TItE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, IAY 21, 191?. 1UENI0 II HOLD CONVENT ON AT 1IGHTSVILL E Year Book and Program for Meeting Have Been Arranged. SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THE DELEGATES Eepreaentative Men From AD Parts of the South '" ; Will Attend. &UXL0ZTB. N. C. Mar JO. T. W. XHiod, secretary end treasurer of the Hardware Association of tbs Car oIIdu, hu prepared the souvenir year book ul program, (or the thirteenth unnnal convention, which will be hold Juno ts, 10, and II at Wrlghtsvllls Dach, with headquarters at tb Bea- MOI hotel. . , The pamphlet to Just off ths pro at a win bo eistriDuteo: among manes ad members at tho convention. It tncrodes . comprehensive program outline runs of otnoere and mom bora, ul la liberally illustrated with repro d action of tho photographs of mom bora that were taken at tho lest eon vecrtion. Kumbora of thaao are group fitotaroa, and show tho members and their families, or a, circle or conven tloai attendants photographed at a DfvWiMu eenventlon. A special message to tho delegates W1W general instructions ana piana of tho convention by Mr. Dtxon. ta alao Inoladed the souvenir program and Thm nutation of "What are you go fo0 to do to adjust Tour business to the changed conditions - "after tho wvf wlU probably teko precedence ewwr ethers, and tho exchange of ldeae wul naaiy DO 01 area mneruu mmm. Quite a number of Charlotte mem Imk win attend. There will be men present from the states or boudi caro. flna, Iorth Carolina, Maryland, New Tor. Toaaoa"e, Oeorgla, and ethers. : Zbo Officers, 1ZM ofBDOra and standing commit PrSrtdraC, JL R, Craig, Marlon, ft Cbblawcp- - Coniforfoble 2! tmr; DirnffStiori and Om Formtaln -Clerks are always. )DH ;tEe alert to vs.- & Clavtrie, Mgr, C. first vice president. M- P. ntnoimu aeeond vice pr ttetts summons, Charleston, third vice nrsaldent. IT. U Wadeeboro; secretary-treasurer. T. W. Ion, t'harlotte. Kxerutive commit tee. A. It. Craig. Marion, H. C.l H- K. Raid. I.lncolnlon: M. J. O'Nell. Hen. rteraon; J. Ileiu Hlaimone. Charlealon, H O ; J. B. Barnea. Wlleon; J. M. I'lowden. Miimmertnn, K- l; T. W. llon. fharlolte. Freight auditor. W. U Gilbert. Niaieevllle; auditing com mittee, P. M. l"arrott. Huniter, fl. C j W. N. Kverett. Jr., rtorklngham; II. M. I'elder, Mulllna. R. ' Urlevanre romml'tee, It. II. McOuffle, Aahevllle; Oeo. V nrown. Yorkvllle, K, C; J. Z. Ilroukcr. Ieiimark. 8. Ig lata, tlve committee (N ".). McP Holll. day, Iunm Qraves Hmlth. (Joldaboro: J. B. Harnea, Wilson. Freight bureau committee, H. K. Reld. Uncolnton; Wm. H. Hmlth. UafTney. H. C.i W. I- Gilbert, fluteavllle. Nominating com mittee, A. W. Welling. larllngton, & J. M. Anderson, t'u unihla. H. C.l J. It. Tender. Tarboro. Keaolutlone ronimltlee. W. W. Watt. Charlotte: M. j. () eil, llendereon: 8 A. HilTord. Clover, ft. C. legislative committee 8. C.). K. W. Duvsll. Cheraw. H. C.l H. l. Lotirk, Columbia, H- C: V. K. Kdwarda, Johnston, 8. C. Question Box committee. I lor T. 8oule. New York, N. Y .; M. J. O'Nell Henderson. Convention Boosters, W. P. Johnson, Nashville, Tenn : K. A. Kldgeway, Charlotte: John A. Desportea, Kldge way, S. C: J. Bailey Gordon, Rome, Oa.: Jas. II. Craig. Chattanooga, Tenn. V. R. Rldrldge, Baltimore, Md. Tito i-rugram. Open aeaslon. Aaeembly Hall, Sea shore hotel. Inovatlon Her. A. D. MeClure, D. D. Address of Welcome: For city of Wilmington Mayor P. Q. Moore. Per chamber of commerce Marcua W. Jacobl. Tor Rotary club Oeo. P. Oalvln. For Wrlghtavllle Mayor Thoa. H. Wright. Response: For (touth Carolina A. H. Wlchman, Waltrboro, 8. a For North Carolina J. W. Holmea, Farm. vllle. N. C. Roll call of oflleera. Heading of minutes Address by the proaldent, Arthur R. Crolg. Report of secretary. T. W. Dixon. election or new members. Announcementa. Afternoon, a dip In the surf. Kvenlng. Informal reception to members and visitors by Wilmington chamber of commerce and Rotary club. Wednesday Mortimer, Jane SO, :3o O'clock. Assembly Hall, Seashore hotel. Address. "Boxlnsr The Compass" Bevan Iawson, New Tork. Committee reports: Aadltlng, grler. ance, legislative transportation- uuostlon box discussions under di rection of "The Original Hookworms," Roy F. Boule and Maurice J. O Nell. Wednesday Afternoon, June 20, 1:00 O'clock. Assembly Hall, Seaahore hotel. lAddreaa. "The Tn Tyiin Ranlr H. T. Proaaer. Question Box discussions. Program sublaot tn hanM day. " MualO and danninar ZAimlna. Tbunday Morning, one sr. :0 O'clock. Assembly Hall, Seaahore hotel. Call to order by tho president, W. Call or order br tha nrealdent 7 W. Watt. Charlotte. Reading of minutes. Annual report of tho proaldent Annual report of tho treasurer. Annual report of the secretary. IMaouaslons on reports, Election of three directors to suc ceed P. B. Blalock. A. R. Cral?. and T. W. Dixon, whose terms expire by limitation. New business. (Adjournment. Thursday Afternoon, Jnna 11. liSO O'clock. Report of resolutions committee. Report of nominating committee. Election of officers, eel action of next place of meeting. Unfinished business. Adjournment. U-BOATS TORPEDO SWEDISH VESSELS LADEN iVITH 001 (Continued from Page One ) share of Indignation must be vented on England, which delayed the de- Cirture of the steamers until after ay 1. but that tho drat and fore moat feeling must bo bitterness against the methods of the Oermaa submarine campaign. It addst "The Inklnga may give further proof of the danger of Invading the blockade sone, but It was sympathy for Ger many as wall for provisions for Swed en that went down with the ships." 1 ne svenska Iiagbladrt also ae cuaea England of deliberately delaying ine departure of the ships, but con tinues: "it la Just as plain that the Oar mans are proceeding without the angniest elementary regard for our rignis aa neutraia." No theoretical defenses by Ger many can prevent the greatest bitter ness from prevailing In Sweden,. says The Ifegbladet, Germany a enemies. It adds, could not have deelred better agitation material. The Vlken was a new vessel, built in lilt, and waa on her first trip. She was 114 feet long and of l.SiO tons groaa. The Veaterland was, of 4,011 tons groaa and built In 1807. She aalled from Savannah. January 14 for Gothenburg and was last reported to have arrived at Lerwick. February J I. The Aspen was of 1. 101 tons groaa and built at Sunderland twenty years ago. She aalled from Philadel phia January It for Stockholm and was laat reported t Kirkwall Febru ary 9. All the vessels were owned In Gothenburg. REPORTED TORPEDOED. TjONDON, May to. The Norwegian legation at Berlin, according to a a is natch from Conanhaa-en to the El 'change Telegraph company, reports that tha Norwegian steamers leiy, Najaden, C. Sundt and Gar-ant have been torpedoed by Oerman ' subma rlnee. Members of the crews of each vessel lost their lives. A Berlin dispatch received at Say vllle. N. Y.. bv wireless. March II announced the sinking during March of fifty entente and neutral vessels, Including thirteen Norwegian steam era. The Laly, C. Sundt and Oarant were named as three of the Nerweg lan veasela destroyed. CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN SHIPS IS II NOW PROCEEDING fContlnned from Page One woodnn snips. In this connection. It ahould be noted, however, that If the world produces all of the ateel ships that It now can build or that can be built In the neat eighteen months and In addition all the wooden ablps which can bo built m that time It will not equal one-half the rate of destrue ion established br the Oerman sub marines in tho month of April of thla year. "The men at tha head of the ateel producing Industries realised lata In April that unless the production of tonnage was stimulated, there waa a good ohanre of Germany's winning tne war. They met together, elected a leader, entered Into communication with the shipping board and prom laed to aupply us with very large amount of ateel for shipbuilding with in the period of a very few monthe. Increasing gradually from tho pres ent time to a maximum to he reach- ed about October. "General Ooethala thereupon began upon a plan of organisation of tha steel shipbuilding Industry, which. h rough standardisation of construc tion would enormously Increase the output of ateel vessels. Thla plan would require taking over of all ves sels tinder contract In the shipbuild ing yards whoa data of completion ran be hastened by Increased labor and more rapid supply of materia) and equipment PREXCn STEAMER STJXK. PARIS. May 10. The French steamship Colbert, carrying a nunt ber of French military prlsonera, was torpedoed and aunk In the Medlter ranean April 10 by a" Teuton subma rlne. Ktfty-one persona, including the commander of the veaael, lost their Urea. Announcement of the sinking of the Colbert was made thla after noon by the French admiralty. BRITISH CONTINUE DEADLY BATTERING OF GERMAN LINES fContlnned from Pago One.) successes over the Austrian!, either In fresh advances or In holding back counter-attacks launched with huge effectives. In tho former region dense formatlona of tho front the Auatriang endeavored to wrest from tho Italians position captured on the Vodlce. but were driven back with FUITON. Ky.. May 10. Lawrence I sanguinary losses. A number of guns pempsey, a negro, was taken from and large queftltiea of arms and am ine oity jau n are early today y a munition were taken by the Italians. mob and hanged to a telephone cable East of Gorilla .the Austrian lines just a fsw reel from the tall floor. WM-o pierced In an attack by the KEGKO LYNCHED. ..mpf.y if en ",!' charged Italians, who took 3S4 prisoners. i..rn? Ti KiV . i a m Macedonia artillery duels VWWIvl aVWasatAai eat s fS.aa vaa naWUF i l.Al.t.J 1 aaw saw an uh man UK s MM I .a.wj V..BBV...va ssag vv saa aga-aava Furniture Securely and Safely Stored In a coimnodioiis, clean Warehouse at reasonable ):ateay .' ASHEVILLE Transfer & Storage Co. Pbone tlO 88 Broadway ji'AMlMj hits the spot SAFE ABSOUJTLLT e AT FOOTTABI ifeSc ami Keep Your Eye on this TRADE MARK It stands fog Satisfaction la Hardware E201YN HARDWARE COMPART SB Broadway. ; JUaPHOXES JSil 1 1 and con Itlnue. Announcement is made by tho French admiralty of the sinking I In tho Mediterranean April to by a Oerman submarine of the French ateamer Colbert, which had on board French troops at.d passengers. Fifty one persons of tho ship's company I were lost. French torpedo units have been In an engagement with a Oerman flotilla, which was forced to retreat hastily to Its base. One of the French boats was damaged but all of them safely I made port. etui futftner nope for the solidarity I of Russia in the prosecution of the war, together with her allies, is had from the public, statements of three of her highest officials. "Russia can not hand down to future generations a dishonored reputation," said Premier I Lvoft. . . . The country must speak its Imperious word, and send Its army out to flght.' "So long as i am minister or war. I said .M. Kerensky, "no attempt at counter revolution Is possible. Our new regime has for its soul complete union with the allies. Foreign Minister Tereschtenko as serted lhat in free Russia there was I no party capable of carrying on propaganda in favor of a separate peace. GERMANS IN PLO T FOR REVOLUTION AC NST TINOCO (Continued from Page One.) gross haa granted the government full powers 'to maintain the policy the tne Costa Klcaa people wish to main tain wnicn is adherence in every way to the aide of the United States and tne entente allies." Special precautions have been taken with respect to Oerman resi dents and search Is being made for additional wireless stations as well as reported aeeamulatlons of gasoline. The authorities are making a particu lar effort to And Oerman submarine bases along the unfrequented parts of ut coast. PREVIOUS GAMP HERE HAD HEALTH RECORD : 1 tO' WAR DEPARTMENT KITOWS THIS CITY. OF i Major- Hunt, Hera Today to Inspect Training Camp filto, will Be Taken i to Several Jjooatfons. Experience Teaches Sedentary Habits are very apt to result in Con stipation, Biliousness or Torpidity of the liver. Many who are confined indoors are now using DRaTUTPS LIVER PILLS both as a preventative and a relief. Buy a box today. Learn for yourself. MALLOY AND WEST GO T0F0RT0GLETH00RPE Sergeant Fagg F. Malloy and Sergeant Edward S. West, of Troop ii, North Carolina National guard. received orders yesterday to report at the omcers training camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Oa. Both young men left on tne Carolina Special last night, and win report at the Georgia train lng ground this morning. Each will try for a commission, securing of which will automatically remove him from the local troop and into his proper rank and tile with the regular army, while In the event of failure, they will retain their standing in Troop B. Both men have excellent service records on the border and this Is expected to prove a great help In I securing a commission. MYSTERIOUS EXPJjOSION. TOUNGSTOWX, O., May t0. A mysterious explosion in the power plant of the Republic Iron and Steel company at noon today, brought In stant death to four men and injuries to eleven others. Five of the latter were seriously hurt and it is bellev- ied one may succumb. Ten thousand people crowded around the plant In the heart of the foreign section, when heavy pieces of machinery were blown to a quar ter of a mile by the explosion, leading ! rum.org that scores AA4 Pees. kiUgd, The1 fact that the war denarlmant has already had favorable experience with Ashevlllo as a training cams on a small scale, will, it Is believed, pro- dispose xne auuionues towards lo cating; another camp near this cltv. There are to be sixteen regular train ing camps established, and In addi tion, several camps for the purpose of naraening young men to be called to tho colors later. It le believed that either a training oamp or a harden ing camp will be located hese. Major H. X Hunt, of the regular army, who will arrive here today. will be shown several other sites for the proposed camp In addition to the I Jo acres on the BUtmore estate of fered by Mrs. Edith Vanderbllt. One of these places will be that wide stretch of land from Kenllworth to Black Mountain, admirably adapted, it is said, for the purpose. It Is pos sible he may be taken by the conftnlt- tee to the famous Pink Beds, a ten- mile plateau on the very top of the mountains where a cannon may be red and find no obstacle in Its path for a distance of ten miles. Major Summerall, of the regular army, who once inspected this remarkable plateau, said at the time there was no place like It in the country, and many otners nave agreea with mm. Major Summerall Inspected this site during the year following the es tablishment of the training camp near Orove Park Inn, in 114. This oamp was established by Captain Van Horn of MaJor-Oeneral Leonard Wood's staff, and was In charge of Captain Brown. There were 104 col lege men at the oamp during the summer, and a troop of regular cavalry, while the attendance was far less than the government had an ticipated, still it was the second larg est established that year. The at tendance, however, were so disap pointing to the war department, that economy suggested that future camps of this nature be established where larger units could be handled. The officers' training camps at Fort Ogle thorpe and at Plattsburg were the re sult But the war department records reveal the interesting fact that in the camp near Orove Park inn there was not a single case of sickness during the entire length of time the men were there a most unusual showing, it Is said. The training the young men were subjected to was severe ana among the long marches taken was one to Hendersonvuie ana return. Some of these men are In the officers' training camps today, and some are officers in the regular army. The following year Major Sum merall came to Ashevlllo for the pur' pose of locating aa artillery camp here. He found on the Vanderbllt es tate, he said, a site admirably aoapt ed for such a eamo. and when taken to the Pink Beds be name enthusiastic over that plateau. Major Summerall commented on the many excellent reasons why a camp should come here and spoke of the remarkable health record of the small camp established here in 1914. . s r - FXeOCVTER. GERMAN' FXOTIUi.. PARTS. Mar zO. French torpedo boats had an encounter early this morning with a Oerman flotilla, in which ons of the French war vessels suffered some damage, though all re turned to tforfc s - . f D 000 CRIEF PROBLEMS BEFORE CONGRESS noting Forces Provided by Pus&go of Various Army and Navy Bilk. FOOD LEGISLATION TO COME UP TODAY Provides for Federal Survey of Food and Other Food Conservation. WASHINGTON. May 10. Havlnr Provided for fighting forces tn the war by passing tha army draft bill and the measure uoreaslng the navy and ma rine oorpa, congress now concentrates Us attention upon the problems of raising money to keep fighting forcei In tho field and regulating the food supply America must furnish both for herself and her allies. The senate tomorrow will besln consideration of food legislation, whlls the house proceeds with the I I.OPO.eoo.000 war tax measure During lha week, final enactment of the tl.l4t.400.000 war budset bill. with Its authorisation of $750,000.- 0t for American merchant ships. Is expected, and possibly the adminis tration espionage measure also will be passed. Speeding up. Congressional leaders tonlrht said that pressure from within and from the white house and other sources for more speed 14 passing the war legis lation already naa had Its effect. They pointed out that, coincident with the demands to "speed uti." congress paaaed more war measures last week than It haa during the previous three weeks. Including final action upon the war army bill; that augmenting the Davy and marine corps enlisted strength and the record-breaklne war budget In the senate. The first administration food legis lation, to be taken up in the senate tomorrow, provides for a federal sur vey of food supplies, measures to stimulate production, prevent hoaitl Ing and storage, licensing of food dealers and conservation of bread bases by mixing flour. Senator Gore, Modemly Equipped Safety Deposit Boxes In Fire-Proof Vault and Building Rent from $2.00 to $10.00 per year Central Bank & Trust Co, "The Bank for Your Savings" chairman of the senate agricultural committee, aald tonight he would make every effort to expedite aotlon, but certainty that the questions of authorising a food administrator. liquor prohibition and regulation of foodstuff production, speculation upon boards of trade and other ex changes, will be raised, makes the dats of Anal action problematical. CLOSING EXERCISES AT WEAVER COLLEGE r lVtxaaass To Avoid Dandruff President Walker Delivered Annual Adtlrtv-H I.Ht Night Annual mon by Dr. 11) rd. rirr- Speaking on the sifbjoct. "The Right Purpose In Ertucmlm and In Life." Rev. J. It. Walker, president of Weaver college,, delivered his annual address to the members of the rarluatlng class .lint night. He was hoard by a larKe crowd. The commencement sermon was de. llvered yesterday morning by Dr. C. W. Hyrd. pastor of Central Methodist church of Ashevllle. The music was In charge of Mrs. J. H. Walker and Professor Deaderlck, of the voice de partment. The annual debate between the You do not want a slow treatment for itching scalp when hair ii falling and the dandruff germ is killing the hair roots. Delay means no hair. Get, at any drug store, a bottle of scmo for 25c or $1.00 for extra large fixe. Use ai directed, for it doei the work quickly. It kill the dandruff germ, nourishes the hair roots and im mediately stopi itching eealp. It It a pure, reliable, antiseptic liauid, is not greasy, is easy to use and will not stain. Soaps and shampoos are harmful, as they contain alkali. The best thing to use for scalp irritations is semo, fof it is safe and also Inexpensive. a The B. W, Rose Ca, Cleveland. Ov Clioeophlc and Delphian literary ee cletles was held Id the school audi torium Saturday evening. Tho Query argued was "Resolved, That the War Is Inconsistent With Christianity." , All of ths speakers were from the junior claaa. On the affirmative were E. C. Bteadman and R. H. Lawrence and on the negative C. E. Buckaer and W. R. Harris. The school has just completed a most successful year. Practically Indestructible steel shipping cases have been invented that can be folded when empty and used Indefinitely. The teller will tell you that people grow prosperous through the wise use of money. There is no greater service a 5 cent piece can render you than to provide-- for your benefit and enjoyment: V M uu THE FLAVOR LASTS MM Biggest value in ifresnment and comfort; In delicious, lasting benefit to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. P f r