THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917. RASTER SUIT-DRESS J$ buASJiTCHED i li X Hi ffeK I . & 'Mm if Ml Hickory ETITCHINa FOR TRIMMING. A bowline-pin model of tan gabardine has iU bulging line emphasized h" ifutqoe pockets and rows of hen : blue silk stitching. The collar is edged with tha stitching and beltJwMtiof la used for Uia cuff.. - Franklin FRANKLIN, April 1 Mr. and , Mrs. D. O, . Campbell of flange rvllle, Me are iumu at Franklin Terrace ' They expect to visit Jacksonville and other Florida points before returning north. " -' ; - Mrs. F. S, Johnston has returned from a visit to friends in Atlanta and :.v Athens..; . Attorney Welch Galloway of Bre varat was in town ibis week onuusi Bess. ' '.' y ,..:. i Mrs. George Bidwell entertained at a tridgo luncheon on Wednesday. "" : Mrs. Sutton of Decatur, Oa., who ; was fMlss Mahota Horn oerore her marriage, is visiting her parents, Mr. . ann Mrs. A. w. Horn. . The 1815 Muslo club "met on Mon day with' Mrs. Harry Higgins. The : program consisted of a -duet from Konignkinder. by Mrs. Klngsbsry and ; Mrs. titgglns; , a reading from Evan gellns, by Mrs. t. O. Campbell. I guest; piano solo, Tanswiee, by Miss ' juaud Jacobs; vocal solo, Miss Sykes, uypsy ijove Bong: vocal solo. Mrs, Lyle- Janes, ', the Banjo, and' Schu mann's Gypsy Chorus,, sung by the ciud. After tne program Mrs. Higglns, , who is k .recent bride, was surprised ) by a miscellaneous shower, and the . numerous beautiful gifts she received was an indication of her 1 popularity among me ciud memnera,' The club, . at Its open meeting In June.'ezpecta to unng an artist to tTankiin. . Miss Irene weaver expects to leave soon to attend the' meeting of ine noutnern Musical association in jiirmingnam. - Aims ivaio Kooinson entertained a numoer or irienas at ainner on Mo--day evening. - Mrs. John Trotter has "-returned from a short visit to Knorrllle, Tenn. Title . to a home in Grove park Is like a certificate of deposit of a bank always worth: Its face value plus interest. 'Phone 163. Advt '--A home bnllt In Grove park ean be sold at a profit rather than at a loss. 'Phone 1681,,. .. . . j - tf. ' ' KME. AGNES. The New York Gown BuUder. Dress makers furnished by the day. S9 Blltmore Ave. ' 'Phone 2 I. tf. HKTKORT. Aturll 1. Th Hick ory Book club held its taut meeting of the year 116-17 at tlte nome oi Mrs. K. C. Meniles Wwdnetday afters noon. Mrs. J. R. McLean of Wilson wii a visitor. After tlio usual dlscur slon of books, Mrs. J. A. Martin ivss elected president: Mra. !. V. Aber- nsthv. vice-president; Mrs. Edwins Chadalck, secretary, and Mlw Emily Wholler, librarian and trei.iurer. A spfondld luncheon wm rvel before adlininment. The Wednesday Afternoon Book club mot with Miss Mary ?.!unrue Wednesday. Eight members and two visitors were present. Cathedral Cities in Italy was the book for the afler ternoon and before adjournment a four-course luncheon was served. Mrs. James C. Shu ford delightfully entertained the Plealdes Book club. Wednesday afternoon. Miss Lenore Sourbeer gave a short criticism of the book for the afternoon. "Junt David,' and Mrs. Frank Henderson read a short story. A four-course lun cheon In the dining room followed. The Cosmos Book club met Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. Walker Lyerly. The meeting was purely of a business nature. Mrs. A. L. Whltener was hostess to the Embroidery club on Thursday of last week. Several guests were pres ent and during the afternoon a num ber of amusing short stories were read by the members. Refreshments were served before adjournment. Miss Amy Sellers entertained March 22nd in honor of Misses Katherlne Gilmer of Charlotte, and Katherlne Whitfield and Elizabeth Hudson of Montgomery, Ala. Miss Helen Springs won the prize In the game and each guest of honor was presented with a hat pin. A salad course was served at the close of the evening. Mrs. W. R. Gwaltney was hostess at the meeting of the Travelers' clul lost week. Mrs. E. H. Gartrell and Mrs. M. M. Houston, both of Ashland. Ky.. were guests. An especially fine program was rendered and the cur- 1 rent events and refreshments which followed were highly enjoyed. Mrs. J. D. Thomasson has retruned to Charlotte after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thom asson. Misses Elizabeth Hudson and Kath erlne Whitfield have returned to their homes In Montgomery, Ala., after spending some time here with Miss Gladys Reid. In honor of the officers, of the Woman's Auxiliary cf Hickory Mrs. W. B. Ramsay entertained at an ele gant luncheon one day last week. Miss Janle Lyerly entertained Thurday night in honor of Miss Nan ette Rudlslll of Uncolnton. Progres sive rook was played at four tables. Mrs. Hugh D'Anna entertained the Farce clut' one evening last week In honor of Miss Gladys Reld and her guests. Misses Hudson and Whitfield of Montgomery Last Friday afternoon Miss Cather Ine Menzles was hostess to the mem bers of the As Tou Like It club. A number of games furnlAhod amuse ment for the members and at the close of the evening refreshments were served. Mrs. A. A. Shuford. 5r.. has return ed from a visit to her sister in Waynesvllla. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson entertained the members of the Owl Bridge club at five tables ef bridge. Mrs. V. Bryan Jones won SUIT COATS REACH WEIL BELOW KNEEj its 1?V -rt Mf-f , Hendersonville tCHQ SUIT COAT. The latest salt eoats reach fttttte to the knees or In some Insuncea below them. The new line ap pears In coats of pottgoe, Jersey and shantung at well as In strictly tailored garmenU of gabardiaa and trlcotlne. Morganton MORG ANTON, AprU 1. The Embroidery club had a very dellght- HBNDERSCWrvTLLE, April 1 The meeting of the Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon was largely at tended as interest is growing enthusi astic In the approaching reciprocity meeting of tha federated clubs of the Ashevllie districts to be helJ here April 21st. The reports of the chair man of the various committees in charge of the details of entertaining the visiting ladies, and the discussion of plana for this Interesting day oc cupied much of the afternoon's pro gram. A large delegation of club women is expected, representing clubs at Ashevllie, Waynesvllle. Brevard, Marlon. r Black Mountain. Bryson City, Fletcher, Tryon and Sylva. They will arrive about mid-day by train and In car, and will be reoelved at the Kentucky Home where they -will be entertained at luncheon at twelve thirty. The business session will con vene at the opera house at two o'clock and later In the afternoon a tea will be tendered the visitors at the club. Besides formulating plans for the reciprocity meeting Wednesday after noon, other important matters were brought before the members. Tho chairman of the civic committee, Mrs. Ewbank, made a report which was a splendid forecast of Improvement for Hendersonville. One of the great needs of tha town for many years has been beautiful places on the streets where visitors could stop, sit down, and loiter, as they enjoyed watching the passing of the throngs which crowd Hendersonville streets in the summer. Mrs. Ewbank stated that she and her committee met with the board of trade and also with the city council and as a result three vacant lots on prominent streets have been secured and grass will be sowed, flowers planted, numerous seats. swings and other attractions will be placed for the comfort and pleasure of the tourists. Also a crouqet ground will be prepared for children. Also a plan Is under consideration whereby children will have a play ground and story-telling under supervision at a small expense to the patrons. This plan was put in the hands of a com mlttee to be perfected. The annual dahlia show for the summer was discussed and Miss Kath erine Carson, who worked out the In Rial show last August to such won derful success, was asked to take charge of It again and given the privilege of naming her assistants. ' The literary program of the after noon consisted of a paper on "Norse Mythology and Legends" by Mrs. J. W. Bailey, and an orginal poem by Mrs A. M. Trenholm. Mrs. Trenholm's little verses were particularly aDneal ing because of the attendant circum stances to the composition. She went to Johns Hopkins last fall In a very critical condition and she and her friends despaired of her safe return. but thanks to God for the gift of radium, she was welcomed home rew weeKs ago a wen woman in en tirely. It was during her convales Coat Suit Week jfyrif Second to 'April Seventh Jailor ed Suits at $29.50. The prediction that Tailored Suits will be in the ascendency this season is finding fulfillment as the season advances. So writes a style authority, and so do we find it. Tailored Suits are overwhelmingly popular. We meet the season's demands with a large stock and we are featuring One Hundred and $OA PA Fifty Tailored Suits at &&U.UJ The materials include Polret Twill, Gunniburl, Men's Wear Serge, Scotch Mixtures, Wool Jersey, Wool Poplin, Chamois Cloth. The suits are lined with the best grade Peau de Cynge. The color range includes Brass, Gold, Shadow Lawn Green, Apple Green, Gray, Copen, Navy and Black. Sizes 14 to 18 Misses, 13 to 19 Juniors, 34 to 44 Ladies, 40J to 48 Stylish Stouts, 43 to 49 Extra Stouts. 'Li- " - r. 951?I m'-aj t ..... . If ful meeting Thursday afternoon with thl.- t-nH.T Zl. Mrs. James ClayWell, when the in- the vtbrations f a heart of loving vitea guests were Mrs. R. L. Huffman, grauiuae to uoa for the "Gift of Ra- Mrs. E. L. Edhmrda. Mn Rnbev d"Jm' " h expressed It In her lines. rJa.vwn n tt tiuriee was nappuy sur- o .TT , V. Hyams, Miss prised by a charming party given by ana muss JMarv Moore, ner motner. Mrs. r . K. DurfAo nn The hostessi served a salad course. 'a8t Saturday afternoon on the occa- The Papyrus elub met it. 81on .OI nneenin Dirtnaay. She meetlnsr on Frldia "ZiTi. I was aecoyed into taking a long walk Mrs. A. t. if rp ::. j I witn a rormer teacher. Miss Rose Efl the ladles prize and tha s-entleman's Alaska, which the cluto ha wn iJwrdm wn WB Mrs. Dnrfee's chief prise went to Mr. Hugh D'Anna. A delicious salad course was served after the game. Master Glenn zllnk entertained the Vivo Muslo club at his home near Lenoir college Saturday afternoon. Miss Lillian Field entertained the O. O. club Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McRorle Progressive rook was played at four tames and refreshments were served. towing mis winter, much aaa in tereet was given Mrs. Klstler's meet ing by the use Of a Dostrnr nrn. jouiur wnn views of that country. askan missionaries were' shown. Charming in everv in. formal afternooni. afinn irwnv uon oy xvi ra. uawrence Erwln in nonor or a brid of tut mntti Jars. Norman Chaffee. Manv amenta Miss Adelaide Johnson was hostess ljcd during the .receiving hours. I to to the members of the Farce club Tuesday afternoon of this week. Pro gressive rook was played and the game was followed by two courses of refreshments. Mr. J. D. Elliott gave a seven-o'clock dinner Tuesday evening In honor of Captain T. A. Mott, who has just re turned to the city after an absence of several years. Six courses were served. I Mrs.: K. A. Smith was hostess at this weeks' meeting of the Hickory Music club. A mv.rlcel program was rendered by the members and guests. Laner Studio. Piano. Phone J7JS. Adv 5 o'clock. They were mt at thm. Hnnr oy juisses attiarln mrvin anrf Ruth McNaughton- Receiving in the liv ing room with Mrs. Erwln and the nonor guest were A. C. Chaffee. W. A. Ieslls, etwphans Fris ard and C. F. McKemon. MImm Ma.rv xaie j ones ana Cameron Pearson serveo. sandwtahes and tea. One of the prettiest nhlliirm'ii mr. ties of the winter in Morsanton was mat given on Thursday n srht hv Mhji. ter Frederick Klstlwr for little Miss Iols Wynkoon. of Oearwater. F1a Those invited were Masters Joe Wal ton, Charlie LeMe, Allbert Shlflett. Bennett Riddle. Hugh Miller. Willie tjajtrou Sttmiey Avery, Wilson and Michael KIMler and Kisses Ixls assistant In planning the affair. When they returned they found the merry assemblage or young friends amid lovely decorations worthy of the oc casion of the gathering. After an hour In which enthusiastic games of rook were enjoyed, delight ful refreshments consisting of an Ice course and small white cakes iced In pink, followed by hot chocolate and angel's food were 'served. The dining table was beautifully decorated and appointed and the large birthday cake with Its pink and white candles oc cupied the usual prominent position. Each guest was asked to blow out a candle, and to offer with its passing, toast to the fair young honoree. and many bright and witty toasts were given. The favors of the afternoon were dainty little bunches of pink ana wnu sweet peas which were found pinned to the napkins. The guests of Mrs. Durfee s lovely hospitality were Mlrs Rosa Edwards, Misses Mary Brooks, Annette Brooks, Muriel Fuller, Helen Whitfield. May Morrow, Mary Carr Bland, Katherlne Bacon, Vada Orr, Virginia Hodges, Madge and Louise Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.'. Chafee, of Xew RICE! RICE!! 20 lbs for. . . $1.00 Today Only. Handte's Tea Store. Phone 2580. Ton cannot find a coal that gives more satisfactory results than our M. & W. Indian Coal. When compared with other Coal oa a beat producing unit basis It never fails to prove Its superiority. Order a ton today and trj It If You Want the Best value obtainable make it a point to visit our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department. M. Levitt t Biltaioro At. For VIAVI treatment or Information 'phone 125. Mrs. Clemept. tf. Wynkoop, Evelyn Millner, Margaret I London. Conn., arrived yesterday to A Bine Qua Non. Mother Tour father dldnt take his cold bath this morning, did he? Johnny Nope, I heard him kick In because there wasn't any hot w ter. Life. A water heater has been Invented utilize the heat wasted by the ex haust of stationary engines. JBonTbn VCORSCTS Flexibility Itself A GLIMPSE is enough to reyeal the exquisite fabrics, adorable lines and efficient boning of the new BON TON models. But one must really try them on to realize that all this supreme style and grace is attained without the smallest sacrifice of comfort. The BON TON Corsets we are displaying have been chosen with special refer ence to the requirements of our clientele and expert attention is yours to com mand in securing irre proachable fitting. ' Phone 78. 11 Patton Ave. Davis. Ruth Kistler, Margaret fc Dowell. Kathleen Riddle, Katharine Walton. Annie Leslie. Cleda Shiflett, Mai-jone Miner and Louise gtarrett. Messrs. iBernard Lazarus and John sum Avery, students at the Fleet school, Flat Rock, are spending the spring vacation at their homes here. They Jiave s their quests a school mate, (Mr Burdett Green and Prof. R. H. Shanks. Mrs. v. t. ciarke was hontesa on Wednesday afternoon to the Wednes day Etrtbroldery clnb. a club which was Itiwt recently onran zed. MIm Luelle odbh aamated Mrs. Clarke In serving an Ice course. Mrs. N. Laza rus was an Invited guest. Mrs. Norman Chaffee was honor ruewt at the meeting of the Attoco nook rlulh last week with Miss Rnth McNaughton. Mesdames Lawrence Krwln. Roert Davis, H. L. Riddle. and Mlsis, McNauhton took pert In the prorram for the afternoon, which bad Its subject TTe1n Keller and Ida Tarfeell. A luncheon In three courses, carrying out the color scheme of green and white, was serv ed. The Hewrrfsn !Rook eTub met on Tueiday afternoon with Mrs. Victor Boyden at Mrs. J. T. Walton's. MIm Tmmr waa an Invited ruet. The nrogrsm on "Famous North Caro lina Writers .nd Poets" was nrenar- efl by Msdames I V. Ensign and A. f. Chaffee. Miss Porothv WmknoB ws tTie honor ruetrt t a rttHv arnolntd nsrtv nn las Haturdav night given bv Mr. OhsTle Klrtler. The ruerta were Misses FllEB.'heth Tsvlor. Merlon Miri rer. Mabel Davis. HfcwH IBurlev. Au- ruta Bristol. Gldws HolVoway. Cam eron Pearson. Mary New. Lillian Wskefleld. Lillian Po"rts. Marv Twte Jones. Georrl Riddle. Torothv Pa4s. Owen Conni1v TCd. Wirksev. TVmard I.nirua Walr Wlltoms. Jolineton Avery. AJTJider Pbu-otnr. vrnitam I.ertie. Dr. Ternon and Prof. Fhanka. fl fsr Wakefield, of the Tea' wbool factiltv. snent the week-end at ber home In Tnolr. fr. Joe Ktellanrfer lf Thnrwdsv fnr a v1lt t her old home 1n Provi denee. R. I. Miss Louis ConVr. of foncord. soent rh past week on w visit to ber nnme bere. Mrs. CMnmns Andrew nod rii dnn. of Lenoir. vl1ng Mr. Andrews' narvnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woodward. spend the spring and summer at Flat HOCK. Mrs. J. A. McCIure and Miss Louise McClnre, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., are re cent arrivals In the city and will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Ltndeur of Hln- tnn. N. J., are spending . several months In tha city. Messrs. Amos and Howard Bennett and their sister, Mrs. J. B. Lyda went to Jacksonville, Fla., last week to visit their brother. They made the trip down in the Messrs. Bennett's car. Mrs. G. G. Mlsenheimer and little son, of Ashevllie, were guests of Mrs. Mlsenhelmer's sister. Mrs. G. W. Lents during the week. Mr and Mrs. McMillan C. King, of Flat Rock, have returned home after having spent the winter at Summer- vlllc, !?. C. and Mr. King has lust gona to New York to accompany their young daughter. Miss Daisy, home for ner Easter vacation. Miss King is at tending a private school in New Tork. city. Mr. T. P. Mallorle. who arrived homo from England on furlough last ran ana wno. with Mrs. Mallorle has b'con spending the winter in Florida, returned to Flat Rock last week and w;a enjoy a brief visit here before re turning to England and to the service I his native country. Flet school at .Flat Rock is giving Its Buffer holiday now, having closed last Thursday. Many of the students have gone to thetr homes to spend the vacation. School work will be resumed on April S. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Lowndes and ianr.ny nave returned from Sumraer ville, a c.. where they hfcve been spending the winter aid have opened their house at Flat Rock and resum ed housekeeping. WEAVERYTLLE. VVKAVERVTLLB, April 1. Mr. Lucius Weaver of Panama, Is visiting his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver. Miss Virginia Grayson Hoover, of Converse college, is spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Buckner and children passed through WeavervlUe en route to Democrat. Mr. O. Ingram, of Arden, was a recent visitor here. Miss Vistula Brlttaln, who has been teaching at Snow Hill, N. C, has re turned home. Mr. H. E. Sawyer, of Beech, was a recent visitor here. Mrs. A. Israel and daughter spent a few days In Charlotte on business. Miss Beulah Michael has returned horns from Polk county. The Thorough Work Done at the Emanel Business College has created such a demand for the graduates of this school as to make it possible to place every graduate. In addition to Individual in struction in the commercial branches the jrtudent receives thorough training in the English branches In both class ,and indi vidual work. Oldest business college in the state. Most extensive curriculum of any business college in the south. Phone, write or call for rates, etc. JUST ARRIVED Another carload of XX (M Iron Ranges. Guaranteed SO yean. Pay $1 a Week. Chas. L. Sluder Co. 20 South Pack Square. Phone 1509. Biltmore Ice Cream Well Packed, Delivered wnere In the City. Any- 50c the Quart Walker's Drug Store 1S2 Phones 181 CHIROPODY A MANICURING for ladies and gentlemen. Elec trolysis by expert operator. Shampooing and marcel waving. Miss Cruise's Shop SS Haywood St. Phone 1. Rebuffed. Mrs. Barton (to small daughte saying prayers) a little louder, dear. I can't hear. Daughter ,Tes, but I'm not speak ing to you. New Tork Times. Excellent Farm Horses Three Horses Three Wagons For Sale We have three wagons for sale, i horses and three delivery These are good, sound horses for dray, delivery or farm. They'll sell. See them quick. SAWYER & STRADLEY Tbe Store Sanitary Where Quality Prevails. Phone ISO Dinner Party Table Syrup. a CoUeg Player Piano Rolls With the Words to It FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE For the Best in Pianos, Phone 206. Edlsons and Victrolas. 7 Patton Are. This is the First Day of Our Anniversary Sale 0 Xo Man's Hero." Professor The bova war m mi. tranced this morning that thev r . malned In my lecture all through the dinner bour. If you want Furniture and Call and see us. to save money on Household Goods, SUSQUEHANNA . :FUE&inXJRE CO. V 20 Broadway 1 ' 1 1 His Paoghter Whir Airint wake them up? Tiger. ,4ft -trt. i Sbv -C