grace car. Here's the place for . that orchard. Well protected cove. 11,000.00. Attractive terms.; Here's another simple little home In same cove, 4 rooms. , Very nood house. Every foot of the land la the richest garden. About 3 Vi acres. J,600.oo. No house of any kind on this $ aere tract. Tjand only good for orchard, pasture and building site. Mountain stream, swell view, icuu.uu. it less than two, miles from Grace also." Persactly 1 mile from Grace car line I room house and Z Vfa acres iana Pretty little place. For quick b unl aces, 12,100.00. , i lust beyond this tract In Beaverdam we have 5 acres ana s room cottsge for 1J.600.00. We have others much larger. Right In Grace on the car line we have 240x700. s pretty iota ror IZ.tOO.O.- 'It Can Be Done." W. T. ROWLAND CO. 60 PAT. AVE, FOR SALE Subdivide this It can be easily done, over twelve acres In the City of West Ashevllle, has City Water, Eiectrio ugnts, etc. On this orooerty is a twelve room. well built residence, a three room cottage and outbuilding, price. It I. 000. (Worth IU.000.) J. R.Xaw Realty Co., Kxeiusrve a gem, zv Iaw RlrlK Next ta Court House.) IMl-l-siin-we1-tf "WE4T A8HSVUXS ESTATE' trsndaome Lota beiig fm proved wftt the peblle tUltlee. !H to 14 dows em IS IN sunuif wra.m Nn Interest No Taxes The tA CHART DEVELOPMENT CO. Smith BIAS-, raok -to, raone isie. T iim.n.f MUfcT BACRIK1CE Bran new bungalow, Merrlmon section; f rooms and bath. Lot, Jtxlll. For next 10 days ll.0t. H cash. XrB.eer?HtH sen. J Il4-t-tf FOR 8 ALE Beautiful lt-rooaa resi dence en Riverside avenue, saca sonvin.'n. " Beet residential sec tion; corner loC Addreae "T. X." ran. r-rttw. - lle-t-f FOR SALE A bargato. 111 Miiiaiae street; elne roome. onveniens. Urge lot. Terrne, Apply to Owner, ilo HI. Beat I. Aah,iilK REAL ESTATE. -HERE THERE YONDER ' . i 5 rooms and bath, Woolsev, location tor suburban store and nome. ? xma section needs a good store. Easy terms; small cash payment; $2,750. ; We are prepared to give you some very interesting infor-' mation on West Asheville. We are well acquainted with tliis rapidly-growing suburb. We have' a pretty tract of 50 acres in West Asheville, $250 the acre. Wo have a doxen first-class real money-makers-West Ashevijlc. ',--.. ' "' We hesitate to advertise BUSINESS PROPERTY, but if;', you are interested along this line, wo believe it will i pay you handsomely to take up some time with' us along this same aforesaid line, as we have a most com- piete jKsiing. Wliile he is in the notion let's trade him a homo in the city for these 66 acres up on the Swarmanoa. The said land Right here on the edge of 'town, 26J fine acres $6,000. , Terms. - . - 82 acres ona mile' Swanjianoa. Fine farm $6t20O ' 59 large lots! Fairview" Road $6,500. 4 . , ' t - ' ' 1 Grace fine home-ask us. . . . , . . . . ...t $13,500.00 Acton fine farm ask us.-, . .'i v; . .'.V; r. -.$14,000.00 600-acre Beaverdam Farm as!k ml ..$32,000.00 We have them right on up. and likewise right bri' down-r-- Certainly, 1! -'" o'r-ZW ' ' x' 1 1 (U Can Be Done." l - . W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. .; , Here is otte of the sweeteslplaces in tho round world : : r-lTWA DREAAfl - - ? -Well, they say it cost around four thousand to landscape it. Car fine Suburban Electric lights quality, first city water 2. baths-3 wonderful acres paved roa,d 7 rooms-highly polished quarter-sawed oak floors heated-fruit grapes berries. Some - of the world's choicest and permanent views. , "I said it was a dream." Nothing cheap about it,. but tho price, and that is ridiculous-$6,500.00. ; ; ; v . , ;. -,v- r lt -Can Be Done-M! U ?V'v m . W.iX ROWLAND & CO., 50 tAT, AVE. , GREAT GOODNESS: r . I have to let it go, bt we take,i!mall profits and turn em P. D. Q. 3 1-4 acres, Very inexpensive. ; New cpt tage and good puthouse. h On car line. ? City waters lights, too, if desired: Buy it within 30 ininutes after reading this ad, ,and youll say Well, Done.','.. $1,100 'cash or, terms at "slight advance. " ; " U . : i : t Can Be Done.' , " t W.T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. 1 EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN JN EXTRA GOOD, CHEAP 'HOME 5 rooms,, modern Improvments (practically new) lot, 53x2007-$2,,300.;Thi8 man wants a farm, is the reason for sacrifice. Positively the lowest figure. . .; , , "It Can Be Done." ; ; ' : ; . - W; T. RQWL AND & CO.; 50 PAT. AVE. . , MORE ABOUT BEAVERDAM ACREAGE. . Exactly one mile from Gracef ana o-room conage iwo oi me rooms upsiaira unnn- ished) just the place you've been waiting to see ad- vertiscd-$2,100,00: . ' "':Y ' .t. "H.It'Can Be Done. " J. W. TROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. , . .WHAT IS YOUR SPEED ? . , J-minute walk to one car line Ati Wll..4-rtci' ...nib- i-ri minutes walk to square (take all day). ; Here's the piano part--$2,5O0.pO for this nice 5-room cottage ou , any kind of terms (ahnost) you name--Be quick 1 , ' ' "It Can Be Done." 4 u f . : - ; W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 50 PAT. AVE. V. . OUR RESIDENCES APPEAR IN THE TIMES TODAY You've long wanted to get Just out -or toe eityj- Here la your opportunity 10 acres. .-.7 " roome. Practically new. Pretty views. I4.2S0.00. Good terms a slight advance. - in 'pot! tion to make It Ave stares and r,n provementa If desired, substanM.-vl reduction. ? . ."It Caa BeDone," W. T. ROWLAND CO, SO PAT. AVE. MJE MB- EARLY MONDAY" ' for particulars , concerning the oppor tunity for the lives kind .of de velopment of about '!. feet On paved road. City water and lights. Some of our rarest -viewer Positively a ouick sooaev mreflt 44 , . with some terma. . Not subject to offer only-one price and that for Immedi ate aeoeptanee. ,- . . -It Can Be Doee." W. t. ROWLAND 4s CO. AO PAT. AVB. ..., A--H .i.t-iIItf JOTHINO PERSONAL- -i Just a plain- cold -ateel business proposition. - la the first place, get the price flx't la your. head. . Tea thousand dollars. - (Owner has -refused nine thousand) -nothing like It around these diggings Oalr i I .mlna.. .walk.. Jo.-carline r-( that sounds good ror a iarm v nna great big acres. Very fertile. .(That sounds good too. Eh? A wonder fully.Sae Jmsbo -ef t rooms elate roof hardwood bath hot and cold water. . Lots of the different kinds of fruit. Borne of our rarest views and elevations. Location Quito renned community, t miles, of the Poet Ofllce. Now see U--It Can Re front " W.T. IWrVLA.Ii4CO. 1 1 J? AX AXE. REAL ESTATE corner Merrimon-rcxtra fine 16 acres; new bungalow 1 ! car, line. We have 2i acres 1-minute walk to the tother aminvn rt..i.lr 4-smif . T f Five or six hundred fruit trees are, , not to be sneesed at especially when , " they are In a cove which dee not fall. - They are high grade, too, " one hundred of which are cherries, . Think of it. S room cottage Beaverdam. Lose than 1 miles from Grace car line. One mile from main Beaverdanl road.. Good terms. acres land, pretty views. -"It Ca Be Done." W, T. ROWLAND 4k CO. 10 PAT. AVE. PLAIN FACTS! SOQfll PORTIONa OP THIS FARM 18 AS POOR AS A BLUE TURRET Ben. o what' the use or proflt In advertising tt aa a "Fine Fertile . River Bottom Farm r, Tou'd be .. sure to catch me tying. An Aoe art Ace a Spade a 8pade (1) acrea. about 4s acres cleared ' fcalance paetare and woods (2) Location 1 miles from - Fletcher station en excellent-sand 'clay road ' ' " (J) t room country home with sev. oral outbuildings Springs, running ; water and well. .' , (OA beautiful old place lying on 1 the R. R. Naturally good clay land. 7 Some land very fertile. All Ilea ex- - ceptlonally level.' ' . ' (S) A perfectly splendid - buy aT r 13,000.00. Can arrange first clan terms to right man or would tradi -for city property having real valuo. "It csn Be Done." W."T. ROWLAND A CO. 10 PAT. AVE. P. b. fVa have nearly three nun-' dred acrea of good, land about ? miles from Fletchers, f-kyland or Arden. Ixts of tine timber n1 arid wood. Spring r.mnrh r n . JSveJiUUgJU. J:,50y.OO, w, x, k.

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