I THE ASHETOXB CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1917. G 4 o THE MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE WICKER FURNITURE may be used to excellent advantage in THE LIVING ROOM Or THE DINING ROOM We have a large and com plete assortment. Call and let us slum: you. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Phone 226. 15-17 Broadway. YOUR SICK CHILD IS LI Hurry, Mother! Bemove poisons from little stom ach, liver, bowels. Give "California Syrup of rigs" lr cross, bilious, or feverish. CONSTIPATED I 1 AT TONGUE OPENING OF CIRCUIT COURT OF . APPEALS HOST NOTABLE EVENT Strong Addresses of Welcome Delivered on Behalf of City, State, Judiciary and Bar-Judge J. 0. Pritchard Responds for Himself and Associates. f $50.00 CORONA TYPEWRITER Standard Keyboard doe work equal of the highest priced. Bmalfca cm carry In suit cui. Be tt today. BATTERY PARK BANK . ashsvizxjb, n. a TATE, UOUMTX AND CTTT DEPOSITORY. Capital f.,....f. . .f.-.;.r.-,...$ 100,000 Surplus and Profits .j 220,000 OFFICERS: JAMES P. BAWTER, Chairman of the Board, r. a COXE. President ERWIN BLTJDER, VI oe-Free. C. RANKIN, Caahlar. NO LOANS MADE BT THIS BANK TO ANT OF ITS OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS. An event notable In the history of AahovlUa and In court procedure In Aahevllle and North Carolina took plaoa yesterday at noon, when tha first session of tha United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth district was formally convened with Judge J. C. Pritchard, of Asheviiia; Judge Martin A. Knapp, of Washing ton, aqd Judge Charles A. Woods, of Marlon, 8. C, presiding. As a tribute to the corning of this great tribunal to Ashevllle. members of the bar of Aahevllle and North Carolina, under the direction of Louts M. Bourne, had arranged a splendid program of wel come to tha visiting jurists, and soma excellent addresses were heard. Among the speakers were Louts M, Bourne. Corporation Counsel Marcus Erwln, Aubrey I Brooke, retiring J reel (Vent of the Stajte Bar association ormer Governor locke Craig, es- Oocgri e man James J. Britt, author of the Mil which brought the court to Ashevllle; Ralph K. Orson, former president of tha Booth Carolina Bar association, and Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the Supreme court of North Carolina. Response to the addressee of welcome was delivered by Judgo Jeter C. Pritchard, whose address waa complimented by the attorneys pres ent as a masterpiece of forenslo ability. Mr. Bourne presides. Promptly at noon, the meeting was called to order by Louis M. Bourne, president of the Aahevllle Bar asso ciation, the court room at the Federal building being A Lied to Its utmost ca pacity. The three Judges, In their gowns, added an impressive tour; to the scene, while a Urge number or la- No matter what ails your child. gentle thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. it your nrte one is out-of-eorta, half-alok, isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look. Motherl aee If tongue la coated. This Is ure sign that it'a little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. Whan cross. lrHtahl feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or dies were present In the court room to has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore witness the msklng of judicial history throat, full of cold, etve a teasnoon. In North Carolina. rui ot "California Byrup of flga," and (Mr. Bourne. In Ms opening address. in a few Hours all the constipated va.11t attention tn the efforts mads bv puison, uddiiww rooa ana sour oils m.mwt nt tx i.iini kt tn a- gently moves Out Of its little bowels I .-. ha knll.. nt an ,nnml farm without TlPng. and you hare a well, 0f the United Btatea Circuit Court of emu pun. I Anneals In Ashevllle. and the work !?0TrT rfZ,,r?.jfW' that had toon. don. to secure this term. He told now tne memDers or this harmless "fruit laxatlve,'T be cause K never f Jls to cleanse the little one'a liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach and th-y dearly love Its pleasant taate. Full direc tions for babies, children of all ages ana ior crown-upi printed on- each Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent the local bar association had always felt a personal interest In the court, through the elevation of Judge J. C. Pritchard. of this city, to the bench. and said that the feeling that the court wa more of a local than Fed eral court was wide-spread. Mr. Bourne expressed the hope that bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;" the time would eome when ,the state TT 1 1 1 I 1 Conservative Courteous Opposite P. 0. B. I). Ray. President, fuKis C. Martin, Vice Pres. John A. Campbell, Cashier. " Wa, r. Duncan, Awt Cashier. then see that it is made by the "Call fornta Fig Syrup Ooaueaiur." Advt PICNIC WEDNESDAY AT AVERY'S GREEK JOBBERS, STEAM FITTERS, PLUMBERS, CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS New Pipe, Black and Galvanized, all sizes. Car lot orders solicited. We carry in stock constantly 50,000 feet prompt delivery. See , us for prices. Wholesale only. S. Sternberg & Go. Depot St. PKone333 Our Business . ... Coal, Lime, Cement, Hauling, Wagons and Farm Implements. . Your Business To get the best for your mdney. Get our pricesr In our line. It pays. ASHEVILLE DRAY, FUEL & CONT. CO. 41 Broadway. RED FRONT. Phone fas. FOR PEACE OR WAR Tbarewss never eseaartooBsnd by ewCwsiiaii I trlw tax man bo 1m bam tzainad to tfcink sdenUScally ard to work aOdaaUy. 1 l Asd this imoMad awiat snrtf mis whan the werid is agaia at p ai as, T ka CaerfU ScsmI si Tsctsel Is preparing yagnBarpoiMeBSef ther e eiUvar: la naace or la war. Quasi, faclodias tetk oral and tetanies! i tealalag. are ottered fa Minilnl. Bsolrlssl, CM. O tosl and Testae - ' ) CRGINCERQIG AKCBITECrOSE, AIQ COKUERCS k , . 'Theaetisoalrspatetlaaoftbiilnstib t ttsaredaasia. ItssisMsnsamtiMdiiplatbeetnatiaoi j , TC AppPeatloas are now tslag sesatwd lot the nextseialon. which opens Sept Ml y . Fceestslotisdarsa tLCbMATHCSON. rVealdenl. AtlawtavOaj il.HlFiiirl!illill!(lIilililiK(Plfi Hundreds attended a Fourth of July celebration, the greatest in years, a$ Avery's Creek, twelve miles from Ashevllle, Wednesday. In the morning several patriotic addresses were made and songs and recitations given by the children. The crowning- event ot the after noon wis two ball games between the Avery Creek and Falrvlew teams. Fairview won both, the first, 4 to 0 and the second 4 to 8. The last game went for sixteen Innings. With the count knotted, 1-J. one of the Fair view sluggers caught a fast one on the nose and sent it into a distant pine tree for a home run. Refreshments of various kinds were served throughout the day. 1VI AYR'S Wonderful Remedy for STOMACH TROUBLE One dose convinces. . Smith's Drug Store Broadway Pharmacy and other reliable druggists. NOTICE To the Public Effective with . the next chance of eohedule, Sunday, July Sth. train It, bow scheduled to leave Ashevllle at i:5S a. win depart at 1:10 a. m., and . will he operated through to Golds boro as heretofore, but will move to Barber Junction and thence by Wlnaton-Salem to Greensboro. Train 11, tn the opposite direction, will arrive at Ashe vllle at 8:20 p. m.. Instead of 8:00 p. na.. as at the present timeV . , Train 101, which . haa formerly left Ashevllle at T:10 a. m., Eastern Time, wilt leave Ashevllle at 0:10 a. tnH Eastern Time. ' " Trains II and 22 bstiroen Aahevllle and WaynesviUe will be discontinue!. JT. TEL. WOOD Division Paseenjrer Agont . AahevUle, N. C and federal systems of jurisprudence would be assimilated In all respects and mads aa near alike as possibls. He said that this would add greatly to the expedition of Justice. Mr. Bourne also offered an apology for the oresent meeting place of holding the court, and promised, on behalf of himself and the Ashevllle Bar asso ciation, that the 41me would not be far distant when Ashevllle would te able to offer the Judges more fitting quarters than the present federal building. At the conclusion of his address, Mr. Bourne Introduced Mar cus Erwln, corporation counsel, who offered a welcome on .the part of the city. Marcus Erwln speaks. (Mr. Erwln said that the happy task of welcoming the Judges had been delegated to him by the city commis sioners, and .that the coming of the court was the fruition of a hope long cherished by the people of Ashevllle. He declared that the city la proud of the distinction of having the court as a permanent institution and declared that the judges would find it an ex cellent place for the administration of justice. He declared that the hearts of and home of Ashevllle are open to the visiting Judges and that they will And the advantages of a comfortable, progressive cosmopolitan city within the borders of Ashevllle, together with every advantage that goes to make up a Christian, law abiding community. - Aubrey I Brooks, or Greensboro, retiring president of the state bar as sociation, who was the next speaker, said that the members of the state bar association also desired to claim some of the credit for bringing the higher court to Ashevllle, and on be half of the state association, extend ed' a most cordial welcome to the Judges and the court attendants. Te told how, in former years, there had been, not without some reason, a feel ing that a United States court was an alien court, and that southern mem bers of the bar had been neglected when it came to selecting Judges of a higher court He declared, however. that this had now all been remedied. and that the United Statea courts have become the most important tribunals on earth, in the eyes of all people. welcome cor state. Governor Locke Cral. former chief executive of the state of North Caro lina, epeaking for the state, declared that there was a universal feeling ot satisfaction among all the state offi cials at the fact of having the court as a permanent institution. He refer red to the former feellna? against the court In the south, and , said that it was not strange; as the appointments were made by people not In sympathy with the wishes of the peole of this section. He told how this feeling had changed, and how all sectional lines fl Women Everywhere t Use Lemon Juice : To Beautify Skin had bsen eliminated, and said that the state la now proud to have a court of this distinction within its confines. Hs declared that the nation la now at war. and that the- American (lag. wherever It flies, is now a symbol of liberty to all oppressed and down trodden people. Former Congressman James J. Britt who Introduced the bill clvlns- the oourt to Ashevllle, modestly dlsclslm ed all credit tn the eass, declaring that without the able assistance given by Mr. Bourne, Clement Manly and others of the Ashsvllie and state bar associauons, bis efforts would have been Useless. Ha alaa mantlnna tha help given by Judge H. J. Steele, of rennsyivsnia. Mr. Rrltt am M t tiara had never been any real reason for noaiinry Between the state and federal courts, and that whatever had existed had now passed anrav. He Bald his tribute to the Judiciary and bar of monn uaronna and predicted that the movement launched sometime ago for a half million dollar federal build- ing here would eventually bear fruit For South Carolina- Ralph k. Csraon, former president ot Tine esoutn Carolina Bar association, said that South Carolinians fee a personal Interest in the court through the presence of Judge Woods, of the rsimetto state, on the bench, and be cause they felt that, through Judge Woods, the state contributed te the dignity and honor of the court Mr. Carson said he liked to practice In Federal courts, snd that he believed in the selection of Judges rather than in tneir election. Chief Justice Clark, of the state Supreme court, spoke for the judiciary or the state In welcoming the court nt aeciared that the two courts, fed era! and stare, havs thslr foundation tn the same organic conditions, and said that there Is no reason for any feeling of distrust between them. He welcomed the court to North Crollna, and said that tbs state Is proud that Ashsvllie was sslected as the perma nent place for holding the court. Judge Pritchard Respond. T, T n D.lfa.k.Ml a. Aafcwf1!a made the response for himself and two confreres. Judge Pritchard's Address, Judge Prltdhard said In part! "Gentlemen of the State iBar associa tion and ths bar of this city: "We are highly gratified at the gen. eroua welcome that you have ex tended the court on this the beginning of Its first regular term for AJhevllle. The spirit you manifest clearly, indi cates the treatment that Is to be ac corded the court by the people of this section of the circuit I have alway felt that there should be the closest relation between the bench and the bar, and In this my associates hearti ly concur. The performance of our duties aa Judges Is not without diffi culty, and sometimes embarrassment, but when we feel that we have the hearty co-operation and enjoy the confidence of those who practice be fore us, our burdena are more easily borne. And here it la appropriate to aay that aa the Judges are recruited from the bar, whatever of honor or renown the Judiciary has won, belongs to the legal profession. The most celebrated judgments that have ever been rendered from the bench were rendered after able and helpful argu menu from the bar. Think of the In valuable contributions to our Juris prudence in the forensic argument of Hamilton, Webster, Wilson, Martin, Prentiss, and many other brilliant or naments of the bar, whose names are familiar to us all "The Judge, if such a one there be, who imagines he has ho need of the aid of counsel. Is to be pitied, as are the unfortunate litigants uefore mm, or. rather T should aay, the unfor tunate victims of hie stupidity and conceit "To eay. moreover. In this eonnee tion, that not only has the American bar won imperishable fame in the forum and in the senate, but that in everv great movement in our history, which has redounded to the publlo good and the public honor, the lead- era have nearly always Been lawyers, would be but to affirm the well-known facts of history which no one can re rvmrt of Pennta 'There has never been any real rea uvn whr differences should have exist ed between the federal and the state rnurts- each worKing witmn its own sphere is entirely Independent of the other, and where Judges of either mnrt exercise common sense in the administration of the law. the one can always be helpful to the other, BOYS AND GIRLS . . .. , . . Are invited to Bee our window display of Summer Toys, the most entertaining toys on the market- Automatic Gravity Toys. No. 60 Sandy Andy No. 75 Sandy Andy No. 103 Sand Crane No. 151 Electric Elevator No. 100 Sandy Andy Panama Pile Driver Dumping Sandy Bizzy Andy Trip Hammer Northup-McDuffie HardwareCo. 53 Pattern Are, HARDWARE. . Phone 113 a ASHEVILLE MOTOR SALES COMPANY T-Tl BROADWAY . Distributors for COLE and WHITE MOTOR CAR Bad TRCCXfl HEAVY PINE AND OAK TIMBERS We carry a full line af FACTORY FRAMING. See as U you eanaot get what you want and we will furnish It BUILDERS LUMBER CO. Tarda at Graoe. Phoue Ills. 18-14 Commerce Bids, to do so) en account af Ira action as respects this mattsr. still I believe that It would have been much better to have provided that all oases should be either brought bv appeal or writ or error. Indeed I think that until the distinction between law and equity is aooiiened. if that should ever occur. it would perbapa be better for the profession, as well as for the Court of Appeals, to require lawyers to acquaint themselves with the rules and to adhere strictly thereto. It Is nardiy fair to the wen prepared lawyer who la oapabte of bringing his case here in a proper manner, to per mit aaother who perhaps la not eo well prepared to totally ignore the ruies oy Dringing hi ease here in an Improper manner without' being penalised. If lawyers and litigants could only appreciate the fact that thousands or dollars have been wast ed In the past, and many times liti gants deprived of their Just rights, be cause lawyers have not taken the pains to study the rules governing In such oases, I am sure this evil would be cured, either by the adoption of suitable legislation or the more rigid observance ot the rules by many of the lawyers of the circuit, Tn saying this it is not my purpose to lecture the members of the bar as to their duty; but simply tn a friendly way to advise them as to the importance of this matter. "There is one thing that I deem proper to refer to before I conclude. The whole country 1 overshadowed with gloom on account of the terrible war that is raging in Europe, and our own land is saddened on account of the fact that our brave boys are called upon to engage in this terrible conniet for the purpose of protecting American rights and rendering aid to suffering humanity. Notwithstanding this condition there are some who are doing all 1n their power to embarraai the president in his efforts to bring the war to a successful termination. The only way to successfully meet those who preach the doctrines of anarchy and disloyalty is to Instill in the minds Of the people, lessons of patriotism and devotion to America and her Institutions. Let us, there fore, cultivate a spirit of patriotism and respect for the majesty of the constitution, and the laws passed in pursuance thereof. The disposition In certain Quarters to denounce the courts and criticise those who are charged with the ad- unuicii u . in. jiaa a. i.u' dency to weaken the faith of the peo ple in the stability of our government Notwithstanding the critical condition of the affairs of the nation at this time, some have dared even to go so far as to criticise tne president and In the past this same class of people The beauty lotion which Is becom ing so popular throughout the coun try Is easily prepared by anyone, and a whole quarter pint of it doesn't cost any more than a small jar of the common, ordinal- cold creams. ' Add the juice of two fresh lemons to. three ounces of orchard white and shake well in a bottle. Strain the lemon juice two or three times through a fine cloth so no pulp gets into the lotion, .then it will keep fresh for months. Regardless of what pries you pay or how highly advertised, there is nothing else really more meritorious in beautifying, softening and clearing the akin. As a tan and blemish remover, also to remove oill ness and sallowness, lemon juice has no rival. Massags it Into the face, neck, and arma once or twice each day, and just see if It doesn't bring out the roses and hidden beauty! "Lemons have alwaya been used to bleach the ekin, but pure lemon juice is too highly acid, therefore should never be used except In this manner. If properly prepared, this sweetly fragrant lotion will speak for itself. Any drug store will supply the three ounoes of orchard white at very little i cost and the grocer will supply the lemon .-.... have Impugned the motive of the " -. - ...v tt.. a fia I oupreme oounr ane nigneex court in could possibly be In any sense .Tht courts are not above legitl of the word. There mate criticism, and when a Judge acts m w .r---- improver.? ne snouia ne criticisea. ably be in the future, eontnets or tnd lf n con(Jmst warrs,,ta it, he Jurisdiction, but .thj8uPJf JlrJ; should be impeached, but there should which presides offer the destinies of B0 wholesale denunciation of the all. wiiim tine ruiure. m u i courts, and those who attempt by determine such controversies in ac- g,.cn methods to bring discredit upon rnHuica with the constitution Which I h Imlinl.n should be teurht hv tha was framed by our forefathers. American people that the doctrines "I sincerely trust tnai me ay " which they teach can never nourish not far distant when we win nave on mertoan soil. a uniform procedure and practice "This is indeed a land of- liberty. ,i....,.),til ti. MuntlT. Every move-I ,,, . nn. a l.nA nt llnanaa anrt ment made by the congress, as well I tn sooner the lawless classes under- as by the supreme court u stand the true situation, ..the better promulgation of rules, tends In that ft will be for all parties concerned, direction. There is one matter that I We welcome from abroad the better I feel should be eailea to me aiwuuon i ciat, wn0 desires to eome among us, of the members of the bar of this i,ut our should be strengthened circuit Under tne aw a imwii-j improved so as to keep beyond .-.. ttir are two methods provld-I nur hnrriera those, who believe thai d, by wlil'h cases may be brought to I their mission In life Is to perpetuate this courj tor revjewi i roier m m. , stnre ana aiscora. .ine maiviauai bankruptcy law. Endless confusion wno believes in dynamite rather than l.. OTunm Aiit of tha Provision which I rao.nn m.nA who Is wllllna? to resort requires an appeal in certain Instances I to unlawful methods, to further his and In others a peuuon vo uiiiuuiiia i enas, snouia nna no eorgisi welcome snd revise. All cases from tne courts n this free land of ours. The enemies of bankruptcy could easily be brought I of this country and the demagogue .hi. Miir bv an appeal, and thus have much In common, and the one Is avoid confusion, mucn expense, aim i as aangerous as tne avn.r, ana eacn relieve the uncertainty among the I should be shunned by the American l.wvara as to how suits of this char-I neoole. acter should be brought here for re- I . "In these trying, times it should bs Ttw. - la source of gratlflcatron to know that Tihia la a matter that should he pre- our president used every means with- sented to the National Bar association. I in his power to avoid a conflict with and through that organization direct I Germany nothing more could have tn ronrress. where I have no doubt It I been done in the premises. Therefore, will receive prompt attention, n i i it pecomes Tne amy or every cinsen f hat we nave two metnoas or i or this country to upnoia tne presi- bringing up other cases,' but that la I dent in his efforts to vindicate our .1,1. tn. tne Tact tjiu uie romw nonor las Btrvewtw nur iimhihuvh. court still preserves the distinction be- I "That we will succeed In the under tween law and equity. So long as (taking in which we are engaged I v,.t iiatlnetion Is made, perhaps It I have not the slightest doubt Let us would be Just as well to permit the j press forward to the glorious future rules to remain as tney are at tnis i mat awaits us, jduutoj wm vui u iim. tv.t la. hava cases brought from I creme spirit which flashed from the an eaulty court on appeal and from I lips of Patrick Henry when he said law courts bv writ of error. I in the Continental Congress "I am Snouia uDtCTTO (tains, l not a virirmian, uui - w au..ntl. mh, an ! TtuainCM Session. vi-i. ..M.a that where a rase is I ' Immediately after the program mat i v writ nt error and It should I had been arranged as a welcome to v..,. k... hrmirht on aooeal. that the I the court had been conoluded, the ease shall be heard aa though it had court got down to business and when been properly orougnt on appeal, or it aajouraeq ywwraajr uwmwiq wti-m. vma. While I am not inclined I o'clock the following decisions had la the slightest degree to criticise con-1 been handed a own Railway company, plaintiff in error, va. Abigail Needham. defendant In error: error to the District oourt at Charleston, W. Va. Opinion by Judge Knapp, Reversed. - No. 1 1 11. George W. Rullard. plaintiff In error, va. tit United States, defendant in error; - error to the District court at Charleston, i. C. Opinion by Judge Knapp. Reversed. Na 1(16. John W. Bprlnkle, plaintiff In. error, va. the United States ot America, defendant in error) error to the Dlatrlct court at Baltimore, Md. Opinion by Judge Knapp. Affirmed. No. It II. fianford and Brooks com pany, owner of steam-tug "Alice." ap pellant, vs. NavlgaHone Generate Italian,' a corporation of the king dom of ItalV. claimant and nwnar nt steamship "Etna," appellee: appeal - from the District court at Baltimore, Md. Opinion by Judge Knapp. Af firmed. No. lilt. Chesaneaka and Ohio Coal and Coke company, plaintiff In error, vs. ins uoieao and Ohio central Hell way company, defendant In error; error to District court at Charleston, W. Va. Opinion by Judge Knapp. Af.', firmed. Judge Bmlth, dissenting. No. ltll. fl. D. Barrett Plaintiff in error, vs. the Virginia Railway com. pany, defendant in error: error to tha Dlatrlct court at Roanoke, Va. Opinion ny vuage rritenara. Affirmed, - case Argued. , . Case No. 18J7. P. D. Cemn. P. Camp and John M. Came, nlalntiffs in ' error, va. Morgan V. Ore as, defendant in orror; error In Dlatrlct court at Norfolk, Va., was argued and sub.' mitted by T. D. Bavaae and Thomaa n. wmcox oi ivonoiK ior tne plaintiffs in error and by D. Lawrence Groner of Nbrfolk and William M. Toomer of Jacksonville for the defendants jn error. - ' ' Case No. Hit, the Ferries com pany, owner and claimant of ferry boat "Rockaway," ot al, appellants, vs. Bannla Barnes, appellee; appeal from the District court at Norfolk. Va., will be argued today by R. Randolph ' Hicks, Hughes and Vandtver of Nor folk and Foley and Martin of New York for the appellants and . bv n Lawrence Oroner Of Norfolk for the appeiiee. mis case win be argued when court convenes this morning at 1 10 o'clock. . Will TRY TO EXPEDITE ROAD WORK IN COUNTY With a view to expediting the road -work being done Ma several different parts of Buncombe county, R. C, Stevens, superintending ths work, has made arrangements to secure from ' the county a number of tents In which his men will live while completing the Jobs. It is believed that this will tend to have the work completed at a much earlier daJte. ' Road work is be- ' lng done in the Swannanoa, Black i Mountain and other sections ot the ' county. . - BOOKLET ISSUED Oil W.W. JONES MEMORIAL An attractive booklet has been is. sued by the AahevUle Bar association, lit memoriam of the late William Westwood Jones, a member of the as sociation, who died, last year. The foreword Is by Louis M. Bourne, president of the association, while the minutes of a apeclal meeting held May 12, 1916, and addresses by F. A. fionnally and Judge Henry B. elev ens are Incorporated. , i idv. grese, (because It would be Improper I No. 1510, the Chesapeake and Ohio freckles, FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. now to Hemove .taaiiy. ' Her' a chance. Miss Freckle-fsos, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that It will not cost you a penny unless It removes the freckles; while it tt does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of ethlne double ' strength -from any druggist and a few applications should show you hew easy It ti to rid yourself or the homely freckles and get a b.siHi ful complexion. Barely Is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength o thine as this Is the prescription sold under guarantee ot money baclL U It lain to remove eUrt.

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