THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASIlEVILLE, N. 0, JUNE 17, 1917. ?tf e, mi mm RUSSIA WILL FIGHT AMERICA i.A (COWTtWUgO republic Its members are commissioned and instructed by A president wko holds his high office as chief executive of more than one hundred million free people by virtue of 'popular election. -... Mift imnAMd and forty yera our people have been struggling with th hard problems cf self-government With many ahort-oomlng. aiw mistakes, mwr Imperfection W stM have maintained order end miwt for lew. individual frwdom go national independence. Under the security of our own lw wo have grown la troBrth and presrerlty. rmt we value our freedom mora than wealth. We lov liberty and we eher ten above all our possessions the ideals for which our father fought and suf fered aad sacrificed that America might free. ' -We bellere ta the eoBvpeteno of the power of democracy and 1b our heart of heart abides faith In the coming of a batter world In which the . bumble aad oppressed f all lead may be lifted bp tr freedom. I Brought tot to America, ' "The newe of. Russia's bow foand freedom brought to America universal atlelaottoB and joy. rrow all the land sympathy and hop went out to the bow alster In tha circle of democracies. And the mission if eent to express that feeling. "The American democracy send to v. m--w of Rnaala a ersetlng of sympathy, friendship, brotherhood. . God-speed. Distant America know Jlttl of tha special condition of Rus elan Ufa which moot give form to tha government end law which yon ere ibout to ereata. Aa we have dvl. oped oar Institution to serve tha eeeda of our national Character ani life. 10. w ataum that you will ' -.. inatitntlana to serve the eed of Russian chereoter and life. . "Aa w look across the aaa we dis tinguish no party, no else, we aaa Kturii aa a whole. ' aa one !-. atrivtnv. asotrlnar democracy. w. know tha self-control. essentUl kladllnsss, strnpg common aense, mhnm and noble idealism Of i the , Russian character., . v . "Wi hare faith la yon an. W prT tmm aa"e Cleocin- noon you an. v iaMmm m win aotve vottr problems, that you -will vnelatala yonr Utrry aad that our two great nation will march aide by aid la tha triumphant pro tram of aemooraey uniu am order everywhere haf paasad away and ; tha world la free. .- f ?" ' Om rarfnl Dancer. On fearful danrer thrttna tha liberty of both "nation. Tha armed force of. a military autocracy arat tha rate of Borsla and tha allies, Th triumph of German arms will moan th death of liberty In Russia. No enemy 1 at th Bate of America, but America baa com to realls that tha triumph of German anna mean th death of liberty m tha world; that wa who lore liberty ana wotua Keep it, mint fight for tt, and flaht for It now arhan the frea domooraciea Of th world may be tron in union." and" not delay -until they may c paaten oown aepartelyJaTicoeaton. --.-.,tA "(t7 America vend another masaara to- Ruia-tha.-w ar cotnr to nam. and hain already berun to nht, for yor; freedom equaiir wit nt our own and w ask you to llrjit for our free dom equally with your. W would . make your cauee our .and our eaua your, and with a common . purpo and mutual helpfulnea of a firm al liance make aura of riotory orer oar eomnrun to. - .- . ' "Yu will reeerntxe your own aentl- m'VWAnd purpoae In tha word of President Wllaon totha American con arrea. When on th Baoond of April. laet, he advlaed a declaration of war afairlet Germane. H aaid:' ' " Wa ar accepting thla challenge cf ' holt He. purpose because wa know that in ucn a govemmeni (tne airman foremment) following auch mathoda, w can never have a friend; and thai tn tha presence of It organised power, aiwaya-iayinf in wait to aocompnsn w know not what purpo, tber can be no- assured aocurlty for tha demo cratic gorarnment of th world. We arr how about to accept tha guaran toeing of battle with this nature fo to liberty, and snail, necessary, spend the whola fore of tha nation to V Care of the Sick t Ttmtr ti&tt to Inoctnpetenta ;Whn : sickneae visits your noma yon naturally aall la th moat competent physician you pay strict attention to orders you're untiring: In your ear of tha sick. ; ; ; Bat Who F11U the Preaorlptlonsr Here's a vital link In th ' chain. Th . drugs should ba fresh and, trustworthy, tha com. pounding minutely ' accurate. Tou can depend upon us for ; Just this rUabl Mrrlce. Wa ' specialize In filling prescriptions. Keep this In mind. Hear The ORCHESTRA Every Afternoon, 5 to 6:30. GparamjcmriZ I J. S. Claverte, Mgr. A MAR Or a scratch' or a dent In th piece of furnitur that you handle Is a mar or a scratch or. .a dent In the good will ot the -owner of that furniture, i W have built our business ; upon th good will of our cus tomers. . . . ... .. .. i 1 ASHEVTLLE Transfer & Storage Co. Ftorltf iS Brwidway WITH DE FROM PAGD ONE.) check and nullify 1U preUnslons aad its power. . . Mast Ba Mad aaa, - Tha world must ba made safe for democracy. It peace must be plant ed upon tha tasted foundations of po litical liberty. Wa have selfish ends to eerre. Wi daslr no conquest, no dominion. W seek no Indemnitee for ourselves, no maUrlal aompea aatlon for the saortfioea wa ahaU f r ly make. W ar but ana af th champions of th right ot aaanklnd. We shall ba aatlsfWd whan those rights hav bMt mad as aaour as th faith and th freedom of nation can make thtn.' "And you will see th feeling to ward Russia with which America has enured the great war in another clause of th earn address. rrn dent Wilson furthsr dclard: " Do not ovary American feel that assurance lias been added to our hop for th futur peao of tha world by th wonderful and haart. .niio thinn hai have ban happen ing within th last few weeks In Rus sia. Russia was known by those who knew her bast to hav ten always in fat damAoratio at heart In all th vital habits of her thought, la all tti Intimate relationship of nr people that spoke thlr naturai insuntn. their haMtual atutuda toward Ufa. ' Ths autocracy that crowned tha summit of her political structure, long as It had stood and terrible aa was th reality of It power, was not in .fact Russian In origin, ebaeacter or pur. pose and now It has been shaken oil and th great gnrou Russian peo ple hav been added. In all their naive majesty aad might, ta th forces that are lighting for freedom fc th world, for Justloa and for peace. Here 1 a fit partner for a &agus of Honor.' 'TJiat partnership of honor la ths great struggl for human freedom the oldest of tha arreat dsmocratrtes now seeks In fraternal union with ths youngs "t Practical and specific tnrth oda and ths Boaslbllltle af our 1 lies co-operation, th member of th mission would be glad to discuss with tha msmbers of tha fovarnmaat of Russia." Fl T0G0NQLU0EPEACEVVI1 RIISSIIIfiHRE EXPOSE Prominent Socialist Interna tionalist Is EeUed u T from EussiaT OAfeRIED DISPATCH:. PETBOORAD, June lf.rvia lya don.) Fresh attempts oa th part of th Oermans to conclude peao with nussia nava- neen expose a, witn tn result that th expulsion from Rue sla has been ordered ot a prominent soolallst internationalist, a cltlxen of Bwltserland, Robert arlmnv Two days ago th. provisional: government, re ceived front a reliaW source a copy ot a dispatch addressed by Hofttnan, a member of th Swiss federal council to Grimm. Apart from tha separata peace oner contained in tha dispatch, Hoffman reported that Germany and her allies were ready to begin general and immediate peace negotiations If Russia's allies wer willing. Ths provisional government anoar- ently was Informed that this dispatch had been handed to Grimm by th Swiss minister at Petrograd. BRITONS MUST JOtX AKMY. KBW YORK. June All. male British subjects between tha ages of eignieen ana roriy-nv year now in the United States, are to be compelled to Join the (British colors. If th law ot tn country win permit, it was made known her today. British consuls and recruiting agents through out the country ar compiling list of tnese men. Brigadier General w. A. Whit. In charge of recruiting, has gons to Washington : to confer on methods to carry tha plan through. JAP DESTROYER TORPEDOED TOKlO. June 16. While Japanese destroyers were attacking a submar ine in the Mediterranean, on June 11 th destroyer Sakakl was- torpedoed and damaged, says an official an nouncement ot the Japanese admiral tv today. Tha damared craft wai towed to port It is bejtavad many of tha crow war killed or wounded. OONBTABTIirai HEAVES, ATHENS, Jun It, (Via Ijomlon) rormer King constantm, who abdi cated th Greek throne last Tuesday, now has left Greek territory. Both the government and the high com missioner representing the allies are taking every measure to avoid die order. The authorities at Piraeus have posted notices in the street sum moning all those who possess arms to deliver them to the authorities by to. morrow. i1 SOUTH CAROLINIAN ASKS FOR PASSPORT Glenn Dayton Grlmke. of Charles ton, S. C. who emphatically, asserted that he was a native-born citizen. even though his father was not born in this country, yesterday afternoon applied to Clerk W. fi. Hyama, of the United States court for a passport to r ranee. Orlrake wants to loin the Ameri can Field ambulance corps and prob ably will leave In a week or two for rrance II he is accepted for service by the government. Harry a, Harklns, of m Montford avenue, who applied for a passport more than a week am. has ben ae. cepted. and will sail for France on a French liner Saturday one week. Title of a home In Grova Park is llkva vertiftcat of deposit ot a bank tT.vavs worth. Its faca value .nlus liitsrest 'Phone ltl. 4dvt. MOCRAGY At W1XLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Who Will Speak at the Auditorium This Afternoon. BRYAN TO SPEAK AT AUDITORIUM TODAY Elaborata Mssdcal Program for Mqpt lag Has Been Arranged by the Y, M. Ob A. BtaO. . William Jennings Bryan will be th1 speaker this afternoon at the jr. ti C. A. meeting to be held at the Audi torlum at 4 o'clock. Th meeting bad originally been scheduled for the association auditorium, but fearing that the large crowd could not be ac commodated, th Auditorium was se cured. ... Levdlea will be admitted ta th meet ing, but to th balcony only. Th dears f the Auditorium will be open ed at I o'clock, and a nfteen piece or. chestra, under the leadership of W. T. Davis, will play from I to o'clock. ':'. . .The men. will eccucy the mala floor, stage and gallery, and part of the balcony, after all the ladles have been admitted. . The subject of Mr. Bryan's address will be "Thoa Bhalt Have No . Other Gods Before Me." . the singing ot the. hymns will be led bv C. T. Carr. and Captain C. H. Bartlett's elub ot men will be on the tags to assist in the singing, s rann Hill will render eolos; accompanied by G. H. Thompson; A double mixed quartet, composed Of the following, will sings Cameron MacRae, Mrs. X G. Stlke leather, Mrs. J. M. Burns, Mrs. W. B. Collins. C T. Carr. 1. G. fitlkeleather. J. 'K. Cowan and P. 8. Smith. Miss Daley Smith will be accompanist. ARSON SUSPECT IS IN BUNCOMBE JAIL Trov pinklna oolored. was sen tenoed to serve a term of thirty days on tha roads, in police court yester- dav. on a charce of vagrancy. Fred Yarborough was found guilty ot an assault with a deaaiy weapon unnn LAiwle Tew. and was fined 150 and costs. Tew Is a soldier in the nnrrta national auard and is in north Carolina tor the purpose of guarding property of the Southern railway. He was severely out by Yar borough a week ago and was In the Mission hospital for a few days. Wednesday Is the last day to obtain 10-. seduction in price on Ladies' Summer Suitings at Logan ft Moore's. AQVl. il. I AROUND TOWN gMAHi BOOT FXRE. A small roof Ore caused slight dsmaa-e yesterday morning at 8:64 a'aiaek at the home of C. Ik Robin son, 54 Clihgmea avenue. Miss Bertha C. welfley Is the owner of the prop erty. QOMPIAIVr FILED. a eomnlalnt was filed la the offloe of the clerk ef Superior court yester day in the case of W. B. and Ines Williams against 0. D- Hall in which the plaintiffs seek $1,009 for alleged breach of contract In the construction of a house. - TO DECORATE GRAVES. Tha a. 1. X. of the B. I E. will decorate the graves of the deceased sisters and brothers this afternoon. They will meet at Pack Square thl afternoon and take the 4 o'clock car to Riverside cemetery. FOR RED CROSS, H. A. Hudson, Ashevtlle singer, as sisted by other local musicians, plans to give recitals at Tryon and Saluda on the evenings of July 4 and I for the benefit of the Red Cross work In those towns. FOR OONTETnOW. Many local Rotarlans left the city yesterday for Atlanta to attend the convention -there this week. Some went ty way of train while others went through the country In cars. decorated with Rotary streamers. HERE FOR KEASOlf. Miss Elisabeth - W. Chandler, of Nvw' Tork. Is M " Ashevllle, and will be.jissocJatdrlth' Mis Cruise's shop for the season. : r'.' ' i 7 FIFTY GALLON STILL SEIZED AT BREVARD Was' Stfll Hot- from Rnm Wbcn De stroyed by Two Revenue Hen from Local Office. Revenue man from the office of United State Marshal Charles A. Webb Friday night destroyed a stilt having a capacity of fifty gallons and found right la tha heart at th town of Brevard. Officers participating tn the aels ure were Henry Reed and J. M. Gal loway. Their report was made to the marshal's " office here Saturday morning. - Both revenue men were surprised at the nerve displayed by the operator- or operators of the still. It was located in the middle of the town and its light could be plainly seen from the window of the Aethelwold hotel, where the government men were stopping. ' No arrests ware enade. When seised and destroyed, the. still was hot from a reoentTun. The man or men oper ating tt,had Just completed mixing another mash, for - fermenting when they were forced to beat a hasty re treat by the arrival of the officers.. The still was cut up by the revenue men and thus put out ef commission. EXPERT TO SPEAK ON FOOD CONSERVATION Mrs. Jane McKimmon to Talk a Ma jestic Theater Cnder the Direction of X. W. CA, Ashevllle people. Interested In th question of food conservation will be Interested in the announcement made last night that Mrs. Jane McKimmon, of ' the TTnited States rovernment service, anT who "has charge ot the home demonstration and canning work in North Carolina, Is to speak at the Majestic theatre at g:is o'clock next Thursday evening. Her subject will be "Food Conservation." The question : of ' conserving tha country's food supply Is one of the most vital and important of the day; Therefore, when she visit this city this week, Mrs. MoKlmmon is assured of a capacity audience. The public Is Invited to attend and It has been sug gested that housewives have their cooks hear the address as it will be of srreat benefit to them. The address win be maoe unaer tne auspices of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. McKimmon is coming to Ane vllle to . spend a few days with Miss AlHe Rhymer, In charge of the canning olub work In Buncombe. county. BLACK MOUNTAIN MAN HAS FRACTURED SKULL James W. Allison, of Black Moun tain, was brought to the Meriwether hospital last night Buffering- from a fractured skull, and his recovery Is doubtful, according to Dr. Eugene B. Glenn. . Allison, who Is fifty year old and a carpenter, was engaged In an argu ment with Mack and Dal Watklns. the sons of C. F. Watklns. It is stated. Ac cording to Information received here last nlsrht. Mack Watklns struck Al lison with his net and the elder man fell to the sidewalk, his head striking the pavement. . The father ot the Watklns boys ac companied D. A. J. Terrell and the Injured man to the hospital. . FORD CAR IS STOLEN I FROM CHURCH STREET D. . K. Darrough . reported to the police last night that his Ford five Dassensrer ear had been stolen. r The machine had been left In front of th building. 10 ft Church street. - .1 f. . TV..U.V m4maj4 4e about :I0 o'clock. The poUce are searching for the machine, and ex - pect to And It with th gasoline tank Villa U.r. wriuup-u luiawoa Jt aav f empty. , CAVEAT TO RICHARD . . VIIIGRENV1LL FILED grrr to irvxxtrr Dcr.n or tbcbt AXAO UfSTTTCTED.' " Thra E3der DaoghUr gtart Aotiaa la 8aperior Court Against . (trp. noder and Two Itepalstaft, ' Aotlon contesting the erill of the late Richard Wlngren, whe died here last January, "was Instituted Is Su perior court yesterday, when a caveat was Wed by th three daughters by the first wife f th testator. Th property 'Involved la th will case and In a suit which was Olad at the same time for th purs of nullifying a certain deed of trust for property In th city of Asherllle, Is valued at 175,004. The Ashevllle Property Is estimated at being worth 40,000. . It includes the apartment house on the comer of Charlotte and" Chestnut streets and ether residence property, ' Clerk John IT. Cathey Issued an or der directing the pro pounder of the will, eUUa Wlngren. Norma Alslna Wlagren, of Ashevllle, Eva Pauline Ltndaey, of Jacksonville, iFla and tha Wachovia Bank and Trust com pany, of Ashevllle, to appear at the next term of Superior court and make themselves parties to the suit if they think proper to do so. The caveators are Xtta Graham. Stoma Henry and Carrie Tiffany, of Burlington. Kansas. They ak In the caveat that the will and a codicil thereto be set aside and' annulled, claiming that undue Influence was brought to bear by Mrs. Estella Wln gren upon their father, and that . he was coerced in drawing the will In favor of his second wife and two yonng daughters. By the terms of th will the three caveators are benefldarlee to the et tent ot a Joint thirty per eent Interest in unimproved property In Burlington, Kansas, the value ef the property ta in estimated at about ts.00. The widow of the testator aad has two daughters receive the other sev enty per cent interest In the Barling ton property-and share alike In the residue of the estate, personal prop-' arty valued at 111.000. This personal property Includes two Insurance poll ctee for I M00 each. The deed ef trust for- the Ashevllle property was executed to the Wa chovia Bank and Trust company, Mrs. Ketella Wlngren and her two daughters before the death of the testator, A separate complaint was m. hv tha caveators, asking that the deed be declared fraudulent and void. and that the defendants oa roroiaaen by the order Of the court. to dispose of real and personal property during the pendency of the action and that a receiver be appointed. , ' The complaint prays that the plain tiffs and defendant be' adjudged to h untitled to all of the property named In the deed of trust and the rente and profits thereof,- subject to the rights and Interests of- the defen dant, Mrs. Estella Wlngren, as widow. It Is asked that the defendants be re quired ta account for all of the said real and personal property, fo the rents, uss and income ot the same, and-If neoeseary, that a- referee be appotnted by the court. :.-. ' It is stated to the complaint that Mr. Wlngren was seventy-one years old at tne time oi ma omiii mi he was in an enfeebled mental and physical condition. ; The plaintiffs al lege that mainly through their efforts, a business owned In Burlington, Kan sas, by Mr, Wlngren, was developed and that they received slight compen sation for their work. Several years ago, they contend. Mr. Wlngren dis posed of his Interests for about $75. 000, and that they received about 100 each at the time. .. Mr. Wingsen's nrsi wire) oiea " 1886, leaving three daughters, and. Mr. Wlngren was married again ux 1887. Tha caveators and plaintiffs In the suits are represented by Mark W. Brown, who filed the papers. The case bids fair to be one ot the most interesting and closely contested ones ever Instituted In Buncombe county. CITY UNION TO MEET TOMORROW EVENING First Sleeting Since the Annual Con vention to Be Held In the First Bap tist Church. Members of the Ashevllle .city Ba-raca-Phllathea union will hold a combined business and social session In the First Baptist Church Monday evening at I o'clock. Inasmuch as this Vlll be the first meeting since the annual convention held here three weeks ago, the attendance 1 expected to be unusually large. Mrs. Hugh Lattlmer, former presi dent of the union, will preside Mon day evening and Rev. pan Atkins will lead the devotional. One of the features arranged Is a singing contest between the two classes. The Phllatheee will be led by Beth Perkins and the Baracas by Mrs. Ogle, . . ' ' The address of the evening will be delivered by the Rev. W. F. PoweUj the new pastor of the First Baptist Church. Special muslo has been arranged. PLAN ENTERTAINMENT FOR PITTSBURGHERS lrMnt W. O. Riddlck. of the i.iuii rhih. has called a special mMtlns of the officers, members of the eaecutive committee ana cnair f f ha various standing commit tees of the club to be held Tuesday night at the quarters of the "Western North Carolina iumber and Timber association. ... . . . . . The meeting will oe neia lor "i" .nrMix f discussing some form of antertalnment for the Pittsburgh Ro tarlans who will stop In Ashevllle Thursday on their way home from the Rotary convention at ui T. M. I. NOTES. (Contributed.! Rev. J. T. Cowan, pastor , of fit James M. E. church, will speaa at tne Y. M. I, this afternoon. The choir tha r.hurch will render special music, and there will be other mu sical numbers. The publio is Invited. wsdnesaay is tns s uy Il Reduction In prices on iAdies 1 Snnuner Bultiags at Logaa Moore's. , . . a .a.a.t , " How to Build a Bank Account : FIRST Work" lnduatrioualr, and try to earn as much money aa you can. . r r .. . .ItrH you connaence Dy saieguara ing your money and eneouragd . you by paying compound in tereaicn your deposit Central Bank & Trust Co. e . 4 Per Cent On Savings. CPEJTD THS etTJMMXB ABOTS TUB CZaTHM EAGLES NEST AND , CAMP, (Ifo Hay Perer) , ' v' On Junaluska mountain, overlooking Waynesrille and laJte JnnaTneka. A summer resort Inoompareble. ..v-Y Address aC G eattorthwalt, Jr, Kagles Neat F. Ot, X a t A good automobile road leads THIRTY SLACKERS REPORTED HERE . United States Marshal, Charlee A. Webb is still awaiting orders from of. nciai wasnington as to tee nisposi tlon to be made of the thirty regls: tratlon slacken reported to the Ashe vllle office from nolAts In the district . A requeet for. Instructions wa sent to. Washington .early In the week, but none had been received when th mar shal's office eloeed yesterday after noon. Letters reporting the failure ef men to register on Tuesday, June B, were received In the marshal's office all during the week. When the re quest -for instruction was made, there had been only ten slackers reported. This nnraber had been Increased to thirty Saturday afternoon. 4 "' KEGRO TjYTTCHED , , ' " ' OKIaAIHOMA. C1TT, ekla tw HHenry Conley. a etrr7Jt -was lynched , by a mob of 1,00 men and women . vnear Jtoldeovllle, Okie,, late tonight after, it Is eald, be-tied been Identified by Mrs, Jess U Burford. wife of a well to do farmer, as the man who had assauUed her one week ago today. -Conley was banged to, a tree. , , Conley was taken to Holdenvtlle, early thla afternoon from the vicini ty of Randolph where he was. cap tured by a posse at Holdenvtlle. - I Children's Stories THE BOYS' QTTARREt. Once upon a time Ned and (Frank had earned some money and they didn't quite know how they wanted to spend it At last Ned said: "1 tell yon. let' buy some marbles and then we can have a game." So they went to the stbrs and each bought a bag of marbles and then came back to the yard made some rouna notes in. the dirt and began to play; At first they had a good, time and then Frank said Ned didn't shoot right and Ned aaid he could shoot, better than, Frankvevec thought of., This made Frank mad and he gave mea a little kick with his foot and that is the wav a . man found tnan , as ne stopped his auto awhile to asK the way to the nert village. ' - . "Why boys, - ne saia, ii you ro going to fight why don't you ngnt for sonretmng worm wnuwi m mult thn bovs feel a bit ashamed aud they began to put on their coats that they had thrown bff and looked at anrn other a bit sheepishly. "Come shake hands and forget it," aid the man, "and you boys go as your mothers if you can go with me to the next village, I won't oe gone ions; ana I have plenty of room and it will cool 'you off I guess. .' , knin irnmr hev had been fool ish as they were really very fond of each other so they snoox nanas ana ran off to ask their mothers If they oould go for a ride. In a tew minutes they were back and told him their mothers had said they could go and seon they wer speeding along to ward the town. After a nice ride the man brought them home and told them he hoped they would remember never to fight again and If they would nmmiM him he would be very glad -to pay the boys for taking care of. his auiomoone once a wtm vj washing and polishing it "it will keep you out of mlchl'f he said laughingly. The boys promis ed aad now each Saturday they spend nut of the day looking after the auto and helping the man In many ways. Now ths boy don't quarrsl and I am very sure they have learned that It Is much better to work than quarrel, t FOB PRESENT MERCIES. i (From the Kanaae City Star.) 'There are eome lovee that fade away when other loves come en, So be content with love today; nor dream of love that's gone, And eat your tasty rice, my child, and do not let me hear You whisper more about how nice po- t,toM- were last year.TL.. ., MEXICO NETTRAIt,- : MEXICO CITY. June li.A news paper article suggesting the possi bility of Mexico entering the war .innMMa tha allies, brought forth the statement from the foreign office to day that Mexico's stand had been out lined by President Carranza as one ot strict neutttlty an that she would stick to this attitude. - ' . What The Other Girt moment J ' ' ' (Life.) "Why. . Helen. J. thlnk...aleven pro posals in ona week Is positively 1m-modest' SECONBSet aalde a certain J fixed sum eVery " "week . aa ; you? rninlmnm aavjng. 4 TIIIEII)epo8lt that .money,, In ttJa bank week .after . week, This la the "WEEK ' LT SAVER" method of get ting ahead. You wfll be a but wtoner U you adopt it THIS BANK will help yorx with saving Bttpet0TiS,, gird - frem Wayaeevnia te mm I Official Local Weather I V. & ren4rtmeat of JUrtoalture . . Weather Bbmss. Jbocal Weather jata (or Abb) la, i17, fiwie ot tne weauer at v v. cloudv. . - - State of the weather at a n. clear. Relative humidity at- -I a. m. T per cent. ...... Relative humidity at 1 J noea?A per cent J . - . . . , . t i Relative humidity at t p. m- J per cent ;. :.f t.- .- ., Wind direction at I a. m norta- west. . . ., . ; Wind direction at 8 p. m north-r ' Time of sunrise, :IJ a,. , :. Time of sunset twt' p; m. -Iocal Temneratnre Data. 8 a. m 66 "J p.m. ....... a a. m si 10 a. m BS 11 a. m. . .... .85 It noon ...... .60 1 p. m. ' .60 - 2 p. m, ......01 4 p. m 83 6 p. m. (4 p. m. ..... ,9? 7 p. m 3 8 p.m. ......IS Highest, 4; one year ago, 7. Lowest 10; one year ago, 68. Absolute maximum. 87 in 1911. Absolute mlnmum, 48 In llOI. Average temperature today, 17. Normal, (8. local Precipitation Data For Month, ' Normal, 4.8s Inches. . Greatest amount 7.74 In 1809. f Least amount 0.91 In 1908. For last 24 hours endingat 8 p. ta., none. Telegraphlo Report of Temperatures. Station. ' p. Mar ASHEVILLB Atlanta Augusta Baltimore ... Birmingham Boston ...... lath th. -" l-qt.' Frcat Xlac ! CQ'v t. Bctafl f or alS, ... ,4 . -.- . "t" . -. .V " BX0WN H4S0 sTARE J MBreidwi',',.'. SMa-PBX)?TES--3M7 , : . P ;." .A 88 4 7? 7 74 78 64 70 70 78 63 88 74 80 7S 60 68 74 78 64 74 80 76 84 : 78 80 " 8 74 64 7S , 68 . 70 : 62 68 70 7 Charleston I. Charlotte ... Cincinnati . . . . . Galveston Hatteras Jacksonville . . . . Miami New Orleans Raleigh . . Richmond St Louis ... Washington Wilmington A Pome. f Macon Telegraph.) lack, and Jill Went up the bill To fetch a pail of water But the man who owned the water 7 Teld them It had ; . u, . Gone up on account Of tie war. : -' And so. they . Had to leat It " Back-down th Mill and write A letter te the editor. Aa aleM-heur day far. w erne w wrtt- mrm in stores, lanadries and ether es- iabllahmeats la proposed la Montana, 5