THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. fASTIEVILLE, N. 0., JUNE 17, 191T. THE MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE JUNE is refrigerator time In f Asheville. Don't take trances on the health of your family. Get a Sanitary Refrigerator to keep your milk and vegetables in. , . We have a full line, plain and porcelain lined. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Phone 226. 15-17 Broadway. "iP?At the AsKevilleyteJ Regular services will bs held at all the city church today. Rev. pr. U T. Mann will deliver the morning aer mon at the Central Mthodlst church. Cradle Roll day will be celebrated at the Balm Orove Methodist church. Kev. O. B. Williams, of Croae Anchor, 8. C., will preach at the Mgthodlst Protestant church. A WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN AND A POCKET TESTAMENT. Two necessaries for every spldlsr boy and every man at home. Oet 'em both her. Offloe Outfitters Commercial Printer Rogers Book Store Phone 184. Ashevllle tl Fatton Ave. BATTERY PARR BANK . ASHEVILLE. N. C STATE, COX7NTT AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Capital i. . ... . .-. .:$ 100,000 Surplus and Profits .w.r- 220,000 OFFICERS: JAMES P. SAWYER, Chairman of the Board. C-C. COXE, President ERWTN 8LCTJER, Vloe-vPrsa, C. RANKIN. Cashier. NO LOANS MADE BT THIS BANK TO ANT OP ITS OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS. 9 t Conservative Courteous Opposite P. 0. E. Ik Ray, President. JoKu C. Martin, Vic Free, John A. Campbell, Cashier, Wm. F. Duncan, Aut Cashier. DodgeBroihers MOTOR. CAR Only the: owner lenows how rugged the car really is Its Eghtness and grace are de ceptive until you put It to the test of hardest work and . roughest going. Asheville Automobile Co. 18-and 20 Church St ATTENTION JOBBERS, STEAM FITTERS. PLUMBERS, CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS New Pipe, Black and Galvanized, all sizes. Car lot orders solicited. We carry in stock constantly 50,000 feet prompt delivery. See us for prices. Wholesale only. & Co. Phone 333 Depot StJ , Sternberg HEAVY PINE AND OAK TIMBERS" We carry a full Una of FACTORY FRAMING. Se ns If you cannot 1 ' ( get what you want and we will furnish It. . BUILDERS LUMBER CO. Tarda at Grace. Phone 221. 12-14 Commerce Bids;. NORTH ASHEY'ILLE BAPTIST. Kev. Benjamin 80 r tea, pastor. Hubjeot of morning aermon. The Resolution of a Renegade." Evening object, "The Touch of Faith." Sunday achool at t:4i a. m., Ralph Echerd, auperlntendent. Woman's mlaalonary society meets every Thuraday at I p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. C Owen. 46 Highland street. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 1:11 p. m. CHX8TNTT STREET METHODIST. Her. Benjamin Sorgse, pastor. Sunday, school song service. :I0 oVslock, conducted by C. H. Bartlett Bunday school at 9:48 o'clock, 1. H. Weaver, superintendent. Preaching at 11 o'clock fcy Rev. R. O. Tuttle. Anthem by the choir. Junior Epworth league at 3 p. m. Senior Epworth league at 7 p. m. Preaching by the pastor at o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at I o'clock. Visitors welcome. all the services of this Invited to church. The church nursery Is open for the care or children during the hour of morning worship and mothers are In vited to bring their children to be cared for while they attend the ser vice. A competent mime will be In charge. M. FTR-Tr COXGRFXIVnONAlA Rev. J. Bralnerd Thrall, pastor. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m at the residence of the pastor, 339 Merrlmon avenue. 8unday morning service with ser mon by the pastor at 11 o'clock at T. M. C. A. hall, Haywood street, near postoffloe. Musical service led by choir. Mrs. W. F. Krlckhan, accompanist. Sittings are free and all are cor dtally Invited. BAIiM OROVE METHODIST. West Ashevllle. Rev. S. T. Barbour, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 o'clock. Teachers' council, 9:15 o'clock. Children's day program, 10:30 o'clock. Offertory Ante solo, "Flower Bong" LanJe by Lesa. Junior league, 3 o'clock. Senior league, 7: IS o'clock. Evening worship and sermon, 8 o'clock. Offertory flute solo. "Cradle Song" Warner by Laza. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing. 8 o'clock. Everybody cord Ian y Invited. FTRST BAPTIST. "A Command That Made a Klnr- flom," will be the subject of Dr. W. F. Powell at 11 o'clock. ,. The evening theme win be, ?A Father's Son." This will bs a spe cial message to the young men of Ashevllle. The evening service begins at 3 o'clock. There will be special musle at both services. Sunday school begins at 1:31! o'clock Sunday morning. There will be In teresting opening exercises. The young peoples' unions meet at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. Mid-week prayer and praise ser vice will be held In the lecture room of the church, Wednesday evening at 8 : 1 s o'clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially lAtinencw fallrfor Ipracficallij nofhmfc cevtratj mttthodist. Dr. Charles W. Byrrf, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m., F Weaver, superintendent Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Ser mon by rr. I T. Mann, commission er of education for Kmory unlver alty. Special music. The Junior Epworth league union will meet Sunday afternoon at the Broadway mission at 4 o'clock. All members of the Frances Burkhead so ciety asked to attsnd. Epworth learue services at 7 b. m.. W. W. Edward, reader. All young people asked to attend. Evening worship at t o'clock. Ser mon by the pastor. Monday evening, 3 o'clock, the Toung Peoples Missionary society will meet with Mrs. W. R. Harris. 19 Orange street. All members are asked to be present. Wednesday evening prayer aervlce at 8 o'clock, conducted by the pas tor. All strangers In the city are -urged to attend all meettngs. Evening prayer and sermon, 9 p. m. All seata are free and everybody Is welcome. Strangers In the city are cordially Invited to make Trinity their church home during their stay here. The music at Trinity la rendered by a vested choir of twenty-four voices. Detailed Information about the ser vices during the ensuing week can be found In the "Parleh bulletin," copies of which are obtainable at the church Bunday morning and evening. The rector Is at his offloe at the church dally, except Snturday, from U.JO to 1:30 p. m. Kverytiody Is cordially welcome. BETH FX MKTHODIRT. Corner UUnton and I'hlfer streets. The revival meeting Is now In progress with Intense and Increasing interest. Preaching today at 11 a. m. and 9 p. m. Preaching through the week at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bunday achool at 9:80 a. m. Junior Epworth league at 3 p. m. Senior Epworth league at T p. in. Everybody welcome. HAYWOOD STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAU Rev. O. P. Ader, pastor. Sunday school, 9:40 a. m., H. A Dunham, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Epworth league, 7 p. m. Sunday. Junior Epworth league. 3 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting 8 p. m. Although the pastor Is absent regu lar preaching service will be held as usual, through the kindness of the various pastors of the city. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL. Charlotte street. Charles Mercer Hall, pastor. Second Sunday after Trinity Holy communion, 8 a. m. Matins, 10:80 a. m. Solemn mass and sermon, 11 Catechism, 4 P m. Solemn evensong and addren 5 P m. (Monday mass, 9 a. m. Services other days, 7:80 a. m. And on Friday at 6 p. m. Interces sions and Instruction, 8 p. m. BTXTMORE BAPTIST GHTRCH. Regular church service every Sun day at 11 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. Rev. J. W. Vesy, of Jacksonville, Fla., supply pastor for the next three Sundays, subject for Sunday morning, Witnessing For Jesus," subject Tor the evening service "Convincing Facts." Prayer meeting Wednesday nights at 8:15 o'clock, Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. AH the community people are cordially Invited to all our ser vices. You Save Money when yon reflnlsh furniture and woodwork yourself with iJU -jfoMSVDHiEit'1 MO matter how badly scratched your doors, floors or furniture, you can easily restore them withone coat of Pee Gee RE-NU-LAG. The cost to small, the result are fixes t. It cornea In all sizes, from 15c up. Made in 20 Natural Wood and Enamel Colore. White Gold and Silver. PEaSLEE-GAULBERT CO, lac Louisville, aj, HENRY J. OLIVE, Asheville, N. C. The - mountain ' views from Kenllworth are the most beauti ful In all of Western North Carolina. Bey a Home In KENTLWORTH METHODIST PROTESTANT. Corner Hillside street and Merrl mon avenue. Rev. Cuthbert W. Bates, B. D., pas tor. Sunday school 9:46 a. m., J. E. Swain, superintendent. All those in the community not In any other school are Invited to attend here. Morning service at 11 o'clock. The service will be in charge of the for ward movement party. Rev. O. B. Williams, of Cross Anchor, 6. C, will speak on "Social Service In the Church and Sunday School." ReV. L. W. Oerrlnger, of Reidsville, N. C. will speak on "The Church and the Young People." The Methodist Protestant cnurcn. throughout the denomination. Is en- Eased In an educational campaign, which la taking the form of forward movement Institutes, which are being held In all the local churches. This meeting is one of these. At' the night service, the forward movement party will again have charre. Rev. N. G. Bethea, confer ence missionary secretary, will speak on "Evangelism." Rev. O. W. Holmes, president of the North Caro lina Conference-, will speak on "Fi nances In the Local Church." These services promise to be Inter esting not only to thoss of this church, but to those of every church, A cordial Invitation Is extended to Christians of every denomination to be with us. A stranger Is not a stranger at this church. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. North French Broad. Rev. F. W. Stanton, pastor. E. R. Randall, superintendent. Sunday achool will convene at 9:45 a. m. At 11 o'clock by request the pastor will preach upon the theme, "The Sabbath. A Physical, juentai, ana Moral Necessity." us Sabbath observance as strict to day as fifty years ago? Is there any dana-er to a home or nation or lndl vtdual from failure to observe the Batobath? Whither are we tending.' The public Is Invited to hear this mes- Epworth league win meet ai o'clock. Topic: "Student's Recognl Hon Nla-ht" Leader, Miss Florence Stanton. Ths pastor will speak at g o'clock upon the subject, " Tilling me enore lines, and Making for the Deep." This is the church of tne giaa nana. Come and see. Other services for today are an nounced as follows: Christian Church Re. P. H Mears, minister. Bervloes at 11 a. m Bible school at 9:45 a. m. French Broad Avenue Baptist Church Rev. John Bomar, pastor; C. D. Carter, auperlntendent of Bab bath school. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. Preaching services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise service every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Lutheran church, 1 ner South French Broad avenue and Philip street. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Everybody Invited to attend. St. Lawrence Catholic Rev. Father Marlon, rector. Masses dally at 7:40; Sunday at 8 a, m. and 11am. Grace church (Episcopal) Rev. Water S. CaJn. minister In charge morning and evening. Morning service 11 a. m.. holy communion and ser mon; 4:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. BUtmore Baptist Rev. C. M. Rook, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 o'clock, evening service at 7:80 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o clock. Sun day school at 9:45 every Sunday, Superintendent J. P. Kltcbin. Baraca-1 Philathaa and Bible classes. A wel come to all; you are invited to wor ship with ua A revival every Sunday, Oakland Heights Presbyterian church. Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, pastor. Residence, 615 Biitmore avenue. Sun day school at 9:46 a. m. Public, I worship at 11 a. m. Visitors are cor dially received. Services st the Farm school at 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. First Church of ChrlLt. Scientist- Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Reading room in Paragon Dunaing, rooms 1 ana 2, open from 10 a. m. to 12 m. and from 8 p. m. to 6 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Haywood Street Seventh Day Ad- ventlrt Harvey J. Farmar, pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 oclocK- Flrst Presbyterian Dr. R. F. Campbell, pastor. Services at 11 m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at I so a. m. West End Baptist Church Rev. J. B. Grlce. pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, R. O. Young, auperlntendent. Morning services, 11; evening services. 8 ; mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8. Biitmore Methodist Rsv, D. R. romt, pastor. Services every sec ond and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Obunn's Covs Baptist mission meets every Sunday at p. m. A. M. Black, fuperlntendsnt. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all who wish to at tend. ALL SOUIaS PARISH. BUtmore. Rev. Francis B. Boyer. rector. Second Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, 9 a. m. Morning prayer snd sermon. Bunk er Hill rav. natriotlc service, II a. m Venito Noble Te Deam Garret Jubilate. Anthem. "The Son of God Goes Forth to War," Sullivan. , Evensong. 4:30 p. m. Psalm. Magnificat. Nunc Dimlttis. Offertory, "He Who Safely Keep- th." ' Organ recital (after service ). Postlude Alia Marcla C. J. Grey Communion . . .Baellermann Finale from symphony vierne ' ' T ' TRINITY EPISCOPAL. Corner Aston and Church streets: Rev. Willis O. Clarke, rector. Sunday, June 3. Second Bunday af ter Trinity. Holy communion, 8 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, lam.' THE ARMY OF THE PINES. The pines go marching, marching up tne nm In long and serried lines: By dawn and dusk I see them march ing still, The army of the pines. And-ber there searching cold or scorch ing heat Upon their close confines, Yet they seem marching on with measured beat. The army of the pines. Though storms assail with their tern- j pestuoui flaws, ' The gazer's eye divines How they go marching, marching without pause, The army of the pines. Hark! 'tis as though there rang some virile lay Down their embattled lines! 'Gainst human wrong may we march stanch as they, The army of ths pines! Clinton Scollard. Denmark's crops for 1918 were only elglity-flve per cent of 1915 produc-ti6n. G01N91 G-OINO-H OONC III IMMWMfl SMMMilMI 0 Utt im MJMGBI WHENEVER I see the word YCLEPT IN print I want to PULL SOMEBODY'S hair. I DON'T BELIEVE in using the DICTIONARY AS a STUMBLING BLOCK for the rOLKS AT home or elsewhere, i HEARD a woman say 1 USt a preparation. YCLEPT HERPfCIDL HER HAIR was realty beautiful BUT HER langTiags MADE ME sick. Toura for beautiful hair, A CHILLY DAY FOR W1LUE. "Little Willis had a mirror. And he licked the back all off, -Vainly thinking In his terror, It would curs ths whooping cough. At ths funeral said his mother To her neighbor, Mrs. Brown, 'Twas a chilly day for Willis When the mercury went down." We have a biff stock of the best THERMOME TERS on the market. A beautiful Desk Thermometer ' only 25 ets. We want j-our business for anything in the HARDWARE line. Orders filled promptly. Northup-McDuffie HardwareCo. 33 Patton Ave. HARDWARE. Phone 142 Get This Guarantee The makeri of Quaker Tiret do more than make "the finest tires made" they guarantee them to be, at least, 1500 miles better than the tires you likely use. Tempering the rubber adds "the finishing touch" to tiret that are as sturdily built as your car itself. Tempered rubber is marvelously tough, it does not cut easily nor wU it crack, chip or pick out. Certainly you are not fair to yourself if you continue ' to use tiret adjusted on a 3500-mile batit when you can get the Quaker adjustment of 5000 miles. One Quaker Tire on your car will tell you three mora. Come in and tee ut. STETSON TIRE CO. V College and Spruce 6ts. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Every pound goes much farther ikve.- j , WiiWaWtl A POUNDof nuns con tains about i pound of real roughage and about pound of lint. After being eaten, the old stvle hulls swell to twice -the weight, or lyi pounds. A pound of Mt MASS COTTONSEED (I I ; IK HULLS S UNTLKSS also doubles after being eaten but as they are 100 per cent roughage, the original pound becomes 2 pounds not lyi pounds. Therefore, a pound of Buckeye Hulls goes a third again as far as a pound of old style hulls. In other words, you only have to feed i pound of Buckeye Hulls to give the same food value as a full pound of old style hulls. Other Advantage ' Buckeye Mulls cost much less per No trash or dust. Sacked easy to handle. They mis well with other forage. They take less space in the bam. ton than old style hulls. Buckeye Hulls allow better as similation of other food. Mr. Bn Faulk, Dothan, Ala., prtfrt Buckeye Hulli to old ttylt Auff becaust cows -like them as well, they ere cheaper, they agree with the cows, and they go farther, on tack lasting as long as two sacks of the old style. Ts seeore die sett rendu ana te eVrebe lbs aasflafa soar, ttwf the haOs thoroughly twlvm homra brnforo foeding. It b sasy Is as this by wetting than dews night and awmins far ths aext reeding. If at any hsss this eanast be dene, wet down st least thirty anratea. If yea prefer te feed the bulb dry, ass snly halts amcb by bulk at sf sld ttjb bulb. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for erery combination of feeds used In the 8outh. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. j ine Buckeye Uotton Uil (Jo. AtUtttm Aast fllrmlnghmm thtU Xoca Oast. J : wab What is believed to be the oldest in-J An Inventor has patented a motor habited residence in the world Is a driven machine . for splitting apart mansion la Germany that was built I cakes of Ice that freese together when la U0. Stored,- .

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