1 1 1 i i . .. -1 - - " 1 y m ' ""j"" " (MMMMBMMBHf11'11 THE ASHEV1UE CITIZEN ' iPublUhed Every . Morning BT CTIIE CITIZEN COfPANY 8 Government Street n Aehniie nit. Tb af4ajr CtdNi, Bu4a7 TELEPHONES Trbuelnaea' OfTie) Editorial Room .I0T Associated Preps Reports Complete smsciurTioN iiate By Cirri" N A.hevMIe ""''tT'ae Tell Han.. I rr. In aia- !. .11 I M 1 M ally A , w " aovaaro.... pallr only. 1 rear In dvBce Ivllr only. I mo. In Leiiy only, 1 woek In advapca y Mall H VnMeo- otetaa. Tmnr A Hua.. 1 yr. In ed'ence. . . . tlly Sun, mo la edrnnre. . . . rillr only, t year In edi.nr Palpr enly I mo In advance... . . . . ftunday only. 1 ' 'v"' f under only. mo In e'lrawc. .Mw . I M . iO" . I . I.H . . Monday, July 23, 1917. The Irish Convention Brrln aomo unoipocUd orupUon. tha IrUh home rulo convtntlon will ntot In hlatorto elon at Dublin rieit Wadneaday. and whllo ona on Bot ho too eancHno of tho outcome, there la raaaon to hop at thla time that tha vrxln prr.Mm which hsa ao lone disturbed the Emral4 Ilo l mtT aolutlon. Of courne. thrr l no truarantea that thla momentous maet tnt will be aj calm a. the curfare of ex lake, but the aunnrr-e tfnded varlour. fr(ion. t.. ho rrprrffi.t.d t Irublln at Ira.-t promiHii co-op ra tion and a careful ruidy of coudltlone da they will be presented. Aa rpcently ntntefl tn ihff cnnmn the IrlHh ronvnllf.r.. , ...npofr.l of the Jrffih people. ! rnllcl I,, n rirml ef fort by tho H-:'.' Itr.-rt.n.ent to compose tho unhappy difference., not only between Irelnn.l i.ml Ennlan.l. but betwuen the warrmt fa.ct.on. of tho Irl.'h p(op''. a. ei:. It - r-n- n r.. n.-i. ,.-.! Ili.it It weye l.'liV I" ci tii.j ..( ..l.tlmii,e the t Mhl.h tie r While 1 nt I'-.' convention w.ll h.-.v.- 'f""' tho frieni!.- of ' ! "'' " ' ' ' tt'.ii and tho I': " 1 ' ' '' - or hop. th'V nre That tl." warrlT.fr havA .r ci;..iV J'.'. M hrouM about by rruei 6f!I. tut mm eatahlieaed l will aba- re ra ataiA. (or otviau raaaooa. Aa the Vm ef Iheee (imiii U the eomlBf lodoatrUJ wr. U t declared bn the praaejil war nd b "ar ba- tvaea utlDU for world Irade. The ,uDfwl toiDbtallon of na- tloaa will lo thla prot war; lb moat rfflcKDl aalloo will ln tha war M follow IC Al Ibo elaae of lha preaent war each ono of tha different MUau will Kao Ita own peculiar 10 duatrlal problem roofrontr IL In A marlia tbla proMom wiU be nine truta than In ICtifland. or Franco or In ruined Oerroany. and will rail for a etlll hlfhar deTe of thai eieltd atatramanehlp ao orldaot la tha ron- grtm now If If utter ana complete atjeenre. Notes and Comments Ww cannot airoct a patriotic enn rrrna aa lon aa eonatora and ipre. aonutlvae caat their votae for polit- leal consideration, rather than ror the food of tha replic. www That la tha matn reajtou whr the Tnited MtatM ti . Inir .hamed by a lot of national la;.eliora who etrtve to pleaae lha "folke hack ham en.i thua aneure their return te Vh!ii--ton. e e e Tha roontry ran fo to the "dm nltion bow-wowa," aa far aa tha mili tant eiffrae;ttea at Whlnirton are concerned. Thouh the bleod of the countrya maphood to poured out In torrenta, tha work of picketing th. whtte houee dnd lnaultin the presi dent mum go on. e e Tp to data It appear tnat Pt Swlthln haa more than malntu ne l hl reputation, e Joot wliat Ilea buck of Theodore Rooeornlt'a continued nnnlnnirMK on oryanired labor I. a ir.ril'" ' i"' now. but nouner or later the Hon Hauler mill "five Mmeelf away " Voice of the People REGTSTTni XV rwpF3l A flSl-TVT vtyriaiv iaw. K-dltop Ttie ("tlr..-ti: I-le.-uie pernil' m Trol; your p pi to call the attention of yo-ir re.l er. to the low en.i. te 1 nt the ln.t ee. .ton of the ifenera! aanemblv which permit, ab.ent rlertor. to ,t- .... , I",..' 1 " f0e)-eni I'l " , . - . . ' l 1 t 'i Til' .: b m en w " the dt..f. ,,.,.r v. t .. int. v h. Kl-etlt " '! home voiinn .l-.-a ft ': " t,e ne.t p-lrnnrv ele. 'tn i. I'M or at 'he r:ier! 'lr ;' 1:1 SV,,,'ii r t cm-i" r. .honl 1 l-r liioiini 'i' to f now th.i' ,.-'r - .i I ,. (.:; i v i rr i r i i rmjkniw - . i 1 . ... , - .. .. , , m j jm a mi Mfm yiirf am i The Scuort Route rT Xttm Hrroea HreM. II mm tt.a New York Hun ) The iuet:n of aa adequate badfe of imii.if or American ald'ara who diettnguiehed lfjiule by aarep tlnn.l i .,ure ? ona which ruae up. n our entrance Into the war What wot.M at -Ml la the Yankee Afhler as the Virion e I'roaa and lha I rt Me.lal appeal lo the man la lha Hrtu leh army, aa the em of the l(1oa of Honor and lha War iVoaa .htoe for the ren h e.Mirf and aa tha Irob 'roaa la to tha Herman? .SVI hut what the Tolled gtatea ai re, ty had a .i:urtion of lha fl't ii.anitude for tta biate The Medal of Honor. aa a e gnal mark for briry. haa been nd to none In ti, world Hi--pt f,.r ono ineiance I cie a whole reinient o it lor ron t !.. i in Pin terice at a rrtycal l.nir. lha inr t il l.aa een Joaloualy. al n.ot ki i'lfc"f'a'. . rarvd ae a rvward f .r the r.e.'at te of trery. tha acte leynnd a (nan a dutv (Uiwcuro prl vatn have won !. v. here great fin era'.e aoofht t vainly I n lei the .roieione of the bill In tro. In .1 I ) S. i.atoi Warren n 1 p.i-.i.J IV '.'a nu'e laat wetk the le.U! of lli io r rrt-nne lla Una vali.e It la to be won l anv I'ltrnr or prl a!e who ahal!. "in a ' on involving actual ronflicl w'th an enemy, dial " t ilh himelf connp.i uoua'.y by ' Untry an I Intrepid. ty at the rlak of hi life 'oi mid l.ryoml the call if .tut) " The irtor a "roa la given fit a great dei d la giveu for a rru' for a K'r .' lee. I done "n t'H pre.1 n. of 'he eneinv " t ut mut the w'.nni r g ' nVn and bi yond tlie . .ill of duty?" While there la no change In the metal t'eelf or In the way of winning It. t'.e Wairen It'll glvea to the preal .tri.l lie poMrwr f..rn.erV en toyed onlv hv tho congrean. i t awardtue It Th r. i.i. of the old 1 i' lire .intended .... a to uuthortre 'tie president to pr.-.nl. in the nAine the congreea." t... mri1.il Thua it will be pow'b'e f..r the pmaMent to cor.f.-r 'he owveted 'Mr without act of coliCTea.. If we re..1 the Wiirnii rr.o.u'.P . '-.oirh tlio ,..v.-r . f 'ike i.M UM .ill 1. i 1 1 i hdr.iw n I'nder 'ho W.irri n bi iirifltt, nl- r-e.a to ; ;., . th ai' no ardd'er .t...r, hit It !!lfV w wo t' I.. ' ' . r ...nr. I i )-iid r I '.nt .! '.li I ' f-.i i ni .i nTE ASHEYILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, With the VVagt (kunat by ll IliaoeteUy. rulmie In artiool lu ua. hta teach er rturli pualahmenta aa the Uvatl lutlon alloweil to bo meted out were without any apparent upon tha l.oy. until al la4 lha head tr da cirte.1 lo mention the 11 a fault upon, but monthly report ro lha neat report to hi father had tbeee word '-Vtnrwnt taJka a great deal Ilai-ei ran tba refurt by mall dnly aigned. but with thu written In red ink under lha comment. ' lou ouht to hear hi mother ' Twlc in oiwt fr. A iMuaengr on a Y ork-'"lev. j land eleaiuer. on awakcrini; lit the I , morning, found un.ier li bi rth on I. lack a l.o and one t-oan one He i aliwl tba in.rter 1 .lin ted Me at tention to tin, tii-.r Tim por'.er I ecrati hrl hla bead ii. -tier bewilder- . Illent I ' AWil," eald the ei.pera'ed P j eeiBi-r. "what the u t'er'" .Sow, if ,it ,in ., all" e I rjalun-d the porter I .i . rin aecund I time die inuwala' dal in.jc.ik'-'a ' happened. ' . 1 Witt So H id. ' (From The Ark.i'i ... I'v Triiveler i After one get io. ' "".ni; t m. ; the ray ah.rt tan t bad. ci. pi n la-.late.l ca. -a, f.lrl., Hnwt'a y.air lntcp? 1 I rroin Tho New : .: II- r.Jd I , No atenotjrapher 'h flat I"et ; br a.'iouo.t to lun . tpi'ivrl'cr !'T i th I nilol Sinte nav. I T!.:.. blitrr tr.it tt brought , homo fo tu young v ..n..-.i when t lint r a in .. ..'i to w-ri t 1 i nitrv in tt.ti ! rlrrl. il f.-r'-oa of 1 1 . e-iaor a oft!, e ' w hj thwarted by 1.'. .1.. otry Li.at the'r erctien w.re '. 'i I mm of the )wn woman te re Torte.t to btiva a. , '. r.' I "l .b-r ' ri.r. t to run Che tj I" I'.'r wltn mv t.'Ct ' , 'I t la tniule no litii.rr n on t' e riaw phy.n-ii: eip- r- . ,. w i er. ati 1 the young woman h t. '.-. 'e.1 " Tt HUrhl Nplrtt. i The T Jen tr nam iv I n'e yo.i a 1 litw r from "hoij.o.. , 1 ' 1 1. '1 !- , i r I r ,rir ci.rn . I ' . - y i ioro in , . 11. an I ,1 1 . Notable Birthdays 1 4 - JULY 23, 191T. Afar two. yesenfo you OI.P Hell, aa, ttkal our MIlVMU II Oval la a mighty fine) prtiduit. He ln-ta crara elcalliuy bl .luff, ami when the aolar rtri firt lartrd Ita merry -go-round, end M rlr. trd KIuk of llrwt ami lie oucbt in Lttott wltal U'' UaiVlii,- abouL Southern Coal Co. ID !f. Pack Sj. niti-H and Ti nrs rlrentime and M.-"irnw .Vow and guaranteed tllatun- rapp- 1 1. HI S"S F'n-r'oM Plain, r . h J'.O t x3 nrey'.TO Tubes, l.ach I I" 1 .t.'.tl N'rflnm T'lalu P. Side SIS. 00 1 J'.'t'S M'Hr.t Nor- M ; .!:. -h.T ... !0 "I i' it S -de' . r iw 'Ire . Tile., I 00 7 M . r; r iv f Ir.'v T t 4 tn : :: -. M :-. -y T-.t e I t , 1 i ... l , Hi-. Richbourg Motor Co. 11 ii f tli-- I in ..ii 1 "r 1. ' I I If 1 l l I ! r ' : i ' 4 t . , ; ' i i . i c, - 1 ilv.a?jfl1 i r -.a x b i ,"v"'Tr r. i iv n w 2td. .hC it. lirZ 2TwV- & I WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. is AMirrnJ.E, c WB TREAT TOCR Do You Figure Ahead? Ilave you protected your family against any, un- foresocn pvrnt ? Ilave Vour Life Insured Today and top your worrv. P. R. ALLEN CO. General Insurance Offices 310 311 Drhumor Bldg. Phone 1077. "Country Club" n In- iiifnn 01; $ ., f. . I f. 'levin. Overl.MvJ Asht-.'illc j bairj Co. ri I M 3.) :. rri'r F. CAP PF1NTFR ; 1 l)u Don C. Smathers i a. i r.U.l.JU.III I r I J OFFSETTINO ATTACK The call tn nnos in the bat tin of lifo may come to you at any mment. Th fin-t lino of tit ft-n.se is in a growm;; Havinps Account. Our OfTifcrs invito your account. A TIAl T" AXI. WE ABX LAUNDRY io-.moNt- io LAUNDRT WHITE. We Will Give a Business Course T ii f eK I ' Fmriuc Business ,:ii i . ; i i . r - t !o.ston Shoe Store 30 Patton Ave. i f Valiums Kufiinan't. 5 r If oii Want , - .... .'. .5 i: IS. . i . i i

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