THE AHHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATUBDAY, MAT 20, 191?. n sr a Social and Personal h -Ms , k lO. H S. KT, or THIS eity. an nounoee the marriage of W daughter. Mbs Carrie L. Ray. aucTMr. J. Carle Volfe, of Warhaw. N. C. The cere mony wu performed Charlotta on 'rueeday. May 2. by tn.p. H, Baa ton. MlM Ray 1 graduate of the Normal school and ainoe rnw" hu bora teaching In publlo schools near Chart ort. Mr. Wolfe la trtrnab bowl, will ah wu phased tn the null. "Ehe highest score for the even Inf tor the ladle waa won by Mini Vata Thompson, while Mr. Tount renewed the prise for tb genaeman a highest snore. Mlu lone Fuller out the ootaaolatlon prise. The honor guests were riven dmJnty souvenirs. After tn finiM a delld course was served. Th guests pre- prominent druggist of WuhMf and I nt wrai Mrs. Ptagh. Mist Kuller, and Mm Wolfo are motoring In tha westwrn part of Ux state. Atar June thar win tx at noma' 10 1. friends at Wax haw. f a Ta atnitamt hod at Hornaw'a Mili tary school ndea thalr finals Wadnaa. 1 avxnlrr with a brilliant dnce. The Oaf an4 cup presented each year waa won thla year by Company "A" of which Mr. Junlua llorner, of?thla city la a mam bar. The roving peoplea' mission study class or tha Haywood niwi mwrn odlat church, meets thla afternoon at 1:10 o'clock with Mr. J. H. Sullivan at her home on South French. Broad avenue. f at Mlaa OirlBtln Lee. a bride-elect f Tuna, waa tha chief guest at a mlaoal.. laneous shower given during ina ween y Mrs. V. I Stone at her houae on Asheland avenue. Potted plaota and spring flowers made an artistlo back ground for the many smartly gowned gueata present A wicker baaket fill ed with rifts, and charmingly decorat ed with white roes buds and tulle waa given Mlsa Lea. jf. Jf Of interest to many friends In North Carolina as well as South Cam Una. la tha announcement of the en' gagement of MIm Nathalie Heyward, daughter of Mrs. Albert Khett Hey ward. Br of Columbia, to Mr. Charl ton Wilson Miller, or coiumoia, xorm. erly of Georgetown, S. C. The wed dine will take place on June 27. J J Interest wilt be attached In the marriase of Mlaa Martha Wall and Mr. Frank Holton, of Winston-Salem. This wadding unltea two of Western North Carolina's most prominent families. The Winston -Salem Journal gives the following: "Announcements that will not only be of Interest, but a great surprise as well, have been isued announcing tha marriage of Miss Martha Wall, of Mlaa Velraa Thompson. Mis Kveljro IKDJM; Mlaa Luoy Taylor, Or. Hoxlo, Mr. Roy Pktton, Mr. Faust, Mr. Kalster xoun and Mr. and Mra Moure. At a Biearmar held br Swannanoa Zlebekan lodge Jaet night, a reception given in honor of the newly elected president of tha Rebekah State assembly, Mlsa Lillian Stewart Byrd, aha being elected last week at High roint, N. J. Miss Byrd was presented with a larre bouquet of beautiful roses, given by n ambers of &e lodge. ana presented by Mr. J. J. Mackey, with an appropriate address express in appreciation of fha lodxe to Miss trym in noldlns; tha Highest offloa in good of tha order by prominent mam- bars, refreshments were served. city and will be fha guests Of friends for several days. "'I'M MV. Brneet Davis has returned from pending eeveral days at Atlanta. Mrs. Robert Allaton and dauenter. of Florida and Flat Rook, N. C, are the gueata of Mra. Allaton's brother, Mr. Lanoe Holmea and Mrs. Ho Una. at their home on Merrlmon avenue. I Mrs. flarouel Kirk, who) has been In in the city for a month or more, has taken a cottage on Merrlmon avenue for tha summer month Mrs. Paul Roebllng will return In a few daya from Washington, IX ix. where be went to attend conference Of Red Cross offlclals. Mr, O. S. Catea, of Jacksonville, Fla., is In tha city for a brief stay. Mr. and Ura. H. S. Thatcher have returned to their home at Chatta nooga, Tenn., after apendlng soma time at Orove Park Inn- Mn William D. Jelks, wTio has been in tha city for several daya has re turned to bis home at Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Runt , Emerson, of Hickory. rT. C. Is visiting friends In Aahevllie for a short while. Mr. Cteonre Purvlanoe. wbo bss been spending tha winter and spring eeasons in Aahevllie, leaves today for nia noma at Mew York taty. Mr. and Mrs. doors r. Little, of ToyfoF that JtiHed? 3tomaoh, with Tim: And energy for the dart work Shredded Wheat vvlthStrawberrlet, ortrthet fruits combrnatlcej of Cooked whole wbeatand the toott hiimdona and roocntent Df berries. The highettt fbod Vflfae for the least xtxxxy end the least bother. It to ready-cooked and ready-to-Mt. Try it for breakfait or luncheon. pinOa at nnnni iiiita ni fr IN SUPERIOR COURT Mlaa Sara T. Btngluun, ef Raleigh, hi tha guest of friends In tha city for several weeks. v Miss Agnes lAttleford Is spending several days at Charlotte, N. C Mr. L. J. Amette baa returned to Chattanooga after apendlng a short while In tha city. Mr. C. B. Randolph la at Charlotte for a brief stay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T Peters, of Cleveland, Ohio, have returned to their home after spending aome time in Aahevllie. Mr. George B. Hanly. of Atlanta. la in til city lor several days. Mr. R. T. Waters la vUltLng at Char. lotte for a rY days. Mra, J. R, Simpson la tha roast of relatives at Greenville, & C- for week. Mr. and Mrs, O. H. Deal have re turned to their home on Cumberland spend the iwamtr season. Mr. nan or Alexander has gone nortn aner spending a row woeks with his parents In the city. Mr, George R, MoQee has returned to his home at New Tork after a short stay tn the city. Mr. and Mra. T. P. Jenkins, of TWO complaints were filed In h. ofBoe of the clerk of Superior court yesterday lnstltutlnr suits. In nna Nashville, Tenn., are the gueata of wmpiaint, in the case of J. B. Swain relatives tn Aahevllie for a few weeks. ftl M. H. 1 Flnkelsteln to visiting hla brother, Mr- Moe Flnkelsteln, at Co lumbia, a C Mr. M. SwartJibenr is vtaltln Mrs. Harry Prloo at her home at Spartan- I burg for a few days. Mrs. H. R. Green, of Spartanburg, Is tha guest of friends In tha city. ana R. K. William, arnlnat T :n Cooper, the sum of 1990 Is sought on a promissory note, said to have been due since last January. An absolute divorce on statu to rv grounds is asked In a complaint filed by M. D. Coon ran against Ernestine D. Cochran. WaHrarg, and Mr. Frank Holton. of avenue after visiting friends and rela- - . . mm. a . I effaJi fl a vt at am avassi aaaa aa a, a a mwtm A a thla city, the wedding having token place on Monday, April SO, In a rather romatlo way. Rev. Edgar A. Hol- tnn naatar of Christ Moravian churoh and a cousin of the groom, having Tterformed the ceremony. Aooomnanled bv the minister, Mr, ' Holton went to walburg on tha day of the Interesting event, was joined Dv Miss Wall ana went a snort ais tanoe from that place, the ceremony In vlna- been nerlormea oa tne roaa aide. The young people returned to fives In tbe eastern part of tha state. Returning from Japan and China. General Julian B. Caxr, en route to Sla home at Lurnun, apant yesterday at Grove Park Inn, to greet Mr. and Mra. C. H. Flower, of Kansas Cltv. Mrs. Flower was Mlsa Llda Carr, the eldest aaugnoer or uoneraj carr. Mrs. A. N. Brown, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., la in tha olty wbere aha waa their respective homes and kept the I son, Mr. 8. W. Brown, oalled onacmrunt of the Ulnees of her tfter ependlng some time In tha city, Mr. Hugh Cretgliton spent days at HendersonvUle during the week. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. PowwD, of Chat- tanooro, will arrive next week in Ashevllla and will make this their future home. Mrs. Garfield Penland bas returned to her home at Bryeon City after visiting in the olty for a abort time. Mrs. Cole Cannon ha returned to DtllRboro after apendlng a day In the city. i ai t..v r-.i a ftiui.. I - fdtt ill in JVUUl .jyj ... v., - J ' ao mjv i guest of her sister for several days. 'Mlsa Elisabeth Caldwell Lodes baa returned to her home at Birmingham city. IATJRKU RIIOTOr FVT HO V AVTi THn OTTiD Fiowrnts of thr MOrVTAIN8 IN BIiOftM. THK H()1UJ)'S GREATKST MOTrVTAIV TRIP MONDAY AMD WEDNESDAY UJT AUI WJb'EK. 2t. Tha first submarine tornedn of the moo em type, eeir-propelllng and ca pable of being steered with a fair de gree of accuracy, was Invented by Mr. Whitehead, manager of m tfntrlfat. firm of engine manufacturers, and inea out in ibbb. CHI ONER'S WRONI marriage a secret, even from closest friends and relatives, until a few days ago. "Mr. and Mrs. Holton decided to make the announcement and left yes twrdav -iv. automobile on a trip throurh tha Shenandoah Valley to Washlnrton and New York. "Tha bride Is an unusually attrac- ui- t t v.. I A home built In Grova Pari can be been teaching at Old Fort, N. C. has f'a 111 "if.""1 returned to her home In the city. Mlsa Helen Royster, of Oxford, and have arrived in the city and are the guests of Miss Christine, Lee at her ttve and popular young woman, being I home on Asneland avenue. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. . . . . . . . .r 11 a. . V n. a. prominent families Of uaviason coun. ty. Miss Wall was president of the senior clasa at Meredith college, Ra leigh, last year. She attended com mencement exercises of her AJma ' Mater the first of this week and the one-year reunion of her .class, an Vi nouncing to her classmates at a . dinner e-iven In her honor that she m had married. She has hundreds of wlth friends In AahevU friends and has been a frequent visitor in this city, being a sister of Dr. R. I Mr. J. C. Donald, of Ashland, Wis., Wall, of Woodland avenue. hss joined his family In Ashevllla and -Mr. j-ianon is me aaeunu mvu i i will spend soma time in tne city. xion. a. x.. nviivu, wu. wi v.o-ro most prominent attorneys nd for Miss Pansy Brltt bas gone to Wash. ington. D. C, where she will visit relatives. Mr. I H. Flaming, of Orlando, Fla. Is apendlng several weeks with friends in the city. Mrs. Bessie Rumbough Safford. of Hot Springs, N. C, spent yesterday Hie. TACTVFXs RHOTKVDEJfDROJT AVT THK WfliD FIjOWKRS OF THE MOUNTAINS IX BIXJOM. THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOUNTAIN TRIP MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. It SlflJ Low Cost Menus il HUE FIOM Tffl HIGHEST GUIDE BURUN WHIaT (OOUIR 12 HIHUTB. COOK BOOK FREB SXIKNERHFC.C0. OMAHA. US A. larerr Mexaront fatfory in America. sixteen years United States district attornev for the Western North Caro. Una dlatrlct and Mrs. Holton, of Kouthstde. He Is a splendid and promising young man. being popular : witn a large number of friends. Mr. v Holton has charge of his father's 1 large farm Just a few miles aouth of i the city." J jt The Junior Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Trinity church will meet this evening t 8 o'clock with Mr. : Duncan McMahon at No. 11 Cullow- hea street. " If The Country club will hold its reg. : ular Saturday . afternoon tea, dance this afternoon from & o'clock until 6:30 o'clock. A number of the dancing set are anticipating this party with a great deal of pleasure. J J Mrs. Charles L. Minor has discon tinued her Tuesday aftemooni "at homes" as ahe leavos the first of the week for a stay of some time at Balti more, Md. Jt JC Mr. and Mrs. Billy Moore enter tained at five hundred last evening complimentary to their guests. Mies lone Fuller, of WinHton-Salom and Mrs. L. Pugh. of Atlanta, Ga, The house was tastefully decorated with spring rosee and other cut flowers. Miss lucy Taylor presided at the Mr- and Mra. H. H. Hawkins, of Washington, D. C, have coma to lAaheville and are guests at Grove Park inn for an Indefinite stay. Mr. Ward Fttzpatrlok. of Binning. ham and New York, arrived in the city and will spend several days here. Mrs. Arthur Mayo and her sister, who have been spending several weeks with their brother, Mr. Walter Faust, have gone to Charleston, S. C, to spend some time. They will return to Aahevllie later in the season to spend a month or more. Mr. and Mrs. O. V- Westerland, of Detroit, Mtch., are spending the sea son In Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Johnson will return to their home at Bryson City the first of the week after spend ing a few days witn rnenos in tne city. Mrs. Allison Clough has Joined Mr. Clough at their horn at Brevard after spending sevetral weeks with friends at New York City. Mr. Luther T, Turner bas returned to his home at Raleigh after spending a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Trenton, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., have arrived In the Breakfast. Oatmeal with Dataea. Baked Mackerel. Popovers. Coffee, Lmncheotv Re-Heated Halibut Boiled Potatoes. Raisin Sandwiches. Iced Chocolate. Dinner. Baked Liver. Scalloped Potatoes. Stuffed Onions. Watercress Salad. Coffee Tapioca. Breakfast. Baked Mackerel Remove spinal bone and put In a baking pan. Skin down and cover with milk. Cook un til a brown crust forms on the milk which will be In about twenty-five minutes, a moderately hot Are is nec essary. laincheon. Ralstn Sandwiches Chop half a of seeded raisins, moisten with a tablespoon of sherry and spread on slices on thin bread and butter. ii mm New Hose for Saturday Selling An especially attrac tive value in Fancy Striped Silks-- E o s e, Copenhagen Grey, Bronze and Black with White Stripe; White with Black, Blue or Jttose Stripes... $1.25 nam .Black and White Silks are priced at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Evening shades are $1.00 and $1.50. Silver Hose are $1.60 and $L75; the fashionable Pongee, $1,75. , McCallum, Kayeer, Quaker Maid and Onyx Silk Hose. Onyx Idsles, 25c, 35c and 60c. Dinner. Baked Liver Have the liver cut an Inch thick and rub with lard on both sides. Dip in olive oil and place In a baking pan. Bake in a moderate nrfn one hour. Baste with half a cup of water and the Juice of half a lemon. Remove to a hot platter, add to the gravy a tablespoon each of chopped sweet and green peppers and a tablespoon of flour. Stir and cook three minutes and then pour over the liver. Stuffed Onions 't'eei ana scoop out the center of the onions. Tarboll five minutes and drain. Mix a cup of hrrnri crumbs, a tablespoon of butter, half a cup of chopped nuts, and one egg. Fill the centers of the onionss and bake. Coffee Tapioca Boll three cups of strong coffee with half a cup of tapi oca, the same of sugar and a little salt Boll fifteen minutes then add a tea spoon of vanilla. Serve with whipped cream. DATTREU RHODODENDRON AND THE W1TD F1OWKRS OF THE MOUNTAINS IN BIjOOM. THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOUNTAIN TRIP MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. 2t M. & W. Indian Coal always meets with the approval of the one who pays the bills and tends the fires. Have you tried this clean, free burning and satisfaction giving coal? If not, it's time you did. Orders filled promptly In any quantity and size, at prices you have been paying for a quality no better if as good. MATTERS OF RECORD Biltmore Ice Cream Fifty Centa THE QCART, DELIVERED Walker'sDrngSfore Phones 163 and 132. Jhe Purchase of a liberty Bond is an Aid to the Motion ffhe July Pictorial Patterns Are ffou ffere. Come in. Jit 35c These Hose Can Be Found in Vast Quan tities. Women's Lisle Hose Black or White 9Cp per pair. Women's Fibre nose Black or White O C per pair OUK, Women's Cotton Hose Black or White 9Kp per pair OOl, Women's Outsize Hose; Black or Tan, OJZn per pair.. Children's Cadet Hose Black,, White OKp or Tan, per pair" Children's Socks, White or Black, per Men 's Socks Black, White or Col- OCp ors, per pair.. tJtJK, Ohe Jtalf Price Sale of JZadies Headt'to-iOear garments Continues Through Today. (7 ffhese Sterns Remain on Sale During Today at ' The Toilet Article Coun- I ter. I 711 Glycerine Tar Soap c!L..,.10c Woodbury's Facial Soap Pears Unscented Gly cerine Soap, "I Of per cake...... J-1 Pond ' s Vanishing Cream, per 21 C Pebeco Tooth Paste .;.-. Kolynos Tooth Paste ....-. 3c 19c U(SAR POUNDS? pure cane fine granu lated sugar $2 TODAY OMILV Co P. KEMWi ca 8 North Pack Square Phone 1768 TODAY ONLY Primrose Flour 24-lb. bag Aroma Flour 24-lb. bag $i:95 $1.95 These are a very high-grade Flour and extra fine pastry and light bread. Buy early. Don't miss this offer. SAWYER & STRADLEY The Store Sanltary Where Quality Prevails. Phone 1804 Dinner Party Tabla Syra. U Collar The E-9 of the British navy, which sank the German cruiser Hela In Heli goland" harbor on September 11, 1914, was the first submarine in history to sink a hostile warship without also sinking herself. So-called torpedo boats were used In the American Civil war, but the first torpedo boat of the modern type wu built in Norway In the early 70's. The tmited States nary bad no sub marine boats in the war with Spain. A United States army regimental band consists of twenty-elabt musicians. Player Piano Rolls With the Words to It. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE For the Best in Pianos, Edisons and Vlctrolas. Phone 206. 7 Patton Ave. "Carolina Special' Cottage Cheese Healthful and Nourishing Sold In 1 and 2-pound sanitary containers. MADE BT Carolina Creamery Company Tel. 837-328. "Ask Tour Grocer" 11 Patton Ave. Phone 78. Tha following deeds were filed yes terday in the offloa of the registrar of deeds: I M, Hlrenns and others to J. A. Eller. property In Robinson's cove: consideration 15 and other considera tions. A. M. 'Walker and wife to Hattle Miller, property in Ashevllle; consid eration It. J. xew1a, trustee, ana Georre tAuerhass to A. M. and Lucy Walker, property known as the Walker lot; consideration $6 and other considerations. A'. I Morraa and wife to Lula Morran, property in Upper Hominy township; consideration 11,576. T. C. Beevea to B. T. Reeves, prop erty on tha Henderson and Haywood roads; consideration f 10 , and other oonslderatlons. Luis M. Morgan to A- I Morran, property In Upper Hominy township: Q Annual Clearance Sale A T ONE-HALF PRICE Absolutely No Models Duplicated in Asheville GROVE PARK INN- SHOP d MRS. DALE Hairdressing Parlor Shampooing and Manicuring. Facial Massage and Scalp Treat ment. Marlndlo Preparations. 86 Haywood St. 'Phone 1671 CHIROPODY A MANICUBUfQ tor ladles and gentlemen. Elec trolysis by expert "operator. Shampoolrst and marcel waving. Miss Cruise's Shop tS Haywood Rt. Phone la. FRESH Peanut Butter L Made Dally at Handte's Tea Store. Pbone 8580. 8 College St A. consideration f 1,675.