0 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, A6HKVILLE, N.- 0, JUNE 17, lfllT. Social and Personal U 3E dellclou refreshment war rrd th email gueata. Th children prea- nt were; if lasa Hilda Berry. Franca Felmet. Blanche King. Helen Brank. Laicll Willi. Joanna Camp ana Addle Ooldsmltb. J. MhM Emily Campbell Mnr tea at th Country club yaaterdey altar noon, th oooaaloa bain; tba regular Saturday aftarnoon tea danoa, Tb Of Interest In Ashevlll waa tb marriage of Mia MatUa Torn and JJr. John A- Buchanan, whtoh taak plar recently at HaMgh. Mr. Buch anan to tb brother ot Mr. W. T. Rowland, ot thto cltji lira. Bobbie Prtr, of Aahevllle. wu a brtdas - paid. Tb following 1 from th IHirham paper i "Una ox tn moat oeauarui ana brilliant wad dine In tb history of Imrhara waa that of Mia Mat tie Uo Cvllen Torn and Mr. John Adam Buchanan, aolamnlaad at Mraorlal Methodist church at : o'clock t urday evening-. Tha church, thronged with guest. waa a acene ot unuaual beauty, balnf moat artistically dcoratd in whit and green. "Paint llttl flower glrle, Margaret , tule Oerr ami Virginia Forwara, preceded th bridal party, coming eparately down tha right and left alii. Tby wora whlta not frock with abort pink rail and carried mail laghorn hat flUd with pink roaaa and blu raarcad robins Tba groomsman ntrd two at a tlm, coming down th aial aa fol low: At tba right. Clinton Tom and 1 P. ateLsndon. Aln Worth and Bam Anxlar; at th left, Edgar Tom and Fuller Olaae, Arthur Harrta and Er neat Howard, of Oxford. Th bridesmaid were foomtng1y r owned In whit lac oat. trimmed in band of pal blue meaaallna touch R, J. Oaaton, Mr. J. J. Oudger. Mr. W. U lyuther. Mr. C- 1). Mallonee, Mr. B. H. Pole. Mr. O. W. Lindsay, Mia Ardl Hall and Mia Owendotlne Oaaton. Vlvltore present were: Mra. D- P. Luther. Mra. Oordon Luther, Ml Ila May Sawyer, Mra. W. U Luther, of Qreenvllla. g. C.i Mra. M. E. Kin-, of Aahavlila, and Ml Pearl Bowl, of Btateaviiie. tf if Mia Tlrginla Fortune entertained with a beautifully appointed tea Frl day afternoon at her home on Bart- lett atreat. In compliment of her gunata, Mia Mary Bell Herring, of Raleigh, and Mlaa Madred Hood, ot Dunn, N. C, and tba three gueata of Mia Nancy Mammon, His urace Bunn and Mlaa Eaftll Oiiffln. of Rory Mount: and Mlaa Nana Crocker. Suffolk. Va- Tha lower floor of the house waa mad especially attract Ice by th ua of many pink and white out flower, re and daUles being th chief flower. Th1e color not wu carried out In th dainty lo coura urviul IJMla Mlaa Kllsafoeth Will. torn daJnUy f rocked in a whlta water. organdy drees over pink, recelred th oarde of th fifty or mor gueat who called during tha receiving hour. tr ar Mr. Thoma A. Jon, ot th local branch of tha Nary league, la Inter satin tba women of Aahevllle In knit ting and other work for tb comfort of American eallora. At th request of floor waa crowded during tha hour ot until CIO o'clock with ntnuaiae- tlo danoa ra. Tha golf couraa and ten nli court have been popular during the week, and almoet every anernoon eererel taJblee of bridge are enjoyed by tha member who go out to the club and lea their knitting at noma. Ura. Klnjr Kennedy waa tb ehlef gueet of an Informal farewell tea given at tha Bandanna tea room yee- terday aftarnoon. Mra. Kannedy who ha been spending tb winter at th Battery Park hotel, left yesterday for her home at Kokomo, Ind.. Mr, Xlnar Kennedy, who baa been a atu dent at the Aahevllle School for Boy. aoromoanled hi mother home. They will return to Aahevllle In tb fail. tr tr Tb Fannl Hark eoclety of th First Baptist church will meet with Mr. J. T. Jordan. 10 Boarden ave nue, on Monday afternoon at 1:10 c clock. ; Appointing the Wedding Day Km to Hula perpleadtlae; but thsr la Bom ao Import aj Madia out th right ktnd of lnvltatlona If thar rr a tlas whea a bride should epp.ar wet t bar Meads, It aheoid be through the proper rartlaga and appearaaa of r waddla eardai to fall upon this potot u utotab that laduee favorable comment Tb safest plaa la t MM ta tk I. p. Meveaa Ingrarlng Co.. of Atlanta, Oa., for ampla and price which will b auppllad free of eharga. ST Mlaa Mary King enUrtalned with a swimming party during tna wk Th ruests motored to Laurel park and enJoyad tba afternoon la tne Th wedding of Mia Martha Carrie Hendarson. dauahter of Mr. and Mra F. E. Henderson, to Mr. Boa O Duckatt, waa aolemnlsed at T:4I o'clock last night at th brld' bom, Dr. P. H. Mean, pastor of th Chris tian church, olBclatlng. Following th ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Duckett left for an extended bridal tour. Later ed with pink, with scarf, of pink and Mra. Jona., Mra. J. B. Wok.rson. l.&SAmL blue tulle. They carried leghorn hats preeldant of th city Federation of they will b at horn la AahvlU. filled with Dorothy Perkln. roae and club, request, all member, of the 7B,M pni, rsgred roblna. tied from tha left arm with pink and blue tulle- They en tered alngly In tb following order: . At th right. Miss Annie Cobb, Mlaa , Mildred Crouch, of Clarksvllle, Ten nessee; Mlaa Fannl Buchanan, of Oxford: Mis. Bohbi Porter, of Aaha vllle; atth left. Miss Ellsafceth 8tag, Mies Margaret Jenkins, of Newport New.; Miss Susie Morgan, of Hart ford, and Mis Mary O'Brien. "Th maid of honor, Mlaa Olady Gorman and Miss Mary Toms, enter ed alon at th right aisle, llttl Mia. Tama Immediately preceded her .la ter, tb brld. They wor whit lace frock trimmed with plqk and brides maid rati, of pink tulle, caught with rosebuds, (Standing to th wal.t. They , carried leghorn hats, swung over th left arm with pink tulle and filled with pink .weetheart rose. "Th brld entered th church with liar fathr, Mr. Clinton Whit Toms. Always lovely, h waa mor than usually beautiful In an exquisite ores tlon of Duchess satin, trimmed with Dutch laca and pearl, and mad with a court train. Her veil of lac and tulle waa arranged In th fash ionable 'bonnet' effect, caught at th .Ides with orang blossom. She car ried dainty whit .at In muff on her arm, which formed th foundation for . her bridal shower bouquet of whit orchid and lillea of th valley. She was met at th altar by th groom, with hi best man, Mr. Watts Norton. "Tha marrtag rite of th Meth odist churrh was used, Bishop John C, Kllgo, llf-long friend of th brld, officiating, and her pastor, Mr. North, ftsal.tlng.' . .. Jt J Invitations, to the marrtag of Mia ' Marina Wods Bsll, daughter of Mr. Klantey Bell, and Mr. Robert Ward Hunt Harris, have boen recelred in AshevHle.',' Th wadding will be a l)Tllllant ; sodlal ven of Saturday, June tl and will take place at 12 o'clock- at. the home of the bride', mother, 'Washington Hall, Cedar. Hill, Tenn. Mr Harris la the son of Mr. Chart J. Harris, of Dlllsfcoro, -Jf.-C. jl j -The Ladles Aid society of Mont morence church at Candler held it. regular monthly meeting1 Thursday afternoon with Mr. C D. Mallonee 6t the horn of her mother, Mrs. R. J. Gaston. In th absence of the president, Mr. 8. J. Luther presided over th meeting. Mrs. J. J. Oudger lead th devotional exercises and pa per, were read by Mr. C . D. Mal igna and Miss Ardl Hall. During th social hour Mrs. Mallonee, assist ed by Mr. Oordon Luther and Ml.. Gwendoline Oaston, served a salad course. Mr. W. L. Luther will en tertain th oclety next month. Th member, present were: Mrs. S. J. Luther, Mr. J. Q L. Oudger, Mrs. Federation to meet with Mr. Jon. Tuesday evening at 8 o clock at the Battarr Park hotel. Jl Jt Tb "Ann of Ava" olrcl of th Flrat Baptist church, will meet with Mrs. 8. A. Rector at her home. No. II Arlington street on Monday after noon at 1:10 o'clock. All member ar urged to be present. r tr Invitation, have been received In Aahevllle to the marriage of Mia. Mary Hllllard Lamb, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. George Charles Lamb, of Henderson, to Mr. .Arthur Alexander Bunn. Th wadding' will tak placa on Wednesday, June 27, at 1 o'clock at th Church of the Holy Innocent. r tr The Mary Alexander circle meets on Monday anernoon at l:!0 o'clock with Mr.. A. Bcbell at her horn on Henrietta street. The meeting Is a business meeting and all th member. ar asked to be present. tr tr Major and Mr.. Burnham 8. Col burn entertained recently with a din ner at the Manor. The party was a farewell compliment to Dr. Plnkney Herbert. Covers were laid for .lx teen. Major an.1 Mrs. Colburn and children, who have been spending several month, in Aahevllle, have gone to Turtle Lake, Mich., for the summer. They will return to the city In October for the winter season, js jl (Mine Sarah and Eleanor McLoud, of Aahevllle, are prominent in the spring activities at Lake Brie college. Mis. Sarah . McLoud wa. recently elected Dre.ident of the Drama club for next year. She 1 to play Hlppolyta In "A Mid-summer Night . Dream," th commencement week play which will be ariven on the out of door stage with th tree ot th grove a. a back ground. - : Mis Eleanor McLoud has been chosen a. one of the delegate, who will represent the college Y. W. C. A. at th Intercollegiate students' con ference at Kaglesmere, Pa., following the close of the college year. She was alio re-elected stage manager of the Drama club for another year, Miss Matt! McCullen Tom. and Mr. John Adams Buchanan, both of Durham, were married recently at Memorial Methodist church, v Jl Mrs. W, I Berry-entertained y terday afternoon for her daughter. Llttl Mia Hilda Berry, who celebrat ed her tenth birthday. Mis. Pearl Weaver rendered a muslclal program which wa. greatly enjoyed by the children. Various out door games were played and lat in th afternoon Member of tb Junior Philathea class of th First Baptist church, en tertained th members of th Junior Baraca claa at a reception In th Sunday school room, of th church Friday evening. Thlrty-flv member of the two classes were In attendance. On of tha moat Interesting features of the evening waa tb spelling con test between th two classes which was won by the rhllatbeaa. Refresh ment were served. Mr. and Mr. Cay MoCall hav re turned to their home on Cumberland avenue after epondlng som tlm at Atlanta. Mr. C. H. Commnui and Ml Louis Rosa Commeaux. of Apelocaa, La., are gueata n Ashertlle and ar spending some tlm at tb Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Monro, who have been spending their honeymoon In the north, arrived yesterday. Mr. Monro was Mix. Doria Davenport before her recent marriage. Mr. Robert George and Mia Jan nette George will go Monday to their home at East Palestine, unto. Mrs. George and Miss Marguerite Geora will leave Aahevllle the first ot August for their horn In Ohio. Mr. and Mrs- Chart. S. Jordan went yenterday to Moorenead City for a stay of two weeks. Mr. Duff Merrick leaves today for a brief tay at Washington, u. j. Mr. P. L. Olllsey has returned to Philadelphia after spending a short time In the city. Mr. and Mr. James I Coleman and their daughter, Mis Margaret Coleman, at Mobile. Ala., ar expect ed to arrive shortly to spend the Hummer season In Aahavill. Mr. and Mr.. W. E. Webb and children, of Ktateavllle, have com to the city to spend several weeks, Efficient Dental Service Wt invito comparison in all re sptcts-our office equipmnt-meth-ods-.worh, and our personnel. Our efficiency saves you both time and money. ASK YOUR FRIENDS Drs. SM ATHERS & BEAM DENTISTS Over Carmlchael's. Phone 1561. 20 Reduction oir Ladies' Summer Suitings Logan & Moore Tailor to Ladle and Gentlemen. 12 So. Pack Sq. O11I7 three more days of this offer. All this sea eon's popular fabrics. GABARDINES VULOTJRS RATINE SHEPHERD CHECKS BELGIAN IRISH LINENS WHIT II SERGE PIQUES BRILLIANTINEe JERSET CLOTHS CREPE POPLINS SPORT CHAMOISXNB JAPANESE RIBSILK GUNNTBtTRXi Phono 797 "We can tailor yon a Suit In three days fashioned to perfection of style. $40 Suits at . (Mr. A. L. Duckett has returned from a hort visit to her slater at Bry- son City. Mrs. Carrie McKee, of Sylve, jg visiting friend. In AshevHle. Smart Sweaters for Summer Wear In Silkiand light weight Shetland .Wool - these ever-useful garments seem to grow daily in popular favor. Shetland Sweaters in rose, Copenhagen, corn, purple, lavender, light blue, Nile green, white and black, are , ., . . $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00 Shetland Slip-Ons, in light, colors, are $5,00 and $7.50 Heavier Knit Sweaters, rose, Copen, green and purple, black and white $9.00 and $12.00 Fibre ; Silk Sweaters in colors . $9.00, $15,00 and $19.50 Silk; Sweaters, in gold, green, rose, poppy red, Blue, etc.; also in white and black $25.00 to $45.00 Mr. J. C. Patton left recently for an extended trip to the (west, coast Canada and Alaska. Mr. Patton wa accom panted by Mr. Herbert Knapp, who Kpent some time last ran with him They will be gone about two month. ti - Miss Rebecca Cathey ha. returned to her home at Sylva after visiting Mr. M. C. Wood and Mis Mildred relative for several day In Aahavill. Wood have returned to their horn at Btatesvlll after visiting relative. In AshevHle for a few days. Air.. William C. Hudson ha re turned to the Battery Park hotel af ter a visit of two week, with her sister, Mrs. Fred Todd at Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Lee and family leave this week for their summer home In the country, Mrs. Carl Cutt, of Birmingham, will visit Mr. and Mra. Leo for several week. longer. Miss Helen T- Leighton and Mlaa Annie W. Booth, of Rochester, N. X., are visiting In the city. Mr. C. E. Philadelphia while. Lyman roes today to to be gone a short Special Sale of Boys' Wash Suits In Norfolk and Middy Styles. $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Values 98c On Sale Monday Morning Boys' Department Third Floor. 11 Patton Ave. N. B. Shoppers who wish to com to the store In automobiles or arrU4e may enter through th basement from College street while Patton avenue Is impassable. ...--. - Mrs. W. E. Coleman, who has ben upending; some time with friend, at Btltmore, leave, today for her home at Norfolk. Dr. W. M. Holllday went yesterday to Washington City for a short stay. Mr. J. J. Brltt return to Washing ton today after spending' some time In the city. Miss Lilly Wood Is th rueat of her coueln, Miss Christine Cathey, at Sylva. Mrs. E. L- McKee, of Sylva, I. the jruest of friends in the city for a few days. Mr. O. H. Buchanan ha returned to St. Louis after a brief stay in the city. I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mason' and children, Mr. and Mr. Fred W. Glover and children, Mr. and Mr.. J. S. Wler, Mra. Charle. E- Piatt and Mrs. Harry W. Dixon, all of Charlotte hav arrived by motor and will spend the week-end in Aahevllle and Chim ney Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Anderson. who hav been spending their honey moon in Asnevme. have returned to their home at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Morrison, of Hickory, spent a few days In Aahevllle recently. They came by motor, and were on their way to Knoxvill. Mrs. Robert Neeley. of Auaruata. has arrived for the summer and is at her home on Victoria drive. Miss Vlrrlnla Fortune, whit la an. tertainlng a small house party at her home on Bartlett street, has a her guests Mis Marybe-H Herring-, of Ralels-h. and Mis Madred Hood, of Dunn, N. C. ' i i ' l.:jiite. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Marltr ire now BISCUITS AND HONEY Good! But be sure and have the right kind of honey. Don't forget on your order tomorrow OUR ' Pure Bee Honey in Sections, 25c. Best quality Granulated Sugar, 25 pounds, $2.15, 11 pounds $1.00 SAWYER & STRADLEY Tb Mor Sanitary Whera Quality Praratla. Dtaiwr Party Tabt Byraiv U Colles or Phona ISO $32.00 $40.00 "K.,.. $48;oo S64.00 $50 Suits fit $80 Suits at . . . . ler waa before her man-lag Mis. Christina Lee of this city. Miss Ethel Harris Is spending r eral day visiting friend and rela tive at Raleigh. Mr. John Cox has returned to hi home at Wlnston-'Salem after spend ing aome tlm In th city. Mr. and Mr. William Worth Mar tin, of Atlanta, Oa., will arrive short ly for a stay of everal days In the city. ' Mr. Martin comas to attend tn North Carolina Cotton Seed Crush era' convention. Mrs. A. A. Hag-eman, of Shuck Mountain, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. W. F. Dowd and Matr Sid ney Dowd, of Charlotte, ar spending som time in Ashevlll. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Woodbury war in Durham during th week. Mr. Elizabeth Davidson ha re turned to Ashevlll after visiting la the eastern part of th state. Lieutenant and Mra. A. Fltpatrlck spent yesterday In tha City from their horn near Acton. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Waddell have as their guest at their home In Biltmore, Mr.. Waddall'a aunt, Mrs- Cornwall, of Louisville, Ky. Dr and Mrs. A. E. Gassier and Mrs. W. B. Murray, of Btapleton. Staten Island, N. Y., mak up a party who are spending several weeks as gueat at the Manor. t Mr. R. H. Wood, of Houston. Texas, is visiting friend In Aahevllle. Mrs. Lee Gregory ha returned to Baltimore after spending two week, with Mr. Gregory at the- Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mr. Oeorg J. Green have returned to their home In South Carolina after spending a month with friend and relative. In th city. Mr. George Menocal, who ha. ben visiting his mother, Mrs. Esther Men- ocal, for several week., left yester- ay for Annapolis. Ma., wnere he ha. NEW IMPORTATIONS ARRXVB. Tha Nippon Art company ha ju.t received a fre.h Importation of good. irora japan, in tni smpmant ar many specimens of exquisite em broideries and othtr article, of artla tio merit einee coming to A.hevlllo th Nippon Art company has. attracted much favorable attention on account ot tha artlrtlo Una of merchandise displayed. Sales are mad either at privat sal or at public auction three time, each day a 10:80 a. m. and 1:10 and T:0 p. m. ad-lt M. A W. Indian Coal always meets with the approval of tha on who pays th bills and tend th fire. Hav you tried this clean, free burning and satisfaction giving coal? If not. It's -tlm you did. Orders filled promptly In any quantity and aiie, at price you have fcn paying for a quality no bttr If aa good. Prompt Courteous Service ; a: In our store yon can give your order at leisure. A beautiful and spacious store. A store that is complete, bright and up-to-date, in which' good service is given and in which cleanliness and order are observed and where low prices are always quoted. Step across from the post-. office and meet ua. gnocaasoFto Gk4 ft Kara) Phones 718-719 (Continued on Next Page.) Miss Cruise's Shop Gray and faded hair restored to natural ooler. Absolutely harm less. Hume' O'real and other reliable preparation used. It Haywood St. Phone it. mm 1 1 . ii ferfvIylrraJI. MBS. DALK Hairdressing Parlor Shampooing and Manicuring. Facial Massag and Scalp Treat ment. Marlnello Preparations. S Haywood St- 'Phono MT1 Biltmore Ice Cream Fifty Cents THE QUART, DELIVERED Walker'sDrugSfore Phones 1S3 and 1M. ' FIRS FT-'K. Remodeled, Cleaned, Repaired. Bummer Price. Tailor Suits and Skirts. LAMB A CO. 17 Haywood St. Phone 84. TOtT NEED A CORONA TYPEWRITER At horn or when traveling. Com la and talk It over, Office Outfitter Commercial Printer Rogeis Bookstore Phen St. AahtirU . It Pattoa Ar. . Opening Day Tomorrow Monday Asherllle'i New Comfort Shop. We with to make It known to th ladles of Aahevllle and vicinity that w bar opened la Ashertlle a branch of our com fort shop, atrlotly up-to-dat and sanitary in every respect, thor oughly equipped with all tha latest devices. Wo carry com plt Una of fine human hair and ornaments e.l.o a full line of the famou Fawthaaa preparation. Com up for demonstration. W mak a' specialty of treating the face and scalp, cham poolna manicuring, etc. Will appreciate your patronage. Take elevator to Room 112, Druhmer Bid;., corner Patton avenue and Church street The Comfort Shop B13 Druhmor Bid-. E. B. HOWARD, Prop. Phone 2236 Doctor Harriet H. Danser Licensed, Graduate Chiropodist THOROUGHLY MODERN EQUIPMENT KO. 1 PACK 60UARE. OVER NICHOLS SHOE CO. the guests of Mr. and Mr. W. H. ' "Kt Al WlnstnnJSalem1 j&tV&UU