THE ASKEYILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 191?. 1 TOURISTS OPEN HERE TODAY D'M FflDOOYDS THE MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE DJRSE' McDougall Kitchen Cabinets Even the most casual glsnoe will recognize in the McDougall Kitchen Cabinet the latest and most complete develop ment of kitchen cabinets generally. Price . $32.50 to $40.00 Other Cabinets ,..-i.-. $12.60 to $22,60 J. L. 8MATHERS & SONS' Phone 226. 1547 Broadway. PEN COMFORT M SPELLED W-A-T-E-R-M-A-N FIT ONE TO TOUR VEST POCKET. Commercial Printers D a V C Phene 114. Asheville Office Outfitter. KOgefS BOOK MOK tton At ROTARY CLUB WILL STAGE STREET PARADE TO BASE BALL PARK TODAY Twenty or More Automobiles Will Be in Procession Headed by Brass Band Line of March Is Announced. BATTERY PARK BANK ashbjvtllb, n . cl STATE, OOtlSTI AND CTTT DEPOSITORY. Capital .. . ... .-. . . ..... .$100,000 Surplus and Profits . . . 220,000 OFFICERS: JAMBS P. -SAWYER, Chairman of the Board. T. C. COXE. President ERWIN SLUDER, Vlee-Pres. C. RANKIN, Cashier. NO LOANS MADE BT THIS BANK TO ANT OF ITS OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS. INSURANCE YOU NEED IT. PROTECTION WE GIVE IT. We write all Lines of Insurance. We represent only the BEST Companies. BEE THE P. R. ALLEN COMPANY, GENERAL INSURANCE. OFFICE ELECTRICAL BLDO. PRONE Hit No Modern Sick Room fs Without Its Fan Doctors appreciate the necessity of keeping the air of the sickroom in motion and renewing it frequent ly. An electric fan, properly placed, will aid ventila-' tion without causing a draft. Its use is essential to summer time comfort in every room of the house. It costs but a trifle to operate. See our display. Asheville Power & Light Co. SALESROOM: PATTON AVENUE. WHERE THEY PliAY TODAY. Charlotte at A 911 E VTLfLS. ' Dunun at Winston-tfcilem. f Greensboro at Raleigh. Beaded by large braea band. AshsvUlss Rotary club, generally eon oeded to be one of the Uvest of the several In North Carolina, will form the body ef a glganUo street parade or procession that la to Inaugurate the opening of the HIT baeebaJl aeaaon thla afternoon. At the laet meeting of the club, the Idea waa suggested and met with lnatant favor in the eyee of the members. It waa left In the handa of the waya and mean com m It tee which haa had charge of the arrangements alnoe. Full details of the parade, the line of march and other necessary and interesting facta were made public by William Ward, chairmen ef the' Rotary elub'a waya and means committee. Following the parade, which ia to end at the ball park right around 4 o'clock, there will be, a band concert, thta to continue until the umpire calls play ball for the first time of the year. The band la scheduled to dispense stirring muslo between the Innings also. The plana of the Rotary club are to have at least twenty cars In the line of march containing members of the club and their wives or lady friends. The twenty cars carrying club mem bers will follow directly in the wake of the band wagon, which will lead the procession. Mr. Ward stated last night that all fans who care to do so, and who own oars, are invited to loin the parade, running their cars in be hind those of the club members. The Rotarlans will be distinguished by their little red caps. Permission has been obtained from the chief of polloe to park the auto mobiles participating In the parade on Blltmore avenue, beginning -t Willow street and extending back to Pack square. Rotarlans are requested to have their oars on Blltmore avenue by 1:J0 at the latest, so that the line may be formed and the parade be gin not later than 8: SB o'clock. This SEE WHAT FERRIS SAYS OF TOURISTS will allow twenty-live minutes for the automobiles to traverse the route to the ball park. The line of march Is as follows: Up Willow street to Church, u Church to Patton avenue, up Patton avenue to Pack square, around t. e square, down Broadway to West College, out West mtttee, which haa had charge of the College o Government street, down Government to Aaheland avenue and down the avenue to the ball park. Here the parade will disband. -Tie Rotariana, their vtwes and friends will go at onoe to a special reserved sec tlon of the grandstand and from there view the ball game, every now and then lending encouragement to Doc rorrla and his band of Tourists, whether they be ahead or trailing In ine rear or the Charlotte pack. Baseball Interest is at fever heat in Asheville. If thla contlnuee through out the day, the Tourists will have no reason to kick on the welcome ac corded them, for if Indications point true, lUttes park Is to be one solid mass of humanity from 8 C0 o'clock this afternoon until some time be tween 5: SO and o'clock, when the long but happy movement homeward will be begun. In all likelihood with an Asheville triumph on the tip of every tongue. Clerks and others employed In the city ball are to atop work at S o'clock thla permission having been granted at a recent meeting of the commis sioner. Doubtless many business houses will be closed In order that the employes may attend the Initial clash while the several labor unions of the oity win stop work in time to buy a ticket and get into the grounds before Mayor Rankin takes en elaborate wind-up , and shoots a "fast" one straight at the head of the diminu tive "Rabbltt" Bradshaw. As Is stated In another column on m is page, jrema ana nil men are ready and waiting for the start of hostiritlee. - Earl Mack and his Hornets are expected early this morning, fresh from a trio of wins over the Twins, while the unlucky gent, whose calling Is to call, will be here ra time to start the game promptly at 4 o'clock. It bids fair to be a great day for Asheville. KURFEES TO WORK IN OPENING GAME SELECTED TO FACE HORXETS IN CLASH TODAY. Team Is Delighted With AsherrUle nd Funis Gossip of the Dif ferent Players. STANDING OF CLUBS Asheville Will Have No Cause to Be Disappointed in Team, Says Man ager Ferris. "Don't worry about that ball club,' said Manager Doo Ferris, of the Tourists yesterday afternoon. "The boys are In good shape now and are getting better every day. Asheville will have no cause to feel disappoint ed In the club once the players get into their best condition." North Carolina League. . . Won. Lost. Charlotte 3 1 Durham i,, 3 1 A8HEVTLLE ........ I Greensboro .......... i J Winston-Salem ' i 3 Raleigh 1 National HEAVY PINE AND OAK TIMBERS We carry a full Una of FACTORY FRAMING. See us If ytm cannot get what you want and we will furnish It. BUILDERS LUMBER CO. Yards at Qraoe. Phone ISM. Offl oe Oatea Bldg. EKVEOT (DOC) FERRIS. Manager of the Asheville Tourists- Manager Ferris lad his proteges into Asheville at I o'clock Sunday morning from Greensboro, where they met Laval's Goats in the season's first four encounters. The series was divided 60-60, each club winning two games. The majority or the men are quartered at the Swannanoa-Berkeley hotel, pending the selection of rooms in private families. Several, however, engaged rooms in advance and went directly to them on arrival yester day morning. Most of the men are eating at the Western hotel. When questioned yesterday after noon. Manager Ferris stated that he waa more than pleased with the loom of the team. He declared that he waa not a bit disappointed over the two games dropped to Greensboro for, he said, the Tourists got only one break. In both games. "The team looked good even when It waa losing," said Doo, "and I didn't lose faith In khe bunch for a minute. There are l 1a t ml.lit. maiI Kail rtl.MMi nn the club this year," added the man ager. Ferris was especially lend In his praise of Harry Allison, who pitched Saturday's game. Allison looked fifty per cent better than ha did last aeaaon and his work this year la expected to show a great Improvement. All ' he needs to make him one of the leading tnoundmen in the circuit, la a little more contrqL ' Chenault, Moorefleld. Wlckham. Kelly and In fact, every man on the team cams la for a good word from the leader. All have been working bard to win ana ware in tuere scran ping for all they were worth, even if they were several runs in the rear In the first two games with Greensboro. They'll come," concluded Ferris. Watch 'em." New York e Bt. Louis 8 Boston 6 Chicago Cincinnati 6 Philadelphia 3 Pittsburgh. 3 Brooklyn 2 League. won. Lost 2. S 6 6 American League. Won. Lost Chicago 8 Boston I 2 New York 6 8 Cleveland 6 6 St. Louis 4 Washington 3 t Philadelphia 3 Detroit 3 7 Southern New Orleans . Memphis 7 Little Rock 6 Chattanooga 6 Atlanta 6 Birmingham 6 Nashville 4 Mobile 4 League. Won. Lost. Pet. .760 .760 .600 .600 .260 .360 Pet, .760 .727 .(26 .645 .600 .633 .260 .250 Pot ,.800 .760 .626 .600 .4(H) .875 .260 .222 Pet .727 .68 .500 .465 .455 455 .3(4 .264 EESULTSYESTERDAY National League. At Cincinnati 7; Chicago 4. At St Louis 4; Pittsburgh 1. American Leasee. At Cleveland 4 ; Detroit 8. At Chicago ; St. Louis 1. Southern Association. At Nashevllle, 2: Little Rock. . At New Orleans 16; Atlanta t. At Mobile (1 Birmingham 2. At Memphis 7; Chattanooga I, International League. At Providence 6; Buffalo 9. At Baltimore 15; Rochester 10. At Newark 10; Montreal 8. Xm erica n Association. At Toledo 0! Louisville 4. " At Columbus 4; Indianapolis 8. At Minneapolis 1; Bt. Paul S. At Milwaukee 1; Kansas City f. "J.11-- mn - in AMERICAN LEAGUE CLEVELAND WINS, BARBEE'S PERFECT SODA CIGARS VX CONDITIO Y. M. L NOTES. (Contributed.) The meeting at the Y. M. I. ye terday afternoon waa exceptionally wen-attended, tne auditorium being filled to capacity. A special offering for the curtain fund, amounting to 813.01 was raised. The Pa pent-Teachers' association of Catholic Hill school will hold a special meeting tomorrow night at the. T. M- L The meeting la an Im portant one and a full attendance la requested. . t 1 1 . CLEVELAND. Ohio. Aoril 1. Cleveland made enough runs today 011. Lnu in tne nm inning to win the game from Detroit 4 to f . James, wm repiacea i.nmKB, was directive. Klepfer pitched steadily for Cleve land. An error and a passed ball ac counted for two of Detroit's runs. Score: h m Detroit 011 000 01 08 T 1 Cleveland 400 000 OOz 4 T 1 Batteries: Ehmke, James. C. Jonss ana spencer; xiepter and O Neli. GROOM WEAKENS. CHICAGO, m.. A"rtl 32. Pitcher Groom, after holding Chicago to one hit, after relieving Hamilton in the leeond inning, weake led In the ninth and the locals staged a rally which rave them the final game of the series with St Louis. S to 2 After one man was out Riaberg walRed and E. Col lins singled and Jackson was passed. Flesch then singled over second, send, ing Rlsberg home with the tying run. E. Collins waa halfway home and Lavan threw to third, and when Ana tin tumei to catch the Chicago cap tain, Collins raced bom. Score 1 . . n. H. R. Bt Louis .....000 0t 0008 10 e 0 Chicago ......010 000 001 1 Batteries: Hamilton, Groom and Severs!: THnforth and Schalk. j ADDITIONAL SPORTS OS PAGE I Manager Ferris, of the Tourists stated last night that he would assign Pitcher Kurfees to tame ths rharlotts Hornets In the opening encounter of tne series at Oetes park thla after noon. Kurfees Is In good shape and unless he springs a sore arm between now and 4 o'clock, he ought to be able to gat In there and give those norneu tne natue or their lives. nut-reee pitched Friday against Greenelboro and won the 4 rat Asne viiie victory of the series. It was due to good work on his part, to gether with bunched hits by his mates, that brought about the Initial Greensboro defeat Kurfees Is an ex perienced pitcher with an awful lot of stuff and la expected to prove one of the malnet&ya In the box this sea son. Winie Kelly, the diminutive short atop, Is the same smiling elf as of old en days. Willie la a great little kld der. He la one of the veterans of the club and takes a pleasure In Impart ing his store of knowledge to the youngsters, of which there Is an abundance on the club. Willie and Casper Morpeth are roommates. And speaking 'of Morpeth, he Just about leads the league when It comes to tickling the Ivories. When Mor peth played with Durham several years ago, he used to be chief pianist for Jim Kelly, whose special delight was singing. "Well we'll row, row row, way up the river." Down at the boarding house yesterday afternoon, Morpeth sat down at the piano and bAngetl out the classics of Beethoven, Verdi and Irvin Berlin alike. 'Batch" Moorefleld. the llg catcher and outfielder, ought to do good work for Ferris this season. Moorefleld, who la one of the natural hitters In the league, looks good either behind the bat or In the outfield. Ho has a nice disposition and Is one of the best-liked men on the club. Few men have changed during the course of a short winter as had Harry Allison, the youfhf ; portsider of the House of Ferris. Allison Is much larger than he was last season and has a lot more epe I on the hall. He is working hard to master control and when he does this, he will be one of the beat pitchers in the league, All of the players were loud In their praise or his work Saturday. Brown, the young right fielder, or the Tourists, sports a gold watch fob of which hs is very proud. It Is made up of a gold medal and an Ivory baseball. Similar fobs were present ed to each member of the club win nlng the pennant In one of the sev eral winter leagues of Mobile Brown's team won nine straight games and finished in first place- Ball Diayers soon make rrianns end the Tourlsts-are-nO exception to the rule. A bevy of them piled into Ford driven by a rabid fan yester- dav and spent the afternoon giving the scenery around town the 0-0. In the party were Karleon, pitcher; Brown and Summerlin, outfielders, md one or two others. Willie Kelly, who has been playing n the North Carolina league since King Kelly was in the third grade, is delighted with the deal mat sent mm to Asheville. "Its the beet town in the league," he said; "Doo Is a fine fellow, so what more could I want?" Manager Ferrle Is in no hurry ror cutting down time to arrive.' On May 12. Doo will have to reduce nla squad to twelve men Including him self, and this is going to prove a au flrnlt task, for all of the men are showing up so well that Doc will have to scratch his head several times be- fnr. atffnlnr snv Dink SlIPS. After entertaining Earl Mack's Hornets for four days this week, the Tourists will pack tholr grips and set sail for a road trip of elffht days. The half of thla will be spent with the Durham Bovlnes at Durham and the tetter part as guests of Charlie Clan cy's Winston-Salem Twins In the best business town In the state. It means a hard trip for the locals, for both Durham and Winston-Salem boast strong teams. If Ferris aod his gang can break even In the eight after trimming the Hornets three out of four. Asheville ought to be more than satisfied. Returning from Twmtown on May the Tourists will begin an el-ht-dav stand at Oatea park on Monday, Mar 7, with Raleigh as the visiting team for the first four days, and Greensboro for the Inst, four. r&frm n . rm rm n rr rui rTnrmnnrrLn UUrlUJUJJUml M UUUJaiJLb, It's worth Just the dlfferende between a dry, color.' less garden and a fresh, green ona-a water spotted suit and a dry comfortable onethe annual purchase of hose and a perennial one that does not need watch' Ing with every bend and twist f lYou don't have to buy garden hose 'auiruiaDytf you) use "Goodrich." 1 .It costs less to pay -a little, more and. get. hose that lasts for many seasons. Try?GOODRiCHir 7 -. " ' ptherj Special Garden. Supplies ' luHna Starts' tkW. Spades t Pruning Knives v I Trowels Trimming ShaaJSj LU9M Reels Lawnmowsrs Rakes Hoes Northup-McDuffie Hdw. Co. No. 33 Patton Ave. HARDWARE. 'Phone 142 I J XT IK K ON CURRENT EVENTS. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING Commissioner of Public Safety D. Hlden Ramsey will lecture tonight at 7:Srt o'clock at the T. W. C. A. on Church street on "Current Events." The public Is Invited. The next entertainment given by the Knights of Columbus will bs on ths night of May . There will ba the usual dance and card party. Re fresh ments will ba served. New Dresses 4 In Georgette, Faille and Silk Jerseys just In by ex press. These are beautiful and in the latest styles. TrtB ATORC POPULAtoi TODAY The Star of "Intolerance" SEEPMA OWEN -IN- "A Woman's Awakening" A toning satire on the flimsy Ideals of the "New Woman," How a young wife finds her real place In the world. The stirring ex periemxNi that taught a yonng wife to from the lore of social follies. Also "Her Candy Kid"-Triangle Comedy Sttm Princess Orchestra 1 1 fOTRAN J TODAY 5c- Admission 10c ','" ,, .CZ3 METRO PLAY. LIONEL BARRYMORE "Dis Father's Son" Romanoe, Mirth and Minions HOW A PRODIGAL SOW WOIT LOVE AND RICHES Strand Orchestra 5c 10c KATHLYN WILLIAMS THEODORE ROBERTS -rs- 99 "The Cost of Hatred By Beulah Marie Dix This strong, virile story of the lifelong search of a great, passionate, domineering personality for re venge, and the fulfilment of the search, is indeed a thrilling drama. .... ,' Galax Superb Pipe Organ 5c 7 Admission 10c ff .... -Sltl THE TRADE MARK THAT STANDS FOR , QUALITY. X . vtf -

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