THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 191?. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN Published Every Morning -BT THE CITIZEN COMPANY ; 8 Government Street Th Ashevllle Cltlirn, Tb Sunday Clttsan, ( day a wk Every Sunday TELEPHONES Business Office . , Editorial Room 80 !U7 Associated Press Reports Complete SUBSCRIPTION RATKS Br Ct Paliv Hun., 1 yr. In advanco. .. Laliy sun., I mo. In 1vne. tally A Hun., 1 wrfk In advance, tally only, 1 yar In advance. . tally only, 8 mo. In advance.... tally only, 1 wtek In advance... Carrier In Aahevllle and Suburb. . J. OS . .U . K.O'I . 1.10 . .1U By Mall In United State. Dally Hun., I yr. In advunce ... tally Sun., mo. In advance... Pally only, 1 year In advance tally only, 8 mo. In advance Hunday only, 1 year In advance... Sunday naly, I mo. In advance... .I9.M . 1.60 . 1. 00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . .10 Saturday, May 26, 1917. Should BeSettled Now If ttia Irian bom rule question la ' fere to b settled at all, surely It should bo near settlement now whan It ha bean placed lit the hands of . tha people most ooneerned therein tha Irish people. That there Is strong; sentiment on this aide of the water, as well as in Great Britain, : to the effect that the British govern ment should dispose of the home ruls question, if It would obtain the kearty sympathy and co-operation of tha United States as an ally In this war. Th vast majority of the Ameri can paople rightly believe that It sits with m KTffiO Sot tha allies to claim that thy are fighting for the "rights of small nations to govern them selves," whils that right is denied to Ireland, an entirely separate country and separate people. Whether or not the Irish people will be abl to gov ern! themselves with a fair measure of peace, matters not in view of the Indisputable justlcs of their claim to freedom from the rule of Dublin castle. . The English nalton as a whole does not feel that Ireland should be re tained by the English government, and certainly the greater part of the British press has reiterated th right of Ireland to be self-governed. Only recently The London Daily Chronlole, urging the speedy passage of home rule legislation, said: "Leading Irish men In the United States recognise, as Mr. Redmond does here, that wo are engaged in a Just struggle; and they would be no less ready than he would be to close a long account of Anglo Irish bitterness, and shake hands over a settlement on the home rule basis. We know and feel that we will summer. It was a building with many windows and long porches, ths ma Jorlty of which were without screens of any description. Rows of patients sat In reclining chairs making hsrolo effort to keep off the swarms of fllea, yet their dlatrea could have been aally avoided had th windows and porches been equipped with mosquito netting or fly screens. Her in Ashevllle ths greater part of the medlral profesalon know and appreciate the value, and the com fort to be derived from fly screen, of even the cheapeat variety. For a very small outlay any home, sanita rium or other building can be effec tively equipped with fly acreens. It la all very well to preach tha gospel of "awattlng the fly," but there would he far lea need to swat, after Infec tion has been carried In and out, were the uae of screens mors general. Aahevllle 1 noted for Its cleanllne and for the high efficiency of Ita sani tary departments, and we should see to It that ths advantage of window and porch screening are home to the rank and file. The Scissors Route n OFFICIALS PUZZLED AT II OF GOLD Oomlng to (lie Mountain. (Charlotte uluarvar I Th) Aahevllle Cmaon sueui to have ha 0 aaUatactory evjduuce that "Waat- I em .North Carolina will sxpunenc tb luunai yuirouago in it His tory the coming summer." Titer la uo reason why it should not. The Eu ropean I TU V.l i,um t n ..... . t S . . three seasons, and th great body of JapaiKS) Breaking All RCC Win tourlat American aavlng e- " iuii-u ior 1110 nri lime an Idea of th tuauicaa of their owu country and the tourlat assets which Jt holds, have got into the hubJt of touring America, and of course they are learning that "caicm iorin Carolina la the great i Bri or tins great country. The puopl who truvtl have an abundance uj aioney tnis year, and they are go ing to spend more of it in the moun tain of North Carolina than ever be- iuro known. ordj in Amount With drawn, REASON A MYSTERY. WAmrrVtlTOV, May 25. Treesurj officials engrossed in the far-reach' Ing program of International financing upon which th country lately has sn tared, today turned their chief atten tlon to the unexpected and somewhat disconcerting discovery that for the past month Japan has been wlth- Notes and Comments llalllmore Saw It Mint, ( Wilmington Btar.) upportunitltia cant their shadows before, hut 11 la orton the caae that neither the opportunities nor their aimoows are seen. Baltimore saw sn opportunity in a North Carolina product and she Belted It and convert- drawing gold from the United Bute ou n iinu an inauatriai nmnnaitinn. I at the rata f tun Add nun In una brought Hhe la canning pork and beau. North 1008.000 a year. '""" trouuoee in Dean ana eJee I ooia exports to Japan witnin tn luraiane a iarg amount of th pork, past three or four week, It was stat for we have kept track of several ed, have been between 110.000,000 arg nipment of North Carolina and 118,000.000. Since January hog, sold to packing house In the they have totalled 135,000,000. With Maryland city. In the next thirty days, the s-overn Baltimore canneries ara rannin , nfent ha been Informed, thev will an. bean and pork In large quantities and proximate fifty pr cent of th en- "Buy a bond for th baby" Is ons of tha best suggestions so far ad vanced. It come from Th Knoxvtll I the demand Is laraer than tha aunniv tire sum already exported In HIT. I 111.-. . .. - .. - ' I -,u. . . 1- . ""jrn jorin Carolina lead all tha ouipiueuia are oeing maae oy uana- tatea In the production of soy bean, lnT Interest with the full knowledge and practically every bit of the aoil in of the Japanese government. In at Kuatern North Carolina 1 peculiarly le,,t on Instance, the Japanese gov. adapted to the production of that mot ernment has approached this govern valuable farm product Baltimore saw n)ent wlth ylew t0 facilitating the Sentinel. e e e In view of the fact that the Liberty bonds are non-taxable, none should hesitate about Inventing, where In veators are not moved by patriotic purposes. e Considering the service which th British and French commission have rendered the United States, none can doubt that their visit to this country was well worth while. e e Another son of ths secretary of th navy, Josephu Daniels, Jr., has set a plendld example by enlisting private in the Marine corps. eve The onion conspiracy which ha been unearthed at Boston literally smells to the skies." e June 5 will witness the transforma tion of the American nation, a day when new history will be written. be constantly and: heavily 'hampered In our efforts to obtain the common goal so long as we keep Ireland un dee British rule. Surely there can be none so blind as to fall to see that the path of wisdom la to get homo rule settled without more delay, and give our Irish friends a fair chance. But for the wrecking folly of Lord Mlddleton and Lord . Beresford this would have been done ten months ago." Since the foregoing was first print- led the British government has moved In the direction indicated, and It ap pears that if Irishmen can agree among themselves the long desired goal of home rulo is now In sight i Barring ths possible refusal of Ulster to participate in the deliberations,! this thorn bids fair to be extracted. In that day, It may be assumed, the heritage of hate against England, - which has been handed down through successive generations in Ireland since the time of Cromwell, will be . wiped out Voice of the People THE ROAD QUESTION. Editor The Citlsen: I thank you for the publication to- day In your paper of my, views on roads, but see a mistake which I ask you to please correct Where It reads 26 miles, ths cor. rect distance Is tit 2-3 miles, and If ths citizens living along and In the vicinity of the roads would bear a part of the expense of surfacing, an ths oltlssns of Candler did on our fine road, say one third, $1,000,000 would surface 1,000 miles of miles of Buncombe countys' roads with gravel and aand at $1,500 per mile and that would be better by far than the sur facing of (6 9-8 miles with concrete at a coat of 1 15,000 per mile, totaling $1,000,000, with a large part of the money going to another state for con Crete. I say use our own gravel and cunning opportunity In It and she got busy. Hho can sell tons of the canned product to the United States army alone, but for two year she has neen aoing her bit towards aunnlvlna- the European armies with pork and Deans. Yet we hear sensible people of WIN mington eay that we don t need a can nlng establishment here, "because there Is nothing to can." As a matter of fact Baltimore found out that we had beans to can and other cities have found out that we had strawberries and huckleberries to can. We have millions of bushels of sweet potatoes to can, and If we haven t got vegeta bles to can it Is because we have Ho cannery. It Is about time for us to come off the perch and quit letting Baltimore and other cities see opportunles first and draw upon North Carolina for their canning products. Room for HoosevPlt, (Norfolk Vlrgrlnlan-Fllot.) It la intimated from Washington mat some way will be found of uti lizing Colonel Roosevelt's zeal and en ergy In the service of the country. The sincerity of our hope that this may be done 1 not at all Incompati ble with the objections previously raised with entrusting to him at the outsot a military command to which he could bring neither theoretical proficiency nor the capacity to be drawn from ripe experience in mod ern warfare. To say that the colonel has no demonstrated ability for the leadership of a large body of troops is only to state an lncontestlble tact, and that statement should be con clusive of the proposition for send ing him to the front at the head of a trans. Pacific movement Officials here cannot account fir the seemingly large movement on the ground that It Is to restore the bal ance in trade and Investigator are checking the foreign commerce statis tics to ascertain if the big shipments are due to economic laws. The mystery Is more economic than political, It Is said, and there Is no where apparent any disposition to question the motives of the govern ment or citizens of Japan in with drawing all the gold to which they are entitled. At the same time It la realized that heavy export of gold from this country are highly unde- irable. The British officials. Including Lord Cunliffe, governor of the Bank of England, have noted with surprise thi tendency of American hold to flow westward and havs discussed the situ. ation with treasury officials. Tho British agree that It Is to the Interest of all concerned that the United States conserve Its supply of gold, rJ though It la at present the largest tore ever held within a single na tion's boundaries snd greatly in ex cess of actual requirements. RUSSIA ARE BECOMING Martial Law Proclaimed in Soma Districts to Curb Rioters. ANARCHISTS BUSY. Bpmsa run. sand free, and get 833 1-8 miles more'l corps or a division. But to deny him opportunity to prove nis memo m a J. P. LOWRT. post of secondary rank "and respon sibility, in which the aoor ror pro- road surfaoe, Candler, N. O. Children's Stories BOB'S CHICKENS. Fllea and Screens The fly season may be said to be t hand, and with it come the annual warnings from press and roetrnm as to the danger from the fly, with Its germ-carrying proollvitlss, and ths simple precautions which we should take .to ward off this menace, Tr the highest scientific and medical au thorities have agreed that there Is ne greater disseminator of disease on th face of the earth than our ancient friend, "musca domestlca," and yet Jhera are thousands of people In the United States who even at this day cannot see the necessity of employing the simplest precautions which every health board in the country now urges. Strange and incredible as It may seem, there are to be found in this day members ol the medical profes sion who are not too enthusiastic about the anti-fly campaigns; certainly they do not enlarge on the subject and some there are who 'have not yet reached the Once upon a time Bob went early In the summer to stay with his grand parents. They lived in the country on a very largs farm and Bob had been wishing .his mother would tell mm it was time to go and was de lighted when she took mm there, The next day Bob went with his grandfather over the farm and saw all the cows, pigs and chickens- "I wisn i could have some chickens an my own." said Bob. "Well. I guess you can,' answered his erandfather "but you must look out for old Surah, the mother hen, and feed her and care for the chickens when they are hatched. "I will if I can only have the chick ens, said Bob. . So his grandfather gave him thirteen fine brown eggs and showed him where to make a nest Bob said he had heard that thirteen was an unlucky number and asked for one more egg, which, his grandfather gave him with a laugh at his superstition and told him he should expect to see thirteen chick ens hatched just the same. Bob made a fine nest and old Sarah hopped on it as though Bhe was very Slad to sit down. Kach day Bob rought a dish of dainty things for h i hen and shs seemed to enjoy the extra attention she was sfettlng. At last one day Bob went to the nest and there were thirteen of the outest, fluf first little chicks as much as to say Sarah was looking a much as to say; "Look, aren't they pretty t" A few days after that grandfather said it was time to move them to a coop so they both took some of the chicks and put them in a nloe house under the tree When grandfather took up the first chick he looked at it aulte awhile and then burst out lainrtilnff. Bob asked what he was laughing at "Ha, ha, I will tell you," ha answered. "your cnicnenB are dunks." "Well I a-uese thirteen is an unlucky number after all," saia bod, motion would stand open to proved desert Is quite another question. Stripped of a vaulting ambition for Immediate high preferment his ar dent desire for a part In the strug gle Is commendable, and within the limits of prudence and reason we should be placed to have It gratified. Bonaparte said that "every French soldier carried a marshal's baton In his knapsack." The men now In highest commands in ths French and British armies served long ' appren ticeships before being called up high er. The American who shall go to the war with a regiment at his back will not lack chances to achlave fame ind rank if he has In him the stuff of which real generals are made. After all the e;lory that lies In golden spurs I Is In the winning of them, not the mere wearing. (Sara Teas dale in the Century Maga sine.) I thought I had forgotten. But It al. came back again Tonight with th first spring thunder in a rush of rain. I remembered a darkened doorway where we stood while vne storm swept by. Thunder grinning th earth And lightning sorawlsdl en the sky. The passing motor bases ewsvysd. For ths street was a river ef ram. Lashed into little golden wares In th lamplight's stain. With the wild spring rain and thun der My heart was wild and ray; Tour eyes said more to me that night Than your lips would ever say. I thought I had forgorteif. But it all came back again Tonight with the first spring; thunder In a r an of rain. The manufacturing capital Of the south today Is nearly sixty per cent of the entire country in 1899. This Date in History f Notable Birthdays .stage where they believe In the ef ficacy of fly screens for their own comfort and the comfort of their pa tients. The writer remembers pass ing a well-known sanitarium In the partem part of the state one day last sj . , Mar 1ft. TTejfv A. Wheeler, president of the Oltlsen s War oara or jnicaxo uu former president Of in cnamcer oi commerce of the United States, is 62 veara old today. Mr. Whee-ler is a banker of national prominence who has nerved In Important positions call ing for high administrative ability In his home city, and been more, than once sought by the government for federal serviow In 1911 he we nominated by President Taft to make a special study of the transportation of aecond-olasa mall matter. He de cllned President Wilson's appointment on the Federal Reserve board In 1914. but la -now eorvlns: as chairman of the permanent commission on rela tions between the United States and Uruguay. In 1913 he was chosen nranident of the chamber of com merce of the United States, and served two years. Mr. Wheeler la a native of Brooklyn, who went to Chicago as a lad and began hlB career in a small position in a credit holme. May Futrelle, popular novelist and short story writer, whose husband, Jacques Futrolle, perished in the Lusl tanla disaster, 40 years old today. Francis Vlelle-Orlffln, American -born writer who is one of the most famous poeta of contemporary France, 64 years old today. Quenn Mary of England. 60 years old today. ' ' "- v. Tr KlHji'h A. Hanlev. who resdntlv resigned as president of Franklin col-j l Indiana, to years oiu luuay, May 26. 17S1 Congress resolved to establish tne Bank of North American, the first regularly established bank In the United States. 1798 Great defeat of the United Irishmen by the British at Bat tle of Tars. 1818 Bavaria became a constitution al monarchy. 1864 Montana was organized a a territory. 1885 Oen. Kirhy Smith, last of the Confederate commanders, sur rendered; cessation of all host!, lltlea In civil war. 187 Princess Viotorla Mary of Teck, Queen Mary of England, born, the first Queen Consort of Eng land in 400 years, since the reign of Henry VIII, to have been born in the kingdom and brought up in England as an Englishwoman. 1870 Fenian raid from the United States Into Canada repelled by the mllltla. 1881 Convention regarding Greek frontier signed by Turkey and lha nowera. 1896 Coronation of Csar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra or Rus sia (dethroned laet March), at Kremlin Meweow. 1904 United States Supreme court decided that government nas no riarht to lak front in Chicago HOT Mr. William McKlnley (born Ida Barton or uanton, u., widow of President McKlnley, riled. 111 Mobile. Ala., celebrated its 200th anniversary; wpnngneia, Maes., ita S76th anniversary. 118 Jied. Dr. Timothy Dwignt, nrealdent or xai umvermiy from 1886 to 1886: born Nov. 16. L828. 1 ei rrvrw Wi R : English Datuesnip inuuiyu iinic t tha Dardanelles. Italy declared blockade of Au- tr n nortfl. ion 7nrwilin raid on Southend-on Raa. England, . killed three wmnawi vtnlirarian troops enter. d Greece down the Struma and took possession of several Greek forts with the permission of King Constantino but with opposition on the part of the aramsonB. The Rockefeller Foundation appropriated 11,000,000 for the relief or war luiwro " -land, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. LAUKFIi, RHOBODENDROV ATTD THE WlLn ' rTAVER.S OF THE MOUNTAINS IN BOOOOl. THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOUNTAIN TRIP MONBAY ANB WEBNE8BAY Report of the Condition of The Citizens Bank At Ashevllle, N. C In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business May the First, 1017, Resources. Loans and discounts 1676.146.02 uverorarts secured, 12,- 003.81; unseoured, 8509.18 United States treasury certificates 80,000.00 North Carolina state bonds 10.000.00 All other stocks, bonds and mortgages Premium on bonds Banking houses . . Furniture and fixtures All other real estate owned 2,613.46 None None None 6,000.00 None Demand loans 82,878.11 Due from national banks. 9,438.89 Due from state banks and backers 48,123.61 Cash Items 16.734.68 Gold coin 1,710.00 Silver coin. Including all minor coin currency.... 1,392.69 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 11.771.00 Trust Investments ....... None Total v. $790,304.76 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In . . nurplus fund Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid Dividends unpaid Notes and bills redls counted Bills payable secured by treasury notes Deposits subjeot to check.. Demand osrtifloates of de posit 17M40.06 Time certificates of de posit None Savings deposits 108,876.94 Cashier's checks outstand ing Certified checks . Due to national banks .... Due to rtate banks, bank ers and trust companies Trust deposits Accrued Interest due de positors None .1100,000.00 None 6,629.65 None None 80,000.00 324,217.85 6,189.11 None 102.75 i None None PTCTROGRAD, Thursday, May 14. (Via London, May 26.) Ths agrarian disorder, whole! confiscation of property, Incendiarism and other danger u symptoms of anarchy which followed th overthrow of the old authority In many Important In dustrial center and agricultural dls tiicts of Central and Southern Russia are becoming more serious, aooordlosi to dispatches from various points la ovuaraDi ana moerva. In many cities the soldlsrs commit tee, by taking prompt action have succeeded In anticipating revolts snd in restraining tne Impulse or th pop. ulatlon toward Indiscriminate con fiscation and all kinds of lawleaaneos- In others, however, the peasants, de fying restraint have burned or sacked nd appropriated government and private properties and a ceneral stats Of anarchy prevail. Yenelsck. In Central Siberia, reports that during the last three week, thirty house were burned and that the population 1 in a condition of panic. Men of various foreign na tionalities, headed by anarchist lead, r and escaped criminal, have over run the district, the advice atate. The local council of workmen and soldiers' deputies declared martial law and all public Institution and officials are under the orders of a military dictator. According to a dlsDatch from Tsar- ltysh. In the government of Saratory, all authority has been overthrown In the city which is completely In the hand of the peasants. The soldiers levied a contribution of 1,600,000 ruble for the Increase of their pay and confiscated ships on the Volga. A farm belonging to Madame Bek- marmareaba. In the Orel government, was overrun by a mob of 20,000 who wrecked the place. The mills also were demolished. The latest reports from the Minsk government state that the agrarian disorders have reached such a point that they threaten to complete ruin of agriculture there. In one district all the wine cellar were' sacked and the mllltla found ltaelf powerless to pre vent drunken riots. Public organizations and commit tees are striving to stem the tide of anarchy which is sweeping many dis tricts of Bessarabia. The Kishinev peasants have driven their cattle onto fields where grain was being reserved. Food conditions are particularly seri ous in this Dart of Russia- The Pskov district committee has decided that all agricultural lands may be taken free of charge and this has resulted in a general confiscation. Proclamations are being issued by the various local governments in an effort to prevent the state of anarchy spreading to the thus-far law-abiding districts. Stop Waste Save Thrift is an essential part of every patriot's duty. Preparedness by means of economy and saving is the spiritual and moral duty of every right-thinking American NOW. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. Resources Qver $12,000,000. IT IS EASY TO SAVE with the DIME BANKS. Call and get one at our Savings Department. We pay four per cent, inter est on savings, compounded every three months, SAVE A DIME A DAY. Jtfltf5 The American National Bank Member Federal Reserve System. The Only National Bank in Ashevllle. A TRIAL 18 AU WB ARK LAUNDRY TO PHONES JM WI TREAT TOUR LAUNDRT WHITE. Jude-e William Ie Baron Putman, nrcaidinr lustice ef the United State Circuit court of New England, one of the oldest federal judges tn tne coun try, tl years old today. One of the new gasoline farm trac tors Is designed to do little more than the work of a single horse. I WE ARE JUDGED BY OUR WORK When you select a dentist, select a man with character and a reputation for fair, honest dealing, and whether vou pay much or llttl, the work win be charac teristic of the man. WE APPOINT YOU JUDGE And to Induce you to act at once we announce that we will con tinue making 'True to Nature Teeth" until June 15th for $4 and S. Delay Is the thief of oppor tunity. Phone 1591 nowl Drs. Smathers & Beam DENTISTS Oyer Cannl chad's. INSURANCE You Need It PROTECTION We Give It Protect Yourself NOW Don't wait until next week. Don't trust to luck. Call on the P. R. ALLEN CO. General Insurance Offices 310-311 Drhumor Bldg. Phone 1077. VorCiwrry-YdkoTshint Burn the coal whost? Big Four Over 800,000 of them In dally use. Growing more popular each day. The Hill Smoothing Big Four takes 'em all on high. Overland Asheville Sales Co. 13-16 E. WALNUT. PHONE M7. WHEN YOU SEE A FURNITURE AD THINK OF GREEN BROS. Moved to 41 West College The New Retail District WE'RE selling tie coal that will warm your home and heart. It's the foil weight, real quality sort MONARCH. It makes you fed that you get your money's wortJh. Southern Coal Co. Phone T0. 10 XT. Pack to. ' WE TAILOR GARMENTS Fashioned In Latest Styles For Ladles and Gentlemen. 1 Logan & Moore 12 So. Pack Sq. Phon T9T. "Made in Ashevllle." For Expenenued Workmen Phone 2155 BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL Ol G. Woriey, BusUie) Agent. Total 70,04.7 State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe. I, Jno. M. Campbell, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. A. CAMPBELL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 25 day of May, 1917. WM. F. DUNCAN, . Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 23, 1918. Correct Attest: EDWIN I RAT. 8. LIPINSKT, w. R-WHiraoN. jii Directors.'' GET Everwe&r Trunks UNCLE SAWS LOAN OFFICE It Blltmore Ave. Phosts STS. Williams' & Huffman's Music House The Best la Plana. ' EUls Club Bids. - Haywood St COMBINATION RANGES Ch&s. L. Sluder Co. 30 8. Fade Square, Fhone ISO. "Boy a Jewel sad Save FueL" UNCLE SAM HAS ASKED U8 TO TRAIN YOU TO DO HIS WORK! Tounr men and women are) needed and needed badlyto All clerical positions for our government They are given good pay and short hours. Call and let us tell yon mora about this splendid opportunity, and our facilities for preparing you to take advantage of It Day and night classes la theory and dictation. Emanuel Business College 80 COLLEGE ST. M'GRAW TIRES BELOW COST 1 mtt, plain .M-.n.oo 486x4 " 17.00 128x8 7.80 8 18x8 H - 11.91 1 82x8'A, non-kid 11.40 Whll Thy Last Richbburg Motor Co. Formerly The D. C Shaw Motor Co. THE HOME OF THE FORD Ji Wedding Rings J. E. CARPENTER Jeweler N. Pack Sqnara. A word to th wis man is sufflcleat COOPER'S "On the Sqaan" Means Clothes Economy. H. L. Finkelstein 3 89-11 Blltmore Ave. Complete stock of Trunks, Bags and Suit i SALE NOW ON AT ' J Gem Clothing Co. Go PALAIS he ROYAL The Eyesight Specialist TO Fattoa Ave. Phone 898

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