THE ASHEVRXE CITIZEN, SATOTtDAY, APBIIi 7, 1917. MUTT AND JEFF Jell Is ol Great Service to His Country, Yes He Is Nit! Kill Nit! BY BUD FISHER (Copyright, llll. by H. e. nut; Trade Mark ales, V. m. Pat. OIL) c "Ml C6T rft' CAN'T !) AT HO Kg 10 f I I I - W M I I I I 1 if 1 M IV UK VI I we r e f thb ib . ' .. rr fc-rr I VuMWM fAM DO i i Wi a i ti v t i m 'w v- ill i i it i a i r .1 j c jk ir - i " . : . i 1 1 -' LANGREN HOTEL MODERN FIREPROOF EUROPEAN The Leading Commercial Hotel of the Carolinas. 200 Rooms of Solid Comfort. CORKER BROADWAY AND COLLEGE. Guy S. Lavender, Mgr. The Best Place to Eat AT THIS SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION 18 ASHLYN CAFE Ercrrthtnt Ui market and mumd affords. Opn all th Urn. , FLORENCE A. CORPENING, Prop. Pbooe 4M THE IMPERIAL HOTEL CANTON, N. O. E. M. GEIER, Prop. Btaam Heatad. Fra Bampla Rooma. Elactrlo Lights. Fre Bathi. Rataa, 11.00. ORGANIZING SECOND ! AT THE "MOVIES" MILITARY COMPANY! AT THE PltlXOttSS. Hendei-noiivilJc Will Do 11 lilt In War With tin-many Telegram Sent to President. KENMORE HOTEL COMMERCIAL HEADQUARTERS WATNESVILLB, N. a ' Oa Main St Opn Throoghoot th Year Fraa Sampla Room A. R. SPEARS, Prop. 11 NOTICE! This advertisement la a little previous but It's time you - war feetiBBtoc to thai about t . . Our National Air Millions of American Homes and Offices will soon be cooled by Electric Fans. Millions more should be. Will yours? For a small outlay you can buy a Fan that will last a lifetime and cost but a trifle to run. Asheville Power & Light Co. SALiSROOM: 102 PATT0N AVENUE. HRNDKri.SOXVIIJ.K, April 6 Henderaom ille is organising a second military company this week. Cecil Pace, who had een four years ser vice in the tinny mid haa had seven years training in all. will have charge of the new company. Mr. Pnee has already received orders from Wash ington to begin enlistments as soon as possible. Ilendersonvllle eltlnens In exery walk of life stand in hearty endorse ment of President Wilson land in the actions of congress of the past week and in anticipation of the final act last night, a telegram was sent to the president last Monday urging the president and congress to wage deter mined iyar. The telegram as sent, read as follows: "As citizens of the United (Hates we are shocked and horrified at the deliberate and savage murder of American men, women and children by Germany, and wa are Intensely indignant over the accum ulation Of Insult and humilatlon heap ed upon our country. We urge you and congresji to wage determtmed war upon that nation until peace with victory over German ibarbarisin Is ac complished." This message was sign ed by twenty-eight of the leading citi zens of the town, including all the professions, and different lines of business, prominent private citizens and also the Historian of the local Daughters of the Confederacy. Further to show the patriotic feel ing rife among our people, a grand mass meeting of town and county will bo held in the court house one night at the first of next week. Circulars and telephone messages will be- sent throughout the county urging people to attend en masse, the Henderson vtlle IJght infantry will attend in a body, patriotic music will he furnish ed, prominent speakers will be heard, and a most bnthusiastlc demonstration Is expected. Frank Ulv won the box of Keen Kutter tools offered by the Bland Hardware company for the best bird house built by graded school boys. There were nine contestants and no veil made were three of the houses that the iudges'who were J. L. Pullen, i A. I.. Gurley and C. A. Stacey, could no! decide In favor of one and the ' decision was rendered by drawing ! from the three names- A photograh j has been taken of the display of bird I homes and this will be sent to the Lnrlies Home Journal, and to Bira I Lore, a tolrd magazine published by the American Audubon society. Fapslfern has been leased to Mrs. F. 8. Morton, of Athens. Ga., for the summer season, who will run an ex clusive boarding house in this popular school building. j L, Griffin, of South Carolina, has leased and will shortly open the Ingle Side for the spring and summer seasons. The seventh installment of the se rial photoplay, "Patnu," will be shown at the Princess today. Mrs. Vernon vastie is featured in this conttnued photoplay which Is based on pa triotism and preoarednesa. "Patrla" has proven to be one of the biggest ano oesr serial stories the Princess has yet presented and on every Sat urday when one of the installments are shown hundreds are unable to gain admission to the theatre. "Red Dawn" is the title of the seventh chapter of "Patrla" which will be shown today In connection with a Ixmesoiue L.uke comedy and a Mutt and Jeff cartoon comedy. The 'Princess orchestra will accom pany the pictures today with an ap propriate musical program. "The Girl Phtlllpa," a special eight-part Vita graph feature with Anita Stewart has been arranged for a showing of two days at the Princess, Tuesday and Wednesday. This photoplay has been adapted from the famous book by Robert W. Chambers. AT THE GALAX. Franclno Larrlmore makes her screen debut at the Galax today in the Edison five-part photodrama "The Royal Pauper." The story Is aald to be one of those quaint, whimsical little tales so de lightful to children and grown-ups alike. Irene, a little poorhouse girl, with a penchant for reading fairy atoriea, imagines herself tp be a prin cess nnoer tne evil spell of a wicked witch, whom she personifies in Mrs. Bunty. the poorhouse superintendent. She organizes a little court, with Wil liam, a youthful orphan, as "Prince Charming," and poor old Wiggins, a feeble-minded pauper, as "The King." One day her dreams come true, through the Intervention of Mrs. Chandler, wife of a manufacturer, who adopts the little waif. Irene christens her benefactress 'The Fairy Godmother." Then wonderful things begin to happen, and finally there is a great strike in Irene's foster father's mills. Out of the turmoil comes a young workman whom she instantly recognizes a.s her "Prince Charming" and who triumphs over the wicked suitor that the little princess had be gun to hate. The good fairies over come the evil sprites, and our little sovereign, her prince, and the fairy godparents live happily ever after. The Galax orchestra and pipe organ will accompany the picture today with appropriate music COUNTY BOARD PICKS CIVIL TERM JURORS Seventy-Two Selected for Throe Weeks' Term of Superior Court Here, Starting April SO. Seventy-two Jurors were chosen yesterday by the board of county commissioners to serve during the three weeks' term of ISupcrior court, which will start April 30. The list'follows: First week; C. C. Patton, J. G. Frls- bee, C. J. Carter, M. P. Blankenshlp, W. J. Holcombe, J. w. Snider, C. C. Iankford, M. A. Akin, J. B. Young. R. I. AUman, r. K. Iyerly. C. S. Fergu son, Steve Jones, M. R. Plemmons, G. W. Duekett. M. C. Wells. R. P. Brit tons. H. li. Jones, A. A. Rowland, Henry TomUnson, J. F. O'Kelly, J. K. Bell, H. K3. Miller and Ralph Beach wood. Second week; E. r. Dillingham, M. K. Cole, J. F. Holcombe. .T. M. Pickens. H. JU Devls, Garrett Riddle. R. A. Dtickett, M. A. Bird. George Bell, A. W. Green, C. P. (Miller, G. M. Ivnch, E. A. Worlev, Charles Carson. Jake Cauble. R. W. White, G. W. Johnson, C. W. Brookshlre. Eugene Adams, O. P. Whltson, O. Jj. Parker, R. B. Taylor, C. N. Brown, Eugene Adams, C. P. Whitson, G. Tj. Parker, R. B. Taylor, C. N. Brown and W. C. Alexander. Third week; T. T. Gudger, George Bradley, W. P. Buckner, I C. Cam-by, B. H. Sluder, W. T. Israel. J. G. Rice, Arthur Sluder, P. P. Morgan, G. T. Brown, H. L. Norman. W. H. Rhodes, R M. Holcombe. C. E. Treadway, L. W. Morgan, J. A. Clinton. W. T. Robinson. ' J. W. McDavts. R. E. Rogers, W. H. Cogburn, J. W. Bart let, H. H. Cathey, Leonard Whltaker and J. H. Stepp. MRS. BROWN DIES AT BALTIMORE HOSPITAL DodgeBrothbrs MOTOR CAR Dodge Brothers motor cars have Timp kin Bearings throughout. The same bearings you will find in $3,500.00 cars, such as the Packard. The tire mileage Is unusually high. The gasoline consump tion Is unusually low. The price of the Touring Car or Roadster complete is $835 (F. O. B. Detroit). Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. HEAVY PINE AND OAK TIMBERS We carry a full line of FACTORY FRAMING. See us if you cannot get what you want and we will furnish It. BUILDERS LUMBER CO. Tarda at Grace. Phone 22S6. Office Oates Bldg. HENTER90NVTJE. April 6- Mrs. Zeno Brown, wife of Dr. Zeno I Brown, of Greenville, 8. C, died at 1 Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, on April 8. following an operation and was burled in Greenville vesterdav. Mra. Brown was Miss Nannie Lou Waldrop, daughter of the late Dr. J. . Waldrop of this city, she was born and reared here and had a host of relatives and friends here who are grieved to hear of her untimely death. She was about thirty and left a son and daughter, aged five and seven. Her mother, five brothers and Ave Misters llye In this city and attended the funeral In Greenville yesterdav Beginning with next week Cottage prayer meetings will be held each Tuesday and Friday afternoons pre paratory to the Browning revival to be held in this city beginning- on April 22 and 'in which the Methodists Presbyterians anil Baptists of the city will unite in participation. A large tent will be 'used for these meeting and it Is expected ihatfnot onlv city wide Interest will be aroused but also the country around will join in the spiritual awakening NEW YORK CATTLE. Ann; COY 9 Np;w YORK. April 6.- Hooves steers 9.23j12.15; bulls 7.00&9.50; Calves steady: veals 11.50 to 15.50: culls 9.00S11.00. Sheep and lambs steadv: unshorn Iambs 15.75; cpllped lambs 13.25; clipped year llncs 11.00: woolert sheep 8.00$rll.0O. Hogs steady; medium weisht hogs 15.60. LOCAL PRODfCK MARKET. (Corrected mice weekly by Sawyer and Rtradlay.) RETAIL. Eggs. ,er ilozen Cree.i-niery butter, per lb SO Country butter, per lb '5 Chickens, broilerp, lb. drensed. JO J5 Live Chickens, fryers, lb. dressed.. 30 Live Chickens, hens, lb. dressed Live Tiirkevs. per lb. dressed . Rib Roast Sirloin Steak Porter House 202! IS 3-. 28- 30 it AT THE MAJESTIC Marguerite Clark In "The Crucible' will be shown at the majestic today for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. The management of the Majeetic has a ranged for the film play to be pre sented from J o clock until 10 o clock. Part of the proceeds are to be do nated to the Y. W. C. A. "The Crucible" was shown here be fore and those who witnessed Mar guerite IClark in the role of Jean Fanshaw, a tomboy, claim It waa one of her beet characterizations. -In thla photoplay she, ts unjustly condemned to the reformatory, but later triumphs of the shame of her Imprisonment and returns good for evil to those who worked havoc with her life. How she Is rewarded for her long struggle against evil and despair by the attain ment of a wonderful love Is vividly unfolded in thla unusually strong photoplay which is ehown In five parts. ATTENTION JOBBERS, STEAM FITTERS, PLUMBERS, CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS New Pipe, Black and Galvanized, all sizes. Car lot orders solicited. We carry in stock constantly 50,000 feet prompt delivery. See us for prices. Wholesale only. S. Sternberg & Co. Depot St Phone 333 Round Steak 1025 Pnrk ann r. 35 Mixed Sausage ' Jjtf l.s.nb Leg Mutton Mutton Stew lowest Pottoe. in. ,;. i Irish Potatoes, pe. j.: I Apples, cocking, per pit. ... i Apples, eating, r pa. WrlOLt&ALl. . Turk) f, live per Ik. ,. I Turkeys, dressed, per lb. ... ! kicks, pr dozen 35 30 5026 50 o 60 O 0 "9 It 2324 1 i Creainary Buttar, per lb 44 41 i Covntor Buttar, per IB i u I 8waa roatoaa. per bu 1.00 I Ilia Vttatoce. par tm. J.19 1.31 ! Cattle, steers, .per lb, 7 Dreasad hogs, per lb li 1 Cattle, cowa, per lb. Lambs, live, per lb. .. ! Dresaed ealvas, par lb. ! Hogs. lira, per lb , Drassad hogs, par lb. II i 1 la Jtt U ll ! CHICAGO MARKET. Cf'ICAl.u. April (.Hogs weak at i202Sc above yeaterday'a average: bulk ' i4.wSi ti.llO; llgnt 14.t0l.; mlied ! 1 5 sea H.Ort; heavy 15 15$ I. 04; rough U i;H.'; pigs U.M014.;. ! Cattle steady; native beef cattle t.H9 I 1I.1S. etockara and feedere 7.15tt-.0; rows and neners t.Hiu.w; aairaa 1I7S. Phaap strong: wathere 1 MS 13.04; awea t.MClf.4; la tuba 11.J5C1I.50. NEW YORK PRODUCE. VTVr YORK. April . Sugar elnaed- Hutter Instr ernaaa steady. Coffae amrkst aieee. market AT THE STrlAXD. The sixteenth and final chapter of The Crimson Stain Mystery." the aerial which features Maurice Cos- tello and Ethel Grandm, will be shown today at the Strand in connection with a five-part photoplay. "When a Wom an Loves," starring Emmy Wehlen. In the last chapter of "The Crimson Staid. Mystery", the Mtysterioua char acters are divulged, but not until the last twenty feet of the second reel, it is said. Miss Emmy Wehlen Is said to be aeen to excellent advantage In the five-part Metro wonderplay, "When a Woman Loves." The Strand orchestra will accompany both "The Crimson Stain Myetery" and "When a Woman Utm" today with appro priate music. Doings of the Duffs OBSERVANCE OF GOOD FRIDAY. NEW YORK. April . Lonr and elaborate services In all of the Epis copal and Roman tCatholto ihurchea, with many notable programs of religi ous music, today featured New York's observance of Good Friday. The New York Stock Exchange and other of the principal exchanges closed for the day and will remain closed until next Monday. Good Friday marks the close of the penitential season which precedes the great Christian festival and holiday of Easter. Holy Week, as the pres ent week la termed, has been more than ever observed in the metropolla this year- There have been daily ervlcea in all of the Catholic and most of the Kpiscopal church ea, and aacred cantata have bean given, and in other Protestant church es there have been special organ reci tals. Great crowds iare attended the noondar aervlaes at the downtown churches, auth as Old Trinity and 8L hdMoOftCkSAR Wfjl ! MAUN ORSlI -"V 4 BHarb aUkjoneJ I Pont-woMoeR.) Vo SoO smoke 5IVkM WOmber mf" JUST CO WITH L. ; 1 y Am u . o T F?OM CUJAReTTM OVT OM THJ5 f III ilLHOlPEg-- P L-, fit r