'32; THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C, APRIL 1, 1917. Tta' 0 Little "Jewel" in Your Home EASY j to OWN 1 P--- 0 3 3T 1 EASY to OPERATE Asheville Power & Light Co, SALESROOM 102 PATTON AVENUE riiiniiiiiintniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiitmmw MAY INSTALL AN ELECTRIC MESSENGER SERVICE IN SENATE j 1 1 i i c 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 xS If a new system of communication between tn senate chamber and en at office building, where the national law maker held forth, la adopted our senators will be summoned from their offices, kept Informed of exactly what m koi riff on at any- given minute on the floor of the chamber, and notified of special ( legislation by a ay item of electric bulletin machines Installed throughout the senate oflloee and . operated on the Principle of the eom ' nton stock ticker from a central office In the national capltol. The operator of the device will alt in with the shorthand .- reporter and write out bulletlna on a master electric device in the eena'-e chamber- It may fee. -army appropriation out up ror a bate," or "meeting, of aenate commit tee in room two." Whatever la writ ten out by the operator on the master instrument la 'at one copied by a hundred ; or more electric "hands" installed tn the office in the aenate oftloea several block away. For year the legislature has bean kept In touch after a crude fashion by system of eleotrlo signal bells having a coda of ringing elgnal of Hopes Women Will This Habit As Well As Men Adopt Gtaae of hoi water aach mom big help it took and feel loan, aweot, frh, Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear akin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from nines are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realise the wonder of the morning lneide bath what a gratifying change would take lac. Instead of the thousands of sickly, AiiaemicxooKing men, women ana girla with pasty or muddy complex ' Ions; Instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks." "rundowns," "brain faga" and pessimists we should aee a vhila, optimistic throng of rosy -cheek ed oeo pie everywhere. An inside bath la had by drinking, ' each morning before breakfast, a alaea of real hot water with a teaapoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidney aad ten yards of bowels the previous day la tligeatibl wests, eour fermentations and poison, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening tn entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those sub) set to sick headache. MI. lonsnssi, nasty breath, rheuaaatlsm. colds; and particularly thoee who have a pallid, sallow complexion aad who ar constipated very often, are argad to obtain quarter pound . of ttmeatoa phosphate at the drag store wale) will coat but a trifle but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change tn both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We meat remember that Inald cleanliness la more lm portent than eertside. because the ekta doea not from one to five rings. For Instance on ring might mean, "Senator Jones wanted on the floor," and ao on tnrough tu Ave ring. But auch system easily led to confusion and for some time there haa been a grow ing aeatiment - among the senators favoring' the installation of eom sys tarn whereby the member should know Just what was going on In the aenat chamber. The experiments bow oeing conducted with the new system, it la believed, will lead to the permanent adoption of the new eleo- mo bulletin system which haa al ready proved of value in hotela, wait in; roome, and office. The new device la uncanny in the way me pen darts out from Its cor ner and writes with a perfectly easy awing the bulletins aa they are jotted down fey the central operator at a distant point. Then the machine with a row clioka lifts the line of writing out of the way and it I readv for another message. The record of past massages la preserved and may be In spected at any tkna while meaeagee taat written remain in plain sight on tne bulletin rack of the machine. secret of Mysterious Pen. The mystery of the nen which write without the touch of a hu man hand 1 always faacinatlnr to those who stand about and watch the bulletins aa they appear. The prin ciple of the operation of the device la really much slmnler. however, than - . - - - - I tne average onlooker would supposs. i It depends upon the well known prin- clple that an electric current of vary I Ing Intensity Induces a magnetio at traction of similar variation in an I electro-magnet The motions of the J master pen in the hands of the opera tor are communicated tnrougn two silk eorda or wires to a device which varies the etrength of the current aent out to the distant Instrument. One aiik cord varlea the atreneth of the electric current aa th pen movea up and down and the other controls the Intensity of the current aa the pen movea at a certain speed across the paper In a lateraf direction. The recording Instrument at the receiving ena are similar to the sending end, only electro -magnets are attached to the receiving pena and these pull the pen according to th pulsations of tne current -received from the con trolling Instrument. The receiving inatrument then converts these pulsa tions into writing and a feeling me chanism controlled by a ttny motor turns up a new apace of papers after tne line pas poen written. The whole system operates very much on the same general principle as the or dinary pantograph ao frequently uaed for copying drawing with the distinc tion that the tracing and reproducing ends are connected by electric wires instead of by wooden or metal con' necting strips a few Inohee Ion. The variety of usee fa which these umm airswjy oeen put toucn almost every line of bualnaaa or pro fession. The doctor haa an attendant at hla receiving reowi and the name and address of each waiting patient la written dowa in the order of ar rival. A record Inr Instrument In the pnyatctaa s omce write out th nam of the patients and makes a duslicate of th attendant' record for perma nent reference. It enables the phyei. etaa to keep In touch, with hla wait ing patients, to know whs la "next " and to refresh his memory of name and faces. The nocttrfe BW1 Bow. One of the larsreat hotela n Mm Tork baa a score ef these machines Installed tthreaghout the parlors, din mg rooms, uoerty aad grllL When man wanted on the electric writing macnine. The silent method the eleo trlo method of "paging" a guest aoes away with tne noisy bell boy (lis turbing the guest by bawling out "Mr, Jones wanted at the office." The message la usually delivered more promptly because It la written aimul taneoualy on Illuminated bulletin boarda on all floors of the hotel, and the party called Is relieved front un desirable advertising when he an nounces that he la the one called, Often embarasslng mistakes in names occur when the bell boy mumbles the name. This la not possible when the name 1 spelled out tn full on the electric bulletin machine. Railways were among the first users of the electric, bulletin machines and now they are used in many of the largest paeannger stations in the coun try to announce the time of arrival or departure of trains, the tracks they come' In or go out on, and the kind of accommodations provided by coaches, aleeplng, and parlor cars, Factories and storerooms have found the device Invaluable for list inr goods ordered and for communl eating the orders to the various ware houses aa fast aa they are written down. The system Imposes an addi tional check on the usual methods of Invoicing goods. The Advantage. I tell you, hearing those star opera singer on the phonograph la almost aa good as hearing them on the stare." Far better. Tou can shut them off whenever you like on the phono graph." Chicago Herald. Served Him Right. Mrs. Owens John, the butcher from where we used to live haa found out our address. He called with that last year's bill and waa really impertinent Owens (hotly) Impertinent waa he! Well, now, we'll just let him wait for hla money. Boston Transcript. absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pore In th thirty feet' earn ana Mit. f i, r- i. il .1" of bowel do, . .' ' sldvt. aracUc to bulletin th aama of th LADIES! LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN GRAY Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody will Enow. f V WILL THE CITY OP THE FD' TTJRE BE BTOiT Hi A 4- STRAIGHT LINE. "Roadtown," tho city of the future, described in the April American Mag azlne, la the noval Idea of an Inventor named Edar Chambless, who has conceived an entire city with an ideal transportation system shooting out In to the country In a straight line. En glneera, city planners and efficiency experts have marveled at Its possibili ties, "While studying the transportation problems of New York City, trying to figure out a subway system for freight delivery, Mr. Chambless evolved housing scheme, a series of towers like smokestacks, joined and braced from outside, each apartment an en tire floor with air and - light on all sides, easily accessible by fast eleva tors, to be built of concrete, two hundred and twenty-five stories high and engineers pronounced It pos sfble! Suddenly, In the night the Idea came to him to take the towers down and lay them flat on the ground to build out Into the country, not up Into the aky, This, then, la the plan for the city In the country: The houses, whether a hundred or a thousand are all In one line. The basement I a continuous passaga, with a noiseless and weli- ventuated system of transportation. Each house has its own stairs to the platform, which runa the entire length. "In this basement are the conduiu for all the pipes and wlrea of Road- town. Having gas, water, and elec tricity in a stralgth line is one of .he great economies of the new city. Every apartment haa on two sides air and light. The two ends partition off the adjacenrhouses. The country, with gardens and farms, is Immediately accessible at every point. Within a half mile on either side, there are two acres of land for each family, sufficient, th9 Intensive agriculturist assert, for their support. v. . ' $70,000 BILLY SUNDAY 'TABERIIACLElll . HEW Ml. m.4, fa KM J ooripaawooo uraaaBwoopwaSa. Myi art While Billy 8nnday' advsac guard Is orsanldnf churehe In Now Tork for hla campaign titer axf Month, carpenter are finishing th biggest tabernacle over built for tho rvlvllst. at th old American league ball park. It coat $70,000 and eatg 10.009. Nearby are email building for ritfkaei, lire andk bther emersenele. HOW A SUBMARINE REVEALS IT- SELf. Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. We all know tho advantages of a youthful appearance. Your hair la your charm. It makes or mar the face. When It fades., turns gray ana too streaked, just a few application of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhance its appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay srar! Look voun! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a SO-cent bot tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur .Compound." Which 1 merely the old-time recipe Improved by the addi tion of other ingredients. Thousands of folk recommend this ready-to-uee preparation, because It darkens the hair beautifully, besides no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a apongs or soft brush with It, drawing tnia tnrougn in nair. takinr one mall strand at a time. By morning the gray hair oHaaDnears: after an other application or two. Its natural color la restored and It becomes thick, gioesy and lustrous, aad you appear mrm younger. Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Com pound la a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mi Ufa. tioa or nrovoBjUea mg disease, Adrt. "The roof of this long line of houses ie also a continuous passage APRIL'S COMING CP THE HILL. April's coming up the hill. Cheeks abloom and azure eyes. Stealing softly to my door. She thinks to take me by surprise. But I ve been watching long for her, From my window looking down On the first note of her voice My heart awoke from aad dismay. Ah! April, car- you bring me Daca The life that winter took away 7 April's comlri; up the hill. Flush of peach blow on her cheek She's spreading down her mantle areen Across the meadow bare and bleak To follow gladly In her, train. Sunbeams flllter through the clouds, Laughing at her through the rain. She pauses at the school house door To call the children out to play. Ah, April, can you bring me back The child that winter too, awayr Aprlf s corning up the hill. Scent the Hiec on her breath. Surely one io young and fair Nothing anow of gner or aeatn. But she pauses at the grave Where a little gtrl'e asleep: Lay her tribute, fresh and green. Bow her golden head to weep. Then she paasea on ao blithe In her flowering, bright array. Ah! April, ran yon bring me back The joy that winter took awayr 'Med Raoson, In Christian Advocate. Mlnlatur naval battle may he staged in an ordinary bath tub with a electric towing apparatus for moving model battieahlD about la the .tr - A submarine always reveals her presence to the seelnr eve. If near the surface, her periscope leaves the betraying wake, and, even when ahe e a hundred feet or more under wa ter, she always disturbs the surface In a way that, to the experienced ob server, makes her presence known. The watcher in an airplane quickly sees such disturbances, even If the submarine is too far under th sea to be seen itself. But the Important fact la that the submarine spends most of her time on the surface. The U-BS's abil ity to sail seventy miles under water without rising le regarded as. a great achievement. Most submarines, that is, cannot keep eutomerged nearly so long. The. reason 1 that It haa to come to the surface to recharge Its electric batteries. This recharging is done by the oil engines, which can work only on the surface, because of the exhaust. In addition to Its other disadvantages, this recharglnev pro cess makes a noise that can be heard five miles away. While undergoing this ordeal, the submarine Is in a helpless condition, and a well aimed shot even from a small gun, such as a motor boat can carry, can pierce Its thin steel plate and send It to the bottom. Th World' Work for March. Put One Over Murphy. Faddy waa jubilant. He chuckled as he sat In the corner of the pot house fire. "What's the jokeT" aaked a neigh bor. "Shure, and A've done a deal!" chortled Paddy. "Oood!" "A've gave Murphy th' ould mar for a cartload o hay.' "But what's the good of the hay If the mare's gone?" aaked the neighbor. "Och. bedad," said Paddy, with glee, "Murphy promises to lend ma the ould mare to ate it!" London, Answers. Powerful electric sirens Installed in Paris, France, will be uaed to warn citizens of the approach of Zeppeltna la Danger. Sandy McTavish waa a hlahlv skill- ed workman in a new aircraft factory- Therefore it happened one day that Sandy waa aaked If ha would care to accompany the work a via ror on on of hi trial flights I a machine. Sandy, after some hesttatloa. ag"eed to do so. During the flight the aviator arked Sandy how he was enjoying It. "To tell the truth." answered .the Scot. "T wad rather be on the groun'!" "rut, tut." replied tne nying man. "I'm lust thinking of looping th loop." 'For heaven s sake don't da that!" yelled th new .very nervous McTavish. Tvs soms siller . In my vest pockets, an' Ah aalcht lose ew Tork Globe, Come to Headquarters fr COTTON SEED MEAL OWL BRAND 41 to 4 ' Protein DOVE BRAND MHto41 Protein T BRAND sr to S8 Protein F. W. BRODE & CO., Inc., Memphit , Tenn. ESTABLISHED 187S Our booklet, "Sdenoe of feeding,'' free am request F)R more than twwtyyearv w fcm treated iccefaltr, twadreda of caeca. Thai i aa assurance of our ability to eliminate that craving, for drug or liquor, that it gapping, roar ttrexfth, weakening; your will power and destroying, your aelf retpect. Our treatment m mmmOj euccestful becauee are clean your eritti7temof poasortf and impurities IkabituaiuMbf drutrs aira uuuois nave prooucca. a sen, complete rest and recuperation fallow amH th jplnl iinn-fti, offered fa th bright, a-to oWsasnf this a.aauaW. h .M. that i. ae-uTpWhTa-aT efaTbett Osama et aounuy. I IadrtieUtraatawatfori AO fapanc etrktr eotuldcatiaL Wiitafcr