THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, .JULY 14, 1917. FOflMAL ORDER IS ISSUED DRAFTING I MENINTOSERVICE t (Continued Pron, Pag One ) ratal', making toe tola.) net quota for All stales el 7.000 rnm.V, Sonth's Quota. rlkwtnr are the net end gross queu for the southern GENERAL GOETHALS TAKES (Continued from Page One ) Net. Ornss. 10, U IT, lOt 13.151 11.411 1 419 Hit 15 147 21. lit 4.11 11.184 ' Plate, Plorsda Oeorvia 11.117 'Kentucky 14. til . I4Milelana It. til MiastaaUppl 10.101 North Carolina 15 T4 Pouth Carolina 10,011 Tennessee I4.6;i ,Tou 10. MS Virginia ll,7 Comparison bttwt en the gross and ' not quotas ehowt whit anv etate hu don in furnishing troop by the ' voluntary eystem. Oragon'a grs quota, la T.TIT man. but the state haa 4, (It national guardsmen and haa , gtren 1.974 war recruits to the regular army. In all. Oregon had credit for ,67 volunteers to apply saslnst her ' groe quota which reduced her net quota, to TIT tmo. Arliona. on the other hand, with a rroaa quota of 4.471 man, haa only IT In the national cuard and haa recruited only 171 man aince April 1. for the rarulara. makea the atata'a net -quota after adjustment, i-i'i Naw York, with the maximum pop ulation and a groaa quota of 123,424 meal found a total of 6j.i7i voiun dnrlnr tha three montha. Includ in -'tier exlettiur force of 21.495 guardsmen. Hot quota therefore, la reduced .to fi.iii. ' Preparatlone for the treat drawing want ahead eteadily today. Of the 14.15 exemption dlatrlcm. tha papara at 1.800 have now reacnea waamna: ton and hundrede more may be In the mallei Tha data of the drawing can not b fixed, until tha laat dlatrlct has reported it work flniahed. ' China oorrfcaln mora Amwtcan m! alotuMrke than American tmalnose : man. .' . : TOO i TiATByOR FOB RENT FURNISHED Two large alryoonneotlng front rooma for llrhi houae keeping, In private fern llyy dose la; all conveniences. No tck taken.-' Tel. 1117. tf It Certainly Wat a Good Stunt ..- When we enraged Hgnor Pap . palardo'a Italian Oroheatra fom 4 to in the afternoon, and wa have ; received much approba tion si a reault ' XT invito you to' coma 1 dally and Hear tha mualo. v Blgnor Papfralardo re aponda to many. requesta for apodal umbtra.H- Wa are alao requestad to .tU that Blgnor Pappalardo hastened a studio for violin and piano at tt Collega Bt. 3 J. S. Claverte, Mgr. graaaional committee at tha time thta appropriation waa aaked for, of I,. 000,000 tone of naw conatructlon with in eighteen montha. The additional eontracta for wood ships which I expect to place, to gether with tha full number of fabri cated steel ships, which It le planned to build, will require mora money than congreas haa authorised. When I know how much will be needed, It will l.e neceaaary to aak eongreaa for further auma Commandeer Shi pa. "I Commandeering of ah I pa In yardai On Monday 1 ahall deliver to shipbuilders a general etatement of the program which I have long been maturing for commandeering ahlpe now under conatructlon for private account (euch ahlpe having an ag gregate tonnage considerably in ex- cete of 1.400,000 tone.) "The eaienca of thle program la to commandeer all auch ahlpe and ex pedite their conatructlon by adding labor and cutting out raflnementa. By thua federalizing each yard, giving It government help and putting It on a apeed baala. wa ehall produce Ita freataat efficiency. Aa faat aa the ertha are cleared each yard will be devoted to tha produotlon of a alngle type of tonnage for which It la beat aulted. I count upon tha complete co-operation of tha yard a. "Tbla program la made compreheh alve tecauae expedition cannot ba ob tained In a yard engaged partly on ruah work and partly on pre-war time echedulea. My Inveatlgatlon haa Batte ned me that cltutena of tha United States and of our alliea will pay tha coat of expediting ahlpe now building for them and take them off our handa. If thla policy la adopted. It will conaerva our fund. "I agree that It la essential for the shipping board to requisition at once the neutral ship which axe con structed and ready to aall. I have no data to make an eatlmata aa to how many of these ahlpa there are or how much money will ba required for tbla purchase. I ahall therefore, cut my program to tna extant or iou.uuv,. ooo. Please notify ma at one wnetn- er thla Is enough. "Each dare delay in eummer in commandeering or contracting means two dava loas of time in throwing work Into the winter months It la for that reason I am urgent that tha program start on Monday." REICHSTAG GOES OR STRIKE UNTIL SITUAT OMCLEARS (Continued from Paga One APPAM REPORT FILED, Furniture Securely and sSaf ely Stored In a commodious, clean : "warehouse at reasonable " rates. ASHEVILLE Transfer & Storage Co. Phone no (S Broadway NORFOLK. Va' July II flpeclal commissioner Thomas H. wlllcox to day filed with Judge Waddlll. of tha Federal court here, Ms report In the Appam caaa, fixing 1447,000 aa the amount of damages due the owners of tha British liner by reaaon of har cap ture by a Herman raider and her de tention by tha German prise orew In A neutral port. In addition. 17.039.17 received from the eale of part of tha Appam a cargo la recommended to be paid over to Henry Q, Harrison, man ter of tha captured linar, and ifce com mlseloner further recomniands that tha respondent pay tha eoat of tha Inquiry of tha oommlaaloner and any other coats tha court may determine as JUSU , .... A ham built la Orova Park can be sold at a profit rather than at a lose. PhonalJii, tf. ( I. i ... Spanish women hav takea to new, paper ailing. TRANSPORTATTOIf ILLEGAL. . ... f WABHINOTON, July U. , Every form of liquor traoaporta- tlon into dry territory is fwhld- dan. whether on neraon. by com. 4 tmon carrier, by private convey- anca or In bacgage, according to Instructions sent to United States 4 a- attorneys throughout the coun- try by tha department of Juatloa today. , reault in anything remotely approach. Ing rolution. or In ajy diminution of Oernvaaiy'a military power.'" The review aaya It la apparent that Crermany'e food eupply will hold out till the pras-snt crop Is harvaatad, al though tha aufferlngB of the poor have ban intanatflad arraaUly during tha past five months. Military domination tuts raavohad uch a ataar la Ovrmany, tha raviaw aaya, that tha lmpartaJ chanoallnr la utterly without authority ovar the mllltaxy leaders who do aa they pleas "and leave tha civil authorttlte to come along behind and apologise "Information reaching tha dapart mant of atata," says tha committee's revlaw. "Indloataa that the German political cruris- now rente ra primarily on tha quaatlona of Intarnal raforin and peaca, and that tha quaatloa of changea in tha personnel of the gov. ernment la aubordlnata in importance. The dlapuia Is ovar nveaauree rather than men. And whether or not tha chancellor and several secretaries of state loan their position It la untlkaly that the political storm can ba sillied until definite action haa bean taken in regard to tha Internal reform and poaco. . RoToiatJon Hot Expealed. "In aplte of the bitterness of th present contest In Berlin there kt not the ellrhteet reaaon to toller that it will reault in anything remotely ap proach in r revolution, or in any drmi nutlon of Oermany's military power. The crisis probably will lead to In temal reforms which from the point of view of Germany wfll eeem colossal but will be. In truth, only tna first steps towards making the Oerman people maaters of their own destiny. "Th moet that oan be expected to reault from the rrlale In the near future, la, first, abolition of ths Prus sian tnrneclaas voting system ana tn establishment of equal manhood auf f rage: second, a demand toy the relch staff that the srovemment ahould de clare Its adherence to tha ao-rcalled 'war-pro rram of Aurust 4. 1914 which stated that Oermany was trot driven to war by the desire of con quest bnt that the Oerman people took up arms only In defense of free dom. independence and to guard their i.mwa.i .i I, i e "Should ejections -to the Prussian diet be baaed on eoual manhood suf frags, control of tha diet would pass rrom tna junker parties. But splendid as this reform would fee, Germany will not bo on tha road to political free dom until the chancellor has been made responsible to th retohalaar and until the chancellor haa been given control over the military authorities, No Control Over Chinocllor. 'Uit present not only has tha relchatag no control whatever over tha chancellor, who la responsible to the emperor alone, but tha chancelloa Is utterly without authority over tha military leaden. . . . Unless tha present criala develops far beyond Ha present eoope. it will not beirln to make Germany a democratic nation, Nevrtheles, tnc disposition to coma out frankly in support o peaoe without annexations or indemnities Is increasing among all th political parties of Germany except tha eon aervatlve and tha national liberals.' ths review contlnuaa. "Both wings of tna socialist party, with their 110 votea in tna reienstag have gone on record In favor of auch a peaoe. Ths pro. greaslve people's party, which has forty-two members In the relchatag, la opposed to annexations on tha western front and la beginning to abandon Ita dealra for the annexation of Courland. Finally, the Roman Catholic centrum party, with Its ninety relchatag mem ber?, though still eplit on the question, U turning rapidly to the-atandpolnt of peace without annexations or In domnltles. I la two meals a day are given 'oo Delet ing of turnip sous) and a saucer of fruit preserves. Oa aTunday aa meal la given of Ash. "Baiockl'o reeeal anooanoemeot that the vegetable and fruit crops were poor . . . baa ahowa tha lower elassea that they can hope fojBLBfer nourishment onty with the ooaung of pesos and from them a constant de mand for peace arlaea. "Thla general Buffering and dlallla slonment demands acapegoats. It ap pears certain that Zunmermenn will be aaorlAcsd and the chancellor may follow him Into retirement" FREDERICK RUTLEDGE RESIGNS COMMISSION Absolutely Removes, IndigesuonvOnepacKage troves it5cat all drugglsta MEETINGS Every second and fourth Bat. urday nights in K. of P. hall over Smith's Drug Store. "There Is reaaon to believe that tha influence of Austria-Hungary la be hind the sudden awing of tha centrum to co-operation with tha socialists and radicals. Count Tlsxa no longer stand in th way of peace on the basis of th statue quo ante-ibellum, with his desire to retain Mt. Lovchen and tha northeastern corner of Serbia. The new leadera of Hungary are for peace without annexations or indem nities. . . . "Though the spectacular attacks on Ertberger and the centrum on tha government are -the immediate occa- aion of the present crisis, its funda mental causes He much deeper, in ths increasing pangs of undernourish ment and in the disillusionment with respect to the ability of the subma rine to force England into immediate peace. Although .Oermany's food supply will hold out until the praaent crop Is harvested, the sufferings of tha twenty-five million (Germans of the lower classes have been Intensified greatly during the past five months. An increasing: number of th poorsr classes each week eat at the municipal kitchens. In these kitchens In Ber- Licn tnruuit Kofo Fl Up trick ProliaMj W1U Booooaa Captain of Troop B Cavalry. Fredertek Rutladgis who has been esptavln In command of Troop B., cavalry since May. 191S. has forward ed his reatgoatlaa to the adjutant of the atete, B. U. Royster with the re quest that tt be accepted at once. Aa yet It Is not. known what action has been taken by tha general. First Lieutenant Rufo Fltspau-lok probably will be commlestoned captain. Captain Rutledar enlisted aa a private In tha troop whan It waa or ganised har severe) years ago by Robert R, Reynolds. Upon recom mendation of an army officer, he was appointed first sergeant and aerved in thta rapacity until the resignation of Captain Reynolds, when he waa elected captain by the members of the troop. Last summer the troop waa tn the state concentration at Camp Glenn, near (Morehead City, N. C , and later on th Maxtcaa border, both under federal servica while m Texas the troop and its commander made an anviaJble record. Captain Rutledga gives as his rea aon for resigning aa to gtv his son. Reeve, an opportunity of enlisting. It la necessary that either father or aon remain her to manage th large inauTaxsc business they have, so ths father stopped down In ordar that his son might eerva. IfST WOMEN'S ACCOUNTS This Bank gives special attention to the con venience of ita Women Depositors, having a sepa rate department for the care of their business, Central Bank & Trust Co. South Pack Square, United States, County and City Depository, FOREIGN METERS STONED. FLAT RTTXR. Mo.. July II. A mob of 1,000 American miners tonlrht stoned foreign mine workers, most of mem enoveiars. until a score or more of tha latter were Injured, on criti cally. A report that one foreigner had been killed persisted but could not be verified as the foreigners have scattered into the outlying districts. More than 100 shots were nred. window of Ohaft Iioumi of the Doerun and Federal Lead compaml property were amasned. aomra torn from their hinges and homes of foreigners war wrecked. TO INTEREST WOMEN. WASHINGTON, July II Plans for country-wide campaign to Interest women in the next issue of the liberty loan, were mad at a meeting today of th woman's liberty loan committee. Among those selected to act as chairmen In the various federal re servo districts are: Richmond, 'Mrs. John Skeltoa Williams; Atlanta, Mrs. F. J. Mouovefhi' In addition there will be a chair man In each state and territory. MEMBER OF RUSSIAN MISSION PROMINENT IN LATE REVOLUTION CONTINUE PICKETING. WASHINGTON. July 11. Tha exec utive committee of the Woman's par ty met here today and confirmed the decision of party managers to continue picketing at the wnlte house at leaat onoe a week. BOMBING RAID. LONDON. July 18. British airman in the naval service laat night made oomoing raids on German airdromes and other military objectives in western Belgium and returned safely to tneir Dase, accoraing to an official announcement, of tha British admiralty Portugal otny. la practicing1 food econ VTrfTTrtTTrtf OCTET RESTORED. 4- 4. WASHINGTON, July 13. Chinese legation dispatches from Peking dated at noon today said t tnat quiet had been restored in the capital after a battle in which the monarchist troops of 4 w General Chang-iHsun were over- 41 whelmed by republican forces. 4 The republican victory was 4? complete, the dispatches said, 4- the laat contingents of Chang- 4 Hsun's men having been forced 4- to surrender. The monarchist 4 4 general htmselft was reported a 4 4 refugee In ths Dutch legation. 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4- 4 4-"4 4 4 4- 4 ' 1 p. J fy Prof. Lomonoaaof, a prominent figure in the Russian revolution. Is a member of th Russian mis sion from New Russia. H U member of the council of engineer, and the railroad miulotv A CHANCE FOR SOME MISSION- ARY WORK. It seems to me, thinking th mat. tar over, that w farmers hva not been duly appreciative of some of the efforts made in our behalf. We have been content to take without giving in too many instances. There is the mat ter of advice for example; we have Just bejn going about taking advice by tha cartld from everybody in general And glvins; practically none In return. This is not ri-rhi. It Is tlon far us to chmxe our hft ts and begin to re pay son o of -ht xast amount thtt his been frooly bestowed uni us. I rilnk, to). t!Kt I have founl a good place to bus: . It is with the r.'.;)- rond.t. E-en the metropolitan nswstfapers are beginning to realize the food ahortage" of the cities !s uot duo to ary actual scarcity of -tuft to cat tut o the lneir.i lency of the sys tems of transpor tlon and dlstrlbu. tl.i".. 'fjre Is p'eiy of foml if It OS SOLID CAE TIN CANS JUST RECEIVED. 3-pound, with solder-hemmed Canning Outfits. 3 Solid Cars Fruit Jars Ask Us for Price. m oonld be distributed where needed. It Is not distributed because of a scarcity of freight cars. Ther la a scarcity of fretgrht cars simply because the trafflo managers of th railroads- have not yet learned how to keep freight cars- moving. Th average v freight car is said to spend mora tim stand ing on th siding than moving from place to place. It haa been made a warehouse rather than a vehicle of tronsnortatlon. In tha course of a year its actual traveling speed per hour is Just about that of a fast vralklng horse. The railroad men hare been clam oring for higher freight rates so that the couia get more money to ouy more freight cars, but they are let tins; the cars they have loaf half their time. If the farmer was as much a slacker as the freight car, ther would be aura enough trouble. It ia time for us farmer to Co something. We should at onoe eend experts" to ten the trafflo men of the railroads how to get more 'ser vice out of their frelghttcars, how to speed uo their distribution of rood products. It would be but a fit return for all they have don for us. So i herewith offer my services, at any reasonable salary, to any or ganisation of farmers that feel dis posed to repay tna rood novice tne rallrodas have been so freely offering farmers for the past tew years. I do not claim to know exactly what these trafflo managers ahould do to help things; but that need be no draw back. I know that something ought to bo dona, and that is about tha x ent of the knowledge possessed by some of the "experts" they have turn ed loose on Us. B. E. Miller, In Southern Agricul turist. A dry battery aloctrlo lamp to throw Ita saya upon the music on a piano haa been invented. j SPECIALS Flour, No 1, t-(JJ5 . per quarter. . .. A Gear Side Meat, OC . pound u Fat Back, 24-1 pound Hens, ' I Qp pound . , Young Chickens, 97 A. pound V Salt, 100 rjff pounds ...v.v. U.v Fresh Country ' Q9 Eggs, dozen... 50c H. X. Wilson . MK, Lexlugtow Ara. Phone) 1900. No fewer than 117 mile of steel wire are wound on a twelve-Inch" gun that weighs thirteen and one-halt tone. The so-called twinkling of the etars is chiefly an effect produced In our atmosphere upon th waves of light Several million acres of land In Cal ifornia are shortlr tw h '--tgated at a : total cost of $10,000,000 or $15,0O0,O0Q. MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Got His Four and Knocked Off lor the Day BY BUD FISHER v. .'Copyrigst, 1117, by H. C Jlsher. Trad Mark Reg. V. S. Pat. Oft) W.JfcPf I'Vitu. TBJSJM Y0O IH BlkmjB PfcaUTtCtS. o P8UtrPOJt.DT0te 41-1. UMKCU t CtrT VOO VUIM SACK Op OUR. &o.hi4;p, ha. trout, op V"(M(t;THIj WHAT fpJS OU. StOPPlNU t.HOOTIN& ; .-i WM(t v- T XNia KlCCfJD o Mf FOUR. I . !!9F1-, ",""LTrT1 "ir-I'm i r mi ail' 4 4 1 i C