THE ABMEVH'.LT! CITIZEN. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1HT. THE MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE FOUR-POSTER BEDS The Four-Poster Bds arc particularly at tractive, lending an atmosphere that sug gests the colonial days. These are handsome beds. To possess one is to feel a deep pride in the furnishing of the hed room, for it is the nucleus of the hed room suit. Price REV. A. GRIFFITH IN TIP TOP SHAPE E N y $42.50 10 $70i00 J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Phone 226. 15-17 Broadway. READ THE WAU BOOKS AND MAGAZINES (let "em here. Han out our flags get 'em here. Wear lapel patriotic emblems get 'em here. Commercial Printers aid Phone 254. Asheville Office Outfitters KOgtTS BOOK StOK i9 FlMoa AtV BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVILLE, N. C. STATE, COUNTT AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Capital $100,000 i Surplus and Profits . . ... 220,000 OFFICERS: JAMES P. BAWYER. Chairman of the Board. T. C. COXE. President. ERWIN SLUDER. Vice-Pres. C. RANKIN, Cashier. NO IOAN8 MADE BY THIS BANK TO ANY OF ITS OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS. rSURANCE UlOW V PROTECTION rj : We write all Lines of Insurance. IT , i. l.. 1.1 dcct r ; c. b. ;.vvc rcprcaciiw umy nic ljlj i umpanics. and 2 li. MlOD ST THE P. R. ALLEN COMPANY, f eft ted TBI ed W. defeat Barn el GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICEELECTRICAL BLTX3. PHONE 149 I mm Conservative Courteous Opposite P. 0. K. I j. Ray, President. 3nB n O. Martin, Vice Pres. John A. Campbell, Cashier. Wm. F. Duncan, Asst. Cashier. DoDGEBrOTHERS Dodge Brothers motor cars have Timp kin Bearings throughout. The. same bearings you will find in $3,500.00 cars, such as the Packard. The tirs mileage la unusually high. The gasoline consump tion Is unusually lew. The price of the Touring Car or Roadster complete is fill (F. O. B. Detroit). Asheville Automobile Co. .18 and 20 Church St t "Believe Tanlac. which I willingly recommend, will help others." Anrither North Carolina pastor to praise Tanlac Is the Rev. A. H. Grif fith, of R. F. D. No. 3, Charlotte. He say a : "I have been afflicted with stomach trouble and Indigestion for some great time. Kven when I ate but little, gas accumulations would Invariably form on my stomach and seem to press against my heart. iAl times the palpi tation was so violent that I was alarmed. "Too. my nerves were bad any sudden noise or trivial excitement would completely upset me. Pains would tlark me in the region of my kidneys and I often found in m 1 f pressing my hand aguinst my bark, mostly while walking. "Sleeplessness and tlmf general worn-out feeling made It difficult for me to Interest myself in matters im portant to me. "Then came Tanlac, after T had tried other preparations without suc cess. I found relief In this medi cine quick, and quicker than I had supposed. I am better In every wim and believe Tanlac, which I willingly recommend, will help anyone suffer ing as I was." Tanlac. the ideal spring tonic--blood and system purifier ami Invig orant is sold in Asheville by Teague's Drug Store Ka h town has its Tanlac dealer. Advl. WILL CO OPERATE MENENLISTINGNQW NEEDED ONLY UNTIL WITH THE ALLIES PRESENT WAR ENDS British and French Admirals Come to United States For Conference. Such is Declaration of Secre tary Baker in Statement Issued Yesterday. UNITED STATES TO PATROL THE COAST Will Relieve Allied War ships on This Side of the Atlantic. SKYLAND MANIFESTS SPLENDID LOYALTY Judge Jones Delivered Inspiring Ad dress In Beautifully Decoralt! Church lart Night, MONEY TO LOAN The Equitable has loaned over $100,000.00 in the city of Asheville. We are prepared to lend $100,000.00 additional on desirable residence prop erty. Apply to J. J. CONYERS, Agent Room 17 American National Bank Bldg. Office Phone 882. Residence Phone 3368. Judge Thomas A. Jones of this city, delivered an inspiring address which aroused the patriotism of the people of Skyland to a remarkable demon stration of loyalty at a meeting held in the Methodist church there last night. The building was completely filled and many were unable to se cure admittance. The church was splendidly decor ated with the colors and one of the most impressive incidents of the meet ing was when the entire audience stood and took the oath of allegiance to their country and pledged their loyalty to the president. War, said one of the speakers has a distinct meaning for the people of Skyland, for six of their hoys have already enlisted and there are still more ready to follow. Harry Kettles acted as chairman of the meeting. The. first song was "The Star Spangled Banner," and this was followed by an invocation Dy Kev. w. W. Edwards. Then came the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," which was followed by the principal address of the evening, by Judge Jones. Judge Jones, always an able speaker, last night was Inspired by hiB theme and aroused his audience to an unusual demonstration. The school children of Miss Watts gave "No Flag LJke Ours," and Rev. J. Bra nerd Thrall of tnis city, aeuv- ered a splendid address. Then came the old song, "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," and "America." The con cluding speech of the evening was by W. W. Edwards The beautiful decor ations In the church were placed there bv Miss Harriett Krany and Mrs. Hazel McFarland of Philadelphia, Miss Emllie Vaughan and A. B. Case. WEAVERVILLE ROAD STREWN WITH TACKS Dozen Automobiles Rendered Helpless When Tacks Puncture Their Tires and Detectives Are Busy. riainclothes men are seeking the person who yesterday placed tacks along the Weavervllle road and thus put a dozen automobiles out of com mission. One big car had all four tires filled with the tacks and so bad ly damaged that they were rendered worthless. The tacks, or roofing nails, were an Inch in length with a broad head, making them admirably adapted for their illegal purpose of puncturing automobile tires, but at the same time affording the detectives a clue which they believe will result in severe pun ishment for the guilty nerson or per sons. There were a large number of the tacks placed along the highway, as Indicated by the unfortunate car owner who came into Asheville with four large tires completely ruined. The tires seemed to be well-JUled with the little nails. To plaoe tacks, or nails: or broken glass in a highway is an offense pun ishable with the most severe penal ties, officers said last night, and there will be no relaxation of their efforts until the guilty persons have been discovered. J, H. SEIGLER DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS WASHINGTON. Apnl 1 Vice Admiral Browning, of t lie British navy, and Hear Admiral lieGrasse, of the French navy, conferred today with Secretary Daniels and Admiral Ben son, chief of operations, on eo-opera-lion between tile allud navies for the conduit of the war commanders came to If on their flagships. ' Will Kolk'ir A III.-. The first step by the I'niled l.ites navy in taking up it pan of t ho war operations will be to i;ike over Ihe Atlantic and Caribbean patrols here tofore maintained by Itntiah and French ships. No announcement of the results of the conference wai made. Eventually American ships proba bly will relieve those of the allies in all North and South Atlantic waters on this side of the world. Protection would be furnished under that plan for the Canadian coast and also for British oil tankers plying to ports on the Mexican and South American coasts. No Agreement. There are indications (hat the t'nited States does not now contem plate any hard and fast agreement as to the measures of co-operation. What is done will be determined by the needs of the situation and the ability of the navy to carry out a particular part of the program. As the strength of the American fleet increases in small craft, submarines, destroyers and other lighter units, the portions allotted to that fleet in the Joint task of making certain the freedom of the seas against German submarines will be increased. It la assumed the visiting officers furnished much first hand informa tion as to the steps the'entente pow ers have found most effective in deal ing with the submarine" peril. It was said the officers came pri marily for conferences with the en tente ambassadors, but It Is expected that much of their time will be spent In conference at the navy department. No announcement was made as to the piobal.le length of their stay In Waih-ington. SECRETARY WILL FIOHT FOR VIEWS Hearings on Measure Will Be Continued Plans For Volunteers Considered. WASHINGTON, April IS. All men who enlist in the regular army or the national guard in Ihe present emer gency were assured In an announce ment by Secretary laker today that they would be kept In service only for the period of the w:ir Tlw. licit, in fnl- Hoih foreign lowed a conference between the secre- l 'nitrd ritales ; tary and President Wilson. Ill effect this places on a wartime volunteer basis all of the men enlisted since the state of war was declared. It makes available a total of ;,l7.Kfix places in the enlisted grades of the two services to men who wish to serve for the war only. Mr. Baker laid slress on the fact that this action was content plated when the administration 1)111 was framed and was in no way to be con strued as a compromise plan. The secretary pointed out that the net re suit or the application of the war enlistment plan would be to leave the nation without an army of any sort regular or national guard, if the war lasted beyond the enlistment forms of men now in those services. "I stand firmly and unalterably In support of that bill," Secretary Baker said, "without modification of Its least detail." A Beautiful Collection of the latest Spring Styles in Dresses, Suits, Coats and Skirts will be found at Trie orrowL acruLAit Reverse English. "Did he start anything when you asked him If you colud marry his daughter?" "I should say so. He started to shake my hand off." Life. Piano stools that are adjustable to several angles as well as heights have been patented by a Chicago inventor. Hearings on the bill continued be fore the house military committee to day, and it was decided to hear the last witnesses Saturday. The ad minis tratlon leaders hope to have consid eration In the house under wny next week. Forces Needed. Following Is a tabulation by the de partment of the forces proposed to be organized in the bill so arranged as to show the exact number of volun teers, to serve for the duration of the war only, for which provision is made In both the regular army and the . a tional guard. Regular army, exclusive of Philip pine scouts: At war strength, with all increments added, 293,000. Present strength, 131.4S1. Volunteers required, 161. BU. National guard, Including only units now organized: q At war strength. 329,95. Present strength. 123,605. Volunteers required, 206,349. Additional: To replace 150,000 officers and men withdrawn from above force as train ing personnel for first 600,000 selec tive conscripts, 160,000. Total number of volunteers for war service only 617,868. In addition to these figures the dis charge from the regular army and national guard of men with dependent relatives and for other causes will Mr. and Mrs. Thrift Make sure they got tlw best quality for the same money. Trv a 10c tin "Orange Label" 4 ' 4 Clips Awarded Gold Medal Grand Prize for a cent. San p'ra nelson 1911 San Ldego 1916 RIDGWAYS, INC. No. Ill HiMlsoa St., New York City. create additional vacancies which will be tilled by volunteers. For War Kiillsjjiicut. Under the law, the full enlistment requirement for six years in the na tional guard and seven years in the regular service, must be signed by all men taken into either service. The pendln- bill provides specifically for duration-of-the-war enlistment. To meet the immediate situation, the oec retary has directed that recruiting: 01 ticers assure men accepted during the emergency that they will be honor ably discharged at the close of the war. Army officers believe there wlO be no difficulty in obtaining many men of some military experience through the present plan. The door of promotion is wide open to any man qualified to hold a com mission even up to the grade of gen eral officer, for the places of the 46,- 000 officers alone to be withdrawn from the existing services for train Ing purposes will be filled from the officers reserve corps, from the ranks or from the many officers' training camps to be established. The question of taking in additional Increments of the national guard be yond those already organized has not been determined. There are sotme reasons against such a step, since the result would be merely to Increase shortage of officers. During the day the war department called Into the federal service for po lice protoctlon purposes nine regi ments, a separate battalion and a separate company of infantry and seven companies of coast artillery. tlx of the artillery companies re Califor nia guardsmen. It Is understood they will serve as Infantry. Sldn Sufferers You win rich with relief mt the drat aiatri or O. D.1D., the soothing wmo or oi , Uinr tt mat nalmn ttionk as ft tats I drlco. YtuwWUm. Try D. D. D, tossy. W raaraaSM it. sic, MM, mxnD.; LicruiciWczoti SMITH'S DRUG STORK. CLEOPHUS ALLEN IS IN THE COUNTY JAIL' Painters at Cedar Rapids, now get 1 4 a day. Iowa, Cleophu Allen, who presented the. mysterious petition to Clerk John H. Cat hey on" Wednesday, was arrested nt Weavervllle yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Weaver and committed to the county jail by Magistrate E. V. Mer rill on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. He was at Weaver., vine for several days and yesterday, it is charged, he became annoyed at -some people there and started after them with an open knife. It Is probafcle that an examination Into Allen's sanity will be Instituted and his case will be brought to the ' attention of county officials. A British patent covers si series of tanks attached to a cable to nermlt a vessel to spread oil on rough water. Organised apartment janitors 'at Chicago have Increased pay. Retired Grocer Was Eighty-Three Tears Old and Was Veceraa En gtneer oa Sooth Carolina Boad. J. M. Belgler. eighty-three years old, died at the home of his son at if Penland street, last night at SMS o'clock. Mr. Selgler had been III for some time. Ths deceased is surrrred by one son. J. B. eeigler. and by oev- eral grandchildren. . (Mr. Selgler bad been Irving tn Ashe ville for more than thirty years. Dur ing the war between the states he was an engineer en the old South Car olina railroad'. He held that post an. til about lise. when he csvm here and went Into the grocery basiness. Mr. Selgler had been retired for sev eral years. Hts former homo at Newberry. S. C -,...-. . Funeral awnrtee win be held this afternoon at t o'clock at the hoooe and will b eon darted bv Dr. ft. F. Campbell, pastor of the first Presby tortsn church, futons out will bo held al KiwsM eotOTy. --..- L"" . o . 5 out of 9 on a Pullman A random test yas recently made in a crowded Pullman Club Car and it was found that, of the men who were smoking cigarettes, 5 out of 9 were smoking Fatimas. ' Probably an unusually high per centage even for Fatimas; but this case is merely one of the many evidences that more and more representative men are now-a-days choosing a sensible cigarette. They smoke Fatimas not alone for their likeable taste but for the common sense "man-comfort" that they find in this delicately balanced Turkish blend. Fatimas please the throat and tongue while you are smoking them and they leave you feeling "fitn afterwards. You don't have to think of "how many" when you are smoking a sensible cigarette like Fatima. D FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette mi sjemiStosmsmmw !m Tm- j