THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVTLLE, N, G, JUNE 17, 1917. i THE ASHEYILLE CITIZEF - I Published Every Morning bt THE CITIZEN COMPANY 4 8 Government Street rt Asbevtne citiMo. day week fb Sunday CKlsan, Every Sunday TELEPHONES V Business Office . Bdltoiial Rooms .... I A.. .... Sol Associated Press t Reports Complete j (ICBSOUPTTOX RATES Br Csirfer In Ashevllle and Suburb. Daily m son-, I yr. la savane. Daily at Rub- mo. In advance, Pall Sun., 1 weak la advano Dally only, 1 year In advano Dally only, t mo. In advano ... Dally only, 1 weak In adrano... Btf Mall In United Stat. f, - J - i -. m j-nt nun., i yr. in idtmcv. ..... 7.9 l.r .11 I 00 1.W .10 Dally AY Bun mo. In advano paiiy only, l year in advano... Dally only, I mo. la advance.... Sunday only, 1 year In advanc. Sunday only, t no. In advanc. If ... ... i.00 ... 1.00 ... 1.00 ... .10 Sunday, June'l7i !9J7, Labor and Food killing and wound! ox of non-combat ant; and. tha mardar of women and ehlldreo. In tbla reaped w ar ra mi ad 4 of a reoeot statement by JlaJI Cain, th famous English novelist, who la ana of the foramoat advocate ef the reprisal policy in l&ngland. In a recent laaue of Th London Chron icle, Mr. Ckttne amid: "Tn order to pre vent Oerman aoldlera from attacklns Belgian women and bayoneting Bel gian children, It doe not follow that Belgian aoldlen should attack Oer- maa women and bayonet Oerman children. The reprisal of a nation. whether on or off th battlefield, will be according to It civilisation and hu manity. Th reprisal of th Germane for certain of our alleged acta 1 to drown our woarf3ed aoldlera. That la tha measure of thalr ' humanity. Ood forMd that th allies should stain thalr fame with either tnfamy.M Whn Th CltSsen talk about re priaal and tha necessity therefor it baa in mind only tha thought that repriaal by the aTlles should be con fined to th bombardment from the air of Oerman fortifications, Oerman munitions planta and Oerman . naval . "vVe have always believed, and till believe that a large fleet ef al lied airplane dropping bomb on th fortified section of Berlin would put an and to the Gorman practice of raiding the British coast and slaugh tering , women and children, we might also aay that were the allied governments to give Germany final no tice to the effect that the continuance of such outrage would call for a- , While the American nation lie at the mercy, of food gamblers and food Ivor reprisals, the Berlin authorities pirate, congress continue to dawdle would experience a change of heart along, ana: afew conscienceless lndl- And. In. conclusion, we will any that viduals In the legislative body are de- reprisal' does not necessarily call for Uberately blocking the Lever bill punishment in kind, although it ex- wnich would give th government I presses a punishment that fit the absolute control of our food (uppliee ! crime. during the war. Among these worthies Is Senator Reed, of Missouri, I In the death of James X. Norton, WOMAXSOTTUOl! Sn ,riod 1 m muck op Tf tmJZ.ZT""? ufr. bause it ft.T h!lv her- n " J C"ou iniea to do her much Injury. A. rr.t man of the mMrti ii. ,1 . reat said that nobody was proclaiming th o' "woman rights" except som. long-haired men who ouiht to DMlk DOrn wramM m-A - short-fcalrd women who ought not w -Mith,t makM th human faml- , human family lovely, t Ood Hied It Why -. niuvr ana inprove on na- . . T ul'";no niaiory ana illus trates now femlnlnn th- llJ'.i1"1 C"'-' " the last heir ri name or ferci 'I saw ' arry wun his beaver on" was the report that set atlngllng all the hot blood of one of her line, who. "j , was namea iioispur in reign or cnaries II a young """"'""f vi iionnurateriana was wedded In her childhood to young Lord Ogle, a brother of the duchess of Albemarle, whose consort waa one or ne notorious "Cabal." Th hue band dlsd at th era of eighteen h. fore the marriage waa consummated. Sn was endowed with Immense es tates, and her mother, being a rather frivolous woman, left her to the care oi nsr grandmother, Lady North umberland, and while yet little past childhood. Lady Ogl secretly mar ried io m xninn, spoken of by Mao auley as 'Tom-of-Ten-Thoueand," the nam possibly dua to tha amount of his Income. The young girl, now a wife for the second time ere he waa sixteen, waa a marvelous beauty of the plump type with red hair and pouting lips, then the standard of female loveliness at the court of a frivolous king who could have been a great ruler had he not elected to be a greater trifier. , Boon th chlldwlfe tired ot Tom-of-Ten-Thousand." and fld the realm putting herself under the protection or LAay Temple, the wire or tne Brit lsh ambassador In Holland. In that age there was a family of The Scistort Route Tna American Gunner. (Louisville Courier-Journal.) It Is not to b expected that tha Oerman submarine will fail to make a" score- against American ah I p pi eg, but fh efficiency ot American gun ner may be counted upon aa a faa tor In th fight. Th report from Washington that an American a tea av er engaged in a runnlna- flsrht with a suDmarin and that tha duel ended when a well aimed shot struck tha submarine squarely, sinking her, ap parently, la a report altogether credi ble. It 1 the sort of climax Amer icana may reasonably expect in a aea fight between American and Oermaa gunners. , A great deal of nonsense has teen talked about Oerman efficiency, as something unique in history. The Oar mans are methodical, well disciplined, carefully driven, well equipped, but they ar not more efficient than Frenchmen. Bngllshmea or Ameri ca w. , . Tha entire military theory apon which Germany ha set out to smash through to Pari was th aim pi formula for victory which legend credits to an Illiterate American of ficer: "Ott thar fust with tha most men." Tha campaign which began la Bel glum was an effort to overwhelm aa unprepared enemy who could not bring info th field within two or three month sufficient numbers and j sufficient equipment to resist th In vaslon. That the plan failed doe not argue the singular efficiency of th Oerman. especially when wa consid er the undoubted fact that they made an error in assuming tha superiority of number an their side, or th su periority ef thalr runs. Th Oerman have maintained throughout their war the discipline" which make It possible for masses of Oerman sol dlers to be hurled against decimating fire. In solid formation', for a longer oeriod. and nnder stress of more dis astrous losses than would be possible with less well disciplined men. The same dynamlo force of perfect disci pline t reflected in the ability of the civilian population to endure slender rationing while soldier ar better fed, .but man for man and gun for gun tne Germane nave not prove a Smut f mm WAie 6nrrttf Co& youVe THERE'S a tow of the amltaa that won't com off hlddoa tn tha heat anlte of oar MONARCH! OoaJ. Wo can dernonsarata o yoa not only tha aaportortty of oenr coal, bat tha courteous promptness of oar deJJvcry, Will yaw allow as Southern Goal Co. PIMM ft. WHfcN THE WAR ENDS And opporturdtj knocks at your door and it surely will be prepared with funds in the Saving Depart ment of this strong bank. 4 Per Cent. Compounded Quarterly, WACHOVIA BANK & TOUaST. Ca ' - m Capital U.250,000.00, , oroved adventurous and brilliant scamps of I themselves th .superior of thlr wi the name of sKonlngrnnark. On of emle. It la to b expected that tne aaugtntera was tne mistress or WhenveY American naval gnnner get rho. for -reason, which h. may on. formerly of Aahevll and laUr oi '.h'e b.."". mofhlrT, VUall Tt" no't tt. . I 1 . , I . . I . M 111 1 M.,.h. M.ll-t. 1 " . . ny do canea upon to explain, is par- I New xom. tne newspaper wona nas tlcularly active in opposition to the I lost one of Its brightest minded mem- aaministrauon food TUL Behator bars, and hi friend a companion Reed protest that tha bill would give whose kind heart never failed In con to th food director and hi subordl- slderaOon of them. Courageous In sate "powers which no king or po- the face of distressing Illness, he was tentate ever dared to xrcl.M As ever unoomplalnlng. Mm. Norton, matters stand now, ther 1 not much his daughter and sister have th Vym prospeot that the food bill will be-' pathy of those older resident who come law by July 1, and should this knew them during their residence in be tha case It will be too lata after AahevlUa. that data to glvs to th natfon ' that measure of relief so badly heeded. Xn atiiklng contrast to tha attltud of certain senator and congressmen, and with tha attitude of th special Interests that profit by high price for food supplies, Is the present stand of organised labor. We may take It for granted that members of the labor party are in a good position to know and realize th seriousness of th ex isting situation. Upon the laboring class of the United States tha bur den of the high cost of living has fallen . with extraordinary severity. Voice of the People AlfOTHEB VIEW Of -DRAXT." Editor Citizen: Having heard that the people of the south are to a certain degree opposed to the new army bill, and being an Ashevllle man, myself, I wish to say a few word In regard to the army, any or all of whloh you are at lib erty to publish. The opposition seem to be to th word "conscription" or "draft." I see no reason to think that because a man la drawn by tha draft system he la any less a patriot than the one who enlists on his own initiative. Take my own case. Z did not en- the Field Marshal Maurice of Saxe, who subsequently addsd so much glory to the arma of France. A son of this disreputable family was as sassinated by order of Oeorge I ofi England, while yet that monarch was only elector of Hanover, because of jeaioumy or his queen, Sophia Doro thy. I'm not so sure about my spell ing, ana i m too lazy to look It up. Another scamp of a Konlngsmark was tn England and became Infatu ated with the beauty of the daughter oi we nouse or rercy and very much in love with her Immense fortune. So when she fled to Holland he em ployed some ruffians to murder "Tom- of Ten - Thousand," which they perlors, of other naval gunners, and that they will make the Oerman pay dearly for having invited tn an counter. Why Did tha Overland factory steadily advano from eighth position In th Industry In 1107 to second place la HIT? Overland Asheville Sales Co. ls-l K. WALWTJT. PHOICE tMT. As a Member of the , . FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM We are eminently able to be of the utmost service to our customers in every banking connections k , The American National Bank . Cor, Church St & Patton Ave. . . 'i The Only National Bank in Ashevllle. Hatgs Now Blow. (Charleston News-Courier.) The new British blow 1 th more lnterestinr because tt waa delivered at a new nolnt well outside of the area to which the Britten oirensive effort had previously been confined. The Ttfre salient lies nearly fifty miles to tne north or tne mam ot- Oeflelds of the Arras drive. The Brit ish army In France has never before this conducted a double offensive at Wedding Rings 9. EL CARPK3TTEB Jowoler !f. pack pmf TRIAL IS ALL Wl ASK LAUNDRY TO PBONIS lM Wa TRBAT TOtTK LAtTNDRT WHTTH. promptly did, and were as promptly two points so widely separated. That apprehended, accused, tried, convict- tt is able to do so now Is significant ea ana executed, tnougn the seouna- 0f it strength and of the high degree i . wuw uiuuvu Liieiii to lxib crime, i 9 nmn uHah whinh nan naan at. upon trial, was acquitted. tatned The lady cared nothlnr for Ken. I The nurnos of the new enterprise mgamara, inougn possiDiy sne anew I remains to be reveaiea. it may do him. Certainly ahe had a horror of I AMrfe-nad merely to obliterate the deep the murder. Subsequently she be- ..ur.t mat aonth ef Yores and thus While the prica of everything else has cone skywards, the wam of l&.lllst for patriotic reasons alone. On bor hava remainad a .,..H..iti tha other hand, It may be that my .... nlnad,at a standstill. tmumkm w6r Jut ft mtl, wt ,eineh. until It can bo said without exaggera- The glamor of the martial life ap Won that the workman's dollar today Pu t0 m- Unllke mM others' I ni .i k ..u . ... no disappointed tn my ex will not buy as much aa a half doUar peotations. Even had there been no would two or three year ago. Hao war my occupation for life would have the present attitude of Samuel Oom- the army. While I,.?0.! .... . " made a glorious success of it, I think pers head.of tha American Federa- x haVe been as successful as the tlon of lbor, who declares that if average ' man of my ability in civil anirtbW is to mm ot tha Mo. I am now drawing , 60 per . - , . " " 1 month with all aeoeesary expenses for government control of food sup- j nd have good prospects of soon leav. plies, action must be taken at once. I l"f the ranks and becoming a com- Vila - calls nnn n.-!- missioned officer at 160 per month. Thanfnra I - t came the duchess of the duke of Somerset, who waa an active vartlsan in all the vile and cellared politics of Queen Anne's reign. The duchee was active in behalf of Marlborough. and dabbled in politics up to the elbow, perhaps to the armpits. And hsre comes my argument against woman suffrage. I have characterized the politics of that period aa "hell-flrea ; it was worse than that. Dean Swift, the partisan of HollnbroKe and the Inveterate ?0 PALMS The ROYAL straighten out the line, in which case it would be merely a local operation on a larr scale. Tt appears just as likely that tt Js part of a general op eration the ultimate reject ot wnicn la th capture of Iille . A still more ambitious project would be the turn lne of the so ealled Hindenburjr line by a thrust clear tnrougn xne i-pres sector to tne nonn or mo ximaen- burg's line. Rogers Grocery Co. WHOLESAIJE OBOCEBM Dlatrlbutors) of -VAKJEXi WKBSTKB AH1 GOLD OOIJI VLOTJRS INSURANCE You Need It PROTECTION We Give It Protect Yourself Ta TfTvTT TX T If 1 V Don't wait until next week. Don't trust to luck". Call on the P. R. ALLEN CO. General xtauraiice - Offices 310-311 Drhnmor Bldg. . Phone 1077.' t .w k 4 :i enemy of Marborough, wrote a poem 1 v . 1 1 about .as long as your finger that hel 1 I hlS Llate Ul rllStOry . . . .vuvu 1 throughout the country to stand firm ly behind the president on this ques tion, and he makes it plain that ob streperous senators and congressmen will be held strictly to account If the It Is not for patriotism that I am in the army, although I know I possess a share of this goodly and necessary quality, or If I had not I would not have been a success as a soldier. On the other hand, take the man who doe not enlist, but who waits to administration food yrj fafl.' of ffOT at aag. labor's flght against the food I least of doing something for his . smetmlatANi la nmmniii r,nt I country that he does not love, or In ' w i ... " .1 .... , - VLuar wui u, giving u v buiiicliiiiir lur the common good. He feels that he the Interests of tha toiler of the tlon, but by the Interests of the American people generally, for It goes without saying that should the food conservation bill be passed the bene fits of tha new law will not b con fined to the laboring classes; th en tire nation will profit should organized is giving something more to his coun try than loyalty. I expect it to be my lot to drill and get Into shape scores and even hun dreds of these young men who will be drawn In the first 600,000. Not for a minute would I consider the recruit who Is learning to make his first "right face" any less a man, a pa- styled "The and prohpecy It proved. In political result in which he accused the duchness of Somerset ot being privy to the murder of her second husband, Tom-oif -Ten-Thousand, and of the odious crime of having red hair. By this time the rasnion had changed, and red hair, so lovely when Charles II was king, had become hideous when his niece, Anne, was queen. In his verse the ruffian poet had spoken of her aa 'luarrots." And here we see the feminine which shows how little business a woman has to meddle In politics. The duch ess passed by the charge of murder as trivial, neguginie, altogether in significant; but to the charge of being red-headed she made the most furi ous denial, and was emphatic even beyond the bounds of profane exple tive, which she employed with vocif erous and loquacious emphasis, though the slightest glance discovered the "carrots" of her hair. And that la albout the way our wo men will meddle with politics when they get a good whack at It. Washington. June 14. TOBAOOO SMOKE. 1867- Tobacco smoke can soothe a man With cares of life oppressed. When after worries ot the day TTaMI nmnka at nlffht and rest labor succeed In winning the flrht I trlot or an American because he has .T1g then somehow in clouds of smoke - i xi IB troubles iaae wy, than the men who are asslntlns' me I a . j i.inn. hnu . won uib vwa, luff UQZ6H 11 io sjei iiuii hiiu imb cvitifttiiiuns into shape. Many or tnese have grown gray in the service. The work may not appeal to the of the opinion that the publto gen erally should bestir Itself In behalf of pending food legislation oi the fight should not be left to one class ot citizenship, if all are to share la tha benefits of victory. Her in : our own community a public meetlnr order of things should record the fact that the rank and file stand squarely behind, the . president and his food measures. f -h Kn.nt young men. Much of it will be posi- be done. When the new army Is organized the country sees the wisdom of it and becomes accustomed to the new all thoughts of the The hardships of the day; Then from a dark and unkind past The bitter mem nes die. A blessed glimpse of happy days Shines where the dream paths lie. Concerning Reprisals will stand united and trained for the defense, not alone of the United States but of the world. A man is served with a notice to work on the roads; he Is served with a notice to send his children to school that they may escape the vices of lamoranca: he is summoned hv tfia The Citizen Is surprised to note that I county to be a Juror, or summoned some of Its friends, in readlnr P7 . v . .va orlm i i I !nl Whv. then, should not th onnn recent editorials in this paper which try not summon men to defend its discussed reprisals by the allies for p,tlen87 i lie viy ui liie press Rim ine pujpic should be "Awake, Arise, Get on The Job." WILLIAM P. JONES, Serpeant, Company O. 28th Infantry. Culebra, C. Z. German barbarities, have Jumped to the conclusion that The Citizen would follow out the "eye for eye. and tooth L for tooth" policy against Germany. jOt friends assume .that the defi nition of "reprisal" calls for the In fiction of similar or severer Injuries n, the enemy within or without the region of war. .That Is to aay, if Ger many slaughters non-combatants, and mnrder women and children, the al lies should do the same. Now The Citizen does not Imply anything of the sort, jtor does the average advo at of reprisal believe in any such doctrine. We are well aware that certain code of morality and civiliza tion, and the ordinary dictates of hu manity, forbid a policy of - reprisal which ha for its deliberate object the With the Wags Change. Ruth Is an alchemist I know, And so I'll have to drop her. For every time I'm out with her My silver turns to copper. Widow. Joyful Job. (Manchester Guardian.) The lady bank lerk had completed her first week, and a friend asked her how she liked her work. "Oh. It's beautiful!" said the girl. "I'm at a branch where nearly all the people we know have a as-n, inl and it's so nice to see how little money some of your friends have In the bank!" And while a fellow puffs his pipe Or stogy, rich and brown, The folks he's loved but since has lost Will come and gather "round; And listening there In stilly dusk Ho hears his mother sing The old sweet songs of boyhood days That take away the sting; Good fellows who long since have gone Propose once more a drink To dreams that died long years ago Those days he did not think. In wreaths of smoke he sees again Sweet, pretty faces smile. Bright eyes that shine, warm Hps that pout, A man's heart to beguile; And while he smokes and smiling dreams. Thn mem'rv Uvea ac&ln Of kisses stolo one night fn June, Forgettlnr later pain; The mad, sweet Joys of other years, The loves of other nays. Come back to brighten twilight dreams And gladden somber ways. June IT. 1115 Cornerstone of Bunker Hill monument laid with great cere monies at Boston, Jjatayette be- lna- present. ' ltta Sir William Crookes, famous English scientist inventor ot Crookes tube, born. 11II William King, first governor of Maine after the separation from Massachusetts, died, aged eighty-four. 1858 Eben S. Draper, noted manu facturer. arovernor of Massa chusetU, born; died April . 1914. ltfO Charles Frohman, famous American theatrical producer, born at Bandusky, O-; perished with sinking of Lusltanla May 7, 1915. West Virgina university found ed at Morajanton. X7jiIntemational peace Jubilee onened at Boston. 18t 'Ulster convention at Belfast in opposition to home rule; u.ouu dnlerates oresent. 19 iPresident Taft vetoed army bill which would have retired oen eral Leonard Wood. 1918 Several American consuls in Mexico left their posts ejna re turned to the United States; American troops again entered Mexico; the carranza consul at Brownsvlllo, Tex., Issued an ul timatum to General James Parker, U, 8. A., that unless the troops were withdrawn an attack would be made upon them by Carranza troops. THE WAR; 1915 lAustrians reached temoerg and stormed Orooeic, one oi Its principal defences. Lieutenant Warneford, Cana dian aviator who destroyed the first Zeppelin In air fight, killed by fall In test light. 191 Allies concluded tneir eonrer erence In Paris on economic and Industrial procedure in regard to the central powers after the war. Russians enter Radzloff after occupying Ceernowltx, and fur ther north cross the Stokhod, forming three deep salients in to the Austrian lines at Dubno, Czernowits and Horodenka. Tom N. Clark Co. (Inc.) . ', , ' 'Th Shop for Particular Men" N. PACK SQUARE. Oates Bldg. Phone It. WHEN TOTT 8JUJ A FURNITURE AO THINK OF GREEN BROS. Moved to 41 West College , Tha New Retail District SPECIALS Irish Potatoes, Qft peck uoY Clear Side Meat, TVMinrf" 6dOj Fat Back, pound ........ Hens, pound Eggs, dozen . Flour, No. quarter. Meal. jcck H. X. Wilson 1, 24c 19c 35c $1.70 a8c CO N. texlngton Ava. Phone 1900. Notable Birthdays Around the silent. lonesome hearth The little children rlay. The children that the Fates 'denied This man who dreams away;- r And In a low-backed rocking chair A sweet faced woman sews A dear, dead dream of might-have-beens -That through the smoke wreaths arrows; The gods have sent old Nicotine To men whose fond hopes die, And through the clouds of fragrant smoke The happy dream paths lie. '. ... . . Daisy M. Hendley. -Statesvllle. N. C. Juno 17. Prince Danllo Alexander of Monte negro, heir to the throne of the tiny kingdom, Is 41 years oia today. Should Montenegro recover Its inde pendenee on the ante-war basis. which is doubtful. Prince Danilo will succeed the present ruler, the aged King Nicholas. He is the third of the king's nine children, of whom anoth er is the queen Ot Italy, who waa Princess Helena of Montenegro before her marriage. The supreme power has been In the hands of the family since 1897, when Danllo Petrovio, Its chief, liberated the country from the Turks. They assumed the title of king only In 1910, with Nicholas, and Danilo, if he reigns, will be the second king of Montenegro. All are now liv ing In exile In France .and Prince Danllo is a member of the French general staff. It is rumored that If he ever rules. It will certainly not be as the patriarch of a ehepherd peo- la. as his father haa dona, a jp WANTED Architectural Draughtsmen. Apply to WM. ?. EAST, Architect. American. National Sank. Bldg. If You Want the Best value obtainable make it a point to visit our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department. M. Levitt 3 Biltmore Are. For Experssnoed Workmen Phone 2155 BtTHiDIWO TRADES OOWCUTi a 0. Worlejr, Butdoesa Agent. TO TRAIN YOU TO JX HMk : :u 'U- f Toung' men and women ar needed and, needed badlyt , fill clerical position '. for 1 our government.' They are given good pay and short hour. Call and let us tell you more about thlt splendid opportunity, and our facilities for preparing you to take advantage of It Day and night classes in theory : and dictation. Emannel Business College 10 OOIJjEGE ST. LADIES Have their Tailored Suit mad at Logan & Moore 20 reduction for next 10 day. It Bo. Paok So, Phona TI7. M'GRAW TIRES BEXOW COST 1 8xtt. plain .M.tll.00 tllt I . . 1T.00 If i , T.80 . " ' 11.M I 8Sx8J4, non-skid ll.0 While They Last Richbourg Motor Co. . : Formerly Th TJ. C. Shaw Motor Co. THE BOMB OF THK FORD A word to tha wis man ta sufficient COOPER'S "0a the Square Means Clothe Economy. BARGAINS For tha Whole Family The Racket Store II Biltmore Avanue. Dr. Ben C Smathers Dr.C.M.Beam DENTISTS v Over CaraUchael's Patton Ave. Ent. Phono lgj' quite different type of prince and with htm the simplicity of the old Black Mountain princes will pass Into th realm of legend. -1 H is a polished cosmopolite.- speaking with ease half a dosen languages, an enthusiastic motorist and tennis player, and has been a conspicuous figure at all the courts and In the most fashionable salons of Western. Burope. He mar ried, in 1899, the Princess Jutta of Meoklenburg-Strelita. a Oerman prin cess. ' Mrs. William Jennings Bryan, 1 1 years old today. ; Marshall leia IV. greai-granason ef the Chicago magnate and heir to fabulous, wealth, whose father, Mar shall Field III. recently enllsud. one year old today. . .: J. Wilbur cnapman. lamoua evaa- golist and Arat teacher of Billy San dar, 6 years old todax Williams & Huffman's Music House Th Best In Piano. . ElkJ Club Bldg. Haywood St. H. L. Finkelstein 2S-2S Biltmora Ave . Complete stock of Trunks, Bag . - and Salt SALE NOW ON AT Gem Clotiiing Co. Boston Shoe Store 30 Patton Ave. IVeadeT tn High Grade Footwear- . 10 DISCOUNT Balance of this month on al woolens except serge. 68 Pattoo Ave. r -Opp. P.- Ot Phone 60. II